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Keep Trismegistos Alive

Keep TM alive!
'This invaluable site also has no long-term funding or sustainability plan.'
– Bagnall / Heath, 'Roman Studies and Digital Resources', in: Journal of Roman Studies 108 (2018), p. 177.

Just like every plant needs water and sunshine to survive, a digital projects needs money and people to thrive. Despite our - at times quite intense - funding rain dances, however, we have not exactly been showered with money the last five years. Even our wells have started to run dry, so that today we have no other choice than to take drastic measures to assure that our collaborators will still tend to Trismegistos in the future.

To raise money to keep a project alive there are in my mind 6 options:

1. Get funded by your university
This would perhaps be the ideal situation: that a university cares about a project so much that it will continue to fund it, in good times and bad. Perhaps some universities see that as an option, but KU Leuven definitely does not. All funding for projects is competitive and linked to short-term projects.
2. Get project applications approved

This is the path we have followed so far, with some success up until about five years ago. In Europe, projects almost always focus on innovative research questions, not on infrastructure. Funding agencies in general care little or nothing about continuity. Databases such as TM Texts, TM People, or TM Places have been created as part of a research project, but there is no funding for their afterlife, although they are by now heavily used by the community, and maintaining and updating them raises the work load. And spending a lot of time writing applications for temporary projects cannot be a very sustainable way to deal with the problem of funding.

3. Raise money for an endowment
If we cannot ask for money from our institutions and funding agencies, can we ask wealthy people to endow a position? Perhaps in the States or even in the UK, finding a philantropist willing to sponsor your endeavours might be a possibility. In Europe, however, citizens are already taxed so much, so that they are less likely to give in to these inclinations. I will gladly be proven wrong on this one, of course, so please contact me (by clicking on the envelope in the footer below) if you think this is nonsense.

4. Advertising
The main effect of advertising is that it will make TM look cheap. On top of that it would not really raise much money.

5. Go to a commercial publisher
Commercial publishers seem an attractive option to keep digital projects alive. In the past few years Brepols for example has expanded its digital assets with L'Année philologique, to complement the Digital Latin Library. Brill is another main player, with the Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum and Brill's New Jacoby. Other websites have set up their own subscription services, e.g. the Online Egyptological Bibliography in Oxford, or the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. But none of these projects is Open Access, and that is something we have always been committed to.

6. Charge for functionality
That is why we have decided to take yet another path, and ask you to subscribe not for TM's data, but for its functionality. After all, making the information accessible to you is what we spend most of our time on, and especially this last year we have - we hope - greatly enhanced the user-friendliness of TM through visualisations and improved search interfaces. Therefore, starting 1 January 2020, the use of most of these improvements will be restricted to subscribers only.

Are we happy introducing this? No, but we think it is a necessity if we want to keep Trismegistos alive. Right now we are down to a single 10% job (Herbert Verreth) to keep TM upright. Willy Clarysse also spends most of his non-grandchildren-babysitting time on the LDAB, and Yanne Broux tries to keep up with TM People and the design of (new parts of) the website in her spare time, but they are volunteers. We have some technical support because we are a pilot project of CLARIAH Flanders (Tom Gheldof and Frederic Pietowksi). And I myself have the liberty of working on TM whenever I am not teaching or doing administration. The latter two take up increasing amounts of time, however, and my decreased traditional research output may be one of the reasons for the less successfull project applications mentioned above.

All in all, however, I think what we propose is ultimately fair. We hope that all of you will contact your libraries and institutions and ask them to subscribe to TM. If the costs are shared between Papyrology, Egyptology, Classics, Ancient History, Epigraphy, or whatever discipline uses Trismegistos, they are, we hope, quite modest in comparison with what others charge. And with us you can be sure that the money will only be used to assure the proper functioning and upkeep of the database and website.

Ultimately, it is your decision. If you think TM is not worth paying for, then we will cease to exist, our collaborators will become redundant, Willy will only play cards and take care of his grandchildren, and I will return to Demotic. But we hope it won't come to that and that you will chose to keep Trismegistos alive. Click here to know how.

– Mark Depauw, for Trismegistos, 22 July 2019

Desert Networks

Desert Networks
ERC Desert Networks
Le carnet de recherche Desert Networks vise à présenter les problématiques, les travaux en cours ainsi que les résultats du projet « Desert Networks: Into the Eastern Desert of Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Roman period », à un large public de chercheurs et non-spécialistes.
Projet financé par l’European Research Council pour 5 ans, de novembre 2017 à octobre 2022 (ERC-2017-STG, Proposal number 759078), le projet « Desert Networks » entend étudier les réseaux physiques, économiques et sociaux qui ont maillé le désert Oriental d’Égypte et ont permis aux populations, pendant près de deux millénaires (du milieu du IIe millénaire av. J.-C. à la fin du IIIe s. apr. J.-C.), de survivre dans un environnement hostileet d’exploiter ses ressources. 
The Desert Networks blog aims to present the issues, ongoing work and results of the project entitled “Desert Networks: Into the Eastern Desert of Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period”, to a wide audience of researchers and non-specialists.
Funded by the European Research Council for 5 years, from November 2017 to October 2022 (ERC-2017-STG, Proposal number 759078), the « Desert Networks » project intends to study the physical, economic and social networks that have meshed the Egyptian Eastern desert and have enabled the people, during almost two millenia (mid-second millennium BC – late third century AD), to survive in such an hostile environment and to exploit its resources.

Gateway to the Syriac Saints: A Database Project

Gateway to the Syriac Saints: A Database Project
Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent, Marquette University
Syriaca.org has created an open-access digital research portal for the study of Syriac saints and hagiographic texts1. It is a two-volume database entitled The Gateway to the Syriac Saints.
The first volume, Qadishe or “saints” in Syriac, is a digital catalogue of saints or holy persons venerated in the Syriac tradition. Some saints are native to the Syriac- speaking milieu, whereas other texts come from other linguistic or cultural traditions.

The second volume, the Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca Electronica or BHSE is a digital reference catalogue on Syriac hagiographic texts. The BHSE contains the titles of over 1800 Syriac stories, hymns, and homilies on saints. It organized according to text and includes authors’ or hagiographers’ names, the first and last lines of the texts, bibliographic information, and the names of the manuscripts containing these hagiographic works. We have also listed modern and ancient translations of these works.

All of the data in the Gateway to the Syriac Saints has been encoded in TEI, and it is fully searchable, linkable, and open.

Part I: Qadishe

Qadishe contains information on persons relevant to the study of Syriac hagiography include the saints themselves (such as St. Simeon the Stylite) as well as their associates and the authors who narrated their lives or wrote homilies and hymns about them. More

Part II: Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca Electronica

Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca Electronica describes texts written about saints and includes information about different versions and data such as the title, prologue, and epilogue of the saint's life, along with the hagiographer. More

Eumaios: a collaborative website for Early Greek epic

Eumaios: a collaborative website for Early Greek epic

Martin Mueller

The following is a proof-of-concept version of of a project designed to extend the Chicago Homer . The information in it is accessible directly as well as from within the Chicago Homer . Eventually, the two projects may merge in a single user interface. In its current form Eumaios may be described as an embryonic digital variorum. The title of the Festschrift for Karl Reinhardt, Varia Variorum would not be a bad motto for it.

At the moment, Eumaios contains the following elements (access the information by clicking on the appropriate link in the top left window):
  1. Information that is tied to specific lines of text, in particular:
    1. Papyrus readings for the Iliad and Odyssey, gathered from Dana Sutton's list, now maintained by the Center for Hellenic Studies, but displayed differently here
    2. Scholia from Hartmut Erbse's edition of the Scholia
    3. Correspondences between the Iliad and the Aeneid, based on the lists in Georg N. Knauer's Die Aeneis und Homer. Studien zur poetischen Technik Vergils mit Listen der Homerzitate in der Aeneis (Göttingen, 1964)
    4. Bibliographical items gathered from volumes 35-63 (1964-92) of L'Année Philologique
  2. Bibliographical information about lemmata, wordforms, and repeated phrases gathered from volumes 35-63 (1964-92) of L'Année Philologique
  3. A report by Martin Mueller About Homeric repetitions: facts, figures, and hypotheses as well as notes on some 300 interdependent repetitions in the first and last books of the Iliad .
The list of correspondences between the Iliad and Aeneid is also accessible from particular lines of the Aeneid.
Iliad Citations
Odyssey Citations
Theogony Citations
Works and Days Citations
Shield of Herakles Citations
Homeric Hymns Citations
Repetitions by location

Epigraphic Database Falsae

Epigraphic Database Falsae
Finanziato dal Progetto PRIN 2015 - False testimonianze. Copie, contraffazioni, manipolazioni e abusi del documento epigrafico.
Description from the Digital Classics Wiki:
The EDF (Epigraphic Database Falsae) is an electronic archive of forged ancient inscriptions. It is the main output of the Forged Evidence (False Testimonianze) research project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (MIUR) in 2017.
The EDF concerns all known typologies of forged inscriptions. These include intentional forgeries, copies of ancient inscriptions, Medieval and Renaissance inscriptions that imitate classical models, modern transcriptions, reproductions, and facsimiles of thousands of forgeries. They include a variety of materials: although intentional forgeries are most frequently written solely on paper, they can also be inscribed on actual objects including ancient or only partially ancient materials as well as more recent artefacts.
The EDF is meant to encompass all forged epigraphic documents and monuments that originate from the whole territory of Italy, but prospectively it will extend its geographic range to include the rest of Europe and the Mediterranean.
The EDF search engine allows users to perform queries in the following fields:
• textual typologies (actual forgeries, post-classical inscriptions, and copies of genuine ancient inscriptions);
• modes of transmission (paper vs. durable materials – stone, bronze, etc.);
• methods of production, distinguishing between forgeries invented wholly from complete, partial, or interpolated copies of ancient inscriptions;
• intentions of the forgers, distinguishing between commercial, historical and documentary forgeries;
• historical period when the forgery was created;
• identity of the forgers – certain or suspected – whenever possible;
• production site of actual forgeries;
• secondary displacements;
• current location whenever the objects are still traceable.
By combining the last three sets of data (production site of actual forgeries, secondary displacements, and current location), users can trace the routes of their dispersal, and follow the steps that brought them to their current place of conservation. This kind of information is entirely absent in the indices of the main printed epigraphic corpora (e.g. CIL, SupplIt, etc.). The EDF aims to stimulate historical research by presenting previously neglected sources using up-to-date technologies. In order to comply with the principles of the inclusive and intercultural approach to information promoted by the EU, it is an unrestricted online resource, freely accessible to multiple users.
The EDF is also reachable through the new EAGLE shared portal (European network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy: [www.eagle-network.eu]). It interacts with the main existing online resources related to epigraphy, in particular the EDR(Epigraphic Database Roma: [www.edr-edr.it]) and the EDB (Epigraphic Database Bari: [www.edb.uniba.it]).


New Open Access Journal: Египет и сопредельные страны - Egypt and Neighbouring Countries

Египет и сопредельные страны - Egypt and Neighbouring Countries
"Egypt and Neighbouring Countries" is an online peer-reviewed quarterly academic journal founded in 2016 and since then published by the Centre for Egyptological Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CES RAS). The journal has open access policy.

The journal aims at presenting interdisciplinary research on the history, archaeology, languages, and culture of Ancient and Medieval Egypt, as well as of the countries of the Middle East and the Mediterranean in the context of their interaction with Egypt.

We welcome articles and shorter notes, including but not limited to: research articles, reports of expeditions and other fieldwork; publications of written sources and material objects; surveys of museum and private collections; papers concerned with the restoration of historical and cultural objects and the preservation of historical and cultural heritage; reviews of academic literature; obituaries; and reports of academic conferences, workshops, and other events.

The journal publishes annual reports of the scientific activities of CES RAS. It is targeted at researchers, students, as well as members of general public interested in the history of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages.

The journal is non-commercial, and all publications are accepted on non-commercial basis, free of charge. Full-text versions of the articles are available on the journal's website.
«Египет и сопредельные страны / Egypt and Neighbouring Countries» – электронный рецензируемый научный журнал, учрежденный и издаваемый Центром египтологических исследований РАНс 2016 г. Издание имеет междисциплинарный характер и предназначено для публикации оригинальных исследовательских статей, посвященных проблемам истории, языков и культуры Древнего и средневекового Египта, а также стран Ближнего Востока и Средиземноморья в контексте их взаимодействия с Египтом в различные исторические эпохи.

Журнал также открыт для публикации научных отчетов археологических, эпиграфических и других экспедиций; письменных и материальных источников; обзоров музейных и частных коллекций; материалов, связанных с вопросами реставрации памятников истории и культуры и сохранения историко-культурного наследия; рецензий на научную литературу; информации о научных событиях. Кроме того, в журнале публикуются ежегодные отчеты о научной деятельности ЦЕИ РАН. В состав целевой аудитории журнала входят профессиональные исследователи, аспиранты и студенты вузов, а также все интересующиеся историей Древнего мира и средневекового Ближнего Востока.

Журнал выходит четыре раза в год. Как некоммерческое научное издание, он предполагает публикацию рукописей исключительно на некоммерческой основе. Полнотекстовые версии статей представлены в свободном доступе на сайте журнала.

Издание входит в БД «Российский индекс цитирования» (РИНЦ).

Ниже представлены Свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации и Положение о научном рецензируемом электронном журнале «Египет и сопредельные страны / Egypt and Neighbouring Countries», всесторонне регламентирующее функционирование данного издания.
G. A. Belova
K voprosu ob administratsii Belykh Sten (Memfis) [Some considerations on the White Walls (Memphis) administration]
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S. V. Ivanov
'Netipichnye' terrakoty iz Memfisa II. Figurka koshki ['Unusual' terracottas from Memphis II. A figurine of a cat]
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A. O. Kitova
Mumii i mumifikatsiia u raznykh narodov [Mummies and mummification in different cultures]
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E. G. Tolmacheva
Inter'ernaia 'tkan' s petukhami' iz raskopok Tsentra egiptologicheskikh issledovanii RAN na nekropole Deir-al'-Banat (Faium): k voprosu o simvolike petukha v pozdneantichnom Egipte (chast' 2) [A household textile with roosters tapestries from CES RAS excavations at the Deir al-Banat necropolis. Some considerarions on the roosters' symbolism in Late Antique Egypt (part 2)]
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T. A. Sherkova
Unikal'nyi raspisnoi sosud kul'tury Nagada II [A unique painted vessel of the Naqada II period]
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I. Iu. Miroshnikov
Mezhdunarodnyi issledovatel'skii proekt po izdaniiu rukopisei na faiiumskom dialekte koptskogo iazyka [An international project to edit manuscripts in dialect F5]
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V. I. Iarmolovich
P. French, J. Bourriau, The Anubieion at Saqqara IV: pottery of the Late Dynastic Period with comparative material from the sacred animal necropolis (Excavation memoir 110). London: Egypt Exploration Society, 2018
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 See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Digitized publications of The Norwegian Institute at Athens

[First posted in AWOL 23 May 2016, updated 7 August 2019]

The Norwegian Institute at Athens

The one hundred most recently deposited digitized publications served from Digitalt, the Bergen University Library Institutional Repository

Open Access Monograph Series: Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens


Digital Classical Philology: Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution

Digital Classical Philology: Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution
Ed. by Berti, Monica

Open Access

Aims and Scope

Thanks to the digital revolution, even a traditional discipline like philology has been enjoying a renaissance within academia and beyond. Decades of work have been producing groundbreaking results, raising new research questions and creating innovative educational resources. This book describes the rapidly developing state of the art of digital philology with a focus on Ancient Greek and Latin, the classical languages of Western culture. Contributions cover a wide range of topics about the accessibility and analysis of Greek and Latin sources. The discussion is organized in five sections concerning open data of Greek and Latin texts; catalogs and citations of authors and works; data entry, collection and analysis for classical philology; critical editions and annotations of sources; and finally linguistic annotations and lexical databases. As a whole, the volume provides a comprehensive outline of an emergent research field for a new generation of scholars and students, explaining what is reachable and analyzable that was not before in terms of technology and accessibility.


xiii, 349 pages


ISBN 978-3-11-059957-2

Open Data of Greek and Latin Sources

Cataloging and Citing Greek and Latin Authors and Works

Data Entry, Collection, and Analysis for Classical Philology

Critical Editing and Annotating Greek and Latin Sources

Linguistic Annotation and Lexical Databases for Greek and Latin

Daressy's Atlas archéologique de l’Égypte

Atlas archéologique de l’Égypte
Georges Daressy
 L’Atlas archéologique de l’Égypte, de Georges Daressy, fait probablement partie des trésors du cabinet d’égyptologie du Collège de France. Arrivé en Égypte en 1886, conservateur au musée de Boulaq, secrétaire général et directeur par intérim du service des Antiquités de l’Égypte, Georges Daressy a, en effet, au fil des ans, patiemment noté sur son Atlas toutes les découvertes archéologiques dont il avait connaissance. Ayant participé à de multiples campagnes de fouilles et ayant accompli de nombreuses découvertes (dont celles du palais d’Amenhotep III et de la seconde cachette royale de Deir el-Bahari), travailleur infatigable, il avait une profonde connaissance du terrain. Son Atlas est, en outre, une véritable œuvre d’art à laquelle rendent justice les « fac-similés » de cette publication que nous avons le plaisir d’offrir au public. Les cartes d’état-major, les index (en français-anglais et en arabe) et la bibliographie complètent l’appareil critique.
Collection « Études d’égyptologie »,dirigée par Nicolas Grimal, professeur au Collège de France.
Trois fichiers numériques interactifs complémentaires et gratuits : Atlas archéologique, cartes d’état-major, bibliographie.
La cour à portique de Thoumosis IV, volume de textes
La cour à portique de Thoumosis IV, volume de planches
La cour à portique de Thoumosis IV, volume de dépliants

Books from the Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut in OAPEN

Books from the Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut in OAPEN

Archäologische Forschungen in Teurnia : Die Ausgrabungen in den Wohnterassen 1971-1978Die latènezeitlichen Funde vom Holzer Berg

Gugl, ChristianSubjects:

Plataiai : Archäologie und Geschichte einer boiotischen Polis

Konecny, AndreasAravantinos, VassilisMarchese, RonSubjects:

Open Access Monograph Series: Papers from the Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament


Books from Holzhausen in OAPEN

Books from  Holzhausen in OAPEN

Sport und Recht in der Antike

Harter-Uibopuu, KajaKruse, ThomasSubjects:

Appians Κελτική : Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar

Hofeneder, AndreasSubjects:

Dialogues d'histoire ancienne Thematic Issues


Dialogues d'histoire ancienne Thematic Issues 

Dialogues d'histoire ancienne. Suppléments


Babylon 3D

Open Access Journal: NINO Annual Report

 [First posted in AWOL 13 March 2016, updated 9 August 2019]

Annual Report: The Netherlands Institute for the Near East Leiden - The Netherlands Institute in Turkey Istanbul
NINO initiates, supports, and conducts scholarly research in the civilizations of the Near East from the ancient to the early modern period. In particular, it concentrates on the archaeology, history, languages, and cultures of Egypt, Levant, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and Persia. In addition to its scientific research, NINO supports and advances the cultural relations between the Netherlands and the Near East. NINO is an independent foundation with ties to the academic community of the Netherlands. It is located on the premises of Leiden University and is associated with the university through a memorandum of cooperation.

NINO meets its goals of scientific study and cultural contact not only in the Netherlands but also by managing a subsidiary institute in Istanbul. Its premier library is one of the major ones in this field in the world and attracts scholars both from the Netherlands and abroad. NINO publishes journals and books on the ancient and modern Near East. It also houses several important collections of books, archival materials, and cuneiform tablets and supports research projects, as well as conducting its own projects.

New Oriental Institute Mobile App

New Oriental Institute Mobile App

Explore the OI at home or in the museum with an interactive map, take self-guided tours, and share your experience with our social icons!

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Interpretatio obeliscorum urbis ad Gregorium XVI Pontificem Maximum

Interpretatio obeliscorum urbis ad Gregorium XVI Pontificem Maximum  (Text)
Ungarelli, Aloisio Maria

    Nine Million Page-Views

    AWOL users just crossed the nine million page-view threshold. It's gratifying to know how useful it is to so many people. I'm happy for suggestions on how to make it more useful. Over on the right-hand side-bar I have added shortcuts to two more of the more heavily used pages.

    In preparation for a presentation I have been thinking about transitions. At 64 years of age, retirement is definitely on the horizon if not precisely imminent. I will keep maintaining it as long as I can but nothing lasts forever.

    Open Access Monograph Series: Uppsala Studies in Egyptology

    Uppsala Studies in Egyptology
    1. Billing, Nils Nut - The Goddess of Life in Text and Iconography 2003 Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    2. Engsheden, Åke La reconstitution du verbe en égyptien de tradition 400-30 avant J.-C.2002Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    3.  Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    4. Lundh, Patrik Actor and Event: Military Activity in Ancient Egyptian Narrative Texts from Tuthmosis II to Merenptah 2002 Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)

    5. Strandberg, ÅsaThe Gazelle in Ancient Egyptian Art: Image and Meaning 2009 Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)

    6. Wallin, Patrik Celestial Cycles: Astronomical Concepts of Regeneration in the Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts 2002 Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
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