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Musisque Deoque: Un archivio digitale di poesia latina

[First posted in AWOL 2 April 2012, updated 4 June 2018]

Musisque Deoque: Un archivio digitale di poesia latina
Il progetto di ricerca “Musisque Deoque. Un archivio digitale di poesia latina, dalle origini al Rinascimento italiano”, è partito alla fine del 2005 con lo scopo di creare un unico database della poesia latina, integrato e aggiornato da apparati critici ed esegetici elettronici. 

Obiettivo dell’edizione critica tradizionale (o “lachmanniana”, nella terminologia dei filologi classici) è quello di risalire all’archetipo con la recensio, poi eventualmente superarlo con l’emendatio, sino a ricostruire quanto stava più vicino al perduto originale. La forma di pubblicazione è ormai da secoli il libro a stampa, contenitore di un testo rigido, immutabile, stabilito definitivamente dall’editore. Questo faticoso e prezioso lavoro ha offerto, e tuttora offre, risultati di grande efficacia negli studi filologici: ma trova il suo limite nel fatto stesso di cristallizzare una tradizione che è intrinsecamente dinamica...

The “Musisque Deoque. A digital archive of Latin poetry, from its origins to the Italian Renaissance” Research Project, was established at the end of 2005. It aims to create a singular Latin poetry’s database, supplemented and updated with critical apparatus and exegetical equipments. 

Objective of the traditional critical edition (or “Lachmannian” according to the classical philological terminology) is to revisit the archetype with the recensio, and then eventually improve it with emendatio, until the reconstruction closest to the lost original is reached. For centuries, printed book has been the publication form, containing rigid, immutable texts that are definitively determined by editors. This tiring and precious work has since offered, and still does, great incisive results in philological studies. However its limitation lies in the fact that a tradition that is intrinsically dynamic has been immobilized...

Ancient Sundials

Ancient Sundials


The Berlin research project Ancient Sundials was initiated in 2011 (Topoi D-5-6). A survey of all known Greek and Roman sundials has been conducted with the creation of 3D models and their analyses. The properties of ancient sundials can be further analysed via its Web interface or computer accessible API.


In antiquity, sundials served mainly for timekeeping, but were only functional under consideration of the respective geographical latitudes. Furthermore, different types of sundials have been distinguished, such as conical, spherical, cylindrical or planar. Even smaller, portable specimen exist.
The research project aims to re-analyze as many as possible of the 550 to 600 known Greek or Roman sundials using modern analytical methods such as 3D modeling. Modern technologies allow insights into the level of ancient knowledge and its dissemination in the ancient world. The sources allow to derive more precise classifications of ancient sundials and to decipher their design or construction principles.
The descriptions of the sundials so far used in this context regarding materials and dating are based - at least in part - on the research literature of the respective objects. As a result, different terms may be used for identical objects. These terms will be harmonized in the long term.


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Excellence Cluster 264 Topoi, Einstein Foundation Berlin


sundials, knowledge transfer, technology, time, mapping, measuring




Ancient Sundials, 2016, Gerd Graßhoff, Elisabeth Rinner, Karlheinz Schaldach, Bernhard Fritsch, Liba Taub, Edition Topoi, DOI: 10.17171/1-1

Hebrew University Bible Project (HUBP) מפעל המקרא Publications Online

 [First posted in AWOL 26 September 2013, Updated (new URLs) 5 June 2018]

Hebrew University Bible Project (HUBP) מפעל המקרא Publications
The Hebrew University Bible Project – the flagship of research projects of the Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University – was established in 1956 to undertake a comprehensive survey of the history of the textual development of the Hebrew Bible and to produce a major critical edition. The project was initiated by the late Prof. Moshe H. Goshen-Gottstein (Professor of Semitic Linguistics and Biblical Philology), who together with the late Prof. Chaim Rabin (Professor of Hebrew Language) and  the late Prof. Shemaryahu Talmon (Professor of Biblical Studies) constituted the original board of editors.
The Hebrew University Bible Edition
The English Introduction for the Book of Ezekiel
Sample Pages: Ezekiel chap. 1
Index of Sources

Textus 1-11
Textus 12-22
Textus 23-25
Textus 26 (current)

The Bible in the Syro-Palestinian Version, vol. 1

English Introduction
Part 1 of 5
Part 2 of 5
Part 3 of 5
Part 4 of 5
Part 5 of 5
The Bible in the Syro-Palestinian Version, vol. 2
English Introduction
The Bible in the Syro-Palestinian Version, vol. 2
Kitāb al-Khilaf,ed. Lazar Lipschütz
HUBP Monograph Series, vol. 2
Part 1
Part 2

Open Access Journal: Eruditio Antiqua, revue électronique de l'érudition gréco-latine

 [First posted in AWOL 17 February 2010. Updated 5 June 2018]

Eruditio Antiqua, revue électronique de l'érudition gréco-latine
ISSN: 2105-0791
Eruditio Antiqua est une revue électronique thématique, à comité de lecture international, dont l'objectif est de publier des travaux inédits dans les différents domaines de l'érudition gréco-latine, depuis les origines jusqu'à la période byzantine. 
Elle accueille des études sur les exégèses littéraires, la lexicographie, la grammaire, le droit, la religion, la géographie, l'historiographie, la médecine, l'astronomie, la musique, les mathématiques, les sciences naturelles...
Outre ces domaines précis, des problématiques transversales s'intègrent également dans le cadre de la revue: stratifications des savoirs, transmission, enrichissement, mais aussi polémiques scientifiques ou encore problèmes d'édition de texte. 

Cette revue s'insère dans les axes de recherches de l'UMR 5189 HiSoMA; elle est publiée avec la collaboration des services informatiques de la MOM.

La revue publiera trois formes de travaux:
- des articles proprement dits
- des actes de journées d'études ou de tables rondes
- des comptes rendus
Volume 9 (2017)
Santé et maladie, entre pratiques quotidiennes et réflexions théoriques dans le monde gréco-romain
Textes réunis par Isabelle Boehm et Divna Soleil
Divna Soleil - Introduction
Muriel Pardon-Labonnelie, Tony Silvino, Catherine Lavier, Marlène Aubin, Rémi Brageu, Elsa Van Elslande - Un nouveau cachet à collyres découvert à Lyon en mars 2015
Volume 1 (2009)

Edition Topoi Collections: Cylinder Seals

Cylinder Seals


Between 3500 and 300 B.C. cylinder seals were one of the most important communication tools in the Near East. Embedded in administrative activities, they served as means of identification. Within the project "Near East Seals as Tools of Visual Communication through Space and Time", almost all of the cylinder seals of the Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin have been digitized with a structured-light 3D scanner, which has been developed by the Fraunhofer-Institute. The results are now available in an online archive.


In addition to the common documentation methods of cylinder seals by rolled impression and photography, this collection also offers 3D-models and digital impressions. The 3D-scans can be performed without impacting the objects, thus reducing the risks. This method allows even the most fragile of seals to be documented, including those too delicate to be used for a rolled impression. These scans offer a true-to-scale reproduction of the seals.


Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Excellence Cluster 264 Topoi


knowledge transfer, Seals, Mesopotamia, Near East, trade, technology, art




Cylinder Seals, 2016, Markus Hilgert, Beate Salje, Barbara Feller, Anja Fügert, Helen Gries, Edition Topoi, DOI: 10.17171/1-5


Markus Hilgert

Open Access Monongraph Series: Clio: Saggi di scienze storiche, archeologiche e storico-artistiche

Clio: Saggi di scienze storiche, archeologiche e storico-artistiche
Print ISSN: 2532-4586
Online ISSN: 2532-4594

[Books on antiquity listed below. For all open access books click on the series title above.]

I Porti Romani nel Mar Rosso da Augusto al Tardo Antico
Dario Nappo
marzo 30, 2018
Alethia: Precatio e primo libro. Introduzione, testo latino, traduzione e commento.
Claudio Mario Vittorio; Alessia D'Auria (Curatore)
aprile 28, 2017
Nuovi studi su Kyme eolica: produzioni e rotte trasmarine
Lucia A. Scatozza Höricht (Curatore)
aprile 28, 2017

Edition Topoi Collections: The Neolithic in the Nile Delta

The Neolithic in the Nile Delta


In Egypt the earliest evidence of mixed farming practices are at present found in Merimde Beni Salama on the Western Delta edge ca. 7,000 cal BP (5,000 cal BC) and the Faiyum 6,650 cal BP (4,650 cal BC), some 3,000 years after the beginning of agricultural practices in the Levantine Middle PPNB. The research project (A-2-4) The Neolithic in the Nile Delta focuses on the Neolithic site of Merimde Beni Salama and the region along the Western Delta edge from the modern town of El-Qata in the south to Khatatbah in the north. This area was first surveyed in 1927/8 by Hermann Junker and his team as part of the Austrian West Delta Expedition, which led to the finding of the first Neolithic site in the Nile Delta (Merimde Beni Salama), and its subsequent excavations. Since the most recent investigations in the region (in the late 1970s to early 1980s), significant new findings have come to light, notably the discovery of a Neolithic to Late Predynastic sequence (6th millennium to late 4th millennium BC) at the site of Sais (western Delta) and new discoveries along the northern shore of Lake Qarun in the Faiyum. Many more Early and Mid-Holocene sites in the Western Desert, Eastern Desert and Sinai have also been discovered in the last few decades. Research on the material from these sites allows us to think about the dispersal of technology in a new way, and more available data help us investigate the directionality of influence as we consider the production of lithics, ceramics and other examples of material culture.


The current project has two main sources of data: those from the new fieldwork (begun in 2013, supported by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, the American Research Center in Egypt, the National Geographic Society (GEFNE 165-16), Egypt Exploration Society, and Topoi) and a re-examination and recording of data collected by previous investigations, primarily that of Hermann Junker, Hjalmar Larsen and Pehr Lugn in the 1930s. Both sources of data are examined within an inter-disciplinary framework which aims to situate the Neolithic evidence from the western Nile Delta within its wider environmental and social contexts. This examination brings new interpretations as to the lines of communication evident between sites in the western, and wider Delta, as well as between regions as far afield as Libya and the Levant, and helps to shed light on the reasons for choosing certain settlement locations over others, and the extent to which these choices were determined by the regional environment and changing climate. The re-assessment of the chronology of the Neolithic-Predynastic is also of importance within the longer term research, so that dating of environmental as well as cultural events can be achieved.


Freie Universität Berlin, Excellence Cluster Topoi EXC 264, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Merimde Beni Salama, Neolithic, Egypt, West Nile Delta, Hermann Junker, food production, lithics, pottery, bifacial, bone tools, grinding stones, museums




The Neolithic in the Nile Delta, 2017, Topoi A-2-4, Edition Topoi, DOI: 10.17171/1-9

Open Access Journal: Vulgata in Dialogue: a biblical online review

Vulgata in Dialogue: a biblical online review
ISSN: 2504-5156
The Vulgate in Dialogue is an international peer-reviewed on-line academic journal,
with open access, founded in 2016, that publishes once a year articles in biblical
exegesis, theology in general, philology, history and other fields related to the domain
of the Biblia Sacra Vulgata. 

The work of translating and editing the Vulgate within two similar projects almost simultaneously launched – the one in German (Vulgata Verein / Walter de Gruyter Berlin, initiated in 2011) and the one in Romanian (A. I. Cuza University, Traditio Centre, Jassy / Humanitas publishing house, that started in 2010) —, revealed specific issues that are worth publishing for the benefit of the biblical studies as a whole. Our journal intends to contribute to research in the field of the Vulgate, with approaches from various fields, including the inter-disciplinary ones.
Published: 2018-05-30

Forthcoming Open Access Journal: Journal for Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity (JEAC)

Journal for Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity (JEAC)
Die Open Access Zeitschrift „Journal of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity (JEAC)“ etabliert einen Dialog zwischen exegetischen und patristischen Beiträgen mit philosophischen und systematisch-theologischen Ansätzen zu gegenwartsrelevanten ethischen Fragestellungen und bringt damit die ethischen Dimensionen antiker Texte in die gegenwärtigen Ethikdiskurse ein. Ethische Frage­stellungen ziehen sich nicht nur gegenwärtig quer durch die verschiedenen Wissenschaften, sondern waren bereits in der Antike in vielen Kontexten präsent. Die Art der Bearbeitung ethischer Thematiken in Texten der Antike erbringt für die Gegenwart weit über das Verständnis der eigenen Tradition hinaus methodische und inhaltliche Impulse. Es wird aber weder den Texten noch dem gegenwärtigen Diskurs gerecht, wenn der Beitrag der antiken Texte nur in Form von einzelnen Argumenten oder Motiven aus der Vergangenheit in die Gegenwart übertragen wird. Es bedarf einer sorgfältigen Explikation der ethischen Dimensionen biblischer und außerbiblischer Texte aus ihren antiken Kontexten und Diskurskonstellationen heraus, um diese in ihnen angemessener Weise zur Sprache zu bringen.
Dieser Vielstimmigkeit der Zeiten und Disziplinen wird das „Journal of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity“ durch die Vielfalt der vertretenen Fachdisziplinen und Textformen gerecht: Jede Ausgabe stellt zu einer spezifischen ethischen Fragestellung Artikel aus verschiedenen theologischen und nicht-theologischen Disziplinen mit einem Dialog zweiter konträrer Positionen, Miszellen und Rezensionen zusammen. Um die Ergebnisse für den ethischen Diskurs der Gegenwart in breitem Rahmen verfügbar zu machen, erscheint das Journal als Open Access-Veröffentlichung. Die Artikel werden auf Anfrage durch das Herausgebergremium in deutscher oder englischer Sprache verfasst und durchlaufen ein doppeltes Peer Review, das die Qualität und interdisziplinäre Verständlichkeit der Beiträge fördert.
The Open Access Journal „Journal for Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity (JEAC)“ establishes a dialogue between exegetical, patristic, philosophical and systematic theological approaches to current ethical issues. In so doing, it seeks to introduce the ethical dimensions of ancient texts to the contemporary ethical discourse. Ethical issues are not only present in most modern sciences but were also discussed in numerous ancient contexts as well. The manner in which ethical topics are addressed in these texts not only helps us understand our own traditions but offers methodological and conceptual insights in our present contexts. At the same time, however, justice is done neither to the texts nor to the present discourses if only individual arguments or motifs are taken up and adopted from the past. A careful explanation and elaboration of the ethical dimensions of biblical and extrabiblical texts based on their ancient context and situation is needed in order to introduce them into contemporary discourse in an appropriate way.
The „Journal for Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity“ embraces the many voices heard across many eras and disciplines by embracing a diversity of academic disciplines and textual forms: Every volume will include articles devoted to a specific ethical question from different theological and non-theological disciplines and a dialogue between advocates of two contrary positions on the question, miscellanies, and reviews. In order to make the results broadly available for the ethical discourse the journal will be published open access. All contributions will be solicited by the editors and written in either German or English language. The contributions will also be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers, assuring both quality and interdisciplinary comprehensibility.

Digital Prosopography of the Roman Republic

Digital Prosopography of the Roman Republic
Detail from the Fasti Antiates, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Rome
The Digital Prosopography of the Roman Republic (DPRR) is the result of a three-year, AHRC-funded project based at the Department of Classics and the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London led by Professor Henrik Mouritsen and Dr Maggie Robb.
The primary objective of the project is to facilitate prosopographical research into the elite of the Roman Republic, its structure, scale and changes in composition over time. To that end a comprehensive, searchable database of all known members of the upper strata of Roman society has been established, which brings together information about individual careers, office holdings, personal status, life dates and family relationships.
The aim has not been to create an entire new prosopography of the Roman Republic from scratch but instead to build on the work of previous scholars and translate their achievements into a digital, online format that makes the extensive, and in many respects unwieldy, material more easily available to academics as well as to the general public. In doing so the hope is also to enable new types of prosopographical research to be conducted, using statistical and quantitative methods.
The project incorporates directly into its database the information on office holders presented in Broughton’s Magistrates of the Roman Republic, which forms the backbone of the database, Rüpke’s inventory of Roman priests in the Fasti Sacerdotum, the collection of information about family relations found in Zmeskal’s Adfinitas, and Pina Polo’s work on repulsae, defeated candidates. In addition, the team has drawn extensively on Brennan’s work on the praetorship,Nicolet’s on the equestrian order, Shackleton Bailey’s onomastica to the works of Cicero, Rich’s consolidated list of triumphs, and Hinard’s study of proscriptions. Further secondary sources are listed on our Bibliography page.
The DPRR team has sought to avoid imposing any particular models or interpretations on the material that might affect its usefulness. Therefore, in the case of contested issues such as the definition of nobilitas or novitas it was decided to apply a purely terminological approach and list only individuals described as such in primary sources. Similarly, only those whom Broughton and Rüpke designate as patricians based on office holding are listed as members of that group. With regard to the equites we have adopted the principles laid down in Nicolet’s standard work on the subject. The classification of offices follows that used by Broughton, e.g. legates (envoys) and legates (lieutenants). Geographical locations linked to individual posts or triumphs are also those suggested by Broughton and Brennan.
Inevitably, given the varied and uneven nature of the source material much of the information contains degrees of uncertainty, which is indicated by question marks and/or italics. Where possible we include references to primary sources as well as to our main secondary sources.

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  • Open Access Journal: Prometheus. Rivista di studi classici

     [First posted in AWOL 8 August 2013, updated 6 June 2018]

    Prometheus: Rivista di studi classici
    ISSN 0391-2698 (print)
    ISSN 2281-1044 (online)
    Fondata da Adelmo Barigazzi nel 1975, la rivista Prometheus si è dedicata programmaticamente alla ricerca scientifica sui testi letterari classici greci e latini, nella convinzione che uno studio analitico e filologicamente approfondito dei testi antichi possa giovare ancora fortemente alla formazione culturale dei giovani della nostra età.
    La rivista si richiama alla più genuina tradizione fiorentina degli studi classici, che ebbe in Giorgio Pasquali un grande interprete del mondo antico, maestro impareggiabile di ricerca e di metodo. Si occupa quindi di testi sia greci che latini, considerati espressione di un'unica letteratura in due lingue, e si caratterizza per una vocazione squisitamente critico-testuale ed esegetica.
    Ampio spazio viene dato da un lato agli studi sulla tradizione manoscritta, alla costituzione e alla critica del testo e, dall'altro, all'analisi filologica, all'interpretazione e al commento degli scritti, per una loro valorizzazione e comprensione letteraria storicamente inquadrata.
    [Three year moving wall for open access]


    XLI - 2015

    1 - 25 di 114 elementi     1 2 3 4 5 > >> 

    Archaeological Ethics Database

    Archaeological Ethics Database
    Welcome to the Archaeological Ethics Database. This database is an ongoing project by the Register of Professional Archaeologists (the Register) and the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA). The goal of the database is to bring together sources on archaeological ethics in a single place for the use of students, researchers, and professional archaeologists.
    The archaeological ethics database includes over five hundred sources relating to ethics in archaeology.

    Lace: Greek OCR: 1222 volumes: High-quality OCR of polytonic, or 'ancient', Greek

     [First posted in AWOL 13 December 2013, updated 7 June 2018]

    Lace: Greek OCR 


    This site catalogues the results of our on-going campaign to produce high-quality OCR of polytonic, or 'ancient', Greek texts in a HPC environment. It comprises over 1100 volumes, principally from archive.org, but also from original scans and other resources. There are over 12 million pages of OCR output in total, including experimental and rejected results.
    Results are presented in a hierarchical organization, beginning with the archive.org volume identifier. Each of these are associated with one or more 'runs', or attempts at OCRing this volume. A run has a date stamp and is associated with a classifier and an aggregate best b-score (roughly indicating quality of Greek output.) Each run produces various kinds of output. The most important of these are:
    1. raw hocr output: the data generated by our OCR process, usually with multiple copies for each page, rendered at a range of binarization thresholds
    2. selected hocr output: a filtered version of the data in (1), with each page image represented by a single, best, output page. Output based in an older process also provide the following steps:
    3. blended hocr output: the data in (2), but replaced with the corresponding words from the raw output in (1), should the selected page not comprise a dictionary word and one of the raw pages comprises one.
    4. selected hocr output spellchecked: the data in (3) processed through a weighted levenshtein distance spellchecking algorithm that is meant to correct simple OCR errors
    5. combined hocr output: where archive.org provides OCR output for Latin script (not Greek), this final step pieces together the data in (4) with archive's output, preferring archive's output where our output suggests that the data is Latin. If archive.org provides Greek output, this step is no different from (4)


    These data were generated with two different OCR processes. All results since 2014 employed the Ciaconna Greek OCR process. This is based on the Ocropus open source engine, with custom classifiers, image preprocessing and spell-check routines written in Python. Ciaconna's high-level scripts are integrated with Compute Canada's Sharcnet scheduling software, since that facilities' resources were used to generate these results.
    The earlier process, used from 2012 - 2014, is named 'Rigaudon' and is based on the Gamera image processing library. All code and classifiers for Rigaudon are posted in a github repository. This holds the modified Gamera source code, ancillary python scripts such as the spellcheck engine, and the bash scripts that coordinate the process in a HPC environment through Sun Grid Engine.
    Details of Rigaudon's operation are outlined in a white paper.
    Our July 2013 presentation at the London Digital Classicist seminar series is available online from the Institue of Classical Studies.


    This is a continuation of efforts begun through the Digging Into Data Round I project Toward Dynamic Variorum Editions, in which -- as the project white paper notes -- we discovered both the tantalizing potential of Greek OCR and the poor results that OCR engines at that time produced when operating at scale.
    In order to bootstrap that process, we adapted the most extensible and successful of the frameworks to that date, the Gamera Greek OCR engine by Dalitz and Brandt. Using the AceNET HPC environment we analyzed a sample of the Google Greek and Latin corpus with twenty classifiers composed by Canadian undergraduate students. From this, we produced a quantitative report on the efficacy of our modified OCR code.
    On the basis of this work, we received a 2012/2013 Humanities Computing Grant from Compute Canada, making this large-scale processing possible.


    This work has benefited from the support of:
    • NEH, JISC, SSHRC, though Digging into Data I
    • Compute Canada, which provided the use of a dedicated machine and continues to provide computing resources
    • The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (Canada)
    • ILC-CNR, Pisa, which facilitated meetings
    • Greg Crane, whose supportiveness is as unbounded as his enthusiasm
    About Us

    1222 Texts

    (1916-18). The Greek anthology 3

    (1916). The Greek anthology 4

    (1916-18). The Greek anthology 2

    (1882). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae .. 2, pt.1

    (1882). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae .. 2, pt.2

    (1916). The Greek anthology 1

    (1888). Corpusculum poesis epicae graecae ludibundae 1

    (1882). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae .. 1, pt.1

    (1916-18). The Greek anthology 5

    (1863). Patrum apostolicorum quae supersunt ... 1

    (1882). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae .. 3, pt.1

    (1882). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae .. 2, pt.3

    (1882). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae .. 20

    (1882). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae .. 1, pt.2

    (1882). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae .. 3, pt.2

    (1863). Patrum apostolicorum quae supersunt ... 2

    (). Genesis graece: E fide editionis sixtinae addita scripturae discrepantia e ...

    (). Scholia in Sophoclis tragoedias vetera

    (1867). Grammatici graeci recogniti et apparatv critico instrveti..

    (1867). Grammatici graeci recogniti et apparatv critico instrveti..

    Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 (1906). Johannine grammar

    Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, 1829-1913 (1909). A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians and to the Colossians

    Abbott-Smith, George (1922). A manual Greek lexicon of the New Testament

    Achilles Tatius et al. (1917). Achilles Tatius, with an English translation by S. Gaselee

    Adami, Fridericus (1900). De poetis scaenicis graecis hymnorum sacrorum imitatoribus

    Aelian, Demetrius Pepagomenus, Pisida Georgius, Rudolf Hercher (1864). Claudii Aeliani De natura animalium libri XVII: Varia historia, Epistolae ...

    Aelian, 3rd cent et al. (1864-66). De animalium antura libri 17, Varia historia, Epistolae fragmenta, ex recognitione Rudolphi Hercheri. Accedunt rei accip 2

    Aelius Herodianus (). Rhetores Graeci (Herodian) 3

    Aeschylus (1914). Aeschyli tragoediae edidit Udalricus de Wilamowitz-Moellenderff

    Aeschylus et al. (1930). Aeschylus, with an English translation by Herbert Weir Smyth 2

    Aeschylus et al. (1922). Septem ad Thebas. Edidit Henricus Weil

    Aeschylus et al. (1920). Eschyle, texte établi par Paul Mazon 1

    Aeschylus et al. (1908). Hepta epi Thebas. The seven against Thebes. With introd., critical notes, commentary, translation and a recension of the

    Aeschylus et al. (1852). Tragoediae. Recensuit Godofredus Hermannus 01

    Aeschylus et al. (1908). Eumenides. Eumenides, with an introd. commentary and translation

    Aeschylus et al. (1904). Agamemnon. The Agamemnon, with an introd., commentary and translation by A.W. Verrall

    Aeschylus et al. (1920). Eschyle, texte établi par Paul Mazon 2

    Aesop (1901). Fabulae aes?picae collectae

    Aesop (1952). Aesopica (part of)

    Aesop. Chambry, Émile, ed. (). Aesopi fabulae 1

    Aesop. Chambry, Émile, ed. (). Aesopi fabulae 2

    Ahrens, Heinrich Ludolf, 1809-1881 (1904). Bucolicorum Graecorum Theocriti Bionis Moschi, reliquiae

    Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin (1882-1909). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae 07

    Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin (1882-1909). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae 4 pt 2-6

    Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin (1882-1909). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae 12 pt 1-2

    Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin (1882-1909). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae 15

    Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin (1882-1909). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae 21 pt 1-2

    Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin (1882-1909). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae 14 pt 1-3

    Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin (1882-1909). Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae 16

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    Saalfeld, G. A. (Günther Alexander), 1852-1911 (1874). Index graecorvm vocabvlorvm in lingvam latinam translatorum qvaestivncvlis avctvs

    Sanday, W. (William), 1843-1920 et al. (1923). A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Romans

    Sauppe, Gustav Albert, 1802-1870. [from old catalog] (1869). Lexilogus Xenophonteus sive Index Xenophontis grammaticus;

    Schepers, M. A., ed (1905). Alciphronis rhetoris Epistularum libri IV; edidit M. A. Schepers

    Schermann, Theodor, 1878-1922 ed (1907). Prophetarum vitae fabulosae, Indices apostolorum discipulorumque Domini, Dorotheo, Epiphanio, Hippolyto aliisque vindica

    Schubart, Wilhelm, 1873-1960 et al. (1972). Papyri und Ostraka der Ptolemäerzeit

    Serenus, Antinoensis et al. (1896). Sereni Antinoensis Opuscula

    Serenus, Antinoensis et al. (1896). Sereni Antinoensis Opuscula

    Serenus, Antinoensis et al. (1896). Sereni Antinoensis Opuscula

    Severus Iatrosophista (). De Clysteribus Liber 1

    Sextus Empiricus (). Opera Omnia 3

    Sextus Empiricus (). Opera 3

    Sextus, Empiricus (1912-54). Opera. Recensuit Hermannus Mutschmann

    Sextus, Empiricus (1912-54). Opera. Recensuit Hermannus Mutschmann 1

    Sextus, Empiricus et al. (1912). Sexti Empirici Opera 1-2

    Simocatta, Theophylactus et al. (1887). Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae

    Simplicius, of Cilicia (1907). In Aristotelis Categorias commentarium ... 8

    Simplicius, of Cilicia (1895). In Aristoteles Physicorum libros quattuor posteriores commentaria ... 10

    Simplicius, of Cilicia (1894). In Aristotelis De caelo commentaria ... 7

    Simplicius, of Cilicia et al. (1882). Simplicii in Aristotelis Physicorum libros quattuor priores commentaria 9

    Simplicius, of Cilicia et al. (1882). Simplicii in libros Aristotelis De anima commentaria; 11

    Smets, A., Van Esbroeck, M. (). Sur l'origine de l'homme v.1

    Smyth, Herbert Weir, 1857-1937 (1900). Greek melic poets

    Solmsen, Felix, 1865- (1910). Inscriptiones Graecae ad illustrandas dialectos selectae. Scholarum in usum tertium edidit Felix Solmsen

    Sophocle et al. (1922). Sophole 2

    Sophocles (1924). Sophoclis Fabulae

    Sophocles et al. (1916). Sophocles; 2

    Sophocles et al. (1916). Sophocles; 1

    Sophocles et al. (1866). Ajax

    Sophocles et al. (1865). Sophokles 6

    Sophocles et al. (1911). Elektra

    Sophocles, Moritz Ludwig Seyffert (1865). Sophoclis Antigona

    Sophocles, E. A. (Evangelinus Apostolides), 1807-1883 et al. (1900). Greek lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine periods (from B.C. 146 to A.D. 1100)

    Sophocles; Lloyd-Jones (1994). Sophocles

    Sophonias et al. (1883). Sophoniae in libros Aristotelis De anima paraphrasis 23 Part. 1

    Soranus of Ephesus (1927). Sorani Gynaeciorum libri IV 1

    Soranus, of Ephesus et al. (1882). Gynaeciorum vetus translatio latina

    Spengel, L. (1856). Rhetores Graeci 3

    Spengel, L. (1856). Rhetores Graeci 2

    Spengel, L. (1856). Rhetores Graeci 1

    Spengel, Leonhard von, 1803-1880, ed (1853). Rhetores graeci 3

    Spengel, Leonhard, 1803-1880 (1853). Rhetores graeci

    Stahl, Johann Matthias, 1833-1916 (1886). Quaestiones grammaticae ad Thucydidem pertinentes

    Stephanus Byzantius (). Stephani Byzantii Ethnik?n quae supersunt

    Stephanus, of Byzantium et al. (1849). Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorvm quae svpersvnt

    Stobaeus et al. (1860-1864). Ioannis Stobaei Eclogarum physicarum et ethicarum libri duo. Recensuit Augustus Meineke

    Stovaios, Ianns et al. (1884). Joannis Stobaei Anthologivm recensvervnt Cvrtivs Wachsmvth et Otto Hense 1-2

    Strabo et al. (1917). The geography of Strabo. With an English translation by Horace Leonard Jones. Based in part upon the unfinished version 5

    Strabo et al. (1917). The geography of Strabo. With an English translation by Horace Leonard Jones. Based in part upon the unfinished version 6

    Strabo et al. (1917-33). The geography of Strabo. With an English translation by Horace Leonard Jones. Based in part upon the unfinished version 7

    Strabo et al. (1917-33). The geography of Strabo. With an English translation by Horace Leonard Jones. Based in part upon the unfinished version 1

    Strabo et al. (1917). The geography of Strabo. With an English translation by Horace Leonard Jones. Based in part upon the unfinished version 8

    Strabo et al. (1917-33). The geography of Strabo. With an English translation by Horace Leonard Jones. Based in part upon the unfinished version 6

    Suda (1928). Suidae Lexicon 1

    Suda (1928). Suidae Lexicon 2

    Suda (1935). Suidae Lexicon 4

    Suda (1935). Suidae Lexicon 3

    Suda (1935). Suidae Lexicon (cleaned) 4

    Suda (1935). Suidae Lexicon (version b) 3

    Suda (1935). Suidae Lexicon (version c) 3

    Suidas. [from old catalog] et al. (1854). Suidae Lexicon; ex recoginitione Immanuelis Bekkeri

    Swete, Henry Barclay, 1835-1917 (1917). The Apocalypse of St. John; the Greek text with introduction, notes and indices

    Swete, Henry Barclay, 1835-1917 (1896-1905). The Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint 1

    Swete, Henry Barclay, 1835-1917 (1907-1912 [v. 1, 1909). The Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint

    Swete, Henry Barclay, 1835-1917 (1896-1905). The Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint 2

    Swete, Henry Barclay, 1835-1917 (1896-1905). The Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint 3

    Swete, Henry Barclay, 1835-1917 et al. (1914). An introduction to the Old Testament in Greek. Rev. by Richard Rusden Ottley. With an appendix containing the letter of

    Swete, Henry Barclay, 1835-1917. ed (1893). The Akhmîm fragment of the Apocryphal Gospel of St. Peter

    Syme?n S?th, Simeon Sethus (1868). Simeonis Sethi Syntagma de alimentorum facultatibus

    Syme?n S?th, Simeon Sethus (1868). Simeonis Sethi Syntagma de alimentorum facultatibus

    Syrianus et al. (1892). Syriani in Hermogenem commentaria 1

    Syrianus et al. (1892). Syriani in Hermogenem commentaria 2

    T. Hopfner (1922). Fontes Historiae Religionis Aegyptiacae 1

    T. Hopfner (1923). Fontes Historiae Religionis Aegyptiacae 3

    T. Hopfner (1922). Fontes Historiae Religionis Aegyptiacae 2

    Thackeray, H. St. J. (Henry St. John), 1869?-1930 (1909-). A grammar of the Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint 1

    Theocritus et al. (1912). The Greek bucolic poets

    Theodor Bergk (1882). Poetae lyrici Graeci: Tertiis curis recensuit 2

    Theodor Hopfner (1925). Fontes historiae religionis Aegyptiacae Pars 1 1

    Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus et al. (1911). Theodoret, Kirchengeschichte

    Theodorus Kock (1880). Comicorum atticorum fragmenta

    Theodosius Grammaticus (1822). Theodosii Alexandrini Grammatica

    Theon, of Smyrna et al. (1878). Theonis Smyrnaei, philosophi platonici, Expositio rerum mathematicarum ad legendum Platonem utilium 187

    Theophrastus (). Opera quae supersunt omnia / ex recognitione Friderici Wimmer 3

    Theophrastus (1866). Theophrasti Eresii opera

    Theophrastus , Friedrich Wimmer (1862). Theophrasti Eresii Opera quae supersunt omnia 3

    Theophrastus , Friedrich Wimmer (1854). Theophrasti Eresii Opera quae supersunt omnia: Ex recognitione Friderici ... 1

    Theophrastus , Friedrich Wimmer (1854). Theophrasti Eresii Opera quae supersunt omnia

    Theophrastus et al. (1916). Enquiry into plants and minor works on odours and weather signs, with an English translation by Sir Arthur Hort, bart 2

    Theophrastus et al. (1854-1862). Theophrasti Eresii Opera quae supersunt omnia 3

    Theophrastus et al. (1929). The Characters of Theophrastus, newly edited and translated by J.M. Edmonds

    Theophrastus et al. (1854-1862). Theophrasti Eresii Opera quae supersunt omnia 2

    Theophrastus et al. (1854-1862). Theophrasti Eresii Opera quae supersunt omnia 1

    Theophrastus et al. (1916). Enquiry into plants and minor works on odours and weather signs, with an English translation by Sir Arthur Hort, bart 1

    Theophrastus et al. (1909). Theophrasti Characteres

    Theophrastus et al. (1916). Enquiry into plants and minor works on odoùrs and weather signs 2

    Theophrastus et al. (1916). Enquiry into plants and minor works on odours and weather signs 1

    Theophrastus et al. (1916-1926). Enquiry into plants, and minor works on odours and weather signs

    Theophrastus; Augustus Mayer (). Theophrasti Peri Lexeos libri fragmenta 1

    Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth, 1860-1948 Sir (1895). A glossary of Greek birds

    Thucydides (1919-23). Thucydides. With an English translation by Charles Forster Smith 1

    Thucydides et al. (1891-1897). [Histories] 1

    Thucydides et al. (1894). Die Geschichte des Peloponnesischen Kriefes zum Gebrauch für Schüler; 1

    Thucydides et al. (1821-51). De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo; 1, pt.3

    Thucydides et al. (1891-1897). [Histories] 6

    Thucydides et al. (1821). De Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo 4

    Thucydides et al. (1821-51). De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo; 2, pt.3

    Thucydides et al. (1891-1897). [Histories] 3

    Thucydides et al. (1879). De bello Peloponnesiaco, libri octo; 3, pt.1

    Thucydides et al. (1878). Thukydides 2

    Thucydides et al. (1894). Die Geschichte des Peloponnesischen Kriefes zum Gebrauch für Schüler; 2

    Thucydides et al. (1847-66). De bello Peloponnesiaco, libri octo 1-2

    Thucydides et al. (1901). The Sicilian expedition : being books VI and VII of Thucydides

    Thucydides et al. (1821-51). De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo; 4, pt.2

    Thucydides et al. (1821-51). De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo; 2, pt.2

    Thucydides et al. (1821-51). De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo; 4, pt.3

    Thucydides et al. (1878). Thukydides 1

    Thucydides et al. (1891-1897). [Histories] 5

    Thucydides et al. (1920). History of the Peloponnesian war 2

    Thucydides et al. (1886). Thoukydídou Xyngraphe. Thucydide, Histoire de la guerre du Péloponnèse. Texte grec, publié d'après les travaux les plus

    Thucydides et al. (1788-89). De bello peloponnesiaco libri octo. Graece et latine ad editionem Ios. Wasse et Car. Andr. Dukeri accurate expressi, cum 1

    Thucydides et al. (1821-51). De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo; 3, pt.2

    Thucydides et al. (1891-1897). [Histories] 4

    Thucydides et al. (1888). Thoukydidou Xyngraphes D. The fourth book of Thucydides. Edited with notes by C.E. Graves

    Thucydides et al. (1882-90). The history of the Peloponnesian War, illustrated by maps, taken entirely from actual surveys 1

    Thucydides et al. ([1910?-11?]). Historiae; recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Henricus Stuart Jones 2

    Thucydides et al. (1820). De bello peloponnesiaco, libri octo. Ad optimorvm codicvm fidem, adhibitis doctorvm virorvm observationibvs, recensvit, 1

    Thucydides et al. (1891-1897). [Histories] 2

    Thucydides et al. (1821-51). De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo; 1, pt.2

    Thucydides et al. (1882-5). [Geschichte] 1

    Thucydides et al. (1821-51). De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo; 3, pt.3

    Thucydides et al. (1879). Thukydides; erklärt von J. Classen 1

    Thucydides et al. ([1910?-11?]). Historiae; recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Henricus Stuart Jones 1

    Tischendorf, Constantin von, 1815-1874 ([19--?]). Apocalypses apocryphae Mosis, Esdrae, Pauli, Iohannis : item Mariae dormitio, additis Evangeliorum et actuum Apocryphoru 01

    Trench, Richard Chenevix, 1807-1886 (1894). Synonyms of the New Testament

    University of Oxford (1903). Gaisford Greek prose

    Vincent, Marvin Richardson, 1834-1922 ([1902]). A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistles to the Philippians and to Philemon

    Wagner, Wilhelm, 1843-1880 (1874). Carmina graeca medii aevi

    Walter Camphausen (1761). Romani Sophistae Peri aneimenou libellus

    Walz, Christian, 1802-1857 (1832). Rhetores graeci ... Emendatiores et auctiores edidit, suis aliorumque annotationibus instruxit indices locupletissimos 2

    Westphal, Rudolf Georg Hermann, 1826-1892, ed et al. (1866). Scriptores metrici graeci 1

    Westphal, Rudolf, 1826-1892 et al. (1866). Scriptores metrici graeci. Edidit R. Westphal. Vol. 1: Hephaestionis De metris enchiridion et De poemate libellus, cum s

    White, John Williams, 1849-1917 (1889). A series of first lessons in Greek; adapted to the 2d ed. of Goodwin's Greek grammar, and designed as an introduction ei

    Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von, 1848-1931 (1905). Bucolici graeca

    Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von, 1848-1931 (1905). Bvcolici graeci; recensvit et emendavit Vdalricvs de Wilamowitz-Moellendorff

    Wilcken, Ulrich, 1862-1944 et al. (1963). Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde 2 pt. 2

    Wilhelm Kroll (1908). Vettii Valentis Anthologiarum libri 1

    Wilhelm Wägner (1874). Carmina graeca Medii Aevi

    Witkowski, Stanisaw, 1866- (1906). Epistvlae privatae graecae qvae in papyris aetatis Lagidarvm servantvr; edidit Stanislavs Witkowski. Adiecta est tabvla

    Witkowski, Stanislaus (1911). Epistvlae privatae graecae qvae in papyris aetatis Lagidarvm servantvr;

    Wordsworth, Christopher, 1807-1885 (1872). The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in the original Greek 2

    Wordsworth, Christopher, 1807-1885 (1872). The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in the original Greek 1

    Wright, Joseph, 1855-1930 (1912). Comparative grammar of the Greek language

    Wright, L. (1868). Hellenica; or, A history of Greece in Greek 1

    Xenophon (1905). Xenophontis Respublica Lacedaemoniorum

    Xenophon (1862). Apomnemoneumata

    Xenophon et al. ([1918-). Xenophon; 4

    Xenophon et al. (1925). Scripta minora, with an English translation by E.C. Marchant

    Xenophon et al. (1900). Opera omnia; recognovit breviqve adnotatione critica instrvxit E.C. Marchant 03

    Xenophon et al. (1900). Opera omnia; recognovit breviqve adnotatione critica instrvxit E.C. Marchant 02

    Xenophon et al. (1900). Opera omnia; recognovit breviqve adnotatione critica instrvxit E.C. Marchant 04

    Xenophon et al. (1900). Opera omnia; recognovit breviqve adnotatione critica instrvxit E.C. Marchant 05

    Xenophon et al. (1918). Xenophon, with an English translation by Carleton L. Brownson 1

    Xenophon et al. (1918-). Xenophon, with an English translation by Carleton L. Brownson 3, bk. 4-7

    Xenophon et al. (1900). Opera omnia; recognovit breviqve adnotatione critica instrvxit E.C. Marchant 01

    Xenophon et al. (1888). The first four books of Xenophon's Anabasis, with notes adapted to the revised and enlarged edition of Goodwin's Greek g

    Xenophon et al. ([c1893]). Xenophon's Anabasis, seven books ..

    Xenophon et al. (1780). Memorabilium Socratis dictorum libri IV

    Xenophon, Ludwig August Dindorf, Ludwig Dindorf (1859). Xenophontis Expeditio Cyri

    Zahn, Theodor, 1838-1933 et al. (1909). Introduction to the New Testament 1

    Zahn, Theodor, 1838-1933 et al. (1909). Introduction to the New Testament 2

    Zahn, Theodor, 1838-1933 et al. (1909). Introduction to the New Testament 3

    Zonaras, Joannes, 12. cent et al. (1868-75). Ioannou tou Zonara Epitome historion. Ioannis Zonarae Epitome historiarum. Cum Caroli Ducangii suisque annotationibus ed 4

    Zonaras, Joannes, 12. cent et al. (1868-75). Ioannou tou Zonara Epitome historion. Ioannis Zonarae Epitome historiarum. Cum Caroli Ducangii suisque annotationibus ed 3

    Zonaras, Joannes, 12th cent et al. (1868). Epitome? historio?n

    Zonaras, Joannes,12th cent et al. (1868). Io?annoy toy zo?napa Epitome istopio?n = Ioannis Zonarae Epitome historiarum, volume 1

    Zonaras, Joannes,12th cent et al. (1868). Io?annoy toy zo?napa Epitome istopio?n = Ioannis Zonarae Epitome historiarum, volume 5

    Zonaras, Joannes,12th cent et al. (1868). Io?annoy toy zo?napa Epitome istopio?n = Ioannis Zonarae Epitome historiarum, volume 2

    Zosimus et al. (1887). Historia nova; edidit Ludovicus Mendelssohn

    [Abraham] (1892). Testament of Abraham

    Open Access Journal: BAF-Online: Proceedings of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum

    BAF-Online: Proceedings of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum
    ISSN: 2504-2076
    BAF Online
    BAF-Online is the publication platform of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF). It makes available to the public within the shortest possible delays vidcasts of the talks that have been held at the BAF. The vidcasts published at BAF Online have been peer-reviewed by members of the BAF scientific committee and are quotable. The aim of BAF-Online is to facilitate the dissemination and publication of ideas prior to final results.

    The Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF) is an annual international meeting designed to bring together researchers of the Ancient Near East specialising in different areas and disciplines. There is no theme. Participants are encouraged to communicate their ideas as concisely as possible. Talks last no more than 10 minutes and are vidcasted.

    The idea of setting up a forum designed to bring together specialists from all disciplines active in all areas of the Ancient Near East broadly defined was put forward by Johanna Tudeau in January 2015. The BAF project followed, developed in the course of a conversation between Johanna and Mirko Novák. The first BAF took place in Bern on 24-25 June 2016, organised by Johanna and Hannah Mönninghoff with the support of the BAF Committee


    Vol 2 (2017)

    Table of Contents

    Programme of the 2nd BAF, 28-29 June 2017
    Guiding Questions for Panels

    Panel 1: Defining spheres of influence

    Jeannette Boertien
    Nurcan Küçükarslan

    Panel 2: Recovering function, purpose and meaning

    Anna Glenn
    Nicole Herzog

    Panel 3: Describing language and symbolism

    Nelson Henrique da Silva Ferreira
    Sara Manasterska

    Panel 5: Managing and using data across different fields of study and research

    Sebastian Borkowski
    Michael Mäder
    Eva Schmalenberger


    [First posted in AWOL 6 June 2014, updated 5 June 2018 (relaunced on a new platform)]

    CLASSICSINDEX: Links to Online Books (Google Books, Archive.org, etc.) FOR THE STUDY OF GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS, EARLY JUDAISM, AND CHRISTIANITY [Formerly hosted at Wikispaces]

    General Classics Resources
    Palaeography and Manuscripts

    Ancient Greece: Language and Literature

    Ancient Rome: Latin Language and Literature



    Bible [Hebrew : LXX : NT : Latin]

    Judaism [2nd Temple : Rabbinic]

    Early Christianity

    Medieval and Byzantine



    Classics of Scholarship

    Parallel Resources and Abbreviations


    Facsimiles of Editions and Manuscripts [See also Palaeography and Manuscripts ]

    Texts (html or other formats) - Non-Facsimiles


    • Boldface in a list of authors = large number of books found or at least a fairly exhaustive search for them, boldface in a list of sources = most significant ones in the list; ALL CAPS = most important authors.
    • Within each author's page, first come "Editions" (original language texts), then "Translations," with complete editions or translations coming first in each instance, then editions or translations of individual works, grouped or ordered in a way that makes sense for the author. Lastly, "Studies" (books about the author) or "Tools" (e.g. concordances, lexica). Within a single category (e.g., complete works of X), reverse (descending) chronological order. The exception: for "Classics of Scholarship," larger categories are "Works" (in ascending chronological order), "Editions" (ancient texts edited by the scholar), and "Studies" (books about the scholar).
    • Editions and translations should include the title of the work (either as generally known or specifically from the title page of the edition) and the name of the editor
    • Links to Google Books are (becoming) keyed to the book id number.



    Edition Topoi Collections: Ancient Steelyards

    Ancient Steelyards


    The Topoi research project (D-5-5) "Between knowledge and innovation: the unequal armed balance" studies the long-term development of weighing from its earliest beginnings in the late fourth to the early third millennium until the early Middle Ages and the middle Byzantine Period respectively. A particular focus lies on balances with arms of variable length, the most familiar of which is the Roman balance, also commonly referred to as the steelyard.
    More than 1000 ancient and early medieval steelyards have been identified and provide the material evidence based on which we strive to model the innovation process of this particular weighing technology. The catalogue of steelyards thus produced is here published for the first time as a collection in Edition Topoi.


    This collection presents ancient and early medieval steelyards. Publication is cumalative, new objects will be added from time to time. For each object find spot and current location of the object are specified, bibliographic references are given, and essential attributes such as material are listed, to the extent that the information is available. When a datable context is known the context together with a dating is provided. Else a group dating is given which rests on the classification of the object according to a typology that has been developed as a result of our research. Whenever available images of the objects are provided. Many of the steelyards have been taken in autopsy. In these cases the objects have usually been 3d scanned. Fully dimensioned 3d model are provided here, as well as renderings of these models as PDF files, including measurement data.
    Due to copyright reasons, some images cannot yet be displayed online. For restricted access to the database for soley scientific and research purposes, please contact topoi_d_5_5(at)topoi.org


    Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Excellence Cluster 264 Topoi


    knowledge transfer, balances, innovation




    Ancient Steelyards, 2016, Jochen Büttner, Ilyas Özşen, Jenny Schlehofer, Anette Schomberg, Edition Topoi, DOI: 10.17171/1-6

    Edition Topoi Collections: Ancient Columns

    Ancient Columns


    This collection assembles 3D models of ancient columns for the purpose of reconstructing their underlying building principles.


    Vitruv provided design principles for ancient columns in his 'De Architectura'. Incomplete or lost is the part of description characterizing the slight embellishment of the form of columns called "entasis". Introduced to address optical refinements of columns, various geometric techniques had been developed to construe the forms of columns. The form varies largely depending on the size of the column and its purpose.


    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Excellence Cluster 264 Topoi


    ancient architecture, columns, architectural geometry, spolia, entasis




    Ancient Columns, 2018, Gerd Grasshoff, Bernhard Fritsch, Edition Topoi, DOI: 10.17171/2-2

    Edition Topoi Collections: Roman Villa of Capo di Sorrento

    Roman Villa of Capo di Sorrento


    Since 2014 the Winckelmann-Institut, Department of Classical Archaeology of the Humboldt-University of Berlin, is conducting studies on the Roman Maritime Villa of Capo di Sorrento. New measurements have shown that the well known building has hitherto not been judged appropriately. The aims of the current studies are the development of a complete plan of the architectural remains, the study of the otherwise unknown pars rustica of the Villa and the reconstruction of the Villa using 3D-modelling.


    In Roman times, the Gulf of Naples was brimming with luxurious houses along the bay. The Roman Villa of Capo di Sorrento is an example par excellence for the maritime Villae. Located on a protruding rock, surrounded almost completely by the sea, it forms the prominent landmark of the southern end of gulf of Sorrento. The well preserved state of the monument and the results of the research campaigns of 2014 and 2015 allow new assumptions of the original layout of the structure, the design of the decorative program as well as the appearance of the yet lesser known pars rustica. Enormous cisterns on the terraces overlooking the Cape speak for an intensive use of water in both the agricultural and the luxurious part of the Villa. The aforementioned terraces which until today dominate the appearance of the Cape are a key to the understanding of the manner in which the owner and his architect changed and (re-)designed the natural outline of this very special place - a central topic in Roman villegiatura and the respective literary sources.


    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Excellence Cluster Topoi EXC 264


    knowledge transfer, technology, architecture, construction




    Roman Villa of Capo di Sorrento, 2016, Stephan G. Schmid, Wolfgang Filser, Christoph Klose, Rosaria Perrella, Bernhard Fritsch, Will Kennedy, Angelika Walther, Edition Topoi, DOI: 10.17171/2-4

    Edition Topoi Collections: Digital Pantheon

    Digital Pantheon


    The Pantheon in Rome is a hallmark in ancient architecture. A comprehensive architectural survey has been undertaken by the Bern Digital Pantheon project under the direction of Gerd Graßhoff, Michael Heinzelmann and Markus Wäfler of Bern University from 2005-2008.
    With support of the Excellence Cluster Topoi, Gerd Graßhoff has recomputed the digital model and prepared its data for long-time preservation and publication in this collection.


    The collection 'Digital Pantheon' is based on research data of the Bern Digital Pantheon project. This project - directed by Gerd Graßhoff, Michael Heinzelmann and Markus Wäfler of the University of Bern - created a digital 3d scan of the Pantheon in Rome using a laser scanner in several scanning campaigns in the years 2005 to 2008. On the basis of these data, the registered papers were published and the website www.digitalpantheon.ch established. Since 2010, this website is no longer being maintained.
    The collection 'Digital Pantheon' is further processing the research data. It provides long-term archiving of the data, which has been further analysed within the framework of the Excellence Cluster TOPOI, and makes it available to interested researchers and the public.

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