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BoneCommons: An online community building and sharing resources for archaeozoology
BoneCommons is an ICAZ-sponsored project developed by the Alexandria Archive Institute. Launched in May 2006, BoneCommons facilitates discussion and contact between zooarchaeologists worldwide by offering forums where ICAZ members can post papers, images, teaching resources, questions and comments.

All content on BoneCommons, while owned by the creator of the content, is openly viewable by the general public worldwide. Anyone can search BoneCommons and view its content. Please note that content contributions and comments are moderated, so there is a short delay between submission and posting. BoneCommons moderators reserve the right to reject any content they deem inappropriate for this site.

Three ASOR Books Online

Linear B tablets as never before seen (RTI)

On behalf of John Bennet
Linear B tablets as never before seen

The Ashmolean Museum of the University of Oxford has recently launched a website on the "Sir Arthur Evans Archive" providing a first, basic, overview of its holdings. Although not to item level, the website is a welcome addition and promises to be a very useful tool for Aegean Archaeology (especially for those interested in Minoan archaeology and its history). The website is based on the work of Dr Yannis Galanakis (formerly the curator for the Bronze Age Aegean collections and the Sir Arthur Evans archive at the Ashmolean and currently Lecturer in Aegean Archaeology at the University of Cambridge). One of the innovations of the website, instigated by Dr Galanakis in collaboration with Oxford's RTI team (Dr Jacob Dahl, Klaus Wagensonner and Nicholas Reid), is the digitization of the museum's small, but representative, Linear B collection from Knossos. The technology applied (RTI: Reflectance Transformation Imaging) allows for the best possible reading of these tablets online as it were under a completely new light:  

With the RTIViewer (free to download - following instructions in the webpage given above), you can access the Linear B photographs by cutting and pasting the url into the application (using the globe and folder icon to the right of the main screen of the RTIViewer). The images can be enlarged to magnificent effect and the lighting changed to make readings clearer and to see fingerprints and erasures. This resource should prove extremely useful for teaching and this form of visualisation may pave the way for future research in the field. For comments on the web site please contact the Ashmolean's webmaster at webmaster@ashmus.ox.ac.uk.


 [First posted in AWOL 10 January 2012. Updated 12 December 2012]

Mappa: Metodologie applicae alla predittività del potenziale archeologico

 Un network di sistemi e procedure standardizzate per la redazione e la gestione dei dati archeologici: questo è il nostro obbiettivo! La città, lo spazio geografico su cui lavoreremo.
Archeologi, geologi e matematici insieme per studiare strumenti di calcolo predittivo applicabili al potenziale archeologico di un’area urbana e creare un prodotto funzionale alla tutela, alla ricerca e alla governance della città e del suo patrimonio sepolto.
La sfida: realizzare il primo open digital archaeological archive italiano, rendendo accessibili tutti i dati pubblici delle indagini archeologiche, convinti che garantire l’accesso e la condivisione del patrimonio storico comune sia il mezzo migliore per sviluppare una società della conoscenza veramente libera e democratica.
Utilizzare le diverse potenzialità della rete come mezzo di comunicazione in progress delle fasi di lavoro e dei risultati e come strumento di ricerca in sé.
Formare nuove figure professionali con un profilo interdisciplinare che possano dialogare trasversalmente con la comunità scientifica e la società civile.
MAPPAproject è tutto questo… follow us!

A network of systems and standardised procedures for drawing up and handling archaeological data: this is our aim! The city will be our geographical area of work.
Archaeologists, geologists and mathematicians will combine their expertise to study predictive calculation instruments applied to the archaeological potential of an urban area and to create a product which will contribute to the protection, research and governance of the city and of its underground archaeological heritage.
Our challenges are:
To create the first Italian open digital archaeological archive and make all public data relating to the archaeological investigations accessible. We are convinced that ensuring access and sharing historical heritage is the most effective means for developing a truly free and democratic knowledge-based society.
To use the web’s wide-ranging potential as a means for communicating project work progress and results, and as a research tool.
To train new professional figures with inter-disciplinary skills who will be able to liaise transversally with the scientific community and civil society.
The MAPPA project is all this… follow us!


La filosofia del progetto prevede la comunicazione e diffusione dei risultati della ricerca in un’ottica di sviluppo di una società della conoscenza veramente libera e democratica.
Mappa si configura come il primo vero progetto open data archeologico italiano e prevede, già a partire dalle primissime fasi di lavoro, la condivisione di tutti i dati. Saranno riportati in questa pagina, a partire dal secondo mese di progetto, i report, le fasi di avanzamento, i dati ed i prodotti della ricerca.
The project’s philosophy is based on the disclosure and diffusion of the research results and is geared towards the development of a truly free and democratic knowledge-based society.
MAPPA is the first open-data archaeological project in Italy and provides sharing of project data starting from the very early stages of the project. Research reports, work progress, data and products will be reported on this page from month two of the project.
  • Anichini F., Fabiani F., Gattiglia G., Gualandi M.L. 2012,  MAPPA. Metodologie Applicate alla Predittività del Potenziale Archeologico, vol.1, Roma                                                                                                MAPPA vol.1
  • Anichini F., Fabiani F., Gattiglia G., Gualandi M.L. 2012,  MAPPA. Methodology Applied Archaeological Potential Predictivity, vol.1, Roma                                                                                                 MAPPA vol. 1 eng.
  • Anichini F., Bini D., Bini M., Dubbini N., Fabiani F., Gattiglia G., Giacomelli S., Gualandi M.L., Pappalardo M., Paribeni E., Sarti G., Steffè S. 2011, Progetto MAPPA. Metodologie Applicate alla Predittività del Potenziale Archeologico, in MapPapers 1-I, pp.1-22  MapPapers 1-I
  • Anichini F., Bini D., Bini M., Dubbini N., Fabiani F., Gattiglia G., Giacomelli S., Gualandi M.L., Pappalardo M., Paribeni E., Sarti G., Steffè S. 2011, MAPPA Project. Methodologies Applied to Archaeological Potential Predictivity, in MapPapers 1en-I, pp.23-43   MapPapers 1en-I
  • Anichini F., Bini M., Fabiani F., Gattiglia G., Giacomelli S., Gualandi M.L., Pappalardo M., Sarti G. 2011, Definizione dei parametri del potenziale archeologico di un’area urbana, in MapPapers 2-I, pp.44-46   MapPapers 2-I
  • Anichini F., Bini M., Fabiani F., Gattiglia G., Giacomelli S., Gualandi M.L., Pappalardo M., Sarti G. 2011, Definition of the parameters of the Archaeological Potential of an urban area, in MapPapers 2en-I, pp.47-49   MapPapers 2en-I
  • Anichini F., Bini D., Bini M., Dubbini N., Fabiani F., Gattiglia G., Giacomelli S., Gualandi M.L., Pappalardo M., Rossi V., Sarti G., Steffè S. . 2011, Acquisizione dei dati archeologici, geomorfologici e stratigrafici per l’area urbana e periurbana di Pisa ed analisi preliminari, in MapPapers 3-I, pp.50-58   MapPapers 3-I
  • Anichini F., Bini D., Bini M., Dubbini N., Fabiani F., Gattiglia G., Giacomelli S., Gualandi M.L., Pappalardo M., Rossi V., Sarti G., Steffè S. . 2011, Acquisition of archaeological, geomorphological and stratigraphic data for the urban and peri-urban area of Pisa and preliminary analysis, in MapPapers 3en-I, pp.59-67    MapPapers 3en-I
  • Bini D., Dubbini N., Steffè S. 2011, Modelli matematici per la determinazione del potenziale archeologico, in MapPapers 4-I, pp.68-76                                                                                                                                  MapPapers 4-I
  • Bini D., Dubbini N., Steffè S. 2011,Mathematical models for the determination of archaeological potential, in MapPapers 4en-I, pp.77-85                                                                                                                            MapPapers 4en-I
  • Anichini F., Fabiani F., Gattiglia G., Gualandi M.L. 2012, Un database per la registrazione e l’analisi dei dati archeologici, in MapPapers 1-II, pp.1-20                                                                                                   MapPapers 1-II
  • Anichini F., Fabiani F., Gattiglia G., Gualandi M.L. 2012,  A database for archaeological data recording and analysis, in MapPapers 1en-II, pp.21-38                                                                                                      MapPapers 1en-II
  • Bini D., Dubbini N., Steffè S. 2012, Sulle due questioni principali inerenti le applicazioni dei modelli page rank per la determinazione del potenziale archeologico, in MapPapers 2-II, pp.39-44  MapPapers 2-II
  • Bini D., Dubbini N., Steffè S. 2012, On the two main issues about the application of page rank for the determination of archaeological potential, in MapPapers 2en-II, pp.45-50   MapPapers 2en-II
  • Opening the Past. Archaeological open data, in MapPapers 3-II, pp.51-93   MapPapers 3-II OPENING THE PAST
  • Amorosi A., Bini M., Fabiani F., Giacomelli S., Pappalardo M., Ribecai C., Ribolini A., Rossi V., Sanmartino I., Sarti G. 2012, I carotaggi MAPPA: un’integrazione interdisciplinare, in MapPapers 4-II, pp.96-148   MapPapers 4-II
  • Amorosi A., Bini M., Fabiani F., Giacomelli S., Pappalardo M., Ribecai C., Ribolini A., Rossi V., Sanmartino I., Sarti G. 2012, MAPPA cores: an interdisciplinary approach, in MapPapers 4en-II, pp.149-200       MapPapers 4en-II
  • Bini M., Kukavicic M., Pappalardo M., Remote sensing study on the Pisa plain, in MapPapers 5en-II, pp. 201-211     MapPapers 5en-II
  • Bini M., Kukavicic M., Pappalardo M., Interpretazione di immagini satellitari della Pianura di Pisa, in MapPaper 5-II, pp. 212-222    MapPapers 5-II
  • Grava M., Un livello informativo per la cartografia storica di Pisa, in MapPapers 6-II, pp. 223-234    MapPapers 6-II
  • Grava M., An information layer for the historical mapping of Pisa, in MapPapers 6en-II, pp. 235-246    MapPapers 6en-II
  • Amorosi A., Giacomelli S., Ribecai C., Rossi V., Sammartino I., Sarti G., Il sottosuolo dell’area urbana e periurbana di Pisa: architettura deposizionale ed evoluzione paleoambientale durante il medio-tardo olocene, in MapPapers 7-II, pp. 247-256       MapPapers 7-II
  • Febbraro M., Susini F., Archeologia dell’architettura e della città. Un esempio di analisi degli elevati applicata ad un centro urbano: il caso di Pisa, in MapPapers 8-II, pp. 266-276      MapPapers 8-II
  • Bini M., Bisson M., Capitani M., Noti V., Pappalardo M., Geomorphological evidence fron the MAPPA-Web-GIS: explanatory notes, in MapPapers 9en-II, pp. 295-300 MapPapers 9en-II

Pisa 9 giugno 2012: Opening the Past. Archaeological Open Data 


Digitized Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL) at Arachne

 [First posted in AWOL 30 January 2012.  Most recently updated 12 December 2012]

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL)
The Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL) is a comprehensive collection of ancient Latin inscriptions from all corners of the Roman Empire. Public and personal inscriptions throw light on all aspects of Roman life and history. The Corpus continues to be updated with new editions and supplements by the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. http://cil.bbaw.de/cil_en/index_en.html

This digitized version of the CIL will initially comprise of the more than 50 parts (of vols. I-XVI + auctaria and of v. I (edition altera)) published before 1940. Available funding covers the digitization of the volumes with an imperfect OCR searching capability. The goal is to eventually create a keyword searchable database to contain also future volumes of the CIL as they fall outside of copyright restrictions and to eventually do the same for the Inscriptiones Graecae.
The printed version of the CIL presently consists of 17 volumes in approximately 70 parts, recording some 180,000 inscriptions. Thirteen supplementary volumes have plates and specialized indices. The first volume, in two sections, covered the oldest inscriptions, to the end of the Roman Republic; volumes II to XIV are divided geographically, according to the regions where the inscriptions were found and within these divisions also by inscription type. A two-volume "Index of Numbers," correlating inscription numbers with volume numbers, was published in 2003.


In 2009 the Heads of the libraries of the American Academy in Rome, Rebecka Lindau, and École Française de Rome, Yannick Nexon, met to discuss the possibility of digitizing the volumes of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum currently out of copyright. This had been a desire of both for a long time. Soon the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut and the Head of its library, Thomas Fröhlich, joined the project. Providing a server to host the volumes was more of a challenge. The DAI and Reinhard Foertsch at the University of Cologne came to the rescue with their object database Arachne, which is dynamically connected to international aggregators such as Claros.net or the multinational European project CARARE, and freely available on the Web http://www.arachne.uni-koeln.de/drupal/.
vol. I Inscriptiones Latinae antiquissimae ad C. Caesaris mortem.1863

vol. I² Inscriptiones Latinae antiquissimae ad C. Caesaris mortem.pars I Fasti consulares ad a. u. c. DCCLXVI. Elogia clarorum virorum. Fasti anni Iuliani. Cura TH. MOMMSEN, W. HENZEN, CHR. HUELSEN. 1893
pars II, fasc. I Inscriptiones Latinae antiquissimae. Cura E. LOMMATZSCH. 1918
pars II, fasc. II Addenda. Nummi. Indices. Cura E. LOMMATZSCH, H. DESSAU.

vol. II Inscriptiones Hispaniae Latinae. Edidit AEM. HÜBNER. 1869
Supplementum. 1892

vol. III Inscriptiones Asiae, provinciarum Europae Graecarum, Illyrici Latinae. Edidit TH. MOMMSEN. 1873pars I Inscriptiones Aegypti et Asiae. Inscriptiones provinciarum Europae Graecarum. Inscriptionum Illyrici partes I-V
pars II Inscriptionum Illyrici partes VI. VII. Res gestae divi Augusti. Edictum Diocletiani de pretiis rerum. Privilegia militum veteranorumque. Instrumenta Dacica
Supplementum. Inscriptionum Orientis et Illyrici Latinarum supplementum. Edid. TH. MOMMSEN, O. HIRSCHFELD, A. DOMASZEWSKI pars I (fasc. I-III. 1889 1893). 1902.
Supplementum. Inscriptionum Orientis et Illyrici Latinarum supplementum. Edid. TH. MOMMSEN, O. HIRSCHFELD, A. DOMASZEWSKI pars II (fasc. IV-V). 1902 (impr. iter. 1967)

vol. IV Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae Herculanenses Stabianae. Edid. C. ZANGEMEISTER, R. SCHOENE. 1871
Supplementi pars I Tabulae ceratae Pompeiis repertae. Edidit C. ZANGEMEISTER. 1898
Supplementi pars II Inscriptiones parietariae et vasorum fictilium. Edidit A. MAU. 1909

vol. V Inscriptiones Galliae Cisalpinae Latinae. Edidit TH. MOMMSEN.pars I Inscriptiones regionis Italiae decimae. 1872 (impr. iter. 1959)
pars II Inscriptiones regionum Italiae undecimae et nonae. 1877

vol. VI Inscriptiones urbis Romae Latinae. Collegerunt G. HENZEN, I. B. DE ROSSI, E. BORMANN, CHR. HUELSEN, M. BANG.pars I Inscriptiones sacrae. Augustorum, magistratuum, sacerdotum. Latercula et tituli militum. Edid. E. BORMANN et G. HENZEN. 1876
pars II Monumenta columbariorum. Tituli officialium et artificium. Tituli sepulcrales reliqui: A-Claudius. Edid. E. BORMANN, G. HENZEN, CHR. HUELSEN. 1882
pars III Tituli sepulcrales: Claudius-Plotius. Edid. E. BORMANN, G. HENZEN, CHR. HUELSEN. 1886
pars IV, fasc. I Tituli sepulcrales: Plotia-Zozon. Inscriptiones varii argumenti. Fragmenta. Edidit CHR. HUELSEN. 1894
pars IV, fasc. II Additamenta. Edidit CHR. HUELSEN. 1902
pars IV, fasc. III Additamentorum auctarium. Edidit M. BANG. 1933
pars V Inscriptiones falsae. Edid. E. BORMANN, G. HENZEN, CHR. HUELSEN. 1885
pars VI, fasc. I Index nominum. Edidit M. BANG. 1926

vol. VII Inscriptiones Britanniae Latinae. Edidit AEM. HUEBNER. 1873

vol. VIII Inscriptiones Africae Latinae. Collegit G. WILMANNS. Edidit TH. MOMMSEN. 1881pars I Inscriptiones Africae proconsularis et Numidiae
pars II Inscriptiones Mauretaniarum
Supplementi pars I Inscriptiones Africae proconsularis. Edid. R. CAGNAT, I. SCHMIDT. 1891
Supplementi pars II Inscriptiones provinciae Numidiae. Edid. R. CAGNAT, I. SCHMIDT. Commentariis instruxerunt I. SCHMIDT, H. DESSAU 1894
Supplementi pars III Inscriptiones Mauretaniae. Miliaria et instrumentum domesticum. Edid. I. SCHMIDT, R. CAGNAT, H. DESSAU. 1904
Supplementi pars IV Inscriptiones Africae proconsularis. Edid. R. CAGNAT, H. DESSAU. 1916

vol. IX Inscriptiones Calabriae, Apuliae, Samnii, Sabinorum, Piceni Latinae. Edidit TH. MOMMSEN. 1883

vol. X Inscriptiones Bruttiorum, Lucaniae, Campaniae, Siciliae, Sardiniae Latinae. Edidit TH. MOMMSEN. 1883pars I
pars II

vol. XI Inscriptiones Aemiliae, Etruriae, Umbriae Latinae. Edidit E. BORMANN.pars I Inscriptiones Aemiliae et Etruriae. 1888
pars II, fasc. 1 Inscriptiones Umbriae, viarum publicarum, instrumenti domestici. 1901
pars II, fasc. 2 Addenda ad partes priores et indicum capita tria. 1926

vol. XII Inscriptiones Galliae Narbonensis Latinae. Edidit O. HIRSCHFELD. 1888

vol. XIII Inscriptiones trium Galliarum et Germaniarum Latinae. Edid. O. HIRSCHFELD et C. ZANGEMEISTER.pars I, fasc. 1 Inscriptiones Aquitaniae et Lugudunensis. Edidit O. HIRSCHFELD. 1899
pars I, fasc. 2 Inscriptiones Belgicae. Edidit O. HIRSCHFELD. 1904
pars II, fasc. 1 Inscriptiones Germaniae superioris. Edidit C. ZANGEMEISTER. 1905
pars II, fasc. 2 Inscriptiones Germaniae inferioris. Miliaria Galliarum et Germaniarum. Edid. TH. MOMMSEN, O. HIRSCHFELD, A. DOMASZEWSKI. 1907
pars III, fasc. 1 Instrumentum domesticum I. Edidit O. BOHN. 1901
pars III, fasc. 2 Instrumentum domesticum II. Edidit O. BOHN. Insunt signacula medicorum oculariorum. Edidit AEM. ESPÉRANDIEU. 1906
pars IV Addenda ad partes primam et secundam. Edid. O. HIRSCHFELD et H. FINKE. 1916
pars VI Signacula publice laterculis impressa. Edidit E. STEIN. Accedunt signacula laterculis a privatis impressa. Edidit E. VOLKMANN. 1933

vol. XIV Inscriptiones Latii veteris Latinae. Edidit H. DESSAU. 1887
Supplementum Ostiense. Edidit L. WICKERT. 1930.
Supplementi Ostiensis fasciculus II. Indices topographicos composuit L. WICKERT. 1933

vol. XV Inscriptiones urbis Romae Latinae. Instrumentum domesticum. Edidit H. DRESSELpars I Edidit H. DRESSEL. 1891
pars II, fasc. 1 Edidit H. DRESSEL. 1899

vol. XVI Diplomata militaria. Post TH. MOMMSEN edidit H. NESSELHAUF. 1936

Priscae Latinitatis monumenta epigraphica. Tabulae lithographae. Edidit FR. RITSCHL. 1862 (impr. iter. 1961 et 1968) ISBN 3-11-001417-3. Accedunt: Priscae Latinitatis epigraphicae supplementa quinque. Edidit FR. RITSCHL. 1862-1864

Auctarium Exempla scripturae epigraphicae Latinae a Caesaris dictatoris morte ad aet. Iustiniani. Edidit AEM. HUEBNER. 1885

Melammu Online


The Christianization of the Peloponnese

The Christianization of the Peloponnese
The aim of this project is to advance an understanding of the changing processes involved in the Christianization of the Peloponnese with particular reference to the location and socio-political context of churches from the 5th to 7th centuries CE. An intensive topographic and archaeological study has made it possible to present a detailed image database of the Late Antique Churches of the Peloponnese and a clickable map based on GPS data. The results of the analysis of this work, which will be published shortly in three articles, have shown clearly the evidence for phased and largely peaceful Christianization of the Peloponnese with a considered use of memory and tradition at different times, rather than that of a violent transition, as is frequently portrayed in the historical literature.

Domesticating Mountains in Middle Bronze Age Crete

Beckmann, Sabine: Domesticating Mountains in Middle Bronze Age Crete: Minoan Agricultural Landscaping in the Agios Nikolaos Region. PhD Thesis 2012 - Vol. I - II - Appendices
"Over 300 dwelling sites in the mountains of north-east Crete (Agios Nikolaos), datable (by surface pottery and lithics) mainly to the Middle Bronze Age (the Minoan Protopalatial period, ca.2000-1650 BCE) were discovered and studied. 
Sites were isolated but not more than 300 m (average) apart from each other and interconnected with a network of paths. Most ruin foundations were built with massive block masonry (named “oncolithic” in this study), while long enclosure-walls claimed areas of several thousand square meters (up to 6 hectares) for each habitation, including arable and rocky land. The setting and massive construction of these enclosures, (originally more than a meter high  and with a total length of ca 150 km), show that they belonged to the sites. These features were mapped with GPS and used for the GIS study of land use and topography.

Archaeologists in the past believed a few of the then known sites (ca. 5, while enclosures and connecting paths were unknown) situated on the old roads, to have been defensible forts or watch-towers because of their so-called “monumental” or “Cyclopean” masonry, but this study shows that the massive settlement including landscape opening (landnam) and structuring (covering an area of ca. 30 sqkm min.) must have been used for mixed agriculture/animal husbandry.

The area has been re-used by mixed agriculture (emphasis on pastoral economy) from the second half of the 19th century. Data gained from ethnoarchaeological study are used to corroborate and classify archaeological findings. "

The Sir Arthur Evans Archive

New Open Access Journal: Asfar

Asfar is a new dynamic initiative designed to inspire, provide a platform and offer a support network to young people, students and graduates specialising in and interested by the Middle East.

Through a quarterly e-journal, News updates, and a Travelers Network, Asfar will work with the next generation of the Middle East's writers, thinkers and photographers to exhibit their abilities to a wide audience including academia, diplomatic and general readership.
Focusing on the history, society, culture, development and politics of the Middle East, the e-journal will introduce new ideas, innovative articles and magnificent images of the Middle East.

Remaining politically neutral and non-partisan, Asfar articles will cover a full range of topics: from geography to art, languages to society and from history to cookery. Asfar will review the past and consider the Middle East's future from a regional, state and local perspective.

Asfar is unique project aimed at promoting the study of the region, the curiosity and personal development of individuals fascinated by the Middle East and ensuring the sustained awareness of an area on the cross roads of history.

SARIT: Search and Retrieval of Indic Texts

SARIT: Search and Retrieval of Indic Texts
SARIT has two interfaces: Basic Searchand Advanced Search. Assistance is available through the Search Term Help.

SARITdisplays Indological texts marked up according to Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)guidelines. It uses a modified version of PhiloLogic™, a platform developed by the ARTFL Projectand Digital Library Development Centerat the University of Chicago. PhiloLogic™ is widely deployed in the digital humanities as a full-text search, retrieval and analysis tool for large TEI document collections. Notable installations include Perseus Project Texts Loaded under PhiloLogic™and the Digital Dictionaries of South Asia.
SARITprovides Indologists with machine readable texts and digital instruments for philological research. Currently text search, retrieval and analysis is available for these works. All texts accessible through the SARITweb interface are available for download.

Durham Dissertations Online

Open access dissertations relating to antiquity in Durham e-Theses
ALPASS, PETER,JOHN (2011) The Religious Life of Nabataea. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ANDERSON, ARTHUR,WILLIAM (2012) Traditions and Transitions: Later and Roman Iron Age Communities in the North-East of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BARBER, HELEN,ESTHER (2011) Plautus and the Sentimental Ideal of the Roman Family. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BERNOFSKY, KAREN,STACY (2010) Respiratory health in the past: a bioarchaeological study of chronic maxillary sinusitis and rib periostitis from the Iron Age to the Post Medieval Period in Southern England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BERTINI, LOUISE,CATHERINE (2011) Changes in Suid and Caprine Husbandry Practices Throughout Dynastic Egypt Using Linear Enamel Hypoplasia (LEH). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BLACKWELL, BENJAMIN,CAREY (2010) Christosis: Pauline Soteriology in Light of Deification in Irenaeus and Cyril of Alexandria. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BLAIN, SOPHIE,EMILIE,LEA (2009) Ceramic building materials in early medieval churches in north-western France and south-eastern England. Application of luminescence dating to building archaeology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BOLD, RACHAEL (2012) Norse Utilisation of Archaeobotanical Resources within the Myvatnssveit locale, Northern Iceland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BRADBURY, JENNIE,NICOLE (2011) Landscapes of Burial? The Homs Basalt, Syria in the 4th-3rd millennia BC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BRIONES, DAVID,EMILIO (2011) Paul's Financial Policy: A Socio-Theological Approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BRITTON, KATE,HELENA (2009) Multi-isotope analysis and the reconstruction of prey species palaeomigrations and palaeoecology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BROAD, WILLIAM,E,L (2012) What Led Jesus to be Called the Son of God? An Historical Investigation of how an Appellation of Alexander the Great and of the Roman Emperors came to be used of Jesus. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BUSHUR, JAMES,GEORGE (2010) "Joining the End to the Beginning"
Divine Providence and the Interpretation of Scripture in the Teaching of Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


CHRYSOVERGI, MARIA (2011) Attitudes towards the Use of Medicine in Jewish Literature from the Third and Second Centuries BCE. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CLAVIER, MARK,FORBES,MORETON (2011) Eloquent Wisdom: The Role of Rhetoric and Delight in the Theology of Saint Augustine of Hippo. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Clough, Emma Elizabeth (2004) In search of Xerxes: images of the Persian king. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

COONEY, WILLIAM (2011) Egypt’s encounter with the West: Race, Culture and Identity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DREW, CARRIE ANN (2010) Pigs from six medieval sites in Flanders: A multiple methodological approach to the study of their husbandry development. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DUNSON, BEN,CLARK (2011) Individual and Community in Paul's Letter to the Romans. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Embry, Bradley Jason (2005) Psalms of assurance: an analysis of the formation and function of Psalms of Solomon in Second Temple Judaism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


GABER, AMR (2009) The Central Hall in the Egyptian Temples of the Ptolemaic Period. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GOODRICH, JOHN,KENNETH (2010) Paul, the Oikonomos of God: Paul's Apostolic Metaphor in 1 Corinthians and its Graeco-Roman Context. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GRAINGER, SCOTT (2009) Development of techniques for high-resolution spatially-resolved elemental analysis in materials of interest in luminescence dating. Masters thesis, Durham University.

GURLING, THOMAS (2009) Luminescence Dating of Medieval and Early Modern Brickwork. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HARTIS, RICHARD,GEOFFREY (2010) Beyond Functionalism: A Quantitative Survey and Semiotic Reading of Hadrian's Wall. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Häuser, Götz Ludwig (1992) Communion with Christ and Christian community in 1 Corinthians: a study of Paul's concept of Koinonia. Masters thesis, Durham University.

HAYASE, ATSUSHI (2010) Plato's Later Dialectic. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HILL, WESLEY,ALLEN (2012) Paul and the Triune Identity: Rereading Paul's God-, Christ-, and Spirit-Language in Conversation with Trinitarian Theologies of Persons and Relations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hilke, Hartmut (1993) The ideas of "predestination" and "election" in Pauline thought. Masters thesis, Durham University.

HOCH, BRIAN,THOMAS (2010) The Year of Jubilee and Old Testament Ethics:
A Test Case in Methodology.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HOLDSWORTH, BENJAMIN,EVANS (2009) Reading Romans in Rome:A Reception of Romans in the Roman Context of Ethnicity and Faith. Doctoral thesis, Durham University. 

HUCKLESBY, CLARE,LOUISE (2008) An Anthropology of Conservation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

HUTTON, GILLIAN,MARIA (2011) Roads and Routeways in County Durham: 1530-1730. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


JENNINGS, JAIME,DORIS (2010) Stress Along the Medieval Anglo-Scottish Border? Skeletal Indicators of Conflict-Zone Health. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JOHNSON, BEN,JM (2012) A Reading of the David and Goliath Narrative in Greek and Hebrew. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


LANKESTER, FRANCIS,DAVID (2012) Predynastic & Pharaonic era Rock-Art in
Egypt’s Central Eastern Desert: Distribution, Dating & Interpretation.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LEE, YOON CHEOL (2012) A Study On Protagorean Objectivism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LEWIS, DAVID,MARTIN (2011) Greek Slavery in a Near Eastern Context: A Comparative Study of the Legal and Economic Distinctiveness of Greek Slave Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


MANIOTI, NIKOLETTA (2012) All-Female Family Bonds in Latin Epic. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MARSHALL, JENNY,LEE (2012) Missing Links:Demic Diffusion and the Development of Agriculture on the Central Iranian Plateau. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


MATHEW, SUSAN (2010) Women in the Greetings of Rom 16:1-16: A Study of Mutuality and Women's Ministry in the Letter to the Romans. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MATHEWS, MARK DEWAYNE (2010) Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MCCARRISON, KIRSTY,ELIZABETH (2012) Exploring Prehistoric Tuberculosis in Britain: A Combined Macroscopic and Biomolecular Approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MEDDA, ROBERTO (2009) Aristotle’s On Memory and Recollection:Concepts, Sources, and Innovations of Aristotle’s Account of Mnemonic Capacities and Activities. Masters thesis, Durham University. 

MIHOC, JUSTIN,ALEXANDRU (2010) The Ascension of Jesus Christ:
A Critical and Exegetical Study of the Ascension in Luke-Acts and in the Jewish and Christian Contexts.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

MORLAN, DAVID,SCOTT (2010) Conversion in Luke and Paul: Some Exegetical and Theological Explorations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


NISHITANI, AKIRA (2012) Typological Classification and the Chronology of Iron Age pottery in central-southern Britain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

OOI, VINCENT,KEAN,HONG (2011) Scripture and Its Readers: Readings of Israel’s Story in Nehemiah 9:6 – 37, Ezekiel 20:5 – 31 and Acts 7:2 – 60. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ORR, PETER,CHRISTIAN (2011) Christ Absent and Present: A Study in Pauline Christology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PIERCE, CHAD (2009) Spirits and the Proclamation of Christ: 1 Peter 3:18-22 in Its Tradition-Historical and Literary Context. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PONCE, PAOLA,VANESA (2010) A comparative study of activity-related skeletal changes in 3rd-2nd millennium BC coastal fishers and 1st millenium AD inland agriculturists in Chile, South America. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

RUCKERT, JULIA,MARGARETA,MARIA (2011) Romans and Goths in late antique Gaul: asepcts of political and cultural assimilation in the Fifth Century AD. Masters thesis, Durham University.

SALEM, CLAIRE,ELAYNE (2010) Sanity, Insanity, and Man’s Being as Understood by St. John Chrysostom. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SCHWAB, ZOLTAN (2011) A Theological Interpretation of the Book of Proverbs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SCOTT, MATTHEW (2010) The Renewal of Song: Metalepsis and the Christological Revision of Psalmody in Paul. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SHEPHERD, CHARLES,EARL (2012) Theological Interpretation and Isaiah 53: A Study of Bernhard Duhm, Brevard Childs, and Alec Motyer. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SHERWOOD, AARON (2010) THE RESTORATION OF HUMANITY: Temple Cosmology, Worship and Israel-Nations Unification in Biblical, Second Temple and Pauline Traditions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Steer, K. A. (1938) The archaeology of Roman Durham. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

STRICKLAND, KEIR,MAGALIE (2011) The Jungle Tide:“Collapse” in Early Mediaeval Sri Lanka. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SUZUKI, YUMI (2012) The Underlying Paradox of Plato’s Meno 80d5-e5. Masters thesis, Durham University.

SZECHY, CSILLA (2009) Reading Ezra 9-10 as Christian Scripture. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TOMITA, YUJI (2012) Christ as the Covenant: Justin Martyr's Interpretation of the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31.31-32. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

UPEX, BETHAN,ROSEMARY (2009) Enamel hypoplasia in modern and archaeological caprine populations:The development and application of a new methodological approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
VILLALOBOS ACOSTA, CESAR (2011) Archaeology in Circulation: Nationalism and Tourism in Post-Revolutionary Mexican Coins, Notes, Stamps and Guidebooks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WAGSCHAL, DAVID FERGUSON (2010) The Nature of Law and Legality in the Byzantine Canonical Collections 381-883. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WEDDLE, POLLY (2010) Touching the Gods: physical interaction with cult statues in the Roman world. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WELLS, KYLE,BRANDON (2010) Grace, Obedience, and the Hermeneutics of Agency: Paul and his Jewish Contemporaries on the Transformation of the Heart. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WILDISH, MARK (2012) Hieroglyphic Semantics in Late Antiquity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WILKINSON, JENNIFER (2012) Mark and his Gentile Audience: A Traditio-Historical and Socio-Cultural Investigation of Mk 4.35-9.29 and its Interface with Gentile Polytheism in the Roman Near East. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WINDSOR, LIONEL JAMES (2012) Paul and the Vocation of Israel: How Paul's Jewish Identity Informs his Apostolic Ministry, with Special Reference to Romans. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WORTHINGTON, JONATHAN,DAVID (2010) The Beginning and Before: Interpreting Creation in Paul and Philo. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ZECHER, JONATHAN,L (2011) The Symbolics of Death and the Construction of Christian Asceticism:Greek Patristic Voices from the Fourth through Seventh Centuries. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Open Access Journal: Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (SEL)

[First posted in AWOL 12 October 2009. Updated 13 December 2012 (New website)]

Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (SEL)
ISSN: 2399-5393

SEL is an international peer-reviewed journal that appears annually. It publishes original specialist studies on ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean cultures. Particularly welcome are contributions concerning history (of any kind, especially the history of religions) and philology (epigraphy, linguistics and the like).
SEL è una rivista scientifica internazionale, peer-reviewed, di periodicità annuale. Pubblica studi specialistici originali sulle antiche culture vicino-orientali e mediterranee. Sono bene accetti i contributi di taglio storico (in tutte le accezioni, particolarmente quelli storico-religiosi) e filologico (epigrafici, linguistici e d’altro tipo).

SEL es una revista científica internacional, de periodicidad anual, con evaluación por pares (peer-review). Publica estudios especializados originales sobre las antiguas culturas próximo-orientales y mediterráneas. Acepta contribuciones históricas (de todo tipo, en especial las de corte histórico-religioso) y filológicas (epigráficas, linguísticas o de otra clase).
28 (n. s.)

(exclusively in paper edition / solo in formato cartaceo / sólo en papel)


(exclusively in paper edition / solo in formato cartaceo / sólo en papel)

(exclusively in paper edition / solo in formato cartaceo / sólo en papel)

(full-text online / testo completo online / texto completo en línea)

(full-text online / testo completo online / texto completo en línea)
Maria Rocchi – Paolo Xella – José-Ángel Zamora (a cura di)
Gli operatori cultuali - Atti del II Incontro di studio organizzato dal "Gruppo di contatto per lo studio delle religioni mediterranee" - Roma, 10 - 11 maggio 2005
(exclusively in paper edition / solo in formato cartaceo / sólo en papel)

(full-text online / testo completo online / texto completo en línea)

(full-text online / testo completo online / texto completo en línea)
Paolo Xella – José-Ángel Zamora (a cura di)
Epigrafia e Storia delle religioni. Dal documento epigrafico al problema storico-religioso (Atti dell'Incontro di studio sul tema... organizzato in collaborazione da: EEHAR (CSIC) - ICFP (CNR). Roma, EEHAR, 28 maggio 2002)
(full-text online / testo completo online / texto completo en línea)

(full-text online / testo completo online / texto completo en línea)


Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE)

[First posted in AWOL 31 December 2011. Updated 14 December 2012]

Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE)
ISSN 1461-­4316
The ASTENEBulletin is published four times a year and aims to keep members informed of research interests and queries in the field of travel in Egypt and the Near East. Members are encouraged to submit information and material for the Bulletin relating to on-going research and interests, conferences etc.

There is also a focus on useful subject-related bibliographies and biographies. The Bulletin contains the following regular or semi-regular features: articles — perhaps on work in progress, which should be no more than 2,000 words; select bibliographies; features on research resources; ASTENE news: publications, conferences, seminars, exhibitions etc.; other exhibitions, conferences of interest; announcements of relevant books/articles — in preparation, forthcoming, recently published; members' notes and queries.

Submissions for the next Bulletin must be received by 15th December 2010. We welcome articles, queries, replies and other related matters from members. Please send the contributions to the Editors, Sheila and Russell McGuirk via email at bulletin@astene.org.uk

Bulletin No.51 Spring 2012
Bulletin No.50 Winter 2011/12
Bulletin No.49 Autumn 2011
Bulletin No.48 Summer 2011
Bulletin No.47 Spring 2011
Bulletin No.46 Winter 2010/11
Bulletin No.45 Autumn 2010
Bulletin No.44 Summer 2010
Bulletin No.43 Spring 2010
Bulletin No.42 Winter 2009/10
Bulletin No.41 Autumn 2009
Bulletin No.40 Summer 2009
Bulletin No.39 Spring 2009
Bulletin No.38 Winter 2008/09
Bulletin No.37 Autumn 2008
Bulletin No.36 Summer 2008
Bulletin No.35 Spring 2008
Bulletin No.34 Winter 2007
Bulletin No.33 Autumn 2007
Bulletin No.32 Summer 2007
Bulletin No.31 Spring 2007
Bulletin No.30 Winter 2006-7
Bulletin No.29 Winter 2006
Bulletin No.28 Summer 2006
Bulletin No.27 Spring 2006
Bulletin No.26 Winter 2005
Bulletin No.25 Autumn 2005
Bulletin No.24 Summer 2005
Bulletin No.23 Spring 2005
Bulletin No.22 Winter 2004
Bulletin No.21 Autumn 2004
Bulletin No.20 Summer 2004
Bulletin No.19 Spring 2004
Bulletin No.18 Winter 2003
Bulletin No.17 Autumn 2003
Bulletin No.16 Summer 2003
Bulletin No.15 Spring 2003
Bulletin No.14 Supplement Winter 2002
Bulletin No. 14 Autumn 2002
Bulletin No.13 Spring 2002
Bulletin No.12 October 2001
Bulletin No.11 April 2001
Bulletin No.10 October 2000
Bulletin No.9 April 2000
Bulletin No.8 October 1999
Bulletin No.7 April 1999
Bulletin No.6 October 1998
Bulletin No.5 April 1998
Bulletin No.4 October 1997
Bulletin No.3 December 1996
Bulletin No.2 August 1996
Bulletin No.1 July 1995
See AWOL's round up of Open access travel literature 

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Newly Online from the Oriental Institute's Backlist

Twenty-one more volumes of the series Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization (SAOC) are Newly Online from the Oriental Institute's Backlist:
In the next few day I will incorporate these titles into the list of all Oriental Institute publications available online:

The New Technologies for Aquileia Proceedings Online

Proceedings of the Workshops on The New Technologies for Aquileia (TOCs follow below)

The New Technologies for Aquileia 2012.
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on The New Technologies for Aquileia (NTA-2012), Aquileia, Italy, June 25, 2012.
Edited by: Luigi Fozzati, Vito Roberto
Submitted by: Vito Roberto
Published on CEUR-WS: 14-Dec-2012
ONLINE: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-948/
URN: urn:nbn:de:0074-948-8
ARCHIVE: ftp://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/pub/publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-948.zip

The New Technologies for Aquileia 2011.

Proceedings of the 1st Workshop New Technologies for Aquileia (NTA-2011), Aquileia, Italy, May 2, 2011.
Edited by: Vito Roberto
Submitted by: Vito Roberto
Published on CEUR-WS: 08-Nov-2011
ONLINE: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-806/
URN: urn:nbn:de:0074-806-8
ARCHIVE: ftp://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/pub/publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-806.zip

Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on The New Technologies for Aquileia

Aquileia, Italy, June 25, 2012.

Edited by

Luigi Fozzati  and Vito Roberto 

Table of Contents

Part I: Methods and Techniques

Part II: Nondestructive Investigations

Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on The New Technologies for Aquileia

Aquileia, Italy, May 2, 2011

Edited by:

Vito Roberto

Table of Contents

    Part I: Methods and Techniques

  1. Geophysical Prospection: a Powerful Non-destructive Research Method for the Detection, Mapping and Preservation of Monuments and Sites, B1-B9Jörg W.E. Fassbinder
  2. Integrated Archaeological Investigations for the Study of the Greater Aquileia Area, C1-C11Arianna Traviglia
  3. Sharing Data on the Aquileia Heritage: Proposals for a Research Project, D1-D9Vito Roberto, Paolo Omero

  4. Part II: Landscape Investigations

  5. Integrated Geophysical Study of Archaeological Sites in the Aquileia Area, E1-E11Emanuele Forte, Michele Pipan, Monica Sugan
  6. Aerial Photography and Archival Data: Some Examples of Combined Study in the Suburbium of Aquileia, F1-F8Paola Ventura, Paola Maggi, Flaviana Oriolo
  7. Integrated Topographic, GNSS, Remote Sensing and GIS/WebGIS Techniques Applied to the Study of Aquileia River Port Structures, G1-G8Raffaela Cefalo, Alexia Cociancich, Michele Di Bartolomeo, Francesca Ferro, Massimo Iansig, Giorgio Manzoni, Giulio Montagner
  8. Natural Phenomena and Anthropic Interventions: Remarks on the Landscape South of Aquileia in the Light of the Historical and Modern Cartography, H1-H8Stefano Magnani
  9. New Acquisitions on the Aquileia’s Map Inside the Roman Walls and Surroundings, I1-I7Maurizio Buora

  10. Part III: ICT for the Art Heritage

  11. ICT and Art Heritage: a Project of the University of Udine for the Dissemination of Knowledge, J1-J6Donata Levi
  12. New Technologies for the ‘Great Baths’ of Aquileia: Results and Prospects, K1-K9Marina Rubinich
  13. Surveying, Modeling and Navigating the Theodorian Mosaic Floor of the Aquileia Basilica, L1-L11
    Domenico Visintini

CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org) is a publication service of Sun SITE Central Europeoperated under the umbrella of RWTH Aachen University with the support of Tilburg University. CEUR-WS.org is a recognized ISSN publication series, ISSN 1613-0073.

2nd Linked Ancient World Data Institute (LAWDI)

Drew University and New York University’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) will host the Linked Ancient World Data Institute (LAWDI) from May 30th to June 1st, 2013. The venue for the 2013 session will be the Drew University campus in New Jersey.  

Applications due Monday, February 18, 2013

Linked Open Data” is an approach to the creation of digital resources that emphasizes connections between diverse information on the basis of published and stable web addresses (URIs) that identify common concepts and individual items. LAWDI, funded by the Office of Digital Humanities of the National Endowment for Humanities, will bring together an international faculty of practitioners working in the field of Linked Data with twenty attendees who are implementing or planning the creation of digital resources. LAWDI’s intellectual scope is the Ancient Mediterranean and Ancient Near East, two fields in which a large and increasing number of digital resources is available, with rich coverage of the archaeology, literature and history of these regions. Many of these resources publish stable URIs for their content and so are enabling links and re-use that create a varied research and publication environment. LAWDI attendees will learn how to take advantage of these resources and also how to contribute to the growing network of linked scholarly materials. The organizers encourage applications from faculty, university staff, graduate students, librarians, museum professionals, archivists and others with a serious interest in creating digital resources for the study of the Ancient World.  

Applications to attend should take the form of an attached (MS-Word, PDF or other common format) e-mailed to <sebastian.heath@nyu.edu> by Monday, February 18, 2013. A discussion of current or planned work should be a prominent part of this statement. As part of the curriculum, successful applicants will be asked to present their work and be ready to actively participate in conversations about topics presented by faculty and the other participants. Further materials describing LAWDI and listing faculty are available at http://wiki.digitalclassicist.org/Linked_Ancient_World_Data_Institute. Questions can be sent to tom.elliott@nyu.edu or sebastian.heath@nyu.edu

Travel costs will be covered for students from the United States. Partial travel stipends are likely to be available to overseas participants. Accommodation on the Drew University campus will be provided to all participants.

 And see: 
Elliott, Thomas, Sebastian Heath, and John Muccigrosso. Report on the Linked Ancient World Data Institute. Information Standards Quarterly, 2012 Spring/Summer, 24(2/3):43-45.



Le site de l'archéogéographie est une réalisation du Groupe de Recherches du CNRS intitulé "Traité de l'ESpace des Sociétés Rurales Anciennes" (= GDR 2137, TESORA). Ce groupe, dont l'existence institutionnelle prend fin en 2007 après 8 années d'existence, a conçu et formalisé une discipline nouvelle nommée archéogéographie et rédigé le Traité d'archéogéographie qui lui sert de base (en cours de parution). 

L'archéogéographie est enseignée à l'Université de Paris-I Sorbonne dans le cadre d'un Master “archéologie et environnement”, dont elle constitue une des quatre options. Les cours d'archéogéographie sont donnés par Gérard Chouquer, Magali Wateaux, Sandrine Robert. La direction de thèses sur des thèmes d'archéogéographie est assurée par Gérard Chouquer dans le cadre d'un Doctorat d'archéologie de l’École Doctorale d’Archéologie de l’Université de Paris I (ED 112). Certaines thèses sont encadrées en co-direction avec Joëlle Burnouf.

À partir de l'année universitaire 2007-2008, l'archéogéographie est enseignée à Coimbra, dans le cadre d'un Master "Archéologie et territoires", Spécialisation Archéogéographie, et, à partir de 2008/2009 dans le cadre d'un Doctorat d'archéogéographie. L'encadrement des thèses du doctorat d'archéogéographie sera assurée par Maria da Conceição Lopes.
Le responsable du site internet de l'archéogéographie est Gérard Chouquer, directeur de recherches au CNRS dans l'équipe Arscan ("Archéologie et Sciences de l'Antiquité" UMR 7041 du CNRS) et la sous-équipe "Archéologies environnementales" que dirige Joëlle Burnouf. 

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®) Updates


Forty-four new works have beenadded to the TLG since mid July 2011
0563MAXIMUS Soph.
002 Dissertationes 
1747VITA ADAM ET EVAE Hagiogr. et Apocryph.
002 Vita Adam et Evae 
2705NICETAS DAVID Scr. Eccl., Gramm. et Phil.
006 Encomium sancti Diomedis 
2944LEO VI SAPIENS Imperator Scr. Eccl., Phil. et Poeta
007 Tactica 
3028Nilus DOXAPATRES Gramm. et Nomograph.
001 Notitia patriarchatuum 
3293Franciscus PHILELPHUS Rhet.
004 De psychagogia 
3327JOASAPH Ephesius Phil. et Scr. Eccl.
002 Responsiones ad quaestiones presbyteri Georgii Drasini003 Carmina in Joannem Notaram 004 Exegesis 005 Homilia in hymnum $*FW=S I(LARON& rogati Nili monachi scripta 006 Epistula Joasaphi ad Nilum 
002 Vita Philareti Misericordis 
3371NARRATIONES ANIMAE UTILES Hagiogr., Biogr., Eccl. et Narr. Fict.
001 De Monacho superbo (BHG 1450x) 
4085HESYCHIUS Lexicogr.
001 Epistula ad Eulogium 002 Lexicon 003 Lexicon 004 Lexicon ($*P-*S&) 005 Lexicon ($*T-*W&) 
4146Maximus PLANUDES Theol. et Polyhist.
025 Encomium sancti Diomedis 
4157JOANNES Sardianus Rhet.
004 Commentarium in Aphthonii progymnasmata 
4239SEVERUS Soph.
002 Narrationes vel $DIHGH/MATA& 003 Ethopoeiae 
031 Vita Iasonis et Sosipatris 032 Passio sancti Christophori 
001 Passio s. Georgii (e codice Atheniensi 343 collato Vaticano Palatino graeco 205, palimpsesto) 
001 Passio sancti Eusignii 
001 Vita sancti Andreae sali (sub auctore Nicephoro) 002 Appendices vitae sancti Andreae sali (e codicibus variis) 
001 Passio brevis (BHG 550) 
001 Laudatio seu Passio (BHG 768a) 
001 Passio sanctorum Adriani et Nataliae 
001 Passio martyrum MIII Nicomediae 
001 Passio sanctae Theodosiae m. Caesareae 
001 Passio sancti Theodori Pergae in Pamphylia 
001 Passio sancti Ananiae 
001 Passio Menodorae, Metrodorae et Nymphodorae (BHG 1272z) 
001 Passio sancti Theopompi et Theonae 
001 Passio sancti Theodoreti Antiocheni (BHG 2425) 
001 Passio sanctae Thoma�dae Lesbiae 
9009Michael APOSTOLIUS Paroemiogr.
009 Sermo ad socerum 
See more TLG News here

Open Access Journal: Eos. Czasopismo Filologiczne Organ Towarzystwa Filologicznego

Eos. Czasopismo Filologiczne Organ Towarzystwa Filologicznego 
„Eos. Commentarii Societatis Philologae Polonorum” jest periodykiem naukowym, w którym publikują światowej klasy specjaliści z różnych dziedzin nauk o starożytności. Czasopismo zostało założone w roku 1894 we Lwowie, a jego pierwszym redaktorem naczelnym był prof. Ludwik Ćwikliński. „Eos” jest organem Polskiego Towarzystwa Filologicznego.

Obecnie redakcja ma swoją siedzibę we Wrocławiu – w Instytucie Studiów Klasycznych, Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych UWr.

“Eos” is a peer-reviewed biannual journal devoted to Greek and Roman antiquity and classical tradition. It was founded in 1894 in Lwów (Lviv) by Ludwik Ćwikliński and is published by the Polish Classical Association (Societas Philologa Polonorum).
The editorial office is currently located at the Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies at the university of Wrocław (Poland).

Digital Library of Wielkopolska has made available the electronic version of full content of “Eos” volumes 1894-1939. Selected content from recent fascicles can be found here.

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