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Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary News

ePSD2 Public Beta 3 (built 2018-10-23)
Welcome to the new version of the electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary, ePSD2. Here we provide listings of over 12,000 Sumerian words, phrases and names, occurring in almost 100,000 distinct forms a total of over 2.27 million times in the corpus of texts indexed for the Dictionary. The corpus covers, directly or indirectly, about 100,000 of the 134,000+ known Sumerian texts.
ePSD2 is organized as a glossary with a collection of subprojects providing the corpora. You can browse the subprojects and their individual glossaries, or you can work with the entire ePSD2 glossary and corpus by using the top-level ePSD2 project.
ePSD2 is a work in progress. See the News page for what changes between the releases, and see the What's Next? pagefor some of the things we are planning.
Here's a list of the things you can find here:

Glossaries and Tools


Open Access Journal: The Asbury Journal


The Asbury Journal
ISSN: 2375-6330 (Print)
ISSN: 2375-5814 (Online)
The Asbury Journal publishes scholarly essays and book reviews written from a Wesleyan perspective. The Journal's authors and audience reflect the global reality of the Christian church, the holistic nature of Wesleyan thought, and the importance of both theory and practice in addressing the current issues of the day. Authors include Wesleyan scholars, scholars of Wesleyanism/Methodism, and scholars writing on issues of theological and theological education importance.

Current Issue: Volume 73, Number 2 (2018) Fall

Click Here to Read the Entire Issue



From the Editor
Robert Danielson


A Response to Brent Strawn
Kimberly Bracken Long


Is the Old Testament Dying? An Academic Discussion
David B. Schreiner, Kimberly Bracken Long, Murray Vasser, Clinton J. Moyer, Brent A. Strawn, and Brad Haggard

Book Review

Book Reviews
Shawn P. Behan, Rabbi David J. Zucker, Bud Simon, Zachariah S. Motts, Matthew Hawgen, J. R. Wright, and Michael Whitcomb-Tavey

News Article

Books Received

საქართველოს ეპიგრაფიკული კორპუსი - The Epigraphic Corpus of Georgia 2

[First posted in AWOL 6 September 2016, updated 24 October 2018]

საქართველოს ეპიგრაფიკული კორპუსი - The Epigraphic Corpus of Georgia 2.0

პროექტი საქართველოს ეპიგრაფიკული კორპუსი 2015 წლიდან ხორციელდება ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ლინგვისტურ კვლევათა ინსტიტუტში. იგი მიზნად ისახავს საქართველოში აღმოჩენილი ან დაცული უმდიდრესი ეპიგრაფიკული მემკვიდრეობის დოკუმენტირებას ლაიდენის კონვენციის ციფრული მემკვიდრის, EpiDoc-ის მიხედვით. ამ სტანდარტით შესრულებული პირველი ელექტრონული გამოცემა არმაზის ბილინგვისა 2014 წელს თამარ კალხიტაშვილმა მოამზადა სამაგისტრო კვლევის ფარგლებში; ციფრული ჰუმანიტარიის უახლესი მიდგომების გამო ამ გამოცემამ მაღალი შეფასება დაიმსახურა EAGLE-ის (The Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) მიერ ორგანიზებულ ციფრული ეპიგრაფიკის საერთაშორისო კონფერენციაზე. ამ ეტაპზე საქართველოს ეპიგრაფიკულ კორპუსში (პროექტის ხელ-ლი პროფ. ნ. დობორჯგინიძე) შესულია ახ. წ.ა. I-X საუკუნეების ქართული, არამეული და ბერძნული წარწერები. პროექტი გრძელვადიანია და ქართულის გარდა, მიზნად ისახავს საქართველოში დაცული უძველესი პერიოდის (პირველი ნიმუშები ძვ. წ.ა. IX საუკუნისაა) ურარტული, არამეული, ბერძნული, ებრაული, არაბული, სპარსული და სომხური წარწერების გამოცემა-კორპუსის მომზადებას აღნიშნული სტანდარტით. 

The project “The Epigraphic Corpus of Georgia” has been in progress since 2015 at the Institute of Linguistic Research of Ilia State University. Its aim is to document the wealthy epigraphic legacy discovered or preserved in Georgia, according to the standards of EpiDoc, the digital heir to the Leiden Convention. The first electronic publication of the Armazi Bilingual produced according to those standards was prepared in 2014 by Tamar Kalkhitashvili within the framework of her MA research. Because of its use of the latest approaches to digital humanities, this publication merited a high score at the International Conference of Digital Epigraphics organized by EAGLE (The Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy). At this stage, the Epigraphic Corpus (head of the project: Prf. N. Doborjginidze) includes the 1st-9th cc AD. Georgian, Aramaic and Greek inscriptions. The project is long term, and besides the Georgian, it also aims at preparing, according to the above mentioned standards, the publication of the corpora of the Urartian, Aramaic, Greek, Jewish, Arabic, Persian and Armenian inscriptions.

Open Access Journal: Oriental Institute News & Notes

 [First posted in AWOL 23 April 2010. Most recently updated 24 October 2018]

Oriental Institute News & Notes
News & Notes is a Quarterly Publication of The Oriental Institute, printed for members as one of the privileges of membership.
2018Winter (#236)Spring (#237)Summer (#238)Fall (#239)
2017Winter (#232)Spring (#233)Summer (#234)Fall (#235)
2016Winter (#228)Spring (#229)Summer (#230)Fall (#231)
2015Winter (#224)Spring (#225)Summer (#226)Fall (#227)
2014Winter (#220)Spring (#221)Summer (#222)Fall (#223)
2013Winter (#216)Spring (#217)Summer (#218)Fall (#219)
2012Winter (#212)Spring (#213)Summer (#214)Fall (#215)
2011Winter (#208)Spring (#209)Summer (#210)Fall (#211)
2010Winter (#204)Spring (#205)Summer (#206)Fall (#207)
2009Winter (#200)Spring (#201)Summer (#202)Fall (#203)
2008Winter (#196)Spring (#197)Summer (#198)Fall (#199)
2007Winter (#192)Spring (#193)Summer (#194)Fall (#195)
2006Winter (#188)Spring (#189)Summer (#190)Fall (#191)
2005Winter (#184)Spring (#185)Summer (#186)Fall (#187)
2004Winter (#180)Spring (#181)Summer (#182)Fall (#183)
2003Winter (#176)Spring (#177)Summer (#178)Fall (#179)
2002Winter (#172)Spring (#173)Summer (#174)Fall (#175)
2001Winter (#168)Spring (#169)Summer (#170)Fall (#171)
2000Winter (#164)Spring (#165)Summer (#166)Fall (#167)
1999Winter (#160)Spring (#161)Summer (#162)Fall (#163)
1998Winter (#156)Spring (#157)Summer (#158)Fall (#159)
1997Winter (#152)Spring (#153)Summer (#154)Fall (#155)
1996Winter (#148)Spring (#149)Summer (#150)Fall (#151)
1995Winter (#144)Spring (#145)Summer (#146)Fall (#147)
1994Winter (#140)Spring (#141)Summer (#142)Fall (#143)
1993Winter (#136)Spring (#137)Summer (#138)Fall (#139)
1992 Spring (#133)Summer (#134)Fall (#135)
1991Winter (#127)Spring (#128)
Spring (#129)
Summer (#130)Fall (#131)
Fall (#132)
1990Winter (#122)Spring (#123)Summer (#124)Fall (#125)
Fall (#126)
1989Winter (#117)Spring (#118)Summer (#119)Fall (#120)
Fall (#121)
1988Winter (#112)Spring (#113)Summer (#114)Fall (#115)
Fall (#116)
1987Winter (#107)Spring (#108)Summer (#109)Fall (#110)
Fall (#111)
1986Winter (#102)Spring (#103)Summer (#104)Fall (#105)
Fall (#106)
1985Winter (#97)Spring (#98)Summer (#99)Fall (#100)
Fall (#101)
1984Winter (#92)Spring (#93)Summer (#94)Fall (#95)
Fall (#96)
1983Winter (#84)
Winter (#85)
Winter (#86)
Spring (#87)
Spring (#88)
Summer (#89)Fall (#90)
Fall (#91)
1982Winter (#75)
Winter (#76)
Winter (#77)
Spring (#78)
Spring (#79)
Summer (#80)Fall (#81)
Fall (#82)
Fall (#83)
1981Winter (#67)
Winter (#68)
Winter (#69)
Spring (#70)Summer (#71)Fall (#72)
Fall (#73)
Fall (#74)
1980Winter (#58)
Winter (#59)
Winter (#60)
Spring (#61)
Spring (#62)
Summer (#63)Fall (#64)
Fall (#65)
Fall (#66)
1979Winter (#49)
Winter (#50)
Winter (#51)
Spring (#52)
Spring (#53)
Summer (#54)Fall (#55)
Fall (#56)
Fall (#57)
1978Winter (#39)
Winter (#40)
Winter (#41)
Winter (#42)
Spring (#43)
Spring (#44)
Summer (#45)Fall (#46)
Fall (#47)
Fall (#48)
1977Winter (#33)Spring (#34)Summer (#35)Fall (#36)
Fall (#37)
Fall (#38)
1976Winter (#23)
Winter (#24)
Winter (#25)
Spring (#26)
Spring (#27)
Summer (#28)Fall (#29)
Fall (#30)
Fall (#31)
Fall (#32)
1975Winter (#13)
Winter (#14)
Winter (#15)
Spring (#16)
Spring (#17)
Summer (#18)
Summer (#19)
Fall (#20)
Fall (#21)
Fall (#22)
1974Winter (#4)
Winter (#5)
Winter (#6)
Spring (#7)
Spring (#8)
Summer (#9)Fall (#10)
Fall (#11)
Fall (#12)
1973Fall (#1)
Fall (#2)
Fall (#3)

For years prior to 2002 the  Lead Article(s) from various issues were also being made available electronically with the permission of the editor.










See also  The Oriental Institute Archaeological Newsletter (1950-1973)

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Corpus of Arabic Legal Documents (CALD)

Corpus of Arabic Legal Documents (CALD)
Legal act
Learn about these primary sources for Islamic law and legal practice in pre-modern Muslim societies. This online presentation is the first ever collection of scattered editions of legal documents from the 2nd/8th to the 9th/15th century, often with improved readings compared to earlier print versions. Documents are presented with the Arabic text in modern spelling and with full bibliographical data. 
Browse the documents listed below by city or by library inventory number. 
Search for any Arabic term. 
Tools: after logging in, you can search for Arabic terms combined with document type, date and keywords. Images and/or URL links are provided where possible. 
Credits: this online presentation was made possible by the ERC-financed FP 7 project ILM “Islamic Law Materialized” and by the concerted efforts of individuals from several institutions.

The Eton Greek Software Project

The Eton Greek Software Project
Eton College
The Eton classics department has commissioned software to help with the learning of Greek vocabulary and grammar, making use of the new Oxford Greek Grammar by James Morwood. Oxford University Press has collaborated in this enterprise, and the Provost and Fellows of Eton College have made the programs available on the internet as a free service in accord with the college’s aims as a charitable organisation. The Reading Greek parts of the project have been developed in association with the Department of Classical Studies at the Open University. The Chandris Group has given generous support to the project.
The software, which is designed by Tony Smith, is in self-contained and manageable stages. Several stages have now been completed and consist of four vocabulary testers (for AQA GCSE, OCR GCSE, OCR AS-level, and a Reading Greek vocabulary tester), three verb testers (for GCSE, AS-level, and a Reading Greek verb tester), four noun testers (for AQA GCSE, OCR GCSE, OCR AS-level, three adjective testers, and a Reading Greek noun tester), all of which can be accessed below. The responses are multiple-choice or written. There is also a downloadable word list suitable for use with the OCR AS-level. The next stage will be a syntax program consisting of ‘drag-and-drop’or ‘gap-filling’ exercises.
Please click on the links below for the testers and the word list.
The developers of the project would welcome your comments or suggestions. Please click here to send them an email.
Accessing the testers on a tablet or mobile device

The vocabulary and grammar testers won’t work in a standard web browser on an iOS or Android device as they are flash-based.  To use the testers on a tablet or mobile device, please follow these instructions:

·         Install the Puffin Academy app via iTunes or the Google Play store.
·         Launch the app and In the Puffin Academy app browser, search for ‘Eton Greek’
·         You can then click ‘Install’ to create a shortcut to the Eton Greek Project in Puffin Academy.
·         It will load this Eton College website page and the links to the testers should now work through the app.

Note: Your school network administrator may have to whitelist the IP addresses used by the app – more information here.

Accessing the testers on a Mac
Note that the testers don’t work in the default Mac browser, Safari. Instead, we recommend using Google Chrome where they should load as normal. 
In Google Chrome, you may also need to follow these instructions to enable Adobe Flash Player.
Mac OS High Sierra – this version seems to affect Flash and means the above method might not work. If you have issues, this fix should work:

1.    Open SAFARI (not Chrome, contrary to the instructions above)
2.    Install Flash: https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ 
3.    Close and reopen Safari
4.    Go to Safari > Preferences
5.    Click on the ‘Websites’ tab
6.    Ensure Adobe Flash Player is enabled in the Plug-ins section
7.     Click on Adobe Flash Player in the Plug-Ins column and ensure it is set to ‘On’ for etoncollege.com
8.    Now try to click on one of the links in the Eton Greek page: http://www.etoncollege.com/GreekProject.aspx
9.    You should get the popup window ‘Would you like to use Flash on etoncollege.com?” – Select ‘Use Every Time’
10.   It should then work.

Recent Open Access Dissertations on Antiquity in Knowledge@UChicago

Recent Open Access Dissertations on Antiquity in Knowledge@UChicago

Image result for Knowledge@UChicago
Knowledge@UChicago preserves and shares the scholarly and creative assets of the University of Chicago's researchers, instructors, students, and staff. It is managed and supported by the Library and IT Services at the University of Chicago.
Uskokov, Aleksandar (University of Chicago, 2018)
Winnerman, Jonathan (University of Chicago, 2018)
Akavia, Abigail (University of Chicago, 2018)
Crema, Michael Nicholas Gottardo (University of Chicago, 2018)
Buck, Mary Ellen (University of Chicago, 2018)
Aparicio Terrasa, Helena (University of Chicago, 2017)

Mission Archélogique de Tell Dibgou

 [First posted in AWOL 10 October 2o015, updated 25 October 2018]

Mission Archélogique de Tell Dibgou
Dibgou est l’un des sites les plus vastes et les mieux conservés du Nord-est du Delta du Nil.

Il se situe sur les marges sud du Lac Menzaleh, à une dizaine de kilomètres au Nord-est du tell Sân el-Hagar, qui abrite les ruines de l’antique Tanis, capitale de l’Egypte au cours des XXIe et XXIIe dynasties.

Le tell correspond aux ruines de l’ancienne ville de Dibgou. Constitué de couches de terrains stratifiés sur une grande épaisseur, il s’élève à 20 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer et s’étend sur une surface de près de 70 hectares.

Samothracian Networks

Samothracian Networks
Samothracian Networks

Sailing an ancient sea

In Samothrace Mariner, a study of ritual and mobility in the ancient world, we are building bridges between:
  • academic and scientific research, integrating theory and method from anthropology, geography, Classics, religion and ancient history
  • pedagogical needs, supporting instructors in primary and secondary education
  • gaming applications with broad potential for public education in the most informal of settings.
These three approaches– research, pedagogy, and popular culture – are united through shared reliance on a unique database built on ancient sources. The core of the database comes from inscriptions, a form of historical data least accessible to the non-specialist.  These inscriptions have provided the geospatial and chronological parameters for a QGIS platform; to this we bring data from ancient history, poets, geographers and politicians, giving access to ancient voices located in the geospaces they occupied.
Our interest at all three levels is maritime mobility: how did ancient travelers move safely through seas as full of risk as profit?  Highly developed sailing skills were one route; social contracts, often guaranteed by the gods, were another. These contracts, part of the Greek institution of proxenia,bound the parties to non-aggression, information sharing, and mutual support in ports of call. See “how it worked.” They are recorded on inscriptions which provide dates, places, and the names of otherwise anonymous individuals charged with ensuring their city’s good behavior toward travelers and merchants from other cities around the Mediterranean world.

ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ - Logeion

 [First posted in AWOL 7 May 2012, updated 26 October 2018]

ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ - Logeion
  • Update September 2018: Welcome to the beta release of Logeion 2, built by Philip Posner, Ethan Della Rocca and Josh Day. Enjoy! Do go for a ride on the inverse word wheel.
  • Logeion (literally, a place for words; in particular, a speaker's platform, or an archive) was developed after the example of dvlf.uchicago.edu, to provide simultaneous lookup of entries in the many reference works that make up the Perseus Classical collection. As always, we are grateful for the Perseus Project's generosity in sharing their data. None of this would be possible without their commitment to open access. To enhance this site as both a research and a pedagogical tool, we add information based on corpus data in the right side bar, as well as references to chapters in standard textbooks.
  • Update March 2017: We are delighted to announce the advent of two new resources. First of all, a team of scholar volunteers led by Gérard Gréco has worked to make Gaffiot's famous 1934 Dictionnaire Latin Français available in digital and updated form (including frequency data and updated standard citations for texts, among many other things), and we are delighted to incorporate this work, Gaffiot 2016, in Logeion. Many thanks to Gérard Gréco and also to Mark de Wilde for helping us to work out our formatting problems.
  • In addition, from Spain, we are delighted to add LMPG en línea, the digitized version of the lexicon for magic and religion in the Greek magical papyri originally published in 2001. Do visit the project's homepage to see the fuller array of functions available there. Many thanks, as always, to Prof. Somolinos and his team.
  • Update January 2016: We are delighted to announce the advent of the Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources in Logeion. Many thanks to the British Academy (specifically, its Projects committee and its DMLBS committee), and in particular to the editor of DMLBS, Richard Ashdowne, for making this happen. We are thrilled to add another newly-released resource on the Latin side. Academic users: please do urge your libraries to purchase print copies of DMLBS (and DGE!), if they have not yet done so.
  • Many thanks to Matt Shanahan, Josh Day, and XSLT wizard Alex Lee for their help in bringing DMLBS to Logeion.
  • The Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources is the work of a century-long British Academy project, based first in London and then at the University of Oxford, that ran from 1913 to the completion of the printed dictionary in 2013. The DMLBS has been based wholly on original research and it documents the vocabulary of Latin in medieval Britain from the sixth to the sixteenth centuries. The DMLBS is a copyright work and the text appears on the Logeion site under licence from the British Academy, to whom we express our thanks. Users will find the following resources at the DMLBS project website helpful: A user's guide to the dictionary, the bibliography and notes to the bibliography, and guidelines for citing DMLBS.
  • Hellenists also have reason to rejoice: The Woordenboek Grieks/Nederlands, a Dutch project in progress, has made its finished letter ranges available to us. We thank the editors-in-chief, Ineke Sluiter, Albert Rijksbaron, and Ton Kessels, and their project coordinator, Lucien van Beek.A full roster of the team of writers and editors, and further information about the project, can be found on its website. At Logeion we believe that all users stand to benefit from up-to-date Greek dictionaries such as DGE and Grieks/Nederlands, regardless of their mother tongue. This is the first dictionary that Walt Shandruk has handled for Logeion; and while it takes skill to adapt third-party data, Walt has dealt with that but also confronted third-party code - with aplomb. Many thanks.
  • In other news, BWL, which is derived from a useful Dutch resource for intermediate Latin students, and illustrates important constructions and idiomatic usages of the most frequent Latin words, now features translations for its example sentences. This was a long-time desideratum, and we thank Rebekah Spearman for doing the last push that this project needed. She, however, cannot be held responsible for all the thousands of translated sentences! Please send your comments our way if you encounter problems. The other existing dictionaries, too, have seen the usual additional cleanup of infelicities in the original data entry process. Many thanks to all users who pointed out errors. If you find more, please report them: we are grateful for your assistance in incrementally improving this resource.
  • Update January 2015: We are grateful to Philip Peek of Bowling Green State University for making available his file with vocabulary for Chase & Phillips.
  • Update August 2014: In addition to the usual editing of existing dictionaries and morphology (keep reporting typos to us, please!), we are delighted to add a first author-specific lexicon on the Latin side, thanks to efforts at Dickinson College. Users will now encounter Frieze-Dennison's lexicon to Vergil's Aeneid for relevant entries. Many thanks to Christopher Francese and the DCC 'crew'! On another note, Logeion and the Logeion app got a mention in the New York Times, which we are thrilled about. We are, as always, grateful to Josh, Matt & Josh for developing this site and the app, and to the College of the University of Chicago for its support and its 'ambidextrous' undergrads, who know their way around Python and XML as well as around Greek and Latin.
  • Update December 2013: We are delighted to announce that we are adding the premier dictionary for Ancient Greek, the Diccionario Griego-Español (DGE), to Logeion. Both for entries from DGE and from DuCange, we will include a link to these dictionaries' home sites for every entry we display. As we work on displaying these entries better, we recommend (also) visiting the home sites, which look positively elegant. This update also brings the Latin-Dutch dictionary, LaNe, up to date with the printed 6th edition, which will be coming out soon.
  • Update October 2013: Logeion is now available as an app for iOS, so that you can consult it even without a working internet connection. Find the Logeion app in Apple's app store.
  • Update January 2012: We have now added a Latin-Dutch dictionary to the collection: The Woordenboek Latijn/Nederlands. One notable feature of this dictionary, for those who do not speak Dutch, is that a lot of attention has been paid to ensure accuracy of vowel length for the lexical entries. For further information see below.

      Open Access Journal: Gallia

       [First posted in AWOL 8 December 2009, updated 27 October 2018]

      eISSN - 2109-9588
      Créé par le CNRS, Gallia publie des dossiers et des articles de synthèse sur les découvertes et les recherches les plus signifiantes dans le domaine de l’archéologie en France. Son champ chronologique couvre la Protohistoire depuis le premierÂge du Fer, l’Antiquité et l’Antiquité tardive jusqu’à la fin des royaumes mérovingiens. Son champ géographique correspond à l’ancien espace gaulois et comprend les Trois Gaules ainsi que les territoires immédiatement limitrophes.






      Open Access Journal: Archäologischer Anzeiger

      Archäologischer Anzeiger
      ISSN: 0003-8105
      ISSN: 2510-4713 
      Im Archäologischen Anzeiger (AA) werden Kurzbeiträge zu aktuellen Forschungen und Berichte über Grabungsprojekte des DAI sowie von Fachkollegen weltweit publiziert. Schwerpunktmäßig informiert die Zeitschrift über Themen aus dem Mittelmeerraum von der Vorgeschichte bis in die Spätantike, durchaus aber auch über Projekte außerhalb des Kernbereichs der Alten Welt. ISSN: 0003-8105

      Digitale Ausgaben


      2. Halbband 2015

      [PDFs verfügbar]

      1. Halbband 2015

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      2. Halbband 2014

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      1. Halbband 2014

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      2. Halbband 2013

      [PDFs verfügbar]

      1. Halbband 2013

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      2. Halbband 2012

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      1. Halbband 2012

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      2. Halbband 2011

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      1. Halbband 2011

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      2. Halbband 2010

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      1. Halbband 2010

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      2. Halbband 2009

      [PDFs teilweise verfügbar]

      1. Halbband 2009

      [PDFs teilweise verfügbar]


      2. Halbband 2008

      [PDFs teilweise verfügbar]

      1. Halbband 2008

      [PDFs verfügbar]
       Back volumes available via Digizeitschriften

      Archäologischer Anzeiger

      Babylonian Calendar

      The Babylonian Calendar
      click for a larger image
      The Babylonian calendar was a lunisolar calendar based on the lunar phases which was used in Babylon and surrounding regions for administrative, commercial and ritualistic purposes.
      The Babylonian year consisted of twelve lunar months, each beginning on the evening (i.e. after sunset) of the first observed (or computed) lunar crescent after the astronomical new moon.
      The year began around the spring equinox and in order to keep the calendar in step with the seasons, an intercalary month was inserted at (semi-)regular intervals. At first the intercalary months were inserted at irregular intervals, based on the observed discrepancies between the calendar and the seasons, but after about 500 BCE a regular intercalation scheme consisting of seven intercalary months in a 19-year cycle was adopted
      This intercalation cycle was later also adopted by Greek astronomers, who referred to it as the Metonic cycle, and it still regulates the current Hebrew calendar.
      This website supports a calendar converter for converting Babylonian dates into Julian dates, and vice-versa, and is based on the well-known calendrical tables in Babylonian Chronology by Richard Anthony Parker (1905-1993) and Waldo Herman Dubberstein (1907-1983) of which the most recent (4th) edition was published in 1971.
      The calendar converter is valid between the year 626/25 BCE, the accession year of the Babylonian king Nabopolassar, and the year 75/76 CE [= 386 Seleucid Era = 322 Arsacid Era].


      The months of the Babylonian calendar

      Babylonian calendar converter

      Schematic dates for the equinoxes, the solstices and the heliacal phenomena of Sirius

      Literature & web links

      GreekandLatinUCL (on YouTube)

      GreekandLatinUCL (on YouTube)
      The Department of Greek and Latin at UCL is one of the premier Classics departments in the UK. It offers study programmes at the BA, MA and PhD level, produces high-quality research and is keen to share its expertise with the general public. UCL Greek & Latin has more than ten permanent members of staff as well as part-time staff and postgraduate researchers with diverse backgrounds and a variety of research interests. We are a vibrant community that covers all the main areas of ancient Greek and Latin language and literature as well as aspects such as philosophy, palaeography, linguistics and the reception of the ancient world in the modern period. For more information on the Department visit: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/classics/

      Andrej Petrovic - Greek Literary Epigrams in Private Compilations of Hellenistic Age

      574 views5 years ago

      Open Access Journal: De Rebus Antiquis

      [First posted in AWOL 20 December 2011. Updated 29 October 2018 (New URLs])

      De Rebus Antiquis
      ISSN 2250-4923
      DE REBUS ANTIQUIS es la publicación electrónica del Programa de Estudios Históricos Grecorromanos (PEHG) del Departamento de Historia de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Católica Argentina.
      Esta revista ha nacido con el objeto de dar marco institucional para la publicación de todas aquellas investigaciones de especialistas en esta área del conocimiento y gestar así un ámbito de debate en las temáticas y líneas de investigación más novedosas del tema que nos convoca.


      Tabla de contenidos


      Graciela Gómez Aso


      Ana Teresa Marques Gonçalves, Fernando D. Teodoro Moura
      Carlos Heredia Chimeno
      María José Leorza
      Belchior Monteiro Lima Neto
      Lorena Esteller

      Reseñas bibliográficas

      Alejandro Robles Carriche
      Diego Alexander Olivera
      Juan Pablo Alfaro
      Walter Flores
      Ana Lozano
      See AWOL's List of

      Newly Open Access Journal: Stylos

      ISSN: 0327-8859
      Revista del Instituto de Estudios Grecolatinos “Prof. F. Nóvoa”. Su objetivo es reunir trabajos originales sobre temas del mundo griego y latino antiguos. El interés también se extiende a otras épocas (por ejemplo, temas de la cultura y el latín medievales, como del Humanismo, la literatura neolatina, la literatura neohelénica). También, a estudios de comparación o de influencia del mundo clásico con la cultura posterior. Eventualmente a estudios sobre pueblos antiguos relacionados con griegos y romanos (p. ej. Egipto).


      Tabla de contenidos


      Cecilia Avenatti de Palumbo

      Mariana V. Breijo

      Marcos Carmignani

      María Victoria Coce, Mariana S. Ventura

      Gustavo Daujotas, Florencia Savarino

      Guillermo De Santis

      María Guadalupe Erro

      Guido Fernández Parmo

      Elisa Ferrer

      Juan Héctor Fuentes

      Verónica Iribarren, Melina Jurado

      Adriana M. Manfredini

      Francisco A. Marcos Marín

      Emilce Moreno Mosquera

      Marcela Nasta

      Violeta Palacios

      Lara Seijas

      Romina L. Vázquez

      See AWOL's List of

      Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online, 25-26 October 2018

      Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online. There are 292 volumes of this series now online open access.
      Page Gasser, Madeleine (2001). Götter bewohnten Ägypten: Bronzefiguren der Sammlungen „Bibel+Orient“ der Universität Freiburg Schweiz. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
      Léonas, Alexis (2005). Recherches sur le langage de la Septante. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
      Maussion, Marie (2003). Le mal, le bien et le jugement de Dieu dans le livre de Qohélet. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Editions Universitaires / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

      Newly Open Access Journal: Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens Bulletin

      Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens Bulletin
      ISSN: 1833-296X
      Parthenon, GreeceParthenon, GreeceWe promote Greek studies and foster wider Australian involvement with Greek cultural output. 
      Australian universities that have classics, ancient history and Greek studies programmes (12 in total) are institutional members and Ohio State University is a foreign institutional member. We are proud that five high schools have also chosen to become institutional members, thus underlining the importance they place on the humanities.
      In addition to our fieldwork projects, we provide a number of services to our members and friends. These include various events throughout the year, including our Visiting Professorship program and a range of fellowships, scholarships and bursaries across Australia. We also publish Mediterranean Archaeology, a journal for archaeology in the Mediterranean world and organise tours to Greece.
      We also support a number of publications, including periodicals and e-newsletters and house an extensive archaeological library at our Sydney offices.

      Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries: A Guide for the Perplexed

      Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries: A Guide for the Perplexed
      Over the last three years I have worked more-or-less intensively and widely on Indo-European etymological problems as a research associate in Indo-European comparative linguistics on the Cognacy in Basic Lexicon project with the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. Over the course of this project I have had to check and revise hundreds and hundreds of etymologies from of historical and modern Indo-European languages, from Albanian to Welsh and nearly everything in between. (I’d say Albanian to Zazaki to have a nice Indo-European A–Z, but we don’t currently have Zaza data). While I hardly can be expected to be an expert on the historical grammar of every single Indo-European language (and I emphasise that we do consult with experts on individual branches and languages where necessary), as the main editor of the cross-branch Indo-European cognate judgements I do need to know where I can find reliable cognacy information on all the languages involved...
      Part 2: Anatolian Etymological Dictionaries

      Open Access Journal: Lithics – The Journal of the Lithic Studies Society

      [First posted in AWOL 23 May 2011. Updated 30 October 2018 (New URLs)]
      Lithics is the Lithic Studies Society’s annual, peer-reviewed journal (ISSN 0262-7817). It is devoted to publishing research which enhances our understanding of past societies through the study of stone tools. Published in the spring of each year, Lithics contains research articles, as well as shorter communications, book reviews, a bibliography of recent publications relevant to lithic studies, and news of the Society's related activities.


      No 1 (1980)

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