Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Data Online

The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Data Online
Ritual in Neolithic Southeast Italy
Ernestine S. Elster, Eugenia Isetti, John Robb, and Antonella Traverso
Scaloria Cave, Grotta Scaloria, is in Apulia, where the Tavoliere Plain rises to meet the Gargano peninsula. Hundreds of villages were located there during the Neolithic period, the villagi trincerati first identified from aerial photographs taken by the British RAF during WW II. Certainly some of these Neolithic villagers of the Tavoliere visited Scaloria Cave, for refuge from the elements, and for the mysterious rituals held in both the Lower and Upper Chambers.
Grotta Scaloria was first discovered and explored in 1931, excavated briefly in 1967, and extensively from 1978–80 by a joint UCLA-University of Genoa team, but never fully published. The Save Scaloria Project was organized to locate this legacy data, and to enhance that information by application of the newest methods of archaeological and scientific analysis.
Finally, this important site is published, in one comprehensive volume that gathers together the archaeological data from the Upper and Lower Chambers of Scaloria Cave, which indicate intense ritual and quotidian use during the Neolithic (ca 5600-5300 BC). The Grotta Scaloria project is also important as historiography, since it illustrates a changing trajectory of research spanning three generations of European and American archaeology.
View data online
Appendix 1: L’Eneolitico di Manfredonia nella Grotta di ‘Occhiopinto’
Appendix 2: The Heritage of Two Subsistence Strategies
Appendix 3: “Cult of the Waters”
Appendix 4b: Report on 1980 Research of 1979 Excavation of Grotta Scaloria at Manfredonia, Southeast Italy
Appendix 4c: The Scaloria Cave
Appendix 4a: Preliminary Report on 1979 Excavations at Scaloria Cave near Manfredonia, Italy
Appendix 4d: Extracts Regarding Scaloria from "The Language of the Goddess" and "Civilization of the Goddess"
Appendix 5: Interviews with Santo Tiné, Luigi Coppolecchia, Giulio Perotti, and Sergio Duda
Appendix 6a-b: Letter from Enrico Davanzo to Santo Tiné
Appendix 7: Daybook 1979
Appendix 8: Field Catalogue: 1979 excavation season
Appendix 9: Raw data from the 1980 lithic study

Open Access Journal: LANX. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia

[First posted in AWOL  7 January 2010. Updated 10 May 2015]

LANX. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia - Università degli Studi di Milano
ISSN 2035-4797
LANX è il quadrimestrale elettronico open access della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. La rivista raccoglie i contributi di studenti e docenti della Scuola e di studiosi che vi hanno collaborato, insieme ai risultati di ricerche e scavi a essa collegati.LANX nasce dall’idea e con l’obiettivo di condividere e divulgare i risultati dell’intensa attività di studio e ricerca condotta dalla Scuola, che accanto alla didattica consueta prevede un fitto programma annuale di seminari, giornate di studio, convegni, con la frequente partecipazione di studiosi esterni. A tutto ciò si aggiungono i viaggi di studio nelle mete più rilevanti per gli ambiti disciplinari caratterizzanti la Scuola, e le campagne di scavo dirette dai Docenti della Scuola in numerosi siti italiani e stranieri.Si apre così l’opportunità tanto per gli affermati quanto per i più giovani studiosi vicini alla Scuola di far conoscere il proprio lavoro grazie alle potenzialità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie, di cui il formato elettronico di questa rivista è realizzazione concreta. Il Comitato Scientifico della rivista è composto dai Docenti della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, i quali approvano preliminarmente il contenuto scientifico dei contributi editi. Il singolo Docente si fa inoltre garante, presentandoli anche a proprio nome, degli interventi esterni.

N° 20 (2015)

Lanx, Anno VIII, n° 20



Maria Teresa Grassi, Danila Piacentini, Giovanna Rocca
Margherita Bolla
Michela Ruffa
Marco Emilio Erba


Tra cibo e archeologia: percorsi archeologici all'interno di Expo Milano 2015
Marco Emilio Erba


N° 19 (2014)

Lanx, Anno VII, n° 19

N° 18 (2014)

Lanx, Anno VII, n° 18

N° 17 (2014)

Lanx, Anno VII, n° 17


N° 16 (2013)

Lanx, Anno VI, n° 16

N° 15 (2013)

Lanx, Anno VI, n° 15

N° 14 (2013)

Lanx, Anno VI, n° 14


N° 13 (2012)

Lanx, Anno V, n° 13

N° 12 (2012)

Lanx, Anno V, n° 12

N° 11 (2012)

Lanx, Anno V, n° 11


N° 10 (2011)

Lanx, Anno IV, n° 10

N° 9 (2011)

Lanx, Anno IV, n° 9

N° 8 (2011)

Lanx, Anno IV, n° 8


N° 7 (2010)

Lanx, Anno III, n° 7

N° 6 (2010)

Lanx, Anno III, numero 6

N° 5 (2010)

Lanx, Anno III, numero 5


N° 4 (2009)

LANX, Anno II, numero 4

N° 3 (2009)

LANX, Anno II, numero 3

N° 2 (2009)

LANX, Anno II, numero 2


N° 1 (2008)

LANX, Anno I, numero 1

1 - 20 di 20 elementi    

Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Online

Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Online
From Karen Radner
The Bavarian Academy of Sciences (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften) was founded in 1759 and is currently retro-digitising all its proceedings (Sitzungsberichte) and treatises (Abhandlungen); see http://publikationen.badw.de/en/start

PDFs of all proceedings (currently 2973 items) can now be downloaded here: http://publikationen.badw.de/en/index 

 I would like to draw your attention to some classic texts from the area of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, by Dietz Otto Edzard, Mariano San Nicolò, Claus Wilcke and others: 

• Erich Ebeling, Glossar zu den neubabylonischen Briefen (1953). http://publikationen.badw.de/BV008940279 

• Dietz Otto Edzard, „Gilgames und Huwawa“: Zwei Versionen der sumerischen Zedernwaldepisode nebst einer Edition von Version „B“ (1993). http://publikationen.badw.de/BV009661684 

 • Dietz Otto Edzard, Die Iterativstämme beim akkadischen Verbum: Die Frage ihrer Entstehung; ihre Funktion; ihre Verbreitung (1995). http://publikationen.badw.de/BV011180163 

• Barthel Hrouda, Die Assyrer und ihre Kunst in neuer Sicht (2003). http://publikationen.badw.de/BV017821678• Norbert Oettinger, Gab es einen Trojanischen Krieg? Zur griechischen und anatolischen Überlieferung (2007). http://publikationen.badw.de/BV022389689 

 • Mariano San Nicolò, Zur Nachbürgschaft in den Keilschrifturkunden und in den gräko-ägyptischen Papyri (1937). http://publikationen.badw.de/BV008940090 

• Mariano San Nicolò, Beiträge zu einer Prosopographie neubabylonischer Beamten der Zivil- und Tempelverwaltung (1940). http://publikationen.badw.de/BV008940174• Mariano San Nicolò, Der neubabylonische Lehrvertrag in rechtsvergleichender Betrachtung (1950). http://publikationen.badw.de/BV006331615 

• Claus Wilcke, Wer las und schrieb in Babylonien und Assyrien? Überlegungen zur Literalität im Alten Zweistromland (2000). http://publikationen.badw.de/BV013593600 

• Claus Wilcke, Early Ancient Near Eastern Law A History of its Beginnings: The Early Dynastic and Sargonic Periods (2003). http://publikationen.badw.de/BV017821697

Open Access Journal: Bulletin of Online Emendations to Papyri

[First posted in AWOL 16 February 2012. Updated 11 May 2016]

Bulletin of Online Emendations to Papyri (BOEP)
Zentrum für Altertumswissenschaften
"We are happy to release the first-ever bulletin of online emendations made to papyri in the Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri (DDbDP). As is well known, papyrologists around the world have over the past two years been entering published documentary texts to the Duke Databank via the Papyrological Editor (formerly SoSOL) at www.papyri.info/editor/. In the process, some people have also proposed a number of emendations to existing texts. This bulletin gathers the proposals that have so far been vetted and adopted by the PN's editorial board. Our hope is that by issuing regular updates we will provide users with a helpful overview of evolving scholarly discussion concerning individual texts. We believe that these bulletins will also facilitate ongoing production of resources such as the Berichtigungsliste and HGV by highlighting meaningful changes to texts among the many other kinds of alterations (automated fixes, typo corrections, etc.) that are regularly made to documents in the DDbDP".
[From Rodney Ast and James Cowey's initial email announcement (http://lists.hum.ku.dk/pipermail/papy/2012-February/000780.html)]
"...We wish to draw your attention to a new section [in BLEP 5.1] of BOEP, “Born-Digital Edtions,” which lists full editions of papyri that appear exclusively in papyri.info, not having been published previously.  This issue includes three Gothenburg papyri that were only described in H. Frisk’s 1929 publication.  Each edition has been vetted by at least two specialists in the field.  We thank all who have been involved in this, and welcome future submissions from members of the community".
[From Rodney Ast and James Cowey's  email announcement (http://lists.hum.ku.dk/pipermail/papy/2016-May/002172.html)]

The Digital Hill Project

by Marcel Mernitz
This is a quick overview about the Digital Hill project, which is part of the Open Greek and Latin project at the Humboldt Chair of Digital Humanities at the University of Leipzig. When I started working on the project, the first step was to create a spreadsheet that gathered all sources mentioned by G.F. Hill (Sources for Greek History between the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars, Oxford 1897) in his third chapter about the “Revolt of Samos”. The spreadsheet contains further information about each source, e.g. if an XML file already exists in one of our repositories and a link to it or a link to the new created XML file. Furthermore, any text left out by Hill has been stored in a separate column and the spreadsheet provides links to the treebanking and text alignment files I created for the project. The spreadsheet can be accessed via the following link: https://goo.gl/zEcevt
There is a legend in column M that explains the coloured cells.

As part of the project we have created a new repository on GitHub where all the XML and EpiDoc files of the project are stored. In the GitHubo repo it is possible to find the treebank and text alignment data and also the data for the web page. The link for this repository is: https://github.com/DigitalHill

Speaking of the webpage, it is accessible online at http://digitalhill.github.io/

The results can be found in “Chapter III” –> “Revolt of Samos”. There are two subchapters that can be unfolded by clicking on them, “bilingual alignments” and “ancient alignments”. The first is divided in several tables that can be opened by the user, providing mixed results from treebanking and text aligning. When clicking on one of the pen-buttons, the aligned words (all, only verbs, only nouns; according to the button clicked) switch colours according to Arethusa and when hovered over an aligned word, it becomes highlighted as well as the aligned words as in Alpheios. There are Greek/Latin – English and Greek – German alignments to show the possibility of using languages other than English.

The ancient alignments contain Greek – Greek and Greek – Latin alignments. The aligned words switch colours when the pen-button is clicked, similar to the bilingual alignments. Of course the aligned words are highlighted when hovered over. I also added additional information to the ancient text alignments that the user can make visible by hovering over the red attention sign (see Figure 1). The web page is working with jQuery scripts I wrote.

Figure 1: Detail of the web page with additional information.

A paper is going to be published in the “Digital Classics Online” journal in which all the results are going to be presented.

Working on the treebanking and text alignment files I was bothered by brackets or exiting backslashes that sometimes I had to correct manually in the XML file. For that reason I wrote a little program based on a web crawler I found teaching myself Python3 (I had to edit the code on several occasions and add a new method), that cleans up texts automatically. The second screenshot shows the GUI I created for this program (it is by any means not very pretty though and is missing menus) with a short sentence typed in several times on the left side and the result on the right side (see Figure 2). There is a method for statistics that shows the words of the text and how often they occurred in it, but this method is not yet implemented in the GUI. There are still issues in the DH community about how ancient Greek characters and diacritics should be encoded and displayed. As soon as they will be (at least partially) solved, it will be quite easy to change the algorithm.

Figure 2: The transformation / clean-up tool GUI.

Currently the GUI is only stored on my laptop and is not available online.
I am still trying to figure out how to use XSLT 2.0 for the inscriptions mentioned by Hill to implement them in the webpage as well.

New From the Oriental Institute: Nimrud: The Queens' Tombs

Nimrud: The Queens' Tombs
By Muzahim Mahmoud Hussein, with translation and initial editing by Mark Altaweel, and additional editing and notes by McGuire Gibson

Nimrud: Queens' Tombs cover

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Muzahim Hussein’s 1989 discovery of tombs of Neo-Assyrian queens in the palace of Ashurnasirpal in Nimrud (Kalhu/Calah) was electrifying news for archaeology. Although much is known of the Assyrian kings (8th/9th century BC), very little was known about the queens, with the exception of semi-mythical Semiramis. Now, for the first time, not only were actual remains and burial objects of Assyrian queens discovered, but also names and attempts through curses to protect the burials. Elaborate gold jewelry and other items in the tombs rivaled in quality and quantity that found in Egyptian royal tombs. A short scholarly publication of a few items, as well as limited coverage in the world’s press, gave only hints of the importance of the objects in the tombs. Planned international exhibitions of the treasures from the tombs had to be cancelled due to war and sanctions. Nimrud: A City of Golden Treasures by Hussein and Amer Suleiman (1999), published under extraordinarily difficult conditions, could not do justice to the objects. The present volume, a joint publication of the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage and the Oriental Institute, is a new version of the finding of the tombs and their contents, giving much additional information derived from Hussein’s continued analyses of classes of artifacts, accompanied by numerous full color plates.
  • Nimrud: The Queens’ Tombs
  • Muzahim Mahmoud Hussein; translation and initial editing by Mark Altaweel; editing and additional notes by McGuire Gibson
  • Oriental Institute Miscellaneous Publications
  • Baghdad: Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage, and Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2016
  • ISBN: 978-1-61491-022-0
  • Pp. xxvi + 186; 220 plates, most in color
  • Hardback, 9” x 11.75”

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Open Access Publisher: BraDypUS - Communicating Cultural Heritage

BraDypUS - Communicating Cultural Heritage
Benvenuti nel portale editoriale di BraDypUS - Communicating Cultural Heritage. Qui potete trovare tutta la nostra produzione di libri e riviste, sempre disponibili online.

Promuoviamo un'editoria di qualità, sotto il piano del contenuto e dell'estetica, liberamente accessibile dalla rete e che cerca di sostenere sia gli interessi degli autori e delle istituzioni che rappresentano, sia le esigenze dei lettori, contenendo i costi e sfruttando al massimo tutte le opportunità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie editoriali. Approfondisci il nostro metodo di lavoro e scopri come pubblicare con noi.
Leggi tutto....
Open access books on Antiquity include:

Hirbemerdon Tepe Archaeological Project 2003-2013 Final Report: Chronology and material culture

Nicola Laneri (with contributions by M. Schwartz, J. Ur, S. Valentini, M. Aquilano, L. Biazzo, R. Brancato, L. Crescioli, M. Dallai, G. Guarducci M. Massimino and S. Nannucci) / 2016
ISBN: 9788898392322 / DOI: 10.978.8898392/322
Versione cartacea: 80,00 euro
Versione PDF: gratis
ARCHE: The database of the Hirbemerdon Tepe Archaeological Project
Versione PDF: gratis
Versione PDF: gratis

The Citadel 2. Fascinations of ancient Erbil, heart of Iraqi Kurdistan

MAIKI - Missione Archeologica Italiana nel Kurdistan Iracheno / 2015
ISBN: 9788898392285 /

Il carme 64 di Catullo e le Argonautiche di Apollonio Rodio

Sonja Caterina Calzascia / 2015
ISBN: 9788898392216 /
Versione cartacea: 20,00 euro
Versione PDF: gratis
Versione EPUB: 4,00 euro
Versione MOBI: 4,00 euro

I primi cristiani in Emilia-Romagna tra prosopografia e storia

Giovanni Assorati / 2014
ISBN: 9788898392131 /
Versione cartacea: 20,00 euro
Versione PDF: gratis
Versione EPUB: 3,00 euro
Versione MOBI: 3,00 euro

I primi cristiani in Emilia-Romagna tra prosopografia e storia

Giovanni Assorati / 2014
ISBN: 9788898392131 /
Versione cartacea: 20,00 euro
Versione PDF: gratis
Versione EPUB: 3,00 euro
Versione MOBI: 3,00 euro

La Cittadella. Fascinazioni dell'antica Erbil, cuore del Kurdistan in Iraq

MAIKI - Missione Archeologica Italiana nel Kurdistan Iracheno / 2014
ISBN: 9788898392117 /
Versione PDF: gratis

Il castello oltre le mura. Ricerche archeologiche nel borgo e nel territorio di Acquaviva Picena (Ascoli Piceno)

Enrico Giorgi, Erika Vecchietti (eds.) / 2014
ISSN: 2282-2275 / ISBN: 9788890429477 /
Versione cartacea: 35,00 euro
Versione PDF: 10,00 euro
Versione EPUB: 7,00 euro
Versione MOBI: 7,00 euro

The New Swat Archaeological Museum. Architectural Study, Master Plan and Execution

Ivano Marati and Candida Maria Vassallo (with chapters by M. Ashraf, C. Cristilli, L.M. Olivieri) / 2014
ISSN: 12345678 / ISBN: 9788898392063 / DOI: 10.978.8898392/063
Versione PDF: gratis
Versione EPUB: gratis
Versione MOBI: gratis

Versione EPUB: gratis
Versione MOBI: gratis


I Fenici in Algeria. Le vie del commercio tra il Mediterraneo e l'Africa Nera

Lorenza-Ilia Manfredi, Amel Soltani (eds.) / 2011
ISBN: 9788890429439 /
Versione cartacea: 90,00 euro
Versione PDF: 10,00 euro

Versione cartacea: 20,00 euro
Versione PDF: 5,00 euro

Groma 2. In profondità senza scavare

Enrico Giorgi (ed.) / 2009
ISBN: 9788890429408 / DOI: 10.978.88904294/08
Versione cartacea: 25,00 euro
Versione PDF: 5,00 euro

Groma 1. Archeologia tra Piceno, Dalmazia ed Epiro

Enrico Giorgi, Erika Vecchietti, Julian Bogdani (eds.) / 2007
ISBN: 9788878490246 /
Versione cartacea: 0,00 euro
Versione PDF: 5,00 euro
Versione EPUB: gratis
Versione MOBI: gratis

ACOR Lectures on YouTube

ACOR Lectures on YouTube
ACOR recently began to audio record the public lectures and present that recording, together with the original lecture slides, on YouTube. This is fantastic for our supporters who couldn't attend the public lecture but still wish to listen to the speaker and see the material that they presented. Several lectures are online now and more will be uploaded as they become available. Please click on the links below to listen. 

9.March.2016            Drs. Lichtenberger & Raja     "New Research in Jerash," edited by J. Schryver.
10.February.2016       Dr. Andrew McCarthy           "Recipes for Public Archaeology," edited by J. Schryver.
27.January.2016        Dr. Konstantinos Politis        "Sugar, Safi and SCHEP,"  edited by J. Schryver.
16.December.2015     Dr. Győző Vörös                  "Excavations of the Fortified Royal Palace of Machaerus," edited by J. Schryver.

20.October.2015        Dr. Gary Rollefson                "A Kinder, Greener Black Desert," edited by B. Cutter.
ACOR especially acknowledges the invaluable assistance of student interns from the CIEE and the Amideast program in Jordan, notably Blake Cutter, ACOR intern in the Fall of 2015, and Julia Schryver, ACOR intern in the Spring of 2016.  These young people worked hard to make these materials available online using Audacity and Microsoft Movie Maker.

Gorgias Open: Free for the Sake of Knowledge

Gorgias Open: Free for the Sake of Knowledge
home page
Gorgias Open Access makes top-quality research available at no cost to anyone with an internet connection. Once a publication has passed its peer-review process and has been approved for publication, the author has the option to make it available through our Gorgias Open repository as well as in a traditional print format. 

Open access publishing is good news for everyone. It combines our scholars’ careful research with our capabilities to polish and independently review academic work. Best of all, it means that no one is prevented from accessing the latest information because of lack of funds. For more information on the logic behind open access, including links to studies on its effectiveness, please see the section called, "Why Open Access?"
Otherwise, the results speak for themselves: more readers and greater impact.
Our Open Access Program website is divided into several parts, which you can navigate using the blue bar above.
  • In "Why Open Access?" you can find out more about how the open access program works and which books we can make available at no cost to the reader.
  • Last but not least, in "Repository," you'll be able to read and download free content from Gorgias' academic specialties.
John Wansbrough is famous for his pioneering studies on the “sectarian milieu” out of which Islam emerged. In his view, Islam grew out of different - albeit rather marginal - Jewish and Christian traditions. In the present volume, which is dedicated to Wansbrough’s memory, specialists in Islamic studies and students of the Jewish and early Christian traditions summarise Wansbrough’s achievements in the past thirty years and chart the future of the tradition study of the “sectarian milieu.”
This collection of original research papers examines early commentaries on the New Testament and the transmission of the biblical text. Focussing principally on Greek and Latin tradition, it provides new insights into the sources and manuscripts of commentators and catenae.
This ground-breaking study offers a reassessment of Moses' book of the law from a narrative theory perspective. Concerned for the long-term viability of his people, Moses legislates a public reading of his document which is deposited next to the ark of the covenant as a national testament. Through the mechanics of narrative mediation, the narrator reveals to the reader of Deuteronomy the contents of Moses' enshrined publication. Deuteronomy's simulcast of Moses' book invites external readers to compare and evaluate their readings with story-world readers who access the same text within the Bible's Primary Narrative.
A collection of ten original papers on the New Testament text, first presented in 2013, which reflect the diversity of current research. Examples of ancient engagement with the Bible include Origen, Eusebius of Caesarea and Augustine along with early translations.

This volume examines the perception of music’s past, in all its historical, geographical and cultural breadth. The wide-ranging collection of papers address the interpretation of past music cultures from the earliest records of antiquity until the present.
This work consists of a selection of papers from sessions during the first two years of SBL Consultation on Midrash. It demonstrates innovative approaches to midrashic texts and hermeneutic reflections on similarities and differences between interpretations of the Bible.
Jacob of Serugh’s vision of ‘Salvation in Christ’, in its exegetical, theological, catechetical, liturgical and pastoral aspects, is reviewed in this monograph. Jacob’s mode of symbolic-mystical-silence approach to the mystery of Christ is explained. This treatise gathers up Jacob’s typological and symbolic thought-patterns, in his own language, categories, terminologies, and imageries.
This article, drawn from Malphono w-Rabo d-Malphone, analyzes a Syriac legal document from the Upper Euphrates. Along with his analysis, Healey provides a translation and transliteration of the document.

Luwian Studies

Luwian Studies
Luwian Studies is an independent, private, non-profit foundation based in Switzerland. The sole purpose of the foundation is to promote the study of cultures of the second millennium BCE in the west of Asia Minor. The core thesis of Luwian Studies is that during the second millennium BCE there must have been a hitherto largely overlooked culture in the west of present-day Turkey. Taking this culture into consideration would result in new interpretation scenarios regarding the chronology of the events at the end of the Bronze Age. The foundation would like to encourage accurate and comprehensive explorations of Luwian settlement sites in order to complete our picture of Aegean prehistory. Those interested in Luwian Studies or even intending to participate actively are welcome.

Trismegistos News: Text Irregularities database

Trismegistos Text Irregularities database
We are pleased to announce an improved version of the Trismegistos Text Irregularities database (www.trismegistos.org/textirregularities/index.php). The processed data is now no longer limited to editorial corrections in the apparatus, but also includes omissions and additions in the text itself (in the PN visible as pointed brackets  < > and braces { }). Also, the context of the text irregularity (in the form of the letter or diphthong preceding and following) is now provided and searchable. A network has been included for the more common irregularities. A list of attested types of irregularities also facilitates navigation (http://www.trismegistos.org/textirregularities/texirr_type_list.php).

Since the creation of the database to a large extent relies on automated processes, there will no doubt still be many inaccuracies, particularly for the context of the errors. We continue checking and improving everything, and hope to add an extra layer of grammatical interpretation in the not too distant future. We have also started to process the corrections of the ancient scribes, and this will soon be available as well. As before, we welcome feedback or assistence with the development of the database, and hope it will provide useful for further study of Greek linguistics based on the papyri.

Joanne Stolk
Mark Depauw

Open Access Journal: Lettres de l'ASR (Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ramesseum)

Lettres de l'ASR (Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ramesseum)
Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ramesseum
Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ramesseum

Fondée le 25 mai 1989, l’Association a pour but de contribuer financièrement et matériellement à l'exploration, à la sauvegarde et à la valorisation de l'un des plus prestigieux monuments de la rive occidentale de Thèbes (l'actuelle Louqsor). Inscrit au patrimoine culturel de l'humanité par l'UNESCO en 1979, le temple de millions d'années de Ramsès II, plus connu depuis Jean-François Champollion sous le nom de Ramesseum, couvre une étendue d'environ dix hectares. Les recherches qui y sont effectuées depuis au moins deux décennies relèvent d'un partenariat scientifique franco-égyptien regroupant plusieurs équipes : CNRS (UMR 8220/LAMS UPMC), Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ramesseum (ASR) et Centre d'Étude et de Documentation sur l'Ancienne Égypte (CEDAE, Ministère des Antiquités). L'Association a également inscrit parmi ses objectifs, le sauvetage et l'étude de la tombe de Ramsès II (KV.7) dans la Vallée des Rois. 

La Lettre de l'ASR est une lettre d'information annuelle, qui est adressée à tous les membres de l'association. Elle fait état des résultats de la mission de l'année précédente, dessine les objectifs de celle à venir et donne un compte-rendu résumé de l'état financier. Enfin, elle fournit quelques informations sur les prestations programmées par l'ASR (voyages, conférences, expositions).
Cliquez sur les photos ou les légendes ci-dessous pour accéder aux lettres.

Lettre ASR 12 - mai 2016
Lettre ASR 11 - avril 2015 
Lettre ASR 10 - mai 2014 
Lettre ASR 9 - mai 2013 
Lettre ASR 8 - mai 2012
Lettre ASR 7 - mai 2011
Lettre ASR 6 - avril 2010 
Lettre ASR 5 - mai 2009 
Lettre ASR 4 - mai 2008
Lettre ASR 3 - avril 2007
Lettre ASR 2 - juin 2006 
Lettre ASR 1- décembre 2005

Open Access Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft

 [First posted in AWOL 23 October 2010, updated 13 May 2016]

Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft
At Wikisource
Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) ist die umfangreichste Enzyklopädie zum Altertum. Sie wurde ab 1890 von Georg Wissowa (1859–1931) herausgegeben und 1980 abgeschlossen. Sie führte die von August Friedrich Pauly (1796–1845) begründete Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft in alphabetischer Ordnung (1837–1864) fort und war als komplette Neubearbeitung konzipiert. Bis heute gilt die RE als Standardwerk der Altertumswissenschaft. Viele Artikel aus den ersten Bänden dieser Enzyklopädie sind mittlerweile gemeinfrei. Möglichst viele Artikel sollen hier sukzessive mit Hilfe von Scans digitalisiert werden.
Bis jetzt wurden 22.542 Stichwörter erfasst, darunter 2.737 bloße Verweisungen. Eine vollständige Liste der bisher transkribierten Artikel gibt die Kategorie:Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft.
  • Eine Übersicht über die Bände der RE findet sich hier
    • (über die im Internet Archive frei zugänglichen hier),
  • das Register der Autorenhier,
  • Listen sämtlicher Stichwörterhier.
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Erste Reihe: A – Q
  • Band I,1, 1893 (Aal–Alexandros)
  • Band I,2, 1894 (Alexandros–Apollokrates)
  • Band II,1, 1895 (Apollon–Artemis)
  • Band II,2, 1896 (Artemisia–Barbaroi)
  • Band III,1, 1897 (Barbarus–Campanus)
  • Band III,2, 1899 (Campanus ager–Claudius)
  • Band IV,1, 1900 (Claudius–Cornificius)
  • Band IV,2, 1901 (Corniscae–Demodoros)
  • Band V,1, 1903 (Demogenes–Donatianus)
  • Band V,2, 1905 (Donatio–Ephoroi)
  • Band VI,1, 1907 (Ephoros–Eutychos)
  • Band VI,2, 1909 (Euxantios–Fornaces)
  • Band VII,1, 1910 (Fornax–Glykon)
  • Band VII,2, 1912 (Glykyrrhiza–Helikeia)
  • Band VIII,1, 1912 (Helikon–Hestia)
  • Band VIII,2, 1913 (Hestiaia–Hyagnis)
  • Band IX,1, 1914 (Hyaia–Imperator)
  • Band IX,2, 1916 (Imperium–Iugum)
  • Band X,1, 1918 (Iugurtha–Ius Latii)
  • Band X,2, 1919 (Ius liberorum–Katochos)
  • Band XI,1, 1921 (Katoikoi–Komödie)
  • Band XI,2, 1922 (Komogramm–Kynegoi)
  • Band XII,1, 1924 (Kynesioi–Legio)
  • Band XII,2, 1925 (Legio–Libanon)
  • Band XIII,1, 1926 (Libanos–Lokris)
  • Band XIII,2, 1927 (Lokroi–Lysimachides)
  • Band XIV,1, 1928 (Lysimachos–Mantike)
  • Band XIV,2, 1930 (Mantikles–Mazaion)
  • Band XV,1, 1931 (Mazaois–Mesyros)
  • Band XV,2, 1932 (Met–Molaris lapis)
  • Band XVI,1, 1933 (Molatzes–Myssi)
  • Band XVI,2, 1935 (Mystagogos–Nereae)
  • Band XVII,1, 1936 (Nereiden–Numantia)
  • Band XVII,2, 1937 (Numen–Olympia)
  • Band XVIII,1, 1939 (Olympia–Orpheus)
  • Band XVIII,2, 1942 (Orphische Dichtung–Palatini)
  • Band XVIII,3, 1949 (Palatinus–Paranoias graphe)
  • Band XVIII,4, 1949 (Paranomon–Paytnouphis)
  • Band XIX,1, 1937 (Pech–Petronius)
  • Band XIX,2, 1938 (Petros–Philon)
  • Band XX,1, 1941 (Philon–Pignus)
  • Band XX,2, 1950 (Pigranes–Plautinus)
  • Band XXI,1, 1951 (Plautius–Polemokrates)
  • Band XXI,2, 1952 (Polemon–Pontanene)
  • Band XXII,1, 1953 (Pontarches–Praefectianus)
  • Band XXII,2, 1954 (Praefectura–Priscianus)
  • Band XXIII,1, 1957 (Priscilla–Psalychiadai)
  • Band XXIII,2, 1959 (Psamanthe–Pyramiden)
  • Band XXIV, 1963 (Pyramos–Quosenus)
Zweite Reihe: R – Z
  • Band I A,1, 1914 (Ra–Ryton)
  • Band I A,2, 1920 (Saale–Sarmathon)
  • Band II A,1, 1921 (Sarmatia–Selinos)
  • Band II A,2, 1923 (Selinuntia–Sila)
  • Band III A,1, 1927 (Silacenis–Sparsus)
  • Band III A,2, 1929 (Sparta–Stluppi)
  • Band IV A,1, 1931 (Stoa–Symposion)
  • Band IV A,2, 1932 (Symposion–Tauris)
  • Band V A,1, 1934 (Taurisci–Thapsis)
  • Band V A,2, 1934 (Thapsos–Thesara)
  • Band VI A,1, 1936 (Thesaurus–Timomachos)
  • Band VI A,2, 1937 (Timon–Tribus)
  • Band VII A,1, 1939 (Tributum–Tullius)
  • Band VII A,2, 1943–1948 (Tullius–Valerius)
  • Band VIII A,1, 1955 (Valerius Fabrius–Vergilius)
  • Band VIII A,2, 1958 (Vergilius–Vindeleia)
  • Band IX A,1, 1961 (Vindelici–Vulca)
  • Band IX A,2, 1967 (Vulcanius–Zenius)
  • Band X A, 1972 (Zenobia–Zythus)
  • Register der Nachträge und Supplemente, 1980
  • Gesamtregister, Teil 1: Alphabetischer Teil (mit CD-ROM), 1997
  • Gesamtregister, Teil 2: Systematisches Sach- und Suchregister (nur CD-ROM), 2000
Außer der Reihe
  • Murphy, John P. Index to the supplements and supplementary volumes of «Pauly-Wissowa’s R.E.» [Real Enzyklopädie] : index to the «Nachträge» and «Berichtigungen» in vols. I—XXIV of the first series, vol. I—X of the second series, and supplementary vols. I—XIV of Pauly-Wissowa-Kroll’s «Realenzyklopädie». — Chicago: Ares, 1976
    • Murphy, John P. Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumwissenschaft. Index to the supplements and supplementary volumes of Pauly-Wissowa’s 'Realenzyklopädie'. — 2d ed. with an appendix containing an index to suppl. vol. XV (Final). — Chicago: Ares, 1980

DataBases about Aegean Subjects

 [First posted in AWOL 16 February 2011. Updated 14 May 2016]

DataBases about Aegean Subjects (DBAS)
Structure and Aims 

DBAS project, the acronym of "Data Bases about Aegean Subjects", starts in 2005 as a complex research tool for the study of specific themes, regarding the Aegean and the East Mediterranean areas in the pre-classical period.

DBAS aims at a complete statistical cross-analysis of significant  bodies of evidences, which could be highly beneficial for the development of single research projects. The project is promoted by the University of Florence, involving a team of historians, philologists, archaeologists and computer scientists, both from the University of Florence and other Institutions.

DBAS is a web-based consultation resource, i.e. a scientific portal sorting out different research tools: Data bases for advanced research on specific topics, Bibliographic data bases, Implements for general research and for educational purposes.

The overall architecture of the web site where the project is hosted shows the merging in a joint system of a number of general features including:
  • Linking of different data/sets:archaeological, iconographical, philological data and other records on selected topics will come together in dedicated data bases.
  • Linking of different data bases:data bases on close or related matters will be combined to allow for search of chronological, geographical or thematic correlations. To further enlarge the perspective, the data bases will be connected to additional resources available at the site, like downloadable fonts, selected thematic bibliographies, photo galleries, etc...
  • Linking to different web-sites:the DBAS structure will ensure, with appropriate tools, the connection to other web-sites offering different materials related to the main research themes developed in this project. This is a particularly relevant feature making DBAS an open structure not only to enlarge its records but mainly to involve other scholars and to improve the scientific quality of the available data.

The SBL's International Cooperation Initiative Program (ICI)

 [First posted on AWOL 23 March 2009. Updated 14 May 2016]

The Society of Biblical Literature International Cooperation Initiative (ICI)
A strategic vision of the SBL is to “facilitate broad and open discussion from a variety of perspectives.” But voices from around the globe are underrepresented, and we are all the poorer for it. In 2007, to address this issue and facilitate meaningful, international, and multidirectional scholarly collaboration, the SBL established the International Cooperation Initiative (ICI). The initiative includes many projects, more information about which you will find below and in the quick links to the right. Should you have any questions, please contact chair of the ICI board Louis Jonker or staff liaison Charlie Haws.. 
If you visit this page from a domain identifiable as being in a qualifying country, you should be able to see links to all the available books. I would appreciate comment (see below) from those who are able to access these book. This is the current list:
CI Newsletter (more info)
Louis C. Jonker, chair of the ICI Board, collects information about and on behalf of the initiative and distributes it via email to those interested. Contact Louis directly to add your name to the list. 
Online Books (more info)
This ICI project provides free online PDF files to scholars and students who may not otherwise have access to these resources. These resources are available for persons in countries with a per capita GDP that is substantially lower than the average per capita GDP of the United States and the European Union. Eligible countries are listed here.

Academic presses partnering with SBL Press in this project are Brown Judaic Studies, Catholic Biblical Association, Fortress Press, Gorgias Press, Sheffield Phoenix Press, Westminster John Knox Press and Wiley-Blackwell. SBL thanks these partners for their vision and dedication to fostering biblical scholarship.
Journal Subscriptions
Institutions located in countries that qualify for the Online Books also qualify for reduced subscription rates to the Journal of Biblical Literature and the Review of Biblical Literature. With these reduced rates, a print JBL subscription costs $35 plus shipping and a print RBL subscription costs $20 plus shipping. Forms for these reduced rates and free access to recent JBL archives can be found here.
Open-Access Book Series
Two open-access book series are published through the ICI: Ancient Near East Monographs (ANEM) and International Voices in Biblical Studies (IVBS).

Teaching Collaboration/Mentoring Program (more info)
SBL hosts two databases that allow scholars, students, and institutions to establish contact and make arrangements for various types of scholarly exchange. How are SBL members taking advantage of the ICI Scholarly Exchange program? Kelley N. Coblentz Bautch shares How Videoconferencing with International Scholars Can Enliven Your Classroom and Jonathan David Lawrence shares how the ICI Scholarly Exchange program provided an opportunity to teach in the South Pacific.
Liaison Network (more info)
The goal of the ICI Liaison Network is to establish open lines of communication that will promote awareness of the resources and opportunities made available through the ICI to scholars, teachers, and students and to communicate and develop an awareness of the scholarly work done in ICI countries. There are liaisons in several countries and SBL is working to build upon this base and extend the representation to more areas. 

The ICI volunteer coordinator is Tim Langille. SBL members in ICI countries who wish to become liaisons or in countries for which there is already a representative in the Liaison Network are encouraged to contact Tim to volunteer to further ICI and its goals. There are opportunities on the local level to coordinate with the country representatives. All SBL members, regardless of their country of domicile, are asked to suggest colleagues in ICI countries who might be willing to participate in this initiative.
Calendar of Events (more info)
SBL encourages participation in scholarly conferences and workshops worldwide, including those organized and sponsored independent of SBL.
Visa letters for travel to the Annual or International Meetings
In order to facilitate attendance by those in ICI countries at SBL Congresses, Samantha Spitzner has been appointed as the SBL visa coordinator. Samantha will advise members who need visas in order to travel to and participate in the Annual or International Meetings. She will not prepare applications, but will be a source of information to aid members in submitting applications and will provide letters of intent if needed by those participating in the meeting as presenters or board members. For more information, please contact Samantha directly.
JSTOR Journal Discount ProgramsAfrican Access Initiative: JSTOR has waived the standard participation fees (the Archive Capital Fee and the Annual Access Fee) for any not-for-profit institution in a country on the continent of Africa.
Developing Nations Access Initiative: JSTOR has waived or offered reduced participation fees for any academic or not-for-profit institution in developing countries (and all of Africa). .

Open Access Monograph Series: International Voices in Biblical Studies

[First posted in AWOL 27 February 2014, updated 14 May 2016]

International Voices in Biblical Studies
ISSN: 1949-8411
Welcome to International Voices in Biblical Studies (Online ISSN 1949-8411), a new online, open-access series that facilitates the distribution of scholarship written in numerous regions of the world well beyond their respective spheres. The series editorial board includes scholars from around the world who solicit and receiv manuscripts for peer review prior to acceptance for publication. The works published in this series will generally be in the area of reception history and criticism and will not be limited to any particular biblical text or historical time frame. Whenever possible, the works will be published in English and the primary language of the author.

Reading Ruth in Asia
edited by Jione Havea and Peter H. W. Lau, 2015
Migration and Diaspora: Exegetical Voices of Women
in Northeast Asian Countries
Hisako Kinukawa, 2014
Zer Rimonim: Studies in Biblical Literature and Jewish Exegesis
Michael Avioz, 2013
Women at Work in the Deuteronomistic History
Mercedes L. García Bachmann, 2013
The Old Testament and Christian Spirituality: Theoretical and Practical Essays from a South African Perspective
Christo Lombaard, 2012
Reading Ezra 9–10 Tu’a-Wise: Rethinking Biblical Interpretation in Oceania
Nasili Vaka’uta, 2011 
Global Hermeneutics? Reflections and Consequences
Knut Holter and Louis Jonker, 2010 

Open Access Journal: International Cooperation Intitiative (ICI) Newsletter

International Cooperation Intitiative (ICI) Newsletter
Each month, the chair of the ICI Executive Board distributes a newsletter to the ICI liaison network, the ICI advisory board, and to any other persons who are interested in the work of the ICI and have asked to be included in the listserv. The SBL web master maintains an archive of the ICI newsletters. Individual newsletters may be accessed by clicking on a year on the chart below. If you would like to be included in the newsletter mailing, please contact Louis Jonker or Beth Tracy.



Ancient Greek Tutorials @ AtticGreek.org

Ancient Greek Tutorials @ AtticGreek.org
AtticGreek.org is the home of the revised Ancient Greek Tutorials by Donald Mastronarde, adjusted to conform to the changes made in the second edition of Introduction to Attic Greek (University of California Press 2013) and to provide additional supplements to that book. Many parts of this site will be helpful, however, to anyone beginning or reviewing the study of ancient Greek with any textbook.
If you are using the first edition of Introduction to Attic Greek, visit the site tailored to the first edition.

This site should display Greek correctly if viewed with a modern browser on a modern operating system, without further action by the user. If, however, Greek words are cut off, or the Greek is displayed with a combination of different fonts or with a combination of characters and rectangles, then the user should install one of the free fonts recommended below.


  • Corrigenda in the first printing of the second edition
NOTE: The revised second printing (available from September 2015) has incorporated all the corrections indicated in the above document.

For instructors:

For students and instructors:

The Digital Classicist Wiki Current List of Projects

The Digital Classicist List of Projects [14 May 2016]
These pages are intended to provide concise information on projects applying computing technologies to Classical/Ancient Historical research. Should you know of any relevant project, please feel free to add it to the list and create a page with the title, URL, and a brief description.
There are 296 articles in this category.






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P cont.



S cont.





The Prosopography of Ebla Online

 [First posted in AWOL 28 February 2011. Updated 15 May 2016]

The Prosopography of Ebla
    The administrative and chancery cuneiform texts of the Archives of the Ebla Palace G (Tell Mardikh, Syria, 24th century BC) offer an exceptional anthroponomastic corpus relating to the whole of Syria and part of Mesopotamia. The personal names in the Ebla texts refer first of all to members of the elites – sovereigns and high-ranking officials (including priests) and their relatives – in Ebla itself and in the other great political capitals of the period, as far as Mari, Nagar and Kiš. Besides these, the texts record the personal names of minor palatine officials, of those in charge of the small towns and villages, and of people belonging to other strata of the population, such as merchants, artisans, farmers and artists. 
The in-depth study of the political and cultural history of the Near East in the period of the Ebla Archives requires from the very outset as reliable an identification as possible of the individual people mentioned in the texts. Only an accurate prosopographical analysis makes it possible to distinguish – often despite cases of homonymy – family memberships, careers, occupations and geographical origins. 
    The repertoire of personal names established by prosopographical analysis, which also makes it possible to identify graphic variants, forms the basis for the complementary onomastic study, aimed at providing a linguistic interpretation of individual names. 
    The individual entries in The Prosopography of Ebla organise the occurrences of the personal names of Ebla according to criteria that enable an initial identification of those people whose existence and activity were recorded by the Palace G scribes. Some characteristics are particularly privileged, such as relations of kinship and dependence, names of functions and professions, and geographical origins, but some activities are also highlighted. When possible, each personal name is analysed linguistically. In addition, a comment on the individual personal names explains the reasons for disambiguating the occurrences, outlines the political and social importance of the individual people identified, and provides basic bibliographical information. 
    The Prosopography of Ebla provides further materials useful for research, such as lists of personnel, bibliographies and links. 
    The present investigation – begun as the PRIN 2006 project (“Aspetti linguistici e prosopografici dell’antroponimia della Siria settentrionale del XXIV sec. a.C. nei testi di Ebla”) and then renewed as PRIN 2008 (“Aspetti linguistici e prosopografici dell’antroponimia dei testi di Ebla”) – has been carried out by two Research Units, one from the University of Florence, under the responsibility of Pelio Fornzaroli and then of Amalia Catagnoti, and the other from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, under the responsibility of Alfonso Archi and then of Maria Giovanna Biga.  
   The results were published first on the website www.antichita.uniroma1.it/node/5879, managed by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, and then at the University of Florence at The Prosopography of Ebla. Once the PRIN 2008 funding had ended, the research became a project of the University of Florence, under the responsibility of Amalia Catagnoti.
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