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Paratext: Scripture Translation Software

Paratext: Scripture Translation Software
Image result for paratext bible logo
Paratext is the world’s leading software application for the development and checking of new Bible translation texts, or revisions to existing texts. Developed jointly by UBS and SIL International, it enables consistent and accurate translation, based on original texts, and modelled on versions in major languages. Due in part to its cutting edge collaboration features, Paratext greatly assists in producing higher quality translations in much less time than previous tools and methods have allowed.

W.A.D.I: Wadi Abu Dom Itinerary

W.A.D.I: Wadi Abu Dom Itinerary
Bayuda is the name of the region defined by the large bend in the Nile’s course between the cities of Omdurman and Korti. The desert-like landscape is characterized by stretches of gravel and boulders as well as by extensive expanses of sand. In the middle of Bayuda there is an impressive volcanic region – wadis that transport the annual rainfall to the Nile originate here and from a few other mountain ranges. The most important of these channel-like valleys are the Wadi Muqqadam and the Wadi Abu Dom. The focus of our project is the latter wadi of dendritic origin which is located somewhat south of the volcanic region and runs then in an approximately southeasterly to northwesterly course to the Nile.
Until the initiation of our project, the large region of Bayuda had been scarcely explored archaeologically; a survey conducted in 1952 approximately from Damer and Abu Hamed by O. G. S. Crawford produced the first indications of sites with antiquities. At the conclusion of that expedition, four days were devoted to a detour from Damer into the interior of Bayuda. Then in 1942, H. N. Chittick and P. L. Shinnie travelled through Bayuda from Meroe in the direction of Shendi. In their report they included sketch-like plans of the structures at Umm Ruweim, Umm Quweib, and Umm Khafur in Wadi Abu Dom. Thereafter P. L. Shinnie excavated and published the monastery at Ghazali which is located in the lower part of Wadi Abu Dom.
Following on Shinnie’s excavations, Bayuda was for all intents and purposes forgotten, archaeologically speaking, until the later 1990s. The Sudanese Antiquities Service (NCAM) carried out a test clearance of a tomb (empty of finds) at Umm Ruweim in 1989, but it would be 1997 before T. Kendall undertook a survey of Wadi Muqqadam in the southern part of Bayuda.
Beginning in 2009 H. Paner of the Archaeological Museum, Danzig, has conducted a survey by automobile of the entire area of Bayuda with the goal of mapping the larger sites. In the same year Paner initiated his survey, the project “Wadi Abu Dom Itinerary” began exploring and documenting in detail the evidence for human activity there.

Open Access Journal: Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Philologica: Graecolatina Pragensia

Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Philologica: Graecolatina Pragensia
ISSN: 0567-8269
E-ISSN: 2464-6830
Tematicky pestrá čísla této podřady, vycházející od roku 1960, připravují editoři z Ústavu řeckých a latinských studií FF UK. Studie pracovníků ústavu a jejich hostů jsou psány německy, latinsky, italsky či anglicky a zabývají se jak problematikou kulturněhistorickou či jazykovědnou, ale najdeme zde i příspěvky věnované numismatice. Jsou vždy doplněny krátkými resumé.
Issues of this sub-series, varied in topics, have been published since 1960. They are edited by experts from the Institute for Greek and Latin Studies, CU Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. Contributions by the Institute's teachers and their guests are published in German, Latin, Italian and English and cover both the cultural history and linguistic topics, although we can also find works on numismatics. All texts are supplemented with brief summaries.

Abydos Temple Paper Archive Project

  [First posted in AWOL 16 May 2017, updated 25 May 2018]

Abydos Temple Paper Archive Project
The Abydos Temple Paper Archive Project (ATPA) is an international mission under the auspices of University of California Berkeley and in collaboration with the Ministry of Antiquities, Egypt, with members from several countries, including many Egyptian team members. Thanks to a generous grant from the Antiquities Endowment Fund administered through the American Research Center in Egypt, we are currently working on a recently discovered historical archive containing documents from the Egyptian Antiquities’ Service related to the heritage management of the site of Abydos and surrounding areas, from the second half of the 19th century until the 1950’s. Our focus is to preserve and categorize this historical archive detailing the modern history of the area and its archaeological sites from the Egyptian point of view. Considering the many recent projects that have investigated foreign involvement in early Egyptian archaeology, we believe that the Abydos Temple Paper Archive serves as an important counterpoint that can elucidate the contributions of the many Egyptian archaeologists that took part in early explorations.
We just started our field season, and will be working on the archive until the end of June here in Abydos. In this blog, you will find posts from different team members every week, giving you updates on our ongoing findings. We hope you will take this journey with us, and that you will find the archive as exciting as we do!
The Abydos Team
مشروع الارشيف الورقي لمعبد سيتي الاول بابيدوس (ATPA) بعثة مصرية امريكية مشتركة من وزارة الاثار المصرية وجامعة كاليفورنيا بيريكلي مموله من The Antiquities Endowment Fund وتحت اشراف مركز البحوث الامريكي (ARCE). حاليا نعمل علي أرشفة الوثائق التاريخية من هيئة الاثار المصريه التي تخبرنا عن كيفية ادارة موقع ابيدوس والمواقع الاثريه ذات الصله من منتصف القرن التاسع عشر وحتى نهاية القرن العشرين. يهدف المشروع الى حفظ وتصنيف هذه الوثائق التاريخيه والتي تمثل تاريخ العمل الاثري والمواقع الاثريه من وجهة نظر الاثريين المصريين وهو مايختلف تماما عن المشاريع الاخرى السابقه التي تناولت هذه الموضوعات بوجهة نظرالاثريين الاروبيين.
بدأ الموسم الأول للعمل بابيدوس وستنهي البعثه أعمالها نهاية شهر يونيه القادم. في هذه المدونه سيقوم أعضاء البعثه بكتابة موضوعات مختلفه عن أعمالهم أسبوعيا لمشاركتكم بكل ماهو جديد.
فاستمتعوا معنا.
اعضاء فريق العمل

Open Access Journal: Archeologia e Calcolatori

[First posted in AWOL 8 June 2009. Updated 25 May 2018]

Archeologia e Calcolatori
Istituto per l'archeologia etrusco-italica.; Università di Siena. Dipartimento di archeologia e storia delle arti.
ISSN 1120-6861
Archeologia e Calcolatori
Home Page

Archeologia e Calcolatori is a peer reviewed open access journal

Since 1990 Archeologia e Calcolatori (ISSN 1120-6861, e-ISSN 2385-1953) has been an international observatory of theoretical and methodological aspects of computing and information technology applied to archaeology.

Some specific aspects characterise the journal in the international panorama: the multilingualism, the dialectical relationship between theory and experimentation, the continuous bibliographical updating, and the evaluation of techniques and methods through tangible archaeological results. Periodical publication of special thematic issues and conference proceedings allows readers to appreciate the ongoing evolution of the archaeologist’s approach to generate and spread digital information as applied when reconstructing the past. Since 2007 a new series of Supplements to the journal (ISSN 2385-202X, e-ISSN 2385-2038) has also been published.

Since 2005 Archeologia e Calcolatori has joined the Open Archives Initiative, adopting the OAI-PMH protocol. It is registered in the list of OAI Data Providers and OAIster contributors and in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Archeologia e Calcolatori is indexed in Scopus as well as in the Clarivate Analytics’ Emerging Sources Citation Index and is included in ERIH PLUS. Articles are also stored in the CNR SOLAR (Scientific Open-access Literature Archive and Repository) database of scientific publications. The metadata of each contribution published in Archeologia e Calcolatori – ca 900 resources – are available in CulturaItalia.

Archeologia e Calcolatori is an ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the Universities and Research Institutes) A-rated Journal in the scientific Areas 8 and 10.
Index by Year

Special Issues

Open Access Monograph Series: Archeologia e Calcolatori Supplemento

Archeologia e Calcolatori Supplemento
ISSN: 1120-6861

Atti del IV Convegno di Studi SITAR (Roma, 14 ottobre 2015) M. Serlorenzi, I. Jovine (eds.), Pensare in rete, pensare la rete per la ricerca, la tutela e la valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico. Atti del IV Convegno di Studi SITAR (Roma, 14 ottobre 2015).
("Archeologia e Calcolatori", Supplemento 9, 2017).

ARCHEOFOSS 2016 P. Basso, A. Caravale, P. Grossi (eds.), ARCHEOFOSS. Free, Libre and Open Source Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IX Workshop (Verona, 19-20 giugno 2014).
("Archeologia e Calcolatori", Supplemento 8, 2016).
The Proceedings of the 9th Workshop "ARCHEOFOSS Free, Libre and Open Source Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica" are published in the 8th Supplement to «Archeologia e Calcolatori». The Workshop was held at the Polo Universitario Zanotto of the University of Verona in June 2014. The Department of Cultures and Civilizations and the Department of Computer Science, in cooperation with the ArcheoFOSS Scientific Committee, promoted the organisation of the Workshop. More than thirty selected articles, subdivided in three sections (Standards and cataloguing rules, GIS applications and case-studies, Data sharing and dissemination) reflect the various issues that have characterised this edition.

In the course of two intense days of presentations and tutorials, special emphasis was laid on the use free and open source software in archaeology and on issues related to open data, data sharing, accessibility and preservation strategies, which are currently at the centre of national and international debates. The Workshop ended with a moment of reflection, resulting in the general opinion that times are rapidly changing and archaeologists are witnessing a revolution that will certainly have a profound and significant long-term impact in the years to come.

Il SITAR 2015 M. Serlorenzi, G. Leoni (eds.), Il SITAR nella Rete della ricerca italiana. Verso la conoscenza archeologica condivisa. Atti del III Convegno (Roma, 23-24 maggio 2013).
("Archeologia e Calcolatori", Supplemento 7, 2015).
The Proceedings of the 3rd SITAR Symposium ("Il SITAR nella Rete della ricerca italiana. Verso la conoscenza archeologica condivisa") are published in the 7th Supplement to the journal "Archeologia e Calcolatori". The Symposium was held at the Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo alle Terme in Rome in May 2013. Two years after the previous edition, the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologica di Roma (SSBAR) was able to show the progress of the SITAR Project (Archaeological Information System of Rome) and the information services developed as part of its architecture.

More than 30 papers, subdivided in seven main sections (1. Digital Cultural Heritage; 2. Dissemination of the SITAR model; 3. ICT and the GARR-X Network; 4. Open Data; 5. Research and smart innovation; 6. SBARR databases and SITAR; 7. SITAR in detail: case studies) indicate that the way forward for the development of new approaches in Cultural Heritage protection, management and promotion consists precisely in sharing archaeological knowledge and encouraging international relationships with various stakeholders: public bodies, researchers and professionals. Particular emphasis is also placed on the need to put full accessibility of public information at the service of protection, promotion and enjoyment of cultural heritage, in close cooperation with academic and research institutions.

Archeosema 2014 M. Ramazzotti (ed.), ARCHEOSEMA. Artificial Adaptive Systems for the Analysis of Complex Phenomena. Collected Papers in Honour of David Leonard Clarke.
("Archeologia e Calcolatori", Supplemento 6, 2014).
ARCHEOSEMA is a meta-disciplinary project of theoretical, analytical and experimental archaeology. The project title sums up its two main theoretical foundations: the openness of modern archaeology (ARCHEO) to the analysis of physical, historical, linguistic signs (SEMA) underlying natural and cultural systems reconstructed and simulated through Artificial Sciences. The project is connected to the construction of models conceived as both epistemological and methodological tools and founded on the dialogue between theoretical and experimental Archaeology with Physics, Geography, Linguistics and Statistics. A computer-programmed architecture integrates relational capabilities of Database Management Systems, Geographic Information Systems and Artificial Adaptive Systems. Analysis, applications and experiments are currently being conducted by a team of young archaeologists, geographers and linguists at the LAA < AAS: Laboratory of Analytical Archaeology and Artificial Adaptive Systems (La Sapienza University of Rome).

This Supplement to "Archeologia e Calcolatori" is a special issue dedicated to the memory of the English archaeologist David Leonard Clarke (1937-1976), and is a further attempt to collect some applicative studies of complex natural and cultural phenomena following the Artificial Intelligence computational models, through the lens of Analytical Archaeology and on the basis of the progress made by Cognitive Science, Neuroscience and Cybernetics.

JIAP 2012 L. Costa, F. Djindjian, F. Giligny (eds.), Actes des 3èmes Journées d'Informatique et Archéologie de Paris - JIAP 2012 (Paris, 1-2 juin 2012)
("Archeologia e Calcolatori", Supplemento 5, 2014).
The 3èmes Journées d'Informatique et Archéologie de Paris (JIAP 2012) were held on 1-2 June 2012 at the Institut d'Art et d'Archéologie (Centre Michelet) in Paris, in the Grand Amphithéâtre. As in previous editions, many papers were presented on the most current research projects and the shortlisted special theme was the use of 3D models for the acquisition, processing and dissemination of archaeological data. With over 100 participants, the JIAP emerge as a highly anticipated event, appreciated by the French and the international community, among both archaeologists and computer scientists.

21 selected articles reflect the various debates that have animated this edition. Some meaningful keywords can be extracted: cultural itineraries, socio-cultural processes, 3D modelling, GIS, geo-collaborative platforms, ontologies, etc. All these features and the underlying technology today characterise the daily activities of most archaeologists.

Archeofoss 2013 M. Serlorenzi (ed.), ARCHEOFOSS Free, Libre and Open Source Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del VII Workshop (Roma, 11-13 giugno 2012)
("Archeologia e Calcolatori", Supplemento 4, 2013).
The Proceedings of the 7th Workshop ARCHEOFOSS Free, Libre and Open Source Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica are hosted in the 4th Supplement to Archeologia e Calcolatori. The Workshop was held at the Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo alle Terme in Rome in June 2012. A prestigious venue, chosen by the Special Superintendency for Archaeology in Rome and by ArcheoFOSS Scientific and Promoting Committees, to mark the renewed attention paid by the territorial Institutes of the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage to the current theme of Free and Open Source Software and its technological implementation.

The primary outcome of the 7th Workshop was to facilitate a multi-faceted approach and a more advanced sharing of FOSS-based applications, and to promote new collaborative action plans for the development of knowledge management and representation systems in public archaeology. The key subjects under investigation were: Open Source, Open Data, Open Archaeology, Open Science, knowledge sharing, Archaeological Heritage legislation, standards and rules, training and education, GIS and RDBMS, and Virtual Reality. Representatives from many Institutes of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, government agencies, the National Research Council, Universities, Foundations, together with scholars, experts and professionals presented their projects, experiences and reflections, with a special focus on the relationships between archaeology, knowledge society, ICT and computer science.

JIAP 2010 F. Giligny, L. Costa, F. Djindjian, P. Ciezar, B. Desachy (eds.), Actes des 2èmes Journées d’Informatique et Archéologie de Paris - JIAP 2010 (Paris, 11-12 juin 2010),
("Archeologia e Calcolatori", Supplemento 3, 2012).
The Proceedings of the 2nd issue of the JIAP (Journées Informatique et Archéologie de Paris) are published in the third Supplement of «Archeologia e Calcolatori». The Conference was held in June 2010 at the Institut d’Art et d’Archéologie (Centre Michelet) in Paris, and more than one hundred people attended the meeting, which was planned to promote the research works of French archaeologists in the field of archaeological computing.

Three main subjects were dealt with: Standards and rules in archaeology, GIS, and Virtual Reality. French researchers from Inrap, Ministry of Culture, CNRS and several Universities, together with foreign scholars, presented their archaeological projects, where computer science has played a central role.

Archeofoss P. Cignoni, A. Palombini, S. Pescarin (eds.), ARCHEOFOSS Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IV Workshop (Roma, 27-28 aprile 2009),
("Archeologia e Calcolatori", Supplemento 2, 2009).
The second Supplement to Archeologia e Calcolatori is dedicated to the publication of the Proceedings of the 4th Workshop ARCHEOFOSS Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica, which was organised in April 2009 in Rome, at the Italian National Research Council, under the auspices of the Cultural Heritage Department.

This is an annual meeting, unique both in the national and in the international panorama, which deals with a specific theme of current interest in the field of archaeological computing: promote the use of open source software and open standards in order to facilitate data sharing in archaeology. The volume is subdivided in four main thematic sections: Open Process, Open Data, Open Software and Open Learning, which constitute the basic concepts of the Open Archaeology movement.

Virtual Museum and Archaeology P. Moscati (ed.), Virtual Museums and Archaeology
("Archeologia e Calcolatori", Supplemento 1, 2007).
This is the first time, in the twenty-year history of Archeologia e Calcolatori, that a thematic issue is published as a Supplement to the journal. However, the idea for this issue is not a new one, but it recalls other initiatives in which Archeologia e Calcolatori has operated in close collaboration with the Italian National Research Council to promote the sector of computing and archaeology and its innovative applications.

The "virtual experience", with all its implications of knowledge enhancement and sharing, has involved numerous CNR researchers, through an interdisciplinary approach, which has characterised and given consistency to the applications also from a theoretical and methodological point of view. In addition to the projects which are specifically dedicated to archaeology (virtual museums and 3D visualisation of ancient landscapes, towns, grave goods and objects), the contributions describe sophisticated computer tools designed and implemented in CNR laboratories and show how ICT can support the realisation of virtual museums, solving problems related to usability, accessibility and enjoyment aspects.

This special issue is dedicated to the memory of Mauro Cristofani, ten years after his untimely passing.

Digital Syriac Corpus

Digital Syriac Corpus
Digital Syriac Corpus is a curated digital repository of TEI encoded texts written in classical Syriac. The interface provides effective browse and search functionality. Use the above search box to perform basic string searches, or browse the corpus by title or by author. The Search Tools button accesses more advanced searches. Individual texts may be downloaded to facilitate publishing projects, such as the production of critical editions, and research, such as more advanced corpus linguistic analysis. We invite users to submit corrections and to contribute digital texts.

+   Abraham of Nathpar (1 works)
+   Anonymous (80 works)
+   Aphrahat (24 works)
+   Bardaisan (1 works)
+   Dionysius bar Salibi (31 works)
+   Gregorius bar Hebraeus (1 works)
+   Jacob of Serugh (39 works)
+   James the Apostle (1 works)
+   John the Apostle (4 works)
+   John the Evangelist (1 works)
+   John the Solitary (1 works)
+   Jude the Apostle (1 works)
+   Luke the Evangelist (2 works)
+   Mark the Evangelist (1 works)
+   Matthew the Evangelist (1 works)
+   Narsai (81 works)
+   Paul the Apostle (13 works)
+   Peter the Apostle (2 works)
+   Philoxenos of Mabbug (13 works)
+   (Ps.-)Clement of Rome (9 works)
+   Thomas (1 works)

Guide de l’épigraphiste: Supplements

Guide de l’épigraphiste: Bibliographie choisie des épigraphies antiques et médiévales: Supplements
François Bérard, Denis Feissel, Nicolas Laubry, Pierre Petitmengin, Denis Rousset, Michel Sève et collaborateurs.
Quatrième édition entièrement refondue.
Guides et inventaires bibliographiques de la Bibliothèque de l’École normale supérieure, 7.
Epigraphy is a subject which can strike fear into the heart of the boldest scholar. Even the historians, linguists and archaeologists who are well aware how much it has to offer them are daunted at the prospect of tackling the material. Inscriptions in the ancient world performed a wide variety of functions, and had an importance which it is hard for us to appreciate ; thousands of inscribed texts, in Greek and Latin, survive, and each year the number increases substantially.
How can one trace inscriptions discovered in Italy since the publication of Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum ? Find the most reliable edition of the Rosetta Stone or Diocletian’s Price Edict ? Discover the prosopographical information that could form the basis of a study of social relations ?
To deal with such problems, a group of French scholars produced in 1986 the first edition of this Guide, revealing to the uninitiated the keys to the study of the epigraphies of the ancient world, from the Greeks and Romans to the peoples who lived next door. The Guide, published in 1989 in a second edition and in 2000 in its third edition, contains a carefully selected bibliographical apparatus, with brief comments on individual works, a methodological introduction and a rich series of indices.
This fourth edition is a completely new work, containing some 2975 items. The fourth part of these items shows new bibliographic titles which have been published between 2000 and 2010.
Sont ici mis en ligne :
— à titre historique, les avant-propos de la première et de la troisième édition,
— la concordance entre les numéros de la troisième édition et ceux de la quatrième édition,
— la liste des abréviations usuelles répertoriées dans le Guide,
— la liste des sites internet indiqués dans le Guide, avec les liens correspondants, qui seront régulièrement vérifiés et mis à jour,
— la liste des cotes des livres à la Bibliothèque de l’École normale supérieure.
Les auteurs prévoient de préparer un supplément annuel, qui sera ici mis en ligne chaque été.
Télécharger les suppléments disponibles :

Open Access Journal: Archaeological Computing Newsletter

Archaeological Computing Newsletter
Archaeological Computing Newsletter 
Starting with issue 61, and until issue 69, the Archaeological Computing Newsletter was published on a bi-annual basis as a supplement to the international journal Archeologia e Calcolatori. Given the success enjoyed by the newsletter in the twenty years since publication began, the editorial format was left unchanged, although the collection and editing of articles was organised by the Italian staff. 
With the creation of a new series of Supplements to the journal Archeologia e Calcolatori in 2007, the publication of Archaeological Computing Newsletter was interrupted.


The Levantine Ceramics Project

[First posted in AWOL 25 June 2014, updated 26 May 2018]

TheLevantine Ceramics Project
Image result for Levantine Ceramics Project
The Levantine Ceramics Project
The Levantine Ceramics Project (LCP) is an open, interactive website focused on ceramics produced in the Levant from the Neolithic era (c. 5500 B.C.E.) through the Ottoman period (c. 1920 C.E.). Here you can submit and find information—whether long published or newly discovered—about ceramic wares, shapes, specific vessels, scientific analyses, kiln sites, and chronology. The LCP makes it simple to access, share, use, and refine data, to link scholars and to foster collaborative research. Watch a brief video about the LCP here.

Open Access Journal: Protokolle zur Bibel

 [First posted in AWOL 19October 2016, updated 26 May 2018]

Protokolle zur Bibel
ISSN: 1996-0042
ISSN: 2412-2467
„Protokolle zur Bibel“ ist eine bibelwissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift, die von der ArgeAss herausgegeben und zur Zeit von Dr. Agnethe Siquans, Dr. Veronika Burz-Tropper und Dr. Werner Urbanz betreut wird. Sie widmet sich in jedem Heft einem bestimmten thematischen Schwerpunkt. Dabei werden sowohl Forschungsüberblicke als auch neuere Forschungsergebnisse zu einzelnen biblischen Texten und Themen einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Die Autorinnen und Autoren bieten damit einerseits den Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus dem Bereich der Bibelwissenschaften die Möglichkeit einer Auseinandersetzung, andererseits wenden sie sich in verständlicher Sprache auch an all jene, die an einer näheren Beleuchtung eines bestimmten Themas interessiert sind.
Wir danken dem Verlag Aleph-Omega sowie dem Verlag Österreichisches Katholisches Bibelwerk und allen Autorinnen und Autoren für die Zustimmung zur Veröffentlichung der Beiträge der Jahrgänge 1-23 auf dieser Website.


Bd. 23, Nr. 1 (2014)

Schwerpunktthema: Rezeption der Bibel III

Bd. 23, Nr. 2 (2014)

Schwerpunktthema: Was ist Weisheit?


Bd. 22, Nr. 1 (2013)

Schwerpunktthema: Rezeption der Bibel

Bd. 22, Nr. 2 (2013)

Schwerpunktthema: Rezeption der Bibel II


Bd. 21, Nr. 1 (2012)

Schwerpunktthema: Rein und unrein

Bd. 21, Nr. 2 (2012)

Schwerpunktthema: Rein und unrein II


Bd. 20, Nr. 1 (2011)

Schwerpunktthema: Hebräerbrief


Bd. 19, Nr. 1 (2010)

Schwerpunktthema: Gewalt in der Bibel II


Bd. 18, Nr. 2 (2009)

Schwerpunktthema: Gewalt in der Bibel I


Bd. 17, Nr. 1 (2008)

Schwerpunktthema: Josephus Flavius und seine Zeit I

Bd. 17, Nr. 2 (2008)

Schwerpunktthema: Josephus Flavius und seine Zeit II


Bd. 15, Nr. 1 (2006)

Schwerpunktthema: Erzähltextanalyse I

Bd. 15, Nr. 2 (2006)

Schwerpunktthema: Erzähltextanalyse II


Bd. 14, Nr. 1 (2005)

Professor Franz Hubmann zum 60. Geburtstag

Bd. 14, Nr. 2 (2005)

Schwerpunktthema: Feministische Exegese - Wege einer gender-fairen BIbelwissenschaft


Bd. 13, Nr. 2 (2004)

Schwerpunktthema: Bibel und Archäologie


Bd. 12, Nr. 1 (2003)

Schwerpunktthema: Fragen der Bibelübersetzung


Bd. 11, Nr. 2 (2002)

Bethsaida. Auf der Suche nach einer verlorenen Stadt


Bd. 5, Nr. 1 (1996)

Schwerpunktthema: Das Verhältnis von Altem und Neuem Testament I

Bd. 5, Nr. 2 (1996)

Schwerpunktthema: Das Verhältnis von Altem und Neuem Testament II


Bd. 4, Nr. 1 (1995)

Schwerpunktthema: Johannes der Täufer I

Bd. 4, Nr. 2 (1995)

Schwerpunktthema: Johannes der Täufer II


Bd. 1, Nr. 1 (1992)

Schwerpunktthema: Sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte zur Bibel

Bd. 1, Nr. 2 (1992)

Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society

[First posted in AWOL 20 September 2016, updated 27 May 2018]

Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
ISSN: 0266 2442
Strata: The Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society

Strata is an annual peer-reviewed academic journal that seeks to bring the latest studies of the archaeology of Israel-Palestine and its surrounding regions to a wider international audience. We welcome articles on many aspects of research that lead to a better understanding of the archaeology in this region, an archaeology that is of great interest internationally because of its significance both for understanding the development of three of the world’s great religions and for the important history of Israel-Palestine. We are also keen to have reviews of recently-published books studies on archaeological topics of the area.

Until 2009, Strata was published continuously from 1982 as the Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society, but with the addition of this headline – and a new cover – we hope to make it more easily recognisable in libraries and elsewhere. Strata articles also are widely available online in the Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) database,  though note that these currently still remain categorised under the Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society.

Free downloads of the early issues below

Open Access Journal: Melammu Newsletter


Open Access Journal: Archäologische Informationen

 [14 October 2013: Archäologische Informationen initiates Early View. Updated 27 May 2018]

Archäologische Informationen
ISSN-Print: 0341-2873
ISSN-Internet: 2197-7429

Archäologische Informationen (Arch. Inf.) is the scientific journal of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte e. V. (DGUF).
Archäologische Informationen focuses on:

  • new research in the field of European prehistory, early history and mediaeval archaeology, in particular syntheses, more general historical evaluations and research reviews,
  • the frank debate of topical archaeological controversies in the “Forum”,
  • interdisciplinary topics, particularly those at the interface to the natural sciences pertinent to archaeology,
  • the further development of methods and theories pertinent to archaeology,
  • the further development of archaeological ethics and policy issues of the discipline, including academic study and training,
  • improving the protection of cultural heritage and the cultural landscape, and involving interested citizens and volunteers in archaeology.

The journal publishes in German and English. The print run is 1,000 copies. Archäologische Informationen is additionally published in open access with the aid of the University Library Heidelberg. Supplemental material and open data can be incorporated into the online edition.

Further information (in German) for readers and authors about the Archäologische Informationen journal.
The older volumes are being successively retro-digitised, they are available here in the online archive. All articles can be read without the need for an additional registration. Registration (bottom right) provides specific users, e.g. administrators, with access to functions which are not required to read the articles

Bd. 40 (2017): Archäologische Informationen 




Frank Siegmund, Diane Scherzler, Werner Schön



Fokus: Archäologie & Macht

Diane Scherzler
Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer
Stefan Winghart
Stefan Hesse
Till Kemper
Katharina Möller, Raimund Karl
Jaime Almansa Sánchez
Jana Esther Fries
Raimund Karl
Jürgen Krakor
Marcus Cyron
Katharina Möller
Sophie Hüglin, Felipe Criado-Boado
Gerry Wait

Fokus: Flintensteine

Jürgen Weiner
Giorgio Chelidonio, Joe Ned Woodall

weitere Aufsätze

Ingrid Koch, Hartwig Löhr, Birgit Gehlen, Janet Rethemeyer, Ursula Tegtmeier, Tanja Zerl
Wolf Meyer-Christian
Eda Gross, Gishan Schaeren, Igor Maria Villa
Frank Siegmund, Kiriaky Savvidou, Saskia-Eileen Berghäuser, Ira Marie Backhaus, Regina Rebekka Heddier, Tim Alexander Müller, Daniel Richter, Kristin Scarlett Valder
Stefan Schreiber
Ulf Ickerodt, Matthias Maluck
Christoph Weihrauch, Imke Brandt, Christian Opp
Frank Siegmund, Jochen Reinhard, Maria Effinger
Frank Siegmund, Diane Scherzler
Frank Siegmund, Diane Scherzler
Frank Siegmund, Diane Scherzler
Frank Siegmund, Diane Scherzler

Fokus: Jenseits von Palmyra: Kulturgüterschutz in der Lehre

Philipp Tollkühn, Tim Otterbeck
Frank Nikulka
Karin Wagner
Christoph Doppelhofer

Tagungen & Arbeitsgemeinschaften

Erwin Cziesla
Annabell Zander, Birgit Gehlen

Dissertationen & Examensarbeiten

Sabrina Kutscher
Nele Schneid


Rainer Atzbach
Jost Auler
Nadia Balkowski, Andreas Zimmermann
Martin Bartelheim
Stefan Burmeister
Lech Czerniak
Benjamin Ducke
Birgit Gehlen
Christoph Grünewald
Brigitte Haas-Gebhard
Caroline Heitz
Matthias Hoernes
Isabel Hohle
Daniela Holst
Heike Kennecke
Kostas Kotsakis
Luitgard Löw
Bernd Päffgen, Regina Franke
Mario Pahlow
Felix F. Schäfer
Silviane Scharl
Daniel Scherf
Frank Siegmund
Frank Siegmund
Heike Wilde
Jutta Zerres



Bd. 39 (2016): Archäologische Informationen



Bd. 38 (2015): Archäologische Informationen


Open Access Journal: Sinaiticus: The Bulletin of the Saint Catherine Foundation

Itiner-e. The Gazetteer of Roads

Itiner-e. The Gazetteer of Roads
Introducing Itiner-e. The Gazetteer of Roads
Greetings from Barcelona. Our team composed of Pau de Soto, Tom Brughmans, Josep Guitart and Santiago Muxach very proud to write the first introductory blogpost about our project: the first gazetteer of historical roads, integrated in the Pelagios Commons Universe.
Firstly, we want to thank Pelagios Commons for awarding us with one of the Resource Development Grants 2018.  This offers us the perfect opportunity to develop our ideas about new ways of connecting data and projects by focusing on historical Roads. So…

Why a Gazetteer of Roads?
From Antiquity to the present-day (well, maybe until the creation of the Internet), roads and routes have represented one of the main modes of communication linking cities, territories and people. For that reason, the study of historical routes connecting places is a crucial aspect to enabling a better understanding of the structure, performance and evolution of past and present transport systems around the world. Routes can be documented from their collection in historical sources, such as itineraries and inscriptions in the Roman Era, books of pilgrimages in medieval times or drawn maps in more modern times.
However, the study of historical routes is currently faced with a crucial issue: there is an increasing gap between our rapidly increasing knowledge about the physical connections between places, and the research community’s ability to access and aggregate this mass of information to improve our understanding of the past and present flows of people, goods and ideas these systems facilitate. By building on the Pelagios platform and community, and on the recent growth in the scholarly practice of linked open data, this project will overcome this challenge.
Itiner-e will develop the first online gazetteer of historical roads, to enhance our ability to collect, aggregate and debate historical roads, and to enable the linking of this important source of information about past societies with other resources by linking related places. In this initial resource development phase of Iitiner-e we aim to develop a pipeline methodology for linked open road data, set up an online platform and implement the method using the Roman routes in the Iberian Peninsula as a proof-of-concept.

A Paradigm shift
Until now, the most common way of approaching the study of communication routes has been to focus on the places where the routes started, ended and passed through. This approach is crucial and partly inevitable, but Itiner-e will explore an alternative to this.
The novelty in this project is that each possible route between every pair of places is understood as a single element that is either historically documented or not, but can all be unambiguously referred to. In other words, it is not the sets of places conceptualised as points that create a route, but the opposite: we conceptualise routes as entities connected through places. This is a change of perspective as compared to many other gazetteers: in this gazetteer the roads become nodes and the places become edges. Each potential route between a pair of places can receive a unique URI to refer to it, if it is historically documented or even merely mentioned or theorised. Doing so will enable for each route (segment) the linking of historical documentation, GIS vector-based descriptions of its physical path, photos and other research outputs. This will  stimulate debate and multivocality of opinion in period-specific research including route data, but it also enables the documentation of different chronological phases of the same route. It will be possible to observe how a locality has some links with other places at a certain moment and how subsequently these relationships change.
Each of the created elements (tracks) will configure a new online gazetteer item accessible and linked with other sources of information such as Pleiades. In this way, it will be possible from any existing node in a route to quickly visualise all the information of the set: to which way (or routes) it belongs at a certain moment or in several time periods; which cities or settlements are related to it; explore the role this place played in the global network, etc.

First tests
The pipeline method for linked open road data and the creation of the gazetteer will be tested through a model focused on the Roman Roads of the Iberian Peninsula. This case was selected due to the diversity and richness of the resources as well as the availability of the most up-to-date knowledge on these routes through the Mercator-e project led by PdS. In these territories we can find different Roman roads attested in ancient written and depicted sources such as the Vicarello Cups, the Itinerarium Antonini Augusti, and the Tabula Peutingeriana.
Through the Itiner-e gazetteer and the places associated with routes, this data resource will be linked with other Gazetteer projects such as Pleiades (https://pleiades.stoa.org/) and the TIR-FOR Project (https://tir-for.iec.cat/the-map/) for places and Perio.do (http://perio.do/) for time-periods. All the data generated will be stored in GeoJson format where all the information will be stored (id names, places within the roads, chronology, etc…).
Roman Map
Fig 1. The Roman Roads documented in the Mercator-e Project
Itiner-e in the future (plans & benefits)
This project is conceived as a continuation of the Mercator-e Project (http://fabricadesites.fcsh.unl.pt/mercator-e/), the actual project of the lead applicant, Pau de Soto. After storing and digitising all the available information about the historical roads of the Iberian Peninsula, an appropriate next step is to create new ways to share some of the new produced data. At the same time, this project is conceived as the seed of a bigger project which will be focused on the creation of a digital resource of all the roads of the Roman Empire. The main roads of this future project will be uploaded to Itiner-e. Hence the proof-of-concept nature of this proposal. The final result of Itiner-e will be the creation of the biggest Historical Road Gazetteer and all scholars and others will be able to benefit from this online linked open data  resource.
After testing this methodology in a small territory, all the historical roads of the Iberian Peninsula recorded in historical sources will be uploaded into the system. The collaboration with the Institute for Catalan Studies and with the TIR-FOR project assures the continuity of the project and its maintenance online. In a future step, an open tool will be created to allow other researchers to easily upload their own roads and information.
All the information and code produced in this project will be hosted on Github and released under CC licenses.
The beneficiaries of this project will be researchers interested in historical places and roads. At the same time, the Open Data community will be benefit from this tool as they could link their project and information not only to places but also to bigger entities, as in this case, roads.

And more in the future…
Well, after this long introduction, we will continue posting information about our project (a brand new webpage, the firsts results,…)

The Digital Classicist Wiki Current List of Projects

The Digital Classicist List of Projects [28 May 2018]
These pages are intended to provide concise information on projects applying computing technologies to Classical/Ancient Historical research. Should you know of any relevant project, please feel free to add it to the list and create a page with the title, URL, and a brief description.
There are 371 articles in this category.





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E cont.











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R cont.








Open Access Journal: Lettres de l'ASR (Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ramesseum)

Lettres de l'ASR (Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ramesseum)
Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ramesseum
Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ramesseum

Fondée le 25 mai 1989, l’Association a pour but de contribuer financièrement et matériellement à l'exploration, à la sauvegarde et à la valorisation de l'un des plus prestigieux monuments de la rive occidentale de Thèbes (l'actuelle Louqsor). Inscrit au patrimoine culturel de l'humanité par l'UNESCO en 1979, le temple de millions d'années de Ramsès II, plus connu depuis Jean-François Champollion sous le nom de Ramesseum, couvre une étendue d'environ dix hectares. Les recherches qui y sont effectuées depuis au moins deux décennies relèvent d'un partenariat scientifique franco-égyptien regroupant plusieurs équipes : CNRS (UMR 8220/LAMS UPMC), Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ramesseum (ASR) et Centre d'Étude et de Documentation sur l'Ancienne Égypte (CEDAE, Ministère des Antiquités). L'Association a également inscrit parmi ses objectifs, le sauvetage et l'étude de la tombe de Ramsès II (KV.7) dans la Vallée des Rois. 

La Lettre de l'ASR est une lettre d'information annuelle, qui est adressée à tous les membres de l'association. Elle fait état des résultats de la mission de l'année précédente, dessine les objectifs de celle à venir et donne un compte-rendu résumé de l'état financier. Enfin, elle fournit quelques informations sur les prestations programmées par l'ASR (voyages, conférences, expositions).

Open Access Journal: Current Epigraphy

 [First posted in AWOL 11 October 2013, updated 29 May 2018]

n.b. Current Epigraphy has been offline for some time. Pending its revival or re-appearance elsewhere AWOL links to the most recent iteration in the Internet Archive.

Current Epigraphy
ISSN: 1754-0909
Current Epigraphy reports news and events in Greek and Latin epigraphy.
CE publishes workshop and conference announcements; notices of discoveries, publications and reviews; project reports; and descriptive links to digital epigraphic projects. We owe our inspiration partly to Gregg Schwendner, who single-handedly maintains the What’s New in Papyrology blog. Our goal is to provide a similar service to the epigraphic community, but to do so in a highly collaborative way that invites contribution from a wide group of scholars and enthusiasts.

OrientLab Youtube Channel

OrientLab Youtube Channel
We are pleased at the University of Bologna to announce the creation
of the new didactic channel in English language "OrientLab" on
YouTube.com, which has educational purposes for the archaeological
community working in the Near East and beyond. The OrientLab videos
intend to serve as a guide for beginners on specific topics (which may
be connected to some of the projects being developed on OrientLab.

Thus far - but the range of subjects and themes is expanding - we
concentrated on archaeological pottery as well as GIS, mainly through
open source software (which we strongly encourage users to adopt),
even though commercial ones are considered too.

The documentation of archaeological pottery is organized in three
playlists about the actual drawing of sherds (with specific videos on
both the various elements and complete shapes) and their digital
inking for scientific publications (with these videos also realized
according to the diverse sherd elements), one set of videos using OS
Inkscape.org and another one Adobe Illustrator (c).

The use of OS QGIS.org is explained in a playlist of four videos,
guiding users from the the download and installation of the OS
software, to the handling of raster and vector data, to their

Hopefully these videos will turn out to be useful for the quick
instruction of University students and employees of Department of
Antiquities willing to expand and update their capabilities.
Colleagues are warmly invited to circulate them, as well as letting us
have their criticisms and suggestions.

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