Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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ANE Placemarks for Google Earth

[First posted in AWOL 26 July 2011, updated (new urls) 5 September 2014]

ANE Placemarks for Google Earth
From Olof Pedersén
A preliminary set of placemarks (ANE.kmz) for Google Earth of a selection of the most important archaeological sites in the Ancient Near East can be downloaded here (as an alternative try right-click or ctrl-click).
Ancient Near East Placemarks on Google Earth with alphabetic listing.
ANE.kmz works with Google Earth, which has to be downloaded (free at earth.google.com). When opened inside Google Earth, ANE.kmz gives, to the left, an alphabetic list of ancient sites and, to the right, on the satellite photo the same sites marked. For the moment, there are some 2500 sites with modern names; among them some 400 have ancient names. Additions of more sites are planned.
Ancient name is written without parenthesis. Modern name is within parenthesis. Most sites have been identified on the satelite photos. However, a few sites are only placed in the possible area, e.g. in a village with the right name when the site may be outside (if so marked with question mark ? after the parenthesis around the modern name). Question mark after ancient name means that identification is not yet proven. Question mark efter modern name (but before parenthesis around the name) means spelling of name uncertain. Two question marks ?? at the end indicate that it may not be a site but could possibly be a natural hill.
The preliminary work has received support from the University of Uppsala, the Urban Mind Project at Mistra, and the Excellence Cluster Topoi at Freie Universität Berlin.
A short introduction to the project dealing with ANE on Google Earth can be read in my manuscript paper Ancient Near East on Google Earth: Problems, Preliminary results, and Prospect.

Digitized: Van Nice, Robert L. Saint Sophia in Istanbul : an architectural survey.

Newly digitized by Dumbarton Oaks
Van Nice, Robert L. Saint Sophia in Istanbul : an architectural survey. [1965-1986]. DBL-FOLIO NA5870.A9 V36 1965. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Washington, D.C. 
[Front matter] (seq. 1-2)
f. [2]v.(seq. 21)
 And see also:

Abréviations des périodiques et collections en usage à l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale le caire

IraqCrisis: Communicating substantive information on cultural property damaged, destroyed or lost in Iraq

Subscribe by Email
On Twitter @IraqCrisis
On Facebook
IraqCrisis: Communicating substantive information on cultural property damaged, destroyed or lost from Libraries and Museums, and archaeological sites in Iraq during and after the war in April 2003, and on the worldwide response to the crisis.

La liste d'abonnes "IraqCrisis" est fournie et variee, venant de tres nombreux pays. Toutes les interventions sont les bienvenues, qu'elles soient redigees en francais, en allemand, en anglais, en arabe, ou en toute autre langue requise pour diffuser une information sur le sujet considere.
Die "IraqCrisis list" wendet sich an ein breitgefachertes internationales Publikum. Beitrage auf Franzosisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Arabisch oder in beliebigen anderen Sprachen, die Informationen zu diesem Thema vermitteln konnen, sind willkommen.

The IraqCrisis list has a broad and varied international subscribership. Submissions are welcome in French, German, English, Arabic and any other language required to communicate information on the subject matter.

IraqCrisis is one of the projects of the Iraq Museum Working Group at the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.
 IraqCrisis was founded in April 2003  as an email lists to share substantive information on damage to sites, libraries, and museums following the American invasion of Iraq that Spring. It has remained active these past eleven years. It still seeks to assist in passing along reliable reports of risk and damage to cultural property during the current crisis.

News from the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology

The UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology interactive version has come online at http://uee.ucla.edu/

This is an open access, digitally born resource of high quality and well-referenced articles on ancient Egypt, written by the world’s top Egyptologists. The UEE is gradually growing. Articles first become available as a PDF through eScholarship http://escholarship.org/uc/nelc_uee, the open publication platform of the University of California. They are then marked up by UCLA students and made available through text search, title search, browse and time-map search.

Willeke Wendrich
Editor-in-chief UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology http://uee.ucla.edu/

One Off Journal Issues: L’archéologie française en Asie centrale: Nouvelles recherches et enjeux socioculturels

L’archéologie française en Asie centrale: Nouvelles recherches et enjeux socioculturels
= Volumes 21/22 (2013) of Cahiers d’Asie Central
ISBN: 978-2-7018-0347-0
L’archéologie est une discipline scientifique, complexe mais de plus en plus précise, dontl’objectif essentiel est de mieux connaître l’Homme et la société, depuis la Préhistoirejusqu’à l’époque moderne, grâce à l’étude des éléments matériels mis au jour (édifices, infrastructures,poteries, outils, armes, ossements...). L’archéologue, dans une approche diachronique,trouve l’essentiel de sa documentation grâce à des travaux de terrain (prospections, sondages,fouilles, voire études de collections). Les résultats permettent de mettre en lumière une culture ouune civilisation, une ou des population(s), les étapes d’un passé méconnu.

L’Histoire de l’Asie centrale est complexe et jalonnée d’épisodes mouvementés. La grande diversitégéographique et orographique en a fait un lieu privilégié où se sont développés de grandes civilisationset de puissants empires, dont il nous reste encore beaucoup à découvrir : la civilisation del’Oxus, les empires des Achéménides, d’Alexandre le Grand, des Kouchans, des Sassanides, des Turcs,des Arabes, des Mongols...

Il y a douze ans, le numéro IX des Cahiers d’Asie centrale publiait les résultats des découvertesarchéologiques françaises réalisées dans cette région. Cette abondante moisson prenait en compteun immense travail initié par Jean-Claude Gardin en 1979. Aujourd’hui, ce nouveau numéro doubledes Cahiers amplifie notre connaissance de l’Asie centrale grâce aux trente deux articles pluridisciplinairesassociant les sciences humaines et sociales aux sciences de la terre ; et il nous faitdécouvrir les résultats des recherches archéologiques menées depuis plus de trois décennies,mettant en exergue le travail scientifique et la méthodologie, l’excellente coopération entre leschercheurs centrasiatiques et français, le souci de formation et de valorisation. Et nous espéronsqu’au fil des pages l’archéologue, l’historien ou les lecteurs avertis trouvent dans cet ouvrageles éléments d’une histoire pluridisciplinaire, constamment enrichie.

Copular Clauses and Focus Marking in Sumerian

Zólyomi, Gábor
Publication Date: September 2014
ISBN: 978-3-11-040170-7

Aims and Scope

This work is the first comprehensive description of Sumerian constructions involving a copula. Using around 400 fully glossed examples, it gives a thorough analysis of all uses of the copula, which is one of the least understood and most frequently misinterpreted and consequently mistranslated morphemes in Sumerian.

It starts with a concise introduction into the grammatical structure of Sumerian, followed by a study that is accessible to both linguists and sumerologists, as it applies the terminology of modern descriptive linguistics. It provides the oldest known and documented example of the path of grammaticalization that leads from a copula to a focus marker. It gives the description of Sumerian copular paratactic relative clauses, which make use of an otherwise only scarcely attested relativization strategy. At the end of the book, the reader will have a clear picture about the morphological and syntactic devices used to mark identificational, polarity and sentence focus in Sumerian, one of the oldest documented languages in the world. 

Open Access Journal: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies


Open Access Journal: Hirundo, the McGill Journal of Classical Studies

[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2009. Updated 8 September 2014]

Hirundo, the McGill Journal of Classical Studies

Hirundo, the McGill Journal of Classical Studies, is published once a year by the Classics Students Association of McGill. The journal is completely authored, edited, and produced by undergraduate students at McGill University.

Hirundo seeks contributions from students and alumni related to the ancient Mediterranean world broadly defined. Essays on Classical art and literature, ancient European and Near Eastern history from the prehistoric through late antique periods, religious studies, ancient philosophy, and the Classical tradition are welcome. Hirundo aims to bring together students with diverse yet overlapping interests, and offer them the opportunity to publish their work for a wider audience and thereby promote Classical Studies.


I am a British archaeologist with a professional background as a digger and a researcher of ancient urbanism in Italy. This blog accompanies and promotes my two-year research project (2012-2014) at Durham University to create an analytical database of c.600 urban and proto-urban sites that once existed south of the Po River during the period 350BC to AD300. The project is funded by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship, and I have been lucky enough to be supervised by Rob Witcher, an experienced landscape archaeologist based at Durham. I sought Rob’s expertise because the methodology developed for the project is adapted from landscape archaeology: a database and a GIS. These computer-based analytical tools are used for the study of rural sites in micro-regions. For this project they have been applied in generally the same way, just on a different scale: a large landmass dotted with (proto-)urban centres.

In 2015 the results will be published and the database will be made freely available online. Meanwhile, here I want to increase awareness of the project by explaining more about it, but I also want to share with you some of the more weird and interesting archaeological sites I have encountered. Before starting the project, I thought I had a good basic understanding of the Italian archaeology from the period in which I’m interested, but I underestimated the incredible variety of sites that have been discovered. The published results of the project will take the form of quantitative and geospatial analyses, in which there will be little space for discussing individual sites. So with this blog I have the opportunity to introduce the ancient settlements that have fascinated me most.

Travellers’Graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan


SSRN Classics Research Network

Social Science Research Network, Classics Research Network
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks in each of the social sciences. We have received several excellence awards for our web site.

Each of SSRN's networks encourages the early distribution of research results by distributing Submitted abstracts and by soliciting abstracts of top quality research papers around the world. We now have hundreds of journals, publishers, and institutions in Partners in Publishing that provide working papers for distribution through SSRN's eLibrary and abstracts for publication in SSRN's electronic journals.

The SSRN eLibrary consists of two parts: an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 563,000 scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 465,300 downloadable full text documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. The eLibrary also includes the research papers of a number of Fee Based Partner Publications.
SSRN Classics currently has 778papers online organized in the following eJournals:

Ancient Greek & Roman History eJournal 
Ancient Greek & Roman Linguistics eJournal 
Ancient Greek & Roman Literature eJournal 
Ancient Greek Law eJournal 
Ancient Philosophical & Scientific Texts eJournal 
Ancient Religions eJournal 
Ancient Roman Law eJournal 
Archeology & Material Culture eJournal 
Classical Tradition eJournal 
Epigraphy eJournal 
Papyrology eJournal 
Social History eJournal 
Textual Transmission eJournal


New Book from the Oriental Institute: Digital Epigraphy

Digital Epigraphy


By Krisztián Vértes and the Epigraphic Survey

DownloadeBookTerms of Use
This long-awaited manual represents an extraordinary new chapter in the history of the Epigraphic Survey, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago. In the manual, a century of tradition joins with modern technological innovation for an exciting glimpse into the future of our epigraphic recording. This manual, available in PDF format and also in an innovative eBook format, is another tool in an arsenal of groundbreaking new tools now at our disposal.
During the past several decades the Epigraphic Survey has refined its conventions and recording methodologies to fit with the widely divergent nature of the inscribed surfaces we record and the changing conditions in Egypt that are resulting in the accelerating decay of those inscribed surfaces. For the past two years we have been experimenting with new digital tools, software, and equipment that have allowed us to streamline our recording process while still achieving the highest degree of accuracy, the bottom line of any scientific documentation. It has always been our aim to share these conventions and methodologies with our friends and colleagues, and it is our great pleasure to present the initial results here now. The digital formats in which this manual is made available are particularly appropriate and will be updated and changed regularly, since the manual will always be a work in progress. The possibilities are limitless.
What you have before you represents the past, the present, and the future of the Epigraphic Survey’s epigraphic recording processes for your reference and use. Our convention sheets are now downloadable for easier access. The tools that we describe and utilize — old and new — are available for everyone to use. We welcome and encourage your questions and feedback, since we will always be refining and improving these processes.
W. Raymond Johnson, PhD
Director, Epigraphic Survey
Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Chicago House, Luxor, Egypt

Miscellaneous. Digital Epigraphy
By Krisztián Vértes and the Epigraphic Survey
202 pages, illustrated
PDF and eBook
ISBN 978-1-61491-021-3

And for an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see

Corinth Excavation News: New Maps and Spatial Data

New Maps and Spatial Data
A new resource for sharing maps and spatial data is now available through this web page of the Corinth Excavations.  While the area of emphasis is the Corinthia, coverage for much of the data extends to the whole of Greece.  A variety of nine color and black and white, high resolution TIFF images are offered for download.  These are intended to be finished by marking and labeling with an image editor like Photoshop.  Users of GIS software can download shapefiles or follow a collection of links to websites that are dedicated to sharing free spatial data.  Samples from screen shots of GIS software are below.

Click on an image below to start the slideshow:

Corinthia: screen capture of some of the data as displayed in GIS software.Athens area: screen capture of some of the data as displayed in GIS software.

Open Data Grande Progetto Pompei

Il Portale della Trasparenza
Open Data Grande Progetto Pompei 

Nell'interesse della trasparenza e dell'efficienza amministrativa, la Direzione Generale del Grande Progetto Pompei intraprende la strada degli open data. Questa pagina è ancora un prototipo, e ci impegneremo per migliorarla.

Se vuoi contribuire al progetto, inviaci suggerimenti e idee a info@pompeiisites.org scrivendo nell'oggetto 'migliora il Portale della Trasparenza'.
I dataset di questo Portale sono distribuiti con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione 4.0 Internazionale.
La fonte dati della mappa utilizzata è © OpenStreetMap.

Russian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow (CESRAS) & Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo (RIEC) Digital Library

Russian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow (CESRAS) & Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo (RIEC)
The site is now being completely rebuilt. Whereas the previous version was largely a "picture book", the
version now under construction will be of a more educational nature. As the majority of our worldwide
visitors do not have access to egyptological literature, we are posting full text web editions of "classic"
works from the early days of our science: Maspero, Smith, Daressey, Brugsch etc., the words of people
who were there when Egyptology was in its childhood, with digitally improved images of their original
black & white plates and marginal comments and corrections of outdated and incorrect material. An
improved navigational system of links allows instant comparison of equivalent text passages and images
which apply to more than one source.
We suggest that new visitors read the instructions for efficient use
of the system which can be called from the site directory.
This project will obviously take much time.
It is "open-end" and will never cease to being augmented with new material from CESRAS' thousands of
original, largely unique, and growing, photograph archive. We place all of our material in the public
domain. You may download and use any parts of it for non-commercial purposes.  

As before, the site will consist largely of original photographic material made by CESRAS researchers
during the past 15 years in Russian museums, in republics of the former Soviet Union, and naturally in
Egypt. You may address any questions without hesitation to admin@cesras.org and we will give any
possible answers. All questions are valid and will be answered to the best of our ability as time allows.
The early texts are published as .jpg images of each page, thus allowing you to download only the pages
that you need.                                                                                                                                                             
Our re-excavation of the "Royal Cache", Theban Tomb 320, between 1998 and 2006 has caused us to
collect as much material possible on the 21a Theban Dynasty (1070-945 BCE), the family dynasty of
pAyanx, the dynasty of the High Priests of Amun (HPA) in Thebes. This period forms the central
theme of the site.
Scroll down.
 Click here for basic instructions on efficient use of the systemAll underlined brilliant blue subjects/objects are linked (click)
21a Theban Dynasty of the High Priests of Amun 1070-945 BCE (family members,
their relationships, and chronology)
Cache of the Royal Mummies, Theban Tomb TT320, 21a DynastyCoffins, Funerary Equipment, Mummies of the 21a Dynasty High Priests family linked with corresponding
Coffins directory (Photographic CESRAS studies of coffins, mostly painted anthropoid coffins of the
21a Dynasty 1070-945 BCE, in Cairo, Russia, and republics of the former Soviet Union)
Leather Funerary Baldachin of Isetemkheb B, Cairo National Museum JE-26276
Maspero G.: Les Momies Royales de Déir el-Baharî (Memoires de la Mission Française au
Caire, Paris, 1889), complete text and plates with modern annotations and corrections; indexed and
subjects/persons linked with parallel material in other sections of this site.)
Mummies Directory (Mummies of Kings, Royals, and high ranking persons in the National Museum,
Network Directory of associated and other websites
Persons Directory (Ancient Egyptian persons mentioned on this site. Personal names and those of
deities are transcribed differently in both modern languages and linguistic misunderstandings of Ancient
Egyptian in the early days of egyptological studies. We have grouped the various orthographies to the
current English versions.
Smith G. E.: The Royal Mummies, (Catalogue Général des Antiquités Égyptiennes du Musée du
Caire, 1912: CG numbers 61051-61100); complete text with modern annotations and digitally improved plates;
Linked navigation to parallel material on this site. Smith gives a detailed forensic pathological study of the
royal mummies. This material is well illustrated and still valid today.
They were not yellow (21a Dynasty painted anthropoid coffins from the "Royal Cache" TT320)
Photographs by Sergej V. Ivanov to lecture by Edward R. Loring (Proceedings of the International
Achievements and Problems of Modern Egyptology
held by the Centre for Egyptological
Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sept.29-Oct. 2, 2009 in Moscow.

The Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project

[First posted in AWOL 8 August 2012, updated 11 September 2014]

The Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project

Welcome to the Great Hypostyle Hall of the Temple of Karnak. In antiquity, Karnak was the largest religious sanctuary in Egypt's imperial capital of Thebes (modern Luxor) and was home to the god Amun-Re, king of the Egyptian pantheon. For over 2000 years, successive pharaohs rebuilt and expanded the temples of Karnak, making it the largest complex of religious monuments from the ancient world. 

At the heart of Karnak, the Nineteenth Dynasty pharaoh Sety I (reigned ca. 1291-1279 BCE) erected his Great Hypostyle Hall, a colossal forest of 134 giant sandstone columns supporting a high clerestory roof and enclosed by massive walls that after 3300 years remain substantially intact today. The Great Hall is vast. It covers an acre of land, and its great columns soar to heights of 20 meters. Not only does the scale and completeness of this monument remain a rarity among ancient Egyptian temples, but it is also the largest and most elaborately decorated of all such buildings in Egypt. Visitors often remark on the bewildering array of inscriptions covering every surface: the walls, columns, and even the roof! The patchwork of artistic styles and different royal names seen in these inscriptions and relief sculptures reflect the different stages at which they were carved over the centuries. Successive pharaohs, Roman emperors, high priests and common Egyptians added to its wealth of inscriptions and relief decoration, made architectural alterations and restorations, and even left pious graffiti on its walls... 
The Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project of the University of Memphis, William J. Murnane, Founding Director (1945-2000)
Although the University of Memphis' mission to Karnak only began in 1990, the roots of the Project go back decades earlier. From the early 1970s until his untimely death in 2000, Dr. William J. Murnane was the driving force behind the recording and study of the Great Hypostyle Hall. We dedicate this site and our ongoing work to our beloved colleague...

Preliminary Report 1992-2002

PDF Version

Preliminary Report 2004-2005

PDF Version

Preliminary Report 2011

PDF Version

Reliefs and Inscriptions
The main goal of the Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project is to record and publish all of the hieroglyphic text from the monument and to make them as widely accessible as possible through dissemination of English translations of all the texts with photographs and line drawing facsimiles of all the inscriptions. From this page, the user will find links to PDF documents of all the inscriptions that we have recorded and translated.

The Interior Wall Scenes

The War Scenes of Sety I

Archaeobotanical database of Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern sites

[First posted in AWOL 4 October 2010. Updated 11 September2013]

Archaeobotanical database of Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern sites

The research project

The archaeobotanical database is part of a research project ( linkfor details follow this ) that investigates the development of prehistoric wild plant floras of the Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean. The geographic area ( linkgo to map ) represented in the data, includes Greece, Turkey, Western Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and Northern Egypt. The chronological frame comprises the Chalcolithic period, Bronze and Iron Ages, up to Medieval periods.
The project is established at the linkInstitute of Pre- and Protohistory and Medieval Archaeology at the University of Tübingen (Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters der Universität Tübingen) and conducted by linkSimone Riehl.
Financial support has been provided by the linkMinistry of Arts and Science (Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Baden-Württemberg) and the linkGerman Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).

Archaeobotanical data in the web: the idea of this website

Archaeobotanical data from 250 archaeological sites in the area under investigation have been collected, and will be analysed within an ongoing research project. Part of the data is available for archaeobotanists, archaeologists and other interested groups. Site or taxa related queries can be conducted. Please follow the
linkdatabase login to become a registered user.
As new data are produced, the database will be updated at regular intervals. Users who wish to be included with their research data are invited to download a linksample table ("sample.xls", 20 KByte, MS Excel 2000) with Excel sheets for new data. New data should be sent via an Excel file attachment to

The archaeological data services at the University of Tübingen

The archaeobotanical database will be part of the linkUniversity of Tübingen Archaeological Data Services (Archäologie SERVER) including several web-interfaces to access the documentation and research databases of projects in archaeology, archaeometry and related subjects at the University of Tübingen. Since the software of the services is not yet updated to the most recent versions of PHP and MySQL the archaeobotanical database is privately hosted at www.cuminum.de/archaebotany/. After moving from this private site to the server of the University of Tübingen a permanent redirecting page will be set up.

Open Access Library: OAPEN

 [First listed in AWOL 21 February 2011. Updated 11 September 2014]

OAPEN: online library and publication platform

OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) is a collaborative initiative to develop and implement a sustainable Open Access publication model for academic books in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The OAPEN Library aims to improve the visibility and usability of high quality academic research by aggregating peer reviewed Open Access publications from across Europe.
Among the titles relating to antiquity are:

Melammu: The Ancient World in an Age of Globalization

Melammu: The Ancient World in an Age of Globalization
ISBN: 978-3-945561-00-3
Price: 19,76 € |
Print on Demand: epubli
Publication Date: Aug. 27, 2014
Melammu volumes have broadened the horizons of studies of antiquity by encouraging the crossing of geographical and cultural boundaries between ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean and Near East. The present Melammu volume extends from Greece to India, with articles on Phrygia and Armenia, also viewing texts from ancient Israel, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. The globalization described in this volume extends over language barriers and literatures, showing how texts as well as goods can travel between societies and regions. This collection of papers offer new insights and perspectives into connections between the Mediterranean World, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Persia and India.
Preface: The Globalization of Knowledge in the Ancient
Near East
J. Renn
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