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Newly Open Access Journal: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology


Open Access Journal: Scripta Biblica et Orientalia

New Open Access Journal: MANQUSO: Gacetilla de Estudios Epigráficos y Numismáticos Andalusíes

MANQUSO: Gacetilla de Estudios Epigráficos y Numismáticos Andalusíes

La Plaza Mayor de Madrid alberga, desde hace muchos años, una tertulia de numismática hispano arábigas. Más que una tertulia es un verdadero taller de estudios numismáticos andalusíes, que ha contado con ilustres representantes, como Sáez Díez, Orol Pernas, Rodríguez Lorente y Medina, ya desaparecidos, pero que han sabido transmitir sus conocimientos en sus publicaciones y en la tertulia, que continúa todavía activa.

Normalmente estos autores, y otros, han publicado los resultados de sus investigaciones en libros y también en revistas especializadas.

Dos componentes actuales de la tertulia consideraron que si bien había publicaciones españolas periódicas sobre numismática, éstas eran generalistas sobre todos los campos de la numismática, su periodicidad era variable, y en general tenían el defecto de que la calidad de las representaciones gráficas no era la adecuada, pues en la mayoría de las ocasiones no era factible verificar sobre las mismas las lecturas de las leyendas.

Decididos a mejorar esta situación idearon la forma de editar una gacetilla digital sobre moneda andalusí, aunque abierta a otros campos epigráficos (amuletos, precintos, etc.) y zonas geográficas, no siempre fácilmente diferenciables.

La idea de esta Revista surgió de una charla durante un viaje a Córdoba y se planteó como un medio rápido de difusión de ideas o de conocimientos que guarden relación con su principal objetivo: Cualquier pieza con escritura que pertenezca al ámbito geográfico y temporal que se ha dado en llamar al-Andalus.

Pero no tenemos ninguna intención de ser restrictivos, por lo que esto debe ser entendido en el sentido más amplio y abierto. De hecho, todo el Norte de África y Sicilia se consideran encuadrados, sin más, dentro de nuestro objetivo, y si surge alguna pieza o tema oriental será acogido con buena disposición.

Somos conscientes que buena parte de los temas a tratar estarán relacionados con las monedas, que son los objetos más abundantes y accesibles conservados de la época, y que hay magníficas Revistas que tratan ya estos temas. No sólo no pretendemos ser su “oposición” sino que continuaremos colaborando con ellas con avidez siempre que tengamos artículos adecuados a su alto nivel.

Esta gacetilla digital tiene las ventajas de una mayor economía de medios que las de papel, aunque el formato en que se presenta permite su impresión, en su difusión y en la calidad de sus imágenes.

Les presentamos, con este número, la nueva gacetilla de estudios epigráficos y de numismática andalusí denominada MANQUSO

Número 1 – Octubre 2015


New Palmyra: Modeling Past the Future

New Palmyra: Modeling Past the Future
Today, the #NEWPALMYRA project launched a new online community platform and data repository dedicated to the capture, preservation, sharing, and creative reuse of data about the ancient city of Palmyra.
 The organization issued an open call for historical data and artistic work to virtually reconstruct Palmyra’s cultural heritage. The collected data will be released into the public domain under a Creative Commons Zero license at NewPalmyra.org.

“For millennia, the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra was a vital crossroads of trade and culture. We are hearing the senseless destruction of this archeological treasure by ISIS as a clarion call for the world to celebrate the cultural heritage of Syria,” said Barry Threw, Executive Director of #NEWPALMYRA. “By sharing data and encouraging its use in creative explorations we hope to promote cultural understanding."

The archives will launch with models based on the 3d virtual reconstruction of Palmyra started by Bassel Khartabil, a Damascus-based technologist and community organizer, and originator of #NEWPALMYRA. “Palmyra is the most important archeological site in Syria,” says Khartabil, “We hope that by honoring its memory with a virtual site of collaboration we can build a new community and highlight the plight of the Syrian people.”

“Bassel is proving yet again that by digitally preserving Palmyra he was far ahead of the curve. ISIS has committed crimes against humanity, deleting the archives upon which our modern civilizations are based,” said Jon Phillips, leader of the #FreeBassel campaign. "The #NEWPALMYRA project picks up Bassel's work and amplifies it through collaboration with international partners."

Through its international affiliates, #NEWPALMYRA will source archeological and historical data, share it with the community, and output art exhibitions, salons, and creative works using this data to carry the rich history of Palmyra forward to new generations.

Call for Participation

Join us in making #NewPalmyra reality. We're looking for contributors of all sorts: 3D modelers, archaeologists, artists, curators, developers, educators, journalists, researchers, wikimedians. You can do now:
  • Meet us in Paris Oct 30-31 at the #ProtoCultural #NewPalmyra hackfest
  • Talk to us realtime, #newpalmyra on freenode IRC
  • Issues, code, data in our GitHub projects
  • Email us info@newpalmyra.org
  • Follow us and spread the word on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
  • Subscribe to our email newsletter
  • Contribute info and media about Palmyra to Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia, etc; we freely use these materials and will contribute more back.

Open Access Publications from the Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Open Access Publications from the Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
The Open Access Portal of the Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften has sixty open access volumes on Antiquity

Monographien & Sammelbände

          IANUS - Forschungsdatenzentrum Archäologie & Altertumswissenschaften

          IANUS - Forschungsdatenzentrum Archäologie & Altertumswissenschaften
          IANUS ist ein von der DFG gefördertes Projekt zum Aufbau eines nationalen Forschungsdatenzentrums für die Archäologien und Altertumswissenschaften in Deutschland, beantragt von einer DFG-Arbeitsguppe und koordiniert durch Frau Prof. Dr. Friederike Fless und Herrn Prof. Dr. Ortwin Dally am Deutschen Archäologischen Institut in Berlin.

          Mission Statement/Leitbild

          Ziel von IANUS ist es, auf die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen zu reagieren, die sich durch die Arbeit mit digitalen Daten und Methoden ergeben und die zunehmend den Alltag in den Altertumswissenschaften prägen. Da in Deutschland bislang eine zentrale, disziplinenspezifische Adresse fehlt, die Fragen und Antworten zum Forschungsdatenmanagement sowie zum Lebenszyklus von forschungsrelevanten Informationen bündelt und fachlich angepasste technische Lösungen umsetzt, wird eine Daten- und Serviceinfrastruktur aufgebaut. Diese soll – nach einer Konzeptphase – über die Grenzen von Bundesländern, Institutionen und Projektlaufzeiten hinweg in einem Regelbetrieb IT-Dienstleistungen anbieten.

          Geplant ist, digitale Forschungsdaten aus der Archäologie, den Altertumswissenschaften und weiteren verwandten Nachbardisziplinen zu sammeln, zu beschreiben, zu katalogisieren, zu migrieren, zu archivieren und – soweit möglich – online frei verfügbar bereitzustellen. Dadurch soll eine Nachprüfbarkeit von Forschungsergebnissen im Sinne der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis erleichtert, eine langfristige Nachnutzung von Forschungsdaten ermöglicht, dem drohenden Verlust von primären und sekundären Inhalten entgegengewirkt sowie der Austausch von Fachinhalten verbessert werden.

          Darüber hinaus werden Forscher und Institutionen bei der Erstellung, Beschreibung, Verarbeitung, Erhaltung und Weitergabe von digitalen Daten unterstützt, u.a. durch die Formulierung und Publikation von Mindeststandards, Ratgebern und Best-Practice-Beispielen, Tools, Anleitungen und Lehrmaterial. Sofern bereits nationale oder internationale fachlich relevante Archivsysteme und Datenspeicher existieren, wird IANUS eine kooperative Zusammenarbeit mit diesen anstreben und seine Angebote entsprechend abstimmen.



          Open Access Monograph Series: Mémoires publiés par les membres de la Mission archéologique française au Caire

          Mémoires publiés par les membres de la Mission archéologique française au Caire
          A list of the known digitized versions of the volumes of the Mémoires publiés par les membres de la Mission archéologique française au Caire, compiled for the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum (EEF).
          From Gallica, supplemented by the Internet Archive (*), the 
          Edfu Library (**), the University of Heidelberg (***), and Digimom (****).
          -- vol. 1, fascicle 1, Paris, 1884
          Urbain Bouriant, Deux jours de fouilles à Tell el Amarna, pp. 1-22
          Victor Loret, Le tombeau de l'am-xent Amen-hotep, pp. 23-32, 3 pls.
          Urbain Bouriant, L'église copte du tombeau de Déga, pp. 33-50, 2 pls.
          Victor Loret, La stèle de l'am-xent Amen-hotep, pp. 51-54
          H. Dulac, Quatre contes arabes en dialecte cairote, pp. 55-112
          Victor Loret, La tombe de Khâ-m-hâ, pp. 113-132, 4 pls.
          vol. 1, fasc.1-2, bound together. - 366 pp., 20 pls - pdf-file (127 MB)
          -- vol. 1, fascicle 2, Paris, 1885
          Gaston Maspero, Trois années de fouilles dans les tombeaux de
          Thèbes et de Memphis, pp. 133-242, 11 pls.
          Urbain Bouriant, Les papyrus d'Akhmim (Fragments de manuscrits
          en dialectes bachmouriques et thébain), pp. 243-304
          Victor Loret, Quelques documents relatifs à la littérature et à la
          musique populaires de la Haute-Égypte, pp. 305-366
          vol. 1, fasc.1-2, bound together. - 366 pp., 20 pls - pdf-file (127 MB)
          -- vol. 1, fascicle 3, Paris, 1887
          Urbain Bouriant, Rapport au Ministre de l'Instruction Publique
          sur une mission dans la Haute-Égypte (1884-1885), pp. 367-408
          P. Ravaisse, Essai sur l'Histoire et sur la Topographie du Caire
          d'après Makrîzî, pp. 408-480, 4 pls.
          Philippe Virey, Étude sur un parchemin rapporté de Thèbes,
          pp. 481-510, 4 pls.
          vol. 1, fasc. 3-4 bound together - pp. 367-788, 35 pls. - pdf-file (23.5 MB)
          -- vol. 1, fascicule 4: G. Maspero, Les momies royales de Déir
          el-Baharî, Paris (1889), pp. 511-787, 27 pls.
          vol. 1, fasc. 3-4 bound together - pp. 367-788, 35 pls. - pdf-file (23.5 MB)
          -- vol. 2: G. [sic; Eugène] Lefébure, Les hypogées royaux de
          Thèbes, première division: Le tombeau de Séti Ier. Publié
          in-extenso. Avec la collaboration de MM. U. Bouriant et
          V. Loret ... et avec le concours de M. Édouard Naville, Paris,
          1886. - 30 pp., 135 pls., 1 plan - [handwritten annotations
          by an unknown author]
          pdf-file (59 MB)
          -- vol. 3, fascicule 1: E. Lefébure, Les hypogées royaux de Thèbes,
          seconde division: Notice des hypogées, Paris, 1889. - ix, 191 pp.,
          74 pls.
          vol. 3 fasc. 1, 2, 3, and 4 bound together - pdf-file (115 MB)
          -- vol. 3, fascicule 2: E. Lefébure, Les hypogées royaux de Thèbes,
          troisième division: Tombeau de Ramsès IV, Paris, 1889. - viii pp.,
          42 pls.
          vol. 3 fasc. 2, 3, and 4 bound together - pdf-file (47.8 MB)
          vol. 3 fasc. 1, 2, 3, and 4 bound together - pdf-file (115 MB)
          -- vol. 3, fascicule 3: Al. Gayet, Les monuments coptes du Musée de Boulaq,
          Paris, 1889. - pp. 1-30, 93 pls. - pdf-file (12.9 MB)
          vol. 3 fasc. 2, 3, and 4 bound together - pdf-file (47.8 MB)
          vol. 3 fasc. 1, 2, 3, and 4 bound together - pdf-file (115 MB)
          -- vol. 3, fascicule 4:
          P. Ravaisse, Essai sur l'histoire et sur la topographie du Caire d'après
          Makrîzî: Palais des Khalifes fatimites, Paris 1890. - pp. 31-115, 2 maps
          Al. Gayet, Supplément aux Monuments coptes du Musée de Boulaq -
          pp. 117-119, 5 pls.
          vol. 3 fasc. 2, 3, and 4 bound together - pdf-file (47.8 MB)
          vol. 3 fasc. 1, 2, 3, and 4 bound together - pdf-file (115 MB)
          -- vol. 4: E. Amélineau, Monuments pour servir à l'histoire
          de l'Égypte chrétienne aux IVe et Ve siècles, 2 fascicules,
          Paris, 1888
          Premier Fascicule: xciv, 480 pp.
          Deuxième Fascicule: pp. 483-840
          Fasc. 1 and 2 combined:
          -- vol. 5, fascicule 1: Ph. Virey, Le tombeau de Rekhmara, préfet de
          Thèbes sous la XVIIIe dynastie, Paris, 1889. - 194 pp., 44 pls. -
          pdf-file (37 MB)
          -- vol. 5, fascicule 2: Ph. Virey, Sept tombeaux thébains de la XVIIIe
          dynastie, Paris, 1891. -pp. 197-380 pp., 5 pls. - pdf-file (27.6 MB)
          -- vol. 5, fascicule 3: G. Bénédite, Le tombeau de la reine Thiti,
          pp. 381-412; U. Bouriant, Le tombeau de Hsrmh:abi, pp. 413-434;
          G. Maspero, Le Tombeau de Montouhikhopshouf, pp. 435-468; G. Maspero,
          Le tombeau de Nakbti, pp. 469-485; E. Chassinat, Note sur une porte
          du tombeau de Harmhabi, conservée au Musée du Louvre, pp. 486-488;
          G. Bénédite, Le tombeau de Néferhorpou, fils d'Amenemanît, pp. 489-540,
          Paris, 1894 - pdf-file (47.2 MB)
          -- vol. 5, fascicule 4: Vincent Scheil, Tombeaux Thébains de Mai,
          des graveurs, Rateserkasenb, Pâri, Djanni, Apoui, Montou-m-hat,
          Aba, Paris, 1894, 9 pls. - pdf-file (1.6 MB)
          -- vol. 6, fascicule 1: Gaston Maspero, Fragments de la version
          thébaine de l'Ancien testament - Fragments de manuscrits
          copte-thébains provenant de la bibliothèque du deir Amba-Shenoudah,
          Paris, 1892, 160 pp. - pdf-file (21.4 MB)
          -- vol. 6, fascicule 2: Gaston Maspero, Fragments de la version
          thébaine de l'ancien testament; FR. Vincent Scheil, Tablettes
          d'El-Amarna; Paul Casanova, Une sphère céleste de l'an 684 de
          l'hégire. Notice sur les stèles arabes appartenant à la mission
          du Caire, Paris, 1892, pp. 161-336 - pdf-file (13.1 MB)
          -- vol. 6, fascicule 3: Catalogue des pièces de verre des époques
          bizantines et arabe de la collection Fouquet. Les derniers Fâtimides.
          Karâkouch. L'historien ibn 'Abd Adh-Dhâhir, Paris, 1893, pp. 337-505 -
          pdf-file (12.4 MB)
          -- vol. 6, fascicule 4: Histoire et Description de la Citadelle du
          Caire, Part. 1, Paris, 1897, pp. 519-618, 16 pls. - pdf-file (17.8 MB)
          -- vol. 6, fascicule 5: Histoire et Description de la Citadelle du
          Caire, Part. 2, Paris, 1897, pp. 619-781, 17 pls. - pdf-file (17.5 MB)
          -- vol. 7: J. Bourgoin, Précis de l'art arabe et matériaux pour
          servir à la théorie et à la technique des arts de l'Orient musulman,
          Paris, 1892.
          I L'architecture: 16 pp., 90 pls.
          II Les applications: II, 22 pp., 58 pls.
          -- vol. 8, fascicule 1: Urbain Bouriant, La bibliothèque du Deir-Amba
          Shenoudi Deuxième partie Acte du concile d’Ephèse Texte copte publié et
          traduit par Urbain Bouriant, Paris, 1892, 143 pp. - pdf-file (31.9 MB)
          -- vol. 8, fascicule 2: Urbain Bouriant, L'éloge de l'Apa Victor, fils
          de Romanos Texte copte-thébain; Georges Daressy, Recueil de cones
          funéraires, Paris, 1892, pp. 145-352 - pdf-file (26.6 MB)
          -- vol. 8, fascicule 3: Jacques de Morgan, Urbain Bouriant and Georges
          Legrain, Les carrières de Ptolémaïs, Georges Daressy, La grande
          colonnade du temple de Louxor, Paris, 1894, pp. 353-391, 16 pls. -
          pdf-file (9.1 MB)
          -- vol. 9, fascicule 1: Jules Baillet, Le papyrus mathématique d'Akhmin,
          89 pp. , 7 pls ; Urbain Bouriant, Fragments grecs du livre d'Enoch,
          pp. 91-147, Paris, 1892 - pdf-file (29.7 MB)
          -- vol. 9, fascicule 2: Vincent Scheil, Deux traités de Philon Traités
          réédités, d’après un papyrus du VIe siècle environ, VII, pp. 151-216,
          4 pls., Paris, 1892 - pdf-file (20.2 MB)
          -- vol. 9, fascicule 3: M. Adolphe Lods, Reproduction en héliogravure
          du manuscrit d’Enoch et des écrits attribués à Saint-Pierre, pp. 217-335,
          24 pls., Paris, 1892 - pdf-file (12.9 MB)
          -- vol. 10, [fascicules 1-4]: [Maxence de] Rochemonteix, Le temple
          d'Edfou publié in extenso, première partie, Paris, 1892-1897. -
          XX, 592 pp. - pdf-file (30.6 MB)
          [Maxence de] Rochemonteix, Le temple d'Edfou. Publié d'après
          les estampages & les copies par Émile Chassinat, Tome premiere,
          Paris, 1897. - pls. - [moderate scan quality, mostly useless] -
          pdf-file (5 MB)
          -- vol. 11, premier fascicule: [Maxence de] Rochemonteix, Le
          temple d'Edfou. Publié _in extenso_ d'après les estampages et les
          copies par Émile Chassinat, Paris, 1897. - 80 pp., 7 pls.
          -- vol. 11, Émile Chassinat, Le temple d'Edfou. Publié _in extenso_.
          D'après les estampages recueillis par le Marquis de Rochemonteix,
          Tome second, Le Caire, 1918. - IV, 314 pp. [pp. 9-80 missing]
          vol. 11, fasc. 1 and 2 bound together - [moderate scan quality] -
          pdf-file (16.7 MB)
          -- vol. 12, 1er fascicule: Dominique Mallet, Les premiers établissements
          des Grecs en Égypte (VIIe et VIe siècles), Paris , 1893. - VI, 499 pp.
          -- vol. 13: Georges Bénédite, Le temple de Philæ, Paris, 1893-1895. -
          152 pp., 65 pls., 2 plans [1 plan is missing]
          -- vol. 14 - was never published
          -- vol. 15: Al. Gayet, Le temple de Louxor, 1er Fascicule:
          Constructions d'Aménophis III. Cour d'Aménophis, Salle hypostyle,
          Salle des Offertoires, Salle du _Lever_ et Sanctuaire des Maut,
          Paris, 1894. - iv, 124 pp., 75 pls.
          -- vol. 16 - was never published
          -- vol. 17, fascicule 1: Maqrizi, Description topographique et historique
          de l’Égypte, 1ère et 2ème partie, traduit en français par U. Bouriant,
          Paris, 1895-1900 – I : 1895 (XIV-370 p.), II : 1900 (p.371-748):
          -- vol. 18: not available
          -- vol. 19: Matériaux pour un Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum,
          Première partie: Égypte – fascicule premier : Max van Berchem,
          Le Caire – fascicule deux : Gaston Wiet, Égypte – Paris, 1894
          -- vol. 20: Émile Chassinat, Le temple d'Edfou, Tome troisième,
          Paris, 1928
          not available [has been republished - URL]
          -- vol. 21: Émile Chassinat, Le temple d'Edfou, Tome quatrième, Paris
          not available [has been republished - URL]
          -- vol. 22: Émile Chassinat, Le temple d'Edfou, Tome cinquième,
          Paris, 1930. XVI, 420 pp. - a collection of 4 pdf-files (in all: 114 MB)
          -- vol. 23: Émile Chassinat, Le temple d'Edfou, Tome sixième,
          Paris, 1931. VII, 362 pp. - a collection of 5 pdf-files (in all: 124 MB)
          -- vol. 24: Émile Chassinat, Le temple d'Edfou, Tome septième,
          Paris, 1932. VIII, 354 pp. - a collection of 5 pdf-files (in all: 90 MB)
          -- vol. 25: Émile Chassinat, Le temple d'Edfou, Tome huitième,Paris,
          1933. XVI, 298 pp. - a collection of 4 pdf-files (in all: 141 MB)
          -- vols. 26-31: Émile Chassinat, Le temple d'Edfou, Tomes IX - XIV,
          Paris 1928-1934
          not available [have partly been republished - for sale at URL]
          -- vols. 32: Émile Chassinat, Le temple d'Edfou, Tomes XV,
          Paris 1985
          not available [in copyright - for sale at URL]

          New Online at the CHS: Pindar’s Verbal Art: An Ethnographic Study of Epinician Style

          Pindar’s Verbal Art: An Ethnographic Study of Epinician Style
          by James Bradley Wells


          In Pindar’s Verbal Art, James Bradley Wells argues that the victory song is a traditional art form that appealed to a popular audience and served exclusive elite interests through the inclusive appeal of entertainment, popular instruction, and laughter. This is the first study of Pindar’s language that applies performance as a method for the ethnographic description and interpretation of entextualized records of verbal art. In Mikhail Bakhtin’s terms, Pindar’s Verbal Art is a sociological stylistics of epinician language and demonstrates that Pindar’s is a highly dialogical form of art, an intertextual web of voices, whose study enables us to appreciate popular dimensions of his songs. Wells offers a new take on recurrent Pindaric questions: genre, the unity of the victory song, tradition, and, principally, epinician performance.

          James Bradley Wells is Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics at Hamilton College.

          Introduction. Philology as Perspective on the Interaction of Language and Social Life
          1. Text and Sign
          2. Epinikion as Event
          3. Ways of Epinician Speaking I
          4. Ways of Epinician Speaking II
          5. Novelistic Features of Epinician Style


          Readers interested in this work may also like to read:
          Recent full-text publications online for free from CHS:

          Open Access Journal: Les Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Antiquité (MEFRA) [current]

          Les Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Antiquité (MEFRA)
          Les Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Antiquité (MEFRA) publient des articles portant sur l’histoire, la culture et l’archéologie des mondes anciens en Méditerranée, en particulier en Italie, en Afrique du Nord et dans les Balkans, mais portant également sur les interactions entre cet espace et le reste du monde antique. Ils publient aussi des dossiers thématiques en lien avec les fouilles et les programmes scientifiques de l’EFR, et plus généralement des études relevant de diverses disciplines (histoire, archéologie, archéométrie, épigraphie, philologie, droit etc.), de la Préhistoire à la fin de l’Antiquité.

          Questionnaire on resources and infrastructure for digital research in the classics

          Dear colleagues,

          I am preparing some recommendations on resources and infrastructure for digital research in the classics, and would like (quite unscientifically) to gather some data on the needs, provision and
          desiderata around support for these activities in UK universities and elsewhere.

          If you are a classics, ancient history or archaeology lecturer, teacher or researcher, and have any interest in digital projects, I would be very grateful if you could fill in the following brief questionnaire with as much or as little detail as you like.


          (Please pass this along to any colleagues who may not be on this list.)

          Your answers may be summarized in a general way in reports or recommendations, but no identifying information will be disseminated.

          Many thanks,


          Dr Gabriel BODARD
          Reader in Digital Classics

          Institute of Classical Studies
          University of London
          Senate House
          Malet Street
          London WC1E 7HU

          New Open Access Journal: DHCommons journal

          DHCommons journal
          DHCommons is the official Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)-sponsored publication of centerNet, the international network of Digital Humanities Centers with the support of the European DARIAH infrastructure in the Arts and Humanities. The DHCommons journal overlays and interacts with the DHCommons project registry and will provide peer review for mid-stage digital projects. The most ambitious aim of DHCommons is to make visible the important, developmental work that often goes unseen in the midst of a DH project and to help DH scholars claim departmental, disciplinary, and institutional credit for that labor. DHCommons will become the robust and recognizable system of academic credit that its practitioners require.
          As the journal of centerNet, DHCommons aims to bridge the “evaluation gap” between the Digital Humanities and more traditional disciplinary scholarship. Digital projects often continue for many years as a continuum of work. Rather than building to a single publication moment as monographs do, digital projects often mark mark progress through a series of significant milestones. DHCommons will provide a concrete way to certify the value of long-standing, influential, but unfinished projects to colleagues unfamiliar with the contours of digital scholarship. DHCommons’ primary goals are:
          1. To represent the global, multilingual, and multidisciplinary scope of the digital humanities community. DHCommons’ editors-in-chief and editorial board come from around the world, work in a range of academic disciplines, and speak diverse languages. They will work with Anvil Academic, DHCommons’ publisher, to identify reviewers capable of assessing each project submitted to the journal. DHCommons will make its best effort to review submissions in the language submitted to the journal by the project’s directors.
          2. To certify the scholarly contributions made by digital projects-in-progress, helping scholars articulate the interventions of their digital work to dissertation readers, hiring committees, department colleagues, funding and research agencies, administrators, and/or tenure and promotion committees. For DH scholars, the DHCommons review will compare in prominence to a peer-reviewed article. DHCommons aims to speak not just to digital humanities practitioners, but also to members of each humanities discipline or other such as computer science, from which its contributors come.
          3. To foster an innovative, truly developmental model of peer review. DHCommons will review mid-stage, rather than finished, projects so that the ideas and suggestions of its expert reviewers can help DH scholars improve those projects moving forward. By mid-stage projects we refer to projects that have moved well beyond the planning stage and have made concrete advances without having necessarily completed the project. DHCommons’ review process aims to establish a productive dialogue between project teams and reviewers which will form the core of each journal issue. Projects will be assessed for both their form (technical aspects) and content (humanities content).
          By default, all content in the DHCommons journal is licensed using a Creative Commons Attribution license. However, authors may choose another Creative Commons license for their submissions.
          The journal is available online at http://dhcommons.org/journal, at no cost. An RSS feed will be available once the first issue is published.

          Nomisma: Stable digital representations of numismatic concepts according to the principles of Linked Open Data

          [First posted in AWOL 2 December 2009, updates 23 October 2015]


          Nomisma.org is a collaborative project to provide stable digital representations of numismatic concepts according to the principles of Linked Open Data. These take the form of http URIs that also provide access to reusable information about those concepts, along with links to other resources. The canonical format of nomisma.org is RDF/XML, with serializations available in JSON-LD (including geoJSON-LD for complex geographic features), Turtle, KML (when applicable), and HTML5+RDFa 1.1.
          While the URIs provided by nomisma.org are stable, the project is in progress and subject to constant expansion and ongoing correction. This is particularly the case for the information provided about each nomisma.org identifier.
          The information provided by nomisma.org has been provided by a wide community of scholars and insitutions.
          The project is steered by a committee currently consisting of:

          Nomisma.org also hosts the Numismatic Description XML Schema
          There are two Github repositories associated with the project. The application code is available in https://github.com/nomisma/framework. The RDF/XML data and ontology versions are in https://github.com/nomisma/data.

          Example Nomisma.org URIs

          Nomisma.org focuses on URIs for concepts that are unique to numismatics or which have a distinct meaning within the discipline. Examples are:

          1. http://nomisma.org/id/axis. The 'axis' is the angular relationship between the obverse and reverse of a coin.
          2. http://nomisma.org/id/ephesus. The 'mint' at Ephesus. Nomisma relates this numismatic concept to other URIs such as wikipedia, Pleiades, Getty thesauri, and the British Museum.
          3. http://nomisma.org/id/quinarius. Nomisma.org maintains lists of Roman and other denominations. To indicate that “quinarius” is a concept within Roman numismatics, the Dublin Core property "dcterms:source" relates this URI to http://nomisma.org/id/roman_numismatics.

          Open Access Journal: Oriental Institute Annual Report

          [First posted in AWOL 5 November 2009. Most recently updated 23 October 2015]

          Oriental Institute Annual Report
          The print versions of the Oriental Institute Annual Report are available for members as one of the privileges of membership. They are not for sale to the general public. They contain yearly summaries of the activities of the Institute’s faculty, staff, and research projects, as well as descriptions of special events and other Institute functions.
          2014–2015 Annual Report
          2013–2014 Annual Report

          For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

          More than 700 Greco-Roman mints updated in Nomisma

          More than 700 Greco-Roman mints updated in Nomisma
          Thanks to Ryan Baumann's work of creating a concordance between geographic identifiers in the Pleiades Gazetteer of Ancient Places and the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names, Dan Pett of the British Museum was able to build on this work to incorporate these concordances into the Portable Antiquities Scheme database. Dan's Nomisma-Pleiades-TGN concordance R script is on Github.

          Dan then emailed the Nomisma listserv with a large CSV document of all mints in the PAS database, with associated Nomisma IDs, Getty, BM, Geonames, dbPedia, Pleiades, etc. I stripped away all of the mints that don't already have Nomisma IDs so that I could upload the CSV into Google Sheets, which then makes it possible to import data from the Atom representation of this spreadsheet into the Nomisma RDF. I expanded all of the concordance ID columns into full URIs for the Nomisma spreadsheet validation process, and then successfully updated 721 Greco-Roman mints to add Getty, BM, Geonames, and dbPedia URIs as skos:closeMatch objects. Further, the spreadsheet import process parsed the dbPedia URIs to perform Wikidata lookup, enabling us to add further concordances extracted from Wikidata--including the Wikidata URI itself, plus GND, BnF, and Freebase identifiers. The Wikidata lookup also adds additional translations as skos:prefLabels in from article titles in other languages.

          As a result, we have added more than a dozen new translations for Zeugma and a few additional URIs.
          Friday, October 23, 2015

          Open Access Journal: Etudes massaliètes

          [First posted in AWOL 11 July 2011. Updated 24 October 2015]

          Etudes massaliètes
          ISSN : 0986-3974
          La collection "Etudes massaliètes" compte 9 volumes parus entre 1986 et 2007. Les 5 premiers sont numérotés dans les « Travaux du CCJ ».
          A partir du vol. 10 (2011), la série devient une sous-collection de la « Bibliothèque d’archéologie méditerranéenne et africaine » (BiAMA)
          La numérisation des volumes a été assurée grâce au soutien du Centre de conservation du livre à Arles

          La collection "Etudes massaliètes" compte 9 volumes parus entre 1986 et 2007. Les 5 premiers sont numérotés dans les « Travaux du CCJ ».
          A partir du vol. 10 (2011), la série devient une sous-collection de la « Bibliothèque d’archéologie méditerranéenne et africaine » (BiAMA)
          La numérisation des volumes a été assurée grâce au soutien du Centre de conservation du livre à Arles

          1, 1986 - Le territoire de Marseille grecque

          actes de la table ronde d’Aix-en-Provence (16 mars 1985) / sous la direction de M. Bats et H. Tréziny

          2, 1990 - Les amphores de Marseille grecque

          actes de la table ronde de Lattes (11 mars 1989) / sous la direction de M. Bats

          3, 1992 - Marseille grecque et la Gaule

          actes du Colloque international d’Histoire et d’Archéologie et du ve Congrès archéologique de Gaule méridionale (Marseille, 18-23 novembre 1990) / sous la direction de M. Bats, G. Bertucchi, G. Congès, H. Tréziny

          4, 1995 - Sur les pas des Grecs en Occident

          Hommages à André Nickels / éd. par P. Arcelin, M. Bats, D. Garcia, G. Marchand et M. Schwaller

          6, 2000 - Les cultes des cités phocéennes

          actes du colloque (Aix-en-Provence - Marseille, 4-5 juin 1999) / éd. par A. Hermay et H. Tréziny

          7, 2001 - Marseille. Trames et paysages urbains de Gyptis au Roi René

          actes du colloque international d’archéologie (Marseille, 3-5 novembre 1999) / éd. par M. Bouiron et al.

          8, 2003 - La nécropole de Sainte-Barbe à Marseille

          (IVe s. av. J.-C. – IIe s. ap. J.-C.) / dir. M. Moliner

          10, 2011- Fouilles à Marseille : la ville médiévale et moderne

          dirigé par Marc Bouiron, Françoise Paone, Bernard Sillano, Colette Castrucci et Nadine Scherrer (BiAMA ; 7)

          13, 2014 - Fouilles à Marseille : objets quotidiens médiévaux et modernes

          sous la dir. de V. Abel, M. Bouiron, Fl. Parent (BiAMA ;16)

          Death on the Nile

           [First posted in AWOL 23 March 2013, updated 24 October 2015]

          Death on the Nile
          There are many ways of approaching the funerary world in any civilization of Antiquity. In the case of Ancient Egypt, papyrology provides an exceptionally rich and multifaceted source of information to understand both the religious and the more mundane and administrative perspectives of the phenomenon of death.
          The purpose of this project is the study of all aspects of death in Graeco-Roman Egypt in the variety of documentary, literary and paraliterary texts that have reached us, including both written sources and iconographical representations. The centre of this project, however, is the creation of an online database which will make all known and published mummy labels available, as well as editing for the first time those which are currently unpublished.

          Open Access Monograph Series: Death on the Nile Online Publications

          ANE Placemarks for Google Earth

          [First posted in AWOL 26 July 2011, updated 26 October 2015]

          ANE Placemarks for Google Earth
          From Olof Pedersén
          A preliminary set of placemarks (ANE.kmz) for Google Earth of a selection of the most important archaeological sites in the Ancient Near East can be downloaded here (as an alternative try right-click or ctrl-click).

          Ancient Near East Placemarks on Google Earth with alphabetic listing.
          ANE.kmz works with Google Earth, which has to be downloaded (free at earth.google.com). When opened inside Google Earth, ANE.kmz gives, to the left, an alphabetic list of ancient sites and, to the right, on the satellite photo the same sites marked. For the moment, there are some 2500 sites with modern names; among them some 400 have ancient names. Additions of more sites are planned.
          Ancient name is written without parenthesis. Modern name is within parenthesis. Most sites have been identified on the satelite photos. However, a few sites are only placed in the possible area, e.g. in a village with the right name when the site may be outside (if so marked with question mark ? after the parenthesis around the modern name). Question mark after ancient name means that identification is not yet proven. Question mark efter modern name (but before parenthesis around the name) means spelling of name uncertain. Two question marks ?? at the end indicate that it may not be a site but could possibly be a natural hill.
          The preliminary work has received support from the University of Uppsala, the Urban Mind Project at Mistra, and the Excellence Cluster Topoi at Freie Universität Berlin.
          A short introduction to the project dealing with ANE on Google Earth can be read in my manuscript paper Ancient Near East on Google Earth: Problems, Preliminary results, and Prospect.

          New installation

          With Google Earth already installed, just double click the ANE.kmz icon. You find all archaeological sites listed in your left panel of Google Earth under Places/My Places. They can be rearranged, deleted or extended later on by yourself. Double click the name of a city in your left panel in order to go to the site. (Due to a program bug, people having Adobe Photoshop may experience that this program try to take over the .kmz file. If so choose open with Google Earth or open the .kmz file from inside Google Earth.)
          There are two options after the first session.
          1. You never save when leaving Google earth. Then you keep your ANE.kmz and double click the ikon each time you want to use it.
          2. The alternative is that you save when leaving Google Earth when beeing asked. Now you keep the placemarks in your left panel. If you use this possibility it is important that you delete the ANE.kmz file because otherwise you will get duplicate names.


          Two alternatives:
          1. If you never saved before leaving Google earth you can just throw the old ANE.kmz away and use a new down loaded ANE.kmz.
          2. If you saved, you have all cities listed inside Google Earth. Go to your left panel and mark My Places (if you want to get rid of all there) or all the site names from the old ANE list (if you have more to keep in My Places). Delete what you have marked. Now double click the new ANE.kmz icon and save when leaving Google Earth, if you want to keep the new placemarks. If you don't delete the old ones, there will be double names on every site in Google Earth. Delete the ANE.kmz file if you saved the placemarkes inside Google Earth.
          Until someone else comes up with a better, more permanent solution, these placemarks may be updated. Any correction or addition with coordinates could be sent to Olof Pedersén. No support is offered.

          Water Placemarks

          A preliminary overview of the waters of the Mesopotamian floodplain can be downloaded here.

          Mesopotamian floodplain with modern waters.
          Represented are Modern waters systems (Euphrates, Tigris, Drain), Islamic canals, Ancient waters, and Geological waters. It is based on my own survey of modern waters, some archaeological reconstructions (often Neo-Babylonian according to Gasche 1998) and geological water reconstructions (Aqrawi et al. 2006). The archaeological reconstructions of Ancient waters shown here are incomplete and provisional and most detailed in the Babylon area.
          Click in the left panel to show the selection of waters you are interested in. Installation and updating work like ANE.kmz above.
          A short introduction to the project dealing with waters especially in the Babylon area can be found in my paper Waters at Babylon.

          Select Syriac eResources Search Tool

          [First posted in AWOL 29 May 2011, updated 26 October 2015]

          Select Syriac eResources
          This custom search is powered by Google. For tips on searching see Google’s help documentation. After entering a search term, if too many non-relevant results are returned, the search can be further refined by clicking the buttons that appear below the search box: ‘Journals’, ‘Manuscripts’ and ‘Excl. Google Books and Internet Archive’. The latter is particularly useful as those sites can swamp the results if a broad search term is given.
          List of Syriac eResources

          Syriac Books

          Syriac Journals

          Syriac Manuscripts

          General eBook Collections



          Email Lists

          Prosopography of the Byzantine World

          Prosopography of the Byzantine World
          The tradition of prosopographies to which PBW belongs usually had simple definitions for the scope of their projects. “Byzantium” and “Byzantine sources” could be treated, without much distortion, as unproblematic ideas. The booklet accompanying the PBE I CD, for example, says:
          The Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire aims to record all surviving information about every individual mentioned in Byzantine textual sources, together with as many as possible of the individuals recorded in seal sources, in the period 642-1261.
          The eleventh and twelfth centuries, where PBW is now working, demand a more complex definition than the above. It has been qualified for present purposes in four ways:
          1. Over seals. The eleventh and twelfth centuries produced more Byzantine lead seals than earlier periods, and each seal, on average contains more information. Equally the rate of publication of such seals has increased in the years 2001-2011. The editors of PBW decided to give seals a higher profile than before. They were also forced, for practical reasons, to prioritise the new sources over older material like the publications of Schlumberger and Konstantopoulos. Many of the new seal publications represent the best-organised and most thorough prosopographical study of any Byzantine period yet attempted. The older material has thus been neglected in PBW and must now be added, together with the continuing flow of new seals, which threatens to become a flood with the beginning of on-line publication.
          2. Over geographical issues. From the second half of the eleventh century Byzantium came to rule only a small and fluctuating fraction of the territory the empire once dominated, demanding a decision of principle: was the prosopography to shrink with the empire, or to include an increasing non-Byzantine periphery? The decision was soon made: the Byzantium of PBW is the full empire left by Basil II, even if it was later steadily dismembered in east and west. In practice, however, work on the periphery has lagged behind that on central regions.
          3. Over languages and cultures. The current tranche of the prosopography has been prepared in the first decade of the twenty-first century. Events of this time have convinced the editors (like many others) that it is no longer legitimate to adopt a basically Eurocentric perspective on the Byzantine world, using (for example) Greek and Latin sources in the original, while turning to translations for other linguistic traditions. Arabic and the languages of Eastern Christendom will in principle be given equal status in PBW with Greek and Latin, especially in quotations provided in the original. But it is much easier to take such decisions of principle than to change editorial practice. The current version of the database has iconic areas of Arabic and Armenian script, but the achievement of equal status is still far off. Subsequent editions will move closer to the ideal picture set out in Byzantines and Crusaders in Non-Greek Sources, 1025-1204, edited by Mary Whitby, Oxford 2006, the publication of a British Academy Colloquium held under the auspices of PBW.
          4. Over the Crusades, which have a high profile in our time. Virtually all pilgrims and crusaders as they travelled belong to the Byzantium of PBW, as do those who settled in Antioch and Edessa, and even part of Tripoli. Of the later crusader states only Jerusalem had clearly been outside Basil II’s empire. But links were close: crusader citizens of PBW lands were often active in Jerusalem, while kings of Jerusalem were frequently involved in the north. The first four numbered crusades (and similar movements) were major events in Byzantine history, while connections with Byzantium itself form a significant dimension of the history of Jerusalem. Even many of the crusaders’ Muslim opponents and the various eastern Christians and Jews of the area might qualify for inclusion in the strict PBW definition for long or short periods, and their voices need to be heard. It seemed impractical to cover (say) three-quarters of the eastern history of the crusades whilst excluding the quarter which was outside the Byzantine World. A decision has therefore been made to add Jerusalem to the Byzantine world for the purposes of this prosopography.

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