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Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the History of Archaeology

[First posted in AWOL 10 December 2011. Updated 10 December 2017]

Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
ISSN: 2047-6930 (online)
ISSN: 1062-4740 (print)

The Bulletin of the History of Archaeology (BHA) was inaugurated nearly 19 years ago as a forum to exchange research, information on on-going projects, and resources solely devoted to the history of archaeology. Since that time it has become global in its reach and interests, but retains its focus on exchanging knowledge about the history of archaeology.


Header Picture
ArchaeOman ist eine projektübergreifende Informationsplattform für den Fachbereich der Vorderasiatischen Archäologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Oman. Sie macht webbasierte Inhalte gleichermaßen der Wissenschaft wie auch der interessierten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Der Begriff ArchaeOman setzt sich aus zwei Komponenten zusammen. ‚Archaeo’ ist eine griechische Vorsilbe und steht für alt, und ,Oman’ drückt den regionalen Bezug zum Sultanat Oman auf der Arabischen Halbinsel aus.
ArchaeOman ist in erster Linie für den Zweck bestimmt, die bestehenden und geplanten wissenschaftlichen Publikationen (Artikel, Beiträge zu Sammelbänden und Monographien) durch digitale Inhalte zu ergänzen. Dabei handelt es sich vor allem um 3D-Modelle, Panoramen und WebGIS-Auftritte. Diese sollen nicht nur einen wichtigen Beitrag für die archäologische Forschung leisten, sondern auch der Nichtfachöffentlichkeit als wichtiges Anschauungsmaterial zur Verfügung stehen. Darüber hinaus wird allen Projekten eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Forschungsergebnisse vorangestellt.
Folgende Projekte werden präsentiert:
Bat (2010–2015), Al-Ayn (2010–2011), Al-Zebah (2011–2014), Al-Khubayb (2015), Muhaliyah (2016), Al-Khashbah (seit 2015) sowie die Nachnutzung von Gräbern (seit 2015).

Manar al-Athar News

The ACOR Research Library Photographic Archive Project

The ACOR Research Library Photographic Archive Project 
The ACOR Research Library Photographic Archive Project is made possible under a Fiscal Year 2016  American Overseas Research Centers grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

The American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR) in Amman, Jordan, is a non‑profit, 501(c)(3) academic institution dedicated to promoting research and publication in the humanities and social sciences, with a particular focus on issues related to Jordan and the broader Middle East. ACOR exists both to facilitate research by postgraduate researchers and senior scholars and to assist in the training of future specialists who focus on all phases of Jordan’s past and present.

The ACOR Library holds a remarkable photographic archive related to its role in preserving and promoting the country’s heritage. The complete collection, estimated to number more than 100,000 images, provides primary visual documentation of Jordan, including the major archaeological and cultural heritage projects the center has sponsored across the country over the decades. Given its broad range of content and subject matter, the ACOR Library photographic archive has the potential to be a crucial resource for American, international, and Jordanian scholars involved in cultural and natural heritage preservation and management.

As a first step in making this extensive archival collection available to researchers, the ACOR Library has begun to process, digitize, and make fully accessible (and searchable) online a majority of ACOR’s major institutional and donated photographic holdings. By leveraging technology to make these photographs available and freely accessible, the ACOR Library will better equip American, Jordanian, and international researchers and policy makers to monitor and assess the numerous threats facing heritage sites in the Middle East and especially Jordan.

EpiDoc Guidelines 9.0 candidate

EpiDoc Guidelines: Ancient documents in TEI XML
(This page in Bulgarian | Spanish | Italian)
EpiDoc is an international, collaborative effort that provides guidelines and tools for encoding scholarly and educational editions of ancient documents. These pages are the EpiDoc Guidelines produced by the collaborative. In addition, the EpiDoc Website provides access to other tools and collaboration environments supported by the collaborative.
EpiDoc specifies a subset of the Text Encoding Initiative's standard for the representation of texts in digital form using the Extensible Markup Language (XML), a technical standard promulgated by the World-Wide Web Consortium. It addresses not only the transcription and editorial preparation of the texts themselves, but also the history, materiality and metadata of the objects on which the texts appear.
These Guidelines contain descriptions of the textual, descriptive, and other features expressed with EpiDoc, as well as the TEI elements and attributes used to encode them. The pages below provide a number of entry points into the full documentation, via a series of thematic indexes into the content of the Guidelines, rather than a single "table of contents" reflecting a (nonexistent) ordered, hierarchical document structure.


Externally maintained guidelines for specialized communities:

You can also download a zipped copy of the latest Guidelines from our Files section if you need to use them offline.
You can consult previous versions of the Guidelines in the Archive area of the Files section.
To cite the EpiDoc Guidelines, please use the following information:
Tom Elliott, Gabriel Bodard, Elli Mylonas, Simona Stoyanova, Charlotte Tupman, Scott Vanderbilt, et al. (2007-2017), EpiDoc Guidelines: Ancient documents in TEI XML (Version 8). Available: http://www.stoa.org/epidoc/gl/latest/.

Responsibility for this section

  1. Gabriel Bodard, author
  2. Elli Mylonas, author
  3. Tom Elliott, author
  4. Simona Stoyanova, author
  5. Charlotte Tupman, author

Tesserae: A flexible and robust web interface for exploring intertextual parallels

 First posted in AWOL 21 December 2012, Updated 11 December 2017]

Tesserae is a collaborative project of the University at BuffaloDepartment of Classics and Department of Linguistics, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Notre Dame, and the Département des Sciences de l'Antiquité of the University of Geneva.
The principal investigators are Neil Coffee, Associate Professor of Classics, University at Buffalo; Walter J. Scheirer, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, University of Notre Dame; and Jean-Pierre Koenig, Professor of Linguistics, University of Buffalo. A list of personnel and collaborators is here.
This project has been funded by the University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences, the National Endowment for the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities (Start-up Grant #HD-51570) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (Project #146976), and by the Digital Humanities Initiative at Buffalo.

The Khalili Research Centre Image Database

The Khalili Research Centre Image Database
The Khalili Research Centre Image Database contains just over 30,000 images that have been scanned of the slides used for teaching Islamic Art at the University of Oxford since the 1960s.
The database includes slides from important collections including those of Olga Ford, Sylvia Matheson, and Antony Hutt, alongside slides and photographs taken by academics and researchers affiliated to the KRC, Ashmolean Museum, or Faculty of Oriental Studies.

We continue to work on adding images to the database, and improving the metadata for records already within the archive, and we hope that it will prove a valuable resource to both students of Islamic Art and the public in general

The (Proto-)Masoretic Text: A Ten-Part Series by Prof. Emanuel Tov

by Prof. Emanuel Tov

— Part 1—
The Bible and the Masoretic Text
The Masoretic Text (MT), whether in its consonantal form (Proto-MT) or its full form, is the commonly used version of the Hebrew Bible, considered authoritative by Jews for almost two millenia.[1] From the invention of the printing press, all Hebrew editions of the Hebrew Bible have been based on a text form of MT, with the exception of publications of the Samaritan Pentateuch or eclectic editions.[2]
The roots of MT and its popularity go back to the first century of the Common Era. Before that period, only the proto-rabbinic (Pharisaic) movement made use of MT, while other streams in Judaism used other Hebrew textual traditions.
In other words, before the first century of the Common Era, we witness a textual plurality among Jews, with multiple text forms conceived of as “the Bible,” or Scripture, including the Hebrew source upon which the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint (LXX), was built...
  Table of Contents
  Part 1   –   The Bible and the Masoretic Text

  Part 2   –   Judean Desert Texts Outside Qumran
  Part 3   –   Socio-Religious Background and Stabilization
  Part 4   –   The Scribes of Proto-MT and their Practices
  Part 5   –   Precise Transmission of Inconsistent Spelling

  Part 6   –   Scribal Marks
  Part 7   –   Key Characteristics of the (Proto-)MT
  Part 8   –   Other Biblical Text Traditions
  Part 9   –   Evaluating (Proto-)MT
  Part 10 –   Editions and Translations of (Proto-)MT

Open Access Journal: Iris: Journal of the Classical Association of Victoria

[First posted in AWOL 30 August 2011. Updated 12 December 2017]

Iris: Journal of the Classical Association of Victoria
ISSN 1448-1421

What is Iris?

Iris is the journal of the Classical Association of Victoria. The New Series of the journal was founded in 1988. The Journal Editor is Dr Rhiannon Evans of La Trobe University. The Honorary Secretary is Dr. K.O. Chong-Gossard, lecturer at the University of Melbourne. Iris is published with the support of the Muriel P. Blackwood Memorial Fund.

What is in Iris?

The most recent issue - Volume 24, 2011 - is now available for download.
Iris is now a refereed publication. This means that articles published in the refereed section undergo a peer review process. This involves assessment of the publication in its entirety (not merely an abstract or extract), before publication, and by appropriately independent, qualified experts. Independent in this context means independent of the author.

How do I contribute to Iris?

Persons interested into submitting articles or letters to the journal should send them to either the Journal Editor (Rhiannon Evans) or the Honorary Secretary (K.O. Chong-Gossard). Contributors should state whether they wish their article to be refereed or not.

  • ‘Iris’ Volume 28 – 2015
  • ‘Iris’ Volume 27 – 2014
  • ‘Iris’ Volume 26 – 2013
  • ‘Iris’ Volume 24 – 2011
  • ‘Iris’ Volume 23 – 2010
  • ‘Iris’ Volume 22 – 2009
  • ‘Iris’ Volume 21 – 2008
  • ‘Iris’ Volume 20 – 2007
  • ‘Iris’ Volume 19 – 2006
  • ‘Iris’ Volume 18 – 2005
  • ‘Iris’ Volumes 16-17 – 2003-4
  • ‘Iris’ Style Sheet

  • Editorial: Network Neutrality

    If you read The Ancient World Online you are interested in Open Access Scholarship. And if you are interested in Open Access Scholarship you should support Network Neutrality.

    The American Library Association: Network Neutrality
    Network neutrality is the concept of online non-discrimination. It is the principle that consumers and citizens should be free to get access to—or to provide—the Internet content and services they wish, and that consumer access should not be regulated based on the nature or source of that content or service. Information providers—which may be websites, online services, etc., and who may be affiliated with traditional commercial enterprises but who also may be individual citizens, libraries, schools, or nonprofit entities—should have essentially the same quality of access to distribute their offerings. "Pipe" owners (carriers) should not be allowed to charge some information providers more money for the same pipes, or establish exclusive deals that relegate everyone else (including small noncommercial or startup entities) to an Internet "slow lane." This principle should hold true even when a broadband provider is providing Internet carriage to a competitor.

    Why is Net Neutrality an Issue?

    Net neutrality was a founding principle of the Internet. It is a principle incorporates both the common carrier laws that have long governed the phone lines used for both voice telephone and dial-up access. Now, many consumers receive broadband service over other technologies (cable, DSL) that are not subject to the same common-carriage requirements. While these technologies are unquestionably superior to dial-up, the lack of enforceable net neutrality principles concerns us. Cable and DSL companies are planning to engage in “bit discrimination” by providing faster connections to websites and services that pay a premium, or by preferring their own business partners when delivering content. As the Internet moves forward, is it really wise to leave net neutrality behind?
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    Why Does Net Neutrality Matter to Libraries?

    The American Library Association is a strong advocate for intellectual freedom, which is the “right of all peoples to seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction.” Intellectual freedom is critical to our democracy because we rely on people’s ability to inform themselves. The Internet connects people of diverse geographical, political, or ideological origins, greatly enhancing everyone’s ability to share and to inform both themselves and others.
    Our libraries’ longstanding commitment to freedom of expression in the realm of content is well-known; in the context of the net neutrality debate, however, we believe it is equally important to stress that the freedom of libraries and librarians to provide innovative new kinds of information services will be central to the growth and development of our democratic culture. A world in which librarians and other non-commercial enterprises are of necessity limited to the Internet’s “slow lanes” while high-definition movies can obtain preferential treatment seems to us to be overlooking a central priority for a democratic society – the necessity of enabling educators, librarians, and all citizens to inform themselves and each other just as much as the major commercial and media interests can inform them.
    With modern technology, individuals and small groups can produce rich audio and video resources that used to be the exclusive domain of large companies. We must work to ensure that these resources are not relegated to second-class delivery on the Internet—or else the intellectual freedoms fostered by the Internet will be constrained.
    One application that libraries are especially invested in is distance learning. Classes offered using audio and video streamed over the Internet have huge potential to bring expert teachers into the homes of students around the globe.

    The Issue of Regulation vs. Competition

    Some of the carriers argue that net neutrality is an unnecessary regulation that will stifle competition and slow deployment of broadband technologies. But the truth is there is already only a little competition among broadband providers. In most parts of the U.S., there are at most two companies that provide a broadband pipe to your home: a telephone company and a cable company. Both of these industries are already regulated because they are natural monopolies: once a cable is laid to your house, there really is no rational, non-wasteful reason to lay another cable to your house, since you only need one at a time; therefore, most communities only allow one cable or telephone company to provide service to an area, and then regulate that company so to prevent abuse of the state-granted monopoly. Thus, we don’t allow phone companies to charge exorbitant amounts for local service; nor do we permit a cable company to avoid providing service to poor neighborhoods.
    Contrast the quasi-monopoly on broadband pipes with the intensely competitive market of web content and services. There are millions of websites out there and countless hours of video and audio, all competing for your time and money.
    With the advent of broadband connections, the telecom and cable companies have found a new way to exploit their state-granted monopoly: leverage it into a market advantage in Internet services and content. This would harm competition in the dynamic, innovative content and services industry without solving the lack of real competition in the broadband access market.
    In contrast, net neutrality will encourage competition in online content and services to stay strong. By keeping broadband providers from raising artificial price barriers to competition, net neutrality will preserve the egalitarian, bit-blind principles that have made the Internet the most competitive market in history.


    The American Library Association supports net neutrality legislation that preserves the competitive online markets for content and services. Bandwidth and access should be offered on equal terms to all willing to pay. Otherwise, broadband providers will be free to leverage their quasi-monopolies into lucrative but market-distorting agreements. The vitality of voices on the Internet is critical to the intellectual freedom that libraries around the world are trying to protect and promote. Laws that preserve net neutrality are the best way to preserve a vibrant diversity of viewpoints into the foreseeable future.

    Where can I find out more?

    Recent News


    Additional Resources

    Online Database of Egyptian Early Dynastic inscriptions

    [First posted in AWOL 19 September 2011, updated 13 December 2017 (links fixed)]

    Database of Early Dynastic inscriptions
    By Ilona Regulski
    The current database assembles all available Early Dynastic inscriptions, covering the first attestations of writing discovered in tomb U-j (Naqada IIIA1, ca. 3250 BC) until the earliest known continuous written text in the reign of Netjerikhet–more commonly known as Djoser (ca. 2700 BC).[1]The database originated as a computerized Access document containing the collection of sources on which the author’s publication “A Palaeographic Study of Early Writing in Egypt” was based.[2]The latter was kindly reformed into a web compatible application by Prof. Erhart Graefe, former head of the Department of Egyptology and Coptology at the Westfalische-Wilhelms Universität, Münster, Germany, which hosts the database. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to him. Additional information on bibliography, reading and interpretation of signs and whereabouts of the inscriptions have kindly been provided by: Eva-Maria Engel, Annelies Bleeker, Catherine Jones, Kathryn Piquette, the students of the third MA semester 2012-2013 from the FU Berlin (Stephanie Bruck, Dominik Ceballos Contreras, Viktoria Fink, Stephan Hartlepp, Ingo Küchler, Soukaina Najjarane, Niklas Schneeweiß, Melanie Schreiber, Dina Serova, Elisabeth Wegner).[3]

    The database contains more then 4500 inscriptions and is constantly updated. Each inscription was assigned a source number. The source list, published by J. Kahl in Das System der ägyptischen Hieroglyphenschrift in der 0.-3. Dynastie,171-417, was the point of departure.[4]The sequence of the Kahl list is chronological but this could not be followed when new sources were added as they were found. About 700 sources could be added to his collection starting with number 4000. Multiple impressions from the same cylinder seal were incorporated as one source since they are copies of one inscription. 

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    Open Access Book Reviews on Antiquity


    New from Luminos: Language of the Snakes: Prakrit, Sanskrit, and the Language Order of Premodern India

    Language of the Snakes: Prakrit, Sanskrit, and the Language Order of Premodern India
    By Andrew Ollett

    Language of the Snakes traces the history of the Prakrit language as a literary phenomenon, starting from its cultivation in courts of the Deccan in the first centuries of the common era. Although little studied today, Prakrit was an important vector of the kāvya movement and once joined Sanskrit at the apex of classical Indian literary culture. The opposition between Prakrit and Sanskrit was at the center of an enduring “language order” in India, a set of ways of thinking about, naming, classifying, representing, and ultimately using languages. As a language of classical literature that nevertheless retained its associations with more demotic language practices, Prakrit both embodies major cultural tensions—between high and low, transregional and regional, cosmopolitan and vernacular—and provides a unique perspective onto the history of literature and culture in South Asia.
    “Andrew Ollett’s book is one of those scholarly breakthroughs that happen, with luck, once or twice in a generation. It reveals the richness of Prakrit language and literary modes with a precision and depth of insight never seen before.” DAVID SHULMAN, Professor Emeritus, Hebrew University
    “Ollett offers a brilliant, original, and thoroughly engaging investigation of the complex language order of premodern India. Bringing to the fore the less-studied role of the literary Prakrits, his work makes a major contribution to our understanding of the history of language and literature in early India and beyond.” R. P. GOLDMAN, Catherine and William L. Magistretti Distinguished Professor in Sanskrit and India Studies, University of California, Berkeley
    ANDREW OLLETT works on the literary and intellectual traditions of premodern India.

    Open Access Journal: Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi

    [First posted in AWOL 18 March 2012, updated 14 December 2017]

    Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi

    Open Access Journal: Studies in Digital Heritage

    Studies in Digital Heritage
    Bust of Agrippina Minor 
    Studies in Digital Heritage publishes peer-reviewed articles, monographs, and special issues treating the entire gamut of topics in the field of Digital Heritage.

    his peer-reviewed, online journal publishes innovative work applying new digital technologies to the various fields of cultural heritage such as Anthropology, Archaeology, Art History, Architectural History, Classics, Conservation Science, Egyptology, and History. The journal welcomes submissions treating any and all technologies applied to the study of these fields.

    While the journal covers the gamut of topics relating to the use of technology in the study of cultural heritage, its special emphasis is on 3D technologies, including 3D data capture, processing of 3D models, theory and practice of 3D restoration of cultural heritage objects, use of 3D models in research and instruction, metadata and paradata standards and best practices for 3D models, and the use of 3D models on VR and AR devices as well as on web pages.

    Hence, when appropriate, authors are encouraged to embed interactive 3D models into their articles in place of traditional 2D illustrations. The journal supports WebGL solutions currently in use by professionals in the field, including 3DHop, Sketchfab, and Unity.  

    From time to time the journal will publish special issues on a particular topic.

    Research leading to the creation of this journal was generously supported by the National Science Foundation (grant # IIS-1014956; and see the related article by D. Koller, B. Frischer, and G. Humphreys, "Research Challenges for Digital Archives of 3D Cultural Heritage Models,"JOCCH 5, 2009, pp. 1-20).

    Vol 1, No 2 (2017) 

    Table of Contents


    Vol 1, No 1 (2017)

    Table of Contents




    Open Access Journal: Kazı Sonuçları Toplantıları

    [First posted in AWOL 18 March 2011, updated 14 December 2017]

    Kazı Sonuçları Toplantıları
    ISSN: 1017-7655


            Celtic Inscribed Stones Project

            Celtic Inscribed Stones Project
            The Celtic Inscribed Stones Project is based in the Department of History, and the Institute of Archaeology, University College London.
            The database includes every non-Runic inscription raised on a stone monument within Celtic-speaking areas (Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Dumnonia, Brittany and the Isle of Man) in the early middle ages (AD 400-1000). There are over 1,200 such inscriptions. In dealing with such a large corpus limitations of time have meant that, for this version of the database, the entries for Wales, Scotland, Dumnonia, Brittany and the Isle of Man, are fuller than those for Ireland. These problems will be rectified before the final version is released (June 2001). The final release will also see the search facility greatly enhanced.
            Information on the stones has been broken down into three main types - SITE, STONE, and INSCRIPTION.
            SITE: Includes information on the physical character and/or history of the site.
            STONE: Includes information on discovery, location, condition, size, form and decoration.
            INSCRIPTION: Includes information on legibility, position, script, linguistics and readings.

            Within each of these you can find bibliographic references that are linked to the bibliography
            Links to IMAGES of many of the stones can be found within the INSCRIPTION pages.
            CISP has given each site, stone and inscription a 'unique identifier' to aid searching. Thus each stone and each inscription from each site has been placed in sequential order beginning with 1. An example of this follows:

              CLMAC - This is the five-letter code for the site of Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly, Ireland.
              CLMAC/1 - This is the code for the 1st stone with an inscription from this site.
              CLMAC/200 - This is the code for the 200th stone with an inscription from this site.
              CLMAC/1/1 - This is the code for the 1st inscription on the 1st stone from this site.
            The modes of browsing the database are: SITE, REGION, CISP CODE, PERSONAL NAME, NAME OF STONE (i.e. Men Scryfa) and CORPORA NUMBER. SITE: The sites with inscriptions have been listed alphabetically (including alternative names, and names in the modern Celtic vernaculars). These can be found with links to the main entries through the Site Index - Alphabetical.
            REGION: Listings of all the sites with inscriptions have also been grouped by county and country (Ireland is treated as a whole, and Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Man are treated individually). These can be found with links to the main entries through the Site Index - Geographical.
            CISP CODE: Working on the above explained principle, a list of CISP site codes, with links to the main entries, can be found by looking at the Site Index - CISP code.
            PERSONAL NAME: All the personal names within the database have been listed alpabetically (including fragmentary names). These can be found, with links to the main entries, through the Name Index - Alphabetical. This will by-pass the site entry and take you straight to the INSCRIPTION entry.
            NAME OF STONE: Some stones, such as Men Scryfa, are also known by a particular name. These can be found, with links to the main entries, through the Stone Index - Named Stones.

            Attic Inscriptions Online Updates in 2017

            Attic Inscriptions Online Updates in 2017
            15 September 2017: This release further enhances coverage of key documents of 403-353 BC, adding or revising: RO 25 (Silver coinage law), RO 26 (Grain tax law), RO 33 and RO 34 (Dionysios of Syracuse), RO 35 (Protest to Aitolian League), RO 36 (Sales of confiscated property and mine leases), RO 38 (Menelaos the Pelagonian), RO 41 (Alliance with Peloponnesian cities after Mantinea), RO 44 (Thessalian federation). Also new are the funerary monument for the midwife and doctor, Phanostrate (4th cent. BC), IG II2 6873, and a dedication newly identified as probably relating to the same woman, IG II3 4, 700; dedications relating to the doctor, Jason of Acharnai (2nd cent. AD), IG II3 4, 808 and 836; further 4th cent. BC dedications by the Council or Assembly: IG II3 4, 1; 2; 4; 5; 6; some significant 3rd cent. BC inscriptions from Rhamnous (translations only): I Rham. 1 (Soldiers honour unit leaders), 3 (Honours for general Epichares), 4 (Honours for general and soldiers), 6 (Honours for demarch), 7 (Divine honours for king Antigonos), 10 (Honours for general), 17 (Honours for Dikaiarchos of Thria); three inscriptions of 4th cent. AD: IG II2 5, 13252, 13253, 13293. We are also pleased to announce the start on 1 Oct. of the 4-year AHRC-funded project, Attic Inscriptions in UK Collections (AIUK).
            12 July 2017: In this release we continue to expand and deepen coverage of key documents of 403-353 BC, revising and/or adding notes to: RO 17 (Athenian relations with Erythrai), RO 18 (Klazomenai), RO 19 (Phanokritos of Parion), RO 20 (Chios), RO 21 (Straton of Sidon), RO 22 (Prospectus of Second Athenian League), RO 23 and RO 24 (early agreements with League allies), RO 29 (Paros), RO 31 (Mytilene), RO 33 and RO 34 (Dionysios of Syracuse), RO 39 (Ioulis), RO 52 (Andros); adding new translations of the decrees for the seer, Sthorys of Thasos, IG II2 17, and regulating the export of ochre from Keos, RO 40; and adjusting notes to other inscriptions of 403-353 BC. Also new are a dedication of a statue of Democracy by the Council of 333/2 BC, IG II3 4, 3; two markers of properties mortgaged to friendly societies (eranistai), IG II2 2721 and Agora XIX H84; the extensive epigraphical record of the cult of the "Thracian" deity, Bendis, IG I3 136, IG II2 1255, 1256, 1283, 1284, 1324, 1361, 1317b, SEG 44.60, SEG 59.151, 152, 155, IG II3 4, 591; and some significant 3rd cent. BC inscriptions (translations only), Agora XV 69, IG II2 1225, I Eleus. 182, 184, 193, 196.
            12 June 2017: Today we publish AIO Papers 8, which includes an introduction to inscribed Athenian decrees of the 5th century BC and historical discussion of two important documents of the Athenian Empire, the Chalkis decree (IG I3 40) and the tribute reassessment decree ("Thoudippos' decree", IG I3 71). We have also upgraded the Browse facility to enable browsing by date and introduced an Advanced Search.
            9 March 2017: Today we publish 186 new translations, completing our coverage of the decrees of the Council and Assembly of 200/199-168/7 BC, IG II3 1, 1258-IG II3 1, 1461. Every inscription published to date in IG II3 1 has now been translated on AIO. Two of the new translations include small new changes to texts printed in IG II3, explained in the sidenotes: IG II3 1, 1281 (honouring a cavalry commander); IG II3 1, 1387 (honouring service to the Eleusinian deities). Translations and notes published previously have also been updated, mainly, but not only, those in the range IG II3 1, 1256-IG II3 1, 1461. Other new translations are of the choregic monument of Lysikrates, IG II3 4, 460, and some hellenistic inscriptions relating to the cavalry and their commanders: Agora XVI 270/1; I Eleus. 183; IG II2 1264; SEG 21.525; SEG 46.167; IG II3 4, 281.
            10 January 2017: This update completes coverage of the revision of Athenian law at the end of the 5th century BC: sacrificial calendar of Athens (including new readings), SEG 52.48A and SEG 52.48B; law about the trierarchy, IG I3 236a; law about taxes or contributions, IG I3 237; law fragment, SEG 39.18; revised notes to Draco's homicide law, IG I3 104. It also begins revising and expanding coverage of key historical inscriptions of 403-353 BC: decrees of 401/0 BC honouring Athenians and foreigners who resisted the Thirty, SEG 28.45, RO 4; alliance with Boeotia, 395 BC, RO 6; memorials of infantry and cavalry killed in Corinthian War, 394 BC, IG II2 5221, IG II2 5222, IG II2 6217; restoration of Piraeus walls, 395/4-394/3, IG II2 1656, 1657; honours for Dionysios of Syracuse, 394/3 BC, RO 10; for Euagoras of Salamis, 394/3 BC, RO 11; decree relating to Klazomenai, 387/6 BC (with new fragment), RO 18. The update also includes the following further inscriptions relating to religion: law on repairs of sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron, SEG 52.104; provisions for priests and priestesses (in Aixone?), SEG 54.214; dedication of a house and garden to Asklepios, IG II2 4969; decree of Aixone awarding honours for management of a festival, SEG 46.154; tribal decree honouring a priest of Asklepios, IG II2 1163; honours for religious officials at Aixone, IG II2 1199; decree regulating cult, IG II2 1234; two commemorative herms of the 3rd cent. A.D., IG II2 3764, IG II2 3960; a choregic dedication (from Aixone?), IG II3 4, 498; and a funerary columella, IG II2 9160. Image links have been expanded to include images on the Agora excavations website and on Wikimedia Commons.

            State Archives of Assyria Online

            [First posted in AWOL 1 July 2010. Updated 15 December 2017]

            State Archives of Assyria Online (SAAo)
            A pair of Assyrian scribes filing reports after the conquest of a Babylonian city, Nimrud, 8th century BC (BM ANE 118882)
            State Archives of Assyria Online (SAAo) is an open-access web resource that aims to make the rich Neo-Assyrian materials found in the royal archives of Nineveh, and elsewhere, more widely accessible.
            Based on an existing ASCII text database created by Simo Parpola and his team at the University of Helsinki, the online transliterations and translations are those of the standard editions in the series "State Archives of Assyria". All of the published volumes are accessible online, in addition to volume 2 of the companion series "State Archives of Assyria Studies", the edition of the Eponym Lists and Chronicles. The web presentation and linguistic annotation are carried out using tools and standardsdeveloped by Steve Tinney (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)...
            Online portals provide context and explanatory materials for SAAo. Hence, the website "Knowledge and Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire", created by Radner, Eleanor Robson (University of Cambridge) and Tinney with funding from the British Higher Education Academy, is dedicated to the 7th century letters, queries and reports exchanged between kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal and their scholarly advisors; the companion corpus is http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/saao/knpp/corpus/. Another such portal, "Assyrian Empire Builders" is devoted to the 8th century political correspondence as part of the UCL research project, with a companion corpus at Assyrian Empire Builders. Further portals are planned.

            Open Access Journal: Geniza Fragments

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