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Exhibition: When the Greeks Ruled Egypt: From Alexander the Great to Cleopatra

When the Greeks Ruled Egypt: From Alexander the Great to Cleopatra 

October 8, 2014 - January 4, 2015
When the Greeks Ruled Egypt: From Alexander the Great to Cleopatra examines the interactions between Greek and Egyptian cultures during the nearly 300-year period when Egypt was under Greek rule. With some 150 objects, the exhibition reveals the many and diverse ways in which cultural tropes were strategically used by Egypt’s Ptolemaic rulers as a means of asserting power and provoking loyalty among the conquered population. In the process, it also reveals the intense familial intrigue that characterized the Ptolemies as they sought to maintain their position.
In exploring the ways in which two long-lasting, very different cultural traditions were brought together, the exhibition shines a light on the fluidity of the very idea of specific cultural identity. Indeed, When the Greeks Ruled Egypt has great contemporary resonance, reminding us that the use of culture—and family—for political ends is hardly unique to our era.

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Open Access Journal: University of California publications in classical philology (volumes 1-14)


Collatinus: Lemmatiseur et analyseur morphologique de textes latins

Collatinus: Lemmatiseur et analyseur morphologique de textes latins
Collatinus est une application libre, gratuite et multi-plateforme (Mac, Windows et Debian GNU/Linux), simple à installer et facile à utiliser. 

Collatinus est à la fois un lemmatiseur et un analyseur morphologique de textes latins : il est capable, si on lui donne une forme déclinée ou conjuguée, de trouver quel mot il faudra chercher dans le dictionnaire pour avoir sa traduction dans une autre langue, ses différents sens, et toutes les autres données que fournit habituellement le dictionnaire.

En pratique, il est utile surtout au professeur de latin, qui peut ainsi très rapidement, à partir d’un texte hors-manuel, distribuer à ses élèves un texte inédit avec son aide lexicale. Les élèves s’en servent souvent pour lire plus facilement le latin lorsque leurs connaissances lexicales et morphologiques sont encore insuffisantes.

Principales fonctionnalités

  • lemmatisation de mots latins ou d'un texte latin entier,
  • traduction des lemmes grâce aux dictionnaires de latin incorporés dans l'application,
  • affichage des quantités (durée longue ou brève des syllabes) et des flexions (déclinaison ou conjugaison).

New Open Access Journal: Digital Archive of Brief notes & Iran Review (DABIR)

Digital Archive of Brief notes & Iran Review (DABIR)

The Digital Archive of Brief notes & Iran Review (DABIR) is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal published by the Dr. Samuel M. Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture at the University of California, Irvine. DABIR aims to quickly and efficiently publish brief notes and reviews relating to the pre-modern world in contact with Iran and Persianate cultures. The journal accepts submissions on art history, archaeology, history, linguistics, literature, manuscript studies, numismatics, philology and religion, from Jaxartes to the Mediterranean and from the Sumerian period through to and including the Safavid era (3500 BCE-1500 CE). Work dealing with later periods can be considered on request.
We are now accepting papers for the first issue of DABIR. Please contact us, if you would like to contribute a paper. Our submissions guidelines are here

Open Access Journal: Documents d’archéologie méridionale

Documents d’archéologie méridionale
La revue interrégionale Documents d’archéologie méridionale constitue une collection d’études analytiques et synthétiques concernant les données archéologiques des cultures du Sud de la France (et des régions limitrophes). Les périodes concernées vont du début de l’âge du Bronze à la fin de l’âge du Fer. La revue, fondée en 1978, accueille des dossiers thématiques, des articles de méthodologie, ainsi que des informations plus ponctuelles rédigées sous forme de notes.

Derniers numéros

Numéros en texte intégral

WORDHOARD: An application for the close reading and scholarly analysis of deeply tagged texts

 [First posted in AWOL 4 March 2010, updated 10 October 2014]

WORDHOARD: An application for the close reading and scholarly analysis of deeply tagged texts
The WordHoard project is named after an Old English phrase for the verbal treasure 'unlocked' by a wise speaker. It applies to highly canonical literary texts the insights and techniques of corpus linguistics, that is to say, the empirical and computer-assisted study of large bodies of written texts or transcribed speech. In the WordHoard environment, such texts are annotated or tagged by morphological, lexical, prosodic, and narratological criteria. They are mediated through a 'digital page' or user interface that lets scholarly but non-technical users explore the greatly increased query potential of textual data kept in such a form.

It is a basic assumption of WordHoard that new kinds of historical, literary, or broadly cultural analysis will be supported through the forms of data access that are made possible when literary texts are treated in the manner of linguistic corpora. Deeply tagged corpora of course support more finely grained inquiries at a verbal or stylistic level. But more importantly, access to the words of a text at such microscopic levels also lets you look in new ways at the imaginative worlds created by those words.

In its current release WordHoard contains the entire canon of Early Greek epic in the original and in translation, as well as all of Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Spenser. The section on Provenance, Copyrights, and Licenses provides detailed information about the texts.

Bibliotheca Polyglotta

Bibliotheca Polyglotta
Arabic Texts
The library will contain Arabic texts that have been the basis of translations, and thus diffusion, of Arabic concepts throughout the areas of Islamic culture. The Qur’an is naturally most important.

This library will contain the Old Testament in parallel versions in Hebrew, with the Greek Septuaginta, the Latin Vulgata, and the King James Bible versions. Further it will encompass the New Testament in its Greek version, the Latin Vulgata and the King James.

Bibliotheca Polyglotta Graeca et Latina
The library will contain multilingual texts where the original is written in Greek or Latin. Translations into Latin, Syriac, Arabic, German, English and other languages will be included.

This library will contain literature translated from Sanskrit into Persian, and from Persian into other languages.

The Ashoka Library
With this library it is intended to make the inscriptions of Ashoka easily available on the internet, and further build a collection of other sources related to Ashoka.

The Orlando W. Qualley Papyrus Collection

The Orlando W. Qualley Papyrus Collection
Orlando W. “Pip” Qualley, professor of classics and vice president of Luther College, spent the 1924-25 academic year in Egypt. He was on the staff of an archaeological project of the University of Michigan at a site named Karanis, a city of the ancient Roman period. During that year he purchased for Luther nine ancient papyrus fragments from an antiquities dealer in Cairo for use in his teachings. In 2014, these papyri were rediscovered in his collection during a special cataloging initiative in the Luther College Archives.  The papyri underwent modern conservation at the University of Michigan and are now housed properly in glass and have been added to an international catalog of papyrus fragments.

Papers from the 39th and 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology

Papyri Bononienses

Papyri Bononienses
Digitalizzazione completa della collezione di collezione di 58 papiri in lingua greca e latina di età tolemaica, romana e bizantina, acquistata nel 1930 da un antiquario del Cairo e conservati presso la Biblioteca Universitaria dell’Università di Bologna.

Open Access Journal: The Biblical Annals

The Biblical Annals 
ISSN: 2083-2222 
Journal of the Institute of Biblical Studies of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland, dedicated to biblical studies on the Old and New Testament, and intertestamentary literature, covers fields of research, such as exegesis, philology, and history.
 The Biblical Annals has been published since 1954 by the Institute of Biblical Studies, Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland, first under the title Roczniki Teologiczne, fascicle 1, then Roczniki Biblijne; itis a research journal and appears once a year.

Open Access Journal: TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism

[Posted in AWOL 22 December 2010. Updated 13 October 2014]

TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism
ISSN 1089-7447
TC is an online publication of the SBL and is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals. Users are permitted to download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of all TC articles. Articles may not be reproduced without permission.
TC publishes full-length scholarly articles, shorter notes, project reports, and reviews of works in the field of biblical textual criticism. Articles on any aspect of the textual criticism of the Jewish and Christian scriptures (including extracanonical and related literature) are welcome, and contributions that transcend the traditional boundary between Hebrew Bible and New Testament textual criticism are especially encouraged. We also invite articles discussing the relationship between textual criticism and other disciplines.
TC uses a Permanent URL so that readers will always be able to find it regardless of which server is the current host. Please use the following PURL when linking to TC and its contents:

New Open Access Book: Israel and the Assyrians Deuteronomy the Succession Treaty of Esarhaddon and the Nature of Subversion, by C. L. Crouch


Israel and the Assyrians: Deuteronomy, the Succession Treaty of Esarhaddon, and the Nature of Subversion
Was Deuteronomy created to be a subversive text based on Assyian treaties?
In this new book Crouch focuses on Deuteronomy’s subversive intent, asking what would be required in order for Deuteronomy to successfully subvert either a specific Assyrian source or Assyrian ideology more generally. The book reconsiders the nature of the relationship between Deuteronomy and Assyria, Deuteronomy’s relationship to ancient Near Eastern and biblical treaty and loyalty oath traditions, and the relevance of Deuteronomy’s treaty affinities to discussions of its date.
  • A thorough investigation of the nature and requirements of subversion
  • A focused examination of the context in which Deuteronomy would have functioned
  • An appendix focused on redactional questions related to Deuteronoy 13 and 28
C. L. Crouch is Lecturer in Hebrew Bible in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom. She is the author of The Making of Israel: Cultural Diversity in the Southern Levant and the Formation of Ethnic Identity in Deuteronomy (Brill, 2014).

Les inscriptions grecques de Thespies Online

Les inscriptions grecques de Thespies
Paul ROESCH, directeur de recherches au CNRS, membre de l'Institut Fernand-Courby au sein de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean-Pouilloux à Lyon, est décédé en 1990 en laissant inachevé ce qui devait être son grand œuvre, le corpus de la cité béotienne de Thespies, soit un peu plus de 1400 inscriptions, ce qui en fait le plus important ensemble épigraphique de la région.
Durant de nombreuses années, Paul Roesch avait rassemblé une documentation impressionnante, faite en particulier de photographies et d'estampages, préparé nombre de lemmes, établi les textes et les apparats critiques, rédigé un certain nombre de traductions et de commentaires. Après sa disparition, la famille de Paul Roesch confia les archives de notre collègue à l'Institut Courby, devenu depuis l'UMR HiSoMA, à charge pour notre équipe de mettre cette documentation à la disposition du public savant.
Trois collègues et amis de Paul Roesch, Gilbert ARGOUD, Professeur émérite à l'Université Jean-Monnet de Saint-Étienne, membre de l'Institut Courby, Albert SCHACHTER, Professeur émérite à l'Université McGill à Montréal et Guy VOTTÉRO, Professeur à l'Université de Nancy 2, ont, à partir de 2000, entrepris de mettre au net le manuscrit de Thespies sans dénaturer le travail déjà réalisé.
C'est le résultat de cette entreprise que l'on trouvera ici, sur le site de l'UMR HiSoMA, sous l'égide de laquelle elle fut lancée. Il nous a semblé que l'outil informatique était le moyen le plus approprié et le plus rapide de faire connaître le travail de Paul Roesch sur les inscriptions de Thespies et de rendre ainsi l'hommage qu'il mérite à un savant dont les travaux sur la Béotie font toujours référence. Les recherches sur la Béotie et sur Thespies vont se poursuivre, puisqu'il reste les inscriptions funéraires à présenter et qu'il nous faudra donner accès à une documentation photographique particulièrement précieuse et à la collection des estampages.
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule I. Avant-proposIThesp 1 - 43 (Décrets de proxénie. Décrets honorifiques. Documents économiques et financiers)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule IIIThesp 44 - 87 (Baux. Fondations. Bornes. Listes de magistrats)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule IIIIThesp 88 - 135 (Catalogues militaires. Listes de noms: première partie)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule IVIThesp 136 - 212 (Listes de noms: suite. Concours: Les Mouseia. Les Erotideia. Concours indéterminé. Concours: Dédicaces de vainqueurs)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule VIThesp 213 - 272 (Actes d'affranchissement. Dédicaces à des divinités: première partie)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule VIIThesp 273 - 340 (dédicaces à des divinités: suite)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule VIIIThesp 341 - 419 (Inscriptions honorifiques: première partie)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule VIIIIThesp 420 - 483 (Inscriptions honorifiques: suite. Signatures. Fragments de dédicaces ou d'inscriptions honorifiques. Addenda)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule IXIThesp 484 - 682 (Épitaphes: Polyandria, Épitaphes archaiques)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule XIThesp 683 - 916 (Épitaphes: classiques-hellenistiques)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule XIIThesp 917 - 1100 (Épitaphes: classiques-hellenistiques)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp) fascicule XIIIThesp 1101 - 1303 (Épitaphes: Hellenistiques-romaines)
  • Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp)
    Concordances; Liste des textes inédits; Liste des monuments remployés

Pour connaître les ressources documentaires sur la Béotie, cliquer ici.
Thespiai in Pleiades http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/541141


Recogito is a Web-based tool for annotating place references in early geospatial documents. It is a result of the ongoing Pelagios 3 research project, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This tutorial provides information on how to annotate in Recogito. For general guidance on what to annotate please the Google Doc describing Pelagios Principles.  


Open Access Journal: Antiguo Oriente: Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente

[First posted in AWOL 16 February 2012. Updated 14 October 2014]

Antiguo Oriente: Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente
ISSN: 1667-9202
Antiguo Oriente (abbreviated as AntOr) is the annual, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published by the CEHAO. The journal publishes manuscripts related to the history of societies of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Paleolithic through the Roman-Hellenistic period. Antiguo Oriente publishes articles and book reviews in Spanish, English and French. The journal is indexed in BiBIL, University of Lausanne, Switzerland; CLASE, Universidad Autónoma de México; DIALNET, Universidad de La Rioja, Spain; EBSCO, USA; Google Scholar; LATINDEX (catálogo), Mexico; Old Testament Abstracts (OTA), USA; RAMBI, Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem, Israel; RefDoc, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, France; and the Núcleo Básico de Publicaciones Periódicas Científicas y Tecnológicas Argentinas (CONICET).
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2003 n°1
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2004 n°2
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2005 n°3
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2006 n°4
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2007 n°5
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2008 n°6
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2009 vol. 7
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2010 vol. 8
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2011 vol. 9
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2012 vol. 10
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2013 vol. 11

Open Access MARC record set for online Metropolitan Museum of Art publications

MARC record set for online Metropolitan Museum of Art publications
In response to several requests, we've created a MARC record subset of MMA Publications that are available online in full-text. Please be aware that a few records contain preview links as well as full-text links (for example, one volume of a set may be available in full-text while a volume published more recently is preview only).

You may download the record sets here:
--Full-text records only: http://libmma.org/digital_files/MMA_Pubs_records_2014_10_fulltext.mrc (1,395 records, 1.99 MB)

As mentioned in my message last week, we will reissue annually complete sets that will include updated and new records for online MMA Publications.

Our bibliographic record number is included in the 905 field, in case you'd like to use this data point to match and overlay records when loading future sets.

Open Access Journal: Revue d'Histoire des Textes (RHT)

Revue d'Histoire des Textes (RHT)
The Revue d’histoire des textes is published by the IRHT. It covers a vast chronological and geographic realm; it focuses on texts composed before 1500 from the Latin, Greek, Romance and oriental linguistic domains. It publishes preliminary material for critical editions as well as studies on the whole of a given textual tradition, illustrated as necessary by the edition of short texts and of previousy unpublished fragments. An index of all the manuscripts cited makes each volume a valuable tool for authors of catalogues, as well as for cultural historians and, in general, for all those interested in the transmission of intellectual heritage. 

La Revue d’histoire des textes est publiée par l'IRHT. Elle couvre un très vaste domaine, chronologique et géographique; elle s'intéresse aux textes des domaines linguistiques grec, latin, roman et orientaux, composés avant l’an 1500. Elle publie des matériaux préliminaires à des éditions critiques et des études portant sur l'ensemble d’une tradition textuelle, illustrées au besoin par l'édition de textes courts et de fragments inédits. Un index des manuscrits cités fait de chaque volume un instrument de travail précieux pour les auteurs de catalogues, aussi bien que pour les historiens de la culture et, en général, pour tous ceux qu'intéresse la transmission du patrimoine intellectuel. 
Five year moving wall for open access
Volume 9
  Partial access to content 1-431
Volume 8
  Partial access to content 1-438
Volume 7
  Partial access to content 1-410
Volume 6
  Partial access to content 1-412
Volume 5
  Partial access to content 1-401
Volume 4
  Partial access to content 1-325
Volume 3
  Partial access to content 1-389
Volume 2
  Partial access to content 1-334
Volume 1
  Partial access to content 1-352

Open Access Journal: Exemplaria Classica

[First posted in AWOL 2 September 2011, updated 15 October 2014]

Exemplaria Classica
ISSN: 1699 - 3225
 In recent years the University of Huelva has been at the vanguard of studies in textual criticism and codicology. Throughout the pages of its annual publication Exemplaria Classica (Vol. 8 (2004-); superseding Exemplaria (1997-2003), which was not restricted to Classical literature), a wide array of material with a textual focus (whether Textkritik, Textgeschichte or Überlieferungsgeschichte) has been treated in all corners of Greek and Latin literature. The first volume boldly announced the admirably rigorous line that the journal wished to pursue: "we are convinced, against the fashions of the day, that the classical texts carry their own meaning. This meaning is not a mere construction or ideation of the critic... We discourage speculative or heavily theoretical commentaries which are not firmly anchored in the discussion of texts and factual information" (A. Ramírez de Verger, Vol. 8 (2004), pp.3-4).
[Description from David Butterfield's review of M. Sanz Morales, M. Librán Moreno (ed.), Verae Lectiones: estudios de crítica textual y edición de textos griegos. Exemplaria classica: Vol. Anejo 1. Huelva: Universidad de Huelvá, 2009 in BMCR 2010.05.46]

All but the most recent volume are open access.


Open Access Journal: Spicae: Cahiers de l'Atelier Vincent de Beauvais

[First posted in AWOL 19 January 2012, updated 15 October 2014]

Spicae: Cahiers de l'Atelier Vincent de Beauvais
Spicae, Cahiers de l'Atelier Vincent de Beauvais est une revue en ligne destinée à la publication de travaux érudits concernant l’encyclopédisme médiéval et la transmission des connaissances de l’Antiquité vers le Moyen Âge occidental, que ce soit sous forme d'articles de recherche, d'éditions critiques, de dossiers de travail, de listes de manuscrits et de notes spécialisées. La transmission des textes grecs, syriaques et arabes qui ont nourri l'encyclopédisme médiéval via des traductions est bien entendu inclue dans ce champ de recherche ouvert sur l'encyclopédisme latin et vernaculaire sur toute la période médiévale.

Spicae est ouverte à toute proposition de contribution dans ces domaines et publie notamment les résultats des travaux de l’Atelier Vincent de Beauvais et de ses partenaires ou collaborateurs. Elle est aussi un complément scientifique au projet SOURCENCYME (‘Sources des encyclopédies diévales’) de corpus annoté des encyclopédies médiévales latines.

De 1979 à 1986, la revue Spicae. Cahiers de l'Atelier Vincent de Beauvais a été publiée sous forme papier. Ces anciens numéros sont maintenant disponibles en versions téléchargeables sur le site web de l'équipe.

Date de création du site de Spicae en ligne : décembre 2011.

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