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NOMOI: Bibliography on Ancient Greek Law

[First posted in AWOL 15 November 2015, updated 12 October 2017]

NOMOI: A bibliographical web site for the study of ancient Greek law. Ancient Greek Law on the World Wide Web
Ilias Arnaoutoglou
Mark J. Sundahl

Complete Bibliography July 2017 A-L, M-Z by author
Alphabetical Listing of NOMOI Database as at July 2017
Abbreviations Sources         Fundamental Principles         Law and Religion         Inter-poleis Relations  Crime and Punishment
Are your publications listed in our database?Submissions are welcome: Submit a Bibliography Entry
Additions January - June 2017


Apostolakis, K. (2017) “Pitiable dramas on the podium of the Athenian law courts” in Papaioannou, S., Serafim, A. & B. da Vela (eds) The theatre of justice. Aspects of performance in Greco-Roman oratory and rhetoric, 133-56, Leiden.
Griffith-Williams, B. (2016) “Rational and emotional persuasion in Athenian inheritance cases” in Sanders, E. & M. Johncock (eds) Emotion and persuasion in classical antiquity, 41-55, Stuttgart.
Harris, E. M. (2017) “How to “act” in an Athenian court: Emotions and forensic performance” in Papaioannou, S., Serafim, A. & B. da Vela (eds) The theatre of justice. Aspects of performance in Greco-Roman oratory and rhetoric, 223-42, Leiden.
Maffi, A. (1985) «L’exetastikon eidos nella Rhetorica ad Alexandrum» in Pennacini, A. (ed) Retorica e storia nella cultura classica, 29-43, Bologna.
Pasini, G. (2006) «L’exetastikon eidos della Retorica ad Alessandro e le sue corrispondenze nell’oratoria e in Aristotele» in Calboli Montefusco, L. (ed) Papers on Rhetoric VII, 181-202, Rome.
Sanders, E. (2016) «Persuasion through emotions in Athenian deliberative oratory» in Sanders, E. & M. Johncock (eds) Emotion and persuasion in classical antiquity, 57-73, Stuttgart.
Serafim, A. (2017) Attic oratory and performance, London.
Worthington, I. (2017) “Audience reaction, performance and the exploitation of delivery in the courts and assembly” in Papaioannou, S., Serafim, A. & B. da Vela (eds) The theatre of justice. Aspects of performance in Greco-Roman oratory and rhetoric, 13-25, Leiden.

Carey, Chr. (2017) “Style, person, and performance in Aeschines’ prosecution of Timarchus” in Papaioannou, S., Serafim, A. & B. da Vela (eds) The theatre of justice. Aspects of performance in Greco-Roman oratory and rhetoric, 265-82, Leiden.
Harris, E. M. (2017) “Applying the law about the law the award of crowns to magistrates (Aeschin. 3.9-31; Dem. 18.113-117): Epigraphic evidence for the legal arguments at the trial of Ctesiphon” ZPE 202, 105-17.
Leão, D. F. (2009) “O sexo e a cidade: Um caso de prostituição masculine (Ésquines, Contra Timarco)” in Ramos, J. A., Fialho, M. C. & N. S. Rodrigues (eds) A sexualidade no mundo antico, 293-303, Porto.
Pasini, G. (2011) «The exetastikon eidos of the Rh. Al. and parallels in Aeschines’ Against Timarchus and Demosthenes’ On the False EmbassyRhetorica 29, 336-56.


Schindel, U. (1979) Der Mordfall Herodes. Zur 5. Rede Antiphons, Göttingen.
Vatri, A. (2017) “Public performance and the language of Antiphon’s speeches” in Papaioannou, S., Serafim, A. & B. da Vela (eds) The theatre of justice. Aspects of performance in Greco-Roman oratory and rhetoric, 304-20, Leiden.

Curado, A. L. (2017) „Emotion, life history and law: Demosthenes and the architecture of the speech Against Meidias“ in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 303-24, Wien. (with a reply by M. Gagarin)
Harris, E. M. (2017) “Applying the law about the law the award of crowns to magistrates (Aeschin. 3.9-31; Dem. 18.113-117): Epigraphic evidence for the legal arguments at the trial of Ctesiphon” ZPE 202, 105-17.
Kapparis, K. (2017) “Narrative and performance in the speeches of Apollodoros” in Papaioannou, S., Serafim, A. & B. da Vela (eds) The theatre of justice. Aspects of performance in Greco-Roman oratory and rhetoric, 283-305, Leiden.
Pasini, G. (2011) «The exetastikon eidos of the Rh. Al. and parallels in Aeschines’ Against Timarchus and Demosthenes’ On the False EmbassyRhetorica 29, 336-56.
Spatharas, D. (2017) “The mind’s theatre: Envy, hybrisand enargeia in Demosthenes’ Against Meidias” in Papaioannou, S., Serafim, A. & B. da Vela (eds) The theatre of justice. Aspects of performance in Greco-Roman oratory and rhetoric, 201-22, Leiden.
Sullivan, J. (2003) “Demosthenes’ Areopagos legislation” CQ 53, 111-23.
Taddei, A. (2007) “Una rissa nell’agorà (Demostene, ‘Contro Conone’)” Lexis 25, 285-99.


Galatà, Fr. (2014) “Iperide e le orazioni per Cherefilo: Una rilettura del P. Oxy. 2686” Analecta Papyrologica 26, 107-21.
Maltese, E. V. (1974) “Le orazioni “per Cherefilo” di Iperide e un nuovo frammento papiraceo del II sec.” Aegyptus54, 157-75.
Oikonomides, A. N. (1978) “A new fragment of Hyperides Against Antias and his relation to the Cherefilus affair” ZPE 29, 41-42.

Griffith-Williams, Br. (2017) “Would I lie to you? Narrative and performance in Isaios 6” in Papaioannou, S., Serafim, A. & B. da Vela (eds) The theatre of justice. Aspects of performance in Greco-Roman oratory and rhetoric, 42-56, Leiden.

Bouchet, Chr. (2015) “Isocrate, la Seconde Confédération maritime et l’Areopagitique” Historiká 5, 423-31.


Cortés Gabaudán, Fr. (2017) “¿Seducción o prostitución? Lisias, Defensa por el homicidio de EratostenesEmerita 85, 27-48.
Dunham, W. R. (2011) “Cold case files: The Athenian grain merchants 386 BC” Cato Journal 28, 495-514.
Piovan, D. (ed) (2009) Lisia. Difesa dall’accusa di attentato alla democrazia, Roma.
Viano, C. (2011) “Théorie éthique et pratique judiciaire: passions et délits passionels chez Platon, Aristote et Lysias” Metis 9, 101-21.


Cerri, G. (2013) “Giudici-rapsodi in Esiodo e Omero” AION35, 7-24.

Cerri, G. (2013) “Giudici-rapsodi in Esiodo e Omero” AION35, 7-24.
Priou, A. (2014) “Hesiod: Man, law and cosmos” Polis (Exeter) 31, 233-60.


Telech, D. (2017) “Mercy at the Areopagus: A Nietzschean account of justice and joy in the Eumenides” in LaCroix, A. L., McAdams, R. H. & M. C. Nussbaum (eds) Fatal fictions. Crime and investigation in law and literature, 15-40, Oxford.


Brezzi, Fr. (2014) «Antigone e le leggi. Diritto, etica e politica» RIFD91, 381-408.


Buis, E. J. (2015) “The comic oars of Athenian jurisdiction: Autodikiaand the manliness of maritime imperialism in Cloudcuckoville” Historiká 5, 459-78.
Drumond, Gr. (2014) “Lei e liberdade em Assembleia de Mulheres de Aristofanes” Caliope 28, 9-32.
Kanavou, N. (2016) «Sôphrosyne and justice in Aristophanes’ Wasps» G & R 63, 175-91.
Markovits, El. (2012) “As if we were codgers: Flattery, parrhēsiaand ols man demos in Aristophanes’ KnightsPolis (Exeter) 29, 108-29.
Sheppard, A. (2016) Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusaeand the remaking of the patrios politeiaCQ 66, 463-83.



Atack, C. (2015) “Aristotle’s pambasileia and the metaphysics of monarchy” Polis(Exeter) 32, 297-320.
Balla, Chl. (2016) “To programma tes aristotelikes Synagoges Politeion kai to theoretiko tou hypobathro” Philosophia 46/2, 83-96.
Bates, C. A. (2013) “Law and the rule of law and its place relative to politeiain Aristotle’s Politics” in Huppes-Gluysenaer, L. & N. M. M. S. Coelho (eds) Aristotle and the philosophy of law: theory, practice and justice, 59-75, Berlin.
Bearzot, C. (2016) “La teoria aristotelica della giustizia: il V libro dell’Etica Nicomachea” Antiquorum Philosophia10, 94-107.
Contreras. Seb. (2012) “La justicia en Aristóteles. Una revisión de las ideias fundamentales de Ethica Nicomachea» Agora 14, 63-80.
Hurri, S. (2013) “Justice kata nomos and justice as epieikeia (legality and equity)” in Huppes-Gluysenaer, L. & N. M. M. S. Coelho (eds) Aristotle and the philosophy of law: theory, practice and justice, 149-61, Berlin.
Könczöl, M. (2013) „Legality and equity in the Rhetoric. The smooth transition” in Huppes-Gluysenaer, L. & N. M. M. S. Coelho (eds) Aristotle and the philosophy of law: theory, practice and justice, 164-70, Berlin.
Pelloso, C. (2016) „Giustizia corretiva e rapporti sinallagmatici tra dottrina etica e declinazioni positive“ Teoria e Storia del Diritto Privato 9, 1-68.
Poddighe, El. (2016) „Giustizia e costituzione: scienza politica e intelligibilità dellastoria secondo Aristotele (EN V, 1134a25- 1135a8)“ Gerion 34, 77-101.
Rapp, Chr. (2011) “Aristotelische Grundbegriffe in der Theorie der juridischen Argumentation“ Rechtstheorie 42, 383-415.
Sancho Rocher, L. (2016) “Kerdos, philia and mesoi. Aristotle and the ways of preventing stasisIncAnt 14, 143-74.
Spano, A. (2016) “Aristotele, l’eforato e lo scontro politico a Sparta dopo Leuttra (Politica 11270 B6-35)” Sicilia Antiqua 13, 187-91.
Vega, J. (2013) „Legal rules and epieikeia in Aristotle: Post-positivism rediscovered“in Huppes-Gluysenaer, L. & N. M. M. S. Coelho (eds) Aristotle and the philosophy of law: theory, practice and justice, 171-2011, Berlin.
Viano, C. (2011) “Théorie éthique et pratique judiciaire: passions et délits passionels chez Platon, Aristote et Lysias” Metis 9, 101-21.
Wallace, R. W. (2014) “Greek oligarchy, and the pre-Solonian Areopagos Council in [Aristotle] Ath. Pol. 2.2-8.4” Polis(Exeter) 31, 191-205.

Plato - see also www.platosociety.org
Dusenbury, D. L. (2017) Platonic legislations. An essay on legal critique in ancient Greece, Berlin.
Lännström, A. (2013) “Socrates moral impiety and its role at the trial: A reading of Euthyphro6A” Polis (Exeter) 30, 31-48.
Viano, C. (2011) “Théorie éthique et pratique judiciaire: passions et délits passionels chez Platon, Aristote et Lysias” Metis 9, 101-21.

Loddo, L. (2016) “Cambiamenti costituzionali  neiPhilippika di Teopompo di Chio” IncAnt 14, 175-206.


Kremmydas, Chr. (2017) “Ethos and logical argument in Thucydides’ assembly debates” in Papaioannou, S., Serafim, A. & B. da Vela (eds) The theatre of justice. Aspects of performance in Greco-Roman oratory and rhetoric, 92-113, Leiden.

Bianco, El. (2011) „Xenophon and the tradition on the strategoi in fourth-century Athens“Historiká 1/1, 39-60.
Danzig, G. (2009) “Big boys, little boys: Justice and law in Xenophon’s Cyropaediaand MemorabiliaPolis 26, 242-66.
Thommen, L. (2015) «Xenophon und die spartanische Nauarchie» Historiká 5, 313-20.


Other literary sources
Leão, D. F. (2016) “Consistency and criticism in Plutarch’s writings concerning the laws of Solon” in Opsomer, J., Roskam, G. & Fr. B. Titchener (eds) A versatile gentleman. Consistency in Plutarch’s writing, 243-54, Leuven.

Beretta Liverani, M. (2013) “Il decreto ateniese per i Faseliti (IG i3 10) e le multe di 10.000 dracme nel V sec.” Historiká 3, 131-58.
Cordano, F. (2016) “La doppia copia di un contratto “camarinese”” in Struffolino, St. (ed) Hemetera grammata. Scritti di epigraphia greca offerti a Teresa Alfieri Tonini, 219-26, Milano.
Dickey, E. & Ph. Probert (2017) “Houses in which a serf living in the country does not reside: a reconsideration of Gortyn laws column 4, lines 31-37” in Willi, A. (ed) Sprachgeschichte und Epigraphik. Festgaben für Rudolph Wachter zum 60.Geburtstag, 57-81, Innsbruck.
Harris, E. M. (2017) “Applying the law about the law the award of crowns to magistrates (Aeschin. 3.9-31; Dem. 18.113-117): Epigraphic evidence for the legal arguments at the trial of Ctesiphon” ZPE 202, 105-17.
Peels, S. (2017) “Notes on IG ix 1 (2) 3: 718 (Foundation decree of Locrian colony at Naupactus)” ZPE 201, 110-6.
Wallace, Sh. (2016) “The rescript of Philip III Arrhidaios and the two tyrannies at Eresos” Tyche 31, 239-58.

Manuals – introductory essays
Pepe, L. (2016) “Il diritto in Grecia” in Buongiorno, P., d’Alessio, R. & N. Rampazzo (eds) Diritti antichi, percorsi e confronti. I. Area mediterranea 1. Oriente, 253-329, Napoli.


Arpaia, M. (2010) “Bibliografia sullo Scudo di Achille (1945-2008)” in D’Acunto, M. & R. Palmisciano (eds) Lo Scudo di Achille nell’Iliade.Esperienze ermeneutiche a confronto (Atti della giornata di studi, Napoli 12 maggio 2008), 225-32, Pisa.

Fundamental principles
Legal concepts

Adamidis, V. (2017)Character Evidence in the Courts of Classical Athens.Rhetoric, Relevance and the Rule of Law, London.

Bates, C. A. (2013) “Law and the rule of law and its place relative to politeiain Aristotle’s Politics” in Huppes-Gluysenaer, L. & N. M. M. S. Coelho (eds) Aristotle and the philosophy of law: theory, practice and justice, 59-75, Berlin.
Dimopoulou, Ath. (2017) ““Chalkideas eleutherous kai autonomous ontas” (IG ii2 44): He ennoia tes “autonomias” sta archaioellenika psephismata” in Ioannes K.Karakostas, philias kai matheteias charin, 243-58, Athena.
Gowder, P. (2014) “Trust and commitment: How Athens rebuilt the rule of law” in Corradetti, C., Eisikovitz, N. & J. Rotondi (eds.) Theorizing Transitional Justice,225-36, Farnham.
Gowder, P. (2015) “What the Laws demand of Socrates --- and of us” The Monist98, 360-74.
Hurri, S. (2013) “Justice kata nomos and justice as epieikeia (legality and equity)” in Huppes-Gluysenaer, L. & N. M. M. S. Coelho (eds) Aristotle and the philosophy of law: theory, practice and justice, 149-61, Berlin.
Könczöl, M. (2013) „Legality and equity in the Rhetoric. The smooth transition” in Huppes-Gluysenaer, L. & N. M. M. S. Coelho (eds) Aristotle and the philosophy of law: theory, practice and justice, 164-70, Berlin.
Lambrini, P. (2013) “Il dolo tra Grecia e Roma” in Palma, A. (ed) Civitas et civilitas. Studi in onore di Fr. Guizzi, II, 469-81, Torino.
Oliveira, R. R. (2013) Pólis e nómos: O problema da lei no pensiamento greco, São Paulo.
Vega, J. (2013) „Legal rules and epieikeia in Aristotle: Post-positivism rediscovered“ in Huppes-Gluysenaer, L. & N. M. M. S. Coelho (eds) Aristotle and the philosophy of law: theory, practice and justice, 171-201, Berlin.
Wallace, R. W. (2017) “Equality, the demos, and the law in archaic Greece” in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015.Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 1-32, Wien. (with a reply by L. Pepe and an additional note by M. Dreher)

Dispute settlement and litigation

Origins of law

Writing and codification

Themis, Dike, Thesmos, Nomos, Psephisma
Pelloso, C. (2016) “Coscienza nomica e scienza giuridica: Un confront tra il modelli ‘autoritativo’ ateniese e il modello ‘anarchico’ romano” Revista General de Derecho Romano 26, 1-47.
Trierweiler, S. (2017) «La conception et l’expression d’un droit structuré dans la société homérique à travers les notions de themis et dikê» Archimède 4 (en ligne) http://archimede.unistra.fr/revue-archimede/archimede-4-2017

Law and legislators
Mele, A. (2016) “Tra Zaleuco, Caronda e Parmenide: Legislatori e filosofi in Magna Grecia e Sicilia” in Poleis e politeiai nella Magna Grecia arcaica e classica (Atti del cinquantatreesimo convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 26-29 settembre 2013), 233-67, Taranto.
de Sensi Sensito, G. (2016) «Qualche osservazione sui legislatori d’ Occidente nella prospettiva pitagorica e storiografica del IV sec. a. C.» in Poleis e politeiai nella Magna Grecia arcaica e classica (Atti del cinquantatreesimo convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 26-29 settembre 2013), 269-87, Taranto.



Allan, W. (2017) “Solon the peacemaker” in Moloney, E. P. & M. S. Williams (eds) Peace and reconciliation in the classical world, 15-26, Abingdon.
Bartzoka, Al. (2012) „Solon fondateur de la Boule des Quatre Cents?“Historiká 2, 127-56.
Foxhall, L. (1997) „A view from the top: evaluating the Solonian property classes“ in Mitchell, L.. J. Rhodes (eds) The development of the polis in archaic Greece, 61-74, London.
French, A. (1956) “The economic background to Solon’s reforms” CQ 6, 11-25.
Gagliardi, L. (2014) “Das solonische Gesetz über Erbschaft: Vorschrift über Testamentum oder Adoption?” ZRG 131, 23-40.
Gallant, Th. (1982) “Agricultural systems, land tenure, and the reforms of Solon” ABSA 77, 111-24.
Leão, D. F. (2016) “Consistency and criticism in Plutarch’s writings concerning the laws of Solon” in Opsomer, J., Roskam, G. & Fr. B. Titchener (eds) A versatile gentleman. Consistency in Plutarch’s writing, 243-54, Leuven.
Pelloso, C. (2017) “Ephesis eis to dikasterion. Remarks and speculations on the legal nature of the Solonian reform” in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015.Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 33-54, Wien. (with a reply by M. Dreher)
Rosivach, V. (2002) “The requirements for the Solonic classes in Aristotle, AP 7.4” Hermes 130, 36-47.
Sancisi-Weerdenberg, H. (1993) “Solon’s hektemoroi and Pisistratid dekatemoroi” in Sancisi-Weerdenberg, H., van der Spek, R. J., Teitler, W. C. & H. T. Wallinga (eds) De agricultura: in memoriam Pieter Willem de Neeve (1945-1990), 13-30, Amsterdam.
Sciacchitano, R. (2014) „Su alcune leggi di Solone per la tutela die ceti meno abbienti (F 23d; 55-57; 60-64; 75; 78 Ruschenbusch)“ Incidenza dell’Antico 12, 123-40.
Yamauchi, E. (1980) „Two reformers compared: Solon of Athens and Nehemiah of Jerusalem” in Rendsburg, G., Adler, R., Arfa, M. & N. H. Winter (eds) The Bible world. Essays in honour of Cyrus S. Gordon, 269-92, New York.

Interpretation of laws

Human and fundamental rights
Carter, D. M. (2013) “Republicanism, rights and democratic Athens” Polis (Exeter) 30, 73-91.

Relation of Greek laws to other legal systems
Lewis, D. (2017) «Making law grip: inequality, injustice, and legal remedy in Solonian Attica and ancient Israel» in Xydopoulos, I., Vlassopoulos, K. & E. Tounta (eds) Violence and community. Law, space and identity in the ancient eastern Mediterranean world, 28-49, London.
Nielsen, F. A. J. (2014) «Israel the antithesis of Hellas: enslavement, exile and return in the Greek Solon tradition and the Hebrew Bible» in Thompson, T. L. & P. Wadjenbaum (eds) The Bible and Hellenism: Greek influence on Jewish and early Christian literature, 175-86, London.
Pelloso, C. (2016) “Coscienza nomica e scienza giuridica: Un confronto tra il modelli ‘autoritativo’ ateniese e il modello ‘anarchico’ romano” Revista General de Derecho Romano 26, 1-47.
Sofia, A. (2011) “I legislatori di Locri e la letteratura sapienzale egizia: idee di Stato e di giustizia a confronto» Aegyptus 91, 295-302.
Wolff, H. J. (2013) “Diritto Greco – diritto tolemaico” Dike 16, 97-122.(original entries in Lexicon der Alten Welt, 68-86, Zürich 1965, transl. by A. Maffi)
Yamauchi, E. (1980) „Two reformers compared: Solon of Athens and Nehemiah of Jerusalem” in Rendsburg, G., Adler, R., Arfa, M. & N. H. Winter (eds) The Bible world. Essays in honour of Cyrus S. Gordon, 269-92, New York.

Conflict of laws

Justice and law
Contreras. Seb. (2012) “La justicia en Aristóteles. Una revisión de las ideias fundamentales de Ethica Nicomachea» Agora 14, 63-80.
Danzig, G. (2009) “Big boys, little boys: Justice and law in Xenophon’s Cyropaediaand MemorabiliaPolis 26, 242-66.
Hansen, P. J. (2015) “Thrasymachus and his attachment to justice” Polis (Exeter) 32, 344-68.

Natural law

Legal terminology

Anastasiadis, V. I. (1999) “Political “parties” in Athenian democracy: A modernizing toposArethusa 32, 313-35.
Cecchet, L. (2009) «Gēs anadasmos. A real issue in the archaic and classical polis?” Athenaeum55, 185-98.
Coccioli, S. A. (2015) «Il basileus e ilphigas. Società e istituzioni a Taranto in età tardoarcaica» Studi di antichità 13, 7-32.
Lendon, J. E. (2001) “Voting by shouting in Sparta” in Tylawsky, E. & C. Weiss (eds) Essays in honor of Gordon Williams. Twenty-five years at Yale, 169-75, New Haven.
Mackil, E. (2017) “Property claims and state formation in the archaic Greek world” in Ando, Cl. & S. Richardson (eds) Ancient states and infrastructural power: Europe, Asia, and America, 63-90, Philadelphia.
Sheppard, A. (2016) Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusaeand the remaking of the patrios politeiaCQ 66, 463-83.

Civic subdivisions
Grote, O. (2016) Die griechischen Phylen. Funktion – Entstehung – Leistungen, Stuttgart.


Cuniberti, G. (2000) «Lakedaimonion politeia: priorità e originalità nel dibattito sulle politeiai– modello di Sparta e Creta» SIFC18, 99-111.
Frisone, Fl. (2016) “Esperienze politiche ed assetti costituzionali nelle poleis magnogreche di età arcaica: una riflessione” in Poleis epoliteiai nella Magna Grecia arcaica e classica (Atti del cinquantatreesimo convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 26-29 settembre 2013), 291-301, Taranto.
Herrmann-Otto, E. (1998) «Verfassung und Gesellschaft Spartas in der Kritik des Aristoteles» Historia 47, 18-40.
Loddo, L. (2016) “Cambiamenti costituzionali  nei Philippika di Teopompo di Chio” IncAnt 14, 175-206.
Poddighe, E. (2016) “Giustizia e costituzione: scienza politica e intelligibilità della storia secondo Aristotele (EN, V, 1134a – 1135a 8)” Gerion 34, 77-101.

Basileia (Kingship)
Atack, C. (2015) “Aristotle’s pambasileia and the metaphysics of monarchy” Polis(Exeter) 32, 297-320.
Guizzi, F. (2010) “Ho visto un re … La regalità nello Scudo di Achille” in D’Acunto, M. & R. Palmisciano (eds) Lo Scudo di Achille nell’Iliade. Esperienze ermeneutiche a confronto (Atti della giornata di studi, Napoli 12 maggio 2008), 83-95, Pisa.
Kõiv, M. (2016) «Basileus, tyrannos and polis.The dynamics of monarchy in early Greece» Klio 98, 1-89.

Oligarchia (Oligarchy)
Wallace, R. W. (2014) “Greek oligarchy, and the pre-Solonian Areopagos Council in [Aristotle] Ath. Pol. 2.2-8.4” Polis(Exeter) 31, 191-205.

Demokratia (Democracy)
Rhodes, P. J. (2016) “Demagogues and demos in Athens” Polis (Exeter) 33, 243-64.
Rhodes, P. J. (2016) “Boiotian democracy?” in Gartland, S. D. (ed) Boiotia in the fourth century B.C., 59-64, Philadelphia.

Tyrannis (Tyranny)

Bianco, El. (2011) „Xenophon and the tradition on the strategoiin fourth-century Athens“Historiká 1/1, 39-60.
Christien, J. (2015) «L’institution spartiate des navarques» Historiká 5, 321-52.
Huxley, G. (1992) «Venal ephors in Aristotle, Politics 1270b 12» RIFC 120, 162-4.
Pischedda, El. (2016) “I magistrate e la durata del mandato al tempo di Eubulo” Historiká6, 61-82.
Spano, A. (2016) “Aristotele, l’eforato e lo scontro politico a Sparta dopo Leuttra (Politica 11270 B6-35)” Sicilia Antiqua 13, 187-91.
Thommen, L. (2015) «Xenophon und die spartanische Nauarchie» Historiká 5, 313-20.

Nomothesia (Legislation)
Cecchet, L. (2016) «The Athenian nomos argias.Notes for a possible interpretation” IncAnt14, 117-42.
Cohen, E. E. (2017) “Athenian legislation limiting male prostitutes’ political rights” in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte(Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 365-86, Wien. (with a reply by A. Lanni)
Flament, Chr. (2016) “À propos d’un aspect méconnu de la législation minière athénienne au IVe s. av. n. ère» LAC 85, 37-44.

Stasis, exile, reconciliation
Bianco, E. (2013) «Concordia senza homonoia» Historiká 3, 287-322.
Edwards, M. J. (2017) “Peace and reconciliation, Athenian-style” in Moloney, E. P. & M. S. Williams (eds) Peace and reconciliation in the classical world, 248-54, Abingdon.
Gray, B. (2017) “Reconciliation in late classical and post-classical Greek cities: a question of peace and peacefulness?” in Moloney, E. P. & M. S. Williams (eds) Peace and reconciliation in the classical world, 66-85, Abingdon.
Grisanzio,El. (2016) „Sortir de la guerre civile. Les traités de reconciliation athéniens de 403 et 401 av. J.-C. et la recomposition de la cite divisée» IncAnt 14, 317-32.
Koulakiotis, E. (2017) „Reintegrating the exiles: violence, urban landscape and memory in early Hellenistic Tegea“ in Xydopoulos, I., Vlassopoulos, K. & E. Tounta (eds) Violence and community. Law, space and identity in the ancient eastern Mediterranean world, 159-80, London.
Lehmann, G. A. (2015) Alexander der Große und die “Freiheit der Hellenen”. Studien zu der antiken historiographischen Überlieferung und den Inschriften der Alexander-Ära, Berlin.
Loddo, L. (2016) „The kathodos of Tegea’s exiles: Civic laws and royal diagrammata“ in Bearzot, C. & Fr. Landucci (eds) Alexander’s legacy (Atti del convegno, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano 2015), 237-56, Roma.
Morakis, A. (2015) „The gamoroi and the history of archaic Syracuse: a new examination” Studi di Antichità 13, 33-50.
Rzepka, J. (1997) “Stasis w hellenistycznych Atenach w latach 322-287” Przeglad Historyczny88/1, 1-30.
Sancho Rocher, L. (2016) “Kerdos, philia and mesoi. Aristotle and the ways of preventing stasisIncAnt 14, 143-74.
Wallace, Sh. (2016) “The rescript of Philip III Arrhidaios and the two tyrannies at Eresos” Tyche 31, 239-58.


Polis finances, taxation, coinage
Capano, Ant. (2012) «Le simmorie di Demostene: la trierarchia tra imposta e liturgia» Historiká 2, 157-70.
Migeotte, L. (2014) Les finances des cités grecques aux périodes classique et hellénistique, Paris.


Age classes

Blok, J. (2017) Citizenship in classical Athens, Cambridge.
Iriarte, A. (2015) «Semblanzas de demi-ciudadanías griegas. Sobre crios, ancíanos y féminas» in Iriarte, A. & L de Nazaré Ferreira (eds) Idades e género na literatura e na arte da Grécia antiga, 9-30, Coimbra.
Leão, D. F. (2010) “Cidadania, autoctonia e posse de terra na Atenas democratica” Cadmo 20, 445-64.
Leão, D. F. (2009) “O sexo e a cidade: Um caso de prostituição masculine (Ésquines, Contra Timarco)” in Ramos, J. A., Fialho, M. C. & N. S. Rodrigues (eds) A sexualidade no mundo antico, 293-303, Porto.


Metics (Resident foreigners)
Zaykov, A. V. (2005) “About the status of the Lakedaimonian perioikoi II” Issedon 3, 69-85.
Zaykov, A. V. (2003) “About the status of the Lakedaimonian perioikoi I” Issedon 2, 16-44.


Chillet, Cl. (2017) “Exeleutherikos: une erreur de traduction ou de droit sur les affrnachis?” Mnemosyne70, 512-20.
Velissaropoulos-Karakostas, J. (2017) “Note sur les phialai exeleutherikai” in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 75-98, Wien. (with a reply by A. C. Scafuro)

Slaves – see also Bibliographie zur antiken Sklavereiwww.admainz.de/index.php?id=32
Cartledge, P. (2002) “The political economy of Greek slavery” in Cartledge, P., Cohen, E. E. & L. Foxhall (eds) Money, labour and land. Approaches to the economies of ancient Greece, 156-66, Abingdon. (witha reply by M. Jameson, 167-75)
Dickey, E. & Ph. Probert (2017) “Houses in which a serf living in the country does not reside: a reconsideration of Gortyn laws column 4, lines 31-37” in Willi, A. (ed) Sprachgeschichte und Epigraphik. Festgaben für Rudolph Wachter zum 60. Geburtstag, 57-81, Innsbruck.
Nielsen, F. A. J. (2014) «Israel the antithesis of Hellas: enslavement, exile and return in the Greek Solon tradition and the Hebrew Bible» in Thompson, T. L. & P. Wadjenbaum (eds) The Bible and Hellenism: Greek influence on Jewish and early Christian literature, 175-86, London.
Reger, G. (2000) „Enslavement and manumission in ancient Greece“ in Lang, B. (ed) Race and racism in theory and practice, 99-110, Lanham.

Women and law – see alsowww.stoa.org/diotima
Iriarte, A. (2015) «Semblanzas de demi-ciudadanías griegas. Sobre crios, ancíanos y féminas» in Iriarte, A. & L de Nazaré Ferreira (eds) Idades e género na literatura e na arte da Grécia antiga, 9-30, Coimbra.
Lagger, U. (2016) „«Wie doch scheußlischer nichts und hündischer als Frau ist». Antike Frauen jenseits von Gesetz und Ordnung“ in Frass, M., Graßl, H. & G. Nightingale (eds) Akten des 15. Österreichischen Althistorikertages (Salzburg, 20.-22. November 2014), 119-30, Salzburg.

Taddei, A. (2007) “Una rissa nell’agorà (Demostene, ‘Contro Conone’)” Lexis25, 285-99.

Family and inheritance

Cantarella, E. (2017) “Gerotrophia. A controversial law” in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 55-74, Wien. (witha reply by D. F. Leão)

Dillon, M. (2017) “Legal (and customary?) approachesto the disabled in ancient Greece” in Laes, Chr. (ed) Disability in antiquity, 167-81, London.

Griffith-Williams, B. (2016) “Rational and emotional persuasion in Athenian inheritance cases” in Sanders, E. & M. Johncock (eds) Emotion and persuasion in classical antiquity, 41-55, Stuttgart.



Sciacchitano, R. (2014) „Su alcune leggi di Solone per la tutela die ceti meno abbienti (F 23d; 55-57; 60-64; 75; 78 Ruschenbusch)“ Incidenza dell’Antico 12, 123-40.

Duce Pastor, E. (2017) “Matrimonio legitimo, poder familiar: el matrimonio en la Grecia antica” in Formas, manifestaciones y estructuras del poder politico en el Mundo Antiguo, 287-302, Madrid.




Gagliardi, L. (2014) “Das solonische Gesetz über Erbschaft: Vorschrift über Testamentum oder Adoption?” ZRG 131, 23-40.

Gagliardi, L. (2014) “Das solonische Gesetz über Erbschaft: Vorschrift über Testamentum oder Adoption?” ZRG 131, 23-40.

Succession ab intestato


Contractual and property relations
Zelnick-Abramovitz, R. (2015) “Whose grave is this? The status of grave plots in ancient Greece” Dike 18, 51-95.

Cantarella, E. (2014) “La garanzia delle obbligazioni in Omero” in Bombardieri, L., Braccini, T. & S. Romani (eds) Il trono variopinto: figure e forme della dea dell’ amore, vii-ix, Alessandria.



Cordano, F. (2016) “La doppia copia di un contratto “camarinese”” in Struffolino, St. (ed) Hemetera grammata. Scritti di epigraphia greca offerti a Teresa Alfieri Tonini, 219-26, Milano.


Mortgages and security





Other kinds of contracts

Trade and finance
Lytle, E. (2016) “Chaerephilus & Sons: Vertical integration, classical Athens and the Black Sea fish trade” Ancient Society 46, 1-26.
Maffi, A. (2017) “Riflessioni su dikai emporikai e prestito marittimo” in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 209-32, Wien. (with a response by M. Sundahl)
Woolmer, M. (2015) “Emporoi kai naukleroi: Redefining commercial roles in classical Greece” Journal of Ancient History 3, 250-72.

Commercial law

Maritime law


Pelloso, C. (2017) “Ephesis eis to dikasterion. Remarks and speculations on the legal nature of the Solonian reform” in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015.Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 33-54, Wien. (with a reply by M. Dreher)



Wallace, R. W. (2014) “Greek oligarchy, and the pre-Solonian Areopagos Council in [Aristotle] Ath. Pol. 2.2-8.4” Polis(Exeter) 31, 191-205.

Procedures (DikaiGraphai)
Flament, Chr. (2016) “À propos d’un aspect méconnu de la législation minière athénienne au IVe s. av. n. ère» LAC 85, 37-44.
Maffi, A. (2017) “Riflessioni su dikai emporikai e prestito marittimo” in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 209-32, Wien. (with a response by M. Sundahl)

Procedures (Extraordinary)














Famous trials
Lännström, A. (2013) “Socrates moral impiety and its role at the trial: A reading of Euthyphro6A” Polis (Exeter) 30, 31-48.
Ober, J. (2017) “The trial of Socrates as a political trial: Explaining 399 BCE” in Meierhenrich, J. & D. O. Pendas (eds) Political trials in theory and history, 65-87, Cambridge.
Oranges, A. (2016) “Anti-Macedonian feelings on trial: the lawsuits against Lycurgus” in Bearzot, C. & Fr. Landucci (eds) Alexander’s legacy (Atti del convegno, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano 2015), 257-78, Roma.




Torture (Basanos)

Avramovic, S. (2011) “Religion and law. Oath in ancient Greek litigation” Journal of classical studies Matica Srpska 13, 21-50. (inSerbian)


Crime and punishment
Canevaro, M. (2017) „How to cast a criminal out of Athens: law and territory in archaic Atttica“ in Xydopoulos, I., Vlassopoulos, K. & E. Tounta (eds) Violence and community. Law, space and identity in the ancient eastern Mediterranean world, 50-71, London.
Rubinstein, L. (2017) “Reward and deterrence in classical and Hellenistic enactments” in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015.Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte(Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 419-60, Wien. (with a reply by I. Arnaoutoglou)
Viano, C. (2011) “Théorie éthique et pratique judiciaire: passions et délits passionels chez Platon, Aristote et Lysias” Metis 9, 101-21.

Cortés Gabaudán, Fr. (2017) “¿Seducción o prostitución? Lisias, Defensa por el homicidio de EratostenesEmerita 85, 27-48.
Rosivach, V. (2017) «Euthyphron’s prosecution on his father in the Euthyphron» CPh 112, 232-8.

Perrone, D. (2012/2013) “Acerca de la hybris socrática como ‘prostitución de sí mismo’” Ordia Prima 11/12, 19-42.

Sexual offences
Cortés Gabaudán, Fr. (2017) “¿Seducción o prostitución? Lisias, Defensa por el homicidio de EratostenesEmerita 85, 27-48.
Simoes Rodrigues, N. (2015) «Problematica da prostituição masculina na Atenas clássica» in Iriarte, A. & L de Nazaré Ferreira (eds) Idades e género na literatura e na arte da Grécia antiga, 129-66, Coimbra.


Other offences



Confiscation of property

Death penalty
Bearzot, C. (2015) «La violence de l’Etat. La condamnation à mort sans jugement dans la Grèce ancienne» Archimède (en ligne) 2, 150-9. http://archimede.unistra.fr/revue-archimede/archimede-2-2015/archimede-2-2015-varia-la-violence-de-letat




Environment and law
Clement, J. (2014) «Le droit et l’animal chez les anciens: l’État, le cheval de guerre et le cavalier aux IVe – IIIe siècles av. J. – C.» in de Mari, E. & D. Taurisson-Mouret (eds) Ranger l’animal: L’impact environnemental de la norme en milieu contraint II. Exemples de droit colonial et analogies contemporaines, 86-99, Paris.
Faraguna, M. (2017) “Water rights in archaic and classical Greek cities” in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 387-418, Wien. (with a reply by A. Dimopoulou)

Religion and law
Todd, S. C. (2017) “Death and religion in Athenian law: identifying pollution?” in Leão, D. F. & G. Thür (eds) Symposion 2015. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte(Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 325-64, Wien. (with a reply by D. D. Phillips)

Asebeia (Impiety)



Leges sacrae(sacred laws)
Bouffier, S. (2015) «La lex sacra: une loi contre la malédiction? Pratiques magiques à Sélinonte au Ve siècle av. J.-C.” in Iannucci, A., Muccioli, F. & M. Zaccarini (eds) La città inquieta. Selinunte tra lex sacra e defixiones, 218-37, Milano.
Georgoudi, St. (2016) “L’écriture en action dans des règlements religieux des cités grecques” Mètis 14, 209-44.

Inter-poleis relations
Bayliss, A. (2017) “Once an ally, always an ally: Sparta’s approach to policing the oaths of her allies in the late fifth and early fourth centuries” in Moloney, E. P. & M. S. Williams (eds) Peace and reconciliation in the classical world, 160-77, Abingdon.
Lytle, E. (2016) “Status beyond law: ownership, access and the ancient Mediterranean” in Bekker-Nielsen, T. & R. Gertwagen (eds) The inland seas. Towards an ecohistory of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, 107-36, Stuttgart.


International arbitration
Carty, A. (2017) “International arbitration in archaic Greece” in Moloney, E. P. & M. S. Williams (eds) Peace and reconciliation in the classical world, 148-59, Abingdon.

Leagues - Federations
Bouchet, Chr. (2015) “Isocrate, la Seconde Confédération maritime et l’Areopagitique” Historiká 5, 423-31.
Pascual Gonzalez, J. (2017) “El koinonfocidio en época helenística (346-146 a.C.): pervivencia institucional y evolución histórica” in Formas, manifestaciones y estructuras del poder politico en el Mundo Antiguo, 7-30, Madrid.
Löbel, Y. (2014) Die Poleis der bundenesstaatlichen Gemeinwesen im antiken Griechenland.Untersuchungen zum Machtverhältniss zwischen Poleis und Zentralgewalten bis 167 v. Chr., Alessandria.

Metropoleis and colonies


Treaties – Symbola
Figueira, Th. J. (2016) „Defence and deterrence in the context of the foundation of the Delian League“ in Soares, C., Fialho, M. & Th. Figueira (eds) Pólis/cosmópolis: identidades globais & locais, 17-41, Coimbra.

Classical Receptions in Drama and Poetry in English from c.1970-2005

Classical Receptions in Drama and Poetry in English from c.1970-2005
Classical Receptions in Drama and Poetry in English from c.1970-2005
This project on the modern reception of classical texts was set up to document and analyse the upsurge of interest in Greek and Roman material which has been a feature of the late twentieth century and continues into the twenty first. This cultural remodelling and reimagining has often coincided with times of social and political crisis: conflict; resistance; trauma; emancipation; exploration of old and new identities. It also has a strong aesthetic energy. The ancient texts provide a springboard from which creative practitioners can forge their own techniques; the texts represent traditions from which the new creators can grow their work and against which they can contend.
Cultural historians of the future will look back on the late twentieth and early twenty first centuries as a time of cultural shift.  The ways in which the texts, performances and ideas of Greece and Rome have been characterised, interpreted, dismembered, reworded and rewritten represent one strand in these global changes. Because Greek and Roman antiquity is a part of many cultural traditions the uses made of it provide an index for comparison across place and time. Using antiquity as a field for playing with and thinking through difficult and threatening issues allows a critical distance that can cast an illuminating light on modernity as well as antiquity.
The drama database and the poetry research document evidence that is fundamental to the critical assessment of the aesthetic impact and the cultural hinterland of Greek and Roman material in Anglophone theatre and literature c. 1970 – c. 2005. It preserves detail that will contribute to analysis of large issues of social, political and artistic change. The case studies and data bases will provide a corpus of material to which cultural historians will be able to refer in the future – for example when they assess the contribution made by classical receptions to constructs of cultural memory, temporality and identity in a key period of trauma, fracture and change in the last part of the twentieth century and the early twenty-first. 
Because we aim to provide data that will be used by others who have varying investigative priorities and research questions, we place particular emphasis on the transparency of the methods and categories we use. In addition to identifying and preserving primary sources (many of which document performances that would otherwise be ephemeral) we hope that we shall also have provided a snapshot of how classical reception scholarship operated at this particular time and place (thus also in itself becoming a primary source).

Open Access Journal: Parodos: European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama - Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο Έρευνας και Τεκμηρίωσης Παραστάσεων Αρχαίου Ελληνικού Δράματος

Parodos: European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama - Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο Έρευνας και Τεκμηρίωσης Παραστάσεων Αρχαίου Ελληνικού Δράματος

Parodos is the eight-page Newsletter which is published every six months. Parodos presents the activity of the Network and its partners, as well as articles related to European performances of Ancient Greek drama.

New Open Access Journal: The Amphora Issue: An Ancient World Journal

The Amphora Issue: An Ancient World Journal 
The Amphora Issue was a regular issue of the Melbourne Historical Journal established in 2012 to provide a publication platform for postgraduate and early career researchers in Ancient World Studies. In 2017 The Amphora Issue became an independent journal and is affiliated with the Melbourne University Graduate Student Association. The Amphora Issue is a peer-reviewed journal which is open to new approaches and aims to present original research to a wide readership. The journal includes feature articles, refereed articles, book reviews and feature artworks. We welcome contributions from researchers working in a diverse range of fields, including Classical Studies, Ancient History, Reception Studies, Digital Humanities, Egyptology and Archaeology (including pre-historical and historical periods), with a focus on the ancient Mediterranean and the Near East.
The Amphora Issue is a journal that specialises in new research in ancient world studies. As of 2017, the Amphora Issue is proud to announce that it is fully open access.

The Amphora Issue 44.2

Melbourne Historical Journal

44.2 2016 (The Amphora Issue)

This fifth edition of The Amphora Issue marks a period of growth and change for the journal. Most notably, after five years, this edition marks the final issue under the imprimatur of the Melbourne Historical Journal (MHJ). MHJ have been fantastic in helping the Amphora Issue to grow from its beginnings in 2012, and the Editors would like to thank the MHJ Editorial Team, both past and present, for the work they have done and the accommodations they have made over these past years.

The Amphora Issue has also broken with tradition in this issue by presenting an edition not organised around a particular theme. While previous issues have centred around a specific theme or idea, the 2016 issue was intended as a general showcase of young scholarship on the Ancient World in Australasia. These diverse works demonstrate the variability in today’s engagement with the Ancient World. There are, however, several links which connect these diverse works. In particular, each piece addresses issues of reality and unreality,  whether through analysis of the place of representation and copying in museum displays, an examination of alterity and reality in ancient authors, or an exploration of what it is for a modern author or reader to actually engage with ‘the Classics’.
The Amphora Issue is also proud to announce that with this edition, the issue is now open access. Linked PDF files for each article are available below. Hard copies of this edition are also available upon request. Please see our Subscriptions page for more information.
Front Matter [PDF]
Letter From the Editors [PDF]
Feature Articles
Tom Geue (University of St. Andrews): Elena Ferrante as the Classics. [PDF]
Gijs Tol (University of Melbourne) and Tymon de Haas (University of Cologne): The role of minor centres in regional economies: New insights from recent archaeological fieldwork in the Lower Pontine Plain. [PDF]
Elizabeth Eltze (University of Auckland): Herodotus’ Histories, Book 2, Section 86: The ‘Other’ and the other ‘Other’. [PDF]
Annelies Van de Ven (University of Melbourne): Museum replicas: Second-rate copies or valuable resource? [PDF]
Katherine Prouting (Autralian National University): Escape from Pompeii. [PDF]
Nellie Seale (University of Melbourne): Syria: Ancient History—Modern Conflict. [PDF]
Annelies Van de Ven (University of Melbourne): The Art of Adornment: Another Jewel in the Crown of the Hellenic Museum. [PDF]

Cover Photograph by Annelies Van de Ven

The European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama (Arc-Net)

The European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama (Arc-Net)
The European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama (Arc-Net) aims to establish an expansion and a re-orientation of the academic community as well as to improve the traditional methods of teaching ancient drama, by creating new activities of an interdisciplinary and comparative nature. The main goal is to promote and carry out scholarly work, by initiating and coordinating comparative analyses, concerning the role and function of ancient drama and theatre in Europe. By analyzing the artistic forms and moral views expressed in editions as well as in public performances of ancient drama and its adaptations, recreations and new versions, the scholars and students in the Arc-Net will be able to trace, not only the importance of common heritage in the shaping of a European identity, but also the differences between local (national or other geographic cultural areas) cultural identities.
The Intensive Course on the Study and the Performance of Ancient Greek Drama of the European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Drama had been selected as a ‘case study’ and an ‘example of good practice’ by the European League of Institutes of the Arts (E.L.I.A.) among other educational programmes across Europe. The course is being studied by the Thematic Network of the European Union under the theme ‘Tradition and Innovation’.

Open Access Monograph Series: AEGIS

La collection AEGIS, associée au groupe de recherches Aegean Interdisciplinary Studies (CEMA-INCA-UCL), met à la disposition des scientifiques et des amateurs éclairés l'état des lieux de la recherche en matière d'archéologie du monde égéen et minoen en particulier. Monographies, thèses, actes de colloques etrapports de fouilles se complètent pour offrir une vue d'ensemble de cet espace-temps capital pourla compréhension de la Préhistoire en Méditerranée et de ses prolongements historiques, politiques,culturels, symboliques et sociaux.
The series AEGIS (Aegean Interdisciplinary Studies) attempts to make the results of new archaeological research on Aegean and especially Minoan societies available to the scientific and wider public at a rapid pace. Monographs, PhD dissertations, proceedings of scientific meetings and excavation reports complete each other to offer a general view of this time frame which is of primary importance to understand the ancient world and its historical, political, symbolical and social sequences.

Nestle-Aland 28 Online

[First posted in AWOL 29 December 2012, updates 13 October 2017]

Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece

The 28th edition

The 28th edition of the Nestle-Aland had to accomplish two different tasks. First, the apparatus had to be revised thoroughly to give it more clarity and make it easier to use. Secondly, the text-critical in-sights and decisions resulting from work on the Editio Critica Maior of the Greek New Testament had to be incorporated. As a consequence of these alterations, which so far concern only the Catholic Letters, the Nestle-Aland has for the first time in its history a different presentation for different parts of the text. The Catholic Letters were revised according to a fundamentally new concept which in the long run will be adopted for the entire edition. The revision of the remaining texts was confined to a thorough inspection and rearrangement of the apparatus, while the basic structure was left untouched. Another important innovation is that from now on the Nestle-Aland will not appear only as a printed book, but also in digital form.
Changes in NA28
1. Revision and Correction of the Whole Edition
  • Newly discovered Papyri listed
  • Distinction between consistently cited witnesses of the first and second order abandoned
  • Apparatus notes systematically checked
  • Imprecise notes abandoned
  • Previously concatenated notes now cited separately
  • Inserted Latin texts reduced and translated
  • References thoroughly revised
View details
2. Revision of the Catholic Letters
  • New reconstruction of the text
  • Defining the Consistently Cited Witnesses for the Catholic Letters
View details

Open Access Monograph Series: Zetemata

[First posted in AWOL 6 June 2015, updated 13 October 2017]

Zetemata: Monographien zur klassischen Altertumswissenschaft
ISSN: 1610-4188
In dieser Schriftenreihe werden unterschiedliche Themen der Altertumswissenschaften, vor allem aus dem Bereich der Klassischen Philologie, aber auch der Alten Geschichte, Philosophie und der Geschichte des Faches behandelt.
Begründet wurde die Reihe 1951. Sie wird derzeit von Eckard Lefèvre und Gustav Adolf Seeck in Verbindung mit Thomas Baier und Dieter Timpe herausgegeben. Aktuell sind 148 Bände erschienen (Stand Mai 2014), die zum großen Teil noch lieferbar sind.

This series on classical studies examines topics such as philology, history, epistemology and theology in the works of writers and philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome.
The series was founded in 1951, and is currently edited by Eckard Lefèvre and Gustav Adolf Seeck in co-operation with Thomas Baier and Dieter Timpe. 148 titles have been published so far (as of May 2014), and most of them are still available.

Architecture and Urbanism at Seyitömer Höyük, Turkey

Architecture and Urbanism at Seyitömer Höyük, Turkey: Archaeology and chronology of Seyitömer Höyük, an Early Bronze Age - Middle Bronze Age settlement in western Anatolia


This dataset contains information about the archaeology and chronology of Seyitömer Höyük, an EBA/MBA settlement in western Anatolia. It is organized into two tables: (Table 1) Phase V-B Architecture and Space Syntax Values; and (Table 2) Radiocarbon Determinations and Chronology.
Table 1 contains records for each architectural space, and includes information about room dimensions, entrances, wall construction technique, floor construction technique, features, and in situ deposits, and space syntax values. Each record is linked to one or more photographs, a detailed room plan, and an Enhanced Access Graph.
Table 2 contains records for each radiocarbon sample selected for analysis. It includes paleobotanical information, the radiocarbon laboratory used for analysis, and the unmodelled date BP. It also expresses the results of a Bayesian statistical analysis, including posterior density estimates at 95.4% and 99.7% probability.

One Off Open Access Journal Issues: Speculum 92:1, The Digital Middle Ages

Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies

Free AccessFront Cover
First Page | PDF (144 KB) | Permissions 

Free AccessInside Front Cover
First Page | PDF (53 KB) | Permissions 

Free AccessMasthead
p. ii
First Page | PDF (45 KB) | Permissions 

Free AccessThe Digital Middle Ages: An Introduction
David J. Birnbaum, Sheila Bonde, Mike Kestemont
pp. S1–S38
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Manuscripts and Images

Free AccessThe History and Provenance of Manuscripts in the Collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps: New Approaches to Digital Representation
Toby Burrows
pp. S39–S64
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Free AccessScribal Attribution across Multiple Scripts: A Digitally Aided Approach
Peter A. Stokes
pp. S65–S85
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Free AccessArtificial Paleography: Computational Approaches to Identifying Script Types in Medieval Manuscripts
Mike Kestemont, Vincent Christlein, Dominique Stutzmann
pp. S86–S109
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Free AccessNew Light on the Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Manuscript: Multispectral Imaging and the Cotton Nero A.x. Illustrations
Murray McGillivray, Christina Duffy
pp. S110–S144
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Free AccessLocating Medieval French, or Why We Collect and Visualize the Geographic Information of Texts
David Joseph Wrisley
pp. S145–S169
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Free AccessMapping Illuminated Manuscripts: Applying GIS concepts to Lancelot-Grail Manuscripts
M. Alison Stones
pp. S170–S189
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Texts and Editions

Free AccessBernard of Clairvaux and Nicholas of Montiéramey: Tracing the Secretarial Trail with Computational Stylistics
Jeroen De Gussem
pp. S190–S225
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Free AccessAlgorithmic Analysis of Medieval Arabic Biographical Collections
Maxim Romanov
pp. S226–S246
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Free AccessA Quantitative Analysis of Toponyms in a Manuscript of Marco Polo’s Devisement du monde (London, British Library, MS Royal 19 D 1)
Mark Cruse
pp. S247–S264
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Free AccessDigital Corpora and Scholarly Editions of Latin Texts: Features and Requirements of Textual Criticism
Franz Fischer
pp. S265–S287
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Multimediality: Space and Sound

Free AccessConstruction–Deconstruction–Reconstruction: The Digital Representation of Architectural Process at the Abbey of Notre-Dame d’Ourscamp
Sheila Bonde, Alexis Coir, Clark Maines
pp. S288–S320
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Free AccessSoundscapes of Byzantium
Spyridon Antonopoulos, Sharon E. J. Gerstel, Chris Kyriakakis, Konstantinos T. Raptis, James Donahue
pp. S321–S335
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Free AccessIcons of Sound: Auralizing the Lost Voice of Hagia Sophia
Bissera V. Pentcheva, Jonathan S. Abel
pp. S336–S360
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Amphorae ex Hispania: Catálogo de ánforas hispanas

[First posted in AWOL 10 January 2016, updated 15 October 2017]

Amphorae ex Hispania
Logo Amphorae ex Hispania
Hace ya 30 años que Miguel Beltrán publicó su libro “Ánforas romanas en España”, que se convertía en un verdadero hito para el estudio de estos envases comerciales romanos no tan sólo en nuestro país, sino en la mayoría de países europeos.
Su trabajo pionero definió los grandes temas de investigación futura y sentó cátedra dentro de la joven investigación española en arqueología e historia de Roma. En estos 30 años las ánforas hispanas han cobrado un especial protagonismo con el estudio de las zonas de producción de los envases (p.e. costas andaluzas y valencianas, valle del Guadalquivir, litoral catalán), de su distribución en las provincias del Imperio romano (p.e. Germania, Britannia), su clasificación formal y, ya más recientemente, su arqueometría. Como resultado de todo ello, podemos afirmar que en la actualidad existen numerosos especialistas españoles y portugueses sobre esta materia, reconocidos en el extranjero por sus sólidos trabajos de investigación.

The Sun Temple of King Niussere (Rathoris)


The Sun Temple of King Niussere (Rathoris)
published by Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Bissing Professor at the University of Utrecht
Volume II: The Small Festival Description
by Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Bissing and Hermann Kees 

J.C. Hinrichs' Bookstore 1923


Translated from German by: Stardust Doherty (with assistance from Bernhard Ruchti, Jean Daniel DEGREEF, and Christoph Hemmer). Translation comments appear in {curly brackets}. Translation uses Manuel de codage transliterations. 

Note from Jean Daniel DEGREEF: The order of the rituals is the opposite of that adopted by Kees (the procession marks the beginning of the festival, not its end; the foundation occurs on the last day, see DEGREEF, 2009, on Academia.edu). This can be seen thanks to the great similarities with the New Year Festival on pBrooklyn 47.218.50 and by the numbering of the registers in the scenes at the temple of Soleb. None of these had been published when Kees wrote this book.

Cuneiform Commentaries Project News

 Cuneiform Commentaries Project News 
We wish to notify you of nine new texts that have recently been added to the online editions of the Cuneiform Commentaries Project (http://ccp.yale.edu), a list of which is provided below.

Thanks are expressed to Shana Zaia for her editions of two texts, and to Klaus Wagensonner for reading the commentary on the Literary Prayer to Marduk 2 with us.

You are warmly invited to contribute any editions of commentary tablets you may have made for publication on the CCP website, for which you will, of course, receive full credit.

All the best,

Mary Frazer
Senior Editor of the Cuneiform Commentaries Project

CCP 1.2 (Lugale): In its current condition, this manuscript consists of four joined fragments from the centre of what must have originally been a large tablet with three columns on each side. The preserved text represents column II, which contained the Akkadian version of the base text; of column I – which contained the base text in its original Sumerian – only traces of the final signs in some lines remain. (Read more)

CCP 1.5 (Literary Prayer to Marduk 2): This small and badly damaged tablet contains a commentary that deals with the first sixty-eight lines of the literary prayer Lord, Sage of the Igigi, a text frequently styled, after Lambert’s pioneering edition,1 as Marduk no. 2. (Read more)

CCP 3.1.27.B (Enūma Anu Enlil 27(28) B): In its current state of preservation, this commentary deals with twelve omens derived from the appearance of the sun and drawn from the end of the ‘Babylonian’ recension of Tablet (‘Chapter’) 27 (28) of Enūma Anu Enlil, the divination treatise on omens derived from celestial and meteorological phenomena. (Read more)

CCP 3.4.8.C (Bārûtu 8 Kakku C): A small fragment from the top left of the obverse side of a multi-column tablet of a commentary on the eighth chapter of the divination treatise bārûtu, “extispicy.” This chapter is concerned with the “weapon,” kakku, a small piece of tissue that can protrude from anywhere in the liver. (Read more)

CCP 6.1.2.C (Aa I/5 (?)): This previously unidentified fragment belongs to a commentary on the lexical series Aa. It comments in all likelihood on a section concerned with the readings of the sign LÁ, a section that is unfortunately not preserved in the extant manuscripts of Aa. (Read more)

CCP 6.7.B (Weidner’s God List B): The lexical list known as Weidner’s God List (WGL) or Anum (after its incipit) was significant enough that it prompted numerous copies. Known exemplars reveal that this list was attested as early as the Ur III period and as late as the Neo-Babylonian period (Read more)

CCP 6.7.u1 (Uncertain): W 22712/1a is a fragment from Seleucid period Uruk that was found in the third level of the House of the āšipu1 and preserves 12 lines of text. The beginnings of these lines are lost and it is unclear if the preserved lines comprise one column in a multi-column text. (Read more)

CCP 7.2.u165 (Bird omens (?)): This fragment preserves remains of a commentary on an unidentified text. The first two lines of the reverse probably explain Jupiter’s name dapīnu, “violent,” which means that the base text might be astrological. (Read more)

CCP 7.2.u171 (Uncertain): There is no proof that this small, nondescript fragment belongs to a commentary. Although some cola are visible (ll. 2 and 3), the fragment may well belong to an incantation (as suggested by l. 4) or a bilingual text (as suggested by l. 3). (Read more)


Coming Soon: World-Historical Gazetteer

World-Historical Gazetteer
Over a three-year period (2017-2020), the World-Historical Gazetteer (WHG) project will produce a data store and associated software and services supporting collaborative digital and data-driven historical scholarship at the global scale. This Linked Open Data (LOD) system will focus significantly but not exclusively on the centuries since 1500, and have these closely related components:
The gazetteer. A spatially and temporally comprehensive database of significant world historical place names. This broad but shallow resource (an estimated 30,000 entries, subject to change) will draw on a few core sources, including print historical atlas indexes, linguistic atlases, and modern physical geography datasets. Those core records will be aligned with existing gazetteers where possible, including GeoNames and the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN), and be enriched with some data from DBpedia
A “union index.” Records from the WHG core gazetteer will be merged with those of specialized gazetteers from our project partners and elsewhere in a rich, high-performance index
Interfaces to the gazetteer. We will build (a) a web-based interface for searching, browsing, and editing the data, and (b) an application programming interface service (API) providing faceted programmatic access to the data [GitHub Repository]
Demonstration pilot projects. Data from two groups of historical research projects will be linked via the gazetteer, demonstrating the value of linked data in historical scholarship. One group is concerned with Maritime Asia, the other with the Atlantic World

Augustine Scholarship Open Access courtesy of Classics Wikispaces

Augustine Scholarship Open Access courtesy of Classics Wikispaces
Editions [note also Migne, Patrologia Latina ; html version of Augustine's works from Migne at augustinus.it ]

  • Confessiones , ed. P. Knöll, CSEL 33 [= Augustine 1.1] (Vienna, 1896) [ link ] [ archive.org ]
  • Retractationes , ed. P. Knöll, CSEL 36 [= Augustine 1.2] (Vienna, 1902) [ link ] [ archive.org ]
  • Contra Academicos , etc., ed. P. Knöll, CSEL 63 [= Augustine 1.3] (Vienna, 1922) [ archive.org ]
  • Epistulae , ed. A. Goldbacher, CSEL 34 [= Augustine 2] (Vienna, 1895-1898) [ archive.org ]: part 1 [ link ]; part 2 [ link ]; CSEL 44 (Vienna, 1904): part 3 [ link ] [ archive.org ]; CSEL 57 (Vienna, 1911): part 4 [ archive.org ]; CSEL 58 (Vienna, 1923): part 5: Praefatio editoris et indices [ archive.org ]
  • Speculum , etc., ed. F. Weihrich, CSEL 12 [= Augustine 3.1] (Vienna, 1887) [ link ] [ archive.org ]
  • De Genesi ad litteram , etc., ed. J. Zycha, CSEL 28.1 [= Augustine 3.2] (Vienna, 1894) [ link ] [ archive.org ]
  • Quaestiones in Heptateuchum; Adnotationes in Iob , ed. J. Zycha, CSEL 28 [= Augustine 3.3] (Vienna, 1895) [ link ] [ link ] [ archive.org ]
  • De consensu evangelistarum , CSEL 43 [= Augustine 3.4] (Vienna, 1904) [ link ] [ archive.org ]
  • De civitate dei CSEL 40, part 1 [= Augustine 5.1] (Vienna, 1899) [ link ] [ archive.org ]: part 2 [= Augustine 5.2] (Vienna, 1900) [ archive.org ]
  • De fide et symbolo , etc., ed. J. Zycha, CSEL 41 [= Augustine 5.3] (Vienna, 1900) [ link ] [ archive.org ]
  • De utilitate credendi , etc., ed. J. Zycha, CSEL 25.1 [= Augustine 6.1] (Vienna, 1891) [ link ] [ archive.org ]
  • Contra Felicem , etc., ed. J. Zycha, CSEL 25.1 [= Augustine 6.2] (Vienna, 1892) [ link ] [ archive.org ]
  • Scripta contra Donatistas pt. 1 [ Psalmus contra partem Donati, etc.], ed. M. Petschenig, CSEL 51.1 [= Augustine 7.1] (Vienna, 1908) [ archive.org ]
  • Scripta contra Donatistas pt. 2 [ Contra epistulam Petiliani , etc.], ed. M. Petschenig, CSEL 52 [= Augustine 7.2] (Vienna, 1909) [ archive.org ]
  • Scripta contra Donatistas pt. 3 [ De unico baptismo , etc.], ed. M. Petschenig, CSEL 53 [= Augustine 7.3] (Vienna, 1910) [ archive.org ]
  • De peccatorum meritis et remissione et de baptismate parvulorum ad Marcellum , etc., ed. C. F. Vrba and J. Zycha, CSEL 60 [= Augustine 8.1] (Vienna, 1913) [ archive.org ]
  • De perfectione iustitiae hominis etc., ed. C. F. Vrba and J. Zycha, CSEL 42 [= Augustine 8.2] (Vienna, 1902) [ link ] [ archive.org ]

  • Eugippius, Excerpta ex operibus S. Augustini , CSEL 9 (Vienna, 1885) [ link ] [ archive.org ]


  • De Civ. Dei , ed. B. Dombart, 3rd ed., vol. 1 [Books 1-13] (Leipzig: Teubner, 1908) [ link ]; vol. 2 [Books 14-22] (Leipzig: Teubner, 1905) [ link ]; 2nd ed., vol. 1 [Books 1-13] (Leipzig: Teubner, 1877) [ link ]
  • Nisard's collection: Tertullian and Augustine - selected works [Tert. Apol. ; Aug. De Civ. Dei ] (Paris, 1877) [ link ]

  • Confessiones , ed. Von Rauner (Gutersloh, 1876) [ archive.org ]
  • De catechizandis rudibus, de fide rerum quae non videntur, de utilitate credendi , ed. C. Mariott [ in usum iuniorum ], 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1869) [ link ]; 4th ed. [adds Enchiridion/de fide, spe et charitate (Oxford, 1885) [ link ]
  • Enchiridion/de fide, spe et charitate , ed. J. G. Krabinger (Tübingen, 1861) [ link ]
  • Ars Grammatica breviata , ed. C. F. Weber (Marburg, 1861) [ link ]
  • De doctrina Christiana; Enchiridion , ed. C. H. Bruder (Leipzig, 1838) [ archive.org ]

  • G. A. Hench (ed.), The Monsee Fragments...with Notes and a Grammatical Treatise (Strasburg, 1890) [ link ] [Augustine sermon begins p. 60]
  • L. Delisle et al., Etudes paléographiques et historiques sur des papyrus du VIme siècle (Geneva, 1866) [ link ] - [on p. 107, H. Bordier: Restitution d'un manuscrit du sixième siècle contenant des lettres et des sermons de Saint Augustin]

  • J. Skinner (ed.), Coelestia, the Manual of St Augustine: The Latin Text Side by Side with an English Interpretation (London, 1881) [ link ]

  • S. Angus, The Sources of the First Ten Books of Augustine's De Civitate Dei (Princeton, 1906) [ link ]
  • J. S. McIntosh, A Study of Augustine's Versions of Genesis (Chicago, 1912) [ link ]

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online

(Partially) Open Access Monograph Series: Tyche Sonderband


Open Access Journal: Chronika: The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology Graduate Student Journal

[First posted in AWOL 5 May 2014, updated 16 October 2017]

Chronika: The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology Graduate Student Journal
ISSN: 2159-9904
EISSN: 2159-9912
Chronika is an interdisciplinary journal for graduate students studying the art and archaeology of the Mediterranean world. 
Chronika, like its parent organization The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology (IEMA), promotes interdisciplinary dialogues and innovative approaches to the study of the past. Chronika is an open access journal and aims to publish cutting edge research in a timely fashion and make it widely available to the scholarly community. We encourage collaborative, interdisciplinary scholarship by making the content of our journal freely available online.
Chronika is produced by University at Buffalo graduate students, but welcomes submissions from graduate students at other colleges and universities worldwide. Students are encouraged to submit an article here.
 Current Issue:
Chronika, Volume 6, Full Text
Letter from the Editor: 
letter from the editor.pdfletter from the editor.pdf
Size : 430.419 Kb
Type : pdf
Lina Diers, University of Vienna 
"Space and Identity in Roman Moesia: Rethinking Military and Civilian Spheres in a Frontier Province"
Diers 2016.pdfDiers 2016.pdf
Size : 2312.056 Kb
Type : pdf
Sylvain Vanesse, University of Liege 
"Between Street Vendors, Singing Slaves, and Envy"
Vanesse 2016.pdfVanesse 2016.pdf
Size : 1182.087 Kb
Type : pdf
Andy Lamb, University of Leicester
"The Rise of the Individual in Late Iron Age Southern Britain and Beyond"
Lamb 2016.pdfLamb 2016.pdf
Size : 1772.539 Kb
Type : pdf
Rachel McCleery, Florida State University
"Being Roman, Writing Latin? Consumers of Latin Inscriptions in Achaia"
McCleery 2016.pdfMcCleery 2016.pdf
Size : 1878.585 Kb
Type : pdf

Kaja J. Tally-Schumacher and Nils Paul Niemeier, Cornell University
"Through the Picture Plane: Movement and Transformation in the Garden Room at the Villa ad Gallinas at Prima Porta"
Tally-Schumacher&Niemeier 2016.pdfTally-Schumacher&Niemeier 2016.pdf
Size : 2737.709 Kb
Type : pdf
Heather Menz, University at Buffalo
"Insights Into the Function of Ireland's Souterrains"
Menz 2016.pdfMenz 2016.pdf
Size : 1769.441 Kb
Type : pdf

Katerina Glaraki, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
"Minoan Peak Sanctuaries of East Crete: A Walking Perspective"
Glaraki 2016.pdfGlaraki 2016.pdf
Size : 3209.504 Kb
Type : pdf
IEMA Travel Grant Reports: 
Erika Ruhl, University at Buffalo
"Textile Analysis in Northern Finland"
Ruhl travel report 2016.pdfRuhl travel report 2016.pdf
Size : 835.367 Kb
Type : pdf
Kathryn Grow Allen, University at Buffalo
"An Ottoman Cemetery in Romania: Report of Research Conducted with the IEMA Research and Travel Scholarship"
Grow Allen travel report 2016.pdfGrow Allen travel report 2016.pdf
Size : 1280.67 Kb
Type : pdf
Ashlee Hart, University at Buffalo 
"Interview with Dr. Attila Gyucha, 2015-2016 IEMA Postdoctoral Fellow"
Interview with Attila Gyucha 2016.pdfInterview with Attila Gyucha 2016.pdf
Size : 533.975 Kb
Type : pdf
Back Issues:
Chronika, Volume 5
Chronika, Volume 4
Chronika Volume 3
Chronika Volume 2
Chronika Volume 1

Editorial: The Future of the Past


I am repeatedly asked for the source of the image of "books being churned into a machine and somehow transmitted electronically to boys in a classroom setting" (in the words of one anonymous correspondent today).

I note first of all that it is identified in the right-hand sidebar on the main page of AWOL, but the identifying metadata seems to be removed by the automated process of bundling the AWOL digests for email transmission and for syndication to Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere.

The image in question is this one:


It appears online in a variety of places, but is nicely contextualized here at the Public Domain Review:

A series of futuristic pictures by Jean-Marc Côté and other artists issued in France in 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1910. Originally in the form of paper cards enclosed in cigarette/cigar boxes and, later, as postcards, the images depicted the world as it was imagined to be like in the then distant year of 2000. As is so often the case their predictions fell some way off the mark, failing to go far enough in thinking outside the confines of their current technological milieu (hence the ubiquity of propellors, not to mention the distinctly 19th-century dress).

There are at least 87 cards known that were authored by various French artists, the first series being produced for the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris. Due to financial difficulties the cards by Jean-Marc Côté were never actually distributed and only came to light many years later after the science-fiction author Isaac Asimov chanced upon a set and published them in 1986, with accompanying commentary, in the book Futuredays: A Nineteenth Century Vision of the Year 2000.
Go have a look at them, they're quite charming.

Plato’s Similes: A Compendium of 500 Similes in 35 Dialogues

Plato’s Similes: A Compendium of 500 Similes in 35 Dialogues
By John Ziolkowski


In Plato’s Dialogues there are many vivid comparisons. The soul is compared to a sieve, or a tomb, or a shooting star. The Greeks are like ants or frogs living around a marsh. Socrates calls himself a philosophical mid-wife and a gadfly that pesters Athenians. These similes have become familiar images in our literary and philosophical tradition. They also reveal to us an aspect of Platonic writing that is humorous, imaginative, and subtle. They provide an insight into Plato’s efforts to explain philosophic topics in an appealing manner to his audience. Similes are also an important but by no means obvious source of our impressions of Socrates, who is the speaker of most of the famous comparisons found in Plato.
Although there are studies of similes in Homer and other poets, no such work exists for Plato—or indeed for any ancient prose writer.[1] In order to fill this gap for Plato at least, the following compendium lists and analyzes over five hundred similes taken from the Platonic corpus of thirty-five Dialogues. From this survey emerges an interesting perspective of Plato’s portrait of Socrates: the ways Socrates describes himself and others as well as the opinions of various speakers about Socrates. Because some of the examples presented here may seem to be metaphors according to the traditional definition going back to Aristotle, the Introduction will discuss the definition of simile, the distinction between this figure and metaphor, and a new proposal to clarify the difference. As an aid to non-specialists all passages are cited in English (with significant Greek words added and transliterated in parentheses). Greek texts may be found on the Perseus website (www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper).
[1] See D. J. N. Lee, The Similes of the Iliad and the Odyssey Compared (Melbourne University University Press 1964); Carroll Moulton, Similes in the Homeric Poems, Hypomnemata 49 (Goettingen 1977); and William C. Scott, The Artistry of the Homeric Simile (Dartmouth College press 2009).

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