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Sunoikisis Undergraduate Research Journal

[First posted in AWOL 14 April 2014, updated 26 December 2016]

Sunoikisis Undergraduate Research Journal
ISSN: 2373-5937
The Sunoikisis Undergraduate Research Journal is a peer-reviewed online journal with a variety of features intended to make research attractive and accessible to a broad spectrum of readers, from scholars to curious young people.

The Center for Hellenic Studies publishes two issues each year to correspond with the biannual research symposia in December and April.

Volume 1

Issue 1: December 1, 2012 | Issue 2: April 27, 2013

Volume 2

Issue 1: December 7, 2013 | Issue 2: April 12, 2014

Volume 3

Issue 1: August 1, 2015

Volume 4

Issue 1: August 1, 2016

Ammianus Marcellinus Online Project

Ammianus Marcellinus Online Project
“This is the history of events from the reign of the emperor Nerva to the death of Valens, which I, a former soldier and a Greek (miles quondam et Graecus), have composed to the best of my ability. It claims to be the truth, which I have never ventured to pervert either by silence or a lie.” (Amm. Marc. 31.16.9)

“an accurate and faithful guide, who has composed the history of his own times without indulging the prejudices and passions which usually affect the mind of a contemporary” (Edward Gibbon)

“Ammianus is… a great historian, a man of penetrating intelligence and of remarkable fairness…” (A.H.M. Jones)

“the greatest literary genius that the world produced between Tacitus and Dante” (Stein)

This site introduces Ammianus and his work by means of a biography, short essays on important persons in and aspects of his work, a bibliography of important and recent publications.

The site is under permanent construction. Suggestions for improvement, additions to the bibliography and short essays are very welcome. Please contact Jan Willem Drijvers (j.w.drijvers@rug.nl).

The Latin Library

The Latin Library
These texts have been drawn from different sources. Many were originally scanned and formatted from texts in the Public Domain. Others have been downloaded from various sites on the Internet (many of which have long since disappeared). Most of the recent texts have been submitted by contributors around the world. I have tried to indicate on the Credit Page the edition and date of the original text and who (if known) was responsible for the initial HTML conversion. For the core of the classical texts, special acknowledgement is due to the submissions of Konrad Schroeder, Nicholas Koenig, Andrew Gollan and others to the Project Libellus. These have been downloaded with the permission of the contributors and presented here with additional HTML formatting.

Occasionally texts are submitted by contributors or discovered on the Internet without indication of the edition from which they derive. If I am unable to identify the edition (which is often the case), I have attempted, if feasible, to conform the text to an out–of–copyright edition.

The texts are not intended for research purposes nor as substitutes for critical editions. Despite constant effort to remove “scanner artifacts” and other typographical errors, many such errors remain. The texts are presented merely for ease of on–line reading or for downloading for personal or educational use.

No morphological or vocabulary aid is presented with the texts. Many sites exist for various texts and, most comprehensively, the outstanding Perseus site, where the texts are presented section by section with morphological links.

There are no translations at this site. Please don’t ask. David Camden’s excellent Forum Romanum has a comprehensive list of translations available on line.

I have taken every reasonable precaution to ensure that the Latin texts presented here are in the Public Domain. If any copyright is claimed, please advise us immediately so that we may remove the offending text from the Library.

We need additional texts to expand the Library. We also need your help in making these texts as accurate as possible. If you have other texts to submit, or corrections to the present ones, please contact: latinlibrary@mac.com
AbelardAddisonAdso DervensisAlbertano of BresciaAlcuinAsconiusAmbrosiusAmmianusAmpeliusAnonymus NeveletiApuleiusAquinasArnobiusAsseriusAugustineAugustusAurelius VictorAusoniusAvianusBaconBaldeBiblia SacraBonaventureBoskovicBoymCaesarCampionCassiodorusCatoCatullusCiceroChristian CreedsChristian LatinClaudianClaudius CaesarConradus CeltisDanteCottaDeclaratio ArbroathisDescartesDisticha CatonisDonatusEinhardEnniusEpistolae AustrasicaeErasmusEucheriusEutropiusFabricius MontanusFicinoFlorusFoedus AeternumForsettFrontinusGaiusGalileoGelliusGesta RomanorumGirolamo VidaGodfrey of WinchesterGregory of ToursGregory the GreatGwinneHenry VIIHistoria ApolloniHoraceHistoria AugustaHistoria BrittonumHugo of St. VictorHyginusHymni et canticaIacobus de VoragineIus RomanumJanus SecundusJordanesJulius ObsequensJunillusJustinJustinianJuvenalLactantiusLandorLegenda Regis Stephani Lhomond LivyLotichiusLucanLucretiusLutherMagna CartaMaidstoneManiliusMarulloMartialMaximianusMayMedieval LatinMelanchthonMiltonMinucius FelixMirandolaMiscellanyNaeviusNavageroNeo-LatinNeposNewtonNithardusOvidOwenPascoliPasseratPaulus DiaconusPersiusPetrarchPetroniusPhaedrusPhineas Fletcher PiccolominiPlanctus destructionis PlautusPliny the ElderPliny the YoungerPoggio BraccioliniPontanoPriapeaPropertiusPrudentiusPseudoplatonicaQuintilianRicardi de BuryRimbaudRoman EpitaphsRuaeusRutilius NamatianusSallustSannazaroScaligerSeduliusSenecaSeptem SapientumSilius ItalicusStatiusStephanus de VardaSuetoniusSulpiciaSyrusTacitusTerenceTertullianTheganusTheophanesThomas à KempisTheodosian CodeTibullusValerius FlaccusValerius MaximusVarroVegetiusVegiusVelleius PaterculusVirgilVicoVitruviusWaardenburg

Open Access Journal: Eruditio Antiqua, revue électronique de l'érudition gréco-latine

 [First posted in AWOL 17 February 2010. Updated 27 Decembe 2016]

Eruditio Antiqua, revue électronique de l'érudition gréco-latine
ISSN: 2105-0791
Eruditio Antiqua est une revue électronique thématique, à comité de lecture international, dont l'objectif est de publier des travaux inédits dans les différents domaines de l'érudition gréco-latine, depuis les origines jusqu'à la période byzantine. 
Elle accueille des études sur les exégèses littéraires, la lexicographie, la grammaire, le droit, la religion, la géographie, l'historiographie, la médecine, l'astronomie, la musique, les mathématiques, les sciences naturelles...
Outre ces domaines précis, des problématiques transversales s'intègrent également dans le cadre de la revue: stratifications des savoirs, transmission, enrichissement, mais aussi polémiques scientifiques ou encore problèmes d'édition de texte. 

Cette revue s'insère dans les axes de recherches de l'UMR 5189 HiSoMA; elle est publiée avec la collaboration des services informatiques de la MOM.

La revue publiera trois formes de travaux:
- des articles proprement dits
- des actes de journées d'études ou de tables rondes
- des comptes rendus

Open Access Journal: Études d'Antiquités africaines

Études d'Antiquités africaines
La collection Études d'Antiquités africaines a été créée dès 1966 à Aix-en-Provence au sein du Centre de Recherche sur l'Afrique méditerranéenne (CRAM), devenu aujourd'hui le "Centre Camille Jullian. Histoire et archéologie de la Méditerranée et de l'Afrique du Nord de la Protohistoire à la fin de l'Antiquité" (UMR 7299 d'Aix Marseille Université et du CNRS).
Publiés par CNRS Éditions, les volumes sont consacrés à des études historiques et archéologiques portant sur l'Afrique du Nord, de la Préhistoire à la conquête arabe. La géographie historique côtoie les faits généraux de civilisation, l'organisation administrative et militaire, l'économie, la vie sociale, l'histoire religieuse, etc., thèmes abordés tant à partir des sources littéraires que des témoignages archéologiques (céramique, épigraphie, onomastique, mosaïques, architecture, urbanisme…).
La revue Antiquités Africaines créée en 1966, parallèlement à cette collection, est également disponible sur le portail Persée.




 And see also: Antiquités africaines

Open Access Exhibition Catalogue: Syria: A Living History

Syria: A Living History
EXHIBITION Syria: A Living History, October 15, 2016–February 28, 2017 
October 15, 2016, to February 26, 2017
Few countries have captured the world’s attention like Syria has today. Stories of conflict and displacement dominate the media and define people’s awareness of the place. Syria: A Living History brings together artifacts and artworks that tell a different story—one of cultural diversity, historical continuity, resourcefulness, and resilience.

Dr. Filiz Çakır Phillip, Aga Khan Museum
Professor Nasser Rabbat, Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, MIT

Dr. Ross Burns, Sydney, Australia

Open Access Journal: Oracula

[First posted in AWOL 5 November 2009. Updated 28 December 2016]

ISSN: 1807-8222
Oracula: Revista de Estudos do Cristianismo Primitivo
A Revista Oracula foi criada no ano de 2005 como meio de divulgação dos projetos e produções do Grupo Oracula de Pesquisa do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Articulando professores, doutorandos e mestrandos da área da literatura bíblica, bem como da história da antiguidade para o estudo da apocalíptica judaica e cristã primitiva, com métodos da história da religião e da exegese bíblica, o propósito foi, durante muito tempo, publicar artigos sobre apocalíptica, profecia e fenômenos visionários dos pesquisadores do grupo e de seus interlocutores no Brasil e no exterior.
A partir do décimo quinto número, no entanto, a revista estendeu o seu horizonte de interesses para os estudos de cristianismo primitivo, incluindo aí Novo Testamento, textos apócrifos, religiosidades mediterrâneas, judaísmo em aspectos literários, históricos, metodológicos etc. Ao não mais se restringir a certo gênero literário ou tipo de religiosidade específica, a Revista Oracula colabora para o fortalecimento de publicações e pesquisas nessa área incipiente – ainda que promissora – na pós-graduação brasileira.


Open Access Egyptology from Waseda University

 [Originally posted 6/10/10.  Most recently updated 28 December 2016]

Institute of Archaeology, Waseda University, Tokyo

Publications in English


Khufu's Second BoatLeaflet of the project

Publications in Japanese


エジプト学研究別冊第16号 2013年

<NEW>エジプト学研究第22号 2016年

研究報告集第2号 2013年

研究報告集第1号 2011年

書籍の購入を希望される方は、下記の項目をご記入のうえ、waseda.inst.egypt@gmail.com までご連絡ください。<折り返し、お振込金額、お振込方法を明記したメールを返送いたします。なお、振り込み方法は、銀行振替となっております。>
・氏 名
・住 所(都道府県名から)




  • 『マルカタ南〔I〕「魚の丘」考古編・建築編』、早稲田大学出版部、1983年
  • 『マルカタ南〔II〕-ルクソール周辺の旧石器遺跡』、早稲田大学出版部、1986年
  • 『マルカタ南〔III〕-魚の丘周辺における埋葬と人骨』、早稲田大学出版部、1988年
  • 『マルカタ南〔IV〕-イシス神殿北西部の遺構と遺物』、早稲田大学出版部、1992年 (定価16,800円)
  • 『マルカタ南〔V〕-イシス神殿北建物址-』、株式会社アケト、2005年 (定価15,000円)
  • 『マルカタ南 魚の丘遺跡出土彩画片の研究〔I〕』、早稲田大学古代エジプト調査室、1995年 (定価5,250円)
  • 『マルカタ南 魚の丘遺跡出土彩画片の研究〔II〕』、早稲田大学古代エジプト調査室、1999年 (定価5,250円)
  • 『エジプト王家の谷・西谷学術調査報告書〔I〕』、中央公論美術出版、2008年
  • 『ルクソール西岸岩窟墓〔I〕-第241号墓と周辺遺構-』、株式会社アケト、2002年 (定価3,000円)
  • 『ルクソール西岸岩窟墓〔II〕-第318号墓と隣接する墓-』、株式会社アケト、2003年 (定価6,000円)
  • 『ルクソール西岸岩窟墓〔III〕-第333号墓、A.21号墓、A.24号墓、W-4(Nr.-127-)号墓-』、株式会社アケト、2007年 (定価5,800円)
  • 『アブ・シール南〔I〕』、鶴山堂、2001年 (定価12,600円)
  • 『アブ・シール南〔II〕』、株式会社アケト、2006年 (定価7,000円)
  • 『アブ・シール南〔III〕』、株式会社シーズ・プランニング、2007年 (定価5,800円)
  • 『ダハシュール北〔I〕-宇宙考古学からの出発-』、株式会社アケト、2003年 (定価4,000円)

 エジプト学研究 - The Journal of Egyptian Studies 

    Open Access Journal: Oqimta: Studies in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature

    [First posted in AWOL 8 August 2013, updated 29 December 2016]

    Oqimta: Studies in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature
    Oqimta is a digitized research journal devoted to all spheres and types of talmudic and rabbinical literature – Halakha and Agada
    The articles in this journal undergo academic appraisal and redaction, and are published in the accepted languages for Judaica research.
    Oqimta will be appearing once a year, in digitized form, and is available free of charge to the reading public. Articles that have completed the publication process will be uploaded to the site prior to the finalization of the issue, and can be found on the "In Publication" page.
    We are pleased to present the inaugural issue: Oqimta 1 (5773 [2013]) containing thirteen articles. We take this opportunity to invite you to subscribe to our mailing list (see subscribe), and to send us your submissions (see Instructions for Authors).
    Volume 3 (5775 [2015])

    Ephraim Bezalel Halivni
    The Word Adam – A Man and not a Woman (Heb.)
    פתח קובץSummary

    Aaron Amit
    The Origin, Meaning and Development of the Ervah Sugya in Bavli Berakhot 24a (Heb.)
    פתח קובץSummary

    Rivka Raviv
    On Missing Characters in the Book of Daniel – Rabbinic Traditions in Palestine and Babylonia (Heb.)
    פתח קובץSummary

    Shalem Yahalom
    On the Editing of the Tosafot (Heb.)
    פתח קובץSummary

    Participants in this volume

    To download the entire volume

    Dissertations and M.A. Theses

    Michal Shirel
    The Dialogue in the Tales of the Sages in the Babylonian Talmud as Reflected in the Stories about Sages and their Wives (Heb.)
    dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Avigdor Shinan, The Hebrew University, 2014
    פתח קובץ

    Meir Lugasi
    The Four Classes of Damages in the Opening Sugyot to Tractate Bava Kamma in the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds (Heb.)
    M.A. Thesis under the supervision of Dr. Aaron Amit, Bar-Ilan University, 2015
    פתח קובץ

    Yachin Epstein
    Studies in Massekhet Kalla Rabbati – Text, Redaction and Period (Heb.)
    dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Robert Brody, The Hebrew University, 2009
    פתח קובץ
    volume 1 (5773 [2013])
    volume 2 (5774 [2014])

    New in Dickinson College Commentaries

    Open Access Journal: ‘Atiqot

     [First posted 10/31/10, most recently updated 29 December 2016]

    [Open Access after registration]
    'Atiqot is the refereed journal of the Israel Antiquities Authority. It is published four times a year. The contents of the printed version is uploaded to the e-journal website. No changes are made to articles post-publication. The printed journal is available via the IAA website.

    For details on how to submit, see our Guide to Contributors.

    Range of Topics.‘Atiqot covers a large chronological span, from prehistory up to the Ottoman period. Excavations are studied from various aspects and disciplines—often the result of the close interaction between researchers of the IAA and outside specialists. Thus, a report should include, in addition to the stratigraphic analysis, comprehensive treatments of the archaeological data, including studies of the various groups of finds, such as ceramics, glass, stone and metal objects, coins, jewelry, textiles, etc., as well as the geological, botanical, faunal and anthropological evidence. Laboratory analyses, such as petrography, radiocarbon dating and metallurgy, should be included where relevant.

    The archaeological data published in ‘Atiqot are not confined to a specific range of periods or topics, but to a geographical area—the Land of Israel—which has been influenced by almost every ancient culture that existed in the Levant. The journal thus presents comprehensive research on the region and its connections with the neighboring countries. The publication is devoted to final reports and shorter articles, although occasionally a volume is dedicated to a particular topic (e.g., burial caves, agricultural installations), period (e.g., prehistoric, Islamic) or site (e.g., Acre, Jerusalem).

    Excavation Reports. The papers published in ‘Atiqot are primarily the result of salvage excavations conducted by the IAA. Their results are sometimes unexpectedly important, filling in gaps that could not be understood by localized studies of the larger tells. ‘Atiqot is one of the few vehicles for imparting this important data and therefore a primary asset to any scholar in archaeology.

    Bilingual Journal. The journal is bilingual, publishing articles in English or Hebrew; all Hebrew reports are accompanied by English summaries keyed to illustrations in the main text.
    Current Issue:
    ‘Atiqot 87 (2016) ISBN 978-965-406-621-1
    • Remains from the End of the Early Chalcolithic and the Late Chalcolithic Periods at Kaukab Springs in the Western Galilee (Hebrew, pp. 1*–41*; English summary, p. 103–105)
      Nimrod Getzov
      Keywords: Lower Galilee, brick walls, settlement distribution, economy, fauna, flint, basalt chalice, violin-shaped figurine
    • A Chalcolithic Settlement at Tel Shevaʻ (Hebrew, pp. 43*–69*; English summary, p. 106)
      Yael Abadi-Reiss
      Keywords: Negev, settlement, Byzantine period, weights, spindle whorls, copper, bone tools
    • Late Ptolemaic Assemblages of Metal Artifacts and Bronze Coins Recovered off the Coast of ‘Atlit (pp. 1–35)
      Ehud Galili, Danny Syon, Gerald Finkielsztejn, Varda Sussman and Guy D. Stiebel
      Keywords: Mediterranean coast, maritime archaeology, ship cargo, weight system, administration, measurements, numismatics, epigraphy, war ship, merchant ship, stamps, devices

    • Subterranean Complex 147 at Maresha: The Construction Phases of the Columbarium (pp. 37–48)
      Ian Stern, Bernie Alpert and Amos Kloner
      Keywords: Judean Shephelah, Ptolemaic rule, historical sources, agriculture, industry
    • Excavations at the Nabatean Site of ‘En Tamar (pp. 49–71)
      Tali Erickson-Gini
      Keywords: Negev, Nabatean pottery, cultivation, farmhouse, Judean balsam (opobalsam), economy, numismatics
      • The Glass Vessels from ‘En Tamar (pp. 73–75)
        Tamar Winter
        Keywords: Negev, Late Roman period, glass typology
    • A Villa and a Pottery Kiln from the Late Roman–Byzantine Periods at ‘En Ya‘al (Nahal Refa’im), Jerusalem (with a contribution by Anat Cohen-Weinberger)(Hebrew, pp. 71*–119*; English summary, pp. 107–110)
      Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah
      Keywords: Floor tiles, bricks, hot-air ventilation pipe, tubulus, bathhouse, earthquake, petrography, spoilers, Tenth Legion, art, updraft kiln
      • A Mosaic Floor with Xenia at ‘En Yaʻal (Nahal Refa’im), Jerusalem (Hebrew, pp. 121*–126*; English summary, pp. 111–112)
        Rina Talgam
        Keywords: Roman East, art, emblema, North Africa, triclinium
      • Fragments of a Roman-Period Wall Painting at ‘En Ya‘al (Nahal Refa’im), Jerusalem (pp. 77–79)
        Silvia Rozenberg
        Keywords: Late Roman period, art, pigment, composition
      • Coins from ‘En Ya‘al (Nahal Refa’im), Jerusalem (pp. 81–82)
        Donald T. Ariel
        Keywords: Byzantine period, numismatics
    • The Flour Mills in the Ridwan Gardens, ‘Akko (with a contribution by Gerald Finkielsztejn) (Hebrew, pp. 127*–140*; English summary, pp. 113–115)
      Yoav Lerer
      Keywords: Na’aman marshes, British Mandate, technology, installations, Napoleon cannon balls, numismatics
      • Architectural Analysis of the Flour-Mill Compound in the Ridwan Gardens, ‘Akko (Hebrew, pp. 141*–157*; English summary, pp. 116–118)
        Amir Freundlich
        Keywords: Na’aman marshes, technology, terminology, installation, numismatics, Baha-Ullah House, aruba, miglash
      • The Ceramic Finds from the Ottoman Flour Mills in the Ridwan Gardens, ‘Akko (pp. 83–96)
        Edna J. Stern
        Keywords: Mediterranean coast, Ottoman Empire, maritime trade, local production, typology, import
      • Ottoman Clay Tobacco Pipes and Nargile Heads from the Flour Mills in the Ridwan Gardens, ‘Akko (pp. 97–102)
        Anastasia Shapiro
        Keywords: Mediterranean coast, Ottoman Empire, smoking, typology
      • The Coins from the Flour Mills in the Ridwan Gardens, ‘Akko (Hebrew, pp. 159*–160*; English summary, p. 119)
        Robert Kool
        Keywords: numismatics

    Past Issues

      EEF List of Digitized Egyptology Books

      [First posted in AWOL 14 February 2011. Updated 30 December 2016]

      Among the many useful digital resources organized by the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum (EEF) is a list of:

      Egyptological Book Series Online
      version December 28, 2016
      Compiled for the Egyptologists' Electronic Forumby Michael Tilgner, with major additions by Alain Dautant.
      For additions and corrections, feel free to write to the editor.

      The below list of links to digitised book series includes:
      -- Egypt Exploration Fund: Memoirs [MEEF]
      -- Egypt Exploration Fund: Archaeological Survey of Egypt [EEF-ASE]
      -- Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Altertumskunde Ägyptens [UGAÄ]
      -- Bibliothèque égyptologique [BE]
      -- Hieroglyphic Texts from Egyptian Stelae, &c., in the British Museum [HTBM]
      -- Les Temples immergés de la Nubie [TemplImm]
      -- Theodore M. Davis' Excavations: Bibân el Molûk [-]
      -- Eckley B. Coxe Junior Expedition to Nubia [-]
      -- Mémoires publiés par les membres de la Mission archéologique française au Caire [MMAF]
      -- Mémoires publiés par les membres de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire [MIFAO]
      -- Bibliothèque d'étude (IFAO) [BiEtud]
      -- Fouilles de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire [FIFAO]
      -- Analecta Aegyptiaca [AnAe]
      -- Publications of the British School of Archaeology in Egypt and the Egyptian Research Account [BSAE/ERA]
      -- Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum, Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim [-]
      -- Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien [-]
      -- Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics [ERE]
      -- Publications de la Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg [-]
      -- The Abusir Series of the Czech Institute of Egyptology [-]
      -- Ägyptologische Forschungen [ÄF, ÄgFo]
      -- Robb de Peyster Tytus Memorial Series [RPTMS]
      -- Analecta Orientalia [AnOr]
      -- Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium: Scriptores Coptici [CSCO: Scriptores Coptici]
      -- Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca [BAe]
      -- Études égyptologiques [-]

      Some of our other (themed) collections:
      -- Urkunden des aegyptischen Altertums -> [Urk]
      -- Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire -> [CG]

      Some external sources for digitised series:
      -- Publications of the Oriental Institute Chicago:
      Oriental Institute Publications -> [OIP] (OI Chicago)
      Oriental Institute Communications -> [OIC] (OI Chicago)
      Oriental Institute Museum Publications -> [OIMP] (OI Chicago)
      Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition -> [OINE] (OI Chicago)
      Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization -> [SAOC] (OI Chicago)
      -- Electronic Publications of the Czech Institute of Egyptology -> URL
      -- Internet-Beitraege zur Aegyptologie und Sudanarchaeologie -> [IBAES]
      -- Ancient Near East Monographs/Monografías sobre el Antiguo Cercano Oriente -> [ANEM/MACO]
      -- Carl Richard Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien -> [LD] (Lepsius-Projekt)
      -- Les Cahiers Égypte Nilotique et Méditérranéenne -> [CENiM]
      -- Trismegistos Online Publications -> [TOP]
      -- American Studies in Papyrology -> [ASP]
      -- Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtsgeschichte - URL-- For any publication (book or article) relating to the Giza Plateau, try the Giza Digital Library.
      NB: URLs marked with [PDF] link directly to a pdf-file, so better use your "Save as..." button on those to prevent that your browser will "freeze.

      NB: When doing any scientific work, be on the alert for the fact that freely available digitised volumes on the Internet (vs. commercial products) may contain errors, notably when it concerns the plates or appendices. Plates are clearly the weak side of Internet digitalisation: often their resolution is too low, they are scanned only partially, or they are left out altogether. As an example: in the below mentioned scans of MEEF 5 (Edouard Naville, The Shrine of Saft el Henneh and the Land of Goshen (1885), London, 1887), plates 2, 3, 5, and 6 have only been scanned on the show side of each folded page, and plates 1 and 4 are missing altogether.

      Open Access Journal: ARCHAI: Revista de Estudos sobre as Origens do Pensamento Ocidental


      InterClassica: Investigación y Difusión del Mundo Griego y Romano Antiguo

      InterClassica: Investigación y Difusión del Mundo Griego y Romano Antiguo


      InterClassica es un proyecto inaugurado en mayo de 2006. Tiene como fin la divulgación de contenidos correspondientes a distintos ámbitos del mundo Griego y Romano Antiguos. Se encuentra abierto a la colaboración de todo el que esté interesado en estos campos y pretende proporcionar información rigurosa para ser utilizada y compartida sin ningún tipo de obstáculo ni restricción dado que la educación, el conocimiento, la información y la comunicación esenciales para la cultura y el progreso de los seres humanos.

      Ancient Jerusalem in VR app

      Ancient Jerusalem in VR app
      Our first app, Ancient Jerusalem in VR, is available for download on Google play! The app allows users to experience ancient Jerusalem, as it was 2,000 years ago, from four vantage points. Here’s everything you need to know about each of them! Click here to download the app and experience this ancient wonder for yourself.
      Modern street level
      You are on a 15m column in front of the Temple’s Western Wall. This is the current ground level when you visit the site today. You are surrounded by domestic housing. To your left is Wilson’s Arch and a bridge that gives access to the temple complex. Behind the observer are views of the surrounding landscape including distant glimpses of the fortification wall and residential areas. The remains of the fortification wall are scant in modern Jerusalem, so a reconstructed version is used here based on chronologically parallel examples...

      Open Access Journal: NeHeT: Revue numérique d'Égyptologie

      [First posted in AWOL 5 February 2015, updated 30 December 2016]

      NeHeT: Revue numérique d'Égyptologie
      ISSN: 2429-2702 
      NeHeT est une revue éditée conjointement par le Centre de Recherches Égyptologiques de la Sorbonne (Université Paris-Sorbonne – Paris IV ; équipe « Mondes Pharaoniques » de l’UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée) et le Centre de Recherches en Archéologie et Patrimoine de l’Université libre de Bruxelles. Elle est destinée à un lectorat constitué de chercheurs et d’érudits s’intéressant à l’histoire de l’Égypte et du Soudan, de la préhistoire à l’époque byzantine. Son format numérique, en libre accès, a été choisi afin de permettre une diffusion large et rapide des travaux égyptologiques. 

      La revue a deux livraisons annuelles qui peuvent être soit des recueils d’articles sur des sujets variés, soit des numéros thématiques - publications d’actes de colloques, de journées d’études ou dossiers portant sur une problématique prédéfinie. 

      Les éditeurs de la revue L. Bavay, N. Favry, Cl. Somaglino et P. Tallet
      Revue NeHeT numéro 1 - cliquez ICI
      Revue NeHeT numéro 2 - cliquez ICI
      Revue NeHeT numéro 3 - cliquez ICI

      Revue NeHeT numéro 4 - cliquez ICI

      Open Access Journal: Veleia: revista de prehistoria, historia antigua, arqueología y filología clásicas

      [Frst posted in AWOL 26 February 2012. Updated 30 December 2016]

      Veleia: revista de prehistoria, historia antigua, arqueología y filología clásicas
      ISSN: 0213-2095
      Revista anual del Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad dedicada al estudio de la Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Filología y Arqueología Clásicas. Sin descartar la publicación de artículos genéricos sobre la antigüedad, otorga especial relevancia a los temas concernientes al País Vasco y zonas en contacto.

      Open Access Journal: Numismatic Literature

      [First posted in AWOL 22 July 2009, updated 31 December 2016]

      Numismatic Literature
      ISSN: 0029-6031
      American Numismatic Society
      Numismatic Literature was the Society's annotated bibliography of published work in all fields of numismatics. At its core NumLit was a text archive that supports multiple delivery formats, one that was designed for longevity in the face of rapid technological innovation. For users, NumLit existed as subject and author indexes that were regularly updated as new titles are entered. The titles were also listed in the reverse order of when they were added. It had been published since 1947 and the final published volume is No. 149 (2007). Please note that NumLit is no longer published. All previous volumes of Numismatic Literature may be read and downloaded via HathiTrust at no charge.

      Greek and Latin Texts with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary: Free digital files for the textbook series written by Geoffrey Steadman


      Open Access Journal: Cahiers Intégrés de Médecine Égyptienne


      Cahiers Intégrés de Médecine Égyptienne

      Ce troisième numéro des Cahiers Intégrés de Médecine Égyptienne (CIME– III ) correspond également à la troisième des Newsletters attachées au blog « Histoire de la médecine égyptienne ancienne » (ISSN 2270-2105). Il ne comprendra, pour cette fois encore, que la liste des principales études déjà publiées à ce jour dans la revue électronique. Ce fascicule est cependant augmenté des titres de l’année en cours, dont ceux consacré à l’Anatomie de l’appareil digestif. Soit un total accessible de près de 900 pages avec plus de 1000 figures sous cette présentation.

      CIME - III

      • Fawzia HADGE-DIN, Abdel HAZIZ, Richard-Alain JEAN, Anne-Marie LOYRETTE ✝, Jean-Pierre MARTIN, Xavier RIAUD et coll., Cahiers intégrés de médecine égyptienne (CIME), III, Angers - Paris - Le Caire, décembre 2016 (ISBN 978-2-9541072-5-7).

      ISBN 978-2-9541072-3-3
      EAN 9782954107233 
      ISSN 978-2-9541072-5-7 

      Ce troisième numéro des Cahiers Intégrés de Médecine Égyptienne (CIME– III ) correspond également à la troisième des Newsletters attachées au blog « Histoire de la médecine égyptienne ancienne » (ISSN 2270-2105). Il ne comprendra, pour cette fois encore, que la liste des principales études déjà publiées à ce jour dans la revue électronique. Ce fascicule est cependant augmenté des titres de l’année en cours, dont ceux consacré à l’Anatomie de l’appareil digestif. Soit un total accessible de près de 900 pages avec plus de 1000 figures sous cette présentation.

      Disponibilité (pdf gratuit)
      Il est facilement téléchargeable en mode PDF sur Academia,
      Cliquez : 
      les CAHIERS INTÉGRÉS de MÉDECINE ÉGYPTIENNE - III (CIME-III)Ce troisième numéro des Cahiers Intégrés de Médecine Égyptienne (CIME - III ) correspond également à la troisième des Newsletters attachées au blog " Histoire de la médecine égyptienne ancienne " (ISSN 2270-2105). Il ne comprendra, pour cette fois
      NB : La totalité du pdf est parfaitement lisible, y compris la couverture.
      Les anciens numéros :

      Publication du mercredi 25 novembre 2016

      CIME - II - 2015 - 1ere de couv - copie 2

      • Fawzia HADGE-DIN, Abdel HAZIZ, Richard-Alain JEAN, Anne-Marie LOYRETTE, Jean-Pierre MARTIN, Xavier RIAUD et coll., Cahiers intégrés de médecine égyptienne (CIME), II, 1, Cherbourg - Angers - Paris - Le Caire, novembre 2015. 

      ISBN 978-2-9541072-3-3
      EAN 9782954107233 
      ISSN 2416-7282 

      Ce deuxième numéro des Cahiers Intégrés de Médecine Égyptienne (CIME – II ) correspond également à la deuxième des Newsletters attachées au blog « Histoire de la médecine égyptienne ancienne » (ISSN 2270-2105). Il ne comprendra, pour cette fois encore, que la liste des principales études déjà publiées à ce jour dans la revue électronique. Ce fascicule est cependant augmenté des titres des chapitres consacrés à l’Anatomie de l’appareil locomoteur, avec en plus, les parties en relations intégrées et directement accessibles sur le site (soit correspondant à près de 500 pages pour ce dernier volume et sous cette présentation, avec plus de 680 figures). 

      Disponibilité (pdf gratuit)
      Il est facilement téléchargeable en mode PDF sur Academia,
      Cliquez : 
      les CAHIERS INTEGRES de MEDECINE ÉGYPTIENNE - II (CIME-II)N° 2 - Novembre 2015 - ÉPOQUE PHARAONIQUE : - Les articles publiés - L'appareil locomoteur - Introduction ISBN 978-2-9541072-3-3 EAN 9782954107233 ISSN 2416-7282
      NB : La totalité du pdf est parfaitement lisible, y compris la couverture.

      Ainsi que sur YouScribe
      Cliquez :  http://YouScribe.com
      puis, rechercher : cahiers intégrés de médecine égyptienne 2
                                                                        (couper coller ce titre)
      NB : Il est parfois possible à l'ouverture que la couverture ne soit pas entièrement lisible, mais la suite des page l'est parfaitement.

      * N'hésitez pas ensuite à le partager !

      Publication du samedi 5 juillet 2014

      CIME - I - Cherbourg Paris Le Caire

      • Fawzia HADGE-DIN, Abdel HAZIZ, Richard-Alain JEAN, Anne-Marie LOYRETTE, Xavier RIAUD et coll., Cahiers intégrés de médecine égyptienne (CIME), I, Cherbourg - Paris - Le Caire, juillet 2014. 

            Ce premier numéro des Cahiers Intégrés de Médecine Égyptienne (CIME – I) correspond également à la première des Newsletters attachée au blog « Histoire de la médecine égyptienne ancienne ». Il ne comprend pour cette fois que la liste des principales études déjà publiées dans la revue électronique.
            Il est directement téléchargeable en mode PDF ou en mode papier.

      Disponibilité (pdf gratuit)
      Il est facilement téléchargeable en mode PDF sur Academia,
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      Academia.edu - Share researchAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
      NB : La totalité du pdf est parfaitement lisible, y compris la couverture.
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