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Baltic-Pontic-Studies (BPS)

Baltic-Pontic-Studies (BPS)
ISSN: 1231-0344
Baltic-Pontic-Studies (BPS) jest rocznikiem wydawanym od roku 1993 przez dwa Instytuty - Prahistorii i Wschodni - Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (UAM). Koncepcja periodyku eksponującego w wersji anglojęzycznej dorobek archeologii biokulturowego pogranicza Zachodu i Wschodu Europy uformowała się w środowisku realizatorów umowy o współpracy naukowej pomiędzy Uniwersytetem im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu i Instytutem Archeologii Narodowej Akademii Nauk Ukrainy w Kijowie (1992). Członkami Rady Redakcyjnej zostali wybitni reprezentanci „archeologii pogranicza” z ośrodków naukowych Polski, Ukrainy i Białorusi. W ramach przyjętej w BPS formuły działania impulsy do przygotowania kolejnych tomów wychodzą z grona członków Rady Redakcyjnej. Wskazują oni węzłowe problemy badawcze, wymagające dyskusji, a następnie ekspozycji - w postaci zestawu artykułów lub też opracowań monograficznych - i zarysowują optymalne formy intensyfikacji pożądanych studiów. W pierwszym zakresie dotyczy to składu zespołu potencjalnych współrealizatorów, a w kolejnych - uzgodnień programów kooperacji oraz form wsparcia organizacyjno-finansowego w oparciu o środki pozyskiwane najczęściej w systemie grantów. Poszczególne tomy BPS zawierają zatem wyłącznie artykuły zamawiane. Do chwili obecnej ukazało się 15 tomów periodyku. BPS znajduje się na liście ERIH. 

Baltic-Pontic-Studies (BPS) is a yearbook published together by two institutes of the Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznań, Poland - the Institute of Prehistory and the Institute of Eastern Studies since 1993. The idea of a journal that would present in English the effects of the archaeological work concentrated on the biocultural borderland between the West and East of Europe was born among the signatories of the Agreement on Research Collaboration between the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Institute of Archaeology of Ukraine's National Academy of Sciences in Kiev (1992). Seats on the Editorial Board were accepted by distinguished scholars of 'archaeology of the borderland' from the academic centres of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. Under the mode of operation adopted at the BPS, stimuli for new volumes are given by members of the Editorial Board. They suggest crucial research issues, calling for a discussion and then presentation in the form of a set of papers or monographs, and outline the best ways to undertake their studies further. First, the Editorial Board members choose a team of potential contributors and, second, decide on the forms of collaboration and sources of financing; the latter usually come in the form of grants. Thus, BPS volumes carry exclusively commissioned papers. BPS is on the ERIH list.

Open Access Dissertations from the Université de Lorraine

Description:Cette recherche sur la société de l'Egypte hellénistique repose sur une étude des productions figurées faites pour des personnes privées. Les sources utilisées sont de natures différentes, ronde bosse sur pierre et stèles funéraires peintes ou à relief, et de styles différents, égyptien, gréco-alexa ...
Mots clés:Stèles, Figurines, Sanctuaires - Égypte
Auteur:Kraus Virginie
Année de soutenance:2005
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Description:Les connaissances que nous avons de la santé et de l'hygiène de l'enfant dans l'Egypte ancienne, sont issues des informations apportées par les papyrus médicaux, littéraires ou administratifs et par les objets ou les bas-reliefs des monuments. Celles-ci permettent de découper ...
Mots clés:Médecine -- Histoire, Enfants -- Santé et hygiène
Auteur:Hennequin Pascal
Année de soutenance:2001
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Description:Au IV e siècle, plusieurs ouvrages sur Alexandre le Grand voient le jour, dont trois offrent un récit plus ou moins complet de sa vie : les Res gestae Alexandri Macedonis de Julius Valérius, l'itinerarium Alexandri et Epitoma rerum gestarum Alexandri Magni plus connu sous le titre d'Epitomé de Metz, ...
Mots clés:Littérature antique
Auteur:Brenez Ingrid
Année de soutenance:2003
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Description:Recherches sur les instruments aratoires et le travail du sol en Gaule Belgique. Établissement d'un catalogue inédit de 119 pièces métalliques d'instruments aratoires en Gaule. Étude des outils aratoires et leur emploi. Méthodologie. Dépouillement du catalogue pour la Gaule et la Germanie supérieure ...
Mots clés:Agriculture - Outillage - Belgique (province romaine)
Auteur:Marbach André
Année de soutenance:2001
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Open Access Journal: Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament

[First posted in AWOL 5 December 2012, updated 1 January 2016]

Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament
ISSN: 2169-0685
Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament (JESOT) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the academic and evangelical study of the Old Testament. The journal seeks to fill a need in academia by providing a venue for high-level scholarship on the Old Testament from an evangelical standpoint. The journal is not affiliated with any particular academic institution, and with an international editorial board, online format, and multi-language submissions, JESOT cultivates and promotes Old Testament scholarship in the evangelical global community. The journal differs from many evangelical journals in that itseeks to publish current academic research in the areas of ancient Near Eastern backgrounds, Dead Sea Scrolls, Rabbinics, Linguistics, Septuagint, Research Methodology, Literary Analysis, Exegesis, Text Criticism, and Theology as they pertain only to the Old Testament. The journal will be freely available to the scholarly community and will be published bi-annually online. Hard copies will be produced by request. JESOT also includes up-to-date book reviews on various academic studies of the Old Testament.

Papyrus grec d'Aï Khanoum, inscriptions économiques gréco-bactriennes

Papyrus grec d'Aï Khanoum, inscriptions économiques gréco-bactriennes
Claude Rapin
Claude RapinTextes littéraires et inscriptionsRetour Accueil

Aï Khanoum, textes littéraires provenant de la trésorerie (papyrus philosophique et parchemin)

Aï Khanoum, inscriptions économiques provenant de la trésorerie
— Les inscriptions économiques
— L’hémiolios d’Aï Khanoum
— Les inscriptions de l’Asie centrale

Parchemin gréco-bactrien 1 d’Asangorna

Parchemins gréco-bactriens 2 (Amphipolis) et 3

Inscription runique nomade d’Aï Khanoum

Open Access Journal: Archivio Storico Messinese

Archivio Storico Messinese
ISSN: 0392-0240
Questa sezione è in corso di costruzione, poichè è in corso la digitalizzazione dei fascicoli e la stesura delle pagine con i contributi singoli, a breve sarà completata.
    ----->>> Archivio Storico Messinese (dal 2010)

      Open Access Journal: Würzburger Jahrbücher für Altertumswissenschaft

      Würzburger Jahrbücher für Altertumswissenschaft
      ISSN: 2365-8444
      Die im Jahre 1975 begründete ‚Neue Folge‘ der Würzburger Jahrbücher hat zwei angesehene Vorläufer:

      Um 1930 schufen Carl Hosius, Friedrich Pfister und Joseph Vogt die ‚Würzburger Studien zur Altertumswissenschaft‘ als eine Reihe von Monographien. In den Kreis der Herausgeber sind später noch Alexander Graf Stauffenberg und Josef Martin eingetreten.

      Meist waren es herausragende Würzburger Dissertationen, die in den Heften veröffentlicht wurden. Aber auch Festgaben für Carl Hosius (unter dem Titel ‚Studien zu Tacitus‘) und für Heinrich Bulle gehörten zu dieser Reihe, die mit Unterstützung der ‚Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften bei der Universität Würzburg‘ (des späteren ‚Universitätsbundes Würzburg‘) herausgegeben wurde. Sie ist dem 2. Weltkrieg zum Opfer gefallen.  

      Unmittelbar nach dem Ende des Krieges haben dann Josef Martin und Friedrich Pfister unter Mitwirkung von Wilhelm Ensslin, Hans Krahe und Hans Möbius die ‚Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft‘ ins Leben gerufen. Als Verleger gewannen sie Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn-Würzburg.

      Diese Jahrbücher erhielten – entsprechend den veränderten Bedürfnissen – den Charakter einer Zeitschrift mit breiter Thematik, die z.B. auch das Weiterleben der Antike mit einbezog. Vom Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus, von der Stadt Würzburg und vom Universitätsbund Würzburg wurden sie unterstützt.

      Den Herausgebern gelang es, zahlreiche erstrangige Gelehrte zur Mitarbeit zu gewinnen. Viele Beiträge sind noch heute gültig. Vier stattliche Jahrgänge (1946-1950) liegen von dieser ersten Folge der Jahrbücher vor.  

      Hier haben die ersten Herausgeber der Neuen Folge angeknüpft; es war ihr Streben, nicht nur ein Forum für die Würzburger Altertumswissenschaftler zu schaffen, sondern darüber hinaus angesehene Gelehrte des In- und Auslandes zur Mitarbeit zu gewinnen. Sie haben sich zu ihrem Teil bemüht, das rege Leben, das in diesen Disziplinen herrscht, zu spiegeln, das wissenschaftliche Gespräch unter den Fachgenossen zu fördern, neuen Ergebnissen ans Licht zu verhelfen.

      Diesen Zielen fühlen sich in gleicher Weise die neuen Herausgeber verpflichtet, die mit dem Band 22 die Nachfolge angetreten haben.


      Happy New Year

      Happy New Year to Ancient World Online readers everywhere. You are looking at AWOL pages well over a million times a year now, and I'm grateful for your interest. If you have ideas for making AWOL better, send them along. If you know of open access scholarship worthy of mention, let me know!

      Make sure you look at The AWOL Index which systematically describes ancient-world information resources on the world-wide web. The bibliographic data presented herein has been programmatically extracted from the content of AWOL - The Ancient World Online (ISSN 2156-2253) and formatted in accordance with a structured data model. In continuous operation since 2009, AWOL is a blog authored by Charles E. Jones, Tombros Librarian for Classics and Humanities at the Pattee Library, Penn State University.

      This publication, The AWOL Index, is an experimental project, developed jointly by Jones and Tom Elliott, the Associate Director for Digital Programs at New York University's Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW), with the assistance of Pavan Atri, Roger Bagnall, Dawn Gross, Sebastian Heath, Gabriel McKee, Ronak Parpani, David Ratzan, and Kristen Soule.
      Creation of The AWOL Index was made possible by a grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.

      Parvum lexicon stemmatologicum

      Parvum lexicon stemmatologicum
      The Parvum lexicon stemmatologicum (PLS) is a scholarly digital resource providing explanations for technical terms related to stemmatology, a discipline of classical and mediaeval philology aiming at understanding the historical evolution of textual traditions. The PLS was initiated, within the framework of the Studia Stemmatologica research network, by Odd Einar Haugen, who was its editor-in-chief until May 15, 2015.

      The necessity of creating such a digital resource becomes evident if one realises that stemmatology is by nature an interdisciplinary discipline, using concepts and methods from a variety of different fields: linguistics, codicology, palaeography, book history, etc. In addition, stemmatology is at the same time an old discipline (dating back from the first half of the nineteenth century in its modern form and from the Hellenistic period in its most ancient attestations) and a discipline that has recently undertaken a methodological revolution, not only because of the digital turn in the humanities, but perhaps more importantly because of the influence of phylogenetics. The PLS attempts to address the challenge of integrating old and new concepts, and besides includes the presentation of methods and tools used in stemmatology and sometimes borrowed from other disciplines, such as computer science, mathematics or biology.

      Moreover, as any other venerable discipline of the humanities, stemmatology has developed according to more or less national schools or traditions, in which the same concepts are not always used in exactly the same way. The PLS tries to address this linguistic aspect by providing equivalents of the terms in French, German, Italian, and – where appropriate – Latin.

      The list of editors and contributors to the PLS reflects the multidisciplinary and multicultural dimensions of this collective scholarly endeavour. In the last weeks before the release of this version 1.0 (Nov. 13, 2015), much of the work of reviewing this very complex dictionary has been taken up by Marina Buzzoni, Aidan Conti, Odd Einar Haugen, in addition to the two present editors.
      The lexicon is certainly not yet perfect, the length and depth of entries varies and there may even be contradictions left here and there, but we agreed that its present state is good enough as a first online version (also available as pdf and html downloads for off-line use). We are working on ideas to turn this resource into a second, completely revised version as a book publication. If you have suggestions, corrections, improvements, do not hesitate to send them to stemmatology (at) gmail.com.

      Caroline Macé & Philipp Roelli, editors-in-chief

      Update on the Arabic Papyrology Database

      Update on the Arabic Papyrology Database
      The Arabic Papyrology Database (APD) team wishes you a happy New Year. Our present: new, handy features implemented in the APD and many, many more documents . Please, check www.naher-osten.lmu.de/apd under

      (a) "Documents". For 2,571 published documents, we provide the full text of the document and information on the document, while for another 6,281 published and unpublished documents, we give information on the document only. We are proud to offer not only records from Egypt and the Middle East, but also a quite comprehensive list of Arabic documents from Sicily and Spain: click on "Origin" and choose Sicily or Spain. Weekly updates! - For full bibliographical details, check at www.naher-osten.uni-muenchen.de/apb.

      (b) "Text": This is our full text search tool. Many features, including search restricted by time, provenance, document type, etc.

      (c) "Lexicon": This site is completely new and allows you to access the lexicon of all implemented texts in several ways: Looking for a lemma, you will have an overview on all actual realizations, with hyperlinks giving you direct access. You might look for a root, a verbal stem, or a shape/morpheme type (e.g. fāʿil or faʿʿāl). Or try Word categories (functional categories) and Domains (semantic categories), independently or in combined searches.

      We would be happy to have your feedback on the new features.

      Best regards, Eva Youssef-Grob (evamira.youssef@uzh.ch), for the Arabic Papyrology Database team

      CDLP (Cuneiform Digital Library Preprints): Foxvog's "Introduction to Sumerian Grammar" and "Elementary Sumerian Glossary”

      CDLP (Cuneiform Digital Library Preprints) is pleased to announce the posting of two new contributions, both by Daniel A. Foxvog. His "Introduction to Sumerian Grammar" and his "Elementary Sumerian Glossary,” are henceforth available as CDLP 2 and CDLP 3 at  <http://cdli.ucla.edu/?q=cuneiform-digital-library-preprints>.

      These manuscripts have, for several years, been available for download through Foxvog's personal comcast website, now retired; we are grateful to him for his proposal to have their revised and updated versions persistently hosted as freely available CDLP files. Both are indispensable reference works for specialists and instructors, though, as formally unpublished, less cited than they deserve. We hope that with a persistent web presence they will continue to be of use to readers of Sumerian texts, and to those teaching or working on Sumerian grammar and lexicography.

      We take this opportunity to encourage scholars to contribute their unpublished manuscripts to the CDLP in future, following the guidelines found in the lead page of the series.

      Bertrand Lafont (CNRS, Nanterre)
      CDLP Editor

      [n.b. For other Foxvog publications on Sumerian see here]

      PAGES: Past Global Changes

      PAGES: Past Global Changes
      PAGES - Past Global Changes
      PAGES (Past Global Changes) supports research which aims to understand the Earth’s past environment in order to obtain better predictions of future climate and environment, and inform strategies for sustainability. We encourage international and interdisciplinary collaborations and seek to promote the involvement of scientists from developing countries in the global paleo-community discourse.

      PAGES' scope of interest includes the physical climate system, biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem processes, biodiversity, and human dimensions, on different time scales - Pleistocene, Holocene, last millennium and the recent past.

      Over 5,500 scientists from more than 125 countries currently subscribe to PAGES. We encourage all interested scientists to get involved and contribute to our initiatives, participate in the workshops we support, and publish PAGES-relevant products. PAGES also organizes travel stipends for Guest Scientists.

      New Ancient World Journal Content in JSTOR

      Journals relating to the study of antiquity recently added to JSTOR

      Anabases (Arts & Sciences XIII)
      Coverage: Nos. 1-10 (2005-2009)
                  Moving Wall: 5 years
                  Publisher: Editions de Boccard
                  ISSN: 1774-4296

      Annual Report (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) [1996 - ] (Arts & Sciences XIII)
      Previous Title: Museum Year: Annual Report of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston [1965-1995] (0740-0403)
      Previous Title: Annual Report for the Year ... (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) [1876-1964] (2380-534X)
      Vols. 1-89 (1876-1964);
                  Vols. 90-104 (1965 – 1979/1980);
                  Moving Wall: zero
                  Publisher: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
                  ISSN: 2380-5366
                  Note: Content for this title is released as soon as the latest issues become available to JSTOR.
                  Note: Beginning with year 2009, this journal has been published online.

      Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia [1971- ] (Arts & Sciences XIII)
      Previous Title: Annali della R. Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Lettere, storia e filosofia [1943-1970] (0393-8573)
      Previous Title: Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Lettere, storia e filosofia [1932-1943] (0036-990X)
      Serie II, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1932) – Serie II, Vol. 12, No. 3 (1943);
      Serie II, Vol. 12, No. 4 (1943) – Serie II, Vol. 39, No. 3/4 (1970);
      Serie III, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1971) – Serie V, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2009)
      Moving Wall: 5 years
      Publisher: Scuola Normale Superiore
      ISSN: 0392-095X
      Arts Asiatiques [1954- ] (Arts & Sciences XIII)
      Previous Title: Revue des arts asiatiques [1924-1942] (0995-7510)
                  Vol. 1, No. 3 (Octobre, 1924) – Vol. 13, No. 3/4 (1939/1942);
      Vol. 1, No. 1 (1954) – Vol. 66 (2011)
                  Moving Wall: 3 years
                  Publisher: École française d’Extrême-Orient
                  ISSN: 0004-3958

      Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz (Arts & Sciences XIII)
      Coverage: Vols. 4-20 (1993-2009)
      Moving Wall: 5 years
      Publisher: Editions de Boccard
      ISSN: 1016-9008
      Lĕšonénu: A Journal for the Study of the Hebrew Language and Cognate Subjects (Hebrew Journals)
      Coverage: Vol. 1, No. 1 (1928) – Vol. 73, No. 3/4 (2011)
                  Moving Wall: 3 years
                  Publisher: Academy of the Hebrew Language
                  ISSN: 0334-3626
      Mediterranean Language Review (Arts & Sciences XIV)
      Coverage: Vol. 1 (1983) – Vol. 17 (2006/2010)
      Moving Wall: 5 years
      Publisher: Harrassowitz Verlag
      ISSN: 0724-7567
      Revue de Philosophie Ancienne (Arts & Sciences XIII)
      Coverage: Vol. 1, No. 2 (1983) – Vol. 29, No. 2 (2011)
      Moving Wall: 3 years
      Publisher: EURORGAN s.p.r.l. - Éditions OUSIA
      ISSN: 0771-5420
      Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (Arts & Sciences XIV)
      Coverage: Vol. 1, No. 1 (1847) – Vol. 159, No. 2 (2009)
      Moving Wall: 5 years
      Publisher: Harrassowitz Verlag
      ISSN: 0341-0137

      And see also:

      AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World

      Open Access Journal: Cuadernos de Arqueología de la Universidad de Navarra

      Cuadernos de Arqueología de la Universidad de Navarra
      ISSN: 1133-1542
      ISSN-e: 2387-1814
      Cuadernos de Arqueología nace en 1993 con el objetivo claro de servir a la comunidad científica. En sus páginas da cabida a cualquier trabajo que, utilizando el método arqueológico, se proponga hacer Historia. Para ello hay que recuperar el paso del hombre, un pasado múltiple, tanto remoto como reciente, porque la Arqueología llega hasta ayer. Para ello el arqueólogo no sólo debe conocer y utilizar todas las técnicas que desde campos bien diversos inciden en su objetivo, sino que además tiene que saber interpretar correctamente sus resultados. Estos principios serán los que animen el espíritu de esta publicación
      Cuadernos de Arqueología was founded with the clear aim of serving the academic community. It welcomes work whose goal is to articulate history from an archaeological perspective. This involves recovering the history of humankind, both distant and recent, since archeology runs up until yesterday. To achieve this, archaeologists have to understand and use all the techniques from a wide variety of fields that affect their goals and know how to interpret their results properly. This publication draws on these principles.

      And see the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

      Galen Syriac Palimpsest Digital Release at OPENN

       Syriac Palimpsest Digital Release  at OPENN

      1 The Syriac Galen Palimpsest

      This manuscript contains an eleventh-century liturgical text that is very important for the study of the hymns of Byzantine and Melkite Christianity. The manuscript's value is further increased by the fact that it is a palimpsest, with an older and very significant undertext. The undertext dates back to approximately the ninth century, and contains Syriac translations of Greek medical texts. Preliminary investigations have identified several leaves from Galen's major pharmacological treatise, known in Latin as De Simplicium Medicamentorum Temperamentis et Facultatibus, and in the Syriac and Arabic traditions as the "Book of Simple Drugs". The translation seems to be by Sergius of Resh Ayina, the great sixth-century scholar who was the first to translate the Greek medical corpus and who laid the foundations for the transmission of Greek science into the Islamic world. Part of the same text has been preserved in a British Library manuscript, which is useful for comparison, but the palimpsest is much larger. For further reading, see S. Bhayro, "Syriac Medical Terminology: Sergius and Galen's Pharmacopia" in Aramaic Studies 3 (2005), pp. 147-165.

      2 Rights and Conditions of Use

      The Syriac Palimpsest data is released with license for use under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Access Rights. It is requested that copies of any published articles based on the information in this data set be sent to The Curator of Manuscripts, The Walters Art Museum, 600 North Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21201.

      3 Intended Audience and Consumers

      The Syriac Palimpsest Digital Product is intended to serve any interested user or party. However, its content is focused on serving the following groups.
      1. Scholars of Greek and mathematics
      2. Application providers
      3. Libraries and archives
      4. Image scientists, and scientists in other disciplines interested in the production of the images

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       This data is also available here

      Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the Society for Arabian Studies

      [First posted in AWOL 1 November 2009. Updated 5 January 2016 (at a new domain)]

      Bulletin of the British Foundation For the Study of Arabia
      ISSN: 1361-9144
      ISSN: 2050-2036

      The BFSA publishes an annual bulletin (formerly the Bulletin of the Society for Arabian Studies) in the spring giving information on current research, publications, field work, conferences and events in the Arabian peninsula in fields ranging from archaeology and history to natural history and the environment. It also carries feature articles and book reviews.

      Current and back issues can be purchased at the Seminar for Arabian Studies in July each year or from the BFSA (contact@thebfsa.org). Printed back-copies of the Bulletin are £5.00 each. Previous issues may also be downloaded free of charge in pdf format by clicking on the cover images below.

      The current Bulletin (Number 20) 2015 is free to members of the BFSA and will be available online at the end of July. 

      Bulletin of the BFSA 18, 2013
      Bulletin 2011
      Bulletin 2010

      Archimedes Palimpsest Digital Release at OPENN

      Archimedes Palimpsest Digital Release at OPENN

      1 Rights and Conditions of Use

      The Archimedes Palimpsest data is released with license for use under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Access Rights. It is requested that copies of any published articles based on the information in this data set be sent to The Curator of Manuscripts, The Walters Art Museum, 600 North Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21201.

      2 Intended Audience and Consumers

      The Archimedes Palimpsest Digital Product is intended to serve any interested user or party. However, its content is focused on serving the following groups.
      1. Scholars of Greek and mathematics
      2. Application providers
      3. Libraries and archives
      4. Image scientists, and scientists in other disciplines interested in the production of the images

      3 Digital Project Data Set Purpose

      The Archimedes Palimpsest Digital Product provides all the digital information available on the Archimedes Palimpsest in a single digital data set, with a standard structure. Its purposes are threefold:
      1. Serve as the authoritative digital data set of images in a standardized format that meets the needs of users, information providers, archives and libraries.
      2. Provide derived information (i.e. transcriptions, processing information) in the context of digital images of the original manuscript in a single integrated package.
      3. Offer a standard product sustainable by users to which current or future contributors can add additional standardized information (e.g. alternate texts, image analyses or conservation information).

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      Open Access Journal: CODEX – Revista de Estudos Clássicos

      CODEX – Revista de Estudos Clássicos
      ISSN 2176-1779
      Cabeçalho da página
      Codex - Revista de Estudos Clássicosé um espaço para a circulação dos trabalhos que se dediquem aos Estudos Clássicos.
      Os leitores poderão acompanhar as pesquisas desenvolvidas por discentes de uma área que prospera largamente no Brasil. Poderão também entrar em contato com seus autores e com seus orientadores, para comentar os textos ou sugerir-lhes o que julgarem conveniente.
      Codex - Revista discente de Estudos Clássicos enseja aos interessados um amplo mapeamento das pesquisas da área de Estudos Clássicos a partir do conhecimento mais aprofundado da formação e do desenvolvimento de seus pesquisadores.

      A publicação preocupa-se em promover a percepção de que a interdisciplinaridade é intrínseca aos Estudos Clássicos. Assim, a Codex - Revista discente de Estudos Clássicos acolhe inclusive trabalhos de discentes - doutorandos, mestrandos e graduandos em Iniciação Científica - de Filosofia Antiga, Letras Clássicas, História Antiga e Arqueologia.

      Open Access Journal: Verbum: Analecta Neolatina

      [First posted on AWOL 30 March 2010, updated 5 January 2016]

      Verbum: Analecta Neolatina
      ISSN (paper) 1585-079X
      ISSN (online) 1588-4309
      A Verbum célja, hogy a közép- és újkori latin, valamint az újlatin irodalmak, nyelvek és kultúrák területén végzett kutatások számára fórumot biztosítson, különös tekintettel a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetemen és a vele együttműködő intézményekben elért eredmények bemutatására.

      The journal provides a forum for New Latin and Romance arts, literature and linguistics, presenting mainly the results of research carried out at Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary) and other institutions collaborating with it.

      Open Access Journal: Cuadernos de Arquitectura Romana

      Penn Libraries’ OPenn Manuscript Portal Launched


      Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 7, Processional, f. 116v (http://libwww.freelibrary.org/medievalman/ecw.cfm?ItemID=mca0071162)
      Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 7, Processional, f. 116v (http://libwww.freelibrary.org/medievalman/ecw.cfm?ItemID=mca0071162)
      Philadelphia, PA, January 6th, 2016—The Penn Libraries is proud to announce their role as online host and one of the leaders in a partnership that will create the country’s largest regional collection of digitized medieval manuscripts. This role is made possible through a grant of almost $500,000 awarded to Bibliotheca Philadelphiensis, a new project organized by the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL) and funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) with generous support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
      The project, involving a total of 15 partner institutions, and led by the Penn Libraries, the Free Library of Philadelphia, and Lehigh University, will complete the digitization and online presentation of virtually all of the region’s medieval manuscripts – a total of almost 160,000 pages from more than 400 individual volumes. PACSCL first showcased the variety and depth of Philadelphia collections in a 2001 exhibition, “Leaves of Gold: Manuscript Illumination from Philadelphia Collections,” at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  The exhibition and its associated catalogue drew heavily upon the manuscripts to be digitized in this project and sparked a surge in scholarly interest in the Philadelphia collections.

      The manuscripts in this project range from simple but functional texts intended for the students of science, philosophy, and religion to jewel-like works of art in the collections of such institutions as Bryn Mawr College, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the Free Library of Philadelphia’s Rosenbach Museum.

      Bibliotheca Philadelphiensis’ images and metadata will be hosted by the Penn Libraries’ manuscript portal, OPenn (http://openn.library.upenn.edu). The images will be released into the public domain at high resolution and available for download (by the page, manuscript, or collection) with descriptive metadata. “Penn Libraries is thrilled to be collaborating with the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries to create data on the Middle Ages for the twenty-first century from American collections,” remarked William Noel, Director of the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts at the Penn Libraries.

      The project participants include the following area libraries and museums: Bryn Mawr College, Chemical Heritage Foundation, College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Franklin and Marshall College, Free Library of Philadelphia (lead contributor and co-principal investigator) Haverford College, Lehigh University (principal investigator, fiscal agent, and dark archive), Library Company of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Rosenbach Museum and Library, Swarthmore College, Temple University, University of Delaware, University of Pennsylvania (OPenn host and lead imaging/metadata center), Villanova University.
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