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Recently Published Open Access Books and Articles at Archaeopress

Eastern Sudan in its SettingThe archaeology of a region far from the Nile Valley by Andrea Manzo. viii+82 pages; illustrated throughout with 38 colour plates. Available both in print and Open Access. Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 94. ISBN 9781784915599. Book contents pageDownload

Eastern Sudan, like other regions far away from the Nile valley, has often been overlooked historically on account of a kind of prejudice towards areas lacking in monumental or urban remains or evidence of any literary production. Despite the relevance of the deserts and marginal areas becoming increasingly evident in the last year or so, in Sudan only a few research projects have been conducted in these regions. The ongoing research project in Eastern Sudan by the University ‘L’Orientale’ has provided a preliminary reconstruction of the history of the region from c. 6000 BC to AD 1500. This publication outlines this reconstruction and also considers the more general setting known for the other regions of northeastern Africa. Several issues remain to be clarified and understanding of some phases is still limited, nevertheless it can be safely stated that Eastern Sudan, was in ancient times, as it is now, a crossroads between the Nile basin, Eastern Desert, the Ethio-Eritrean highlands and the Red Sea, represented a crucial region in several respects: the spread of domestic crops and animals towards the Ethio-Eritrean highlands, the spread of the Sahelian crops towards India via the Red Sea and Arabia, as well as the long-distance trade network characterizing northeastern Africa in the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC.

This book is also available to buy in paperback priced £25.00.

Access Archaeology:This imprint is designed to make archaeological research accessible to all and to present a low-cost (or no-cost) publishing solution for academics from all over the world. Material ranges from theses, conference proceedings, catalogues of archaeological material, excavation reports and beyond. We provide type-setting guidance and templates for authors to prepare material themselves designed to be made available for free online via our Open Access platform and to supply in-print to libraries and academics worldwide at a reasonable price point. Click here to learn more about publishing in Access Archaeology.

Note for downloading: PDF displays best in Chrome. For best results right-click 'Download (pdf)' below and use the option 'Save link as...' to save a local copy to your computer/device. Please ensure file has finished downloading before opening and be sure to use desktop PDF reading software rather than browser-based software, otherwise file may appear corrupted.

The Death of the Maiden in Classical AthensΟ ΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΑΓΑΜΟΥ ΚΟΡΗΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΘΗΝΑ ΤΩΝ ΚΛΑΣΙΚΩΝ ΧΡΟΝΩΝ by Katia Margariti. xlviii+636 pages; 105 plates in colour and black & white. Text in Greek with extensive 63 page english summary. Available both in print and Open Access.ISBN 9781784915476. Book contents pageDownload
The present study examines the death of maidens in classical Athens, combining the study of Attic funerary iconography with research on classical Attic maiden burials, funerary inscriptions, tragic plays, as well as the relevant Attic myths.

The iconography of funerary reliefs focuses on the idealized image of the deceased maiden, as well as the powerful bonds of love and kinship that unite her with the members of her family, whereas the iconography of vases emphasizes the premature death of the maiden, the pain of loss and mourning felt by her family, as well as the observance of the indispensable funerary rites concerning her burial and ‘tomb cult’. Particularly interesting is the fact that the ‘traditional’ theory according to which the loutrophoros marked the graves of the unmarried dead alone has been proven non valid.

The study of classical Attic maiden burials indicates that the prematurely dead maidens were buried as children who didn’t live long enough to reach adulthood.

The untimely death of maidens in Attic drama and mythology is beneficial to the family or the city. In great contrast to that, the premature death of real - life Athenian maidens was a terrible disaster for the girls’ families, as well as the polis itself. Despite this, the iconography of dead maidens in classical Athens is in accordance with the ‘image’ of the deceased maidens presented by funerary epigrams, tragedy, and mythology. It has to be noted though, that the same is not true in the case of maiden burials.
This book is also available to buy in paperback priced £110.00.
Access Archaeology:This imprint is designed to make archaeological research accessible to all and to present a low-cost (or no-cost) publishing solution for academics from all over the world. Material ranges from theses, conference proceedings, catalogues of archaeological material, excavation reports and beyond. We provide type-setting guidance and templates for authors to prepare material themselves designed to be made available for free online via our Open Access platform and to supply in-print to libraries and academics worldwide at a reasonable price point. Click here to learn more about publishing in Access Archaeology.
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Materials, Productions, Exchange Network and their Impact on the Societies of Neolithic EuropeProceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain) Volume 13/Session A25a edited by Marie Besse and Jean Guilaine. vi+82 pages; illustrated throughout in black & white. Available both in print and Open Access.ISBN 9781784915254. Book contents pageDownload
Scholars who will study the historiography of the European Neolithic, more particularly with regards to the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, will observe a progressive change in the core understanding of this period. For several decades the concept of ‘culture’ has been privileged and the adopted approach aimed to highlight the most significant markers likely to emphasise the character of a given culture and to stress its specificities, the foundations of its identity. In short, earlier research aimed primarily to highlight the differences between cultures by stressing the most distinctive features of each of them. The tendency was to differentiate, single out, and identify cultural boundaries. However, over the last few years this perspective has been universally challenged. Although regional originality and particularisms are still a focus of study, the research community is now interested in widely diffused markers, in medium-scale or large-scale circulation, and in interactions that make it possible to go beyond the traditional notion of ‘archaeological culture’. The networks related to raw materials or finished products are currently leading us to re-think the history of Neolithic populations on a more general and more global scale. The aim is no longer to stress differences, but on the contrary to identify what links cultures together, what reaches beyond regionalism in order to try to uncover the underlying transcultural phenomena. From culturalism, we have moved on to its deconstruction. This is indeed a complete change in perspective. This new approach certainly owes a great deal to all kinds of methods, petrographic, metal, chemical and other analyses, combined with effective tools such as the GIS systems that provide a more accurate picture of the sources, exchanges or relays used by these groups. It is also true that behind the facts observed there are social organisations involving prospectors, extractors, craftsmen, distributors, sponsors, users, and recyclers. We therefore found it appropriate to organise a session on the theme ‘Materials, productions, exchange networks and their impact on the societies of Neolithic Europe’.

How is it possible to identify the circulation of materials or of finished objects in Neolithic Europe, as well as the social networks involved? Several approaches exist for the researcher, and the present volume provides some examples.
This book is also available to buy in paperback priced £24.00. 

The Ancient Skyscape over the Sanctuary of Egyptian Gods in MarathōnTaken from Liber Amicorum–Speculum Siderum: Nūt Astrophoros edited by Nadine Guilhou with the help of Antigoni Maniati. Pages 153-166.Download
By Themis G. Dallas

In the present paper we study the orientation of the sanctuary of Egyptian Gods in Marathōn and calculate that it belongs to the Equinoctial Group in the classification of Egyptian temples. We also reproduce the ancient skyscape over the area and associate astronomical phenomena with the major feasts most probably celebrated in that temple. We conclude that Navigium Isidum and Inventio Osiridis may be associated with the acronychal rising and setting of Canopus (or the constellation of Argo Navis in general) and Lychnapsia with the Perseids meteor–shower. Connections of Pēlusia and Serapia to astronomical phenomena are more problematic, but we also examine such possibilities.

KEY WORDS: Marathōn, Sanctuary of Isis, Ptolemaic & Helleno–Roman Period, Ancient Astronomy, Canopus, Ancient Skyscapes, Ancient Egyptian & Hellenic Feasts.

Instant Messaging: Dance, Text, and Visual Communication on Archaic Corinthian and Athenian Vases by Tyler Jo SmithTaken from Epigraphy of Art edited by Dimitrios Yatromanolakis. Pages 145-163.Download
Although a great deal has been written over the years about the association between ancient Greek vases and drama, far less attention has been given to the relationship between figure-decorated pottery and dance. On the one hand, this hardly seems surprising, especially in the case of tragedy, which drew its subjects from the shared textual tradition of epic and myth. On the other hand, it is very surprising, as dance would have been a part of everyday experience. ...

Tracing Letters on the Eurymedon Vase: On the Importance of Placement of Vase-Inscriptions by Georg Simon GerleignerTaken from Epigraphy of Art edited by Dimitrios Yatromanolakis. Pages 165-184.Download
This chapter intends to show the vital importance of considering very carefully the placement of an inscription within a vase-painting when interpreting it, using the much-discussed Eurymedon Vase as a case in point...

Production, consumption and political complexity: early medieval pottery in Castile and Southern Tuscany (7th-10th centuries) by Francesca GrassiTaken from Social complexity in early medieval rural communities edited by Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo. Pages 91-112.Download
This paper, which compares two groups of rural villages in north-western Spain and central Italy, is inspired by the first results of the research project Earmedcastile, currently ongoing at the University of the Basque Country and funded by the H2020 Program. It focuses on the study of the complex dynamics of social, political and economic life in the rural areas of the ancient County of Castile and Southern Tuscany. The systems of production, distribution and consumption of household ceramics in the 7th-10th centuries are analysed, and the results are related to other archaeological indicators at the sites.

After a review of the European state of the art on material culture studies in early medieval societies, the methods and objectives of the research underway in Spain are presented. The first case studies from the County of Castile and a case study from Italy are discussed, using the same methodology.

The purpose is to show the potentiality and limitations of the use of ceramics in the study of early medieval society, as well as the political and economic structure of these territories.

Inequality and social complexity in peasant societies. Some approaches to early medieval north-western IberiaTaken from Social complexity in early medieval rural communities by Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo. Pages 1-16.Download
This introduction provides an overview of the two main topics analysed in this book in the framework of medieval peasant studies: social inequality and social complexity in peasant communities. The chapter is divided into three sections. Firstly, Iberian case studies are presented, followed by an explanation of the concepts and terminology used throughout the book. Secondly, the single chapters that follow are contextualised from the perspective of settlement patterns, food, craft production systems and social practices. Finally, some generalisations are made in order to connect single case studies with general trends.

Internal-Handled Bowls – Puzzling pots from Bronze Age MesopotamiaTaken from Parcours d’Orient: Recueil de textes offert à Christine Kepinski by Ulrike Bürger & Peter A. Miglus. Pages 21-34.Download
Recent excavations at Bakr Awa in Iraqi Kurdistan yielded a peculiar type of pottery vessel with inward bent handles. The authors’ curiosity was aroused and lead to an intensive literature research for comparisons. The surprising result was a catalogue of at least sixty specimens from all over southern and eastern Mesopotamia, including several variants as well as miniature vessels. Furthermore, it became apparent that this type had been in use for quite a long time, from the Early Dynastic to the Isin-Larsa Period. A wide range of interpretations for their function can be found in the literature, but the most convincing one is that as an enhanced pot stand.

Statio amoenaSostare e vivere lungo le strade romane edited by Patrizia Basso and Enrico Zanini. viii+264 pages; illustrated throughout in black & white. All papers in Italian with English abstracts. Available both in print and Open Access. 295 2016. ISBN 9781784914998. Book contents pageDownload
The Roman road system was the main service infrastructure for administrative management, economic operation and defense of the empire.

Along with roads, a key element of this infrastructure were the resting places more or less directly linked with vehiculatio / cursus publicus, or with a system run or controlled by the state to ensure essential services (safe stop, supplies, maintenance of horses and other animals) to those traveling on behalf of the public administration.

New archaeological research and new studies on a rich and diverse body of extra-archaeological sources have recently reported the attention of the international scientific community on the subject of parking places, within the more general theme of the smaller settlements in the Roman world and their evolution in late antiquity and early medieval times.

This volume brings together contributions from scholars from three different generations, starting from different sources and methodological approaches, converging towards the construction of an area of common reflection on a theme still relatively underdeveloped. The goal is to lay the foundation for a deepening of the interdisciplinary debate and to develop new research projects.
This book is also available to purchase in paperback priced £40.00.
Italian description:
Il sistema stradale romano rappresentava la principale infrastruttura di servizio per la gestione amministrativa, il funzionamento economico e la difesa dell’impero.

Insieme con le strade, elemento fondamentale di questa infrastruttura erano i luoghi di sosta più o meno direttamente legati con la vehiculatio/cursus publicus, ovvero con il sistema gestito o controllato dallo stato per assicurare i servizi indispensabili (sosta sicura, rifornimenti, cambio dei cavalli, manutenzione di animali e mezzi) a chi viaggiava per conto della pubblica amministrazione.

Nuove ricerche archeologiche e nuovi studi su un ricco e variegato corpus di fonti extra-archeologiche hanno recentemente riportato l’attenzione della comunità scientifica internazionale sul tema dei luoghi di sosta, all’interno della tematica più generale degli insediamenti minori nel mondo romano e della loro evoluzione in epoca tardoantica e altomedievale.

Questo volume raccoglie contributi di studiosi di tre diverse generazioni che, partendo da sistemi di fonti e da approcci metodologici differenti, convergono verso la costruzione di un terreno di riflessione comune su un tema ancora relativamente poco frequentato. L’obiettivo è quello di gettare le basi per un approfondimento del dibattito interdisciplinare e per lo sviluppo di nuovi progetti di ricerca, più organici e specificamente mirati.

Journal of Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture Volume 1 2016 edited by Dr Patricia Kögler, Dr Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom and Prof. Dr Wolf Rudolph (Heads of Editorial Board). xiv+212 pages; illustrated throughout in colour and black & white. Available in print and Open Access. 1 2016. ISBN 2399-1852-1-2016. Download
ISSN 2399-1844 (Print) ISSN 2399-1852 (online)
Table of Contents:
A Fill from a Potter’s Dump at Morgantina – by Shelley Stone
Trade in Pottery within the Lower Adriatic in the 2nd century BCE – by Carlo De Mitri
Hellenistic Ash Containers from Phoinike (Albania) – by Nadia Aleotti
Pottery Production in Hellenistic Chalkis, Euboea. Preliminary Notes – by Yannis Chairetakis
A Terracotta Figurine of a War Elephant and Other Finds from a Grave at Thessaloniki – by Eleni Lambrothanassi & Annareta Touloumtzidou
Moldmade Bowls from Straton’s Tower (Caesarea Maritima) – by Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom
Greco-Roman Jewellery from the Necropolis of Qasrawet (Sinai) – by Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom

Panathenaic Amphorae of Hellenistic and Roman Times – by Martin Streicher

Shelley C. Stone, Morgantina Studies 6. The Hellenistic and Roman Fine Wares – by Peter J. Stone
Pia Guldager Bilde & Mark L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places, BSS 16 – by Kathleen Warner Slane
Susan I. Rotroff, Hellenistic Pottery. The Plain Wares, Agora 33 – by Patricia Kögler
Also available in print
2016 PRINT SUBSCRIPTION RATES (1 issue in 2016):
(please order via the downloadable form - click here to follow the link):
£50.00 (plus standard shipping rates)
Agents will receive 25% discount on institutional print price including shipping rates as stated
Individuals (please order via the website - click here to follow the link):
£30.00 (plus standard shipping rates)
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Archeologia dell’acqua a Gortina di Creta in età protobizantina by Elisabetta Giorgi. x+288 pages; illustrated throughout in black & white. Italian text with English abstracts for each chapter. Available both in print and Open Access. Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556) 5. ISBN 9781784914455. Book contents pageDownload
Ancient aqueducts have long commanded the attention of archaeologists, both for their intrinsic, monumental importance and for their significance as infrastructures closely related to the concept of civilisation. An aqueduct, in fact, is an artefact that has a great potential for providing information concerning at least two major aspects of ancient society: those relating to structural, technical, and engineering matters, and those relating to building and construction technology. These topics have enjoyed considerable attention in past studies, and in recent years they have also been integrated with a multi-disciplinary and contextual approach. They have further increased the potential of the analysis of ancient hydraulic systems, turning them into historical subjects capable of expanding our knowledge of the urban and social transformation of ancient cities and their territories.

The current study of the early Byzantine aqueduct of Gortyn (Crete) follows this tradition, but starts from a viewpoint related not so much to the aqueduct itself, as to a series of questions about the city: what was the appearance of Gortyn in the early Byzantine era? How did the inhabitants live? Where did they live and what did they do for living?

The aqueduct was born with the Roman city and accompanied it for its entire lifetime, constituting the backbone around which the various forms of urban settlement were redrawn at each major historical stage. Its vital link with everyday life makes the aqueduct a key witness for the study of the transformations of the city over the long term.
This book is also available to buy in paperback priced £40.00.
Access Archaeology:This imprint is designed to make archaeological research accessible to all and to present a low-cost (or no-cost) publishing solution for academics from all over the world. Material ranges from theses, conference proceedings, catalogues of archaeological material, excavation reports and beyond. We provide type-setting guidance and templates for authors to prepare material themselves designed to be made available for free online via our Open Access platform and to supply in-print to libraries and academics worldwide at a reasonable price point. Click here to learn more about publishing in Access Archaeology.
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Enfoques metodológicos en el estudio de los asentamientos fortificados de la edad del hierroAproximación teórica a la metodología de estudio sobre la defensa del territorio en la Prehistoria Final Europea by Óscar Rodríguez Monterrubio. 145 pages; illustrated throughout in colour and black & white. Spanish text with English Abstract. Available both in print and Open Access.ISBN 9781784914493. Book contents pageDownload
This volume focuses on the main methodological perspectives currently existing in studies on Iron Age fortified settlements. Current investigations can be characterised according to three methodological approaches: analytic, landscape and componential analysis. These approaches can be traced since the 70s and are found all around Europe from the Baltic regions to the Mediterranean coast. They are examples of diachronic and versatile methodological procedures in use today and applicable to different contexts of the European Iron Age. We introduce digital archaeology at the end of this paper. In each one of the chapters we shall focus not only on the theoretical perspective of the approach but also on its practical application to the study of actual fortified settlements from different geographic contexts. In conclusion, and despite the difficulties of using these methods when investigating Iron Age settlements, they seem to be as versatile as they are adaptable and they have evolved adopting new methods of tele-detection and geographic information systems which update and refresh them as current methodological approaches.
This book is also available to buy in paperback priced £30.00.
Access Archaeology:This imprint is designed to make archaeological research accessible to all and to present a low-cost (or no-cost) publishing solution for academics from all over the world. Material ranges from theses, conference proceedings, catalogues of archaeological material, excavation reports and beyond. We provide type-setting guidance and templates for authors to prepare material themselves designed to be made available for free online via our Open Access platform and to supply in-print to libraries and academics worldwide at a reasonable price point. Click here to learn more about publishing in Access Archaeology.
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Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 1 2016 Sampler edited by John Bintliff (Ed. in Chief). p. i-vi; 109-148; 406-420; 466-470. Black & white and colour illustrations.Download
Archaeopress is delighted to be launching a new journal in October 2016 with an editorial board headed by John Bintliff (Edinburgh University, U.K. and Leiden University, The Netherlands). The scope of this journal is Greek archaeology both in the Aegean and throughout the wider Greek-inhabited world, from earliest Prehistory to the Modern Era. Thus we include contributions not just from traditional periods such as Greek Prehistory and the Classical Greek to Hellenistic eras, but also from Roman through Byzantine, Crusader and Ottoman Greece and into the Early Modern period. Outside of the Aegean contributions are welcome covering the Archaeology of the Greeks overseas, likewise from Prehistory into the Modern World. Greek Archaeology for the purposes of the JGA thus includes the Archaeology of the Hellenistic World, Roman Greece, Byzantine Archaeology, Frankish and Ottoman Archaeology, and the Postmedieval Archaeology of Greece and of the Greek Diaspora.

This Open Access sampler has been designed to act as an introduction and taster to the scope and style of this new journal. It includes one complete paper and two review articles as well as full contents listings for Volume 1 and subscription information (including some special offers).
Creative Commons License
This Open Access sampler is available here as a free download and is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Please feel free to re-post online, circulate electronically to colleagues and to host on personal servers.
For more information on the journal please see the dedicated page on our website.
Click here to subscribe to Volume 1, 2016, available from October 2016.
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Dja’de el-Mughara (Aleppo) by Eric CoqueugniotTaken from A History of Syria in One Hundred Sites by Y. Kanjou and A. Tsuneki (eds). Pages 51-53.Download
Excavated as part of the rescue campaigns of the Tishreen Dam in the Euphates valley, the Neolithic tell of Dja’de el Mughara has yielded archaeological levels belonging mostly to the 9th millennium BC (9310-8290 cal. BCE). It concerns a crucial phase in the process of Neolithisation, the one which corresponds to the end of the period of gestation, and invention of the domestication of plants (raw agricultural practices but with wild cereals). ...

Open Access Magazine: Hebdomada Aenigmatum: magazine of crosswords, quizzes and other games in Latin language

[First posted in AWOL 10 November 2013, updated 1 March 2017]

Hebdomada Aenigmatum
Hebdomada Aenigmatum is the first monthly magazine of crosswords and puzzles in Latin. Launched in June 2014 by the Italian Cultural Association Leonardo, it is available free of charge in printable pdf format upon registration on our website.

The magazine features several crosswords and word puzzles in Latin, a section with global news, a comic strip of Incredibilis Snupius (Snoopy) and a section on miscellaneous subjects (movies, recipes, sport, etc.). The magazine also features a variation of Sudoku with Latin numbers. Not everybody knows that the Sudoku is a modern version of the “Latin square”. Hebdomada Aenigmatum has therefore recovered the Latin origins of one of the most popular games in the world.

The editor-in-chief is Luca Desiata alias "Lucas Cupidus", an executive at the Italian energy company Enel and a Professor at the Luiss Business School in Rome.

Multiculturalism, Race & Ethnicity in Classics Consortium (MRECC)

Multiculturalism, Race & Ethnicity in Classics Consortium (MRECC)
MRECC is an international organization founded in October 2016 by faculty and graduate students in classics and education from six different universities across the United States. Since then, it has grown to include 290 affiliated students, staff, faculty, and independent researchers from a variety of backgrounds and institutions worldwide. The purpose of this organization is to facilitate discussion and establish a supportive network of international scholars interested in topics related to multiculturalism, race, and ethnicity in classics whether that is from the perspective of languages, literature, pedagogy, and/or material culture. We are not only dedicated to promoting the study of multiculturalism, race, and ethnicity but also committed to increasing the diversity of students, staff, and faculty within the professional world of classics. It is our hope in the coming years to set up panels, publications, and an annual conference as we grow our affiliation with other established classics organizations. For more information on the founding and aim of MRECC, please see the Mission page. If you are interested in becoming an official member, check out our Membership page for more information on how to register. If you are part of an organization that would like to be affiliated with MRECC and have us post about your events and publications, please send an email to the MRECC Executive Board at multiculturalclassics@gmail.com. And don’t forget to join the conversation on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Thank you and welcome to MRECC!

Open Access Journal: Annales de Janua – Actes des journées d’études

[First posted in AWOL 20 July 2013, updated2March 2017]

Annales de Janua – Actes des journées d’études
ISSN: 2267-1358
Diffuser la richesse des échanges scientifiques réussis entre jeunes chercheurs, voilà le défi relevé par ces nouvelles Annales ! Cette revue a en effet pour vocation de publier les actes des journées d’études organisées chaque année par l’association Janua. Celle-ci, fondée à Poitiers, fédère des étudiants de Master et des doctorants spécialisés dans l’analyse des périodes antiques et médiévales. Les rencontres scientifiques qu’elle organise sont diachroniques et pluridisciplinaires afin de favoriser un dialogue entre différentes manières d’aborder la recherche. La publication numérique des articles issus des communications permettra à chacun d’y retrouver soit la diversité des approches envisagées soit la spécificité d’un sujet traité par un jeune chercheur. Un comité scientifique composé de chercheurs et d’enseignants-chercheurs est associé au déroulement de l’ensemble du projet.

n°4 - Humanités numériques : Enjeux méthodologiques et pratiques du développement des outils numériques pour l’étude des sociétés antiques et médiévales

  • Editorial
    Par : Amélie Rigollet
    Publié en ligne le 06/04/16

n°3 - Le document et sa fonction : une clef de lecture des sociétés antiques et médiévales ?

n°2 - Le corpus. Son contour, ses limites et sa cohérence

n°1 - Enjeux de l’historiographie et de la datation des sources

Le premier numéro des Annales de Janua regroupe les actes des  journées d’études organisées en 2010 et 2012 par l’association. La première était consacrée aux rapports entretenus entre historiographie et mémoires universitaires. La seconde avait pour but d’éclairer les problèmes et les enjeux de la datation des sources.

  • Avant-propos
    Par : Manon Durier
    frPublié en ligne le 15/04/13

Open Access Journal: Pegasus - Berliner Beiträge zum Nachleben der Antike

[First posted in AWOL 28 December 2013, updated 2 March 2017]

Pegasus - Berliner Beiträge zum Nachleben der Antike
ISSN: 1436-3461
Pegasus 8
Einmal im Jahr erscheint das mehrsprachige Periodikum des Census -  der Pegasus. Er versteht sich grundsätzlich als Diskussionsforum für alle mit antiken Traditionen befassten Disziplinen. Anders als die Datenbank des Census setzt er keine zeitlichen  Begrenzungen, sondern öffnet den Blick auf alle nachantiken Epochen. Neben Untersuchungen, die dem breiten Spektrum der Antikentradition gewidmet sind, werden hier Ergebnisse präsentiert, die unmittelbar der Arbeit mit der Datenbank entstammen. So zeigt sich im Pegasus die Präsenz der antiken Bilderwelt wie sie uns –  gefiltert durch den Blick früherer Epochen – auch heute noch gegenwärtig ist.

Seit 2010 werden die Pegasus-Hefte, deren Erscheinen mindestens fünf Jahre zurückliegt, als PDF-Dokumente auf dem edoc-Server der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften bereitgestellt.
Über die Inhaltsverzeichnisse der einzelnen Hefte auf dieser Seite (siehe unten) gelangen Sie direkt zu den jeweiligen Aufsätzen im Volltextangebot...

Open Access Publications from Ausonius Éditions

Open Access Publications from Ausonius Éditions

ausonius est l’une des très rares équipes CNRS à posséder son propre service de publications. À travers plusieurs collections bien spécifiques, nos ouvrages font connaître les résultats des programmes de recherche d’Ausonius, mais également les travaux de chercheurs extérieurs au laboratoire, en publiant prioritairement les ouvrages collectifs, les fouilles archéologiques, les recueils d’inscriptions. Tous ces ouvrages sont le fruit d’un travail technique et graphique de haut niveau, car nous avons à cœur de faire de beaux livres, sous un format pratique et agréable, à des prix relativement limités, et dans des délais de fabrication assez brefs, afin d’assurer leur diffusion dans les meilleures conditions possibles auprès de la communauté scientifique internationale.

Le forum en Gaule et dans les régions voisinesBouet Alain (éd.)
Collection Mémoires (31)
Bordeaux, 2012 - 406 p.   50 €

Le forum, cœur politique de la civitas romaine, est à l’origine d’une abondante littérature. Les découvertes archéologiques qui se sont multipliées ces dernières années ont permis de faire avancer la connaissance sur un certain nombre de complexes. Cet ouvrage, issu du séminaire d’archéologie romaine de l’Université de Toulouse, a pour ambition de faire le point sur quelques uns de ces ensembles. Le forum est étudié ici sur la longue durée, des premiers ensembles monumentaux de terre et de bois de la Protohistoire qui font l’objet de débats sur la nature de leur fonction jusqu’au devenir du forum à la fin de l’Antiquité. Cet ouvrage fait une large part à la Ga .../... (plus)

Les milliardaires de l'Adriatique romaineTassaux Francis, Jean-Courret Ezéchiel, Tassaux Yolande
Collection Catalogue d'exposition 
Bordeaux, 2010 - 59 p.   5 €
(Épuisé papier : PDF téléchargeable)

Ce catalogue a été réalisé à l'occasion de l'exposition "Les Milliardaires de l'Adriatique Romaine" organisée par l'institut Ausonius à l'Archéopôle d'Aquitaine du 19 Mars au 18 Juin 2010.

Peu avant notre ère, l'empereur Auguste et ses proches, enrichis pas les guerres civiles, installent de somptueuses villas maritimes dans la petite péninsule de l'Istrie (actuelle Croatie), attirés par un climat de riviera et les promesses d'une terre fertile. L'exposition qui s'est tenu du 19 Mars au 18 Juin 2010 à l'Archéopôle d'Aquitaine présente les résultats des fouilles menées dans cette région depuis quinze ans par l'institut Ausonius et fait revivre ces villas, qui n'ét
 .../... (plus)

D'Olbia à Tanaïs : territoires et réseaux d'échanges dans la mer Noire septentrionnale aux époques classique et hellénistiqueMüller Christel
Collection Scripta antiqua (28)
Bordeaux, 2010 - 453 p.   10€
(Épuisé papier : PDF téléchargeable)

Malgré les ouvrages pionniers d'E.Minns et M.I.Rostovcev, les rivages de la Mer Noire septentrionale n'ont longtemps évoqué, chez les historiens occidentaux, que l'image d'un monde semi-barbare aux confins de l'"hellenikon". Depuis une vingtaine d'années cependant, la rencontre avec l'historiographie soviétique et le dévoilement progressif de riches sources documentaires ont permis l'abandon de ces poncifs au profit d'une véritable réflexion, dont le présent ouvrage se voudrait un aboutissement au moins partiel. Le Pont Nord, si éloigné soit-il d'un centre égéen supposé, forme, aux époques classique et hellénistique, un monde ouvert et dynamique, comme le montre, l'analyse de .../... (plus)

Les "Beneficiarii" : militaires et administrateurs au service de l'empire : Ier s. a.C.-VIe s. p.CNelis-Clément Jocelyne
Collection Études (5)
Bordeaux, 2000 - 557 p.   10€
(Épuisé papier : PDF téléchargeable)

Les armées au service de l'administration de Rome et de ses provinces constituent le thème central de cet ouvrage consacré aux beneficiarii, des soldats libérés des corvées militaires à proprement parler et choisis pour être mis au service personnel des officiers, procurateurs, préfets et gouverneurs provinciaux. Cette étude s'appuie sur l'ensemble des sources littéraires, épigraphiques, papyrologiques et archéologiques, du Ier s.a.C. au VIe s.p.C., et s'attache à illustrer les multiples fonctions exercées par des bénéficiaires, dans toutes les régions de l'Empire. Débutant par une réflexion méthodologique sur l'exploitation des sources, elle aborde des questions telles .../... (plus)

Du statère au sesterce. Monnaie et romanisation dans la Gaule du Nord et de l’Est ( IIIe s. a.C. / Ier s. p.C. ) - PRIX SoPHAU 2014Martin Stéphane
Collection Scripta antiqua (78)
Bordeaux, 2015 - 488 p.   25 €

CATALOGUE À TÉLÉCHARGER SUR https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01344885

Une des conséquences les plus manifestes de la conquête des Gaules fut sans conteste le passage de la monnaie gauloise à la monnaie romaine. Jusqu’à présent, aucune étude détaillée n’y avait pourtant été consacrée. En confrontant les données numismatiques aux sources archéologiques, littéraires et épigraphiques, et en s’appuyant sur plus d’une centaine de cartes et de graphiques produits spé
 .../... (plus)

Production métallique en Aquitaine à l'âge du Bronze moyen. Techniques, usages et circulationLagarde-Cardona Céline
Collection Scripta antiqua (39)
Bordeaux, 2012 - 420 p.   25€
Catalogue des objets étudiés PDF

Cette étude porte sur la culture matérielle métallique et sur son artisanat en tant que production socioculturelle des communautés occupant l’Aquitaine à l’âge du Bronze moyen (xviie-xive siècle a.C.). Les objets métalliques ont été étudiés selon diverses méthodes de recherche : typologiques, technologiques et contextuelles. La restitution du cadre environnemental met en évidence les transformations, à l’échelle de la vie humaine, qui se sont opérées dans la zone de l’estuaire, jouant un rôle dans le développement du système technique et économique des sociétés. L’examen fonctionnel puis morpho-typologique des objets métalliques permet d’établir plusieur .../... (plus)

Open Access Journal: The Canadian Institute in Greece Bulletin de l'Institut canadien en Gréce

The Canadian Institute in Greece Bulletin de l'Institut canadien en Gréce
ISSN: 0226-2614
The Institute produces a semi-annual Bulletin to keep its membership up-to-date on the latest events at the Institute and activities of its members. In addition to reports from the Athens staff and the Institute’s financial reports, the Bulletin also includes the latest news on fieldwork carried out under the aegis of CIG, and by its Board members and members at large, activities organized by its Associations of Friends, and articles by its interns and Fellows.

The most recent issue of the Bulletin, volume 32, appeared in December 2013. Electronic copies of some previous issues may be viewed below:

Across Space and Time. Papers from the 41st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Perth, 25-28 March 2013

Across Space and Time. Papers from the 41st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Perth, 25-28 March 2013

ISBN: 9789089647153 
 e-ISBN: 9789048524433 (pdf)
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
This volume presents a selection of the best papers presented at the forty-first annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. The theme for the conference was "Across Space and Time", and the papers explore a multitude of topics related to that concept, including databases, the semantic Web, geographical information systems, data collection and management, and more. 
Table of Contents
9 Preface
15 Across Space and Time
Arianna Traviglia
25 Remote Sensing in Maritime Archaeology, from the Slide Rule to the Supercomputer*
Jeremy N. Green
36 Remote Sensing (Short and Long Range)
36 The Story Beneath the Canopy: an Airborne Lidar Survey Over Angkor, Phnom Kulen
and Koh Ker, Northwestern Cambodia
Damian Evans, Kasper Hanus, Roland Fletcher
45 GeOBIA Approaches to Remote Sensing of Fossil Landscapes: Two Case Studies from
Northern Italy
Armando De Guio, Luigi Magnini and Cinzia Bettineschi
54 Palmyra Revisited from Space – High-Resolution Satellite Prospection of a UNESCO
World Heritage Site
Roland Linck, Jörg W. E. Fassbinder, Stefan Buckreuss
64 Classification of Geophysical Data of Angkor, Cambodia and its Potential as an Online
Till F. Sonnemann
70 Field and Laboratory Data Recording
70 The Accuracy of the Field Survey Results and its Implications in the Correct
Understanding of Past and Present Practices
Luis Antonio Sevillano Perea and Victorino Mayoral Herrera
80 Arbitrary Offline Data Capture on All of Your Androids: The FAIMS Mobile Platform
Adela Sobotkova, Brian Ballsun-Stanton, Shawn Ross, Penny Crook
89 Creating a Paperless Recording System for Pilbara Rock Art
Stafford Smith, Jo McDonald, Jane Balme, Glen MacLaren, Alistair Paterson
97 Beyond Tablet Computers as a Tool for Data Collection: Three Seasons of Processing
and Curating Digital Data in a Paperless World
John Wallrodt, Kevin Dicus, Leigh Lieberman, Gregory Tucker
104 Applying Low Budget Equipment and Open Source Software for High Resolution
Documentation of Archaeological Stratigraphy and Features
Undine Lieberwirth, Bernhard Fritsch, Markus Metz, Markus Neteler, Kerstin Kühnle
120 Old Problems and New Challenges in Archaeological Sites Data Management.
The REVEAL Experience at Ammaia (Portugal)
Cristina Corsi, Eben Gay, Eleftheria Paliou, Donald Sanders
129 The Parnassus Project: Archaeology and Engineering Collaboration for 3D Data
Collection and Analysis
Dina D’Ayala, Penny Copeland, Yasemin Didem Aktas, Graeme Earl, Aykut Erkal, James Miles,
Elizabeth Richley, Victoria Stephenson, Kris Strutt
144 Photogrammetry and RTI Survey of Hoa Hakananai’a Easter Island Statue
James Miles, Mike Pitts, Hembo Pagi, Graeme Earl
156 Some Methodological Considerations and Suggestions for Good Practice in
Diagnosticsand Visualizations of Complex Archaeological Sites: the Experience of
the Radio-Past Project
Frank Vermeulen, Cristina Corsi
169 Reflections Upon 30+ Years of Computing and Field Archaeology in the
Valey of Pickering, North Yorkshire UK. *
Dominic Powlesland
192 Computational Modelling and GIS
192 Competition and Culture Change in Prehistoric Socio-Environmental Systems
Carolin Vegvari, Robert A. Foley
203 Agent-based Modelling and Archaeological Hypothesis Testing: the Case Study of the
European Lower Palaeolithic
Iza Romanowska
215 Sailing the Simulated Seas: a New Simulation for Evaluating Prehistoric Seafaring ⊗
Benjamin Davies, Simon H. Bickler
224 Agricultural Territories and GIS Modelling: the Long-Term Case Study of Menorca
Monica De Cet, Rainer Duttmann, Vicente Lull, Rafael Micó, Johannes Müller, Cristina Rihuete
Herrada, Roberto Risch, Philip Verhagen
239 Systemic Approach and Spatial Organization: from the City to Networks of Cities
Xavier Rodier, Lahouari Kaddouri, Pierre Garmy
249 Detection of Spatio-Morphological Structures 0n the Basis of Archaeological Data
with Mathematical Morphology and Variogaphy. Application to Syrian Archaeological
Johanna Fusco
261 Least Cost Path Analysis for Predicting Glacial Archaeological Site Potential in Central
Stephanie R. Rogers, Claude Collet, Ralph Lugon
276 Spatial Statistic Analysis of Dating Using Pottery: an Aid to the Characterization of
Cultural Areas in West Central France
Lise Bellanger, Philippe Husi, Yassine Laghzali
283 Scale Dependent Patterns in South-Eastern Norway
Mieko Matsumoto, Espen Uleberg
289 Estimation of Archaeological Potential with a Page Rank Based Predictive Model:
the Urban Area of Pisa
Nevio Dubbini, Gabriele Gattiglia
298 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistics in the Context of Centuriation
John William Michael Peterson
303 Data Management and Analysis
303 Integration of CIDOC CRM with OGC Standards to Model Spatial Information
Gerald Hiebel, Martin Doerr, Øyvind Eide
311 Reality Bites: Reviewing a Decade of Online Collaboration
Susan Hamilton, Peter McKeague
319 An Empirical Approach to the Analysis of Archaeological Discourse
Patricia Martín-Rodilla
326 Expressing Temporal and Subjective Information about Archaeological Entities
Cesar Gonzalez-Perez, Patricia Martín-Rodilla, Rebeca Blanco-Rotea
336 From dBase III+ to the Semantic Web: Twenty-Five Years of the Coin Hoards of the
Roman Republic Database
Ethan Gruber, Kris Lockyear
347 Higeomes: Distributed Geodatabases in an Archaeological Joint Research Project
Frank Boochs, Kai-Christian Bruhn, Christophe Cruz, Ashish Karmacharya, Tobias Kohr
358 The Archaeological Resource Cataloging System (ARCS): A Better Way of Working
with Digital Archives
Jon M. Frey, Timothy E. Gregory, Lita Tzortzopoulou-Gregory
367 Reimagining Archaeological Publication for the 21st Century *
Eric C. Kansa
379 3D Modelling and Visualisation
379 Playing Angkor: Exploring the Historical and Archaeological Themes of the Khmer
Empire through Game Engine Technologies
Tom Chandler
386 The Virtual Archaeology Project - Towards an Interactive Multi-scalar 3D Visualisation
in Computer Game Engines
Arian Goren, Kay Kohlmeyer, Thomas Bremer, Arie Kai-Browne, Wiebke Bebermeier, Dennis
Öztürk, Stefan Öztürk, Tobias Müller
401 A Roman Street at the Time of Constantine: Interactive Visit with Access to Ancient
Source Materials
Philippe Fleury, Sophie Madeleine, Nicolas Lefèvre
408 Fortress City Saarlouis: Development of an Interactive 3D City Model Using Web
Kristian Sons, Georg Demme, Wolfgang Herget, Philipp Slusallek
415 An Interactive Virtual Roaming System for Beijing Hutong
Guoguang Du, Zhongke Wu, Mingquan Zhou, Kang Wang, Chongbin Xu, Ziyang Li, Pengfei Xu,
Dongcan Jiang and Xingce Wang
423 A Documentation System for Digital Reconstructions with References to the
Mausoleum of the Tang-Dynasty at Zhaoling, in Shaanxi Province, China
Mieke Pfarr-Harfst
430 3D Modelling Technologies in Humanities. A Literature-Based Survey about
Reconstruction and Visualisation of Historic Objects
Sander Münster, Thomas Köhler, Stephan Hoppe
442 A 3D Assessment Tool for Precise Recording of Ceramic Fragments Using Image
Processing and Computational Geometry Tools
Fernando Zvietcovich, Benjamin Castaneda, Luis Jaime Castillo, Julio Saldana
453 Eigen Paicas: A 3D Reconstruction of Entire Vessels Using Information of a Single
Fragment and a Database
Fernando Zvietcovich, Benjamin Castaneda, Luis Jaime Castillo, Julio Saldana
463 Towards the Automatic Classification of Pottery Sherds: Two Complementary
Chiara Piccoli, Prashant Aparajeya, Georgios Th. Papadopoulos, John Bintliff, Frederic Fol
Leymarie, Philip Bes, Mark van der Enden, Jeroen Poblome, Petros Daras
475 Shape and Technological Organisation of Lithic Solutrean Points from Iberia:
a Computational Approach for Exploring the Diversity of Shapes
Isabell Schmidt, Vincent Mom
482 Cultural Heritage Management and Interpretation
482 Is the use of GIS in Cultural Heritage Outdated?
Claire Reeler
488 The End Game: As Scotland’s Historic Land-Use Assessment Project Reaches
Completion What Have We Learned?
Kirsty Millican and Mike Middleton
494 A 21st Century Record: Maintaining a Modern Monuments Record
Susan Hamilton
501 Preserving Lost Industrial Heritage: Newcastle Australia
Tessa Morrison, Helen Giggins, Nicholas Foulcher
508 Uncovering the Missing Routes: an Algorithmic Study on the Illicit Antiquities Trade
Christos Tsirogiannis, Constantinos Tsirogiannis
*: Keynote Address
⊗: Nick Ryan Award

Open Access Journal: Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Helénicos

Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Helénicos
ISSN: 0210-4032
El Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Helénicos  (1967-1976) aparegué per primer cop l’any 1967  a iniciativa del catedràtic de grec Doctor Josep Alsina, i amb el suport de les autoritats universitàries d'aquell moment, com a publicació acadèmica especialitzada, per tal de contribuir a la difusió dels estudis sobre el món grec que es feien a la Universitat de Barcelona i a Catalunya.

La intenció de l’Institut era que la publicació fos anual, però, finalment, tot i que de manera irregular, en van aparèixer uns deu números fins al final de la sèrie, nou anys després, el 1976.


Open Access Journal: ARCHAEOFAUNA: International Journal of Archaeozoology

ARCHAEOFAUNA: International Journal of Archaeozoology
ISSN: 1132-6891
ARCHAEOFAUNA, International Journal of archaeozoology publica trabajos originales relacionados con cualquier aspecto del estudio de restos animales recuperados en yacimientos arqueológicos. 
ARCHAEOFAUNA, International Journal of archaeozoology is an annual journal that publishes original papers dealing with all aspects related to the study of animal remains from archaeological sites.


Núm. 15 (2006): Archaeofauna

Dedicado a: Fishing in pre-European New Zealand

Open Access Journal: Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology

Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology
e-ISSN: 2530-3554
ISSN print version: 1138-9354
Journal Homepage Image
The Bulletin of Experimental Archeology is a magazine born in 1997, with an annual periodicity. It is the result of the scientific activities and dissemination of knowledge that the Experimental Archeology Laboratory LAEX, under the Department of Prehistory and Archeology of the Autonomous University of Madrid, promotes and produces.

It is a journal of scientific and informative orientation related to the development of experimental works in the field of Archeology and History open to all kinds of works that fall into this subjects. Among others, its objectives pretend to extent part of the scientific and teaching activity of this discipline directed preferably to scientific and academic world. The Bulletin of Experimental Archeology does not require authors to make any payment for publishing their articles in it.

The Journal provides open access to the content it publishes. This policy is based on the principle of free consultation in order to favor research and teaching. Therefore, no subscription is necessary to access its content.


No 1 (1997)

Tesserae News: Greek Multitext Searching Available

Open Access Journal: Pyrenae

SSN electrònic: 2339-9171
ISSN paper: 0079-8215
Logotip per a la capçalera de pàgina
Pyrenae fou fundada pel professor Joan Maluquer de Motes l'any 1965 com a òrgan d'expressió dels professors i investigadors del Departament de Prehistòria, Història Antiga i Arqueologia de la Universitat de Barcelona. Es tracta d'una revista científica sobre la Prehistòria, la Història Antiga i l'Arqueologia en el seu sentit més ampli tant cronològica com geogràficament. Actualment té una periodicitat semestral. 

Per informació completa de Pyrenae, visiteu la seva web.

1 - 25 de 54 elements     1 2 3 > >> 

Open Access Journal: Erga-Logoi: Rivista di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità

[First posted in AWOL 15 May 2013, updated 4 March 2017]

Erga-Logoi: Rivista di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità
Online ISSN: 2282-3212
Print ISSN: 2280-9678
Erga-Logoiè una rivista, soggetta a peer-review, di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità; un concetto, quest'ultimo, da intendere in senso ampio sul piano dell'estensione geografica e cronologica. Il titolo è stato scelto per sottolineare, evocando il proemio metodologico di Tucidide - benché la contrapposizione abbia ovviamente, in quel contesto, valore diverso -, l'intento di guardare al mondo antico prestando attenzione sia al "fatto" (gli eventi storici, la produzione artistica, la cultura materiale), sia al "detto" (il discorso poetico, letterario, storico, normativo nella sua forma orale e scritta). 

Di conseguenza, la Rivista propone con convinzione un approccio unitario al mondo antico, respingendo prospettive settoriali in favore di un'impostazione fortemente interdisciplinare: l'unica che può consentire un'adeguata comprensione della civiltà complessa e articolata, sul piano cronologico, geografico e soprattutto contenutistico, che il mondo antico ha espresso.
La Rivista, che esce con cadenza semestrale, è dunque aperta a contributi di carattere storico, filologico, letterario, archeologico, artistico, giuridico; ha carattere multilingue e intende con ciò contribuire allo sviluppo di un dibattito internazionale sul mondo antico e sulla sua eredità.

Erga-Logoi is a peer-reviewed journal of ancient history, literature, law and culture, as broadly conceived in geographical and chronological terms. Evoking Thucydides' methodological exordium (although in that context the opposition obviously has a different value), the name of the Journal was chosen to reflect its intention of looking at the ancient world paying attention to both “facts” (historical events, artistic production, material culture) and “words” (literary, historical, legal production in its oral and written forms).
On these bases, the Journal embraces a unified approach to the ancient world, rejecting sectional perspectives for an interdisciplinary focus, reflecting these complex articulated civilizations. 

The Journal, published every six months, is open to contributions of a historical, philological, literary, archaeological, artistic, and legal nature. It is multilingual, thereby aiming to foster the development of international debate on the ancient world and its legacy.

Open Access Monograph Series: Quaderni di Erga-Logoi

[First posted in AWOL 7 April 2015, updated 4 March 2017]

Quaderni di Erga-Logoi
ISSN: 2283-7124
Erga-Logoiè una rivista, soggetta a peer-review, di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità; un concetto, quest'ultimo, da intendere in senso ampio sul piano dell'estensione geografica e cronologica. Il titolo è stato scelto per sottolineare, evocando il proemio metodologico di Tucidide - benché la contrapposizione abbia ovviamente, in quel contesto, valore diverso -, l'intento di guardare al mondo antico prestando attenzione sia al "fatto" (gli eventi storici, la produzione artistica, la cultura materiale), sia al "detto" (il discorso poetico, letterario, storico, normativo nella sua forma orale e scritta).

Ennio Biondi

Il contesto egizio-cipriota

ISBN 978-88-7916-793-2 - pp. 202

€ 28,00  (-15%)  Acquisto il volume € 23,80

Società, diritto, religione

A cura di Valerio Neri e Beatrice Girotti 

ISBN 978-88-7916-764-2 - pp. 294

€ 35,00  (-15%)  Acquisto il volume € 29,75 


Aspetti dellassistenza sociale nel mondo greco e romano
Università Europea di Roma
Atti delle giornate di studio - 7-8 novembre 2012

A cura di Umberto Roberto e Paolo A. Tuci 

ISBN 978-88-7916-706-2 - pp. 186

€ 27,00  (-15%)  Acquisto il volume € 22,95 

Maria Federica Petraccia

Occultiore indicio proditus;
in occultas delatus insidias

ISBN 978-88-7916-701-7 - pp. 126

€ 22,00  (-15%)  Acquisto il volume € 18,70

Paolo A. Tuci

Manipolazione istituzionale ed eversione
nel colpo di stato oligarchico del 411 a.C. ad Atene

ISBN 978-88-7916-657-7 - pp. 240

€ 31,00  (-15%)  Acquisto il volume € 26,35 

Gianpaolo Urso

La crisi della Repubblica
nei frammenti della Storia romana (XXI-XXX)

ISBN 978-88-7916-627-0 - pp. 244

€ 31,00  (-15%)  Acquisto il volume € 26,35  

Open Access Journal: Anuari de Filologia. Antiqva et Mediaevalia

[First posted in AWOL 8 November 2013, updated 5 Mar 2017]

Anuari de Filologia. Antiqva et Mediaevalia
ISSN: 2014-1386
L'Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaeualiaés una revista internacional de lliure accés que es publica cada any. Té com a objectiu la difusió d'articles d'investigació, ressenyes i tesis doctorals de la UB sobre temes relacionats amb la llengua i literatura de filologia grega, llatina, indoeuropea, àrab i hebrea, així com de llengües romàniques, fins a l'època medieval i humanística.
Els treballs es publiquen en qualsevol de les llengües en què s'imparteix docència a la Facultat de Filologia de la Universitat de Barcelona (català, espanyol, eusquera, gallec, portuguès, grec, anglès, alemany, italià, francès, àrab, hebreu, neerlandès, suec, rus, polonès i turc).
L'Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaeualia compta amb un Consell Assessor Internacional que col·labora amb el Consell de Redacció en el procés de revisió i selecció dels treballs per parells (peer-review).


Stant manibus arae. I manes nell'Eneide di VirgilioPDF (Italiano)
Silvia Tantimonaco 1-21
Un pasaje del de Bello Gallico (3, 20, 1). La participación de L. Manlio en el conflicto sertorianoPDF
Luis Amela Valverde 23-40
ΤΙΣ ΔE ΒΙΟΣ, ΤΙ ΔE ΤΕΡΠΝOΝ AΤΕΡ ΧΡΥΣHΣ ΑΦΡΟΔΙΤΗΣ: Una interpretación de los fragmentos 1-6 de MimnermoPDF
Analía V. Sapere 42-54
The uses of Homer in Plato's PhilebusPDF
Bernat Torres 56-77


E. Cicu, A. Gavini, M. Sechi (eds.), Alta formazione e ricerca in Sardegna,PDF
Núria Boixader 79-80
M.J. Zamora Calvo, Artes maleficorum: brujas, magos y demonios en el Siglo de OroPDF
Alejandra Guzmán Almagro 81

Tesis Doctorals

La transformación de la lamia antigua en bruja moderna: edicion crítica y traducción del De lamiis et pythonicis mulieribus de Ulrich Molitor (1489)PDF
Maria Ahn 83
Edición crítica y comentario textual del libro X de las Metamorfosis de OvidioPDF
Pere Fàbregas Salis 85-86


Obituari: Dolors CondomPDF
Xavier Espluga 87-89
Obituari: Josep Vives, S.J.PDF
Xavier Espluga 91-93


Núm. 4 (2014): Homenatge a Pere-Enric Barreda Edo (1964-2014)

Volum dedicat a la memòria del professor del Departament de Filologia Llatina de la Universitat de Barcelona Pere-Enric Barreda Edo.


Open Access Monograph Series: Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Babylon


Open Access Monograph Series: Oriental Institute Communications (OIC)

[First posted in AWOL 21 April 2014, updated 5 March 2017]

Oriental Institute Communications (OIC)
ISSN: 0146-678X

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Perseids Project Announcement: Teach the Teachers Workshop

Teach the Teachers at Tufts University
Teach the Teachers Workshop
Tufts University Boston MA August 14-16th, 2017

The Perseids Project in conjunction with  the Department of Classics at Tufts University is calling for participants in the second Teach the Teachers workshop.
This three-day workshop aims to showcase the Perseids platform and explore the uses of these tools in a classroom setting. Registration for this workshop will be free and financial support for travel and lodging will be provided. We are looking for participants who teach at the High school or secondary school level, as well as Phd candidates and graduate students.
Treebanks are large collections of syntactically parsed sentences. Although originally designed to improve computational linguistic analysis, treebank annotations have proven to be valuable tools for pedagogy and traditional philological pursuits.  Treebanking projects have also proven to be valuable tools for students because they provide targeted assessment and feedback. In addition, treebanking allows students to contribute to a growing collection of ancient language treebanks.
The workshop will contain seminars on how to use the tools available via Perseids, in particular the Alpheios Alignment editor and the Arethusa Treebank editor. These seminars will include comprehensive guidelines so that any user at any level of digital literacy will be able to use the tools to their full potential. This will include:
The purpose of this workshop is to facilitate the exchange of new ideas for the implementation of the Perseids Platform in the classroom. We encourage you to experiment with our tools before attending the workshop, so that you can bring your own ideas about implementations in the classroom for discussion.
Participants should submit a statement of up to 500-700 words in length. Funding will be provided on an as-needed basis. Submissions will be accepted until
December 16th. 
We have extended the deadline to March 17th.
Statements should demonstrate that an applicant has a strong desire to work with new and experimental teaching techniques. No experience with digital methods is required, but those with experience will be supported at their own level. Although we work primarily with Greek or Latin teachers, we encourage educators who work with other ancient languages to apply. An ideal candidate needs to be willing to approach teaching these subjects in new ways and should be prepared to implement them in the classroom.  
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Open Access Monograph Series: Supplements to Annali: Rivista del Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici e del Dipartimento di Studi su Africa e Paesi Arabi

Supplements to Annali: Rivista del Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici e del Dipartimento di Studi su Africa e Paesi Arabi
OPAR is the institutional repository of the University of Naples "L'Orientale", designed according to the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in Sciences and Humanities and the Messina Declaration ratified by CRUI in 2004. In AREA 10 - Scienze dell'antichita' / filologico letterarie e storico artistiche are a substantial number of the monographic supplements issued as a sub-series of Annali: Rivista del Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici e del Dipartimento di Studi su Africa e Paesi Arabi (AION).  I give here the full list of the Supplementi with links to those that are available online:
96Visconti, ChiaraArchitectural Decorations and Other Finds from the Excavations of the Fengxiansi Monastery in Longmen. ISBN 978-88-6719-037-92006
95Marazzi, UgoFrom the Literary Heritage of Turkic South-Siberia, 113 pp.2005
94Bertolino, RobertoCorpus des inscriptions semitiques de Doura-Europos, 140 pp.: ill. n.t. ; 5 tavv.2004
93Casaburi, Maria CristinaTre-stelle-per-ciascun(-mese). L’astrolabio B: edizione filologica. - x, 107 pp. : 2 tavv. n.n.2002
92Bausi, AlessandroLa versione etiopica degli Acta Phileae nel Gadla Samā‛tāt. - ix, 64 pp.2002
91Antonini, Sabina - Arbach, Mounir - Sedov, Alexander V.Collezioni sudarabiche inedite. Gli oggetti acquisiti dalla missione archeologica italo-francese a Tamna‛ (Yemen) (1999-2000). - viii, 101 pp.: 38 tavv. + 1 c. n.n.2000
90Moussa-Aghali, FatimaneLexique des néologismes en hawsa du Niger. - xvii, 91 pp.1999
89Vattioni, FrancescoPer il testo di Giobbe. - 155 pp.1996
88Lacerenza, GiancarloIl viaggio a Petra di Giammartino Arconati Visconti (1865). - 49 pp.: 8 tavv.1996
87Manzo, AndreaCulture ed ambiente. L’Africa nord-orientale nei dati archeologici e nella letteratura geografica ellenistica. - 86 pp.1996
86Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, GabriellaThe Smell of the Earth. Rajanarayana’s Literary Description of Tamil Village Life. - vi, 88 pp.: 7 tavv.1996
85Marassini, PaoloIl Gadla Yemrehanna Krestos. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione. - 94 pp.1995
84Vidale, Massimo (con un contributo di Andrea Bennici)Viaggio intorno alla mia ciotola. Evoluzione tecnologica e comunicazione non verbale in una sequenza ceramica dell’Età del Bronzo. - 56 pp.: 26 tavv.1995
83Bertolino, RobertoLa cronologia di Hatra. Interazione di archeologia e di epigrafia. - vi, 76 pp.: 16 tavv.1995
82Bianchi, Francesco«I superstiti della deportazione sono là nella provincia» (Neemia 1,3). 2. Ricerche storico-bibliche sulla Giudea in età neobabilonese e achemenide (586 a.C. – 442 a.C.). 97 pp.1995
81Vattioni, FrancescoHatra. - 127 pp.1994
80Mander, PietroAn Archive of Kennelmen and Other Workers in Ur III Lagash. - xi, 104 pp.1994
79Verardi, GiovanniHoma and Other Fire Rituals in Gandhāra. - 88 pp. : 37 ills. [drawings].1994
78Fontana, Maria VittoriaL’Iconografia dell’Ahl Al-Bayt : Immagini di arte persiana dal XII al XX secolo. - 86 pp.: 30 tavv. f.t.1994
77Stolper, Matthew W.Late Achaemenid, Early Macedonian, and Early Seleucid Records of Deposit and Related Texts. - 99 pp.1993
76Bianchi, Francesco«I superstiti della deportazione sono là nella provincia»: (Neemia 1,3). Ricerche epigrafiche sulla storia della Giudea in età neobabilonese e achemenide (586 a.C.- 442 a.C.). - xii, 67 pp.1993
75Flora, GiuseppeThe Evolution of Positivism in Bengal: Jogendra Chandra Ghosh, Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay, Benoy Kumar Sarkar. - 58 pp.1993
74Garzilli, EnricaThe Bhāvopahāra of Cakrapāninātha: A Sanskrit Hymn to Śiva (11th-12th Century A.D.). - 96 pp.1993
73Callieri, Pierfrancesco et al.Bīr-Kot-Ghwandai 1990-1992: A Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the Italian Archaeological Mission, IsMEO. - 48 pp.: 24 tavv. f.t.1992
72Bautze-Picrone, ClaudineLe culte de la grande déesse au Bihar méridional du VIIe au XIIe siècle. - 58 pp.: 36 figg. su 24 tavv. f.t.1992
71Fattovich, RodolfoLineamenti di storia dell’archeologia dell’Etiopia e della Somalia. - 89 pp.1992
70Zonta, MaurizioFonti greche e orientali dell’Economia di Bar-Hebraeus nell’opera La crema della scienza. - 135 pp.1992
69Carloni, OsvaldoIl magistrato Bao Gong ed il « Longtu Gong’an»: Una raccolta di novelle poliziesche dell’epoca Ming. - vi, 41 pp.1991
68Scialpi, FabioLa festa di Pongal a Madurai. - 85 pp.: 8 tavv. f.t.1991
67Graziani, SimonettaTesti editi ed inediti datati al regno di Bardiya (522 a.C.). - xxxvii, 64 pp.: 12 tavv. f.t.1991
66Jung, MichaelResearch on Rock Art in North Yemen. - viii, 59 pp.: 14 tavv. f.t.1991
65Mitchiner, M.B. - Pollard, A.M.Early South-East Asian Currency System. - xix, 100 pp.: 10 tavv. f.t.1990
64Carter, Martha L.The Mystery of the Udayana Buddha. - 43 pp.: 7 tavv. f.t.1990
63Cilardo, AgostinoStudies on the Islamic Law of Inheritance. - 63 pp.1990
62Elayi, JosetteÉconomie des cités phéniciennes sous l’empire perse. - viii, 104 pp.1990
61Longerstay, MoniqueLes tombes rupestres à auge du Maghreb antique. - 53 pp.: 3 tavv. f.t.1989
60Marazzi, UgoLa Grande Madre in Siberia e Asia Centrale: Aspetti del principio femminile nella religiosità arcaica. - 47 pp.1989
59Garzilli, EnricaLo Spandasamdoha di Ksemarāja. Traduzione dal testo originale sanscrito del XII sec. d.C. - 44 pp.1989
58Bergonzi, MauroIl concetto di ‘mente’ nell’opera di Dhiravamsa. - viii, 62 pp.1989
57Baldi, SergioA First Ethnolinguistic Comparison of Arabic Loanwords Common to Hausa and Swahili. - 83 pp.1988
56Fracasso, RiccardoA Technical Glossary of Jiaguology (Oracle Bone Studies) 甲骨學 門 辭 滙. - viii, 99 pp.1988
55Galluppi, MassimoIl memoriale Yokoyama: Saggio sulla politica giapponese in Indocina (1940-1945). - 73 pp.1988
54Rhie, MarylinInterrelationships between the Buddhist Art of China and the Art of India and Central Asia from 618-755 A.D. - 44 pp.: 32 tavv. f.t.1988
53Orofino, GiacomellaContributo allo studio dell’insegnamento di Ma gcig Lab sgron. - 87 pp.1987
52Strika, Vincenzo - Khalīl, JābirThe Islamic Architecture of Baghdād: The Results of a Joint Italian-Iraqi Survey. - xxiv, 79 pp.: figg.: 22 tavv. f.t.1987
51Elayi, JosetteRecherches sur les cités phéniciennes a l’époque perse. - ix, 125 pp.1987
50Giovinazzo, Grazia60 testi economici della Mesopotamia datati al regno di Ciro. - 113 pp.1987
49Pellitteri, AntoninoIl riformismo musulmano in Siria (1870-1920). - 87 pp.1986
48Munro-Hay, S.C.H.The Munro-Hay Collection of Aksumite Coins. - 89 pp.: 39 tavv. f.t.1986
47Graziani, SimonettaI testi mesopotamici datati al regno di Serse (485-465 a.C.). - xxi, 143 pp.1986
46Červiček, PavelRock Pictures of Upper Egypt and Nubia. - viii, 115 pp.: 50 ills. [photos] su tavv. n.n. f.t.1986
45Abū Bakr Muhammad Ibn Dāwūd Al-Isfahānī Az-Zāhirī ; ediz. critica a cura di Michele VallaroKitāb az-Zahrah : Parte seconda (Capitoli LI-LV).1985
44Vercellin, GiorgioCrime de silence et crime de tapage: Panorama des lectures sur l’Afghanistan contemporain. - 68 pp.1985
43Aggoula, BasileInscriptions et graffites araméens d’Assour. - 66 pp.: 16 tavv. f.t.1985
42Chojnacki, StanislawThe “Kwer‘ata Re‘esu”: Its Iconography and Significance. An Essay in Cultural History of Ethiopia. - 64 pp.: 38 figg. su 20 tavv. f.t.1985
41Deiana, GiovanniL’J = Essere Forte nel semitico del nord-ovest e nella Bibbia masoretica. - ix, 87 pp.1984
40Zadok, RanThe Elamite Onomasticon. - 83 pp.1984
39Gallotta, AldoIl turco ‘Osmānli del XVI sec. secondo il “Gazavāt-i Hayreddīn Paśa”. - 84 pp.1984
38Santangelo, PaoloLe manifatture tessili imperiali durante le dinastie Ming e Qing con particolare attenzione a quelle di Suzhou. - 69 pp.1984
37Serra, LuigiSopravvivenze lessicali arabe e berbere in un’area dell’Italia meridionale: la Basilicata. - 63 pp.1983
36Strika, VincenzoLo Shatt Al-‘Arab: Origini remote e recenti della controversia tra Iran e ‘Irāq. - 151 pp.1983
35Elfenbein, JosefA Baluchi Miscellanea of Erotica and Poetry: Codex Oriental Additional 24048 of the British Library. - 156 pp.: 30 tavv. f.t.1983
34De Marco, GiuseppeI “Kusāna” nella vita del Buddha: Per una analisi del rapporto tra potere politico e religione nell’antico Gandhāra. - 63 pp.: 21 figg. su 12 tavv. n.n. f.t.1983
33Celentano, GiuseppeL’epistola di Al-Kindī sulla sfera armillare. - 60 pp.: 4 tavv. f.t.1982
32Arcari, ElenaLa lista di professioni «Early Dynastic Lu A»: Esempio di metodo di analisi dei rapporti tra scuole scribali del III millennio a.C. - 83 pp.1982
31Leslau, WolfNorth Ethiopic and Ahmaric Cognates in Tigre. - 86 pp.1982
30Molinari, Italo M.Un articolo d’autore cinese su Marco Polo e la Cina. - 72 pp.1982
29Baffioni, Carmela - Nasti De Vincentis, Mauro; con un’appendice di Emanuele GalantiIl Cap. 9 del De Interpretazione di Aristotele nel commentario di Al-Fārābī. - 77 pp.1981
28Vattioni, FrancescoLe iscrizioni di Hatra. - 119 pp.1981
27Nuruddīn ‘Abdurrahmān Ğāmī; trad., introd. e note di Martino Mario Moreno; a cura di Alberto VenturaLa perla magnifica (ad-Durrat al-Fāhirah). - iv, 59 pp.1981
26Puddinu, PaoloIl Kokuze Sanron 國 是 三 論 di Yokoi Shōnan. - 60 pp.1981
25Fattovich, RodolfoMateriali per lo studio della ceramica pre-aksumita etiopica. - 90 pp.: 44 tavv. f.t.1980
24Contu, GiuseppeGli aspetti positivi e i limiti del laicismo in Salāmah Mūsà (1887-1958). - 121 pp.1980
23Baffioni, CarmelaLa tradizione araba del IV libro dei ‘Meteorologica ’ di Aristotele. - 102 pp.1980
22Strika, VincenzoDhū ’n-Nūn Ayyūb: un ‘classico’ arabo contemporaneo. - 95 pp.1980
21Bellieni, StefanoNotes on the History of the Left-Wing Movement in Meiji Japan. - 68 pp.1979
20Biscione, Raffaele - Tosi, MaurizioProtostoria degli stati turanici: Aspetti dell’evoluzione urbana e d’insediamento nel popolamento dell’Asia centrale nell’Età del Bronzo (2500-1000 a.C.) alla luce dei dati archeologici. - 90 pp.: 3 c. rip. f.t.1979
19Garbini, GiovanniStoria e problemi dell’epigrafia semitica. - 101 pp.: 2 tavv.1979
18Celentano, GiuseppeDue scritti medici di Al-Kindī . - 75 pp.: 12 tavv. f.t.1979
17Grube, Ernst J.Persian Painting in the Fourteenth Century: A Research Report. - 57 pp.: 101 figg. su tavv. n.n. f.t.1978
16Tamari, ShmuelQal‘at Al-Tīna in Sinai : An Historical-architectural Analysis. - 78 pp.: 15 tavv. f.t.1978
15Strika, VincenzoLa « cattedra » di S. Pietro a Venezia: Note sulla simbologia astrale nell’arte islamica. - 89 pp.: 24 tavv. f.t.1978
14Pomponio, FrancescoI contratti di affitto dei campi per la coltivazione di cereali pubblicati in YOS 13 . - 110 pp.1978
13Mazzei, FrancoI moduli sociali di base Giappone antico: Struttura e funzioni delle famiglie (Ko 戶) dei registri anagrafici conservati nello Shosoin. - 87 pp.: 3 tavv.1977
12Rossi, Adriano ValerioBrāhuī and Western Iranian Clusters °rk, °sk. - 71 pp.1977
11Beyene, YaqobControversie cristologiche in Etiopia: Contributo alla storia delle correnti e della terminologia nel secolo XIX. - 59 pp.1977
10Trevisan Semi, Emanuela"La verità da ’Eres Yiśra’el” di ’Ahad Ha-‘Am. - 83 pp.1977
9Thayer, Linda J.A Comparative-Historical Phonology of the Chari Languages: (Nilo-Saharan Languages of Central Africa). - 151 pp.1976
8Soenoto, FaizahIl romanzo popolare indonesiano d’anteguerra. - 76 pp.1976
7Xella, PaoloProblemi del mito nel Vicino Oriente Antico. - 91 pp.1976
6Beyene, YaqobUn opuscolo cattolico di polemica teologica in tigrino del XIX secolo. - 76 pp.1976
5Rossi, Adriano ValerioLinguistica mediopersiana 1966-1973: Bibliografia analitica. - 78 pp.1975
4Bonebakker, S.A.Materials for the History of Arabic Rethoric. From the Hilyat Al Muhādara of Hātimī (Mss 2934 and 590 of the Qarawiyyīn Mosque in Fez). - xii, 104 pp.1975
3Vivanti, Maria PiaIl “Kiranagama”: Testo e traduzione del «Vidyāpāda». - 81 pp.1975
2AA. VV.Sviluppi recenti e tendenze modernistiche nelle religioni asiatiche. Atti del Convegno organizzato dalla Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni e dall’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli (7-8 aprile 1973). - 67 pp.1975
1Santangelo, PaoloSulla natura dei rapporti tra Cina e Corea. - 78 pp.1974
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