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Mesopotamian chronicles

[First poste in AWOL 7 November 2013, updated 26 August 2015]

Mesopotamian chronicles
The Assyrianand Babylonianchronicles are historiographical texts from ancient Mesopotamia. Although they contain references to the earliest times, they deal especially with the second half of the second and the entire first millennium down to the first century BCE (cf. this table).
On this page, you will find
  • links to translations of all known chronicles; they are meant as a first introduction and for ready reference, but it is advisable not to quote them without consulting a printed edition, because many readings are still uncertain;
  • new editions of the chronicles of the Seleucidand Parthianperiod; several of them have not been published before.

In the table below, yellow indicates a text written in, pink stands for Assyrian, blue for Babylonian.


 CM 1+2 Sumerian King List 
ABC 18CM 3 Dynastic chronicle 
 CM 5 Assyrian King List 
 CM 6 Royal chronicle of Lagaš 
ABC 19CM 38 Weidner chronicle 
ABC 20CM 39-41 Early kings chronicle 
 CM 7 Tummal chronicle 
 CM 48 Uruk chronicle concerning the kings of Ur 
 CM 8 Assyrian Eponym List (second millennium) 
ABC 23CM 50 Market prices chronicle 
ABC 21CM 10 Synchronistic history 
ABC 22CM 45 Chronicle P 
 CM 11 Enlil-nirari chronicle 
 CM 12 Arik-den-ili chronicle 
 CM 46 Walker chronicle 
 CM 13 Tukulti-Ninurta chronicle 
 CM 14 Aššur-reša-iši chronicle 
 CM 15 Tiglath-pileser I  chronicle 
ABC 24CM 47 Eclectic chronicle 
ABC 17CM 51 Religious chronicle 
 CM 9 Assyrian Eponym List (first millennium) 
 CM 52 Chronographic document concerning Nabu-šuma-iškun 
ABC 1CM 16 Period from Nabu-Nasir to Šamaš-šuma-ukin 
ABC 1BCM 17 Period from Nabu-Nasir to Esarhaddon 
ABC 14CM 18 Esarhaddon chronicle 
ABC 15CM 19 Šamaš-šuma-ukin chronicle 
ABC 16CM 20 Akitu chronicle 
ABC 2CM 21 Early Years of Nabopolassar chronicle 
ABC 3CM 22 Fall of Nineveh chronicle 
ABC 4CM 23 Late years of Nabopolassar chronicle 
ABC 5CM 24 Early Years of Nebuchadnezzar chronicle 
ABC 6CM 25 Third year of Neriglissar chronicle 
ABC 7CM 26 Nabonidus chronicleScholarly edition
 CM 53 Chronographic document concerning Nabonidus 
   Cyrus Cylinder
Scholarly edition
ABC 9CM 28 Artaxerxes III chronicle 
ABC 8CM 29BCHP 1Alexander chronicle
Scholarly edition
  BCHP 2Alexander and Arabia chronicle
Scholarly edition
ABC 10CM 30BCHP 3Diadochi chronicle
Scholarly edition
 CM 31BCHP 4Alexander and Artaxerxes Fragment
Scholarly edition
ABC 11CM 32BCHP 5Antiochus I and Sin temple chronicle
Scholarly edition
  BCHP 6Ruin of Esagila chronicle
Scholarly edition
ABC 13ACM 36BCHP 7Antiochus, Bactria, and India chronicle
Scholarly edition
  BCHP 8Juniper garden chronicle
Scholarly edition
ABC 12CM 33BCHP 9End of Seleucus I chronicle
Scholarly edition
ABC 13CM 34BCHP 10Seleucid Accessions chronicle
Scholarly edition
  BCHP 11Invasion of Ptolemy III chronicle
Scholarly edition
ABC 13BCM 35BCHP 12Seleucus III chronicle
Scholarly edition
  BCHP 13Politai chronicle
Scholarly edition
  BCHP 14Greek Community chronicle
Scholarly edition
  BCHP 15Gold theft chronicle
Scholarly edition
  BCHP 16Document on land and tithes
Scholarly edition
 CM 37BCHP 17Judicial chronicle
Scholarly edition
  BCHP 18A/BChronogr. doc. conc. Bagayasha B/AScholarly edition 
  BCHP 18CChronogr. doc. conc. Bagayasha CScholarly edition 
  BCHP 19Chronicle concerning an Arsacid king
Scholarly edition
  BCHP 20Euphrates chronicle
Scholarly edition

Additional documents

 CM 42 Kings of the Sealand 
 CM 43 Samsuiluna fragment 
 CM 44 Another Samsuiluna fragment 
 CM 27 Fragment of a Neo-Babylonian chronicle 
   Nabonidus Cylinder from Sippar  
   Dynastic Prophecy 
   Antiochus Cylinder
Scholarly edition
 CM 4 Babylonian King List of the Hellenistic Period
Scholarly edition
   Uruk King List
Scholarly edition

Astronomical diaries

   Diary concerning Artaxerxes II Mnemon
Scholarly edition
   Diary conc. Gaugamela
Scholarly edition
   Diary conc. the second year of Philip Arridaeus
Scholarly edition
   Diary conc. the 7th year of Alexander IV
Scholarly edition
   Diary conc. SE 66
Scholarly edition
   Diary fragment on Demetrius and Arabia
Scholarly edition
   Diary fragment on "messengers of the politai"
Scholarly edition
   Arsacid diary fragment on politai
Scholarly edition
There are no scholarly editions of the non-BCHP-chronicles on this page, nor will there ever be, because that would be a copyright infringement. For the original (usually Akkadian) text and commentaries, you must therefore consult Grayson's or Glassner's book. The translations offered here are free adaptations from ABC and CM; the spelling of personal names has been harmonized, variants have been ignored, explanatory notes have been added, uncertain readings have not been indicated. In short, these pages are no subsitute for ABC or CM.

Handlist of Greek Manuscripts in the British Library

Handlist of Greek Manuscripts in the British Library
Cillian O'Hogan
The completion of the third phase of the Greek Manuscripts Digitisation Project is as good a time as any to release to this world a handy spreadsheet containing details of the Greek manuscripts held by the British Library. The spreadsheet includes a brief description of the content and links to Digitised Manuscripts and to the Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts where the material has been digitised; it also notes which printed catalogue (Richard’s Inventaire or the 1999 Summary Catalogue) describes the item. Almost all the items listed are described in full on the main British Library Explore Archives and Manuscripts catalogue. Items in bold in the handlist are cared for by our colleagues in Asian and African Collections. Finally, links are included to the relevant entry on Pinakes, the important database for Greek manuscripts run by the IRHT in Paris.

Open access Journal: Zeitschriften der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft

[First posted in AWOL 21 April 2009. Updated 26 August 2015 (recent content added)]

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft
Die älteste und weltweit bekannteste Veröffentlichung der DMG ist ihre international zitierte Zeitschrift (ZDMG). Der 1. Band erschien 1847 als ein den gesamten deutschen Sprachraum umfassendes Organ der Orientalistik. Unterbrochen wurde das regelmäßige Erscheinen der Zeitschrift nur durch zeitbedingte Wechselfälle der deutschen Geschichte. Von Anfang an nutzten deutsche und ausländische Gelehrte die Zeitschrift, um Ergebnisse ihrer Forschungen darzulegen.
    See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

    New in ARTA: From the Persepolis Ftortification Archive Project, 5: The Aramaic Epigraph Ns(y)h on Elamite Persepolis Fortification Documents

    Maarav Supplementary data online

    MAARAV, A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures
    MAARAV, A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures, is devoted to the rigorous, prudent treatment of the corpus of Northwest Semitic texts. Its articles have a strong linguistic, philological and literary emphasis, although manuscripts on history,  archaeology, religion and culture will be seriously considered, particularly if they have a strong textual interest.
    Home Page 
    Back Issues 
    Volume 10 Tables and Figures
    Volume 11.2 Figures and Plates
    Volume 16.2 Figures and Plates
    Volume 19 Figures and Plates

    Open Access Journal : Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry

    [First posted in AWOL 5 November 2009. Updated 27 August 2014]

    Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry (MAA)
    ISSN ( print ): 1108-9628
    ISSN ( online ): 2241-8121
    MAA is converted to full online journal free access to whole texts as .pdf files from last year. The process is ongoing. The printed version (2001-2014) is kept only if authors ask for back issues or if individuals or libraries require printed volumes.

    As from 2015 frequency is increased to 3 times per year and there is an advertisement page too. The Journal will keep the rapid reviewing procedure following the standard double blind review and ensures swift publication of high quality papers in innovation or important applications and excavation reports related to the Mediterranean region.

    Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry (MAA) is an interdisciplinary International Journal issued by The University of the Aegean, Department of Mediterranean Studies, Rhodes, Greece. MAA is published since 2001 and from 2008 is operating in updated format.



    Newly Online from the British Museum: Amara West: living in Egyptian Nubia.

    Spencer, Neal, Anna Stevens, and Michaela Binder. 2014. Amara West: living in Egyptian Nubia. London: The Trustees of the British Museum.
    ISBN:  9780714191256 0714191256
    The British Museum has recently published a guidebook to the site of Amara West, funded by the Qatar-Sudan Archaeological Project. The book seeks to share, in an accessible manner, the latest research on this important site on Egypt’s southern New Kingdom frontier.
    Co-authored by team members of the Amara West Project, it covers such themes as: how the town of Amara West came to be; what it was like to live there in pharaonic times; and how the Egyptian colonisers co-existed and interacted with local Nubian populations.
    It provides an overview of early 20th century excavations at the site, and an insight into how archaeologists work today. And, of course, it provides information about visiting Amara West.
    The book is provided here as a free pdf download.

    Carl Maria Seyppel's "Egyptological" work

    Carl Maria Seyppel's series of satirical illustrated volumes are now online at the  Bonn University and State Library
    • 2. aegytische Humoreske ; nach der Natur abgemalt und niedergeschrieben 1302 Jahre vor Christi Geburt
      Seyppel, Carl M.
      [Düsseldorf] : [Bagel], 1883
    • Seyppel, Carl M.
      Düsseldorf : Bagel, 1885
    • 3. ägyptische Humoreske aufgeschrieben und abgemalt bei dem Auszuge der Juden aus Ägypten
      Seyppel, Carl M.
      Düsseldorf : Bagel, 1884
    • récit humoristique égyptien peint et écrit d'apres nature, l'an 1302 avant la naissance de J. C.
      Seyppel, Carl M.
      Düsseldorf : Bagel, 1886
    • aegyptische Humoreske ; niedergeschrieben und abgemalt 1315 Jahre vor Christi Geburt
      Seyppel, Carl M.
      Düsseldorf : Bagel, 1882
    • a humorous tale of Old-Egypt
      Seyppel, Carl M.
      Düsseldorf : Bagel, 1886

    Regarding the Perseus Catalog’s Data and How it is Create

    Möller's Hieratische Paläographie Online

    [First posted in AWOL 5 February  2014, updated 28 August 2015]

    Möller G. Hieratische Paläographie. Bd. I–IV (1909–1936)
    Neudruck der 2. verbesserten Auflage. Osnabrück, 1965
    Bd I. S. 1-22 [.pdf 4,26 мб] Bd I. S. 23-76 [.pdf 2,16 мб]
    Bd II. S. 1-30 [.pdf 2,23 мб] Bd II. S. 31-74, Taf. [.pdf 4,69 мб]
    Bd III. S. 1-31 [.pdf 2,27 мб] Bd III. S. 32-72, Taf. [.pdf 5,11 мб]
    Bd IV (Ergänzungsheft zu Bd. I und II) [.pdf 626 кб]

    Index bij Möller, Hieratische Paläographie by F. Vervloesem (24 februari 2006)

    Facsimiles of Egyptological books from http://www.egyptology.ru/

    Facsimiles of Egyptological books from http://www.egyptology.ru/

    Montet P.
    Géographie de l'Égypte Ancienne. Pt. I-II. Paris, 1957-1961.

    Ranke H.
    Die ägyptischen Personennamen. Bd. I, II, III. Glückstadt, 1935, 1949, 1977.

      Bd. I. Verzeichnis der Namen / Список имен.
      Bd. II. Form und Inhalt der Namen. Geschichte der Namen. Vergleiche mit anderen Namen. Nachträge und Zusätze zu Band I. Umschreibungslisten / Форма и содержание имен. История имен. Сравнение с другими именами. Приложения и дополнения к I тому. Списки имен на других языках.
      Bd. III. Verzeichnis der Bestandteile / Список составных элементов.
    Второй и третий тома отсканированы с ксерокопии, поэтому они несколько уступают первому по качеству.
    Bd. I:Einleitung [.pdf 1,78 мб] A-b [.pdf 4,97 мб] p-n [.pdf 6,36 мб] r-S [.pdf 6,12 мб] q-D [.pdf 5,18 мб] Bd. II:S. 1-94 [.pdf 7,13 мб] S. 95-185 [.pdf 6,12 мб] S. 186-256 [.pdf 8,12 мб] S. 257-335 [.pdf 5,97 мб] S. 336-414 [.pdf 5,18 мб] Bd. III [.pdf 5,95 мб]

    Большаков А. О.
    Человек и его двойник. СПб., 2001

    Книга публикуется с разрешения автора.
    Номера страниц издания 2001 года, проставленные в квадратных скобках, предшествуют тексту соответствующих страниц.
    Главы 1-2
    [.pdf 316 кб]
    От автора.
    Принципы исследования.
    Полтора века изучения проблемы kA.

    Глава 3
    [.pdf 1,81 мб]
    Психология восприятия и категория kA.

    Глава 4
    [.pdf 367 кб]
    Египетское представление о зрении и свете.

    Глава 5
    [.pdf 470 кб]
    Египетская интерпретация двойника.

    Глава 6
    [.pdf 780 кб]
    Изображение человека в египетском искусстве и представление о двойнике.

    Глава 7
    [.pdf 352 кб]
    Мир-двойник староегипетской гробницы.

    Глава 8
    [.pdf 314 кб]
    Место двойника в египетской онтологии и аксиологии.
    Вместо эпилога. Проблема двойника: ученые и поэты.

    [.pdf 283 кб]
    Библиография. Список сокращений.

    Викентьев В. М.

    [.pdf 1,2 мб]
    Номера страниц издания 1917 года, проставленные в квадратных скобках, следуют после текста соответствующих страниц.

    Повесть о Двух Братьях.Комментарии и фольклористические сопоставления.

    Волков И. М.

    Номера страниц издания 1917 года, проставленные в квадратных скобках, следуют после текста соответствующих страниц.
    [.pdf 691 кб]
    Глава I. К истории вопроса.
    Глава II. Себек в религиозных представлениях.
    Глава III. Культ Себека.

    [.pdf 6,86 мб]
    Таблицы с рисунками.

    Коростовцев М. А.
    Путешествие Ун-Амуна в Библ.

    Египетский иератический папирус № 120
    Государственного музея изобразительных искусств им. А. С. Пушкина в Москве.

    М., 1960

    Книга отсканирована, распознана и предоставлена в наше распоряжение Валерием Ивановым (Ростов-на-Дону).
    Номера страниц издания 1960 года, проставленные в квадратных скобках, следуют после текста соответствующих страниц.
    Часть 1
    [.pdf 263 кб]
    Происхождение папируса и его историческое значение.
    Описание папируса.

    Часть 2
    [.pdf 106 кб]

    Часть 3
    [.pdf 449 кб]
    Исторический комментарий.

    Часть 4
    [.pdf 392 кб]
    Филологический комментарий.

    Часть 5
    [.pdf 385 кб]
    Глаголы в тексте отчета Ун-Амуна.
    Указатель комментируемых строк.
    Список сокращений. Библиография.

    Часть 6
    [.pdf 695 кб]
    Иероглифическая транскрипция.

    Часть 7
    [.pdf 1,83 мб]
    Текст (публикация папируса).

    Под общей редакцией проф. Б. А. Тураева

    В 1914-1918 гг. в составе названной серии вышло шесть книг. Четыре из них мы помещаем в этом разделе:
    • Выпуск 1.Волков И. М. Законы вавилонского царя Хаммураби. М., 1914.
    • Выпуск 2.Волков И. М. Арамейские документы иудейской колонии на Элефантине V века до н. э. М., 1915.
    • Выпуск 3.Тураев Б. А. Рассказ египтянина Синухета и образцы египетских документальных автобиографий. М., 1915.
    • Выпуск 4.Викентьев В. М. Древнеегипетская повесть о двух братьях. М., 1917.
    • Выпуск 5.Франк-Каменецкий И. Г. Памятники египетской религии. I. М., 1917.
    • Выпуск 6.Франк-Каменецкий И. Г. Памятники египетской религии. II. М., 1918.

    Лукас А.

    На сайте Петербургское востоковедениеимеется краткая, но весьма любопытная биографическая справка о переводчике этой книги, Б. Н. Савченко.
    Номера страниц издания 1958 года, проставленные в квадратных скобках, следуют после текста соответствующих страниц.
    [.pdf 376 кб]
    Вступительная статья. Предисловие к третьему изданию. Введение.

    Глава I
    [.pdf 301 кб]
    Клейкие и связующие вещества (альбумин, пчелиный воск, глина, клей, камедь, гипс, натрон, смола, припой, крахмал, соль, вещества неустановленного состава).

    Глава II
    [.pdf 466 кб]
    Алкогольные напитки и сахар (пиво, вина, производство вин, дистиллированный спирт).

    Глава III
    [.pdf 336 кб]
    Материалы животного происхождения (кость, перо, кишки, волос, рог, слоновая кость, кожа, перламутр, скорлупа страусовых яиц, пергамент, панцирь черепахи, морские и пресноводные раковины).

    Глава IV
    [.pdf 264 кб]

    Глава V
    [.pdf 676 кб]
    Строительные материалы (кирпич и производство кирпича, камень и обработка камня, строительные растворы, штукатурка, дерево).

    Глава VI
    [.pdf 455 кб]
    Косметические средства, ароматические вещества и благовонные курения (ароматические породы дерева).

    Глава VII
    [.pdf 651 кб]
    Инкрустированные глаза.

    Глава VIII
    [.pdf 472 кб]
    Волокна ткани и крашение (плетение корзин, щетки и кисти, веревки и канаты, циновки, папирус, ткани, крашение).

    Глава IX
    [.pdf 534 кб]
    Глазурованные изделия (глазурованный стеарит, фаянс, глазурованный цельный кварц, глазурованная керамика, происхождение глазурования в Древнем Египте, способ изготовления глазури, связующие вещества для основы фаянса).

    Глава X
    [.pdf 347 кб]

    Глава XI (1) [.pdf 474 кб]
    Глава XI (2)
    [.pdf 422 кб]
    Металлы и сплавы. Минералы (сурьма, медь, бронза и латунь, золото и электрон, обработка металлов и минералов, железо, свинец, платина, серебро, олово, соединения кобальта, графит, соединения марганца, слюда, природная сода, селитра, соль, сера).

    Глава XII (1) [.pdf 417 кб]
    Глава XII (2)
    [.pdf 357 кб]

    Глава XIII
    [.pdf 242 кб]
    Масла, жиры и воск.

    Глава XIV
    [.pdf 349 кб]
    Материалы для живописи и письма.

    Глава XV
    [.pdf 312 кб]

    Глава XVI
    [.pdf 292 кб]
    Драгоценные и полудрагоценные камни.

    Глава XVII
    [.pdf 337 кб]
    Поделочный камень. Каменные сосуды.

    Глава XVIII
    [.pdf 383 кб]

    Глава XIX
    [.pdf 224 кб]
    Исторический обзор.

    [.pdf 739 кб]
    Химические анализы.

    Указатель и оглавление
    [.pdf 352 кб]

    Лурье И. М.

    Книга отсканирована и предоставлена в наше распоряжение Еленой Певчевой.

    Часть 1
    [.pdf 2,85 мб]
    Гл. I. Организация суда.

    Часть 2
    [.pdf 4,2 мб]
    Гл. II. Храмовый суд.
    Гл. III. Судебные оракулы.
    Гл. IV. К истории древнеегипетского законодательства.

    Часть 3
    [.pdf 1,22 мб]
    Часть II. ПЕРЕВОДЫ ДОКУМЕНТОВДокументы государственно-административного права
    Должностные документы.
    Документы, связанные с храмовым имуществом.

    Часть 4
    [.pdf 1,69 мб]
    Документы гражданского права и процесса
    Документы, рисующие положение рабов.
    Документы, касающиеся земельной собственности.
    Долговые документы.

    Часть 5
    [.pdf 1,66 мб]
    Документы, касающиеся иных имущественных отношений.
    Документы, касающиеся семейных отношений.

    Часть 6
    [.pdf 3,9 мб]
    Документы уголовного права
    Дела грабителей царского некрополя города Фив.
    Документы, касающиеся ограбления храмов.

    Часть 7
    [.pdf 2,27 мб]
    Документы, касающиеся гаремного заговора при Рамсесе III.
    Документы секретного следствия.
    Прочие юридические документы.
    Указатель (указатель источников, древнеегипетские меры, именной и предметный указатель, список иллюстраций, условные сокращения). Оглавление.

    Стучевский И. А.
    РАМСЕС II и ХЕРИХОР. Из истории древнего Египта эпохи Рамессидов. М., 1984

    Книга отсканирована, распознана и предоставлена в наше распоряжение Александром Кериным (Волгоград).
    Номера страниц издания 1984 года, проставленные в квадратных скобках, следуют после текста соответствующих страниц.
    Часть 1
    [.pdf 1,08 мб]
    Предисловие. РАМСЕС II. 1. Предки Рамсеса II. 2. Абсолютная датировка начала царствования Рамсеса II. 3. Продолжительность царствования Рамсеса II. 4. О так называемом старшем брате и сопернике Рамсеса I. 5. Соправление Рамсеса II с Сети I. 6. Предыстория военной политики Рамсеса II в Азии (войны Сети I). 7. Войны Рамсеса II в Азии. 8. Битва при Кадеше на Оронте. 9. Мирный договор Рамсеса II с Хаттусилисом III. 10. Брак Рамсеса II с хеттской принцессой, дочерью Хаттусилиса III. 11. Рамсес II и Нубия. 12. Рамсес II и античная традиция. 13. Пер-Рамсес — резиденция Рамсеса II. 14. Монументальное строительство во времена Рамсеса II. 15. Экономическое состояние Египта в царствование Рамсеса II. 16. Рамсес II и жречество. 17. Рамсес II и культы египетских богов. 18. Азиатские божества и азиаты-семиты в Египте в царствование Рамсеса II и его преемников. 19. Обожествление Рамсеса II. 20. Юбилеи «тридцатилетия» Рамсеса II. 21. Семья Рамсеса II. 22. Рамсес II в библейской традиции.

    Часть 2
    [.pdf 658 кб]
    ХЕРИХОР. 1. Источники о Херихоре. 2. Родственные связи Херихора. 3. Херихор на пути к престолу фараонов. 4. Продолжительность правления Херихора. 5. Херихор и решение оракула Хонсу и Амуна. 6. Доктрина амунократии и Херихор.

    Часть 3
    [.pdf 300 кб]
    Эхнатон — религиозный реформатор и политик (К проблеме использования религии в политических целях).

    Часть 4
    [.pdf 278 кб]
    Примечания к главе "Рамсес II".

    Часть 5
    [.pdf 272 кб]
    Примечания к главам "Херихор"и "Эхнатон — религиозный реформатор и политик".

    Часть 6
    [.pdf 414 кб]
    Список сокращений. Список использованной литературы. Именной указатель. Указатель географических и этнических названий. Summary. Оглавление.

    Тураев Б. А.
    М., 1915

    [.pdf 426 кб]
    Номера страниц издания 1915 года, проставленные в квадратных скобках, следуют после текста соответствующих страниц.

    Перевод рассказа Синухета.
    Посмертные надписи в автобиографической форме:

    Хирхуф, номарх Элефантины.
    Архитектор Инени.
    Надписи Хер-Ра на ватиканской статуе № 97.
    Мемфисская жрица Ти-Тхути.

    Франк-Каменецкий И. Г.

    Номера страниц издания 1917-1918 года, проставленные в квадратных скобках, следуют после текста соответствующих страниц.
    Часть I
    [.pdf 489 кб]
    I. Важнейшие этапы в развитии фиванской религии.
    II. Отождеcтвление Амона и Ра, как исходный пункт развития фиванской религии.
    III. Национальный характер Амона-Ра и связь его с царской властью.

    Часть II
    [.pdf 532 кб]
    I. Идея мирового бога в фиванской религии.
    II. Фиванское богословие. Официальный культ и народная религия.
    III. Амон в частном быту.

    IraqCrisis: Communicating substantive information on cultural property damaged, destroyed or lost in Iraq, Syrias, Yemen, and Elsewhere

    Subscribe by Email
    On Twitter @IraqCrisis
    On Facebook
    IraqCrisis: Communicating substantive information on cultural property damaged, destroyed or lost from Libraries and Museums, and archaeological sites in Iraq during and after the war in April 2003, and on the worldwide response to the crisis.

    La liste d'abonnes "IraqCrisis" est fournie et variee, venant de tres nombreux pays. Toutes les interventions sont les bienvenues, qu'elles soient redigees en francais, en allemand, en anglais, en arabe, ou en toute autre langue requise pour diffuser une information sur le sujet considere.
    Die "IraqCrisis list" wendet sich an ein breitgefachertes internationales Publikum. Beitrage auf Franzosisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Arabisch oder in beliebigen anderen Sprachen, die Informationen zu diesem Thema vermitteln konnen, sind willkommen.

    The IraqCrisis list has a broad and varied international subscribership. Submissions are welcome in French, German, English, Arabic and any other language required to communicate information on the subject matter.

    IraqCrisis oroginated one of the projects of the Iraq Museum Working Group at the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.
    IraqCrisis was founded in April 2003  as an email lists to share substantive information on damage to archaeological sites, libraries, and museums following the American invasion of Iraq that Spring. It has remained active these past twelve years. It still seeks to assist in passing along reliable reports of risk and damage to cultural property during the current crisis.

    In 2014, in response to the widening conflict, IraqCrisis expanded its scope to cover Syria, Yemen and elsewhere.

    Open Access Journals on Antiquity at BiASA – Periodici Italiani Digitalizzati

    [First posted in AWOL 14 December 2009. Updated 29 August 2015]

    BiASA – Periodici Italiani Digitalizzati

    L'applicazione dei Periodici Italiani Digitalizzati rende disponibili, per la consultazione in linea, una banca dati di 117 testate, per un totale di 785.321 immagini, possedute dalla Biblioteca e pubblicate tra il XVIII e i primi decenni del XX secolo.

    Si tratta di una importante realizzazione che, da un lato, risponde alle esigenze della salvaguardia del materiale e dall'altro, attraverso l'impiego della tecnologia digitale, consente una più ampia fruizione, grazie alla consultazione da remoto dei testi.
    BiASA includes 117 titles of which 39 deal more or less directly with Antiquity:

    New Website of the Society for Classical Studies Launched Today

    Launch of New Web Site
    Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of Information Architect, Samuel Huskey, and to the programming and web designing skills of Confluence Corporation, we have launched a new web site with a new URL:  https://classicalstudies.org/.  Both the site and the URL reflect the Society’s new name and its effort to be more useful and accessible to both its members and to a wider audience of people interested in classical antiquity.  The site is easier to navigate and will present more opportunities for featuring and discussing new work in classics.  The site will also include all Placement Service operations.

    To ensure that the site and our social media outlets are comprehensive and current, President John Marincola is appointing a new Communications Committee.  Once this Committee begins operations, I will publish contact information and procedures that members can use to make suggestions to its members.  In the interim, please send comments and suggestions to me (blistein@sas.upenn.edu).

    Streamlined Access for SCS Members

    As before, much of the information on the SCS web site will be available to any visitor.  However, the new site will make it easier for members to become Placement Service candidates and subscribers at no charge and to enjoy other benefits exclusive to members because it will permit them to use a single set of credentials for all functions on the SCS web site and for all SCS-related activities on the Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP) web site.  Members no longer need to create multiple online accounts for SCS.  Accounts already established or to be established at the JHUP web site will be the only credentials you need.

    Members with Existing Accounts at JHUP.  If you have ever created an account on the JHUP web site, for example, to pay your dues via credit card or to view our directory of members, the username and password associated with that account will now give you access to the SCS web site as well.  If you need a reminder of either your username or password on the JHUP web site, click on the relevant link to request it. 
    Members Needing to Create an Account at JHUPFollow this link to create an online account.  You will need both the e-mail address you gave to Johns Hopkins when you paid your dues and your member number.  If you need a reminder of your member number, click here
    If you need further assistance from staff at Johns Hopkins, they can be reached in the following ways:
    If you call JHUP and reach an answering machine, be sure to leave a message that includes a suggested time to call you back.  This will enable staff to follow up with you as soon as they can.

    Site Navigation

    Two menus appear at the top of every page on the site.  In the higher of the two, note especially the links for member log-in and for “SCS News”.  The former gives members access to the portions of the site that are set aside for them, and the latter (as the APA Blog did before) contains announcements of Society activities and other information for anyone interested in classics.  Clicking on SCS News will generate a list of the most recent announcements of all kinds, but the drop-down menu and search box above the first item on the list permit the user to obtain a specific range of entries.

    The second menu, in white type on a blue background, gives links to the most commonly used functions on our site.  Each of these links contains a drop-down menu leading to a specific subtopic.  Clicking on the white text will also take the user to an introductory page where the links in the drop-down menu appear on the right hand side of the screen.  The menu on the right appears on many related interior pages as well.

    Below the image on the main page only are four links to “landing pages”.  On these four pages we have attempted to place links to the information that we think will be most useful for our four overlapping constituencies:  members, professional classicists, classics students, and enthusiasts for classics.  For that reason some links appear on more than one landing page.  Underneath these four links are an additional link for the annual meeting, the most recent letter from the President, and a number of other useful links for the field.

    Further down the main page, we have also added a Member Spotlight that will feature information about a new member every few weeks.  To begin this new feature we have asked (first) Sara Forsdyke and (in a few weeks) Matt Roller, both of whom rotated off the Board last January as at-large Directors, to write about their service to the Society.  Members with suggestions for this new feature should write to me (blistein@sas.upenn.edu) for transmission to the new Communications Committee.

    Members Only Page

    The Members Only page contains links to the Directory of Members, to TAPA online, and to discounts on various publications and resources including our GreekKeys software.  To reach that page, first log in to the SCS web site, and then click on the drop-down menu under “Membership” or click on “Membership” itself.  You will then see a link labeled “For Members Only”.  Note that this link will not appear unless you are logged in.  Finally, if the resource you are seeking is on the Johns Hopkins site rather than our own (the Directory and TAPA are examples), you will need to enter your membership credentials again.

    Placement Service

    The 2015-2016 Placement Service is now open.  Before registering for the service, please read the information below about new features this year.

    As President Marincola announced in his most recent letter, SCS members may enroll as candidates or subscribers to the Placement Service at no charge for 2015-2016.  The Finance Committee and Board of Directors took this step enthusiastically as part of the Society’s efforts to provide as much assistance as possible to those members who have the least resources.  If you register, note that “candidates” have access to the full range of services provided to job-seekers, including the scheduling of interviews at the annual meeting.  We offer “subscriber” status to members who are not on the job market themselves but who want to monitor that market, usually because they are advising candidates in some capacity.  Nonmembers can again purchase either service for $55.

    Candidates and subscribers should note carefully the information above about verifying membership before registering for the Service.  If you are not yet a member of the Society or if your dues are not current, the fastest way to gain access to a free subscription is to pay dues online, and then log in to the Placement Service using the credentials you create during the payment.

    In part to recover some of the revenue that will be lost by offering candidates and subscriber services to members at no charge, the Society has increased the fees for institutions for the first time in several years.  Institutions purchasing Comprehensive Service (which includes facilities for conducting interviews at the annual meeting) will pay $475.  The fee for institutions simply placing an advertisement will be $200 until January 9 and $175 thereafter.  If you are purchasing an institutional service, note that individual or departmental membership is not required, and that membership brings no reduction in institutional fees.

    If you have used the Service in previous years, you know that candidates, subscribers, and comprehensive institutions used to receive an e-mail each night if we had approved any new job listings that day.  The e-mail list serve will operate in a slightly different manner this year.  A day or two after you register for the Service, you will receive an e-mail confirming your addition to the Placement list serve.  While your e-mail subscription will not be active immediately, you will have access to all published jobs by visiting the Placement Service pages once you are logged in and clicking on a link entitled “Recent Advertisements (Not Public)”.

    In addition, once your e-mail subscription is active, you will receive an e-mail immediately after each new listing is approved.  These separate individual e-mails will replace the daily summary of jobs posted sent in previous years.

    To register for the 2015-2016 Service, go to classicalstudies.org and then click on “Placement Service” in the menu with the blue background.  Scroll down to find either Services for Candidates and Subscribers or Services for Institutions, and click on the appropriate link.

    Over the last two weeks, we published new job advertisements for 2015-2016 on last year’s Placement site.  Now that that site is offline, I have posted those listings again in SCS News and will continue to make them available there for about a week.  We ask that the institutions posting those advertisements now register for the Service and post them in the new online system.


    I hope you will enjoy the new site.  Please send comments and reports of broken links to me (blistein@sas.upenn.edu).

    Adam D. Blistein
    Executive Director
    - See more at: https://classicalstudies.org/scs-news/launch-new-web-site#sthash.NswUEis0.dpuf

    Open Access Journal: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie

    [First posted in AWOL 25 January 2010. Updated 30 August 2015]

    Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
    Die Zeitschrift wurde 1827 unter dem Titel „Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, Geschichte und griechische Philosophie“ von Barthold Georg Niebuhr, August Böckh und Christian August Brandis gegründet und erschien unter diesem Namen bis 1829/32. Von 1832/33 bis 1839 wurde die Zeitschrift unter dem Titel „Rheinisches Museum für Philologie“ von Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker und August Ferdinand Naeke weitergeführt. Seit 1842 erscheint die „Neue Folge“ des „Rheinischen Museums für Philologie“. Erstherausgeber waren Friedrich Ritschl und Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker (vgl. auch C.W. Müller, Das Rheinische Museum für Philologie 1842–2007. Zum Erscheinen des 150. Bandes der Neuen Folge, RhM 150, 2007, 1–7).

    Das „Rheinische Museum für Philologie“ ist die älteste, bis heute erscheinende altertumswissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift. Seit ihrer Gründung veröffentlicht sie wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu Sprache, Literatur und Geschichte des griechischen und römischen Altertums und seiner Rezeption in den Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch und Latein. Sie ist international verbreitet, und die im „Rheinischen Museum für Philologie“ veröffentlichten Artikel sind jeweils drei Jahre nach Erscheinen der Druckfassung kostenfrei im Internet abrufbar.

    Alle eingesandten Beiträge werden von wenigstens zwei Experten begutachtet, die dem Herausgebergremium angehören oder extern hinzugezogen werden. Für weitere Auskünfte wende man sich an den Herausgeber unter: Bernd.Manuwald@uni-koeln.de
    Rheinisches Museum für Philologie (Neue Folge) 

  • 1 - 6         (1842 - 1848)
  • 7 - 14       (1850 - 1859)
  • 15 - 24     (1860 - 1869)
  • 25 - 34     (1870 - 1879)
  • 45 - 54     (1890 - 1899)
  • 55 - 64     (1900 - 1909)
  • 65 - 72     (1910 - 1917/18)
  • 73 - 78     (1920 - 1929)
  • 79 - 88     (1930 - 1939)
  • 89 - 92     (1940 - 1944)
  • 93 - 102   (1950 - 1959)
  • 103 - 112 (1960 - 1969)
  • 113 - 122 (1970 - 1979)
  • 123 - 132 (1980 - 1989)
  • 133 - 142 (1990 - 1999)
  • 143 - 152 (2000 - 2009)
  • 153 -  …   (2010 - …     )

  • Open Access Journal: Res Militares: The Official Newsletter of the Society of Ancient Military Historians

     [First posted in AWOL 23 January 2015, updated (new website) 30 August 2015]

    Res Militares: The Official Newsletter of the Society of Ancient Military Historians
    ISSN: 1533-4708
    Res Militares is the official newsletter of the Society. It appears twice per year and it is edited by the SAMH Secretary. If you have any news, CFPs, conference or lecture announcements related to ancient warfare studies, please contact Dr. Ioannis Georganas. Publishers can send their books for review to the Book Reviews Editor, Dr. Lee Brice.
    Current Volume of Res Militares
    Vol. 15.1
    Download File

    Past Volumes

    Vol. 14.2
    Download File

    Vol. 14.1
    Download File

    Vol. 13.1
    Download File

    Vol. 12.2
    Download File

    New at OsirisNet: TT100, the tomb of REKHMIRE at Thebes

    TT100, the tomb of REKHMIRE at Thebes

    Coming from a powerful family that had already supplied before him at least two Viziers to Egypt, Rekhmire occupied the Viziership under Thutmose III and remained there in turn until the first part of the reign of Amenhotep. 

    Many thanks to
    Peter Sullivan for
    this translation
    His tomb (or rather its chapel), TT100, is carved at the base of the hill of Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. It is exceptional, and historically important for its pictorial quality, especially in the texts it contains, which explain the various functions and responsibilities of the Vizier as well as his duties. It also contains magnificent scenes of foreign peoples’ payment of tribute and the most comprehensive version of the ritual of opening the mouth in all the Theban tombs. Rather well preserved in its most interesting parts, the chapel is recognizable at the first glance into its long room that directly faces the entrance. It is indeed unique because its ceiling rises gradually along its length up to 8m high at its end. 
    Images and text are inseparable in ancient Egypt, and this is particularly true in the tomb of Rekhmire which we can illustrate with over 600 photos thanks to the help of many people (see end of article for acknowledgements).
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    Open Access Journal: ALMA (Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi)

    [First posted in AWOL 25 January 2010. Updated 30 August 2015]

    ALMA (Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi)
    ISSN: 1376-7456
    Revue en Sciences Humaines et Sociales lancée en 1924, en complément du dictionnaire Novum Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis et actuellement publiée par la Section de lexicographie latine de l'Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes (CNRS), reprenant les missions du Comité du Cange. Celle-ci est placée sous l'égide de l'Union Académique Internationale représentée par l'Académie des Incriptions et Belles-Lettres avec le concours du CNRS et de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes.
    Elle a fait paraître depuis sa création 72 volumes et couvre essentiellement le domaine de la lexicographie latine ainsi que les instruments de la vie intellectuelle au Moyen Age (gloses, commentaires...).
    Tous les articles, jusqu'en 2011, sont en libre accès sous format PDF .

    Ramses Online: An annotated corpus of Late Egyptian

    Ramses Online: An annotated corpus of Late Egyptian
    Ramses Online est une interface web donnant accès à une partie des données et des fonctionnalités du corpus annoté des textes néo-égyptiens développé à l’Université de Liège et connu sous le nom de Projet Ramsès

    Dans sa version bêta, qui a été mise en ligne à l’occasion du 11e Congrès International des Égyptologues en août 2015, Ramses Online offre aux utilisateurs un sous-corpus de textes néo-égyptiens traduits en français et dont toutes les occurrences sont lemmatisées et annotées morphologiquement.

    Il est dès à présent possible de visualiser les textes de ce corpus et d’y effectuer des recherches simples portant (a) sur les lemmes (translitération ou traduction française du lemme), (b) sur les graphies hiéroglyphiques ou (c) sur les traductions des propositions en contexte.

    En sus, les utilisateurs enregistrés ont accès à un moteur de recherche avancé permettant de construire des requêtes complexes portant simultanément sur les niveaux d’annotations suivants :
    • le lemme ;
    • la graphie ;
    • l'analyse grammaticale.
    Outre le corpus des textes qui sera enrichi en permanence, à brève échéance, la version bêta de Ramses Online évoluera notamment sur les trois points suivants :
    • L’interface deviendra entièrement bilingue (français et anglais).
    • Pour chacun des lemmes, il sera possible de visualiser une fiche lexicale comprenant : (a) des précisions de nature morphologique et sémantique, (b) des références à des outils et études lexicographiques portant sur le mot, (c) l’ensemble des graphies attestées pour le lemme en question.
    • L’utilisateur pourra choisir les niveaux d’annotation qu’il souhaite visualiser : les hiéroglyphes, la lemmatisation, l’analyse morphologique, la traduction des propositions.

    Open Access Journal: Classics@

     [First posted in AWOL 1/11/2009, most recently updated 31 August 2015]

    ISSN: 2327-2996
    Classics@, edited by a team working for the Center for Hellenic Studies and headed by Gregory Nagy and James O'Donnell, is designed to bring contemporary classical scholarship to a wide audience on the World Wide Web. Each issue will be dedicated to its own topic, often with guest editors, for an in-depth exploration of important current problems in the field of Classics. We hope that Classics@ will appeal not only to professional classicists, but also to the intellectually curious who are willing to enter the conversation in our discipline. We hope that they find that classical scholarship engages issues of great significance to a wide range of cultural and scholarly concerns and does so in a rigorous and challenging way.

    Each issue of Classics@ is meant to be not static but dynamic, continuing to evolve with interaction from its readers as participants. New issues will appear when the editors think there is good material to offer. Often it will emphasize work done in and through the Center for Hellenic Studies, but it will also call attention to fresh and interesting work presented elsewhere on the web. It stresses the importance of research-in-progress, encouraging collegial debate (while discouraging polemics for the sake of polemics) as well as the timely sharing of important new information.

    Issue 13

    Issue 13: Greek Poetry and Sport. Many studies on Pindar, Homer, and other poets have discussed the specific uses of sport in each context, and studies on Greek sport have acknowledged the ways in which agonistic values and practices have been reflected in poetic literature, but there has been no single collection of studies devoted specifically to the intersection of Greek poetry and sport. This volume includes a range of contributions that represent a diversity of genres, periods, and approaches, which cut across strict poetic genres, occasionally even mixing poetry and prose in their approach. Poetry's interest in sport survived the rise and fall of genres like epinikia and satyr plays, and the rise and fall of myriad political and cultural changes in the Greek Mediterranean. We can only speculate on the many and complex reasons for the grip of poetry on sport and vice-versa, but they no doubt include Homeric intertextuality, the universal appeal of the topic to the elite and the dêmos, the universal presence of gymnasia and agonistic festivals (both blending poetry and sport), and the agonistic resonances between poetry and sport.

    Issue 12

    Issue 12: Comparative Approaches to India and Greece. This issue contains papers by four scholars comparing specific literary and cultural traditions in India and Greece. The papers served as the basis of discussion at an event in February 2015 organized by the Center for Hellenic Studies in association with the Embassy of India. The discussion that took place among the scholars and guests on that occasion, which began with summaries of the four papers, is included as it was recorded. This is intended to be a starting point for further discussion of the topics presented and of other topics suggested by the nature and spirit of the event.

    Issue 11

    Issue 11: The Rhetoric of Abuse in Greek Literature. This volume grew out of the need for a venue in which to engage collaboratively on the topic of abuse. Abuse has of course been widely studied, and in the last few years there has been a renewed interest in abuse as a broader cultural and literary phenomenon, but there are reasonable restrictions as to how it has been addressed. One goal of this volume is to initiate a scholarly discussion that will allow greater heterogeneity in the material covered and in the theoretical models brought to bear on that material. Another is to encourage experimentation and collaborative exchange among scholars working in seemingly unconnected fields. Most importantly, perhaps, we would like to foster a deeper understanding of the role of abuse in all of Greek literature, across genres and time periods, through the kind of cumulative knowledge that comes from collaborative work in different fields.

    Issue 10

    Issue 10: Historical Poetics in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Greece: Essays in Honor of Lily Macrakis. History needs art to give it form; art needs history to give it resonance. This relationship of history and art is the theme of the essays by distinguished international scholars collected in this volume. Its publication celebrates the career and work of Professor Lily Macrakis. She is an eminent chronicler of modern Greek history whose seminal work, Venizelos: A Study in Cretan Leadership, remains essential to an understanding of the most influential Greek leader of the 20th century. Among her other accomplishments, Professor Macrakis was president of The Modern Greek Studies Association from 1977 to 1979 and has been an influential figure in the organization since its inception. Equally significant has been her role as a devoted teacher of Greek history and culture to multitudes of students. Professor Macrakis thus truly embodies the spirit and significance of the articles presented in this Festschrift so fittingly dedicated to her.

    Issue 9

    Issue 9: Defense Mechanisms in Interdisciplinary Approaches to Classical Studies and Beyond. Nowadays people speak of “defense mechanisms” as both negative and positive forms of behavior: examples of negative forms are denial, repression, acting out, projection, rationalization, intellectualization, while one of the few positive forms is assertion, a way of responding that takes the middle ground between aggressive and passive. In the spirit of this positive form of assertion and in both technical and non-technical senses of the expression “defense mechanisms,” the present issue of Classics@ has been given its title. The aim is to publish online research papers and essays in Classics and in other disciplines, related or unrelated, that explore strategies where the primary purpose is to defend assertively rather than attack. The justification is straightforward: discoveries and discovery procedures in research require and deserve a reasoned defense.

    Issue 8

    Issue 8: A Homer commentary in progress, eds. D. Frame, L. Muellner, and G. Nagy (coming soon)

    Issue 7

    Issue 7: Les femmes, le féminin et le politique après Nicole Loraux, Colloque de Paris (INHA), novembre 2007 is the result of a conference held in Paris (INHA, 15–17 November 2007) which was co-organized by the Centre Louis Gernet (CNRS-EHESS), the Équipe Phéacie (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and Université Denis-Diderot Paris VII) and the Réseau National Interuniversitaire sur le Genre (RING, Paris). The aim of the conference was to explore Nicole Loraux’s legacy concerning the feminine and the polis both in Hellenic Studies and in feminist scholarship.

    Issue 6

    Issue 6: Reflecting on the Greek Epic Cycle is the result of a conference held in Ancient Olympia on 9–10 July 2010, which was co-organized by the Center for Hellenic Studies (Harvard University) and the Centre for the Study of Myth and Religion in Greek and Roman Antiquity (University of Patras). The goal of the conference was to explore problems concerning the surviving fragments of the Greek Epic Cycle that have heretofore been neglected. Guest Editor: Efimia D. Karakantza.

    Issue 5

    Issue 5: Proceedings of the Derveni Papyrus Conference reflects a three-day symposium on the Derveni Papyrus hosted by the Center for Hellenic Studies in July, 2008, on the occasion of the recent publication of the edition by Theokritos Kouremenos, George M. Parássoglou, and Kyriakos Tsantsanoglou (Florence, Olschki, 2006; the text of the papyrus from that edition is available on this website here). The symposium was an opportunity to gather scholars who in the course of the past decades have been working on this text to address a set of issues relating to the edition and integration of the papyrus, its translation, and its interpretation.

    Issue 4

    Issue 4: The New Sappho on Old Age: Textual and Philosophical Issues is the online edition of a print volume published by the Center for Hellenic Studies in 2009 (available through Harvard University Press, here). This volume is the first collection of essays in English devoted to discussion of the newly-recovered Sappho poem and two other incomplete texts on the same papyri. Containing eleven new essays by leading scholars, it addresses a wide range of textual and philological issues connected with the find. Using different approaches, the contributions demonstrate how the "New Sappho" can be appreciated as a gracefully spare poetic statement regarding the painful inevitability of death and aging. Guest Editors: Ellen Greene and Marilyn B. Skinner.

    Issue 3

    Issue 3: The Homerizon: Conceptual Interrogations in Homeric Studies is the result of a colloquium held at the Center. The colloquium had as its goals the serious interrogation of cherished assumptions about Homeric “culture” and “texuality”; and the exploration of the wider cultural significance of the perennial Homeric Question(s).

    Issue 2

    Issue 2: Ancient Mediterranean Cultural Informatics. The second issue of Classics@ is the first edition of an ongoing project of publication aimed at documenting this emerging sub-discipline of our field, the scholarship of creating, analyzing, and disseminating humanist learning electronically. This issue features articles describing these projects and others like them — new work of high quality that is expanding the depth and breadth of our field. It also looks back at the history of this sub-discipline, and forward toward emerging standards, tools, and potentials.

    Issue 1

    Issue 1: New Epigrams Attributed to Posidippus of Pella. Editors: Gregory Nagy and James O'Donnell. Guest Editors of Issue One: Benjamin Acosta-Hughes, Elizabeth Kosmetatou, Martine Cuypers, and Francesca Angiò.

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