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Chartes: Catalogo dei Papiri Ercolanesi online

Chartes: Catalogo dei Papiri Ercolanesi online
Il Catalogo dei Papiri Ercolanesi onlineè nato con il duplice intento di aggiornare il Catalogo cartaceo (con i due Supplementi) e di fornire un nuovo strumento di lavoro a quanti si occupano dei papiri di Ercolano.

Nella versione attuale i dati sono aggiornati al 2005 (versione cd). Sono previsti ulteriori aggiornamenti comprendenti i dati delle ricerche e le pubblicazioni più recenti. 

THV (Thesaurus Herculanensium Voluminum) (new-beta_01)

THV (Thesaurus Herculanensium Voluminum)  (new-beta_01)
Il progetto THV (Thesaurus Herculanensium Voluminum) è nato con lo scopo di creare uno strumento informatico per la ricerca sui testi custoditi nei papiri greci ercolanesi.

Sarà possibile effettuare ricerche di parole o parte di esse per opera, per autore o su tutto il corpus che verrà, periodicamente, arricchito e aggiornato. Per gli studiosi, inoltre, sarà possibile intervenire direttamente sui testi aggiungendo le nuove letture.
Ogni volta che saranno disponibili nuovi testi da consultare verrà data notizia della immissione su questo stesso sito, sul sito del CISPE “Marcello Gigante” e nella Papy-List.

Testi immessi:
PHerc. 182, 1005, 1027, 1065, 1507 sono a cura di Matilde Fiorillo
PHerc. 1055, 1251, 1425, 1418, 1431 (coll.1-10), 1021 sono a cura di Antonio Parisi
PHerc. 336/1150 è a cura di Mariacristina Fimiani
Il progetto è stato ideato e realizzato da Gianluca Del Mastro col sostegno del Centro Internazionale per lo studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi "Marcello Gigante" a cui si deve il finanziamento del software.
L'immissione dei dati è curata e finanaziata dal CISPE in collaborazione con la cattedra di Filologia Classica I dell'Università di Würzburg
Realizzazione del software a cura di ARCA di Luciano Fattore e Luca Pelella
Direzione immissione testi: Gianluca Del Mastro (Napoli) e Holger Essler (Würzburg)
Revisione e verifica dei dati: Gianluca Del Mastro e Antonio Parisi (Napoli); Holger Essler (Würzburg)

Open Access Journal: Byblos. Bollettino del Museo Papirologico dell'Università del Salento

Open Access Journal: Studia Antiqua: A Student Journal for the Study of the Ancient World

[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2009. Updated 3 August 2014]

Studia Antiqua: A Student Journal for the Study of the Ancient World 

Studia Antiqua is a biannual publication dedicated to publishing the research of undergraduate and graduate students from all areas of study related to the ancient world. It is funded through generous contributions from the Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, the Students of the Ancient Near East, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, and Classics. The Religious Studies Center also provides a paid editing internship to ensure the continuity of the journal. 

Studia Antiqua accepts manuscripts year-round for publication. Manuscripts should be sent to studia_antiqua@byu.edu, and should include a separate title page with the author’s name, major, educational institution, and year in school. Submission guidelines, past issues, and other helpful resources are available at studiaantiqua.byu.edu.

PSIonline: Papiri della Società Italiana

[First posted in AWOL 15 January 2013, updated 4 August 2014]

PSIonline: Papiri della Società Italiana
Il progetto PSI on-line è nato grazie ad accordi di cooperazione stipulati tra diverse istituzioni nazionali ed internazionali: l’Università di Cassino, l’Accademia Fiorentina di Papirologia, la Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, l’Istituto Papirologico Vitelli, il Museo Archeologico del Cairo, la Biblioteca di Alessandria. Attualmente, la sua realizzazione è curata dal Centro Editoriale e dal Laboratorio di Ricerche Storiche e Archeologiche dell’Antichità (Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche) dell’Università di Cassino. 
In una prima fase, saranno messe on-line schede descrittive e riproduzioni di tutti i papiri, le pergamene e gli ostraka appartenenti alla serie PSI, attualmente custoditi presso una pluralità di istituzioni di conservazione, tra cui spiccano in particolare la Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, l’Istituto Papirologico Vitelli e il Museo Archeologico del Cairo. Successivamente, saranno messe on-line anche le schede e le immagini relative alle collezioni dei Papiri Fiorentini (P. Flor.) e dei Papiri Laurenziani (P. Laur.), entrambe custodite presso la Biblioteca Laurenziana. 
Il copyright delle immagini dei reperti appartiene alle istituzioni responsabili della loro tutela e ad esse va indirizzata ogni autorizzazione per la loro riproduzione (vedi sezione _rights and permissions). 
Per quanto riguarda le schede, realizzate interamente da Diletta Minutoli, le informazioni fornite sono aggiornate al novembre 2010. Alcuni reperti sono stati volutamente esclusi dai curatori, perché al momento oggetto di studi che potrebbero portare a una loro sostanziale revisione. La bibliografia relativa a ciascun reperto, per quanto ampia e accuratamente controllata, non ha alcuna pretesa di esaustività e, specialmente nel caso di testi letterati, tende a privilegiare la segnalazione di studi di natura propriamente papirologica o paleografica.

New at Trismegistos: Trismegistos Ghostnames

Trismegistos Ghostnames

Ghostnames (previously known as 'Ghostbuster')

Currently 1326 attestations of ghostnames.
A database of ghostnames
Willy Clarysse

Based on the MA thesis by Chris Eyckmans, Ghostnames in de Griekse papyri (Leuven 1986), reworked and further elaborated by Willy Clarysse.
Data processing:Chris Eyckmans, Willy Clarysse
Online version (PHP & MySQL):Mark Depauw

New Open Access Journal: CEDRUS: Akdeniz Uygarlıkları Araştırma Dergisi

CEDRUS: Akdeniz Uygarlıkları Araştırma Dergisi
ISSN: 2147-8058
e-ISSN: 2148-1431
Akdeniz Uygarlıkları Araştırması Enstitüsü tarafından hazırlanan Cedrus, Tür­kiye tarihsel coğrafyası perspektifinde Akdeniz Hav­zası’nın kültür-tarih birikimini inceleyen Eskiçağ, Ortaçağ ve Yeni-Yakınçağ tarihi uzmanları için tartışma zemini bulacakları disiplin­lerarası bir süreli yayın olmayı hedeflemektedir. CEDRUS, farklı disiplinlerden gelen bilim insanları arasında diyaloğun geliştirilmesi, var olan bilginin güncellenmesi ve yaygınlaştırıl­ması süreçlerine katkı sağlayacak özgün ve bilim­sel çalışmaları akademi dünyasının ilgisine sun­mayı amaçlar. CEDRUS uluslararası hakemli bir dergi olup yılda bir kez yayımlanır.
 Cilt II 2014

 Göz İdolleri ve Pirot Höyük Örneği 

Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 1-26    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416451

Öz & Abstract

 Phokaia’da Ele Geçen Etrüsk Ticari Amphoraları

Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 27-40  DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416452

Öz & Abstract

  Mag Ayaklanması’nın Altında Yatan Nedenler ve Sonuçları

Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 41-53   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416453

Öz & Abstract

 Turkmenia’da Hüküm Süren Önemli bir Kabile Olarak Sakaların (A)Parni Boyu ve Bunun, İran’ın Kuzey-Doğu Bölgesi Horasan’daki Apar Bölgesi ile Alâkası 

Mehmet Tezcan
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 55-73    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416454

Öz & Abstract

  A Typological Suggestion Concerning Hellenistic and Roman Lycian Sarcophagi

Elif Özer
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 75-87    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416455

Abstract & Öz

  Kappadokia Komana’sı Hellenistik Dönem Seramikleri 

Hatice Körsulu
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 89-133  DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416456

Öz & Abstract

 Üçüncü Makedonya Savaşı’ndan Pompeius’un Seferine Roma’nın Doğu Politikası ve Anadolu’nun Güney Kıyılarında Korsanlık (M.Ö. 167-M.Ö. 67) 

Murat Tozan
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 135-169    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416457

Öz & Abstract

  Kibyra’dan Hellenistik Dönem’e Ait Yeni Veriler Üzerine Değerlendirmeler

Şükrü Özüdoğru
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 171-188    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416458

Öz & Abstract

 Side’den Moira Kabartmalı bir Mezar Steli Parçası Üzerine Düşünceler 

Süleyman Atalay
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 189-201   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416459

Öz & Abstract

 I. Pharnakes’in Pergamon Krallığı’na Karşı Savaşı

Mesut Kınacı
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 203-223   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416460

Öz & Abstract

  The Meeting Between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia

Luis Ballesteros-Pastor
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 225-239   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416461

Abstract & Öz

  La Description des Opérations Militaires dans la Περὶ Ἡρακλείας de Memnon

Virginie Davaze
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 241-266   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416462

Résumé & Öz

 Some Thoughts on the Problem of Identification of Demes: The Ancient Bozburun Peninsula 

E. Deniz Oğuz-Kırca
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 267-289  DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416463

Abstract & Öz

 Archaeometric Studies Conducted at the Rhodiapolis Theatre 

Banu Özdilek
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 291-306   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416464

Abstract & Öz

 Yeni Yazıtlar Işığında Ksanthos Epigrafi Çalışmaları 

Nihal Tüner-Önen
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 307-322   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416465

Öz & Abstract

 Epigrafik Veriler Işığında Antikçağ Anadolusu’nda Eğitim

Emine Bilgiç
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 323-338   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416466

Öz & Abstract

 The Soffits of Rhodiapolis

Hülya Kökmen Seyirci
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 339-353   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416467

Abstract & Öz

 Roma Toplumunda Kölelik Eleştirisi ve Kölelere Empati 

Gürkan Ergin
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 355-376   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416468

Öz & Abstract

 On the Missing Navigational Markers – Beacon Towers-Pharos of Antiquity – and Notice of Two Extant Small Marker Beacon Towers of Roman Late Ist c. B.C. – Early Ist c. A.D. Anemorium 

T.M.P. Duggan & Aykan Akçay
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 377-442    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416469

Abstract & Öz

 İstanbul Büyük Saray Mozaikleri’ndeki Grifon Betimlemeleri: Roma Döneminin Benzer Örnekleriyle İkonografik ve Sanatsal İlişkisi

Şehnaz Eraslan
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 443-451    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416470

Öz & Abstract

 Alanya Kalesi Kazılarında Bulunan Avrupa Porselenleri Üzerine Bazı Değerlendirmeler

Özlem Oral
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 453-466    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416471

Öz & Abstract

 The Yörüks: Their Origins, Expansion and Economic Role

Halil İnalcık
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 467-495    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416472

Abstract & Öz

 Osmanlı Yönetiminde Kıbrıs’ta Kıtlık ve Çözüm Yolları (1869-1874)

Cemil Çelik
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 497-525    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416473

Öz & Abstract


 Rhodos’luların Denizcilik Yasası: NOMOΣ ‘POΔΙΩN NAΥΤΙΚΟΣ

Erkan Kurul
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 527-549   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416474

Review & Kitap Tanıtımları

 Review of: Pîrî Reis’ten önce ve sonra: Topkapı Sarayı’nda Haritalar

T.M.P. Duggan
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 551-562   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416475

 George F. BASS, Denizler Altında Arkeoloji – Su Altına Adanmış Bir Ömür: Anılar ve Keşifler

         Erkan Kurul
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 563-566    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416476

 Christopher KELLY, Attila: Hunlar ve Roma İmparatorluğu’nun Çöküşü

         Emine Bilgiç
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 567-570    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416477

  Okasha El-Daly, Kayıp Binyıl: İslam Dünyasında Hiyeroglifler ve Eski Mısır

         Mahmut Demir
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 571-574    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416478

  Attalid Asia Minor: Money, International Relations, and the State, Ed. PETER THONEMANN

         Mesut Kınacı
Cedrus, Volume II (2014), 575-576    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416479
 Cilt I 2013

 Akdeniz UygarlıklarıAraştırma Enstitüsü’nün Kuruluşu 

Halil İnalcık
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), V


Murat Arslan
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), VI-VII

 Kıyı Ege Neolitik Çağ Çömlekçiliği’nde Halka Dip Geleneği 

Ali Ozan
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 1-19    DOI:10.13113/CEDRUS/20131671

Özet & Abstract

 Amazonların Eski Anadolu Kökenleri Hakkında Yeni Kaynak ve Gözlemler 

Ahmet Ünal
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 21-32  DOI:10.13113/CEDRUS/20131671

Özet & Abstract

  Yeni Hitit Sanatı Üzerine İkonografik Araştırmalar (1): Üzüm Salkımı ve/veya Başak Filizi Taşıyanlar

S. Gökhan Tiryaki
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 33-53   DOI:10.13113/CEDRUS/20131673

Özet & Abstract

  Paris on the Chigi Vase 

Tom Rasmussen
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 55-64    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131675

Abstract & Özet

  Platon’un Ruh Kuramı’nda Pathos 

Filiz Cluzeau
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 65-87    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131677

Özet & Abstract

  Sirens as Soul Bearers on Lycian Grave Reliefs in the Classical Period 

Havva Karademir – Bilsen Özdemir
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 89-105  DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131678

Abstract & Özet

  Silifke Müzesi’nden Doğu Akdeniz Üretimi Amphoralar 

Erkan Alkaç
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 107-124    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131680

Özet & Abstract

  Phaselis’li Entelektüeller I: Theodektes, Rhetor, Tragedya Yazarı ve Bir Bilmece Ustası 

Nihal Tüner Önen
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 125-150    DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131682

Özet & Abstract

  Antikçağda Küçük Asya’daki Sporcular: Sosyal Durumları, Profesyonellik ve Kentler 

Nurşah Çokbankir Şengül
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 151-162   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131683

Özet & Abstract

 Bybassos Hellenistik Ticari Amphoraları Arkeometrik Çalışmaları 

Ali Akın Akyol – Yusuf Kağan Kadıoğlu – Ahmet Kaan Şenol
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 163-177   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131684

Özet & Abstract

  Son Arkeolojik Araştırmalar ve Yeni Bulgular Işığında Tripolis ad Maeandrum 

Bahadır Duman
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 179-200  DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131685

Özet & Abstract

  Aydın Mesutlu Köyü’nden Terrakotta Figürinler 

Murat Çekilmez
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 201-217   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131686

Özet & Abstract

  Anadolu’daki Iulius-Claudius’lar Dönemi Portreleri: Hellenistik Geleneğin İzleri 

Serap Erkoç
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 219-240  DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131687

Özet & Abstract

  Kaunos’taki Quintus Vedius Capito Anıtı 

Ufuk Çörtük
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 241-260   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131688

Özet & Abstract

 Considerations for the Administration of the Province Pontus et Bithynia during the Impe­ri­al Period 

Ferit Baz
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 261-284   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131689

Abstract & Özet

  Nikaia’dan Yeni Adak Yazıtları 

Filiz Dönmez Öztürk
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 285-292   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131690

Özet & Abstract

 Nikaia’dan Yeni Yazıtlar IV: İznik Arkeoloji Müzesi (Bursa)

Hüseyin Sami Öztürk
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 293-298   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131691

Özet & Abstract

  18. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında İçel ve Antalya Sahillerinde Ticaret 

Ensar Köse
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 299-328   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131692

Özet & Abstract


 Arrianus’un “İskender’den Sonraki Olaylar – Historia Successorum Alexandri” Adlı Eseri

Sevgi Sarıkaya
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 329-345   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131693

Kitap Tanıtımı

 Ç. Uygun, Patara IV. 2 Tepecik Kırmızı Astarlı Seramikleri (İ.Ö. 2. yy.- İ.S. 4. yy.), İstanbul, 2011, Ege Yayınları, 300 Sayfa, 61 Levha. ISBN: 9786055607234

F. Ezgi Çelik
Cedrus, Volume I (2013), 347-348   DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131694

IMPACT Radiological Mummy Database

 [First posted in AWOL 29 May 2012, updated 5 August 2014]

IMPACT Radiological Mummy Database
The IMPACT Radiological Mummy Database is a large-scale, multi-institutional collaborative research project devoted to the scientific study of mummified remains, and the mummification traditions that produced them, through non-destructive medical imaging technologies.

IMPACT focuses on the body,  made artifact through cultural or natural intervention, in bioarchaeology, epidemiology, and social archaeology studies of  past human societies and their genetic and cultural decendants.

Open Access Journal: Hypnos: Revista do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade

[First posted in AWOL 15 April 2011. Updated 6 August 2014]

Hypnos: Revista do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade
ISSN 2177-534
A Hypnos é, qualitativa e quantitativamente, uma revista de Filosofia Greco-romana. Busca ampliar, também, o diálogo com outros saberes da Antiguidade Clássica, hoje bem delineados em nossas Universidades: Literatura Clássica, História Greco-romana, História das Religiões, Línguas Clássicas etc. Acreditamos que a cultura Greco-romana deve ser assumida pelos estudiosos em Filosofia com o máximo de abrangência. A Editoria persegue esse objetivo e procurará publicar, sempre que possível, não só os textos sobre Filosofia Greco-romana mas as pesquisas literárias, linguísticas, históricas, psicológicas, antropológicas e outras condizentes com esse período histórico. A extensão da cultura grega e romana antigas faz com que as atuais divisões acadêmicas sejam uma necessidade, mas não uma regra que venha a limitar o investigador, filósofo ou não. Por isso, a Hypnos apresenta largos limites para a recepção desses estudos. Basicamente, esta revista é um veículo de auxílio para a interação dos estudos Greco-romanos brasileiros e não brasileiros.


n. 32 (2014): Estudos sobre Ética

Capa: Vidreiros da Antiguidade


n. 31 (2013): Ângulos do conhecimento

Capa: Giuseppe Antonio Petrini, S. Girolamo, 1725-35, Narodni galeriji, Lubiana


Selinunte on line: Il parco archeologico più grande d'Europa

Selinunte on line: Il parco archeologico più grande d'Europa
 Situata su di una spianata alta circa 30 metri s.l.m., Selinunte prende il nome dal Selinon , il prezzemolo selvatico. Venne fondata da coloni di Megara Hyblaea guidati dall'ecista Pammilos, nel VII secolo a.C. Immigrazioni successive di coloni megaresi sicelioti si ebbero sia negli ultimi decenni del VII sia per tutto il VI secolo fino agli inizi del V. Selinunte tentò  di fondare delle colonie nella Sicilia occidentale (Eraclea Minoa). Quando, all'inizio del V secolo divampò la guerra fra Greci di Sicilia e Cartaginesi, che si concluse con la battaglia di Himera nel 480, Selinunte, stranamente, preferì allearsi con Cartagine. Ebbe numerosi e forti contrasti con Segesta fino al 409, anno della sua distruzione avvenuta proprio ad opera dei Cartaginesi. Selinunte così si trovò sottomessa al dominio dei Punici che la fortificarono e la ricostruirono, nell'area dove prima sorgeva l'acropoli: i resti archeologici presentano un abitato misto, punico e greco. Il dominio cartaginese, durò fino alla I guerra punica. Cartagine, per difendersi dagli attacchi romani, decise di concentrare le sue forze a Lylibeo, trasferendovi la popolazione di Selinunte, distruggendone la città ed abbandonandola alla rovina. Un violento terremoto, nel secolo X o XI, finì forse per ridurre ad un cumulo di rovine i monumenti dell'antica città. Nella seconda metà del XVI secolo, la città fu riscoperta dallo storico Tommaso Fazello. Nel 1823 gli inglesi intrapresero degli scavi archeologici.

E' in fase di attuazione un vasto programma di studi e di ricerche del parco archeologico e di allestimento museografico. 

Archaeological Park
Archaeological Area
The temples
The Sanctuaries
The cemeteries
The fortifications
360 ° Images
Video Tour
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The coins
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The findings of the Sanctuaries
Various findings
The story
Greek colonization in Sicily
From the foundation to the destruction
Chronological table
The characters
The story
Religious Cults
Greek gods in Selinunte
Greek mythology
Punic cults in Selinunte
Religious Architecture
Urban structure
Domestic architecture
The quarries of Cusa
History of excavations
The Greek temple
The Doric temple
The Carthaginians
Telestial of Selinunte
The sacred Lex
Daily life
The domestic life
Agriculture and crafts
The maritime activities
Monetary system and weight
Tourist information
Marinella di Selinunte
Porto Palo
Tre Fontane
Tower Granitola
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Hethitische Bibliographie Online

Hethitische Bibliographie Online


Im Jahre 1979 bildete sich am damaligen Institut für Orientalische Philologie der Universität Würzburg (jetzt: Inst. für Altertumswissenschaft, Lehrstuhl für Altorientalistik) eine Arbeitsgruppe, zu der auch Massimiliano Marazzi gehörte, die zum Ziel hatte, alle bibliographischen Neuheiten auf dem Gebiet der Hethitologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lexikographie zusammenzustellen.

1982 tat sich diese Arbeitsgruppe mit H.M. Kümmel vom Orientalischen Institut der Universität Marburg zusammen, der schon über einige Jahre eine anatolische Bibliographie für die Zeitschrift Archiv für Orientforschung betreut hatte mit dem Ziel, eine Reihe von nach Autoren und Lexemen geordneten, bibliographischen Aktualisierungen ins Leben zu rufen.
Die erste Tranche der Arbeit wurde 1985 in Band 32 des Archiv für Orientforschung veröffentlicht und umfaßte die lexikalischen Neuigkeiten der Jahre 1979-1984.
Eine zweite Aktualisierung erschien im Band 37 (1987) mit nach Autoren und nach Lexemen geordneten bibliographischen Angaben aus den Jahren 1985-1987.

Mit dem unerwarteten Tod Prof. Kümmels und der Transferierung des Projektes an das Dipartimento di Studi Glottoantropologici der Universität ‚La Sapienza‘ in Rom konnte Dank der Mitarbeit zweier junger Hethitologinnen, P. Dardano und N. Bolatti-Guzzo, die Arbeit über die Jahre 1988-1992 aufgenommen werden.

Die daraus hervorgegangene dritte Aktualisierung im Band 42-43 (1995-96) führte eine Reihe von Neuerungen ein:

1)       ein kanonisiertes Ordnungssystem der Autorenbibliographie,
2)       eine Vereinheitlichung der Zitierweise von Autorenbibliographie und lexikalischer Liste,
3)       die Erweiterung der Lexikographie um den Bereich ‚Hieroglyphenluwisch‘ in Form der Aktualisierung der zwischenzeitlich veröffentlichten lexikographischen Liste in ‚Il geroglifico anatolico. Problemi di analisi e prospettive die ricerca‘, Rom 1990 (Biblioteca di Ricerche Linguistiche e Filologiche 24).

Im Jahre 1996 wurde das Projekt einer anatolischen Bibliographie durch ein Abkommen zwischen der Arbeitsgruppe, die zwischenzeitlich am Istituto Universitario Orientale in Neapel angesiedelt war, und dem Institut für Orientalische Philologie der Universität Würzburg unter der Leitung von G. Wilhelm neu organisiert.

Seit 1999 mit der definitiven Ansiedlung des Projektes und seiner Archive am Centro Mediterraneo Preclassico des Istituto Universitario Suor Benincasa in Neapel und auf der Basis der Zusammenarbeitsvereinbarung mit dem Würzburger Insitut, wurde die Anatolische Bibliographie Teil des größeren Projektes des Mainzer Hethitologie Portals.
Für die Zeit vor 1980 wird die Bibliographie aus elektronischen Datenbeständen von G. Wilhelm und G.G.W. Müller in Zusammenarbeit mit J. Součková (Prag) zusammengestellt. Mit der Bearbeitung der Daten unter der Leitung von G.G.W. Müller war A. Intilia betraut.

Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project

[First posted in AWOL 26 July 2012, updates 7 August 2014]

Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project
The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP) was a multi-year archaeological excavation and survey project aimed at defining archaeological correlates of ancient imperialism, colonialism and culture contact in an area that was, for much of Mesopotamian history, a frontier zone between the centralized states of Mesopotamia and the much less centralized cultures of its Anatolian periphery. By combining both regional and intensive archaeological surveys with excavations at several key archaeological sites in the Upper Tigris River Valley of southeastern Anatolia, this project contributed to the on-going debate about the formation and mutation of culture in frontier zones. 

Excavation Database:

The Complete database from UTARP's excavation at Kenan Tepe has been published online at opencontext.org


For a complete list of published and forthcoming UTARP works, click here.

The following reports are available on this website:

Anatolica 2009: The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP): A Preliminary Report from the 2007-2008 Field Seasons at Kenan Tepe
Bradley J. Parker, Catherine P. Foster, Kathleen Nicoll, Jason R. Kennedy, Philip Graham, Alexia Smith, Dave E. Hopwood, Marie Hopwood, Kristin Butler, Elizabeth Healey, M. Baris Uzel, Reilly Jensen

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Yukarı Dicle Arkeolojik Araştırma Projesi (YDAAP/UTARP): Kenan Tepe’de On Yıllık Araştırmalara Kısaca Bir Bakış
Bradley J. Parker

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[211 KB]
The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP): A Brief Overview of the Excavations at Kenan Tepe 2000-2007
Bradley J. Parker

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Anatolica 2008: The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP) and the Curtiss T. and Mary G. Brennan Foundation: A Preliminary Report from the 2005 and 2006 Field Seasons at Kenan Tepe
Bradley J. Parker, Catherine P. Foster, Jennifer Henecke, Marie Hopwood, Dave Hopwood, Andrew Creekmore, Arzu Demirergi and Melissa Eppihimer

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Anatolica 2006: The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP): A Preliminary Report from the 2003 and 2004 Field Seasons at Kenan Tepe
Bradley J. Parker, Lynn Dodd, Andrew Creekmore, Elizabeth Healey, and Catherine Painter

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The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP): A Report of the 2005 Field Season to the Curtiss T. and Mary G. Brennan Foundation and the College of Humanities at the University of Utah
Bradley J. Parker

Microsoft Word [2.6MB] ; Adobe PDF [2.6MB]
The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP): A Preliminary Report from the 2004 Excavations at Kenan Tepe
Bradley J. Parker, Andrew Creekmore, Bekir Gurdi

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[1.3MB] ; Turkish PDF [1.0MB]
The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project: 2003 Research at Kenan Tepe
Bradley J. Parker and Lynn Swartz Dodd with contributions from Andrew Creekmore, Elizabeth Healey

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Year 2002 Taçdam Report: The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project: An Overview of the 2002 Excavations at Kenan Tepe
Bradley J. Parker and Lynn Swartz Dodd with contributions from Andrew Creekmore, Richard Paine, Eleanor Moseman and Marie Marley

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Year 2001 Taçdam Report: A Preliminary Synthesis of the Cultural History of Kenan Tepe
Bradley J. Parker, Andrew Creekmore and Lynn Swartz Dodd with contributions from Cathryn Meegan and Meg Abraham

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An Overview of Archaeological Research Conducted At Kenan Tepe During the 2001 Field Season
Bradley J. Parker, Andrew Creekmore, Lynn Swartz Dodd, Richard Paine and Meg Abraham

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Year 2001: Small Finds Analysis
Eleanor Moseman

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Year 2001: Analysis of Metallurgical Finds at Kenan Tepe, Turkey [ASOR Presentation]
Lynn Swartz Dodd, Jonathan Schnereger, Meg Abraham, Bradley J. Parker

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Year 2001 Research Report for National Geographic Society Grant #7093-01
Bradley J. Parker

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Year 2001: The Colonizer, the Colonized… and the Colonists: Empire and Settlement on Assyria's Anatolian Frontier
Bradley J. Parker

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Year 2000 Research Report for National Geographic Society Grant #6836-00
Bradley J. Parker

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Kenan Tepe Year 2000 Small Finds: A Preliminary Report
Eleanor Moseman

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A Preliminary Report from the Year 2000 Excavations at Kenan Tepe
Bradley J. Parker, Andrew Creekmore, Eleanor Moseman & Randy Sasaki

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Boztepe 1999 Small Finds Overview
Bradley J. Parker

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Year 1999 Research Report for National Geographic Society Grant #6530-99
Bradley J. Parker

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Excavations and Survey at Boztepe and Intensive Survey at Talavash Tepe, 1999: A Preliminary Report
Bradley J. Parker, Andrew Creekmore and Charles Easton

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Open Access Journal: Hyperboreus: Bibliotheca Classica Petropolitana

Hyperboreus: Bibliotheca Classica Petropolitana
ISSN: 0949-2615
Hyperboreus was founded by the Bibliotheca classica Petropolitana in 1994 as the first academic journal in Russia since the 1917 revolution specializing in the field of classical studies. Scholars from the Classical Department of St. Petersburg State University, the St. Petersburg Institute of History (Russian Academy of Sciences) and St. Petersburg classical Gymnasium participated in the foundation of the journal. The editors value highly the support and advice of many Western European and American scholars during the foundation and subsequent activities of Hyperboreus.

The aims of Hyperboreus are to advance the study of classical antiquity in Russia and to encourage international cooperation in this field by publishing original articles and reviews of books in Russian, English, German, French, Italian, and Latin. The editors invite contributions in all areas of classical scholarship (language and literature, history, philosophy and sciences, papyrology, epigraphy, archaeology, arts) based primarily on the interpretation of classical sources.

Hyperboreus also aims at throwing light upon archaeological excavations of the classical sites on the Northern coast of the Black Sea region.
Hyperboreus, основанный Античным кабинетом. в 1994 г., является первым в России после закрытия ЖМНП (1917) научным журналом, специально посвященным изучению классической древности. В создании журнала важную роль играли сотрудники кафедры классической филологии Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета и Санкт-Петербургской классической гимназии. Ученые-антиковеды ряда западноевропейских и американских университетов и научных центров оказали неоценимую поддержку при учреждении журнала и в ходе его становления.

Журнал стремится содействовать развитию всех областей антиковедения и укреплению международного научного сотрудничества, ставя своей целью публикацию высококвалифицированных ранее не издававшихся исследований и критических рецензий на русском, латинском, английском, немецком, французском и итальянском языках. Приветствуется публикация в журнале отечественными учеными своих исследований на западноевропейских языках. Журнал принимает статьи по всем разделам антиковедения — классическим языкам и литературе, античной истории, истории философии и науки, эпиграфике, папирологии, археологии и истории искусства, — отдавая предпочтение исследованиям, в основе которых лежит анализ источников. Редакция с готовностью предоставляет страницы журнала для рецензий на научные труды по антиковедению. 

«Hyperboreus» стремится освещать результаты археологических исследований в Северном Причерноморье.

Open Access Journal: Filología Neotestamentaria

Filología Neotestamentaria
ISSN: 0214-2996
The FILOLOGÍA NEOTESTAMENTARIA journal is the result of initiative taken at the Chair of Greek Philology of the Department of Antiquities of the University of Córdoba, Spain. Within its Scope lies every aspect of New Testament Greek philology, namely textual criticism, grammar, semantics, lexicography and eventually semiotics and its relationship with Classical or Hellenistic Greek. It is published in Córdoba (Spain) by EDICIONES EL ALMENDRO DE CÓRDOBA, SL once a year (September). 

      Open Access Monograph Series: OrientLab

      OrientLab is a peer-reviewed, multi-language series devoted to researches and reports on the archaeology and the environment of the ancient Near East, which is open to contributions of established and younger scholars from any affiliation. The series follows the policy of the open access to scientific data. OrientLab may be consulted online, downloaded or purchased in printed format. 
      2 N. Marchetti (ed.) Karkemish. An Ancient Capital on the Euphrates 31/07/2014

      1 N. Marchetti (ed.) Kinku. Sigilli dell'età del Bronzo dalla regione di Gaziantep in Turchia 30/07/2011

      Online Abnormal Hieratic Reading Book

      Open Access Journal: Bulletin d'Information Archéologique

      Open-Access-Publikationen des RGZM (Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum)

      Open-Access-Publikationen des RGZM (Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum)


      Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen ZentralmuseumsDas Jahrbuch des RGZM ist eine jährlich erscheinende archäologische Fachzeitschrift. Zusätzlich zu der Druckausgabe erscheint sie ab 2014 bei der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg im Open Access. Bislang sind die Jahrgänge 2011 und 2010 kostenfrei abrufbar, die vorangegangen Ausgaben sollen kontinuierlich retrodigitalisiert werden.

      weitere Open Access Publikationen des RGZM

      Monographie: Das kaiserzeitliche Gräberfeld von Halbturn (Mainz, 2014)Die vierbändige Monographie »Das kaiserzeitliche Gräberfeld von Halbturn, Burgenland« von Nives Doneus (Hrsg.) erscheint neben der Printausgabe gleichzeitig kostenfrei im Open Access.
      Tagungsband: Sustainable Documentation in Archaeology. Technological Perspectives in Excavation an Processing (2014)Der Tagungsband »Sustainable Documentation in Archaeology. Technological Perspectives in Excavation an Processing« erscheint im Open Access und ist hier jetzt kostenfrei abrufbar. Die englischsprachige Tagung fand vom 6.-8. Mai 2013 in Xi'an/P.R. China statt.
      Tagungsband: Wissen für die Gesellschaft. Wissenstransfer als Schlüsselherausforderung für Forschungsinstitutionen und Forschungsmuseen (2013)Eine neue Publikation der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft beleuchtet die komplexe Beziehung zwischen Forschung und Öffentlichkeit: »Wissen für die Gesellschaft« beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle, die Forschungsinstitutionen und Forschungsmuseen bei der Vermittlung von Wissen spielen.
      Monographie: Die chronologische Einordnung der paläolithischen Fundstellen von Schöningen / The chronological setting of the Palaeolithic sites of Schöningen (Mainz, 2012)Der erste Band der Reihe »Forschungen zur Urgeschichte aus dem Tagebau Schöningen« erscheint neben der Printausgabe auch Open Access. Herausgegeber der Reihe sind das Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum, das Niedersächsische Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und die Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts.

      CDLI NEWS: Editions of the law codes of Ur-Namma and Lipit-Ishtar

      CDLI editions of the law codes of Ur-Namma and Lipit-Ishtar 
      From Daniel Foxvog @comcast.net> 

      On behalf of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), I am pleased to announce completion of an initial digital capture and annotation of the so-called law codes of Ur-Namma, the first king of the Third Dynasty of Ur (ca. 2112-2095 BC), and of Lipit-Ištar, the fifth king of the First Dynasty of Isin (ca. 1932-1924 BC). Both are in Sumerian, and like their more famous cousin from two centuries later, the Old Babylonian code of Hammurapi, both feature an introductory laudatory prologue, an epilogue containing curses upon anyone who dares to alter or destroy the inscription, and the laws themselves in differing states of preservation. The texts of the Codes of Ur-Namma and Lipit-Ištar are presented not just in composite versions with translation, but also in score (Partitur) editions, showing the composite version with translation followed by the witnesses for each individual line. As with other cuneiform royal inscriptions, the designation of these texts follows that of the RIME series, though in the case of Lipit-Ištar with an artificially generated designation RIME 4.01.05.add10, otherwise chosen by CDLI and by the Oracc initiative ETCSRI to enter texts or witnesses not found in RIME. CDLI further identifies royal texts with alphanumeric designations following the “Qcat” system maintained by Oracc. For the Ur-Namma composite click:http://cdli.ucla.edu/P432130 To see the composite plus all witnesses click there on the composite ID number Q000947 or enter it to the "Composite ID" field of the CDLI search pagehttp://cdli.ucla.edu/search/ For the Lipit-Ištar composite click:http://cdli.ucla.edu/P464355

      Open Access Backfiles: The Numismatic Journal continued by The Numismatic Chronicle (1838-1842), continued by The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society

      The Numismatic Journal continued by The Numismatic Chronicle (1838-1842), continued by The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society, 1842-1903 (Vols. 5-20 - New Series Vols. 1-20 - Third Series Vols. 1-20 - Fourth Series Vols. 1-3)
      ISSN: 20549156
      E-ISSN: 20549164
      The Royal Numismatic Society is the UK’s foremost society for numismatics – the study of coins, medals and related currency items. Founded in 1838 as the Numismatic Society of London, today’s society is international in subject and membership. Its lectures and publications deal with Classical, Asian, Medieval and Modern coins, paper money, tokens and medals, and Fellows include scholars and enthusiasts from around the world. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month between October and June, usually at the Warburg Institute, London, 1800 – 1930 hours, and are open to all. Please check for any changes the meetings page of the Society’s, http://numismatics.org.uk/ 


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