Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Open Access Journal: Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen

Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen
Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen unter der Aufsicht der Königl. Gesellschaft der Wissensschaften. Juli. Nr. VII. 1985. - December. Nr. XII. 1895.

Open Access Journal: Actas y Comunicaciones del Instituto de Historia Antigua y Medieval

[First posted in AWOL  3 October 2010. Updated 17 May 2012]

[First posted in AWOL 17 May 2012, updated 18 June 2015]

Actas y Comunicaciones del Instituto de Historia Antigua y Medieval
ISSN: 1669-7286
La revista anual Actas y Comunicaciones del Instituto de Historia Antigua y Medieval tiene su origen en una iniciativa que parte en 2005 con el objetivo de complementar el perfil de la producción impresa de los Anales de Historia Antigua, Medieval y Moderna, en cuya larga trayectoria, tanto en foros científicos nacionales como del exterior, se ha representado la producción científica de la especialidad.

Este nuevo emprendimiento, esfuerzo en consonancia con las nuevas tecnologías utilizadas por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, acerca a un público más amplio los estudios y avances de investigación de los especialistas que participan en nuestras Jornadas, Encuentros de Actualización, Seminarios y Conferencias, ya que puede ser consultada en forma libre y gratuita.

Es el objetivo de nuestra publicación electrónica aproximar con celeridad resultados científicos de interés para toda la comunidad académica, socializándolos, para su circulación por todas las universidades e institutos de nuestro país y del mundo científico en general.

Los trabajos publicados en Actas y Comunicaciones provienen de las exposiciones realizadas por prestigiosos investigadores nacionales y extranjeros invitados a participar de actividades científicas organizadas por nuestro Instituto y de comunicaciones de investigadores en formación, siendo en este último caso sometidas al examen y evaluación de miembros de un Consejo Editor apropiado a la especialidad.

Volumen 10 2014
Volumen 9 -2013
Volumen 8 -2012
Volumen 7 -2011
Volumen 6 -2010
Volumen 5 - 2009
Volumen 4 - 2008

Volumen 3 - 2007
Volumen 2 - 2006
Volumen 1 - 2005

Exhibition and Open Access Catalogue: "Kulturwelten": Ausstellung über das Kulturerhaltprogramm des Auswärtigen Amtes

"Kulturwelten": Ausstellung über das Kulturerhaltprogramm des Auswärtigen Amtes
12.-19. Juni 2015 im Paul-Löbe-Haus des Deutschen Bundestags 
Die Ausstellung stellt anhand von 13 repräsentativen Projekten das Engagement des Auswärtigen Amtes für den Kulturerhalt dar, darunter auch drei Projekte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts:
- Der Basar von Erbil (Region Kurdistan/Irak)- Syrian Heritage Archive Project- Die Grosse Halle von Karakorum (Mongolei)
Warum der Erhalt von kulturellem Erbe so wichtig ist? Das zeigten die Medien derzeit fast täglich in ihrer Berichterstattung über zerstörte Kulturgüter in Mossul, Nimrud und Palmyra, so Staatsministerin Böhmer bei Eröffnung der Ausstellung.
Daher sei das Kulturerhaltprogramm des Auswärtigen Amtes so wichtig, so die Staatsministerin: Es setze sich bereits seit 35 Jahren erfolgreich für den Schutz und Erhalt von Kulturgütern im Ausland ein.

Nähere Informationen zum Kulturerhaltprogramm des Auswärtigen Amts und zur Eröffnungsrede der Staatsministerin im Auswärtigen Amt Maria Böhmer finden Sie hier


Die Ausstellung ist bis zum 19. Juni 2015 nach vorheriger Anmeldung im Paul-Löbe-Haus des Deutschen Bundestags zu sehen. Nähere Informationen finden Sie auf den Seiten des Deutschen Bundestags.


Alle Projekte werden in einem begleitenden Katalog ausführlich und reich bebildert dargestellt. Der Katalog steht auf den Seiten des Auswärtigen Amts zum Download zur Verfügung. 

Near Eastern Archaeology,Vol. 78, No. 2, June 2015, available without charge until July 15th, 2015

Available without charge until July 15th, 2015, courtesy of The American Schools of Oriental Research, only via the following link:

Near Eastern Archaeology,Vol. 78, No. 2, June 2015
Front Matter
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.fm
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.fm
Article PDFArticle Summary

A Royal Necropolis at South Abydos: New Light on Egypt's Second Intermediate Period (pp. 68-78) 
Josef Wegner
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0068
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0068
Article PDFArticle Summary

The Human Aspect of Technology: An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Cooking Ware from Jordan (pp. 80-87) 
Nabil Ali
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0080
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0080
Article PDFArticle Summary

A Canaanite Town, a Judahite Center, and a Persian Period Fort: Excavating Over Two Thousand Years of History at Tel ‘Eton (pp. 88-102) 
Avraham Faust and Hayah Katz
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0088
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0088
Article PDFArticle Summary

R. A. S. Macalister: A Retrospective after 100 Years (pp. 104-110) 
Samuel R. Wolff
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0104
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0104
Article PDFArticle Summary
Museum Exhibit Review

Assyria to Iberia at the Dawn of the Classical Age (pp. 114-115) 
Allison Karmel Thomason and Megan Cifarelli
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0114
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0114
Article PDFArticle Summary
Books to Dig into

Review(pp. 116-117) 
The Byzantine-Islamic Transition in Palestine: An Archaeological Approach by Gideon Avni
Review by: Annette M. Hansen
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0116
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0116
Article PDFArticle Summary

Review(pp. 118-119) 
Terror of the Radiance: Aššur Covenant to YHWH Covenant by Richard Jude Thompson
Review by: Robert D. Miller II
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0118
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0118
Article PDFArticle Summary

Review(pp. 120-121) 
Jacob's Wealth: An Examination into the Nature and Role of Material Possessions in the Jacob-Cycle (Gen 25:19–35:29) by Paul D. Vrolijk
Review by: Roger S. Nam
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0120
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0120
Article PDFArticle Summary

Review(pp. 122-123) 
Treaty, Law and Covenant in the Ancient Near East by Kenneth A. Kitchen and Paul J. N. Lawrence
Review by: Pekka Pitkänen
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0122
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0122
Article PDFArticle Summary

Review(pp. 124-125) 
Complex Communities: The Archaeology of Early Iron Age West-Central Jordan by Benjamin W. Porter
Review by: Jeremy D. Smoak
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0124
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0124
Article PDFArticle Summary

Review(pp. 126-128) 
The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt by Christina Riggs
Review by: David M. Ratzan
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0126
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.0126
Article PDFArticle Summary

Back Matter
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.bm
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5615/neareastarch.78.2.bm
Article PDFArticle Summary

Open Access Monograph Series: Ancient Narrative Supplementum

Ancient Narrative Supplementum
ISSN: 1568-3540
Ancient Narrative publishes regular volumes and supplements, which appear both in print and online. AN is published continuously, not in separate issues, but after the end of the year a volume containing all articles of the past year will appear simultaneously in print and on this website.

Online Numismatic News

Berlin coins updated in OCRE and CRRO
The Berlin LIDO/XML export data for Roman Imperial Coinage references has been reprocessed, and coins from theMünzkabinett from Valerian through Quintillus are now available in OCRE. The number of imperial coins from Berlin grew about 150 to 3,749. Additionally, the RRC export was reprocessed into RDF following the new Nomisma ontology, and the total number of Republican coins from Berlin available in CRRO has grown to 1,080. The ANS coins for RIC V were updated yesterday, and the University of Virginia coins just before that. I expect to update the RIC V coins from the British Museum in the near future. This will add over 2,000 more coins to OCRE.

Presently, nearly 35,000 coins from the ANS, British Museum, Berlin, and the University of Virginia are available in OCRE. I expect the first batch of archaeological materials from Antike Fundmünzen in Europa (AFE) to be ingested into the Nomisma triplestore soon. This is a tremendous milestone.
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Emerging Open Access Journal: Studia palmyreńskie

Benthos: Digital Atlas of Ancient Waters beta version

 [First posted in AWOL 18 February 3013, updated 20 June 2015]

Benthos: Digital Atlas of Ancient Waters
Screen Shot 2013-02-14 at 4.54.51 PM

Introducing Benthos

AWMC is pleased to introduce a beta version of Benthos: Digital Atlas of Ancient Waters; at present this project is in its most preliminary changes, but as always AWMC welcomes feedback from the community.


Benthos is a new initiative of the Ancient World Mapping Center that aims to catalog and map the waters of the ancient Mediterranean basin. As conceived, the project will incorporate physical landscape data for the ocean floor, coastlines, ports, as well as data for important rivers, estuaries, and coastal lagoons. It is also conceptually possible to incorporate digital models for both ocean current and prevailing wind patterns (e.g. the U.S. Wind map). In terms of cultural and historical information, Benthos aims to employ accurate historical geography (derived from the Barrington Atlas and the Pleiades Project) to identify ports and other relevant sites, as well as to seek out archaeological information for the location of ancient shipwrecks. Mapping these wrecks, and their cargoes, relates to an underlying interest in patterns of travel and communication in the ancient world. Currently the project is in a preliminary state, with a functional beta version of the application based off of Antiquity À-la-carte.


At present the Benthos data set includes shipwreck and cargo data derived from A. J Parker (1992) Ancient shipwrecks of the Mediterranean & the Roman provinces. and a set of ancient port data curated by Arthur De Graauw. Parker’s coordinates for wreck sites have been incorporated here, along with the published inventories of ships’ cargo. In order to demonstrate the potential of network mapping, for some mainstream Roman pottery classes we have added place identifiers (employing Pleiades id numbers) for likely cargo sources. The correlation of these three spheres – site of shipwreck, location of ports, and network mapping of cargo origins has the potential to reveal patterns that will prove to be of great interest for studies of both the Mediterranean economy and patterns of travel and transportation. The Benthos platform is designed in such a way as to be able to incorporate other cognate data sets; the more precise data that can be mounted in the application, the more revelatory the results could prove to be. In addition, the Benthos project is deigned from the beginning to interface with other ancient world linked data projects (e.g. PleiadesPelagios, and ORBIS) and will be integrated into the AWMC API to facilitate easy data exchange. The project is fully open source and is released completely free of charge for any non-commercial use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0).

Open Access Journal: Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine

[First posted in AWOL 10 October 2010. Updated 21 June 2015]

Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine
Dernière mise à jour: 5 février 2014
ISSN: 0525-1044

Le Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine (BAHR) a été créé en 1962 par Edmond Frézouls, professeur d’histoire romaine à l’Université de Strasbourg de 1959 à 1995. Création en avance sur son temps, le BAHR s’est d’emblée présenté comme une recension bibliographique et analytique de l’ensemble de la production scientifique en histoire et en archéologie romaines publiée dans des revues, y compris celles publiées dans des langues peu pratiquées et élargies aux revues de l’Europe orientale. Dès l’origine de cette entreprise, E. Frézouls fut aidé dans sa tâche par Hélène Jouffroy, ingénieur de recherche au CNRS, dont la vaste connaissance tant en histoire qu’en archéologie romaine a largement bénéficié à la qualité des analyses du BAHR. Le BAHR a été ensuite successivement dirigé par H. Jouffroy (1996-1998), A.-M. Adam (1996-2004) et M.-L. Freyburger (2005-2012), et depuis début 2013, il est dirigé par M. Humm, professeur d'histoire romaine à l'Université de Strasbourg. 

Le BAHR se présentait initialement comme une suite de résumés non critiques classés thématiquement et publiés annuellement. À partir de 1992, l'analyse des articles a été abandonnée au profit d'un choix de mots-clés (peuples, anthroponymes, théonymes, lieux géographiques, sources littéraires, épigraphiques, papyrologiques), de thèmes et de mots-clés divers (ces derniers regroupés et classés dans un thésaurus). Cette grille d’analyse a été inspirée par les PACTOLS de la base FRANTIQ (Fichiers de Recherche sur l’ANTIQuité). L’ouverture sur le web grâce au serveur de la MISHA permet au chercheur de découvrir les travaux, publiés parfois dans des revues rares, qui concernent l’objet de sa recherche. 

Aujourd’hui, le BAHR se présente toujours comme une base de données bibliographique et analytique unique pour la connaissance et la recherche en histoire et en archéologie du monde romain antique. Cette base de données est fondée sur le dépouillement de plus de 800 revues françaises et étrangères traitant du monde romain antique (en histoire, archéologie, épigraphie, numismatique, papyrologie...). Depuis 2007, une analyse des articles (en texte libre) accompagne les mots-clés de la plupart des notices. En 2013, l’équipe du BAHR a décidé d’adapter cet outil bibliographique aux nouvelles exigences de la recherche en histoire ancienne : le BAHR intègre désormais le dépouillement des actes de colloque et d’autres ouvrages collectifs traitant de l’histoire romaine (publiés à partir de 2012, à condition que l’équipe du BAHR reçoive directement un exemplaire de ces ouvrages). 

Le BAHR repose sur le travail d’une équipe composée d’ingénieurs CNRS de l'UMR 7044 « ArcHiMède » et d’un informaticien de l’USR-MISHA. S’y ajoute l'aide d'enseignants-chercheurs de l'équipe et aussi d'étudiants en master et en doctorat des universités de Strasbourg (UDS) et de Mulhouse (UHA), des collègues de diverses universités françaises (Paris IV, Grenoble) ainsi que des collègues et doctorants québécois de l’Université de Laval, et enfin de quelques chercheurs extérieurs (Pavie, Italie). 

Depuis 1999, l'ensemble des données de la base est accessible gratuitement sur le web (http://www.misha.fr/antiquite). En 2004, grâce à une initiative du Réseau des Maisons des Sciences de l'Homme, le BAHR a participé à la mise en place du portail DAPHNE (Données en Archéologie Préhistoire et Histoire sur le Net), commun à FRANTIQ et à FRANCIS – Archéologie / Préhistoire / Religion – (http://www.daphne.cnrs.fr/). Enfin, depuis septembre 2013, les données du BAHR sont également disponibles sur la plateforme de recherche ISIDORE : http://rechercheisidore.fr
Fidèle à ses objectifs initiaux et à l’ambition de son fondateur, le BAHR constitue une base de données unique, exclusivement consacrée au monde romain, et reste un outil au service des scientifiques français et étrangers.

Open Access Journal: Horti Hesperidum. Studi di storia del collezionismo e della storiografia

 [First posted in AWOL 18 Septembver 2012, updated 21 June 2015]

Horti Hesperidum. Studi di storia del collezionismo e della storiografia
Fondata nel 2010, la rivista telematica semestrale Horti Hesperidum. Studi di storia del collezionismo e della storiografia artistica è pubblicata sotto il patrocinio del Dipartimento di Scienze storiche, filosofico-sociali, dei beni culturali e del territorio presso la Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata".
Horti Hesperidum si propone di dare visibilità alle ricerche di studiosi di storia dell’arte, più e meno giovani, impegnati a indagare le testimonianze scritte del passato e, quindi, a elaborare una più consapevole riflessione sugli strumenti di indagine storico-critica e sui modi di vedere che appartengono al nostro tempo.
Unitamente alla rivista nasce la Biblioteca di Horti Hesperidum, al cui interno saranno nel corso del tempo archiviati testi letterari di interesse storico-artistico, di vario genere ed epoca, dall’antichità all’età contemporanea, sui quali troveranno fondamento gli stessi saggi storici pubblicati nei fascicoli della rivista. Il programma editoriale di Horti Hesperidum è principalmente legato alle attività di ricerca condotte in stretta collaborazione da docenti e studenti all’interno della Facoltà di Lettere  e filosofia dell’Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.

Atlas PALM: Atlas du Patrimoine Archéologique Littorale Méditerranéen

Atlas PALM: Atlas du Patrimoine Archéologique Littorale Méditerranéen

Le projet

Né de la volonté de mettre à disposition de tous une part méconnue du patrimoine culturel, l’Atlas PALM propose de mettre en ligne et en lumière 60 années de découvertes et de recherches archéologiques sous-marines sur les côtes de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

Si la pratique de l'archéologie sous-marine est relativement récente, l'exploration des fonds méditerranéens français a néanmoins généré au cours des soixante dernières années une documentation riche, abondante et variée. La diversité de ce patrimoine archéologique illustre, sur plusieurs millénaires, l'histoire des régions littorales françaises et leur rôle d'interface entre monde méditerranéen et continent européen. A l'inverse du patrimoine terrestre, ces vestiges, pourtant témoins et acteurs de l'identité méditerranéenne, sont souvent invisibles ou inaccessibles, immergés, fragiles, en proie aux pillages et aux destructions.

Un patrimoine maritime immergé d’une richesse particulière…..

Pour de multiples raisons, relatives tant au passé historique de la région qu'à l'histoire même de la discipline archéologique et de la plongée en scaphandre autonome, les biens culturels maritimes de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, répartis sur les 850 km de son littoral, ont bénéficié depuis les années 1950 d'un effort de recensement et de recherche qui a longtemps fait la renommée de l'archéologie sous-marine française. Haut-lieu de l'exploration des sites immergés, les eaux provençales ont accueilli bon nombre d'opérations pionnières et la somme de nos connaissances sur le patrimoine maritime régional constitue un fonds documentaire d'exception. Outil de diffusion et de valorisation accessible à tous, l’Atlas PALM n’a pas pour ambition de procéder à l’inventaire des biens culturels maritimes mais de porter à la connaissance du plus grand nombre une vaste sélection de données scientifiques revues et présentées par des spécialistes de l'archéologie et de l’histoire maritime.

…. Et une histoire longue de plusieurs millénaires

L'Atlas PALM s'attache à restituer une vision panoramique et diachronique et couvre à cette fin toutes les périodes chronologiques, du navire étrusque au bombardier de la 2nde Guerre Mondiale, en passant par les vaisseaux de la flotte royale, les villages protohistoriques ou les aménagements portuaires grecs et romains. En intégrant aussi bien les sites archéologiques de la plus haute Antiquité, inaccessibles au public, que les cargos des années 1970 visités régulièrement par les plongeurs, l'Atlas PALM propose d'aborder l'évolution historique du littoral méditerranéen dans sa globalité et d'inscrire même les sites les plus récents dans la sphère du patrimoine maritime à protéger.

Un atlas évolutif

Le projet entend dépasser le cadre de l’action évènementielle et se conçoit surtout comme un outil évolutif et pérenne voué à valoriser une documentation exponentielle. La première sélection de sites à ce jour disponibles en ligne sera ainsi enrichie progressivement et régulièrement par de nouvelles notices et vise à couvrir une grande part des gisements recensés sur le littoral régional.

Un outil numérique innovant

Conçu avec le souci permanent de l’interopérabilité des données, l’Atlas PALM est fondé sur la technologie XML qui permet de générer des metadonnées. Le contenu de l’Atlas PALM est ainsi exportable et interopérable et pourrait intégrer à terme l’Atlas de l’Architecture et du Partrimoine.

Open Access Journal: Archaeologica Adriatica

[First posted in AWOL 10 August 2010. Updated 22 June 2015]

Archaeologica Adriatica
ISSN: 1846-4807
logo Archaeologica Adriatica
 Archaeologica Adriatica is a journal of exclusively archaeological character involved in explicating various archaeological themes and questions related to the Adriatic Sea region and the area bordering it. This definitely includes those areas that in earlier (archaeological, historical) periods composed cultural units. Journal will publish texts extending from the prehistoric period and the period of antiquity to the medieval period. Texts dealing with aspects of later periods will also be considered if they have clear connections to archaeology. Articles indirectly related to archaeology (ethnology and history, for instance) will also be published, as well as works dealing with methodology, museum studies. and the protection of cultural monuments. All texts will be published in Croatian. At present only extensive summaries will be published in foreign languages, but in future we hope to begin with parallel translations of the complete articles.
 Vol. 7  No. 1
 Vol. 6  No. 1
 Vol. 5.  No. 1.
 Vol. 4.  No. 1.
 Vol. 3.  No. 1.
 Vol. 2  No. 1
 Vol. 2  No. 2
 Vol. 1  No. 1

Classical Receptions Journal: Editor’s Choice articles Open Access

 [First posted in AWOL 10 August 2912, updated 22 June 2015]

Classical Receptions Journal: Editor’s Choice articles

The editor of Classical Receptions Journal has selected choice papers from recent issues, and we’ve made them freely available for you to read. This page will be updated with an article from each issue as it publishes.
From 6.3
Indigeneity and classical reception in The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay
Marguerite Johnson

From 6.2
Early Modern Antigones: Receptions, Refractions, Replays
Robert S. Miola

From 6.1
‘The Painful Memory of Woe’: Greek tragedy and the Greek Civil War in the work of George Seferis
Vayos Liapis

In Memoriam: Professor Ahmed Etman (1945–2013)
Lorna Hardwick

From 5.3
Antiquity after antiquity: a (post) modern reading of antiquity in Bulgarian poetry
Yoana Sirakova

Afterword: Omni-Local Classical Receptions
Emily Greenwood

From 5.2
Reception — a new humanism? Receptivity, pedagogy, the transhistorical
Charles Martindale

Redeeming Xenophon: historiographical reception and the transhistorical
Tim Rood

From 5.1
‘Aryan, German, or Greek? Nietzsche’s Prometheus between antiquity and modernity
Adam Lecznar

From 4.2
‘We’re here too, the ones without names.’ A study of female voices as imagined by Margaret Atwood, Carol Ann Duffy, and Marguerite Yourcenar
Susanna Braund

From 4.1
Sisyphus and Caesar: the opposition of Greece and Rome in Albert Camus' absurd cycle
Luke Richardson

From 3.2
Proems, codas, and formalism in Homeric reception
Simon Perris

From 3.1
The myth of return: restoration as reception in eighteenth-century Rome
Jessica Hughes

From 2:2
Jas Elsner

Pausanias as historian in Winckelmann’s History
Katherine Harloe

From 2:1
Lorna Hardwick

Hyperion’s symposium: an erotics of reception
Joshua Billings

Open Access Journal: HIPHIL Novum

HIPHIL Novum is a peer-reviewed academic e-journal publishing on global education and research on the Bible. Issues feature papers accepted by Society of Biblical Literature's Program Unit GERT - Global Education and Reseach Technology as well as other papers on next generation biblical research. We want to promote open education for all continents, races, genders, and communities.
HIPHIL Novum publishes papers on research or projecs focusing on the Bible's
History  *  Interpretation  * Pedagogy * Hermeneutics * Interactive Technology *  Linguistics
HIPHIL is Novum - the focus is on new Biblical Studies for a digital and global age. We welcome papers that take a lead in emerging global 21st Century education.
  • Editor: Nicolai Winther-Nielsen and his assistants Randall Tan (New Testamaent), David Kummerow (Hebrew Bible) and Jens Bruun Kofoed (history theory).
  • Board, at upstar: Kirk Lowery, Joshua Berman and Wido van Peursen
  • Peer reviewers: members of the advisory group of Biblicalhumanities.org/ and individual scholars.
HIPHIL Novum publishes
  • Peer-reviewed articles: normally 7500 words, occasionally longer. One other competent researcher must approve the quality of this research before publication.
  • Conference papers: normally 2500 words, acceptance based on public presentation.
  • Reports: News on projects, dissertations or unique studies of global relevance.
  • Reviews: Promotion of books or digital ressources
Continuing HIPHIL (ISSN: 1603-6565)


VOL 1 (2004)

Ancient World Image Bank

Ancient World Image Bank

The Ancient World Image Bank is a collaborative effort to distribute and encourage the sharing of free digital imagery for the study of the ancient world. ISAWstarted AWIB by distributing imagery donated by its faculty, staff, and students via Flickr under a Creative Commons Attribution (cc-by) license. You can view and download those images via the isawnyu flickr account. That means that all you have to do to reuse one of our images is cite it in the manner indicated below.
Ancient World Image Bank Flickr Group

We now welcome everyone interested in improving the free availability of ancient world imagery to join us by adding their photos to this Ancient World Image Bank Flickr Group. Our only requirements are that the images be of sites and artifacts from the Ancient World, that you have the legal right to redistribute them, and that you do so under the terms of a Creative Commons license (preferably cc-by). 

Open Access Journal: ISIMU: Revista sobre Oriente Próximo y Egipto en la antigüedad

 [First posted in AWOL 18 February 2011. Updated 22 June 2015]

ISIMU: Revista sobre Oriente Próximo y Egipto en la antigüedad
ISSN: 1575-3492
Isimu es una revista de periodicidad anual. Sus secciones separadas -dedicadas a los ámbitos originalmente definidos como Asiriología y Egiptología- están abiertas a estudios y resultados de la investigación hoy repartida entre historia, arqueología y filología, pero también y por su propia y declarada voluntad interdisciplinar, a los de las ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales alcanzados en las mismas áreas de Oriente Próximo y Egipto.

Journal table of contents


Open Access Journal: Bulletin de la Société d'études historiques et géographiques de l'isthme de Suez (BSEHGIS)

Open Access Journal: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology

Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
ISSN: 0307-5133
Volumes digitized at the Central Archaeological Library, Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology vol.2 (26511)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1915
:Archeology, Egypt; Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History; Egypt, History, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology vol.3 (26512)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1916
:Archeology, Egypt; Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History; Egypt, History, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology vol.4 (26513)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1917
:Archeology, Egypt; Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History; Egypt, History, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology vol.5 (26514)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1918
:Archeology, Egypt; Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History; Egypt, History, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology vol.6 (26515)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1920
:Archeology, Egypt; Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History; Egypt, History, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology vol.18 (26527)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1932
:Archeology, Egypt; Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History; Egypt, History, Periodicals
PDF File

Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.28 (40583)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1942
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.29 (40584)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1943
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.30 (40585)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1944
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.31 (40586)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1945
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.32 (40587)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1946
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.33 (40588)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1947
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.34 (40589)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1948
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.36 (40591)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1950
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Vol_37 (40592)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1951
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.39 (40594)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1953
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.40 (40595)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1954
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.42 (40597)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1956
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File

Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.44 (40599)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1958
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.45 (40600)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1959
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File
Journal of Egyptian archaeology vol.46 (40601)

Published by
: The Egypt Exploration Fund;  London; 1960
:Egypt, Antiquities; Egypt, History, Periodicals; Archeology, Egypt, Periodicals
PDF File

Open Access Journal: Anatolia antiqua. Eski Anadolu

[First posted in AWOL 6 June 2014, updated 23 June 2015]

Anatolia antiqua. Eski Anadolu
Revue internationale d’archéologie anatolienne publiée par l’IFEA depuis 1988. Depuis 1995, sa parution intervient chaque année au moment du Symposium annuel d’archéologie anatolienne. Essentiellement francophone, Anatolia Antiqua publie aussi des articles en langue anglaise et allemande et accueille ainsi les travaux des meilleurs spécialistes travaillant dans tous les domaines de l’archéologie anatolienne, depuis la Préhistoire jusqu’à la période seljoukide.
(1991 -2012)
20 Issues
452 Articles 

Available periods  :




See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Accesss Journal: Acta Classica: Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa

[First posted in AWOL 28 December 2013, updated 23 June 2015]

Acta Classica: Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa
ISSN 0065-1141
Acta Classica (ISSN 0065-1141) publishes articles (536), notes (162), and reviews (107). The language of publication is mainly English (650), but many contributions have also been written in Afrikaans (72), German (62), French (11), Dutch (9), Latin (5), and Italian (2). 

Acta Classica is an international journal. It has published work by scholars residing in South Africa (550), the United States of America (69), the United Kingdom of Great Britain (38), Canada (38), Australia (35), Germany (26), The Netherlands (13), Rhodesia and Nyasaland / Zimbabwe / Tanzania (11), Belgium (5), New Zealand (4), Italy (4), Israel (3), Poland (2), Greece (2), France (2), and Japan (1).
The journalpublishes work in all fields of Classics, from textual criticism (37) to the Classical Tradition / Reception Studies (17). Many contributions have been made in the field of Ancient History (approximately 188), but the majority have been literary in nature (305). Further contributions have been made in the field of Ancient Philosophy (42) and Ancient Religion (14). Some interesting work has also been done in the history of Classical Scholarship -- including the work of South African Classics scholars (52) -- Lexicography (19), Epigraphy (12), Art (10),  and Archaeology (2). There have also been articles in such diverse areas of study as Research Methodology in Classics (3) and Byzantine / Medieval Studies (18).
The longest article published in the journal, written in German, runs to over fifty pages, the shortest to just five, but on average articles are in the region of thirteen to fifteen pages in length. 

Users of Endnote may want to download the Acta Classica Endnote style (ActaClassica.ens) and the compressed data files for work published in the journal (ActaClassica.enlx) in order to search for articles, notes, and reviews, using this bibliographical package.
Articles Index
Miscellanea Index
Reviews Index
All articles from Volume 1 (1958) - 54 (2011) are available in open access. Only book reviews in more recent volumes are open.

Vol 58 (2015)
Vol 57 (2014)
Vol 56 (2013)
Vol 55 (2012)
Vol 54 (2011)
Vol 53 (2010)
Vol 52 (2009)
Vol 51 (2008)
Vol 50 (2007)
Vol 49 (2006)
Vol 48 (2005)
Vol 47 (2004)
Vol 46 (2003)
Vol 45 (2002)
Vol 44 (2001)
Vol 43 (2000)
Vol 42 (1999)
Vol 41 (1998)
Vol 40 (1997)
Vol 39 (1996)
Vol 38 (1995)
Vol 37 (1994)
Vol 36 (1993)
Vol 35 (1992)
Vol 34 (1991)
Vol 33 (1990)
Vol 32 (1989)
Vol 31 (1988)
Vol 30 (1987)
Vol 29 (1986)
Vol 28 (1985)
Vol 27 (1984)
Vol 26 (1983)
Vol 25 (1982)
Vol 24 (1981)
Vol 23 (1980)
Vol 22 (1979)
Vol 21 (1978)
Vol 20 (1977)
Vol 19 (1976)
Vol 18 (1975)
Vol 17 (1974)
Vol 16 (1973)
Vol 15 (1972)
Vol 14 (1971)
Vol 13 (1970)
Vol 12 (1969)
Vol 11 (1968)
Vol 10 (1967)
Vol 9 (1966)
Vol 8 (1965)
Vol 7 (1964)
Vol 6 (1963)
Vol 5 (1962)
Vol 4 (1961)
Vol 3 (1960)
Vol 2 (1959)
Vol 1 (1958)
Viewing all 14153 articles
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