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Open Access Travel Literature

 [First posted in April 2009; most recently updated 31 August 2017]

The history of travel, travelers, and travel writing is an academic discipline in it's own right. Travelers accounts of journeys from before Pausanius to the present form an important corpus of descriptive documentation of ancient monuments and sites, many of them no longer visible. ASTENE: The Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East organizes conferences and publishes a Bulletin devoted to the topic.  The venerable Hakluyt Society has been the focus of publication of scholarly editions of primary records of voyages, travels and other geographical material since 1846. Shirley Weber's compendious bibliography Voyages and travels in Greece, the Near East, and adjacent regions, made previous to the year 1801; being a part of a larger catalogue of works on geography, cartography, voyages and travels, in the Gennadius Library in Athens has been available online for some time (though it has been brought to my attention that it in no longer open access).

The discipline seems to be an attractive one for the development of open access digital libraries. 
A search for the word "travel" in Abzu will today yield 237 items, many of them included in the collections described above, but also many others found elsewhere on the Internets.

I encourage readers here to let me know by means of the comments or otherwise, of other useful open access collections.

Open Access Journal: The British Museum Egypt and Sudan Newsletter

[First posted in AWOL 10 September 2015, updated 31 August 2017]

The British Museum Egypt and Sudan Newsletter
Egypt and Sudan newsletter 2
A yearly illustrated newsletter presenting the British Museum’s work in, and on the subject of, Egypt and Sudan.
The newsletter includes updates on excavations, research projects, new exhibitions, galleries and training programmes.
The short articles are written by specialists from across the Departments of the British Museum, but also by external scholars who have collaborated with the Museum, or researched aspects of the collection.
Download Issue 1 (2.4MB) 
Download Issue 2 (2.5MB) 
Download Issue 3 (2.2MB) 
Download Issue 4 (3.64MB)

Open Access Journal: Sudan & Nubia: The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin

[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2012, updated 31 August 2017]

Sudan & Nubia: The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin
ISSN: 1369-5770
Sudan \& Nubia No.17
Sudan & Nubia is published each autumn. It contains much of interest on recent archaeological fieldwork in Sudan, including many articles on surveys and excavations only undertaken during the previous winter.
The bulletin is an ideal way to keep abreast of current British activities in Sudan, and also contains contributions by eminent foreign scholars. It is profusely illustrated with line drawings and monochrome and colour photographs.
Sudan & Nubia is free of charge to Society members, who receive it a year in advance of online release … JOIN THE SOCIETY >
Individual articles can be read (free) through the online reading service ISSUU by following the links below. If a download is preferred, sign up to ISSUU, which will then provide download links (free).
Most recent available issue online:
Sudan \& Nubia No.18Sudan & Nubia : No. 18
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2014
180 pagesREAD ARTICLES ONLINEissuu.com >
Anderson, J.R., Mahmoud Suliman Bashir and Salah Mohamed Ahmed. Dangeil 2013-14: porches, ovens and a glimpse undergroundread now >
Bangsgaard, P. Animal Deposits at H29, a Kerma Ancient cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reachread now >
Davies, M. Archaeology in South Sudan past and present: Gordon’s fort at Laboré and other sites of interestread now >
Davies, V.W. From Halfa to Kareima: F. W. Green in Sudanread now >
Davies, W.V., Ruffieux, P. and Mahmoud Suliman Bashir. The Korosko Road Projectread now >
Haddon, S.D. and Nicholas, M..The 2014 season of excavations at Kurgusread now >
Humphris, J. Post-Meroitic Iron Production: initial results and interpretationsread now >
Kleintz, C. The graffiti of Musawwarat es-Sufra: current research on historic inscriptions, images and markings at the Great Enclosureread now >
Mahmoud Suliman Bashir. QSAP Dam-Debba Archaeological Survey Project (DDASP). Preliminary report on the NCAM mission’s first season, 2013-2014read now >
Murtada Bushara Mohamed, Gamal Gaffar Abbass Elhassan, Mohammed Fath Elrahman Ahmed and Alrashed Mohammed Ibrahem Ahmed. Kerma in Napata: a new discovery of Kerma graves in the Napatan region (Magashi village)read now >
Onderka, P. Wad ben Naga: a history of the siteread now >
Pieri, A. The Kushite cemetery of Dangeil (WTC): preliminary analyses of the human remainsread now >
Sjöström, I.W. Kurgus 2012: report on the surveyread now >
Welsby, D.A. and R.I. Thomas. The Qatar-Sudan Archaeological Project in the Northern Dongala Reachread now >
P. Wolf, U. Nowotnick and F. Wöß. Meroitic Hamadab – a century after its discoveryread now >
See issues 1-18 (full text) and 19-20 (TOC only)

And see also:
Newsletters 1991-1996 
Between 1991 and 1996, the Society published eleven issues of a biannual newsletter, reporting on surveys and excavations, plus general information on Society activities. The newsletter has been replaced by the Society’s annual bulletin, Sudan & Nubia… see Bulletin: Sudan & Nubia
Each newsletter can be read (free) through the online reading service ISSUU by following the links below. If a download is preferred, sign up to ISSUU, which will then provide download links (free).

CGRN: Collection of Greek Ritual Norms

CGRN: Collection of Greek Ritual Norms
The project issues from the reassessment of a category of inscriptions which have come to fore in the study of ancient Greek religion. These are the texts known as leges sacrae or “sacred laws”, collected by F.Sokolowski in the 1950s and 60s (LSAM, LSS, LSCG), and more recently by E. Lupu in 2005 (NGSL).

The validity and the utility of this epigraphical category has recently been questioned. Articles published as part of the preliminary investigations of the CGRN project have broadened this discussion. Please consult: “Beyond Greek ‘Sacred Laws’” and “Codifying ‘Sacred Laws’”. In the present collection, instead of remaining under the lens of “sacred laws”, we have chosen to focus on the normative character of inscriptions relating to ancient Greek rituals, and in particular on the two large subjects of sacrifice and purification.

The result of this reappraisal is an original Digital Humanities resource, funded by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique – FNRS (Belgium). The Collection of Greek Ritual Norms (CGRN) is a website which conforms to the general guidelines of TEI Epidoc XML. Its primary goal is to gather epigraphical material for the study of Greek rituals and to make these sources widely available, in a clear and accessible form, with translations in English and in French (for some conventions, see here).

In addition, the Collection aims to innovate by providing detailed, research-oriented tools for scholars wishing to investigate the two principal subjects of sacrifice and purification, notably the extensive lists of “Themes” identifiable under the “Browse” and “Search” functionalities of the website. To orient yourself and to consult the conceptual “Themes” analysed in the CGRN, please click here. You are cordially invited to browse, search, or simply to start exploring sacrificial rituals in the calendar of Thorikos, CGRN 32, as well as the purifications listed in the regulation from Kos, CGRN 85 (for a concordance, see here).

Hethitology Portal News: 3D Archive of Cuneiform Tablets

Hethitology Portal News: 3D Archive of Cuneiform Tablets
The Hethitology Portal Mainz (<www.hethiter.net>) started its new 3D Archiv on the occasion of the 10th International Congress of Hittitology.

It hosts more than fifteen hundred 3D models of cuneiform tablets and fragments for scholarly study in addition to the well known Mainzer Photo Archiv.

So far the models are  accessible via the Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln.

The website was developed by Gerfrid G.W. Müller and Denis Fisseler.

This development and hosting is funded by the University of Würzburg, the Technical University of Dortmund and the Gisela and Reinhold Häcker Foundation.

Thanks to all sponsors, authorities and colleagues in Museums around the world who made this new kind of collection possible.

Katalog zentralanatolischer Siedlungen des 2. und vorhellenistischen 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr. in neueren Survey-Berichten (KatzaS)

Katalog zentralanatolischer Siedlungen des 2. und vorhellenistischen 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr. in neueren Survey-Berichten (KatzaS)
erstellt von Dietrich Sürenhagen (Heidelberg)
Citatio: D. Sürenhagen, hethiter.net/:KatzaS (v. 1.0, 2017)
Seit den späten 80er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts hat die Zahl archäologischer Geländebegehungen (Surveys) auf dem Boden der heutigen Türkei sprunghaft zugenommen, so dass inzwischen weite Bereiche des Landes als flächendeckend erforscht gelten dürfen; vgl. die Kartierung anatolischer Survey-Gebiete auf dem Stand von 2010 in Barjamovic 2011, Map 5 nach S. 76. Dies gilt insbesondere für den zentralanatolischen Bereich (İç Anadolu Bölgesi), der aus den vier Regionen Konya (Konya Bölümü), Oberer Sakarya-Bereich (Yukarı Sakarya Bölümü), Mittlerer Kızılırmak-Bereich (Orta Kızılırmak Bölümü) und Oberer Kızılırmak-Bereich (Yukarı Kızılırmak Bölümü) besteht. Das Gesamtgebiet ist in 14 Provinzen (İl) – Aksaray, Ankara, Çankırı, Çorum, Eskişehir, Karaman, Kayseri, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Konya, Nevşehir, Niğde, Sivas und Yozgat – mit insgesamt 196 Verwaltungsbezirken (İlçe) untergliedert.

Insgesamt wurden in Zentralanatolien bei Geländebegehungen mehrere tausend archäologische Fundstätten – bewohnte Höhlen, Lagerplätze, Einzelgehöfte, Burgen und Siedlungen von Dorf- bis Stadtgröße, Friedhöfe und Kultstätten – entdeckt, die eine Zeitspanne vom Paläolithikum bis in die osmanische Zeit repräsentieren. Damit verglichen ist die Zahl der durch Ausgrabungen untersuchten Fundstätten verschwindend gering. Eine einheitliche Katalogisierung all dieser Fundplätze fand bisher nicht statt.

Unter den Kulturepochen Zentralanatoliens sind zwei in historischer Hinsicht von besonderem Interesse. Dies ist zum einen die Zeit der an altanatolische Fürstenhöfe attachierten altassyrischen Handelskolonien zu Beginn und während des frühen 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr., zum anderen der nachfolgende Aufstieg des hethitischen Staates vom Stadtstaat zum Großreich, der sich über einen jahrhundertelangen Zeitraum während desselben Jahrtausends vollzog. Beide Epochen unterscheiden sich von denen der vorangegangenen und nachfolgenden Zeit durch ein besonderes Ausmaß an Schriftlichkeit, bezeugt durch zehntausende Schriftzeugnisse in verschiedenen Sprachen, die ein bezeichnendes Licht auf praktisch alle Bereiche altanatolischer Gesellschaften im 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. werfen...

Eidolon News: Introducing #Syllabi: collecting some of the best writing about Classics-related topics that are relevant to current events.

Introducing #Syllabi
Whenever a topic related to Classics enters the mainstream media discourse — like this summer’s discussion about what it meant that several members of the Trump administration (both current and former) profess to be fans of Thucydides — I brace myself. Too often, the discourse in articles about the phenomenon is at a fairly low level. Generalizations about what an author like Thucydides “means” abound (as though there were only one way to read Thucydides!). And when classical scholars do decide to weigh in on social media and blogs, their nuanced and thoughtful contributions get far less attention than they deserve.
But we can change that. I’m thrilled to announce a new feature for Eidolon: virtual syllabi, collecting some of the best writing about Classics-related topics that are relevant to current events.
One of the healthiest and most exciting trends in public academic engagement of recent years is the collectively sourced virtual syllabus of texts that can help make sense of confusing and disturbing events. Ferguson Syllabus, Trump Syllabus (versions one, two, and three), and the recent All Monuments Must Fall syllabus are just a few examples that come to my mind, but there are other excellent syllabi as well.
Many of these syllabi, although not all, were crowdsourced. We’ve decided to go in a slightly different direction for now by finding individual scholars with expertise in the field to provide the first iteration of the syllabus. But we hope that others will suggest more sources to add, and we’ll update the syllabi as they do.
Additionally, because we’re Eidolon, we’re going to make sure to incorporate sources in these syllabi that go outside the normal range of scholarly articles and books. Do you know of an excellent blog post, internet think piece, or Twitter thread on the topic? Suggest it!
Tomorrow we’ll publish our first syllabus, led by Neville Morley, who has written a great deal about the online reception of Thucydides. Morley’s syllabus will provide context to help readers understand this summer’s somewhat surprising revelations about Thucydides in the White House.
If you have suggestions to add to this syllabus, add them as comments on the article itself. And if you have an idea for a different topic for a syllabus, send it to us at pitches@eidolon.pub.

Quomodo Dicitur? Podcast: A weekly Latin podcast about anything

Quomodo Dicitur? Podcast: A weekly Latin podcast about anything
Quomodo Dicitur? Podcast
Quomodo Dicitur? is a weekly Latin podcast about anything. In each episode Augustus, Iustus, and Iason chat about a particular topic, from life in the desert, to our favorite sports, to the kinds of hijinks we get up to on the weekends.
Our goal is to provide meaningful, contextualized Latin input. It might get messy. Sometimes we’ll make mistakes. But we do hope it will be fun.

QDP Ep 63: Cum Alexandro Veronensi

Haec est altera pars eius colloquii, quod Iustus cum Alexandro Veronensi habuit Matriti in Hispania. Agitur de conventu CAELO et de anno scholastico mox venturo. (Prima pars est Sermo Raedarius qui hic audiri potest!) In quas res ad annum scholasticum aut ad autumnum pertinentes maxima cum exspectatione prospicitis? Certiores nos faciatis… Read more »

QDP Ep 62: De Amicitia (pars prima)

Hoc in colloquio Augustus et Iustus et Iason de libro “De Amicitia” nomine colloqui incipiunt. Quae dicta, memoriae digna, Ciceronis velitis nos tractare? Certiores nos faciatis aut hac in pagina (infra) aut pipiando (“tweeting”) @QDicitur–adicite #QDPod62. Quomodo Dicitur? Podcast: Episode 62 by Justin Slocum Bailey, Gus Grissom, and Jason Slanga… Read more »

QDP Ep 61: De Colloquio Tandem Redintegrato

Hoc in colloquio tres amici tandem iterum una versantur. Umquamne legistis opus Ciceronis de Amicitia? Quin legatis et proponatis quosdam locos nobis tractandos? Quod facere potestis aut hac in pagina (infra) aut pipiando (“tweeting”) @QDicitur–adicite #QDPod61. Quomodo Dicitur? Podcast: Episode 61 by Justin Slocum Bailey, Gus Grissom, and Jason Slanga… Read more »

QDP Ep 60: De Amicitia

Hoc in colloquio Iustus tandem revenit ad amicitiam tractandam. Suntne vobis amici quibuscum Latine colloqui soletis? Quas amicorum proprietates magni ducitis? Certiores nos faciatis aut hac in pagina (infra) aut pipiando (“tweeting”) @QDicitur–adicite #QDPod60. Quomodo Dicitur? Podcast: Episode 60 by Justin Slocum Bailey, Gus Grissom, and Jason Slanga is licensed… Read more »

QDP Ep 59: In Ipso Maeniano

Hoc in colloquio, Augustus et Iustus, Iasone absente, in ipso maeniano Argillamontano cum amicis sermones caedunt. Ubi placet vobis cum amicis garrire? Certiores nos faciatis aut hac in pagina (infra) aut pipiando (“tweeting”) @QDicitur–adicite #QDPod59. Quomodo Dicitur? Podcast: Episode 59 by Justin Slocum Bailey, Gus Grissom, and Jason Slanga is… Read more »

QDP Ep 58: De Itineribus

Hoc in colloquio, Augustus et Iason, Iusto absente, de itineribus et de terris alienis invisendis colloquuntur. Quas terras invisendi cupidi estis? Certiores nos faciatis aut hac in pagina (infra) aut pipiando (“tweeting”) @QDicitur–adicite #QDPod58. Quomodo Dicitur? Podcast: Episode 58 by Justin Slocum Bailey, Gus Grissom, and Jason Slanga is licensed… Read more »

QDP Ep 56: De Lusibus (cum Annica)

Hoc in colloquio, Augustus et Iason et Annica, Iusto absente, de lusibus colloquuntur et “rogationes viginti” ludunt. Qui ludi vobis placent? Quibus cum iuvenibus luditis? Certiores nos faciatis aut hac in pagina (infra) aut pipiando (“tweeting”) @QDicitur–adicite #QDPod56. Quomodo Dicitur? Podcast: Episode 56 by Justin Slocum Bailey, Gus Grissom, and… Read more »

QDP Ep 55: De Animalibus (cum Annica)

Hoc in colloquio, Augustus et Iason, Iusto absente, cum Annica Ahlstrom, amica magistraque optima, de animalibus et de discipulis parvulis docendis colloquuntur. Umquamne discipulos iuvenes docuistis? Quas fabulas, quas methodos adhibuistis? Certiores nos faciatis aut hac in pagina (infra) aut pipiando (“tweeting”) @QDicitur–adicite #QDPod55. Quomodo Dicitur? Podcast: Episode 55 by… Read more »

QDP Ep 54: In Maeniano

Hoc in colloquio, Augustus et Iustus et Iason in maenianis sedentes de societate SALVI colloquuntur. Quas fabulas (sive historias) inter amicos in maenianis referre soletis? Certiores nos faciatis aut hac in pagina (infra) aut pipiando (“tweeting”) @QDicitur–adicite #QDPod54. Quomodo Dicitur? Podcast: Episode 54 by Justin Slocum Bailey, Gus Grissom, and… Read more »

Open Access Journal: Rursus: Poiétique, réception et réécriture des textes antiques

[First posted in AWOL 6 January 2009. Updated 2 September 2017]

Rursus: Poiétique, réception et réécriture des textes antiques
ISSN électronique 1951-669X
La revue numérique Rursus est consacrée à des études portant sur la récriture. Elle a été conçue par les chercheurs de langues anciennes de l’Université de Nice, réunis de 2003 à 2007 dans la jeune équipe LA.LI.A, et est aujourd'hui publiée par le CEPAM (UMR 6130). La littérature dite ‘au second degré’ n’est pas une zone érudite, marginale, voire décadente du champ littéraire, mais la clé même de ce champ, puisque le régime original et originel de l’écriture est le second degré. Cette conviction d’une nature foncièrement hypertextuelle de la création n’est pas un dogme mais une attention de fond aux facteurs de mutation, de détournement et de renouvellement de la tradition.

Appels à communication

Open Access Journal: L’Année épigraphique

L’Année épigraphique ISSN: 0066-2348
L’Année épigraphique (citée AE) est une publication annuelle qui fournit une analyse critique des inscriptions grecques et latines et des études fondées sur l’épigraphie relatives à l’Antiquité romaine, publiées au cours de l’année de référence de la publication. Ces inscriptions (développées et restituées) et ces études y sont présentées sous une forme ordonnée (selon la géographie administrative de l’empire romain) et sont assorties d’indices hiérarchisés. Ainsi AE 2011 a été imprimée en août 2014 et AE 2012 en août 2015. AE 2013 est en préparation. 

L’Année épigraphique est un instrument de travail mis à la disposition de la communauté scientifique internationale depuis plus d’un siècle. Fondée en effet en 1888 par René Cagnat et dirigée depuis février 1992 par Mireille Corbier, L’Année épigraphique est rédigée et mise au point par une équipe internationale de chercheurs, philologues et historiens, recrutés pour leurs compétences et pour la complémentarité de leurs spécialisations, qui produisent un ouvrage original, dans lequel ils investissent un savoir accumulé en épigraphie et en histoire des sociétés anciennes (voir le site www.anneeepigraphique.msh-paris.fr). 

Depuis AE 1991 (publiée en 1994) L’Année épigraphique fait une plus large place que par le passé aux inscriptions grecques relatives au monde romain (dont elle propose pour les plus longues d’entre elles une traduction), aux inscriptions chrétiennes et aux inscriptions liées à la vie quotidienne (graffiti, textes sur instrumentum). L'indexation des données, réalisée par les rédacteurs des notices, facilite leur identification et leur utilisation. 

Le volume annuel, imprimé et diffusé par les PUF, propriétaires de l’entière collection, est vendu par abonnement ou à l’unité. Des versions numériques sont proposées sur les plateformes JSTOR et CAIRN.INFO. 

Liste des numéros

couverture de L'Année épigraphique 2013
2016/1 (année 2013)

L'Année épigraphique 2013

couverture de L'Année épigraphique 2012
2015/1 (année 2012)

L'Année épigraphique 2012

couverture de L'Année épigraphique 2011
2014/1 (année 2011)

L'Année épigraphique 2011

couverture de L'Année épigraphique 2010
2013/1 (année 2010)

L'Année épigraphique 2010

couverture de L'Année épigraphique 2009
2012/1 (année 2009)

L'Année épigraphique 2009

couverture de L'Année épigraphique 2008
2011/1 (année 2008)

L'Année épigraphique 2008

couverture de L'Année épigraphique 2007
2010/1 (année 2007)

L'Année épigraphique 2007

EpiDoc News: New digital publishing tool: EpiDoc Front-End Services

New digital publishing tool: EpiDoc Front-End Services
Friday 1 September 2017
Thanks to a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Dr Gabriel Bodard, Reader in Digital Classics at the ICS, is leading the EpiDoc Front-End Services project (https://github.com/EpiDoc/EFES). EFES will be a free, easy to use, customizable platform for the online publication of inscriptions and other ancient texts, including indexing, search interface, geographical visualisation and integration with linked open data. The project employs Jamie Norrish, in Wellington, New Zealand, a digital humanities researcher and author of Kiln, one of the key components behind EFES, who is responsible for developing, customizing and technical documentation; and Polina Yordanova, in Sofia, Bulgaria, a Classics graduate with experience of teaching linguistic and epigraphic technologies to classicists, who will coordinate the design, specification, and user documentation.
This platform will be based on existing software, and receive input from scholars involved in some of the leading digital epigraphy projects around the world (among which EAGLE Europeana Network, Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus, US Epigraphy, Digital Archive for the Study of pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions, Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea). The unique value of this project is that non-technical users will be able to publish their digital texts with minimal training, simply by selecting from a menu of specialized features. The project team will produce documentation and provide 

training workshops for philologists and historians who already use digital encoding in their projects. The flexibility that comes with this customisation will also help reduce the artificial barriers between the study of ancient cultures of the Mediterranean and the rest of the world.

Open Access Journal: Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin

[First posted in AWOL 31 August 2009.  Most recently updated 3 September 2017]

Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin
ISSN: 1540-8760

The Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin is an electronic journal constituted in conjunction with the organization and work of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative to afford contributors to that effort the opportunity to make known to an international community the results of their research into topics related to those of the CDLI.

The CDLB is a refereed e-journal for Assyriology and is conceived as a sister publication of the Cuneiform Digital Library Journal. While the latter journal seeks substantive contributions dealing with the major themes of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, that is, with text analyses of 4th and 3rd millennium documents (incorporating text, photographs, data, drawings, interpretations), early language, writing, paleography, administrative history, mathematics, metrology, and the technology of modern cuneiform editing are welcome, articles in the Bulletin should be short notes of at most five pages that deal with specific topics, collations, etc., and do not attempt to offer synthetic treatments of complex subjects.

No. Author Title Date File
2017:2 Zólyomi, G. The Secret Life of Lu-Ningirsu, the Judge 2017/09/30 PDF
2017:1 Alivernini, S. Nine Unpublished Texts in the Collection of the British Museum 2017/08/19 PDF
2016:2 Firth, R. Some Comments on “Drehem Tablets” in the British Museum 2016/11/24 PDF
2016:1 Brumfield, S. & Allred, L. The Cuneiform Tablet Collection of the Los Angeles Unified School District 2016/11/24 PDF
2015:6 Brunke, H. Embedded Structures: Two Mesopotamian Examples 2015/12/25 PDF
2015:5 Liu Ch. & Nielsen, J. Cuneiform Texts in the Special Collections of Knox College 2015/11/17 PDF
2015:4 Firth, R. Notes on Ur III Period Textile Tablets from Ur 2015/11/13 PDF
2015:3 Freedman, I. The Marduk Star Nēbiru 2015/11/08 PDF
2015:2 Bartash, V. On the Sumerian City UB-meki, the Alleged “Umma” 2015/11/04 PDF
2015:1 Daneshmand, P. & Abdoli, M. A New King of Susa and Anshan 2015/02/16 PDF
2014:5 Miglio. A. Ur III Tablets in the Wheaton College Archaeology Museum 2014/12/05 PDF
2014:4 Földi, Zs. & Head, R. Two Tablets from the Johns Hopkins University Collection 2014/11/30 PDF
2014:3 Reid, N. & Wagensonner, K. “My tooth aches so much” 2014/08/31 PDF
2014:2 Maidman, M. P. An Important New Early-Middle-Assyrian Letter 2014/08/03 PDF
2014:1 Andersson, J. Third Millennium Cuneiform Texts in a Swedish Private Collection 2014/05/21 PDF
2013:3 Földi, Zsombor Gleanings from the Antiquities Market: A Contribution to the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Royal Inscriptions 2013/12/28 PDF
2013:2 Owen, D. I. Of Dogs and (Kennel)Men 2013/10/26 PDF
2013:1 Siddall, L. R. The Royal Inscriptions in the Museum of Ancient Cultures at Macquarie University, Sydney 2013/08/02 PDF
2012:3 Notizia, P. & Ludovico, A. A New Ur III Letter-Order from the Semitic Museum at Harvard University 2012/11/23 PDF
2012:2 Liu Ch. Six Ur III Tablets from the Special Collections of the University of Missouri-Columbia 2012/09/20 PDF
2012:1 Abrahami, P. & Lion, B. Remarks to W. Mayer’s Catalogue of the Nuzi Palace Texts 2012/06/16 PDF
2011:2 Brumfield, S. The Term ab2-RI-e in Ur III Sources 2011/03/09 PDF
2011:1 Abrahami, P. Masculine and Feminine Personal Determinatives before Women’s Names at Nuzi: A Gender Indicator of Social or Economic Independence? 2011/02/19 PDF
2010:1 Metcalf, Ch. Six Ur III Tablets from the Hulin Collection in Oxford 2010/04/15 PDF
2007:2 Allred, L. & Gadotti, A. The Cuneiform Collection of the Clinton Historical Society 2007/12/30 PDF
2007:1 Adams, R. McC. The Limits of State Power on the Mesopotamian Plain 2007/12/25 PDF
2006:2 Veldhuis, N. Another Early Dynastic Incantation 2006/04/23 PDF
2006:1 Monaco, S. F. N16 in the Archaic Texts 2006/01/02 PDF
2004:4 Veldhuis, N. ḪI-(še3) la2 2004/12/20 PDF
2004:3 Monaco, S. F. Revisiting Jemdet Nasr Texts: IM 55580+ 2004/09/01 PDF
2004:2 Johnson, C. Two Ur III Tablets from the Tulare County Library 2004/06/14 PDF
2004:1 Wunsch, C. An Early Achaemenid Administrative Text from Uruk 2004/04/05 PDF
2003:6 Veldhuis, N. Entering the Netherworld 2003/09/02 PDF
2003:5 Dahl, J. L. A Note on Ur III Text Duplicates 2003/06/30 PDF
2003:4 Nathan, D. L. A "New" Proto-Cuneiform Tablet 2003/03/28 PDF
2003:3 Taylor, J. J. Collations to ED Lu C and D 2003/02/25 PDF
2003:2 Fitzgerald, M. A. pisan dub-ba and the Direction of Cuneiform Script 2003/02/24 PDF
2003:1 Englund, R. K. Worcester Slaughterhouse Account 2003/01/28 PDF
2002:3 Lafont, B. The Toponym Ligriki 2002/09/11 PDF
2002:2 Englund, R. K. Notes on SET 274 2002/05/03 PDF
2002:1 Dahl, J. L. Proto-Elamite Sign Frequencies 2002/04/29 PDF

Open Access Journal: PhaoS: Revista de Estudos Clássicos

PhaoS: Revista de Estudos Clássicos
ISSN: 1676-3076
PhaoS– Revista de Estudos Clássicos é um periódico anual, de caráter cultural e científico, editado pela área de Estudos Clássicos do Departamento de Linguística do IEL/UNICAMP. Tem por meta principal facultar aos pesquisadores da área, nacionais e estrangeiros, a publicação de trabalhos cujo tema contemple aspectos das civilizações clássicas em geral, resenhas críticas e traduções. Com isso, visa tornar disponíveis artigos inéditos sobre temas do mundo greco-romano, promovendo a interdisciplinaridade, proporcionando a interação de áreas que tratem de temas relacionados com a Antiguidade Clássica dentro e fora do IEL e estimulando o intercâmbio com pesquisadores de outras instituições.


Peshdar Plain Project Publications

Peshdar Plain Project Publications
1.Radner, Karen; Kreppner, Florian Janoscha and Squitieri, Andrea (eds.) (August 2016): Exploring the Neo-Assyrian Frontier with Western Iran: The 2015 Season at Gird-i Bazar and Qalat-i Dinka.Peshdar Plain Project Publications, Vol. 1. Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag. [PDF, 10MB]

2.Radner, Karen; Kreppner, Florian Janoscha and Squitieri, Andrea (eds.) (August 2017): Unearthing the Dinka Settlement Complex: The 2016 Season at Gird-i Bazar and Qalat-i Dinka.Peshdar Plain Project Publications, Vol. 2. Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag. [PDF, 158MB]

Open Access Publications at the LMU München

Open Access Publications at the LMU München


Altaweel, Mark; Marsh, Anke; Mühl, Simone; Nieuwenhuyse, Olivier; Radner, Karen; Rasheed, Kamal and Saber, Saber Ahmed (2012): New Investigations in the Environment, History and Archaeology of the Iraqi Hilly Flanks. Shahrizor Survey Project 2009-2011. In: Iraq, Vol. 74: pp. 1-35 [PDF, 1MB]


Bietak, Manfred; Forstner-Müller, Irene; van Koppen, Frans and Radner, Karen (2009): Der Hyksos-Palast bei Tell el-Dab'a. Zweite und dritte Grabungskampagne (Frühling 2008 und Frühling 2009). In: Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete, Vol. 19: pp. 91-120 [PDF, 2MB]
Bitterer, Tobias and Priester, Sascha (2014): Archäologie, Medien und Unterricht. Wo wir im Alltag auf Spartacus & Co. treffen. München [PDF, 57MB]


Christiansen, Birgit (2013): Reinheitsvorstellungen und Entsühnungsriten bei den Hethitern und ihr möglicher Einfluss auf die biblische Überlieferung. In: Biblische Notizen / Neue Folge, No. 156: pp. 131-153 [PDF, 1MB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2013): Schicksalsbestimmende Kommunikation. Sprachliche, gesellschaftliche und religiöse Aspekte hethitischer Fluch-, Segens- und Eidesformeln.Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten, Vol. 53. 1. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. [PDF, 253kB]
Christiansen, Birgit (June 2015): Zwischen Abschreckung, Vergeltung und Wiedergutmachung – Strafen und Strafandrohungen in Kulturen des Altertums. Interdisziplinäre Tagung am Center for Advanced Studies der LMU München, 19.–21. Februar 2014. Einleitung. In: Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, Vol. 21: pp. 1-14 [PDF, 698kB]
Christiansen, Birgit (October 2015): [Review of] Anselm C. Hagedorn – Reinhard G. Kratz (ed.), Law and Religion in the Eastern Mediterranean. From Antiquity to Early Islam, Oxford 2013. In: Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 74, No. 2: pp. 380-383 [PDF, 85kB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2005): [Rezension von] Alain Moreau – Jean-Claude Turpin (Hrsg.), La Magie. Actes du colloque international de Montpellier 25-27 Mars 1999, Montpellier: Séminaire d’étude des mentalités antiques. Publication de la recherche Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier 2000. In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, Vol. 100, No. 2: pp. 176-180 [PDF, 822kB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2005): [Rezension von] Ciraolo, Leda; Seidel, Jonathan (Hrsg.): Magic and Divination in the Ancient World. Ancient Magic and Divination II. Leiden/Boston/Köln: Brill, 2002. In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, Vol. 100, No. 2: pp. 171-176 [PDF, 1MB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2008): [Rezension von] Paola Dardano, Die hethitischen Tontafelkataloge aus Ḫattuša (CTH 276–282), Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten 47, Wiesbaden 2006. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, Vol. 98, No. 2: pp. 302-308 [PDF, 4MB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2015): „Früher war er ein von Bienen Zerstochener. Jetzt aber gibt er 6 Schekel Silber“. Sanktionen und Sanktionsprinzipien in der Hethitischen Rechtssammlung. In: Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, Vol. 21: pp. 31-101 [PDF, 1MB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2007): Ein Entsühnungsritual für Tutḫalija und Nikkalmati? Eine entstehungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung von KBo 15.10+ (CTH 443). In: Archi, Alfonso and Francia, Rita (eds.) : 6th International Congress of Hittitology, September 5–9, Rome 2005. Studi Micenei Ed Egeo-Anatolici, Vol. 49. Rom: pp. 93-107 [PDF, 8MB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2011): Methoden zur Analyse von Texten des Traditionsgutes. Ihre Leistungen und Grenzen. In: Hutter, Manfred and Hutter-Braunsar, Sylvia (eds.) : Hethitische Literatur. Überlieferungsprozesse, Textstrukturen, Ausdrucksformen und Nachwirken, Akten des Symposiums vom 18.–22. Februar 2010 in Bonn. Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Vol. 391. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. pp. 35-45 [PDF, 365kB]
Christiansen, Birgit (1. July 2016): Liturgische Agenda, Unterweisungsmaterial und rituelles Traditionsgut. Die hethitischen Festritualtexte in kulturvergleichender Perspektive. In: Müller, Gerfrid (ed.) : Liturgie oder Literatur? Die Kultrituale der Hethiter im transkulturellen Vergleich. Akten eines Werkstattgesprächs an der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur. Mainz, 2.-3. Dezember 2010. Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten, Vol. 60. Wiesbaden: pp. 31-65 [PDF, 435kB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2012): Die lykische Nova N 337 aus Limyra. Ein Vertrag zwischen der Stadt Zẽmuri (Limyra) und *Xuxrm̃me/i? Mit einem Exkurs von Heiner Eichner zum neuen lykischen Ethnikon χuχrm̃mezi. In: Seyer, Martin (ed.) : 40 Jahre Grabungen in Limyra, Akten des Internationalen Symposiums 3.–5. September 2009. Forschungen in Limyra, Vol. 6. Wien: Phoibos. pp. 141-153 [PDF, 728kB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2010): Seil und Schnur. B. Bei den Hethitern. In: Streck, M. P. (ed.) : Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Vol. 12. Sonderdruck. Berlin – New York: De Gruyter. pp. 305-307 [PDF, 524kB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2012): Sünde. B. Bei den Hethitern. In: Streck, M. P. (ed.) : Reallexikon der Assyriologie und der Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Band 13: Spinnen. A. - Tiergarten. Vol. 13. Berlin – New York: De Gruyter. pp. 253-256 [PDF, 749kB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2014): Tim(m)uḫala. In: Streck, M. P. (ed.) : Reallexikon der Assyriologie und der Vorderasiatischen Archäologie.Band 14: Tiergarten - Tukulti-Ninurta I. Berlin – New York: De Gruyter. pp. 55-56 [PDF, 4MB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2014): Tukkama. In: Streck, M. P. (ed.) : Reallexikon der Assyriologie und der Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Band 14: Tiergarten - Tukulti-Ninurta I. Berlin – New York: . pp. 173-174 [PDF, 721kB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2014): Turm. A. II. Philologisch. Bei den Hethitern. In: Streck, M. P. (ed.) : Reallexikon der Assyriologie und der Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Band 14: Tiergarten - Tukulti-Ninurta I. Berlin – New York: De Gruyter. pp. 197-198 [PDF, 802kB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2014): Turmitta. In: Streck, M. P. (ed.) : Reallexikon der Assyriologie und der Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Band 14: Tiergarten - Tukulti-Ninurta I. Berlin – New York: De Gruyter [PDF, 1MB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2014): Türhütergottheiten. B. Bei den Hethitern. In: Streck, M. P. (ed.) : Reallexikon der Assyriologie und der Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Band 14, 1./2. Lieferung. Berlin – New York: De Gruyter. pp. 164-165 [PDF, 5MB]
Christiansen, Birgit (2014): Tiliura. In: Streck, Michael P. (ed.) : Reallexikon der Assyriologie und der Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Band 14: Tiergarten - Tukulti-Ninurta I. Berlin – New York: De Gruyter. pp. 44-45 [PDF, 5MB]
Christiansen, Birgit and Devecchi, Elena (2013): Die hethitischen Vasallenverträge und die biblische Bundestheologie. In: Biblische Notizen / Neue Folge, No. 156: pp. 65-87 [PDF, 3MB]
Christiansen, Birgit and Lundström, Steven (2002): Totenliteratur. I. Mesopotamien, II. Hattusa. In: Der Neue Pauly : Enzyklopädie der Antike. Band 12/1. Altertum, Tam - Vel. Ungekürzte Sonderausgabe. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. Sp. 714-715 [PDF, 6MB]
Cuy, Sebastian and Scheding, Paul (2011): Projekt: Image-Grid – Information und Bild. Automatisierte Kontexte. In: KuBA - Kölner und Bonner Archaeologica : Zeitschrift der Archäologischen Institute der Universitäten Köln und Bonn, Vol. 1: pp. 189-190 [PDF, 57kB]


Davies, Toby; Fry, Hannah; Wilson, Alan; Palmisano, Alessio; Altaweel, Mark and Radner, Karen (2014): Application of an Entropy Maximizing and Dynamics Model for Understanding Settlement Structure. In: Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 43: pp. 141-154 [PDF, 4MB]
Davies, Toby; Fry, Hannah; Wilson, Alan; Palmisano, Alessio; Altaweel, Mark and Radner, Karen (2013): Application of an Entropy Maximizing and Dynamics Model for Understanding Settlement Structure. The Khabur Triangle in the Middle Bronze and Iron Ages.[ZIP, 5MB]


Forstner-Müller, Irene; Müller, Wolfgang and Radner, Karen (2002): Statuen in Verbannung. Ägyptischer Statuenexport in den Vorderen Orient unter Amenophis III. und IV. In: Ägypten und Levante = Egypt and the Levant, Vol. 12: pp. 155-166 [PDF, 274kB]
Frame, Grant; Grayson, A. Kirk; Jeffers, Joshua; Leichty, Erle; Novotny, Jamie; Tadmor, Hayim; Tinney, Steve and Yamada, Shigeo (2011): The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period Online. RINAP Project, MOCCI, Philadelphia, Munich


Graml, Constanze (2014): Eine neue Ehreninschrift der Thiasotai der Artemis Ἀρίστη καὶ Καλλίστη aus dem Athener Kerameikos. In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik - ZPE, No. 190: pp. 116-126 [PDF, 837kB]
Grau, Hope and Novotny, Jamie (2004): Bibliography of Publications by A. Kirk Grayson. In: Frame, Grant and Wilding, Linda (eds.) : From the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea: Studies on the History of Assyria and Babylonia in Honour of A.K. Grayson. Leiden: The Netherlands Institute for the Near East. pp. 289-293 [PDF, 694kB]
Grayson, A. Kirk; Morello, Nathan and Novotny, Jamie (2016): The Royal Inscriptions of Assyria Online. , Munich
Grayson, A. Kirk and Novotny, Jamie (2012): The Royal Inscriptions of Sennacherib, King of Assyria (704–681 BC), Part 1.Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period, Vol. 3. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Grayson, A. Kirk and Novotny, Jamie (2014): The Royal Inscriptions of Sennacherib, King of Assyria (704–681 BC), Part 2.Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period, Vol. 3. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.


Hofmann, Andreas C. (2004): Staat und Stadt in der Spätantike. Die curatores civitatis und defensores civitatis — ein Essay zur Frage nach dem spätantiken Zwangsstaat.[PDF, 409kB]
Horst, Claudia (2005): [Rezension von] Andreas Hartmann & Michael Neumann (Hg.), Mythen Europas. Schlüsselfiguren der Imagination. Band 1: Antike. Regensburg, 2004. In: sehepunkte, Vol. 5, No. 3 [PDF, 1MB]
Horst, Claudia (2005): [Rezension von] Heinrich Niehues Pröbsting, Die antike Philosophie. Schrift, Schule, Lebensform, Frankfurt/Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 2004. In: sehepunkte, Vol. 5, No. 3 [PDF, 31kB]
Horst, Claudia (2016): [Rezension von] Marc Van De Mieroop, Philosophy before the Greeks. The Pursuit of Truth in Ancient Babylonia, Princeton / Oxford: Princeton University Press 2015. In: sehepunkte, Vol. 16, No. 9 [PDF, 40kB]
Horst, Claudia (2004): [Rezension von] Martin Hose (Hg.), Große Texte alter Kulturen. Literarische Reise von Gizeh nach Rom, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2004. In: sehepunkte, Vol. 4, No. 9 [PDF, 24kB]
Horst, Claudia (2005): [Rezension von] Robert Bees, Die Oikeiosislehre der Stoa, Bd. 1. Rekonstruktion ihres Inhaltes, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2004. In: sehepunkte, Vol. 5, No. 10 [PDF, 29kB]
Häuber, Chrystina (March 2015): Rome: the city of memories. Or, why and how reconstruct and visualize ancient and post-antique Rome using digital technologies? The "AIS ROMA", diachronic and phase maps of (ancient) Rome in the WWW Long version 2015, München. The International Symposium Reconstruction and the Historic City: Rome and Abroad - an interdisciplinary approach, 17. - 19. Oktober 2012, LMU München, Deutschland. [PDF, 8MB]
Hülden, Oliver (19. August 2005): Rezension zu: Berns, Christof: Untersuchungen zu den Grabbauten der frühen Kaiserzeit in Kleinasien. Bonn, 2003. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 72kB]
Hülden, Oliver (14. April 2009): Rezension zu: Conwell, David H.: Connecting a City to the Sea. The History of the Athenian Long Walls. Leiden, 2008. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 78kB]
Hülden, Oliver (24. May 2005): Rezension zu: Cormack, Sarah: The Space of Death in Roman Asia Minor. Wien, 2004. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 81kB]
Hülden, Oliver (27. August 2007): Rezension zu: Filges, Axel (Hrsg.): Blaundos. Berichte zur Erforschung einer Kleinstadt im lydisch-phrygischen Grenzgebiet. Tübingen 2006. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 76kB]
Hülden, Oliver (4. May 2009): Rezension zu: Held, Winfried: Gergakome. Ein 'altehrwürdiges' Heiligtum im kaiserzeitlichen Karien. Tübingen, 2008. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 86kB]
Hülden, Oliver (17. March 2008): Rezension zu: Herda, Alexander: Der Apollon-Delphinios-Kult in Milet und die Neujahrsprozession nach Didyma. Ein neuer Kommentar der sog. Molopoi-Satzung. Mainz am Rhein, 2006. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 65kB]
Hülden, Oliver (28. February 2011): Rezension zu: Künzl, Ernst: Der Traum vom Imperium. Der Ludovisisarkophag – Grabmal eines Feldherrn Roms. Regensburg, 2010. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 85kB]
Hülden, Oliver (4. April 2011): Rezension zu: Letzner, Wolfram: Ephesos. Eine antike Metropole in Kleinasien. Mainz am Rhein, 2010. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 81kB]
Hülden, Oliver (5. August 2009): Rezension zu: Maier, Franz Georg: Nordost-Tor und persische Belagerungsrampe in Alt-Paphos. Mainz, 2008. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 76kB]
Hülden, Oliver (26. April 2011): Rezension zu: Marksteiner, Thomas: Lykien. Ein archäologischer Führer. Wien 2010. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 88kB]
Hülden, Oliver (3. May 2006): Rezension zu: Marksteiner, Thomas: Trysa - eine zentrallykische Niederlassung im Wandel der Zeit. Siedlungs-, architektur- und kunstgeschichtliche Studien zur Kulturlandschaft Lykien. Wien 2002. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 75kB]
Hülden, Oliver (13. September 2010): Rezension zu: Rumscheid, Frank (Hrsg.): Die Karer und die Anderen. Internationales Kolloquium an der Freien Universität Berlin 13. bis 15. Oktober 2005. Bonn, 2009. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 76kB]
Hülden, Oliver (16. January 2006): Rezension zu: Voigtländer, Walter: Teichiussa. Näherung und Wirklichkeit. Rahden in Westfalen, 2004. In: H-Soz-u-Kult [PDF, 73kB]


Jeffers, Joshua and Novotny, Jamie (2014): Complete Names Indices of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Early Periods Volumes 1–4. RINAP Project, Philadelphia [PDF, 2MB]


Karvounis, Christos (2009): Begriffliche Einschränkungen und Aspekte der soziolinguistischen Auseinandersetzung mit Latein und Griechisch. Gegenwart Antike. Rezeption und Translation des griechisch-römischen Altertums als Element der sprachlichen und kulturellen Identität Europas, Ringvorlesung an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz/Germersheim, SoSe 2009. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München [PDF, 298kB]
Khanoussi, Mustapha; Ritter, Stefan and Rummel, Philipp von (2005): The German-Tunisian project at Dougga. First results of the excavations south of the Maison du Trifolium. In: Antiquités africaines : l'Afrique du Nord de la protohistoire à la conquête arabe, Vol. 40/41: pp. 43-66 [PDF, 7MB]
Knapp, Andrew and Novotny, Jamie (2012): Complete Names Index of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods Volumes 1–3. RINAP Project, Philadelphia [PDF, 471kB]
Knapp, Andrew and Novotny, Jamie (2012): Complete Names Indices of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Babylonian Periods Volume 2. RINAP Project, Philadelphia [PDF, 445kB]
Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (2002): Public Space in Nature: The Case of Neo-Assyrian Rock-Reliefs. In: Altorientalische Forschungen, Vol. 29, No. 2: pp. 367-383 [PDF, 10MB]
Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (2008): The Collapse of the Assyrian Empire and the Continuity of Ceramic Culture: The Case of the Red House at Tall Sheikh Hamad. In: Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 45: pp. 147-165 [PDF, 804kB]
Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (2010): [Rezension zu] J. Christoph Gerber: „Hassek Höyük III. Die Frühbronzezeitliche Keramik“. Istanbuler Forschungen, 47. Tübingen: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag 2005. In: Die Welt des Orients, Vol. 40, No. 1: pp. 104-107 [PDF, 62kB]
Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (2011): [Rezension zu] Schachner, Andreas: Assyriens Könige an einer der Quellen des Tigris. Archäologische Forschungen im Höhlensystem von Birkleyn und am sogenannten Tigris-Tunnel. Mit Beiträgen von Karen Radner, Upur Dopan, Yvonne Helmholz, Birgül Öpüt. (Istanbuler Forschungen 51). Tübingen: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, 2009. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 101, No. 2: pp. 317-320 [PDF, 50kB]
Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (2008): Eine außergewöhnliche Brandbestattungssitte in Dūr-Katlimmu während der ersten Hälfte des ersten Jts. v. Chr. In: Bonatz, Dominik; Czichon, Rainer and Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (eds.) : Fundstellen. Gesammelte Schriften zu Archäologie und Geschichte Altvorderasiens ad honorem Hartmut Kühne. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. pp. 263-276 [PDF, 11MB]
Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (2008): The Continuity of Ceramic Production after the Fall of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. New Data from the Red House of Tall Sheikh Hamad. In: Kühne, Hartmut; Czichon, Rainer and Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (eds.) : Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Band 2: Social and cultural transformation ; the archaeology of transitional periods and dark ages, excavation reports. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. pp. 167-178 [PDF, 3MB]
Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (2016): The Aftermath of the Assyrian Empire as Seen from the Red House Operation in Dur-Katlimmu. In: MacGinnis, John and Wicke, Dirk (eds.) : The Provincial Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire. Cambridge: Ziyaret Archaeological Trust. pp. 177-187 [PDF, 10MB]
Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (2012): Site Formation Processes in the Lower Town II of Dur-Katlimmu. The Case of the Red House. In: Matthews, Roger and Curtis, John (eds.) : Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 12 April - 16 April 2010. Band 1: Mega-cities & Mega-sites. The archeology of consumption & disposal, landscape, transport & communication. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. pp. 217-228 [PDF, 2MB]
Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (2014): The New Primary Cremation Custom of Iron Age Tell Sheikh Hamad / Dur-Katlimmu (North-Eastern Syria). In: Pfälzner, Peter; Niehr, Herbert; Pernicka, Ernst and Lange, Sarah (eds.) : Contextualising grave inventories in the Ancient Near East : proceedings of a workshop at the London 7th ICAANE in April 2010 and an International Symposium in Tübingen in November 2010, both organised by the Tübingen post-graduate school ... Qatna Studien, Vol. 3. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. pp. 171-186 [PDF, 8MB]
Kühne, Hartmut and Radner, Karen (2008): Das Siegel des Išme-ilu, Eunuch des Nergal-ēreš, aus Dūr-Katlimmu. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 98, No. 1: pp. 26-44 [PDF, 4MB]


Leichty, Erle; Frame, Grant; Novotny, Jamie; Rutz, Matt and Barron, Amy (2011): The Royal Inscriptions of Esarhaddon, King of Assyria (680–669 BC).Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period, Vol. 4. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.


Maderna-Lauter, C. and Schneider, Rolf Michael (1986): Der Wandel von Republik zu Principat im Siegel von Gemmen und Glaspasten. In: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologen-Verbandes, Vol. 17, No. 1: pp. 17-19 [PDF, 274kB]
Marcus, Ezra; Porath, Yosef; Schiestl, Robert; Seiler, Anne and Paley, Samuel M. (2008): The Middle Kingdom Egyptian Pottery from Middle Bronze Age IIa Tel Ifshar. In: Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete, Vol. 18: pp. 203-219 [PDF, 364kB]Marriott, John and Radner, Karen (2011): Rezension von: Israel Eph'al: The City Besieged. Siege and Its Manifestations in the Ancient Near East. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 101, No. 1: 156 -160 [PDF, 49kB]
Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola (1986): Das Gräberfeld Am Kesselpfuhl, Berlin-Wittenau. In: Ausgrabungen in Berlin, Vol. 7: pp. 111-146 [PDF, 5MB]
Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola (1991): Eine tönerne Herdplatte aus Hallstatt. In: Fundberichte aus Österreich, Vol. 30: pp. 77-79 [PDF, 781kB]
Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola (1994): Rezension von: Otar Lordkipanidse: Archäologie in Georgien. Von der Altsteinzeit zum Mittelalter: Acta humaniora 5. Quellen und Forschungen zur prähistorischen und provinzialrömischen Archäologie, Weinheim 1991. In: Prähistorische Zeitschrift, Vol. 69: pp. 252-256 [PDF, 1MB]
Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola (1994): Die früheisenzeitliche Trensenentwicklung zwischen Kaukasus und Mitteleuropa. Tagung der Universität Regensburg Lehrstuhl für Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Verbindung mit dem Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum, 28. - 30. Oktober 1992, Regensburg. [PDF, 8MB]
Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola (1994): Die Wessex-Kultur. In: Olbrich, Harald and Strauß, Gerhard (eds.) : Lexikon der Kunst. Vol. 7. Leipzig: Seemann. pp. 773-774 [PDF, 1MB]
Morello, Nathan (2010): Fortificazioni di Frontiera di Epoca Neo-Assira. Dissertation, Università Degli Studi di Udine
[PDF, 12MB]

Morello, Nathan (2012): New inscribed Bricks from Nimrud. In: Mesopotamia, Vol. 47: pp. 113-116 [PDF, 209kB]
Morello, Nathan (2013): Public and Private Archives from Fort Shalmaneser. In: State Archives of Assyria Bulletin, Vol. 29: pp. 239-265 [PDF, 992kB]
Morello, Nathan (2012): [Review of] O. Roualt, Terqa Final Report No. 2: Les textes des saisons 5 à 9. In: Mesopotamia, Vol. 47: pp. 195-196 [PDF, 181kB]
Morello, Nathan (2013): [Review of] Salvatore Gaspa, Alimenti e pratiche alimentari in Assiria. Le materie alimentari nel culto ufficiale dell'Assiria del primo millennio a.C. In: Mesopotamia, Vol. 48: pp. 238-239 [PDF, 150kB]
Morello, Nathan (2015): Frontiers and Fortifications in Assyria: an introduction. In: Affanni, Giorgio; Baccarin, Cristina; Cordera, Laura; Michele, Angelo di and Gavagnin, Katia (eds.) : Broadening Horizons 4. A Conference of young researchers working in the Ancient Near East, Egypt and Central Asia, University of Torino, October 2011. BAR International Series, Vol. 2698. Oxford: Archaeopress. pp. 241-248 [PDF, 1MB]
Morello, Nathan (2016): Building the Frontier: Frontier Fortifications in the Assyrian Empire. In: Frederiksen, Rune; Müth, Silke; Schneider, Peter I. and Schnelle, Mike (eds.) : Focus on Fortifications. New Research on Fortifications in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East. Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens, Vol. 18. Oxford & Philadelphia: Oxbow Books. pp. 43-52 [PDF, 283kB]
Morello, Nathan (2016): A GIŠ on a Tree: Interactions between Images and Inscriptions on Neo-Assyrian Monuments. In: Hilgert, Markus (ed.) : Understanding Material Text Cultures : A Multidisciplinary View. Materiale Textkulturen, Vol. 9. pp. 31-68 [PDF, 3MB]
Morello, Nathan (2013): Percezioni sensoriali del paesaggio montano nell’ottava campagna di Sargon II, 714 a.C. In: Magnani, Stefano (ed.) : Le aree montane come frontiere. Spazi d'interazione e connettività. Studi di frontiera, Vol. 1. Aracne. Roma: Stefano Magnani. pp. 411-462 [PDF, 273kB]
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Novotny, Jamie (2003): [Rezension von] F. M. Fales and J. N. Postgate: Imperial Administrative Records, Part II: Provincial and Military Administration (State Archives of Assyria 11). In: Bibliotheca Orientalis, Vol. 60, No. 5-6: pp. 664-666 [PDF, 1MB]
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Novotny, Jamie (2005): [Rezension von] M. Dietrich, The Babylonian Correspondence of Sargon and Sennacherib (State Archives of Assyria 17). In: Bibliotheca Orientalis, Vol. 62, No. 1-2: pp. 82-86 [PDF, 393kB]
Novotny, Jamie (2005): [Rezension von] Reynolds, F.: The Babylonian Correspondence of Esarhaddon. (State Archives of Assyria Volume XVIII). Helsinki University Press, Helsinki, 2003. In: Bibliotheca Orientalis, Vol. 62, No. 1-2: pp. 86-90 [PDF, 493kB]
Novotny, Jamie (2014): ‘I Did Not Alter the Site Where That Temple Stood’. Thoughts on Esarhaddon’s Rebuilding of the Aššur Temple. In: Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 66: pp. 91-112 [PDF, 41MB]
Novotny, Jamie (2002): Sammuramat. In: Baker, Heather (ed.) : The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire 3/1. Helsinki: Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy. pp. 1083-1084 [PDF, 221kB]
Novotny, Jamie (2002): Sîn-tabni-uṣur. In: Baker, Heather (ed.) : The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire 3/1. Helsinki: Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy. pp. 1148-1150 [PDF, 546kB]
Novotny, Jamie (2002): Sîn-šarru-iškun. In: Baker, Heather (ed.) : The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire 3/1. Helsinki: Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy. pp. 1143-1145 [PDF, 271kB]
Novotny, Jamie (2008): Classifying Assurbanipal’s Inscriptions. Prisms C, Kh (= CND), and G. In: Biggs, Robert D.; Myers, Jennie and Roth, Martha T. (eds.) : Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago July 18-22, 2005. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, Vol. 62. Chicago: University of Chicago. pp. 127-135 [PDF, 1MB]
Novotny, Jamie (2010): Assyrian Sources. In: Boda, Mark J. and Novotny, Jamie (eds.) : From the Foundations to the Crenellations: Essays on Temple Building in the Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible. Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Vol. 366. Ugarit-Verlag. pp. 457-468 [PDF, 1MB]
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Novotny, Jamie (2002): A Note on the Akītu-House at Ḫarrān. In: Wunsch, Cornelia (ed.) : Mining the Archives: Festschrift for Christopher Walker on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Babylonische Archive, Vol. 1. Dresden: ISLET. pp. 191-1999 [PDF, 1MB]
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Radner, Karen (1. December 2015): A Neo-Assyrian Slave Sale Contract of 725 BC from the Peshdar Plain and the Location of the Palace Herald’s Province. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 105, No. 2: pp. 192-197 [PDF, 350kB]
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Radner, Karen (2001): Eine Bronzeschale mit neuassyrischer Inschrift. In: State Archives of Assyria Bulletin, Vol. 13: pp. 17-25 [PDF, 2MB]
Radner, Karen (1997): Erntearbeiter und Wein. Neuassyrische Urkunden und Briefe im Louvre. In: State Archives of Assyria Bulletin, Vol. 11: pp. 3-29 [PDF, 2MB]
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Radner, Karen (19. March 2016): High visibility punishment and deterrent: Impalement in Assyrian warfare and legal practice. In: Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, Vol. 21: pp. 103-128 [PDF, 1MB]Radner, Karen (2007): Hired labour in the Neo-Assyrian Empire. In: State Archives of Assyria Bulletin, Vol. 16: pp. 185-226 [PDF, 280kB]
Radner, Karen (2006): How to reach the Upper Tigris: the route through the Ṭūr 'Abdīn. In: State Archives of Assyria Bulletin, Vol. 15: pp. 273-305 [PDF, 18MB]
Radner, Karen (2006): Rezension von: Anne-Maria Wittke: Mušker und Phryger. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 96, No. 1: pp. 144-149 [PDF, 93kB]Radner, Karen (2002): Rezension von: Ariel M. Bagg: Assyrische Wasserbauten. In: Die Welt des Orients, Vol. 32: pp. 256-260 [PDF, 602kB]
Radner, Karen (2000): Rezension von: Barbara Cifola: Analysis of Variants in the Assyrian Royal Titulary. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 90: pp. 158-159 [PDF, 965kB]
Radner, Karen (2006): Rezension von: Barbara Nevling Porter: Ritual and politics in Ancient Mesopotamia. In: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 16: pp. 202-204 [PDF, 2MB]
Radner, Karen (2012): Rezension von: G. Barjamovic, A Historical Geography of Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Colony Period (Copenhagen 2011). In: American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 116, No. 4 [PDF, 133kB]
Radner, Karen (2008): Rezension von: Gershon Galil: The Lower Stratum Families in the Neo-Assyrian Period. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 98, No. 2: pp. 295-297 [PDF, 66kB]
Radner, Karen (2008): Rezension von: Hayim Tadmor: The Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III, King of Assyria (2. edition). In: Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 60: pp. 137-140 [PDF, 63kB]
Radner, Karen (1998): Rezension von: Helmut Freydank: Mittelassyrische Rechtsurkunden und Verwaltungstexte III. (WVDOG 92: Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Assur. E. Inschriften. VII. Keilschrifttexte ausmittelassyrische Zeit 1). In: Archiv für Orientforschung, Vol. 44: pp. 376-379 [PDF, 729kB]
Radner, Karen (2003): Rezension von: Helmut Freydank: Mittelassyrische Rechtsurkunden und Verwaltungstexte IV. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 93, No. 1: pp. 120-123 [PDF, 50kB]
Radner, Karen (2012): Rezension von: J. Vidal (Hg.): Studies on War in the Ancient Near East: Collected Essays on Military History (Münster 2010). In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, Vol. 107, No. 4-5: pp. 232-233 [PDF, 281kB]Radner, Karen (2003): Rezension von: Joan und David Oates: Nimrud. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 93, No. 1: pp. 149-152 [PDF, 51kB]
Radner, Karen (2000): Rezension von: John Curtis: Later Mesopotamia and Iran: Tribes and Empires 1600-539 BC. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 90: p. 160 [PDF, 332kB]
Radner, Karen (1998): Rezension von: L. Jakob-Rost, F. M. Fales und E. Klengel-Brandt: Neuassyrische Rechtsurkunden I. Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Assur: E. Inschriften: VIII. Keilschrifttexte aus neuassyrischer Zeit 1. In: Archiv für Orientforschung, Vol. 44: pp. 387-393 [PDF, 1MB]
Radner, Karen (2013): Rezension von: Mark Altaweel: The imperial landscape of Ashur: settlement and land use in the Assyrian heartland (= Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient 11). In: Archiv für Orientforschung, Vol. 52: pp. 278-279 [PDF, 390kB]
Radner, Karen (2008): Rezension von: Marlies Heinz und Marian H. Feldman (Hrsg.): Representations of political power: Case histories from times of change and dissolving order in the Ancient Near East. In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol. 71, No. 1: pp. 115-116 [PDF, 44kB]
Radner, Karen (1998): Rezension von: Remko Jas: Neo-Assyrian Judicial Procedures (State Archives of Assyria Studies ; 5). In: Archiv für Orientforschung, Vol. 44: pp. 379-387 [PDF, 2MB]
Radner, Karen (2001): Rezension von: Shigeo Yamada: The Construction of the Assyrian Empire. A Historical Study of the Inscriptions of Shalmaneser III (859-824 BC) Relating to His Campaigns to the West. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 91, No. 1: pp. 149-151 [PDF, 1MB]
Radner, Karen (2006): Rezension von: Sigurdur Hafthorsson: A Passing Power. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 96, No. 2: pp. 276-278 [PDF, 53kB]
Radner, Karen (2011): Rezension von: Sophie Démare-Lafont und André Lemaire (Hrsg.): Trois millénaires de formulaires juridiques (Paris 2010). In: Strata: The Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society, Vol. 29: pp. 159-161 [PDF, 380kB]
Radner, Karen (2009): Rezension von: Stefan, Jakob: Mittelassyrische Verwaltung und Sozialstruktur: Untersuchungen. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 99, No. 1: pp. 140-141 [PDF, 447kB]
Radner, Karen (2008): Rezension von: Stephanie Dalley: Esther's revenge at Susa: From Sennacherib to Ahasuerus. In: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 18, No. 3: pp. 361-364 [PDF, 3MB]
Radner, Karen (2003): Rezension von: Steven W. Holloway: Aššur is King! Aššur is King! Religion in the Exercise of Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire. In: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 46: pp. 226-230 [PDF, 108kB]
Radner, Karen (2003): Rezension von: Theodore Kwasman und Simo Parpola: Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh. Part I: Tiglath-Pileser III through Esarhaddon. Raija Mattila: Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh. Part II: Assurbanipal Through Sin-šarru-iškun (Sin-sarru-iskun). In: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 46: pp. 383-386 [PDF, 62kB]
Radner, Karen (2004): Salmanassar V. in den Nimrud Letters. In: Archiv für Orientforschung, Vol. 50: pp. 95-104 [PDF, 1MB]
Radner, Karen (2009): The Assyrian king and his scholars. The Syro-Anatolian and the Egyptian Schools. In: Studia Orientalia, Vol. 106: pp. 221-238 [PDF, 759kB]
Radner, Karen (2005): The reciprocal relationship between judge and society in the Neo-Assyrian period. In: Maarav: a journal for the study of the Northwest Semitic languages and literatures, Vol. 12: pp. 41-68 [PDF, 3MB]
Radner, Karen (2013): The stele of Adad-nērārī III and Nergal-ēreš from Dūr-Katlimmu (Tell Šaiḫ Ḥamad). In: Altorientalische Forschungen, Vol. 39: pp. 265-277 [PDF, 3MB]
Radner, Karen (1998): Zur Bedeutung von "šahāţu" im Neuassyrischen: 'Ziegel streichen' oder 'Ziegel glasieren'? In: Archiv für Orientforschung, Vol. 44: pp. 159-161 [PDF, 545kB]
Radner, Karen (1. July 2017): [Book Review of] Bronze Age Bureaucracy: Writing and the Practice of Government in Assyria, by Nicholas Postgate. In: American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 121, No. 3 [PDF, 176kB]
Radner, Karen (2012): After Eltekeh. Royal Hostages from Egypt at the Assyrian Court. In: Baker, Heather D.; Kaniuth, Kai and Otto, Adelheid (eds.) : Stories of long ago. Festschrift für Michael D. Roaf. Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Münster, Germany: Ugarit-Verlag. pp. 471-479 [PDF, 717kB]
Radner, Karen (2010): Gatekeepers and lock masters. The control of access in the Neo-Assyrian palaces. In: Baker, Heather D.; Robson, Eleanor and Zolyomi, Gabor (eds.) : Your Praise is Sweet: a memorial volume for Jeremy Black from students, colleagues and friends. London, UK: British Institute for the Study of Iraq. pp. 269-280 [PDF, 3MB]
Radner, Karen (2002): Zu den frühesten lydischen Münzprägungen aus der Sicht Assyriens. In: Blum, Hartmut; Faist, Bettina; Pfälzner, Peter and Wittke, Anne-Maria (eds.) : Brückenland Anatolien? Ursachen, Extensität und Modi des Kulturaustausches zwischen Anatolien und seinen Nachbarn. Tübingen, Germany: Attempto Verlag. pp. 45-57 [PDF, 691kB]
Radner, Karen (2008): Esarhaddon’s expedition from Palestine to Egypt in 671 BCE. A trek through Negev and Sinai. In: Bonatz, Dominik; Czichon, Rainer and Kreppner, Florian Janoscha (eds.) : Fundstellen: Gesammelte Schriften zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altvorderasiens ad honorem Hartmut Kühne. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. pp. 305-314 [PDF, 300kB]
Radner, Karen (2008): The delegation of power. Neo-Assyrian bureau seals. Colloque organisé au Collège de France par la "Chaire d'Histoire et Civilisation du Monde Achéménide et de l'Empire d'Alexandre" et le "Réseau International d'Ètudes et de Recherches Achéménides", 3. - 4. November 2006, Paris. [PDF, 538kB]
Radner, Karen (2011): Fame and Prizes. Competition and War in the Neo-Assyrian Empire. In: Fisher, Nick and van Wees, Hans (eds.) : Competition in the Ancient World. Swansea, UK: The Classical Press of Wales. pp. 37-57 [PDF, 3MB]
Radner, Karen (2014): Zagros Spice Mills: the Simurrean and the Hašimur grindstones. In: Gaspa, Salvatore; Greco, Alessandro; Morandi Bonacossi, Daniele; Ponchia, Simonetta and Rollinger, Robert (eds.) : From Source to History: Studies on Ancient Near Eastern Worlds and Beyond Dedicated to Giovanni Battista Lanfranchi. Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Vol. 412. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. pp. 573-580 [PDF, 286kB]
Radner, Karen (January 2017): A Neo-Assyrian legal document from Tell Sitak. In: Heffron, Yagmur; Stone, Adam and Worthington, Martin (eds.) : At the Dawn of History: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of J. N. Postgate. Winona Lake MA: CDL Press. pp. 423-430 [PDF, 2MB]
Radner, Karen (2006): Briefe aus der Korrespondenz der neuassyrischen Könige. In: Janowski, Bernd and Wilhelm, Gernot (eds.) : Briefe. Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments, Neue Folge ; 3, Gütersloh, Germany: Gütersloher Verlagshaus. pp. 116-157 [PDF, 4MB]
Radner, Karen (2004): Neuassyrische Urkunden. In: Janowski, Bernd and Wilhelm, Gernot (eds.) : Texte zum Rechts- und Wirtschaftsleben. Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments, Neue Folge, Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus. pp. 71-87 [PDF, 2MB]
Radner, Karen (2000): How did the Neo-Assyrian King Perceive his Land and its Resources? Rainfall and Agriculture in Northern Mesopotamia, 21. - 22. Mai 1999, Leiden. [PDF, 1MB]
Radner, Karen (2007): Abgaben an den König von Assyrien aus dem In- und Ausland. In: Klinkott, Hilmar; Kubisch, Sabine and Müller-Wollermann, Renate (eds.) : Geschenke und Steuern, Zölle und Tribute : Antike Abgabenformen in Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, Vol. 29. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. pp. 213-230 [PDF, 863kB]
Radner, Karen (2012): Between a rock and a hard place. Musasir, Kumme, Ukku and Subria – the buffer states between Assyria and Urartu. Biainili-Urartu, 12.- 14. Oktober 2007, München. [PDF, 2MB]
Radner, Karen (2010): Neue neuassyrische Texte aus Dūr-Katlimmu. Eine Schülertafel mit einer sumerisch-akkadischen Königshymne und andere Keilschriftfunde aus den Jahren 2003-2009. In: Kühne, Hartmut (ed.) : Dūr-Katlimmu 2008 and Beyond. Studia Chaburensia ; 1, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. pp. 175-186 [PDF, 3MB]
Radner, Karen (2012): The seal of Tašmetum-šarrat, Sennacherib’s queen, and its impressions. In: Lanfranchi, Giovanni Baptista; Morandi Bonacossi, Daniele; Pappi, Cinzia and Ponchia, Simonetta (eds.) : Leggo! Studies Presented to Frederick Mario Fales on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Leipziger Altorientalische Studien ; 2, Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz. pp. 687-698 [PDF, 578kB]
Radner, Karen (2003): An Assyrian View on the Medes. In: Lanfranchi, Giovanni Baptista; Roaf, Michael D. and Rollinger, Robert (eds.) : Continuity of Empire: Assyria, Media, Persia. History of the Ancient Near East Monographs, Padova, Italy: Sargon Editrice e Libreria. pp. 37-64 [PDF, 807kB]
Radner, Karen (1. April 2017): Assur's 'Second Temple Period': the restoration of the cult of Assur, c. 538 BC. In: Levin, Christoph and Müller, Reinhard (eds.) : Herrschaftslegitimation in vorderorientalischen Reichen der Eisenzeit. Orientalische Religionen in der Antike, Vol. 21. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. pp. 77-96 [PDF, 680kB]
Radner, Karen (1995): The Relation Between Format and Content of Neo-Assyrian Texts., Muodon Ja Sisallon Sudhe Uusassyrialaisissa Tekteissa. In: Mattila, Raija (ed.) : Niniveh, 612 BC. The Glory and Fall of the Assyrian Empire. Catalogue of the 10th Anniversary Exhibition of the Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project = NINIVE 612 eKr. : Assyrian imperiumin loisto ja tuho: Assyrian valtionarkistot -projektin 10-vuotisnäyttely. Helsinki, Finland: Helsinki University Press. pp. 63-78 [PDF, 2MB]
Radner, Karen (2011): The Assur-Nineveh-Arbela Triangle. Central Assyria in the Neo-Assyrian Period. Between the cultures : the central Tigris region from the 3rd to the 1st millennium BC, 22. - 24. Januar 2009, Heidelberg. [PDF, 2MB]
Radner, Karen (2013): Assyria and the Medes. In: Potts, Daniel T. (ed.) : The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Iran. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, US. pp. 442-456 [PDF, 807kB]
Radner, Karen (December 2015): Royal pen pals: the kings of Assyria in correspondence with officials, clients and total strangers (8th and 7th centuries BC). In: Procházka, Stefan; Reinfandt, Lucian and Tost, Sven (eds.) : Official Epistolography and the Language(s) of Power. Papyrologica Vindobonensia, Vol. 8. 1. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. pp. 127-143 [PDF, 1MB]
Radner, Karen (2011): Schreiberkonventionen im assyrischen Reich. Sprachen und Schriftsysteme. Assur - Gott, Stadt und Land, 18. - 21. Februar 2004, Berlin. [PDF, 4MB]
Radner, Karen (2005): Kubaba und die Fische. Bemerkungen zur Herrin von Karkemiš. In: Rollinger, Robert (ed.) : Von Sumer bis Homer: Festschrift für Manfred Schretter zum 60. Geburtstag am 25. Februar 2004. Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Münster, Germany: Ugarit-Verlag. pp. 543-556 [PDF, 1MB]
Radner, Karen (2010): The stele of Sargon II of Assyria at Kition. A focus for an emerging Cypriot identity? In: Rollinger, Robert; Gufler, Birgit; Lang, Martin and Madreiter, Irene (eds.) : Interkulturalität in der Alten Welt: Vorderasien, Hellas, Ägypten und die vielfältigen Ebenen des Kontakts. Philippika: Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen ; 34, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. pp. 429-449 [PDF, 9MB]
Radner, Karen (2004): Assyrische Handelspolitik. Die Symbiose mit unabhängigen Handelszentren und ihre Kontrolle durch Assyrien. Fifth Annual Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project, 3.-8.10.2002, Innsbruck, Austria. [PDF, 217kB]
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Ünal, Ahmet; Kosay, H. Z. and Cizgen, A. (1965): 1964 Alaca Höyük Kazisi Raportu. In: Turkish review of archeology, Vol. 13: pp. 161-215 [PDF, 110MB]

University of Illinois Open Access Classics Dissertations and Theses

University of Illinois Open Access Classics Dissertations and Theses

Compitum: Recherches et actualités sur l'Antiquité romaine et la latinitée

Compitum: Recherches et actualités sur l'Antiquité romaine et la latinitée
Image result for compitum antiquite
Le site web Compitum.fr diffuse des informations relatives à la recherche sur l’Antiquité romaine et la latinité :
  • Il recense les événements scientifiques à venir (colloques, séminaires, etc.), les publications nouvelles, les appels à contribution et diverses annonces. Voyez la rubrique Evénements.
  • Il propose des ressources (bibliographiques, informatiques, etc.) ayant trait à la civilisation romaine. Voyez la rubrique Ressources.
  • Il accueille toute annonce scientifique relative à l'Antiquité romaine et à la latinité. Pour soumettre une annonce, cliquez sur les liens du menu de gauche ("Annoncer un événement", "Annoncer la parution d'un livre" ou "Proposer un appel à contribution").

Open Accesss Journal: Aitia. Regards sur la culture hellénistique au XXIème siècle

 [First posted in AWOL 30 May 2012, updated 5 September 2017]

Aitia. Regards sur la culture hellénistique au XXIème siècle
ISSN electronic edition: 1775-4275
Aitia. Regards sur la culture hellénistique au XXIe siècle est une revue internationale électronique. Elle s’intéresse à l’ensemble de la culture hellénistique. Les études hellénisitiques ont fait durant les deux dernières décennies des progrès considérables et ont connu d’importants bouleversements. Toute cette importante partie de la littérature, de l’art et de la philosophie est longtemps restée dans l’indifférence des chercheurs et universitaires en raison de son caractère déjà tardif et de sa complexité. La notion même de « période hellénistique » – qui débute au moment de la mort d’Alexandre, en 323 avant J.-C. et s’achève autour de 30 av. J.-C. – est assez récente. C’est pourtant un moment essentiel de l’histoire culturelle à l’articulation entre le monde classique grec et le monde romain, un moment essentiel où, notamment, se mettent en place la critique littéraire et l’approche scientifique des textes dans le cadre de la Bibliothèque du Musée à Alexandrie.
Tradition and innovation in the Hellenistic period
Tradizione e noveltà nel periodo ellenistico
Sous la direction de Andrew Faulkner
L’originalité, cette nouveauté par rapport à la tradition, est un leitmotiv de la littérature hellénistique qui sera par la suite adopté par les écrivains romains. Il semble que l’on ait accordé une importance plus nette à l’innovation littéraire dans le milieu de plus en plus livresque de l’époque hellénistique. Les articles réunis dans le présent numéro explorent de différents points de vue la thématique de la nouveauté et de la tradition chez des auteurs hellénistiques, ainsi que la réception de la littérature et de l’art hellénistiques, à titre de symbole de la nouveauté, à l’ère impériale.
Originality, that is some kind of novelty in relation to tradition, is a leitmotiv in Hellenistic literature which was later adopted by Roman writers. An always greater importance seems to have been accorded to literary innovation in the more and more bookish milieu of the Hellenistic period. The papers in this issue explore the themes of novelty and tradition among Hellenistic authors from different points of view, as well as the reception of Hellenistic literature and art as a symbol of novelty, during the imperial era.
L’originalità (che è la novità sulla tradizione) è un leitmotiv della letteratura ellenistica, che sarà successivamente adottata dagli scrittori romani. Sembra che abbiamo posto maggiore importanza per l'innovazione letteraria nella cultura sempre più libresca del periodo ellenistico. Gli articoli di questo numero esplorano secondo diversi punti di vista il tema dell' innovazione e della tradizione in alcuni autori ellenistici e di ricezione della letteratura e dell'arte ellenistica, come simbolo del nuovo, all'epoca imperiale.

Egyptology Survey for PhD Students/Researchers and Early Career Researchers: Understanding the Current State of Egyptology

Egyptology Survey for PhD Students/Researchers and Early Career Researchers: Understanding the Current State of Egyptology

The purpose of this survey is to gauge the current state and future prospects in Egyptology and related fields for current PhD Students/Researchers and Early Career Researchers. The survey is anonymous. However, we do ask questions on gender, age, location, etc. for statistical purposes and to chart potential differences across these variables. We ask that those eligible, as defined below, complete the whole survey. You may complete the survey piecemeal, by saving and returning to the survey at your leisure. The whole survey should take at most 20-30 minutes to complete. You may discontinue the survey at any time you like. Anonymous answers and statistical data will feed into a peer reviewed paper on the state of the field of Egyptology that is being co-authoured by Justin Yoo, Carl Walsh, and Paul van Pelt. If you have any questions or comments, please email us at EgyptologySurvey@outlook.com.

Survey sample and eligibility:
We invite survey responses from two groups of respondents. These are:
1. PhD Students/Researchers: Defined as part-time or full-time PhD students at any stage of their research studying any aspect of Egyptology or Egypt-Centric studies, or related modern disciplines such as the history of the discipline, digital humanities, etc.
2. Early Career Researchers: For this survey, early career researchers are defined as respondents who have been awarded a PhD degree or equivalent (e.g. DPhil, etc.) within the past 4 years prior to the date this survey is filled out in Egyptology or related fields as noted above.

Both PhD Students/Researchers and Early Career Researchers, should be engaging in research that uses evidence and data related to ancient Egypt. For the purposes of this survey, we wish to solicit responses from a broad range of sub-disciplines within Egyptology and Egypt-centric fields. As part of this survey’s intention is to better define Egyptology, we do not wish to limit responses to a narrow audience. If your PhD topic or post-PhD research subject matter focuses on ancient Egypt and/or the Sudan, from the predynastic period through the Islamic conquest, or deals with the history of Egyptology as a discipline,  please complete the survey. A substantial portion of your research focus should directly relate to ancient Egypt but we welcome researchers doing comparative studies which include Egypt/Sudan as a region of focus.

Ars Longa: An Index of Every Classical Reference Ever!

Ars Longa: An Index of Every Classical Reference Ever! (a work in progress, perhaps forever...)

classics are old...

But not irrelevant!
This simple website is an insane attempt to list every Classical reference, allusion, inference and suggestion there has ever been. I want this to be a resource that works both ways, so you can see which Classical references are being made and what bodies of works contain Classical references. 
Just search a topic, person, book, film... whatever you fancy, and see what comes up.
If I don't have it and you know it, fill out the contact form and I will review your submission with the hope of adding it to the site. 
If what you submit fits with what this site is trying to do, I will also add you to the contributors page and may choose to add any contact information you like, including website links to your work if appropriate. 
If you want to draw your own image to go with your contribution, please feel free to do so and attach it to your contact form. 
If we all make at least one contribution, this website will be huge!
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