Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Elektronisches Handbuch der Keilschrifttexte aus Mari

[First posted 1 July 2011. Updated 14 February 2014]

Elektronisches Handbuch der Keilschrifttexte aus Mari
Vor einigen Jahren hatten zwei Leipziger Doktoranden, die mit Texten aus Mari arbeiteten, die beinahe wahnwitzige Idee, für die eigenen Forschungszwecke die Texte aus Mari systematisch mit ihren Museums‐ bzw. Grabungsnummern (soweit bekannt) sowie der Primär‐ und Sekundärliteratur zu erfassen. Im Laufe der Zeit zeigte sich, wie umfangreich das Korpus und die Informationen zu den einzelnen Texten sind. Nach nunmehr 3 1/2 Jahren akribischer Sammelarbeit, die lediglich von der Erfüllung eines Kinderwunsches und dem Voranbringen der Doktorarbeit zeitweise unterbrochen werden musste, soll nunmehr das vorläufige Ergebnis dieser Arbeit der Altorientalistischen Welt zugänglich sein. Aufgrund der enormen Fülle des Materials befindet sich dieses Projekt verstaÅNndlicherweise immer noch im Status des „work‐in‐ progress“ und wird wohl auch in absehbarer Zeit kaum abgeschlossen sein können ... 

Online Etymological Dictionary of Akkadian

Etymological Dictionary of Akkadian

Supplement to the Akkadian Dictionaries

Akkadian (Babylonian-Assyrian), a Semitic language written in the cuneiform script, was the native language of Babylonia and Assyria, the two main areas of Ancient Mesopotamia. It spread all over the Ancient Near East and was used, at least in written form and during certain periods, also from Elam in southwest Iran to Anatolia Syria, Palestine and even Egypt in the west. Written from ca. 2600 BC to the 1st century AD, Akkadian is one of the best attested languages of antiquity: the size of the Akkadian text corpus approximately corresponds to the size of the corpus of ancient Latin. 

The Akkadian lexicon is actually accessible through two large dictionaries, W. von Sodens Akkadisches Handwörterbuch (1958–1981, 3 volumes) and The Assyrian Dictionary of the University of Chicago (1956–2010, 20 volumes). Both dictionaries present Akkadian words with their meaning in context and a large number of references. As a huge reservoir for the history of Near Eastern languages and cultures, however, the Akkadian lexicon is still almost unexploited. The Etymological Dictionary of Akkadian, a joint project of the Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients (university of Jena) and the Altorientalisches Institut (Universität Leipzig), aims to analyse the Akkadian lexicon in the context of the Semitic language family and as the source, receptor and transmitter of loanwords and foreign words of Semitic and non-Semitic origin, part of which still survive in modern languages. 

The Etymological Dictionary of Akkadian is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft as a long-term project. The project leaders are Leonid Kogan (Moscow), Manfred Krebernik (Jena) and Michael P. Streck (Leipzig). The project started on July 1st, 2013. 

One module of the project is to create a Supplement to the Akkadian dictionaries mentioned above. This is the task of the Leipzig team (Michael P. Streck, Nadezda Rudik). The supplement is meant to provide new references for Akkadian words in the many texts published after the end of the Akkadisches Handwörterbuch and The Assyrian Dictionary of the University of Chicago as well as new secondary literature and corrections. The supplement is published online below. 

How to use the Supplement to the Akkadian Dictionaries
Current Status of Work

Supplement to the Akkadian Dictionaries:
A    B    D    E    G        I    K     L    M       P    Q    R    S        Š          U    W    Y    Z


The Supplement to the Akkadian Dictionaries is a work in progress. At the moment we concentrate on the letters B, P, and D, T and
Ṭ, but material on the other letters can also be found. In the following the scope of publications included is updated regularly.

Selected words of all letters from the following texts are included and discussed:

ORA 7, 205ff.:
RS 25.460, Hymn to Marduk from Ugarit
SAA 9:
Neo-Assyrian prophecies

For the letters B, P, D, T and Ṭ words from the texts in the following publications are included and discussed:

Late OB texts from the sealand dynasty
OB texts from Tuttul

For the letters B and P, words culled from the indices of the following publications are included and discussed:

ARM 26/1, 26/2, 27, 28:
OB letters from Mari
LB documents
Ur III documents from Garšana
QS 3:
MB letters and documents from Qatna
Shemshara 1:
OB letters from Tell Shemshara

For all letters full indices of the following publications are included:

AfO Bh. 32:
SB inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar from Wādī Brīsa
BATSH 4/1:
MA letters from Dūr-Katlimmu

The following secondary literature is included systematically:

Reviews of the AHw. and the CAD for the letters B and P, quoted verbatim
Reviews of the AHw. and the CAD for the letters D, T and Ṭ, quoted verbatim
Arkhipov 2012 (ARM 32) for the letters B, P, D, T, and Ṭ
Beaulieu 2003 (Pantheon of Uruk) for the letters B, P, D, T and Ṭ
McEwan 1988 (Babylonia in the Hellenistic Period, Klio 70, 412-421): Greek loanwords
Pentiuc 2011 (West Semitic Loan Words in MB texts from Emar) for the letters B, P, D, T and Ṭ

 Last update: January 31, 2014
See also:

Quaderni di Vicino Oriente VI - 2013: La percezione dell'ebraismo in altre culture e nelle arti

Quaderni di Vicino Oriente VI - 2013: 
8-9 ottobre 2012, Odeion - Facoltà di Lettere, Sapienza Università di Roma
a cura di Alessandro Catastini
E. Prinzivalli - "Noi" e "Loro", la lacerazione indicibile. Ebrei e Cristiani nel I e nel II secolo

A. Camplani - Declinazioni dell'antigiudaismo nel cristianesimo siriaco delle origini

A. Gebbia - Il violinista su Hollywood: gli Ebrei e il cinema americano

F. Gabizon - Percorsi ebraici nella letteratura inglese e americana

A. Catastini - La questione delle origini ebraiche

J. Nigro Covre - R. Cilione - Gli artisti e l 'ebraismo tra Italia e Francia intorno al 1930

F. Piperno - Ebrei in Musica

L. Nigro - L 'Archeologia Biblica e la percezione dell 'ebraismo

M. Caffiero - Gioco di specchi. Ebrei e Cristiani in età moderna: rappresentazioni e autorappresentazioni


Ancient World Mapping Center

[First posted in AWOL 3 October 2012, updated 15 February 2014]

Ancient World Mapping Center
The Ancient World Mapping Center is an interdisciplinary research center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The Center promotes cartography, historical geography, and geographic information science as essential disciplines within the field of ancient studies through innovative and collaborative research, teaching, and community outreach activities.
The Center invites inquiries from scholars, authors, educators, students, and the general public engaged in (or contemplating) projects related to cartography, historical geography, and geographic information science in the context of ancient studies. AWMC is committed to facilitating discussion, guidance, information exchange, collaboration, and access to cartographic and bibliographic resources in cooperation with such projects.
AWMC continues the work of the Classical Atlas Project that produced the landmark Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World (R. J. A. Talbert ed., 2000). With the publication of the print edition of the atlas in 2000, the Center began its work as an institute devoted not only to the continuation of the work of the atlas itself, but also to the advancement of a research agenda focused on the geography of the ancient Mediterranean world. The Center promotes its own independent research projects and also collaborates with scholars to produce maps on specification for scholarly publication. AWMC continues to refine the geographic dataset (both cultural and physical) for the ancient world in partnership with Pleiades.

Open Access Monographic Series: Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization (SAOC)

Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization (SAOC)
For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Tesserae: Intertextual Phrase Matching

 First posted in AWOL 21 December 2012, Updated 16 February 2014]

Tesserae:Intertextual Phrase Matching
Tessera (Latin): 1) a small square or block; 2) a tablet bearing a password; 3) a token divided between friends, so they or their descendants can recognize one another when meeting again.
Tesserae is a freely available tool for detecting allusions in Latin poetry. It was created by the Textual Analysis Working Group, a collaborative, interdisciplinary research team based at the University at Buffalo.
Comparison of different texts has been fundamental to the analysis of literary and linguistic meaning since antiquity. It is now possible to envision a computing interface that will allow us to view and navigate through the landscape of similarities between texts.
Drawing on the fields of literary studies, linguistics, and computing, we aim to make such a tool freely available online. This site currently offers an early-stage version, along with the most recent results of our ongoing study of the nature of intertextuality.
We are currently researching new techniques to measure texts’ similarity according to semantics, context, sound, and meter. We are also in the process of expanding our corpus to include Greek as well as Latin texts. This work includes graduate students from Buffalo’s Department of Classics and Department of Linguistics, as well as collaborative work at the VAST Lab of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
The Tesserae project has the potential to open up new ways of experiencing the relationships between texts, and the project authors believe that this in turn will lead to truly fresh perspectives and interpretations. In this way, the Tesserae project will contribute to an emerging vision of humanities computing that emphasizes not just the processing of texts, but new, intuitive, and provocative encounters with literature.
Our software is open-source and available on GitHub.

Workshop: Intertextualité et Humanités Numériques, Responses by participants

Manar Al-Athar منار الآثار Free multi-media resource for the study of the Middle East مصادر مجانية متعددة الوسائط لدراسة حضارات الشرق الأوسط

Manar Al-Athar منار الآثار Free multi-media resource for the study of the Middle East مصادر مجانية متعددة الوسائط لدراسة حضارات الشرق الأوسط
The Manar al-Athar website, based at the University of Oxford, aims to provide high resolution, searchable images for teaching, research, and publication. These images of archaeological sites, with buildings and art, will cover the areas of the former Roman empire which later came under Islamic rule, such as Syro-Palestine/the Levant, Arabia, Egypt, North Africa and Spain. The chronological range is from Alexander the Great (i.e., from about 300 BC) through, the Islamic period to the present. It is the first website of its kind providing such material labelled jointly in both Arabic and English. We will also be publishing related material, both online and on paper, in English and Arabic.
يهدف موقع منار الآثار الإلكتروني، التابع لجامعة أكسفورد، إلى تزويدكم بصور عالية الجودة للغايات العلمية والتعليمية والبحثية؛ إذ تحتوي الصور على نماذج معمارية وفنية لمواقع أثرية كانت ضمن مناطق الإمبراطورية الرومانية السابقة والتي وقعت لاحقاً تحت الحكم الإسلامي: مثل بلاد الشام وبعض اجزاء الجزيرة العربية ومصر وشمال أفريقيا وأسبانيا. تمتد الفترة الزمنية لهذه المواقع الأثرية من أيام الإسكندر المقدوني (حوالي 300 قبل الميلاد) والفترة الإسلامية إلى الوقت الحاضر. يعد موقع منار الآثار الإلكتروني الأول من نوعه الذي يزود روّاده بمواد معنونة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية معاً. فضلاً عن ذلك سيتم نشر مواد ذات صلة بالموضوع على الموقع الإلكتروني و بشكل ورقي باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية

Manar al-Athar is Arabic for "Guide to Archaeology" and has been chosen because Manara, in Egypt, refers to both the Lighthouse of Alexandria (the Pharos) and to minarets. This conveys the transition, and often continuity, covered by the chronological range of the material.
قمنا بتسمية هذا الموقع بـ منار الآثار ليكون مصادراً علمياً لدراسي علم الآثار والحضارات القديمة؛ نسبةً الى منارة الاسكندرية في مصر، ونتمنى أن نكون قد وفقنا باختيار الاسم المناسب لهذا الموقع

The Holy Land
Petra - McKenzie Archive black and white photographs

Coming Soon

Alexandria - McKenzie Archive
architectural drawings, black and white photographs, slides
Petra - McKenzie Archive
tomb plans

Open Access Monographs: Topoi: Berlin Studies of the Ancient World / Berliner Studien der Alten Welt

[First posted in AWOL 22 July 2012. Updated 17 February 2014]

Topoi: Berlin Studies of the Ancient World / Berliner Studien der Alten Welt
The series: Topoi. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World brings together contributions from all fields of classical studies, from pre- and early history and classical archeology to ancient philosophy, theory of science and theology. Monographs and volumes which present the research results of the Excellence Cluster Topoi form a major focus of the series. Additional topics are currently being planned.

Since 2014 the series «Topoi. Berlin studies of the ancient world» has been published in a new and innovative publication format. With the publisher Edition Topoi all titles are available as high quality printed books and additional in digital form. All those digital contents are open access — that means free immediate access, and unrestricted reuse.

Volumes already published

Vol. 1
Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Margarete van Ess and Joachim Marzahn (Eds.), Babylon. Wissenskultur in Orient und Okzident/ Science Culture Between Orient and Occident, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2011
Vol. 2
Alessandra Gilibert, Syro-Hittite Monumental Art and the Archaeology of Performance, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2011Book review on BMCR
Vol. 3
Frank Daubner (Ed.), Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2010
Vol. 4
Therese Fuhrer (Ed.), Rom und Mailand in der Spätantike. Repräsentationen städtischer Räume in Literatur, Architektur und Kunst, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2011
Vol. 5
Elke Kaiser, Joachim Burger and Wolfram Schier (Eds.), Population Dynamics in Prehistory and Early History. New Approaches by Using Stable Isotopes and Genetics, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012
Vol. 6
Felix Mundt (Ed.), Kommunikationsräume im kaiserzeitlichen Rom, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012
Vol. 7
Ernst Baltrusch, Morten Hegewisch, Michael Meyer, Uwe Puschner and Christian Wendt (Eds.), 2000 Jahre Varusschlacht. Geschichte-Archäologie-Legenden, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012
Vol. 8
Salvatore De Vincenzo, Tra Cartagine e Roma, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012
Vol. 9
Elke Kaiser and Wolfram Schier (Eds.), Mobilität und Wissenstransfer in diachroner und interdisziplinärer Perspektive, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013
Vol. 10
Svend Hansen, Daniel Neumann and Tilmann Vachta (Eds.), Hort und Raum. Aktuelle Forschungen zu bronzezeitlichen Deponierungen in Mitteleuropa, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012
Vol. 11
Ortwin Dally, Susanne Moraw and Hauke Ziemssen (Eds.), Bild – Raum – Handlung. Perspektiven der Archäologie, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012
Vol. 12
Dominik Bonatz (Ed.), The Archaeology of Political Spaces. The Upper Mesopotamian Piedmont in the Second Millennium BC, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, [inpress]
Vol. 13
Eberhardt Knobloch and Cosima Möller (Eds.), In den Gefilden der römischen Feldmesser. Juristische, wissenschaftsgeschichtliche, historische und sprachliche Aspekte, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013
Vol. 14
Klaus Geus and Michael Rathmann (Eds.), Vermessung der Oikumene, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013
Vol. 15
Stefan Altekamp, Carmen Marcks-Jacobs and Peter Seiler (Eds.), Perspektiven der Spolienforschung 1, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013
Vol. 16
Svend Hansen and Michael Meyer (Eds.), Parallele Raumkonzepte, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013
Vol. 17
Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum and Jesper Eidem (Eds.), Constituent, Confederate, and Conquered Space in Upper Mesopotamia. The Emergence of the Mittani State, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, [inpress]
Vol. 18
Eleftheria Paliou, Undine Lieberwirth and Silvia Polla (Eds.), Spatial analysis and social spaces. Interdisciplinary approaches to the interpretation of prehistoric and historic built environments, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, [inpress]
Vol. 19
Silvia Kutscher and Daniel A. Werning (Eds.), On Ancient Grammars of Space. Linguistic Research on the Expression of Spatial Relations and Motion in Ancient Languages, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014
Vol. 20
Cyril Brosch, Untersuchungen zur hethitischen Raumgrammatik, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014
Vol. 21
Jan Moje, Herrschaftsräume und Herrschaftswissen ägyptischer Lokalregenten. Soziokulturelle Interaktionen zur Machtkonsolidierung vom 8. bis zum 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, [inpress]
Vol. 29
Almut-Barbara Renger and Isabel Toral-Niehoff (Eds.), Genealogie und Migrationsmythen im antiken Mittelmeerraum und auf der arabischen Halbinsel, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2014

Forthcoming Volumes

Vol. 12
Dominik Bonatz (Ed.), The Archaeology of Political Spaces, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter

K. Donker van Heel, A Very Easy Crash Course in Abnormal Hieratic

K. Donker van Heel, A Very Easy Crash Course in Abnormal Hieratic. Being a Step by Step Introduction to the Least Accessible of All Ancient Egyptian Scripts (Leiden 2013)
This syllabus is part of a three-day crash course in abnormal hieratic that was designed to prepare students for the effective use of: 

Koenraad Donker van Heel & Joost Golverdingen, An Abnormal Hieratic Reading Book Containing Texts from the British Museum (London), the Brooklyn Museum (New York), the Egyptian Museum (Cairo), the Louvre (Paris), the Museo Egizio (Turin), the Nationalbibliothek (Vienna), Queen’s College (Oxford) and the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (Leiden), with a Palaeography of Abnormal Hieratic Signs and Sign Groups (2013).

Or, to phrase it more precisely, this very easy crash course aims to take away people’s fear of abnormal hieratic and to stimulate colleagues and students to open their hearts and minds to this wonderful discipline that has so much to offer. And, most important, to enjoy doing it.

It was felt that to achieve this we would need a really low-threshold syllabus for use in class, that will allow students to go through the material on their own without losing their way at any moment. This explains why so much attention has been paid to clarify details time andagain, requiring constant references, sometimes ad nauseam.

And see also:
Koenraad Donker van Heel & Joost Golverdingen's An Abnormal Hieratic Reading Book online

A digital corpus for Greco-Arabic studies

A digital corpus for Greco-Arabic studies
Between the 8th and 10th centuries AD, hundreds of Greek philosophical and scientific works were translated into Arabic. These translations exerted immense influence on the development of philosophy and science in the Islamic world and, through a later process of translation and transmission, in the Latin West as well. We propose to establish a new foundation for the study of this crucial period of Classical influence on the Islamic world by creating a large-scale corpus of digital texts and new tools to study them. We also aim to enhance scholarly communication by forging new connections between classicists and Arabists from the Middle East and the United States.


New Ancient World Content in JSTOR

In January 2014 JSTOR announced the launch of the Hebrew Collection:
With a minimum of 40 titles, the Hebrew Journals Collection draws from an interdisciplinary range of titles published primarily in Hebrew. The collection is the first on JSTOR to be released in a non-Roman alphabet, creating an essential resource for scholars in Hebrew worldwide. Top disciplines include Jewish studies, language and literature, and archaeology, with journals drawn from leading organizations such as the Bialik Institute, the World Union of Jewish Studies, and the Israel Antiquities Authority. The JSTOR platform has been adapted in ways that now support the requirements of the Hebrew language. These include right-to-left reading, searchability in Hebrew, and journal metadata in both Hebrew and English when provided, including author names, titles, and tables of contents.
Among these is an important subset of Hebrew journals focusing on Antiquity:
'Atiqot / עתיקות (Hebrew) http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=atiqot
Previous Title: 'Atiqot: Hebrew Series / עתיקות: סידרה עבריתhttp://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=atiqhebrseri
Coverage: Vols. 1-10 (1955-1990);
Vols. 20-74 (1991-2013)
Moving Wall: zero
Publisher: Israel Antiquities Authority / רשות העתיקות
ISSN: 0792-8424
Note: Content for this title is released as soon as the latest issues become available to JSTOR.

Jewish Studies / מדעי היהדות (Hebrew; Jewish Studies) http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=jewishstudies2
Previous Title: Newsletter (World Union of Jewish Studies) / ידיעון - האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדותhttp://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=newsworluniojewi
Coverage: Nos. 1/2 - 29 (1970-1989);
No. 30 (1990) - Vol. 47 (2010)
Moving Wall: 2 years
Publisher: World Union of Jewish Studies / האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדות
ISSN: 0792-5964

Meghillot: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls / מגילות: מחקרים במגילות מדבר יהודה (Hebrew) http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=meghillot
Coverage: Vols. 1 - 8/9 (2003-2010)
Moving Wall: 2 years
Publisher: Bialik Institute, Jerusalem / מוסד ביאליק, ירושלים
ISSN: 2309-3501

Mitekufat Haeven: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society / מתקופת האבן (Hebrew) http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=mitekufathaeven
Coverage: Vols. 1-39 (1960-2009)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: Israel Prehistoric Society / העמותה הישראלית לפרהיסטוריה
ISSN: 0334-3839

Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / שנתון לחקר המקרא והמזרח הקדום (Hebrew; Jewish Studies) http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=shnaton
Coverage: Vols. 1-20 (1975-2010)
Moving Wall: 1 year
Publisher: Mandel Institute for Jewish Studies / המכון למדעי היהדות ע"ש מנדל
ISSN: 0334-2891
Note: No issues were published in 2011. Vol. 21 (2012) will be released in 2014.
Other new titles:
Listy filologické / Folia philologica [1887- ] (Arts & Sciences XI) http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=listfilofoliphil
Previous Title: Listy filologické a paedagogické [1874-1886] (1801-1934) http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=listfilopaed
Coverage: Roč. 1, Cís. 1 (1874) – Roč. 13, Cís. 5/6 (1886);
Roč. 14, Cís. 1 (1887) – Vol. 132, No. 3/4 (2009)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: Institute for Classical Studies, part of the Institute for Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague
ISSN: 0024-4457

And see also:
AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World

Scrivere leggere interpretare: studi di antichità in onore di Sergio Daris

Scrivere leggere interpretare: studi di antichità in onore di Sergio Daris
Authors: Crevatin, Franco
Tedeschi, Gennaro
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste

ISBN: 978-88-8303-341-4
Scarica il volume completo / Download full text
Isabella Andorlini
Note di lettura ed interpretazione a PSI IV 299: un caso di tracoma

Angela Andrisano
La lettera overo discorso di G. Giraldi Cinzio sovra il comporre le satire atte alla scena: Tradizione aristotelica e innovazione

Maria Gabriella Angeli Bertinelli e Maria Federica Petraccia Lucernoni
Centurioni e curatori in ostraka dall'Egitto

Gino Bandelli
Medea Norsa giovane

Guido Bastianini
Frammenti di una parachoresis a New York e Firenze (P.NYU inv. 22 + PSI inv.137)

Marco Bergamasco
Uperetes arcaios in POsl III 124

Laura Boffo
Per il lessico dell’archiviazione pubblica nel mondo greco. Note preliminari

Francesco Bossi
Adesp. Hell. 997a, 5 Ll.-J.-P.

Mario Capasso
Per l’itinerario della papirologia ercolanese

Antonio Carlini
Papiri filosofici greci e tradizione dei testi

Filippo Càssola
Le parti del mondo nell’antichità

Giovanni Cerri
Il giudizio di Aristotele sul finale dell’Iliade (Correzione testuale a Poet. XV 1454 b 2)

Ileana Chirassi Colombo
Parole di Mago. Riflessioni intorno a PMG XIII

Franco Crevatin
Cimeli egiziani della collezione Malaspina dei musei civici di Pavia

Paola Davoli
Soknopaiou Nesos: i nuovi scavi dell’Università di Lecce, risultati e prospettive

Stefano De Martino
Un passo della versione in hurrico del “canto della liberazione” (KBo XXXII 14 I 46-47)

Michele Faraguna
Terra pubblica e vendite di immobili confiscati a Chio nel V sec. a.C.: per un'interpretazione di SGDI 5653 (DGE3 688)

Maria Rosa Formentin
Il Marc. gr. 273: stratificazione di scritture, lingue, testi

Luigi Galasso
Ovidio, Metamorfosi 13, 679-701: le figlie di Orione

Gian Franco Gianotti
Odisseo mendico a Troia (PKöln VI 245)

Alberto Grilli
Su due frammenti di Cleante

Dieter Hagedorn
Xrysos oder xrysion? Regionale Besonderheiten des Wortgebrauchs im spätantiken Ägypten

Hermann Harrauer
Ein griechischer Grabstein

Alberto Maffi
La clausola relativa all’interrogatorio nell’arbitrato di Cnido (IK Knidos 221 A 67-72)

Aldo Magris
Il concetto di rivelazione nel codice manicheo di Colonia

Fulvia Mainardis e Claudio Zaccaria
Tra epigrafia e papirologia Q. Baienus Blassianus, cavaliere tergestino e prefetto d’Egitto

Enrico V. Maltese
Postille critico-testuali al Dynameron di Elio Promoto Alessandrino

Giovanna Menci
Note su reperti antinoiti

Gabriella Messeri
Un nuovo trierarco e la presenza della flotta romana nel Mar Rosso

Franca Perusino
I papiri di Aristofane e la colometria: nota al P. Oxy. 4510, fr. 6 (Aristofane, Acarnesi)

Paola Pruneti
Osservazioni sull'uso e il significato di kastellon nella lingua dei papiri

Patrizia Puppini
Tratti culturali egiziani nell’Elena di Euripide

Luigi Tartaglia
Meccanismi di compilazione nella Cronaca di Giorgio Cedreno

Gennaro Tedeschi
Medea e gli Argonauti nei poeti greci

Stefano De Martino publicartions online at the University of Trieste


Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History

Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History
The first issue of de Greuyter's new journal edited by Steven Garfinkle and Marc Van De Mieroop is (at least for now) available without charge:
The Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History seeks to encourage and stimulate the study of the history of the ancient Near East, which is broadly defined to include areas from Iran to the western Anatolian coast and the Black Sea to Southern Arabia from its prehistoric foundations to the Late Antique period. The journal is also interested in interactions with other regions and cultures, such as Ancient Egypt, the Mediterranean World, the Indian Ocean and Central Asia. Articles may focus on any aspect of history (political, social, economic, cultural, intellectual, etc.) and of modern historiography. The journal seeks to integrate the study of the ancient Near East firmly in the historical discipline in general and encourages its authors to take into account current methodological debates and approaches.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (Feb 2014)


Page i
Published Online: 02/14/2014

Editorial Introduction to JANEH

Page 1
Published Online: 02/14/2014

Intellectual History and Assyriology

Veldhuis, Niek
Page 21
Published Online: 02/14/2014

The History of Science and Ancient Mesopotamia

Rochberg, Francesca
Page 37
Published Online: 02/14/2014

Mesopotamian Political History: The Perversities

Richardson, Seth
Page 61
Published Online: 02/14/2014

Open Access Hellenistic Astrological Texts

[First posted in AWOL 7 December 2010, updated 19 February 2014]

Hellenistic Astrology Website
Hellenistic astrology is a tradition of Greco-Roman astrology that originated in the Mediterranean region sometime around the 1st century BCE, and was practiced until approximately the 7th century. It is the ancestor of many of the modern traditions of astrology that still flourish around the world today.

This tradition originated partially out of a synthesis of the ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian traditions of astrology, and it influenced many other subsequent traditions of astrology across Europe, Africa, the Middle East and India during the middle ages and through to modern times.

Despite its pivotal role in the history of astrology, many of the details surrounding the theory and practice of Hellenistic astrology were unknown until relatively recently. Many of the foundational texts of this tradition have only become available again over the course of the past century, and modern translations of these texts from Greek and Latin have only started to be published in the past few decades.

This website represents part of a broader effort that is taking place in the academic and astrological communities today to recover and reconstruct the ancient traditions of astrology.


Translations and Critical Editions

This page contains a collection of astrological texts from the Hellenistic tradition in their original languages. Most of these are “critical editions” that remain untranslated from Greek and Latin, which provide the basis for translations of the texts.
Some other works have also been added which are useful for the study of Hellenistic astrology.
Where appropriate we have added links to pages in the Hellenistic astrologers section of our site, which contain more extensive background information and bibliographies for individual astrologers.

The CCAG: Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum

In the late 19th century a group of scholars began cataloging all of the existing Greek astrological manuscripts that survived in various libraries around Europe. Over the course of the next 50 years they indexed all of the Greek manuscripts that they could find, and they published their catalog with a number of long excerpts from the texts in a 12 volume collection known as the Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum (Catalogue of the Codices of the Greek Astrologers), or CCAG for short.
This project was finished in the early 1950s, and although other scholars have continued to edit and publish additional critical editions of the texts in their original languages, the CCAG remains an important source for many Greek astrological texts.
Since most of the CCAG was printed in the early part of the 20th century much of it is in the public domain at this point. These volumes are available below as PDF files:
If you find scans of the remaining volumes of the CCAG hosted on other websites please let us know, and then we will link to them here.

Vettius Valens

The first critical edition of the work of the 2nd century astrologer Vettius Valens, known as the Anthology, was published by Wilhelm Kroll in 1907. This edition is available for download below thanks to Google Books. David Pingree later published an updated edition of the text with additional fragments in the 1986, thus superseding Kroll’s edition. While Pingree’s edition should be the primary one used for any translations at this point, Kroll’s is still a useful starting point, and so it is available below:
A full English translation of Valens’ Anthology was released online in late 2010 by Mark Riley. For more information see our entry on Riley’s translation of Vettius Valens on our blog.

Maximus, Ammon & Manetho

In the 4th or 5th century a Roman astrologer named Maximus wrote a treatise on katarchic astrology titled On Inceptions (Peri Katarche). A critical edition of Maximus’ text was published by Arthur Ludwich in 1877. Google Books scanned the text, and we provide it below as PDF since it is now in the public domain. This PDF file also contains an edition of some fragments attributed to an astrologer known as Ammon, as well as Koechly’s critical edition of the didactic astrological poem of Manetho. Note that a more recent critical edition of Manetho was produced by Robert Lopilato in 1998, although it is only available as a dissertation from Brown University.

Hephaistio of Thebes

The first critical edition of the early 5th century astrologer Hephaistio of Thebes’ Apotelesmatics was published by August Engelbrecht in 1887. This edition was superseded by David Pingree’s critical edition of Hephaistio in the mid-1970′s, although since Engelbrecht’s edition is in the public domain we provide it below courtesy of Google Books:

Marcus Manilius

The Latin text of Marcus Manilus‘ 1st century poem known as the Astronomica is available via the Latin Library:
Scans of A. E. Housman’s infamous early 20th century edition of Manilius also recently became available via Google Books and the Internet Archive. All five volumes can be downloaded below:
A scan of Scaliger’s 16th century edition of Manilius also recently became available through Google Books:
The standard critical edition of Manilius at this point is M. Manilii Astronomica edited by George P. Goold, first published in 1985 by Teubner, and then again with corrections in 1998. This is conveniently available in an English translation by Goold as part of the Loeb edition of Manilius.
An excellent monograph on Manilius was also recently published by Katharina Volk: Manilius and his Intellectual Background.

Firmicus Maternus

The primary critical edition of the astrological work of the 4th century astrologer Firmicus Maternus, known as the Mathesis, was published in two volumes by Kroll, Skutsch and Ziegler from 1897-1913. Google Books has scanned volume 1 of the critical edition, which contains books 1 through 4 of the Mathesis in the original Latin:
Volume 2 of the critical edition, containing books 5-8, was recently made available by the Internet Archive:
The standard translation of Firmicus, based on the above critical edition, is Ancient Astrology Theory and Practice: Matheseos Libri VIII by Jean Rhys Bram.
A new English translation of the Mathesis was recently published by James Holden.

Dorotheus of Sidon

The standard critical edition of the work of the 1st century astrologer Dorotheus of Sidon was published in 1976 by David Pingree as Dorothei Sidonii Carmen Astrologicum.
Pingree’s English translation of the Arabic version of the text was republished on its own a few years ago by Astrology Classics as Dorotheus of Sidon, Carmen Astrologicum.
Deborah Houlding recently released book 1 of Pingree’s English translation of Dorotheus online via her website Skyscript.

Sextus Empiricus

A critical edition of the skeptic Sextus Empiricus’ works was published by Immanuel Bekker in 1842. Book 5 of his work Against the Professors consists of a skeptical critique of astrology, and the first half of this work provides a rather decent overview of some of the basic terms and technical concepts employed by Hellenistic astrologers. The critical edition of the Greek was scanned by Google Books. Pages 728-748 contain his disputation of astrology titled Against the Astrologers.

Auguste Bouche-Leclercq: L’astrologie grecque

In 1899 the noted historian of ancient magic and astrology Auguste Bouche-Leclercq published a massive 600+ page survey of Hellenistic astrology titled L’astrologie grecque. This work is still seen by many in the academic community as being the standard scholarly reference work on Hellenistic astrology, although it is largely out-of-date given the amount of work that has been done in the field over the course of the past century. Bouche-Leclercq was a Belgian scholar, so the work is written in French, although Lester Ness is currently preparing a full translation of the text into English.
Since the book was published in 1899 it is now in the public domain. A scan of the original French version of the text was recently made available on the Internet Archive, and this can be downloaded as a PDF (41 MB) using the link below:

Franz Boll: Sphaera

Franz Boll was a philologist in the early 20th century who devoted much of his work to studying Ptolemy. One of his most notable works was his 1903 book Sphaera, in which he published and discussed some of the recently discovered works of Teucer of Babylon, Vettius Valens, and Antiochus of Athens. The book is written in German, and it was recently scanned by Google Books. It can be downloaded as a PDF (19 MB) by using the link below:


Proclus’ commentary on Plato’s Republic, edited by Wilhelm Kroll.  Scans from the Internet Archive:

John Lydus

John Lydus’ De Ostentis, edited by Curt Wachsmuth. Scanned by Google Books:


Censorinus’ De Die Natali Liber, edited by Friedrich Hultsch. Scanned by Google Books:
An English translation of De Die Natali Liber was recently published by Holt N. Parker as Censorinus, The Birthday Book.


Geminus’ Introduction to the Phenomena, edited by Manitius. Scanned by Google Books, and available through WilbourHall.org:
An excellent English translation of Geminus was recently published by James Evans and J. Lennart Berggren as Geminos’s “Introduction to the Phenomena”.

Nechepso and Petosiris

Ernst Riess’ edition of Nechepso and Petosiris fragments and testimonia: Nechepsonis et Petosiridis fragmenta magica, ed. Ernestus Riess, Philologus, supplement 6, 1891-93, pgs. 325-394. Scanned by Chris Brennan, and available through the following link as a 41 MB PDF file:

Lost Change: Mapping Coins from the Portable Antiquities Scheme

Lost Change: Mapping Coins from the Portable Antiquities Scheme
The map displays the geo-located coins and mints of the British Museum's Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS). These coins have been found by members of the public in England and Wales and recorded by PAS staff after being declared voluntarily.

The coins are displayed on the map on the left, the mints where they originate to the right. The size of the mint circles is proportional to the number of associated coins recorded by the scheme, with a minimum size for mints with low numbers of coins so that the mint is still clickable.

View the coins for particular periods by clicking the buttons at the top, and drill down further by selecting Rulers from the drop-down.

New in the Cuneiform Digitial Library Initiative Wiki

Cuneiform Digitial Library Initiative Wiki
New content includes:
  • Proverbs
    The objective here is to provide links to the CDLI catalogue sources for the literary works given by ETCSL. The notes also tie the etcsl catalogue numbers to the corresponding Q-catalogue numbers (used in CDLI as composite id's). In principle, the etcsl web-pages list the cuneiform sources for each of the literary works considered. However, in practice, there are sometimes difficulties in relating the sources listed by etcsl to those in the CDLI catalogue and so notes are included considering so…
  • Hymns and cult songs
    The objective here is to provide links to the CDLI catalogue sources for the literary works given by ETCSL. The notes also tie the etcsl catalogue numbers to the corresponding Q-catalogue numbers (used in CDLI as composite id's). In principle, the etcsl web-pages list the cuneiform sources for each of the literary works considered. However, in practice, there are sometimes difficulties in relating the sources listed by etcsl to those in the CDLI catalogue and so notes are included considering so…
  • Literary letters and letter-prayers
    The objective here is to provide links to the CDLI catalogue sources for the literary works given by ETCSL. The notes also tie the etcsl catalogue numbers to the corresponding Q-catalogue numbers (used in CDLI as composite id's). In principle, the etcsl web-pages list the cuneiform sources for each of the literary works considered. However, in practice, there are sometimes difficulties in relating the sources listed by etcsl to those in the CDLI catalogue and so notes are included considering so…
  • ETCSL Cuneiform Sources - [Other Literature]
    The objective here is to provide links to the CDLI catalogue sources for the literary works given by ETCSL. The notes also tie the etcsl catalogue numbers to the corresponding Q-catalogue numbers (used in CDLI as composite id's). In principle, the etcsl web-pages list the cuneiform sources for each of the literary works considered. However, in practice, there are sometimes difficulties in relating the sources listed by etcsl to those in the CDLI catalogue and so notes are included considering so…

From Trace to Text: Highlights from the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection

From Trace to Text: Highlights from the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection
The University of Michigan Papyrus Collection is a premier collection of papyri, recognized worldwide for its great breadth and the excellence in research, teaching, and outreach it supports.  Founded by the visionary Francis W. Kelsey, the Papyrus Collection has been the training ground for many papyrologists and home to many great resident scholars:  Arthur Boak, Campbell Bonner, Henry Sanders, John Winter, Orsamus Pearl, Roger Pack, William Worrel, Elinor Husselman, Herbert and Louise Youtie, Ludwig Koenen, and Traianos Gagos.  This exhibit coincided with a colloquium (October 29-30, 2010) to honor the teaching of Traianos Gagos, who died much too young on April 24, 2010.

The vision and hard work of Traianos Gagos ensured that this papyrus collection was ready for the twenty-first century.  Through his efforts, the documents received the conservation care that they needed, and almost all texts were made available in an online database.  His ambition was to share the results of papyrological scholarship with a wide audience of students and the general public.

This exhibit introduces the visitor to the work that goes into making a papyrus text understandable. It also showcases the texts from the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection that are used most frequently in teaching and research, along with some recent discoveries.

Open Access Journal: SALON - the Society of Antiquaries of London Online Newsletter

[First posted in AWOL 11 February 2010. Updated 20 February 2014]

SALON - the Society of Antiquaries of London Online Newsletter
The Society of Antiquaries of London Online Newsletter (Salon) is a fortnightly digest of news from the heritage sector. It focuses on the activities of the Society and the contribution that the Society's Fellows make to public life. Like the intellectual salons of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe, it aims to amuse and to stimulate debate as well as to inform. You are welcome to read Salon's editorial policy.
Links to archived issues of Salon from Issue 293 (18 February 2013) to present
16/02/2014 - Salon: Issue 314
02/02/2014 - Salon: Issue 313
19/01/2014 - Salon: Issue 312
05/01/2014 - Salon: Issue 311
08/12/2013 - Salon: Issue 310
24/11/2013 - Salon: Issue 309
10/11/2013 - Salon: Issue 308
27/10/2013 - Salon: Issue 307
13/10/2013 - Salon: Issue 306
29/09/2013 - Salon: Issue 305
08/09/2013 - Salon: Issue 304
18/08/2013 - Salon: Issue 303
21/07/2013 - Salon: Issue 302
30/06/2013 - Salon: Issue 301
16/06/2013 - Salon: Issue 300
02/06/2013 - Salon: Issue 299
12/05/2013 - Salon: Issue 298
21/04/2013 - Salon: Issue 297
07/04/2013 - Salon: Issue 296
17/03/2013 - Salon: Issue 295
03/03/2013 - Salon: Issue 294
17/02/2013 - Salon: Issue 293

Archived issues of Salon,
May 2002 to February 2013
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