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Open Access Journal: Methodos: Savoirs et Textes

 [Firtst posted in AWOL 21 March 2016, updated 12 March 2019]

Methodos: Savoirs et Textes
ISSN électronique: 1769-7379
La revue à caractère scientifique "Methodos. Savoirs et textes" est une revue annuelle dont le premier numéro est paru en janvier 2001. La perspective adoptée est résolument interdisciplinaire. Issue de la rencontre d'historiens des sciences, de philosophes et de philologues réunis dans l'Unité Mixte de Recherche "Savoirs, textes, langage" (UMR 8163, STL) dépendant du CNRS et des Universités de Lille 3 et Lille 1, "Methodos" est ouverte à différentes disciplines représentées dans ce laboratoire de recherche (philologie classique, histoire des sciences et philosophie) à condition que les études proposées partent d'un travail sur les textes.

19 | 2019
Dire et vouloir dire dans les arts du langage anciens et tardo-antiques

« Qu’est-ce que le langage et à quoi sert-il ? »
« Qu’est-ce qu’un signe linguistique et en quoi consiste sa signification ? »
« Quels sont les effets que les expressions linguistiques produisent, les contraintes qu’il faut respecter et les précautions qu’il convient de prendre lorsqu’on les utilise ? »
Ce complexe de questions, dont on peut retracer l’origine dans un certain nombre de textes de l’Antiquité, oriente depuis les enjeux fondamentaux de la réflexion sur la nature et le sens des expressions linguistiques ainsi que sur les conditions effectives de leur utilisation. Au fil des débats philosophiques, littéraires et autres, cette compréhension du langage s’est déclinée en une variété de manières d’entendre ce que, pour une expression linguistique ou une suite d’expressions linguistiques données, « signifier » veut dire. Les contributions de ce numéro thématique se sont concentrées sur les idées linguistiques que les auteurs de langue et culture grecque – confrontés, plus ou moins explicitement, à la question « comment penser le langage ? » – ont développées afin de rendre compte du phénomène complexe de la signification comme propriété des signes linguistiques, corrélat d’un contenu de pensée ou encore comme produit d’une pratique réglée d’échanges.
Leone Gazziero

Newly Open Access Journal: Athar

An annual publication issued by the Antiquities Department as early as 1998 with the aim of increasing public awareness about the value of antiquities and keeping the general public well informed about the kingdom’s historical treasures and the central role of the department to preserve these treasures. Part of this magazine allocated to highlight the Antiquities Department’s activities and programs including seminars, lectures, workshops and training courses all held in collaboration with various international organizations to cope up with the antiquities latest technologies and help develop capabilities of the Antiquities Department cadres. 

The magazine’s 10th edition contains articles about the department activities and information about selective archeological excavations.

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Ars Adriatica

Ars Adriatica
ISSN 1848-1590
ISSN 1848-7459 (Online)
Časopis Odjela za povijest umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zadru, "Ars Adriatica" izlazi jednom godišnje, a objavljuje recenzirane znanstvene i stručne članke iz područja znanosti o umjetnosti. U fokusu interesa su pitanja i pojave umjetničke baštine prostora jadranskoga bazena, njegovih urbanističkih i arhitektonskih, slikarskih i kiparskih, primijenjenih umjetnosti i teorije umjetnosti.

Područja pokrivanja: Humanističke znanosti; Znanost o umjetnosti; Povijest umjetnosti

Journal of the Department of Art History, University of Zadar, "Ars Adriatica" publishes reviewed scientific and professional papers in history and theory of arts, in scope that covers questions and phenomena of the artistic heritage of Adriatic basin, its urbanistic and architectural forms, paining, sculpture and applied arts, as well as the questions of artistic theories.

Scientific scope: Humanities, Art sciences, History of art.

No. 8
No. 7
No. 6
No. 5
No. 4
No. 3
No. 2
No. 1

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Theological Librarianship

[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2009. Updated 12 March 2019 (new URL)]

Theological Librarianship: An Online Journal of the American Theological Library Association
ISSN 1937-8904
The purposes of Theological Librarianship are: to foster the professional development of theological librarians and to contribute to and enrich the profession of theological librarianship.

TL publishes essays, columns, critical reviews, bibliographic essays, and peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of professional librarianship, within the context of a religious/theological library collection encompassing interactions with faculty and administrators engaged in religious/theological education. The primary intended audience includes: professional librarians in colleges, universities, and theological seminaries and others with an interest in theological librarianship.

Vol 1 No 1 (2008)

Voci dal mondo antico

Voci dal mondo antico
Il proposito di queste pagine è quello di facilitare per quanto possibile lo studio e la conoscenza delle lingue e delle letterature dell'antichità classica. L'utilizzo delle tecnologie messe a disposizione dal web e più in generale dagli strumenti informatici e multimediali potrà risultare utile a chi intenda approfondire lo studio dell'antichità greco-romana in ambito scolastico o per puro interesse culturale.
Nello studio della lingua greca e latina le numerose pagine interattive potranno consentire sia una più agevole visualizzazione dei contenuti che una valutazione del proprio livello di apprendimento.
Una particolare attenzione, almeno nei propositi, è dedicata alla poesia greca e latina ed alla metrica, che della poesia classica costituisce il mezzo espressivo caratterizzante ed essenziale.
Nei limiti del possibile saranno affrontati in un'unica trattazione alcuni argomenti che coinvolgono entrambe le lingue classiche, come appunto la metrica, l'analisi logica e l'analisi del periodo, con esemplificazioni che consentiranno di evidenziare analogie e differenze mediante una visualizzazione sinottica dei vari contenuti.
Data l'ampiezza del progetto tutte le sezioni che costituiscono il sito sono da considerare attualmente in fase di costruzione e pertanto incomplete.
Ringrazio anticipatamente quanti vorranno collaborare con proposte, suggerimenti e segnalazioni di errori o problemi.

See AWOL's list of Open Access Textbooks and Language Primers relating to the ancient world

Near Eastern Landscapes and Declassified U2 Aerial Imagery

Near Eastern Landscapes and Declassified U2 Aerial Imagery 
Emily Hammer (a1) and Jason Ur (a2)
Published online: 12 March 2019

Recently declassified photographs taken by U2 spy planes in the 1950s and 1960s provide an important new source of historical aerial imagery useful for Eurasian archaeology. Like other sources of historical imagery, U2 photos provide a window into the past, before modern agriculture and development destroyed many archaeological sites. U2 imagery is older and in many cases higher resolution than CORONA spy satellite imagery, the other major source of historical imagery for Eurasia, and thus can expand the range of archaeological sites and features that can be studied from an aerial perspective. However, there are significant barriers to finding and retrieving U2 imagery of particular locales, and archaeologists have thus not yet widely used it. In this article, we aim to reduce these barriers by describing the U2 photo dataset and how to access it. We also provide the first spatial index of U2 photos for the Middle East. A brief discussion of archaeological case studies drawn from U2 imagery illustrates its merits and limitations. These case studies include investigations of prehistoric mass-kill hunting traps in eastern Jordan, irrigation systems of the first millennium BC Neo-Assyrian Empire in northern Iraq, and twentieth-century marsh communities in southern Iraq.

Las fotografías tomadas por aviones espía U-2 durante los años 50 y 60, recientemente desclasificadas, son una nueva fuente de imágenes aéreas muy útil para la arqueología euroasiática. Tal como otras fuentes de imágenes históricas, las fotografías de los U-2 son una ventana hacia un pasado antes de la destrucción de muchos sitios arqueológicos a manos de la agricultura y el desarrollo modernos. Las imágenes de los U-2 preceden aquellas tomadas por los satélites espía CORONA, la otra fuente principal de imágenes históricas de Eurasia, y en muchos casos son de más alta resolución. Por lo mismo, expanden el rango de sitios y rasgos arqueológicos que se pueden estudiar desde una perspectiva aérea. Sin embargo, existen obstáculos significativos para conseguir y acceder a imágenes de localidades particulares, y por lo tanto los arqueólogos todavía no acostumbran a valerse de ellas. En este artículo tenemos como meta disminuir estos obstáculos a través de una descripción del conjunto de imágenes de los U-2 y de un método para acceder a ellas. También proveemos el primer índice espacial de fotografías de los U-2 del Medio Oriente. Una breve discusión de casos prácticos usando estas imágenes demuestra sus ventajas y limitaciones. Estos casos incluyen investigaciones de trampas de caza prehistóricas en el este de Jordania, sistemas de irrigación del imperio Neo-asirio del primer milenio a.C. en el norte de Irak y de comunidades del siglo XX que habitaban en los humedales del sur de Irak.

CLEO: Search over 45,000 ancient Egyptian objects


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Launched: Pyramids & Progress: Belgian expansionism and the making of Egyptology, 1830-1952

Pyramids & Progress: Belgian expansionism and the making of Egyptology, 1830-1952
In Belgium, Egyptology emerged later than elsewhere in Europe, but once under steam, it went through a rapid growth in the course of the first half of the 20th century. In the 1930s Brussels was occasionally even referred to as ‘the capital of Egyptology’. Pyramids and Progress investigates how this remarkable development unfolded within the context of Belgian industrial and political expansionism towards Egypt, a process that started in the 19th century, almost from the very moment that the Belgian state was created in 1830. At that time, Belgium in all regards aspired to become a player on a global scale. This aspiration not only concerned Congo, which was to become a genuine colony, but areas around the globe. Egypt, with its strategic location in Africa and its fascinating ancient monuments, played a key role.
But what motivated this Belgian interest in Egypt? How did Belgian royalty, politicians, diplomats, industrialists, and intellectuals operate within the expansionist doctrine? And how did the scientific discipline of Egyptology develop in Belgium within this expansionist framework? The personal, institutional, and commercial networks of the different players are investigated, and the question is asked how this led to a climate in which famous Egyptologists like Jean Capart proved able to give their discipline the prominent position it finally acquired in Belgium.

New from the Oriental Institute: OIP 142. The Great Hypostyle Hall in the Temple of Amun at Karnak

OIP 142. The Great Hypostyle Hall in the Temple of Amun at Karnak

OIP142-Great-Hypostyle-Hall-part3-9781614910275.jpgBy Peter J. Brand, Rosa Erika Feleg, and William J. Murnane

Standing at the heart of Karnak Temple, the Great Hypostyle Hall is a forest of 134 giant sandstone columns enclosed by massive walls. Sety I built the Great Hypostyle Hall ca. 1300 BCE and decorated the northern wing with exquisite bas reliefs. After his death, his successor Ramesses II completed the southern wing mostly in sunk relief. This volume provides full translation, epigraphic analysis, and photographic documentation of the elaborate wall reliefs inside the Hall. This vast trove of ritual art and texts attest to the richness and vitality of Egyptian civilization at the height of its imperial power. The present volume builds upon and serves as a companion to an earlier volume of drawings of the wall scenes made by Harold H. Nelson in the 1950s and edited for publication by William J. Murnane in 1981. 

Table of Contents, part 2 (translation and commentary)

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

List of Plans



1.Constructing and Decorating the Great Hypostyle Hall

2.The Character and Chronology of the Relief Decoration of Sety I and Ramesses II in the Great Hypostyle Hall

3.General Characteristics of Nelson’s Drawings

4.Translation and Commentary

West Wall, Gateway (Plates 1–4, 41 left, 131–34, 262)

West Wall, South Wing (Plates 5–41)

South Wall (Plates 42–87)

South Wall, West Wing (Plates 42–53)

South Wall, Gateway (Plates 54–61, 87)

South Wall, East Wing (Plates 62–79, 80–86)

East Wall, South Wing (Plates 88–109, 130)

West Wall, North Wing (Plates 135–70)

North Wall (Plates 171–201)

North Wall, West Wing (Plates 171–81)

North Wall, East Wing (Plates 188–201)

North Wall, Gateway (Plates 182–87)

East Wall, North Wing (Plates 202–32)

Vestibule of the Third Pylon (Plates 110–30 + 261, 233–57 + 265)

Eastern Vestibule, North Wing (Plates 233–57, 265)

Eastern Vestibule, South Wing (Plates 110–30, 261)


Appendix A: Color on the Hieroglyphs

Appendix B: Cartouches and Horus Names

Appendix C: Protection Formulae

Table of Contents, part 3 (figures and plates)

List of Figures

List of Plates

Figures 1–373

Plates 1–265

  • Oriental Institute Publications 142
  • Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2019
  • ISBN 978-1-61491-027-5
  • Part 2: pp. xvi + 432; Part 3: pp. xxiv + 328
  • 373 figures (some in color); 265 plates; 15 plans
  • Hardback, 9” x 11.75”
  • $99.95 (includes both part 2 [translation and commentary] and part 3 [figures and plates])

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Open Access Monograph Series: Oriental Institute Publications (OIP)

 [First posted in AWOL 12 September 2015, updated 14 March 2019]

Oriental Institute Publications (OIP)
ISSN: 0069-3367

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Open Access Journal: Зборник радова Византолошког института - Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta

[First posted in AWOL 29 September 2010, updated 14 March 2019]

Зборник радова Византолошког института - Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta
ISBN: 0584-9888
eISSN: 2406-0917 

Founded in 1948, the Institute of Byzantine Studies is the only scientific centre in Serbia pursuing research in Byzantine studies. Until now, it has published 37 volumes of the periodical Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta (ZRVI). The majority of published articles covering following topics: History of Byzantium and Byzantine-South-Slavic Relations, Byzantine Sources for the History of Yugoslav Peoples, Byzantine Literature and the Medieval Greek Language, Byzantine and post-Byzantine Art.
Leo I, ethnic politics and the beginning of Justin I’s career
Kaldellis Anthony
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):9-17
Details  Full text ( 131 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855009K
Slawische musikanten vom ende des westlichen Ozeans
Koder Johannes
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):19-28
Details  Full text ( 184 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855019K
The „Testament“ of St. Theodore the Studite as an apology of the Orthodoxy of the Holy fathers from Gaza Barsanuphius the Great and Abba Dorotheos
Stojanović Aleksandar
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):29-43
Details  Full text ( 212 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855029S
On the status of the Vlachs of Hellas in the theme system
Cvetković Miloš
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):45-64
Details  Full text ( 225 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855045C
Nochmals zum cursus honorum des Konstantinos, des neffen des Patriarchen Michael I. (Kerullarios)
Wassiliou-Seibt Alexandra-Kyriaki
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):65-80
Details  Full text ( 199 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855065W
Leichoudes’ pronoia of the Mangana
Lauritzen Frederick
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):81-96
Details  Full text ( 227 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855081L
The dispute between Theophylact, the archbishop of Ohrid, and the Paroikos Lazarus: An example of “state interventionism” during Byzantine emperor Alexios i Komnenos’s reign (1081-1118)
Filiposki Toni
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):97-106
Details  Full text ( 160 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855097F
The Byzantine processional cross from Župa dubrovačka
Lupis Vinicije B., Milanović Ljubomir
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):107-126
Details  Full text ( 4083 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855107L
Prolegomenes a l’Edition critique de la version Grecque du manuscrit d’Iviron de Barlaam et Joasaph (cod. Athon. Iviron 463)
Egedi-Kovacs Emese
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):127-140
Details  Full text ( 196 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855127E
The Byzantine and Hungarian Syrmia in the 10th–13th centuries
Komatina Ivana, Komatina Predrag
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):141-164
Details  Full text ( 242 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855141K
Die privilegienurkunden Kaiser Alexios’ III. Angelos fur das Chilandar-Kloster (1198, 1199): Palaographisch-diplomatisches resumee im kontext der urkunden der Angeloi-Kaiser
Gastgeber Christian
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):165-178
Details  Full text ( 209 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855165G
Omitting regulations on alienation, repentance, lament and contemplation in the final lessons of the first chapter of St. Sava’s Studenica Typikon
Rakićević Tihon, Arhimandrit, Anđelković Maja M., Stojanović Aleksandar
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):179-199
Details  Full text ( 310 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855179R
Appoiting the heir’s heir and family trust (fideicommissum) in Byzantine legal sources
Matović Tamara
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):201-214
Details  Full text ( 210 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855201M
Παρατηρhσεισ για τον «Kαθολικον απογραφeα» Ιωaννη Βατaτζη
Hadziantonu Elisavet
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):215-232
Details  Full text ( 251 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855215H
The co-rulership of John V Palaiologos
Pavlović Bojana
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):233-247
Details  Full text ( 190 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855233P
A Chalkokondyles fragment from the Vaticanus Graecus 1890
Mészáros Támas
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):249-256
Details  Full text ( 168 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855249M
Comparing Byzantine and Arabic poetry: Introductory remarks
Mavroudi Maria
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):257-270
Details  Full text ( 194 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855257M
Semantra and bells in Byzantium
Miljković Bojan
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):271-303
Details  Full text ( 25553 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855271M
Byzantinistik, Historische Geographie und Ethnographie in dem konigreich Jugoslavien an dem beispiel des professors Milenko S. Filipović und der Philosophischen Fakultat in Skoplje (1925–1940)
Popović Mihailo St., Nikić Jelena
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2018 (55):305-324
Details  Full text ( 1014 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZRVI1855305P

    Open Access Journal: Zograf

     [First posted in AWOL 20 October 2011, updated 14March 2019]

    ISSN: 0350-1361
    eISSN: 2406-0755
    The journal Zograf. A Journal of Medieval Art is dedicated to medieval art and architecture.

    The journal began to come out in 1966.

    The journal Zograf publishes original papers that have not been published previously (scientific articles and reviews). Zograf is an Open Access journal.

    Contributions to journal shall be submitted in Еnglish, Fench, Greek, German, Italian, Russian and Serbian, with summaries in English and Serbian.

    The Journal is issued once a year.

    The journal is indexed in Thomson Reuters Web of Science, Arts and Humanities Citation Index.

    Digital copies of the journal are archived in the Digital Repository of the National Library of Serbia.
    The transfiguration at Shivta. Retracing early Byzantine iconography
    Maayan-Fanar Emma
    Zograf, 2017 (41):1-18
    Details  Full text ( 1772 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741001M

    A note on two unpublished Coptic textiles from Belgrade
    Erdeljan Jelena
    Zograf, 2017 (41):19-24
    Details  Full text ( 546 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741019E

    Beards that matter. Visual representations of Patriarch Ignatios in Byzantine art
    Krsmanović Bojana, Milanović Ljubomir
    Zograf, 2017 (41):25-36
    Details  Full text ( 1852 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741025K

    Early church of the middle Byzantine period and the relics of St. Tryphon in Kotor
    Stevović Ivan
    Zograf, 2017 (41):37-50
    Details  Full text ( 809 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741037S

    A sanctuary screen from the island of Koločep
    Babić Valentina
    Zograf, 2017 (41):51-75
    Details  Full text ( 1499 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741051B

    The Siena relic of St John the Baptist’s right arm
    Popović Danica
    Zograf, 2017 (41):77-94
    Details  Full text ( 929 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741077P

    Pope Pius II’s charter of donation of the arm of St John the Baptist to Siena cathedral
    Joksimović Milena
    Zograf, 2017 (41):95-105
    Details  Full text ( 631 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741095J

    Bezirana kilisesi (Cappadoce). Un exceptionnel décor paléologue en terres de Rūm. Nouveau témoignage sur les relations entre Byzance et le sultanat
    Jolivet-Lévy Catherine
    Zograf, 2017 (41):107-142
    Details  Full text ( 5675 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741107J

    Figures of mounted warrior saints in medieval Crete. The representation of the equestrian Saint George “Thalassoperatis” at Diavaide in Heraklion
    Bormpoudaki Maria
    Zograf, 2017 (41):143-156
    Details  Full text ( 1848 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741143B

    Relief panels on a three-light window from Lesnovo. Proposing an interpretation of the semiotics of carved motifs
    Gabelić Smiljka
    Zograf, 2017 (41):157-168
    Details  Full text ( 829 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741157G

    Ikone iz Kostura slikara Jovana iz Gramoste
    Cigaridas Eftimios N.
    Zograf, 2017 (41):169-188
    Details  Full text ( 4253 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741169C

    The synthronon and locus inferior (αρχιερατικός θρόνος) of the metropolitan of Požega. Liturgical furniture and wall paintings of the Orahovica Monastery
    Radujko Milan
    Zograf, 2017 (41):189-212
    Details  Full text ( 2695 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741189R

    Specific research of Serbian Byzantine influence in Poland. Frescoes in the Monastery in Supraśl
    Matanović Velimir
    Zograf, 2017 (41):213-226
    Details  Full text ( 1673 KB)  https://doi.org/10.2298/ZOG1741213M

    Abydos Archaeology: The online journal of the North Abydos Expedition

    Abydos Archaeology: The online journal of the North Abydos Expedition
    Abydos Archaeology
    Welcome to Abydos Archaeology: The online journal of the North Abydos Expedition, an archaeological project sponsored jointly by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University and Princeton University. We tell the story of Abydos, Egypt and its 5,000-year history through archaeological excavation, heritage preservation, archaeological survey, collections management, object conservation, outreach, and publication. We post stories from the field, and the people and communities behind the archaeology, as well as objects from Abydos, both in situ and in museum collections around the world, and images from our archives, covering a half-century of archaeological fieldwork in Egypt. Expedition co-directors, Dr. Matthew Douglas Adams (NYU) and Prof. Deborah Vischak (Princeton), and all of us on the North Abydos Expedition team invite you to browse our gallery of fieldwork, team bios, blog, and Instagram gallery— and to follow, bookmark, like, share, and ENJOY the archaeology of Abydos with us!

    Open Access Journal: The Getty Magazine

    The Getty Magazine
    The Getty magazine tells the stories of the world's largest cultural and philanthropic organization dedicated to the visual arts. Articles on the Getty's four programs—the Getty Conservation Institute, the Getty Foundation, the J. Paul Getty Museum, and the Getty Research Institute—offer readers a more complete picture of the work we do in Los Angeles and around the world. This magazine is published quarterly. 

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    The Votives Project: Offerings to the Gods from Antiquity to the Present

    The Votives Project: Offerings to the Gods from Antiquity to the Present
    The Votives Project is a network of people from different backgrounds who study, create or use votive offerings or other related ways of communicating with the divine. It aims to facilitate dialogue between academic disciplines, and between academics and religious ‘practitioners’, and in doing so to develop rich cross-cultural and multi-period understandings of votive material and contexts.
    If you would like to join the Project and/or contribute an article to our blog, please don’t hesitate to contact us by writing to us at the addresses on our Open University webpages (links via our names below). You can also share your photos and ideas on our new Facebook page.
    Emma-Jayne Graham and Jessica HughesThe Votives Project Network Co-ordinators.

    Open Access Monograph Series: Middle Kingdom Studies Series

    Middle Kingdom Studies Series
    The electronic files are only to be distributed from the University of Pisa and in the case of the series Middle Kingdom Studies by Golden House Publications, London. Users may download only one copy for their own personal use. © The University of Pisa. Copyright remains in general with the author(s) and the publishing house(s).
    Users may not: modify, obscure, or remove any copyright notice or other attribution included in the content; incorporate the content into an unrestricted database or website; systematically print out or download the content to stock or replace print holdings; reproduce or distribute the content, without prior permission from the publisher and other applicable rights holders.
    Rights-Access Restrictions: The material uploaded in this platform may not be used for commercial purposes or gains. For purposes of clarification, “commercial purposes or gains” shall not include research whose end-use is commercial in nature. It can be used for: research activities; classroom or organizational instruction and related classroom or organizational activities; student assignments; as part of a scholarly, cultural, educational or organizational presentation or workshop, if such use conforms to the customary and usual practice in the field.
    1. Miniaci G., Grajetzki W. (eds.), The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC). Contributions on archaeology, art, religion, and written sources, Volume I, (Middle Kingdom Studies 2). London 2015.
    2. Miniaci G., Grajetzki W. (eds.).The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC), Vol. II. (Middle Kingdom Studies 2). London 2016

    Μνημοσύνη: Ψηφιακή Βιβλιοθήκη της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Γραμματείας

    Μνημοσύνη: Ψηφιακή Βιβλιοθήκη της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Γραμματείας
    Η Ψηφιακή Βιβλιοθήκη προσφέρει ένα πανόραμα της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Γραμματείας από την αρχαϊκή εποχή έως και τα ύστερα ελληνορωμαϊκά χρόνια. Περιλαμβάνει αντιπροσω­πευ­τικά έργα από όλα τα γένη και είδη του αρχαίου ελληνικού λόγου τόσο στο πρωτότυπο όσο και σε δόκιμες νεοελληνικές μεταφράσεις. Επίσης, παρέχει τη δυνατότητα αναζήτησης λέξεων είτε σε μεμονωμένα κείμενα είτε σε ομάδες κειμένων ανά συγγραφέα ή γένος-είδος λόγου είτε στο σύνολο των κειμένων που περιλαμβάνονται.

    Dra Abu el-Naga: Report di scavo / Excavation reports

    Open Access Journal: NGSBA Archaeology (The Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology)

     [First posted in AWOL 13 January 2914, updated 16 March 2019 [lnew URLs)]

    NGSBA Archaeology (The Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology)
    ISSN 2227-9008
    NGSBA Archaeology is our platform for presenting the results of our fieldwork. The contents consist mainly of reports on salvage archaeology projects conducted by Y.G. Archaeology under NGSBA oversight. But from time to time reports of our community archaeology and research projects will also be published. We will also accept field reports of projects executed by other organizations. The journal is peer reviewed, edited by David Ilan, the director of the NGSBA, and is overseen by a board of editors. It will appear more or less annually—depending on the quantity of material available for publication—in print and digital form. The digital version can be downloaded from our website for free. 

    Volume 4 (2017)

    Volume 3 (2015)

    Volume 2 (2013)

    Volume 1 (2012)

    Open Access Journal: NGSBA Excavation Preliminary Reports

    NGSBA Excavation Preliminary Reports
    ISSN: 2221-9420
    This is our electronic journal which reports the results of our excavations. Some reports concern our community work (Lod and Givat Sher), other reports deal with our research projects (Tel Dan, Tel Arad) and most reports deal with salvage work. The salvage excavations can also be found by site in the contract archaeology section and research excavations and community digs under the excavations tab.

    See also NGSBA Archaeology Journal

    See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies


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