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Latin WordNet 2.0

Latin WordNet 2.0
The Latin WordNet 2.0 is an on-going collaboration between the University of Exeter and the Linking Latin Project, under the direction of Dr William Michael Short, to create a comprehensive lexico-semantic database of the Latin language. It is intended to model Latin's semantic system as fully and accurately as possible, in a form that is machine-interpretable and machine-actionable, and thus suitable to NLP applications of different kinds, especially in the area of natural language understanding.

This joint project builds on, and extends, the original Latin WordNet developed as part of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler's MultiWordNet project, by including over 70,000 words covering archaic to medieval Latin. A second project, in partnership with the University of Genoa, is creating a dictionary of Latin metaphor (Lexicon Translaticium Latinum) on the basis of the WordNet, to capture rich information about the figurative usage of words, as well as to represent large-scale metaphorical patterns that structure meaning throughout Latin's semantic system. The data of the Latin WordNet is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. and can be found on GitHub.


MultiWordNet is a multilingual lexical database in which the Italian WordNet is strictly aligned with Princeton WordNet 1.6.

The Italian synsets are created in correspondence with the Princeton WordNet synsets, whenever possible, and semantic relations are imported from the corresponding English synsets; i.e., we assume that if there are two synsets in PWN and a relation holding between them, the same relation holds between the corresponding synsets in Italian. While the project stresses the usefulness of a strict alignment between wordnets of different languages, the multilingual hierarchy implemented is able to represent true lexical idiosyncrasies between languages, such as lexical gaps and denotation differences.

The information contained in the database can be browsed through the MultiWordNet browser, which facilitates the comparison of the lexica of the aligned languages. The MultiWordNet browser also allows for the access to the Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, Romanian and Latin WordNets, made available by courtesy of the TALP Group at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain), the NLX-Group at the University of Lisbon (Portugal), the Computational Linguistic Group at the University of Haifa (Israel), the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza"University of Iasi (Romania), and University of Verona (Italy) respectively. Although the Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, Romanian and Latin WordNets are compatible with the MultiWordNet model, these wordnets are not part of the MultiWordNet distribution.
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Open Access Journal: Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica: Natural Sciences in Archaeology (IANSA)

[First posted in AWOL 23 May 2011. Updated 9 June 2019]

Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica : Natural Sciences in Archaeology (IANSA)
ISSN: 1804-848X
The focus of Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica – Natural Sciences in Archaeology is the ongoing cooperation of archaeology with the natural sciences and other disciplines. The journal’s interests include bioarcheaology (archaeobotany, archaeozoology, archaeogenetics and anthropology), geoarchaeology (petro-archeology, micromorphology) and dating methods in archaeology. We will publish contributions that aim to solve archaeological questions utilizing the methods of the natural sciences and other fields. The birth of IANSA reflects the growing need of scientists in central Europe to access an international journal focused on the methods of the natural sciences and multidisciplinary cooperation in archaeology. The growth of natural science methodologies within archaeology has been very dynamic. It is anticipated that our target group of readers will also grow in the coming years and, along with traditional archaeological institutions, will gradually include specialized natural science institutions (natural science departments associated with archaeology focused museums, specialized laboratories, etc.) in the Czech Republic and abroad. IANSA also aims to provide a niche for historical studies, particularly those that cooperate with the natural sciences and archaeology.

The journal is strictly scientific, peer reviewed, and publishes only in British English. Each article is reviewed by two specialists in fields related to the content of the article. Our goal is to establish IANSA as a high quality specialty periodical, cited by the international Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report (JCR), and with a high level JCR “Impact Factor”. A hardcopy of the journal is issued semi-annually, on glossy paper, and with an initial circulation of 500 pieces.

Digital Exhibition: Ancient Greek loom weights in the TRC collection

Ancient Greek loom weights in the TRC collection
Ancient Greek bobbin made of clay,
In 2014, a small collection of eleven ancient Greek loom weights was donated to the Textile Research Centre in Leiden, the Netherlands. The collection also included other textile tools, such as a bobbin (TRC 2014.0797), a bobbin fragment (TRC 2014.0798), and two spindle whorls (TRC 2014.0802 and TRC 2014.0803). All the tools are made of baked clay; the loom weights are mostly pyramidical or conical in shape with one perforation at the top. The artefacts come from different sites in Greece and range in date from the Archaic to the Classical, and perhaps Roman periods. This online exhibition will put these artefacts into context by exploring questions such as: what is a loom weight? How were they used? What can they tell us about ancient Greek textiles?
The text is by Shelley Anderson, volunteer at the TRC. A separate bibliography of the publications referred to in the text is provided in Chapter 11. All fifteen objects discussed in this online exhibition are grouped together in Chapter 12. Individual objects from this group, plus other illustrative material, are placed wherever relevant throughout the other chapters. 
For this online exhibition:
  • Author: Shelley Anderson.
  • Web-design: Joost Koopman
  • Exhibition design: Willem Vogelsang
  • Publisher: TRC Leiden.
  • Year of publication: 2018.

Video: David Novak: Athens and Jerusalem: God, Humans, and Nature

Athens and Jerusalem: God, Humans, and Nature
David Novak
Since their inception in 1888, the Gifford Lectures have become the foremost intellectual event dealing with religion, science and philosophy. Lectures are given in the ancient Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and St Andrews.

In this series of six lectures Professor David Novak (University of Toronto) explores the dynamic interrelation of reason and revelation in the history of Jewish (primarily) and Christian (secondarily) theology and Western philosophy from antiquity. Contrary to the prevalent opinion that theology (designated as “Jerusalem”) is based upon revelation while philosophy (designated as “Athens”) is based upon reason, these lectures contend that both Hebraic theology and Hellenic philosophy alike arise from revelations. These revelations constitute comprehensive ways of life, and theologians and philosophers have reasoned upon and about them respectively.

The opening three lectures explore the complex of fundamental relations between God, humanity and nature that frame the dynamic encounter between philosophy and theology. The subsequent lectures then examine three specific, exemplary encounters: Philo’s engagement with Plato, Maimonides’ engagement with Aristotle, and contemporary Jewish engagement with Kant. In each case Novak allows us to see how Jewish theological reasoning takes up the challenge of philosophy in a way that is neither obsequious nor imperialist.

The lectures took place on April 25th and 27th, May 2nd, 4th, 9th and 11th, 2017. All lectures began at 18:00, and the venue for the first lecture was the King's College Conference Centre, while the remainder of the lectures were held in King's College room KCG8. There was a reception before the final lecture in the Divinity Library, from 17:00-17:50.

Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature (SORGLL)

[First listed in AWOL 6 December 2012, updates 10 June 2019 (new host)]

Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature (SORGLL)

The aim of the Society is to encourage students and teachers to listen to and reproduce the sounds of Greek and Latin literature, thereby enriching the appreciation of these languages. Fortunately, linguistic and metrical research of the 20th century allows us a close approximation of the pronunciation of classical Greek and Latin. We call this Restored Classical Pronunciation (see our Bibliography), and the Society guides its activities to use and promote this research as a means of preserving authenticity and deepening aesthetic pleasure in the appreciation of Greek and Latin literature.

As a means to this end, the Society sponsors programs oriented to the oral performance of classical Greek and Latin literature at annual Society for Classical Studies meetings (formerly the American Philological Association). Typically we host a panel at the SCS every January, varying between the scholarly with a performative aspect, and performance workshops and readings.
We have created this website to share, free of charge, recitations of Greek and Latin literature when our members have performed at various schools, colleges and universities across the United States.

And see also
Aural Akkadian: Babylonian and Assyrian Poetry and Literature: An Archive of Recordings

CapiTainS: Software suite and guidelines for Citable Texts

CapiTainS: Software suite and guidelines for Citable Texts
CapiTainS is an informal open-source organization which aims at providing a suite of tools and guidelines for Citable Text APIs standards. Developers, guidelines contributor and more generally users are all welcome to join. You can contact us on github but more generally on googlegroups. You can find a few tutorials on our youtube channel. You can also contact individually the main maintainers of this repository on twitter : Thibault Clérice and Bridget Almas
Cite as Thibault Clérice, Matthew Munson, & Bridget Almas. (2017, May 2). Capitains/Capitains.github.io: 2.0.0 (Version 2.0.0). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.570516

Why you should browse and use our tools (and stay on this website longer)

  • you have texts which you would like to make available as digital editions
  • you care about people having access to your open data
  • you want to make linked open data a thing without too much investment
  • you want to showcase your work without too much development
  • you want to participate in a global effort of making data open and standard
  • as a data consummer, you want to use CTS API but you do not want to code everything yourself
  • you are cool.

Heidelberg Digitalisierte Archäologiezeitschriften im Überblick

Heidelberger historische Bestände – digital: Digitalisierte Archäologiezeitschriften im Überblick

Edition Open Access: the Online Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge

 [First posted in AWOL 16 January 2015, updated 11 June 2019]


This website provides open access to the publications of the Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge, in accordance with the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to knowledge in the sciences and humanities, which was launched by the Max Planck Society in 2003. The aim is to disseminate the results of scholarly work – in accordance with the open-access paradigm – to a broad audience rapidly and at low cost. The volumes presented here are directed at scholars and students in a wide range of disciplines. The works are available online both as print-on-demand books and open-access publications and can be accessed, together with additional information.


Each volume of the Studies series is dedicated to a key subject in the history and development of knowledge, bringing together perspectives from different fields and combining source-based empirical research with theoretically guided approaches. The studies are typically working group volumes presenting integrative approaches to problems ranging from the globalization of knowledge to the nature of spatial thinking.

Studies 10

Studies in Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra

Jens Braarvig, Markham J. Geller

Studies in multilingualism, lingua franca and lingua sacra

Studies 9

Frühe Mikroskopie

Simon Rebohm

Mikroskopie im 17. Jh. als Verschränkung von Fragestellungen, Objekten, Methoden

Studies 8

Spatial Thinking and External Representation

Matthias Schemmel (ed.)

Results of the TOPOI working group on the historical epistemology of space

Studies 7


Christa Jungnickel, Russell McCormmach

Biography of the eighteenth-century English natural philosopher and chemist Henry Cavendish

Studies 6

Domus solaratae

Bernhard Flüge

Baugeschichtliche Grundlagen zur Erkundung des Hochmittelalters mit Beitrag zur Planungsgeschichte in Europa

Studies 5

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

Jürgen Renn, Wilhelm Osthues, Hermann Schlimme (Hrsg.)

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Mittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit.

Studies 4

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

Jürgen Renn, Wilhelm Osthues, Hermann Schlimme (Hrsg.)

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Alten Ägypten bis zum Antiken Rom.

Studies 3

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

Jürgen Renn, Wilhelm Osthues, Hermann Schlimme (Hrsg.)

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Neolithikum bis zum Alten Orient.

Studies 2

Research and Pedagogy

Massimiliano Badino, Jaume Navarro (eds.)

This book addresses how new ideas in emerging quantum physics were introduced in textbooks.

Studies 1

The Globalization of Knowledge in History

Jürgen Renn (ed.)

The extent to which globalized knowledge also existed in the past is an open question and, moreover, a question that is important for understanding present processes of globalization.


Each volume of the Proceedings series presents the results of a scientific meeting on current issues and supports, at the same time, further cooperation on these issues by offering an electronic platform with further resources and the possibility for comments and interactions.

Proceedings 10

The Globalization of Knowledge in the Iberian Colonial World

Helge Wendt (ed.)

Knowledge of botany, medicine, religion and mining in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies

Proceedings 9

Wissen Macht Geschlecht

Birgit Kolboske (Hrsg.), Axel C. Hüntelmann (Hrsg.), Ina Heumann (Hrsg.), Susanne Heim (Hrsg.), Regina Fritz (Hrsg.) Roman Birke (Hrsg.)

Eine transnational vergleichende Auseinandersetzung mit drei zentralen Phänomenen des langen 20. Jahrhunderts: Wissen – Macht – Geschlecht.

Proceedings 8

Shifting Paradigms

Alexander Blum, Kostas Gavroglu, Christian Joas, Jürgen Renn (eds.)

Studies of the history of the history of science, with emphasis on the work of T.S. Kuhn.

Proceedings 7


Markham J. Geller (ed.)

The present Melammu volume extends from Greece to India, with articles on Phrygia and Armenia, also viewing texts from ancient Israel, Egypt, and Mesopotamia.

Proceedings 6

„Dem Anwenden muss das Erkennen vorausgehen“

Dieter Hoffmann, Birgit Kolboske, Jürgen Renn (Hrsg.)

Ansätze zu Selbstverständnis, Transformation und Forschung in der Geschichte der KWG/MPG.

Proceedings 5

Traditions and Transformations in the History of Quantum Physics

Shaul Katzir, Christoph Lehner, Jürgen Renn (eds.)

Studies on the history of theory, experimentation, and interpretation of quantum physics.

Proceedings 4

Guidobaldo del Monte (1545–1607)

Antonio Becchi, Domenico Bertoloni Meli, Enrico Gamba (eds.)

This volume describes the wide-ranging activities of Guidobaldo del Monte.

Proceedings 3

New Vistas on Old Problems

Tilman Sauer, Adrian Wüthrich (eds.)

Recent approaches to long-standing questions about the foundations of quantum mechanics.

Proceedings 2

Catalysis for the Conversion of Biomass and Its Derivatives

Malte Behrens, Abhaya K. Datye (eds.)

The book focuses on chemical aspects, such as catalyst development product analysis or reaction engineering, but also seeks a wider perspective and convers related issues like bioeconomics and plant growth.

Proceedings 1

Herausforderung Energie

Jürgen Renn, Robert Schlögl, Hans-Peter Zenner (Hrsg)

Die Atomdiskussion des Jahres 2011 berührt vielschichtige Aspekte der Energieversorgung. Das Buch bietet dazu aus der Sicht unterschiedlicher Fachdisziplinen aktuell Informationen und Hintergründe in allgemein verständlicher Form.


Each volume of the Textbooks series presents concise and synthetic information on a wide range of current research topics, both introductory and advanced. They use the new publication channel to offer students affordable access to highlevel scientific and scholarly overviews. The textbooks are prepared and updated by experts in the relevant fields and supplemented by additional online materials.

Textbooks 2

Algebra in Cuneiform

Jens Høyrup

An introduction to so-called “Babylonian algebra” that explains its geometrical foundation.

Textbooks 1

Non-Isothermal Kinetic Methods

Igor V. Arhangel`skii, Alexander V. Dunaev, Irina V. Makarenko, Nikolay. A. Tikhonov, Andrey V. Tarasov


See AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies

Digital International Astrology Library (DIAL): A Repertory of Ancient Astrological Works (FIRST SET : before 1400)


Linear A Explorer

Linear A Explorer
Welcome to the Linear A Explorer.

Linear A was the primary script used in palace and religious writings by the Minoan civilization in Crete from 1800 to 1450 BC.

To this day it remains undeciphered though a lot of progress has been made in understanding the nature and purpose of the Linear A documents themselves.

The Linear A Explorer is intended as a resource for making the published Linear A inscriptions as accessible as possible to those interested in understanding more about them.

You can search and filter the documents here simply by hovering over the texts and experimenting with clicking on words.

To explore individual inscriptions further, hover the mouse over an inscription and press:
 's' - to cluster it with similar inscriptions
 'y' - to show John Younger's commentary for the inscription.

Type any key to hide this help panel and get started

Open Access Monograph Series: Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten

 [First posted in AWOL 2 September 2010.  Updated 11 June 2019 (all new URLs)]

Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten
Herausgegeben von der Kommission für den Alten Orient
der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz

As the volumes of this series go out of print they will be made available online at the Mainz Hethitologieportal. Do your part for open access and buy copies of the volumes still in print!

Currently available online are:

StBoT 1: Heinrich Otten, Vladimir Souček
Das Gelübde der Königin Puduḫepa an die Göttin Lelwani
1965. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 2: Onofrio Carruba
Das Beschwörungsritual für die Göttin Wišurijanza
1966. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 3: Hans Martin Kümmel
Ersatzrituale für den hethitischen König
1967. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 4: Rudolf Werner
Hethitische Gerichtsprotokolle
1967. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 5: Erich Neu
Interpretation der hethitischen mediopassiven Verbalformen
1968. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 6: Erich Neu
Das hethitische Mediopassiv und seine indogermanischen Grundlagen
1968. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 7: Heinrich Otten, Wolfram von Soden
Das akkadisch-hethitische Vokabular Kbo I 44 + Kbo XIII1
1968. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 8: Heinrich Otten, Vladimir Souček
Ein althethitisches Ritual für das Königspaar
1969. VI, [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 9: Kaspar Klaus Riemschneider
Babylonische Geburtsomina in hethitischer Übersetzung
1970. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 10: Onofrio Carruba
Das Palaische
Texte, Grammatik, Lexikon
1970. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 11: Heinrich Otten
Sprachliche Stellung und Datierung des Madduwatta-Textes
1969. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 12: Erich Neu
Ein althethitisches Gewitterritual
1970. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 13: Heinrich Otten
Ein hethitisches Festritual (KBo XIX 128)
1971. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 14: Jana Siegelová
Appu-Märchen und Ḫ edammu-Mythus
1971. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 15: Heinrich Otten
Materialien zum hethitischen Lexikon (Wörter beginnend mit zu...)
1971. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 16: Cord Kühne, Heinrich Otten
Der Šaušgamuwa-Vertrag
Eine Untersuchung zu Sprache und Graphik
1971. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 17: Heinrich Otten
Eine althethitische Erzählung um die Stadt Zalpa
1973. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 18: Erich Neu
Der Anitta-Text
1974. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 19: Cornelia Burde
Hethitische medizinische Texte
1974. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 20: Christel Rüster
Hethitische Keilschrift-Paläographie
Mit einer Einleitung von Heinrich Otten
1972. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 21: Erich Neu, Christel Rüster
Hethitische Keilschrift- Paläographie II (14./13. Jh.v.Chr.)
1975. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 22: Norbert Oettinger
Die Militärischen Eide der Hethiter
1976. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 23: Frank Starke
Die Funktionen der dimensionalen Kasus und Adverbien im Althethitischen
1977. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 24: Heinrich Otten
Die Apologie Ḫattušilis III.
Das Bild der Überlieferung
1981. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 25: Erich Neu
Althethitische Ritualtexte in Umschrift
1980. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 26: Erich Neu
Glossar zu den althethitischen Ritualtexten
1983. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 27: Itamar Singer
The Hittite KI.LAM Festival, Part 1
1983. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 28: Itamar Singer
The Hittite Kl.LAM Festival, Part 2
1984. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 29: Gary M. Beckman
Hittite Birth Rituals
2nd rev. edition 1983.[vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 30: Frank Starke
Die keilschrift-luwischen Texte in Umschrift
1985. [vergriffen] PDF

StBoT 31: Frank Starke
Untersuchungen zur Stammbildung des keilschrift-luwischen Nomens
1990. XXVI, 705 Seiten, br
ISBN 978-3-447-02879-0
alter Preis € 134,– jetzt € 20,– www.harrassowitz-verlag.de

StBoT 32: Erich Neu
Das hurritische Epos der Freilassung 1
Untersuchungen zu einem hurritisch-hethitischen Textensemble aus Ḫattuša
1996. XIX, 596 Seiten, 6 Tafeln, br
ISBN 978-3-447-03487-6
alter Preis € 124,– jetzt € 20,– www.harrassowitz-verlag.de

The following volumes of Silvin Košak's Konkordanz der Keilschrifttafeln have been reworked into the Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln (Online-Datenbank Version 1.95)

StBoT 34: Silvin Košak
Konkordanz der Keilschrifttafeln 1 : Die Texte der Grabung 1931
Mit einer Einleitung von Heinrich Otten
1992. XI, 116 Seiten, 59 Abb., br
ISBN 978-3-447-03280-3
alter Preis € 22,– jetzt € 10,– www.harrassowitz-verlag.de

StBoT 39: Silvin Košak
Konkordanz der Keilschrifttafeln 2 : Die Texte der Grabung 1932
1995. XI, 276 Seiten, 151 Abb., br
ISBN 978-3-447-03642-9
alter Preis € 34,– jetzt € 10,– www.harrassowitz-verlag.de

StBoT 42: Silvin Košak
Konkordanz der Keilschrifttafeln 3/1
Die Texte der Grabung 1933: 1/c –1300/c
1998. XII, 281 Seiten, 141 Abb., br
ISBN 978-3-447-04052-5
alter Preis € 38,– jetzt € 10,– www.harrassowitz-verlag.de

StBoT 43: Silvin Košak
Konkordanz der Keilschrifttafeln 3/2
Die Texte der Grabung 1933:
1301/c –2809/c
1999. XII, 395 Seiten, 163 Abb., br
ISBN 978-3-447-04158-4
alter Preis € 48,– jetzt € 10,– www.harrassowitz-verlag.de

One Off Journal Issues: Thematic issue: Archaeology and information research

Occasionally issues of journals where one might not normally think to look produce thematic issues of interest. Availability online makes them much more discoverable. A case in point:

Information Research,vol. 24 no. 2, June, 2019

Thematic issue: Archaeology and information research

Thematic issue editorial

Sarah A. Buchanan
The assemblage of repository and museum work in archaeological curation
Marija Dalbello
Archaeological sensations in the archives of migration and the Ellis Island sensorium
James A. Hodges
Comparing born-digital artefacts using bibliographical archeology: a survey of Timothy Leary's published software (1985–1996)
Isto Huvila
Learning to work between information infrastructures
Justin P. Williams andß Rachel D. Williams
Information science and North American archaeology: examining the potential for collaboration
Elizabeth Yakel, Ixchel M. Faniel and Zachary J. Maiorana
Virtuous and vicious circles in the data life-cycle

Open Access Journal: Les Carnets de l’ACoSt (Association for Coroplastic Studies)

 [First posted in AWOL 8 June 2017, updated 12 June 2019]

Les Carnets de l’ACoSt
ISSN: 2431-8574
Logo Association for Coroplastic Studies
Les Carnets de l’ACoSt (Association for Coroplastic Studies), created in 2014, is an on-line, open access, international journal dedicated to research on sculptural objects made in clay from all periods and all geographic areas. (The word coroplastic comes from the Greek koroplastes, which was a term used in ancient Greece to indicate a modeler of images in clay.) Les Carnetsde l’ACoSt publishes individual scientific articles, as well as those presented within the context of events organized by members of the Association (seminars, conferences, colloquia, workshops, roundtables, and summer schools), plus a news section that provides brief communications on current research, reports, announcements, and book reviews, all focusing on coroplastic topics.

Latest issue
18 | 2018

    Full text issues

      Digital Classicist London Seminars YouTube Channel

      Digital Classicist London Seminars YouTube Channel

      Digital Classicist London Seminar 2013 - Seminar 1 - Tom Brughmans

      127 views4 years ago

      New(ish) Open Access Journal: Umanistica Digitale

      Umanistica Digitale
      ISSN: 2532-8816
      Umanistica Digitale is the journal of the Italian Association of Digital Humanities (AIUCD - Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale). In keeping with the objectives of the Association, Umanistica Digitale serves as a discussion venue for topics pertaining to the Digital Humanities, ranging from the theoretical and methodological foundations of computational models in social science to the development and application of computational systems and digital tools in the humanities; from the study of new phenomena in internet cultures, to the analysis of changes happening in scientific communication and in research infrastructures. Umanistica Digitale is a scientific journal targeted at a specific community; nevertheless, it aspires to become an open space, one that is accessible to as wide and varied an audience as possible in order to enrich its primary audience.


      No 4 (2019): Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Best Practices, Case Studies and Benefits

      Proceedings of the EHRI Workshop "Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Best Practices, Case Studies and Benefits" (Venice, June 29-30, 2017).
      Edited by Laura Brazzo, Kepa J. Rodriguez


      No 1 (2017)

      See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

      Open Access Series: Dotawo Monographs

      Dotawo Monographs
      Nubian studies need a platform in which the old meets the new, in which archaeological, papyrological, and philological research into Meroitic, Old Nubian, Coptic, Greek, and Arabic sources confront current investigations in modern anthropology and ethnography, Nilo-Saharan linguistics, and critical and theoretical approaches present in post-colonial and African studies.
      Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies brings these disparate fields together within the same fold, opening a cross-cultural and diachronic field where divergent approaches meet on common soil. Dotawo gives a common home to the past, present, and future of one of the richest areas of research in African studies. It offers a crossroads where papyrus can meet internet, scribes meet critical thinkers, and the promises of growing nations meet the accomplishments of old kingdoms.
      Aligned with the interests of Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies, the Dotawo: Monograph series presents both unpublished material from the field of Nubian studies and original research.

      The Old Nubian Language

      The Old Nubian Texts from Attiri

      A Reference Grammar of Kunuz Nubian

      See also: Open Access Journal: Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies 

      Open Access Journal: Annals of the Náprstek Museum

      Annals of the Náprstek Museum 
      Online ISSN: 2533-5685
      Annals of the Náprstek Museum
      Annals of the Náprstek Museum is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal publishing results of scientific research in the field of cultural anthropology, ethnology, archeology and history of non-European regions.
      Why subscribe and read
      The Annals of the Náprstek Museum publishes high quality papers dealing with non-European cultures. It primarily targets topics relevant for the vast collections of the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures. It also presents reports on archaeological and ethnographic field projects in non European areas.
      Why submit

      • Open Acess
      • Fast publishing
      • No page charge
      • Good printing quality

      Open Access Journal: Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens Bulletin

      Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens Bulletin
      ISSN: 1833-296X
      Parthenon, GreeceParthenon, GreeceWe promote Greek studies and foster wider Australian involvement with Greek cultural output. 
      Australian universities that have classics, ancient history and Greek studies programmes (12 in total) are institutional members and Ohio State University is a foreign institutional member. We are proud that five high schools have also chosen to become institutional members, thus underlining the importance they place on the humanities.
      In addition to our fieldwork projects, we provide a number of services to our members and friends. These include various events throughout the year, including our Visiting Professorship program and a range of fellowships, scholarships and bursaries across Australia. We also publish Mediterranean Archaeology, a journal for archaeology in the Mediterranean world and organise tours to Greece.
      We also support a number of publications, including periodicals and e-newsletters and house an extensive archaeological library at our Sydney offices.

      (Partly) Open Access Journal: Atti della Accademia delle scienze di Torino. Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche

      Atti della Accademia delle scienze di Torino. Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche
      ISSN: 0001-4419
      Direttore responsabile: Massimo Mori
      Anno di fondazione: 1865
      Periodicità: annuale

      Negli Atti si pubblicano le note presentate nel corso dell'anno accademico e approvate dalla Classe competente.

      A partire dal vol. 142 (2008), negli Atti delle singole Classi è confluita la serie degli Atti ufficiali; essi comprendono quindi anche la relazione annuale del Presidente, la prolusione inaugurale dell'anno accademico e i testi delle commemorazioni dei Soci deceduti. Chiude il volume una breve sezione riassuntiva delle adunanze delle Classi Unite e delle singole Classi.
      • Vol. 152, 2018
        pp. 116 (in stampa)
      • Vol. 151, 2017
        pp. 178, € 18
      • Vol. 150, 2016
        pp. 127, 16 €
      • Vol. 149, 2015
        pp. 252, ill., € 23,00
        Premessa, di Daniela Bruno3
        Il diario di Emilia Doria di Dolceacqua5
        1. Introduzione6
        2. Emilia Doria: la «santa contessa»7
        3. Feste, bialere, malattie e libri proibiti 12
        4. Notizie inedite su Tommaso Valperga di Caluso18
        5. La lingua 22
        Varie memorie, e notissie da me raccolte, di Emilia Doria di Dolceacqua29
        Nota al testo30
        Elenco delle tavole fuori testo79
        Indice dei nomi81
        Indice del volume8523,00
      • vol. 148 (2014)
        pp. 220, ill., € 20,00
      • vol. 147 (2013)
        121 pp., ill., 16.00 €
      • vol. 146 (2012)
        75 pp., ill., 16,00 €
      • vol. 145 (2011)
        110 pp., ill.; 16,00 €
      • vol. 144 (2010)
        194 pp., ill., € 18,00
      • vol. 143 (2009)
        130 pp., ill., € 13,00
      • vol. 142 (2008)
        80 pp., ill., esaurito
      • vol. 141 (2007)
        24 pp., € 6,50
      • vol. 139-140 (2005-2006)
        48 pp., ill., € 7,00
      • vol. 138 (2004)
      • vol. 137 (2003)
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