Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Semitic Roots Repository

Semitic Roots Repository

This repository is dedicated to documenting and modelling every single aspect of the Semitic languages. The main database holds a record of all known roots that have been entered so far, and gives many means by which to search and compare them.
The script used for the roots is the Ancient South Arabian script known as the "Musnad". This script was chosen because it is the only known Semitic abjad that contains graphemes for all of the known Semitic phonemes. As this abjad has only recently been included in the Unicode specification, it's not included on most Operating Systems. Therefore you'll need to download the Musnad font from our downloads section. The script is fairly easy to learn (only took me about a day or two) and it is a much better choice than using Latin characters, with various modified characters to represent those letters not known in Latin-based alphabets. The use of the Musnad for the roots does not mean the roots are necessarily existent in the Ancient South Arabian languages, the script is being used as a general way to represent common Semitic roots. However when the script appears in a word, then it is being used to represent an Ancient South Arabian word.

Pompeii in pictures


Pompeiiinpictures: A complete photographic plan of ancient Pompeii as it is today, produced by Jackie and Bob Dunn for those as enthusiastic about Pompeii as we are.

Pompeii Regio I  Click HerePompeii Regio II    Click HerePompeii Regio III    Click HerePompeii Regio IV    Click HerePompeii Regio V    Click HerePompeii Regio VI    Click HerePompeii Regio VII    Click HerePompeii Regio VIII    Click HerePompeii Regio IX    Click HerePompeii Herculaneum Gate Sepolcri, Villa of Diomedes, Villa of Cicero, Villa of Mosaic Columns, Villa of Mysteries and Villa Regina Boscoreale    Click Herepompeii pompeji pompeya pompei plan

Use the pompeiiinpictures interactive map, buttons or links to view pictures of the excavations at Pompeii of every regio, insula, house, shop, villa, temple, baths, altar, fountain, gate, tomb or tower.

Please click on a Regio of the coloured plan to go to the next plan and to the photographs or click on one of the links below.

If you prefer you can also choose between alternative colour schemes.
Pompeii in Pleiades

Open Access Journal: Africa Romana

[First posted in AWOL 3 August 2012. Updated 24 September 2013]

Africa Romana
Nel tentativo di incentivare gli studi sull'evo antico nell'Africa settentrionale il Centro di Studi interdisciplinari sulle Province Romane ha promosso l'edizione di una serie di volumi curati da autori italiani e maghrebini.
Solo per restare all'ultimo decennio e senza contare gli innumerevoli articoli e le ormai decine di migliaia di pagine che raccolgono gli Atti del convegno L'Africa Romana, ricordiamo:

  • Uchi Maius, 1, Scavi e ricerche epigrafiche in Tunisia, a cura di A. Mastino e M. Khanoussi, 1997;
  • P. Ruggeri, Africa ipsa parens illa Sardiniae. Studi di storia antica e di epigrafia, 1999;
  • S. Aounallah, Le Cap Bon, jardin de Carthage. Recherches d'épigraphie et d'histoire romano-africaines (146 a.C.-235 p.C.), 2001;
  • P. Salama, Les bornes milliaires du territoire de Tipasa (Maurétanie Césarienne), 2002;
  • A. M. Corda (a cura di ), Uomo, Territorio, Ambiente. La cooperazione italo-tunisina nel settore archeologico, 2002;
  • M. Milanese (a cura di ), Uchi Maius tardo antica e islamica. Miscellanea di studi 1997/2002, 2003;
  • R. Zucca, Sufetes Africae et Sardiniae. Studi storici e geografici sul Mediterraneo antico, 2004;
  • A. Ibba, G. Traina, L'Afrique romaine de l'Atlantique à la Tripolitaine (69-439 ap. J.-C.), 2006;
  • A. Ibba (a cura di, con la collaborazione di M. Abid, Z. Benzina Ben Abdallah, C. Cazzona, D. Sanna, R. Sanna, E. Ughi, disegni di S. Ganga ), Uchi Maius, 2: Le iscrizioni, 2006.
Conscio dell'importanza del libro con insostituibile strumento formativo primario, il Centro di Studi interdisciplinari sulle Province Romane ha sempre posto gratuitamente a disposizione di Università e Istituti di ricerca algerini, libici, marocchini e tunisini e di giovani studiosi meritevoli di attenzione, questi volumi, al fine di incentivare la ricerca scientifica e di agevolare la formazione di elementi validi ma economicamente svantaggiati.
Elenco delle tesi di dottorato di argomento africano (file PDF - 37 Kb)
Università degli Studi di Sassari.
Elenco delle tesi di laurea di argomento africano (file PDF - 32 Kb)
Università di Sassari e Cagliari.
Elenco delle pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Storia (file PDF - 65 Kb)
Università degli Studi di Sassari.
Atti dei convegni
Atti "L'Africa Romana" X
Atti "L'Africa Romana" X
Indici decennali 1983-1992
Indici decennali 1983-1992

Open Access Journal: TÜBA-KED

Orientalia: Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan

 [First posted in AWOL 14 August 2011. Updated 24 September 2013]

Orientalia: Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan
Il y a soixante ans, Jean Leclant donnait la première livraison de sa chronique archéologique dans la rubrique Nuntii personarum et rerum des Orientalia, sous le titre « Compte rendu des fouilles et travaux menés en Égypte ». La coupure de la seconde guerre mondiale se refermait et l’activité archéologique connaissait un renouveau que les premiers temps du nassérisme n’allaient, hélas ! pas tarder à mettre à nouveau en sommeil, jusqu’à ce que le sauvetage des monuments de Nubie relance la coopération internationale sur les rives du Nil. La chronique, elle, n’a pas failli à rendre compte, année après année, de la recherche archéologique, figeant son titre, après quelques brèves hésitations, en «Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan».

En 1985, Gisèle Clerc s’associa à Jean Leclant, puis, de 1998 à 2001, Anne Minault-Gout. En 2003, j’ai pris la suite, avec l’aide d’Emad Adly ; Alain Arnaudiès nous a rejoints en 2006. Parallèlement à la préparation du rapport annuel des Orientalia, nous poursuivons, Emad Adly et moi-même, la publication du Bulletin d’Information archéologique, que nous avons créé, il y a maintenant plus de vingt ans, reprenant le flambeau que m’avait alors transmis la regrettée Carla Burri, qui avait rédigé pendant 17 ans son précieux Bollettino di informazione, dont le BIA a repris le nom, en témoignage de gratitude. 

Le propos des deux entreprises est, au moins à l’origine, très proche. Le Bolletino visait à faire circuler l’information dans la communauté des archéologues et chercheurs travaillant en Égypte ; la chronique des Orientalia donne, elle, une information plus technique, fondée sur les rapports transmis par les acteurs de la recherche, augmentés d’une collecte bibliographique. Le BIA a élargi la revue de presse, la classant par thèmes et l’indexant, reposant ainsi sur un travail éditorial plus soutenu. 

Entre ces deux niveaux se situent les rapports fournis par les institutions travaillant, dans le domaine de l’archéologie essentiellement, mais pas seulement, en Égypte et au Soudan. Ce niveau intermédiaire est celui qui a le plus bénéficié ces dernières années des possibilités accrues de communication et de diffusion qu’offre la toile : aujourd’hui, non seulement les grands instituts, mais, pratiquement, chaque mission « poste » en ligne un rapport, le plus souvent sur le site de l’institution dont elle relève, mais aussi sur des sites dédiés, voire des forums de discussion. 

Tout un chacun est à même de comprendre et d’apprécier la large diffusion de l’information ainsi assurée, mais le prix à payer est une fragmentation et une dispersion, que vient encore compliquer la volatilité des liens, susceptibles de disparaître tout aussi rapidement qu’ils sont apparus. De grandes institutions, comme l’Oriental Institute de Chicago ou l’Université de Cambridge, rejoints depuis peu par le forum de Charles Elwood Jones, ont entrepris de fédérer, essentiellement par une veille constante, les données qui ne cessent d’affluer...
Cette première version du projet Orientalia propose une indexation géographique de l’ensemble de la collection. Il s’agit d’un projet évolutif qui sera amendé et augmenté au cours des prochaines années.

1. La transcription des sites égyptiens
2. La transcription des sites soudanais
3. La toponymie
4. La géolocalisation
191950Compte rendu des fouilles et travaux menés en Égypte durant les campagnes 1948-1950. I
191950Compte rendu des fouilles et travaux menés en Égypte durant les campagnes 1948-1950. II
201951Compte rendu des fouilles et travaux menés en Égypte durant les campagnes 1948-1950. III
201951Fouilles et travaux au Soudan (1948-1951)
201951Fouilles et travaux en Égypte, 1950-1951. 1
211952Fouilles et travaux en Égypte, 1950-1951. 2
221953Fouilles et travaux en Égypte, 1951-1952
231954Fouilles et travaux en Égypte, 1952-1953
241955Fouilles et travaux au Soudan, 1951-1954
241955Fouilles et travaux en Égypte, 1953-1954
251956Fouilles et travaux en Égypte, 1954-1955
271958Fouilles et travaux en Égypte, 1955-1957
301961Fouilles et travaux en Égypte, 1957-1960 (Première partie)
301961Fouilles et travaux en Égypte, 1957-1960 (Deuxième partie)
301961Découvertes de monuments égyptiens ou égyptisants hors de la vallée du Nil, 1955-1960
311962Fouilles et travaux au Soudan, 1955-1960
311962Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1960-1961. I. Fouilles en Égypte
311962Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1960-1961. II. Fouilles au Soudan et découvertes hors d'Égypte
321963Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1961-1962. I. Fouilles en Égypte
321963Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1961-1962. II. Fouilles au Soudan et découvertes hors d'Égypte
331964Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1962-1963
341965Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1963-1964
351966Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1964-1965
361967Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1965-1966
371968Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1966-1967
381969Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1967-1968
391970Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1968-1969
401971Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1969-1970
411972Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1970-1971
421973Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1971-1972
431974Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1972-1973
441975Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1973-1974
451976Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1974-1975
461977Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1975-1976
471978Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1976-1977
481979Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1977-1978
491980Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1978-1979
511982Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1979-1980
511982Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1980-1981
521983Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1981-1982
531984Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1982-1983
541985Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1983-1984
551986Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1984-1985
561987Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1985-1986
571988Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1986-1987
581989Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1987-1988
591990Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1988-1989
601991Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1989-1990
611992Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1990-1991
621993Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1991-1992
631994Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1992-1993
641995Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1993-1994
651996Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1994-1995
661997Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1995-1996
671998Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1996-1997
681999Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1997-1998. Première partie
692000Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1997-1998. Seconde partie
692000Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1998-1999
702001Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 1999-2000
722003Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 2000-2002
732004Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 2002-2003
742005Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 2003-2004
752006Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 2004-2005
762007Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 2005-2007
772008Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 2006-2008
782009Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 2008-2009

Agitating for Orientalia Online

Who among us would not be pleased to see the journal Orientalia (ISSN: 0030-5367) available online in open access?

Rivista trimestrale dedicata allo studio scientifico dell'Antico Oriente. Gli articoli sono in inglese, francese, tedesco e italiano. Ogni volume è composto approssimativamente da 600 pagine con circa 50 tavole.
A quarterly devoted to the scientific study of the Ancient near East. Articles are in english, french, german and Italian. Each volume consists of approximately 600 pages with about 50 plates.
Its sister journal Biblica has been accessible in open access for years, and large important sections of Orientalia's content have already been digitized by forward-thinking projects.  Among these are:
Volume 77:2 (2008) is available complete online at the publisher's website

In addition, countless articles have been archived in public places by individual authors. It is also notoriously difficult to subscribe to, for either institutions or individuals.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Gregorian and Biblical Press made it accessible on the same terms as Biblica?


Open Access Egyptology from Waseda University

 [Originally posted 6/10/10.  Most recently updated 25 September 2013]

Institute of Archaeology, Waseda University, Tokyo



Khufu's Second Boat
Leaflet of the project
 エジプト学研究 - The Journal of Egyptian Studies 

    Open Access Journal: Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte

    Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte
    Herausgegeben von der Bayerischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft
    ISSN: 0075-2711
    Die Bayerische Numismatische Gesellschaft e.V. besteht seit 1881. Unsere Gesellschaft hat weltweit Mitglieder und fördert die Numismatik und den Gedankenaustausch unter Wissenschaftlern, Sammlern und Interessierten. 

    Die neuesten Erkenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der Numismatik werden in den Publikationen unserer Gesellschaft veröffentlicht. Von 1882 bis 1937 erschienen jährlich die  “Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft”. In der NS Zeit nannte sich unser Jahrbuch “Deutsches Jahrbuch für Numismatik” und seit 1949 erscheint regelmäßig das“Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte” (JNG). Aktuell ist Band 61 erschienen. Mitglieder der BNG beziehen das “JNG” kostenlos...

    Emergency Red List of Syrian Cultural Objects at Risk

    Emergency Red List of Syrian Cultural Objects at Risk
    The fight against illicit traffic in cultural goods requires the enhancement of legal instruments and the use of practical tools disseminating information, raising public awareness, and preventing illegal export. 
    Following reports of widespread damage and looting at cultural heritage sites in Syria, ICOM decided to publish the Emergency Red List of Syrian Cultural Objects at Risk with the aim to help art and heritage professionals and law enforcement officials identify Syrian objects that are protected by national and international legislations. In order to facilitate identification, the Emergency Red List illustrates the categories or types of cultural items that are most likely to be illegally bought and sold.
    Museums, auction houses, art dealers and collectors are encouraged not to acquire such objects without having carefully and thoroughly researched their origin and all the relevant legal documentation. Due to the great diversity of objects, styles and periods, the Emergency Red List of Syrian Cultural Objects at Risk is far from exhaustive. Any cultural good that could have originated from  Syria should be subjected to detailed scrutiny and precautionary measures.

    Download the Emergency Red List of Syrian Cultural Objects at Risk in English 

    And see also ICOM's Red Lists Database

    Open Access Journal: New Voices In Classical Reception Studies

    New Voices In Classical Reception Studies
    ISSN 1750-6581

    Classical Reception Studies is a rapidly developing field of research. There is a growing number of new scholars investigating issues of reception of classical texts, ideas, performance, and material culture across different cultural contexts and in different media.
    This ejournal site aims to provide a showcase for scholars who have reached the stage where they wish to publish the results of their research. We particularly encourage research that crosses discipline boundaries.
    Papers contributed to the site will be subject to peer review before they can be accepted for publication. Comments from the anonymous reviewers and editors will be made available to authors whether or not their papers are accepted for publication. Refereed publications are of course of particular importance to those starting out on an academic career or those feeling their way in an academic area of research outside their usual discipline.
    Readers' responses will be welcomed and will be passed to the originating author
    We aim to publish annually in the Summer
        1 (2006)
        2 (2007)
        3 (2008)
        4 (2009)
        5 (2010)
        6 (2011)
        7 (2012) 


    Call for Contributions
       Issue 8 (2013) 

    Open Access Journal: Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis

    Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis
    ISSN 1583-1817
    Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis is a yearly journal centred on the Transylvania heritage (from Neolithic, Bronze Age, Classical and Medieval archaeology). Additionally we publish proceedings related to our conferences we held (International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology or The Carpathian Basin and its role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula). Mainly we promote articles who integrate larger cultural waves in which we can see Transylvanian influences.

    Hebrew University Bible Project (HUBP) מפעל המקרא Publications Online

    Hebrew University Bible Project (HUBP) מפעל המקרא Publications
    The Hebrew University Bible Project – the flagship of research projects of the Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University – was established in 1956 to undertake a comprehensive survey of the history of the textual development of the Hebrew Bible and to produce a major critical edition. The project was initiated by the late Prof. Moshe H. Goshen-Gottstein (Professor of Semitic Linguistics and Biblical Philology), who together with the late Prof. Chaim Rabin (Professor of Hebrew Language) and  the late Prof. Shemaryahu Talmon (Professor of Biblical Studies) constituted the original board of editors.
    The HUBP Bible Edition  
    The Bible in the Syro-Palestinian Version, vol. 1 
    The Bible in the Syro-Palestinian Version, vol. 2 
    Kitāb al-Khilaf

    New Data at Open Context: Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project (Cyprus)

    Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project
    Project / Collection Overview
    The dataset collected by the Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project (PKAP) documents fieldwork that began in the summer of 2004 near the modern village of Pyla on the southern coast of Cyprus. Over seven field seasons, PKAP teams documented the coastal zone of Pyla using a combination of intensive pedestrian survey, geophysical prospecting, and excavation. We systematically sampled 100 ha in the area, recorded hundreds of thousands of artifacts on the surface, and described hundreds of cut blocks and in situ architectural features. After fieldwork, we studied over 15,000 of the artifacts. We recorded the finds and features in a relational database (Microsoft Access) and plotted them on a Cyprus Land Survey 1:5000 map using Geographic Information System software (ArcGIS).
    We developed a distributional approach that would produce a high-resolution assemblage without overwhelming our logistical system. Across the coastal plain where artifact densities were highest, we chose grid units of 40 x 40 m (1,600 sq m), which were smaller than typical siteless / non-site survey units (3,000-10,000 sq m) but larger than the units used in intensive gridded collection of small sites (25-100 sq m). Across the ridges and the lower density areas of the plain, we broke with a standard grid and increased our unit size to about 5,000 sq m on average, which is more typical of distributional survey generally. In both the 1,600 sq m grid units and the larger non-gridded units, teams of four field walkers traversed the unit at 10 m intervals with each walker covering a 2 m wide swath through the unit.
    To sample the site for artifacts, we employed a high-resolution collection method called the "chronotype system" which other projects had employed in Cyprus and Greece with much success. The chronotype system assigns every artifact type (i.e., chronotype) to a chronological and descriptive hierarchy based on specific physical typological characteristics. Chronotypes range from the very precise (e.g., "African Red Slip Form 99 – Rim Sherd," or "Micaceous Water Jar – body sherd") to the very imprecise (e.g., "Medium Coarse body sherd – Post-Prehistoric," or "Ancient Millstone"), but are always assigned to a period, however narrow or broad. During survey near Pyla, walkers collected at least one example of each part (rim, base, handle, sherd) of each chronotype present in their transects. Especially diagnostic sherds were then pulled for cataloguing, photographing, illustrating, and publication.
    In addition to artifact data, fieldwalkers also recorded features in the unit (e.g., cut stone blocks and walls), as well as information to locate the unit in space or contribute to the later interpretation of artifact patterns: location and toponym, evidence of current land use (e.g., olives, wheat, and barren), vegetation cover (e.g., weeds, trees, and phrygana), vegetation height in relation to the field walker (e.g., ankle high, knee high, waist high), the condition of the soil, the surface clast composition, and surface visibility (recorded at 10% intervals). These data offer environmental contexts for assessing artifact densities across the whole of the site.

    Potential Applications of the Data

    The collection from the Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project is particularly useful for researchers investigating diachronic change in Mediterranean coastal settlement throughout Antiquity and settlement patterns on Cyprus more specifically. The assemblage of Late Roman fine ware is particularly robust and important for the distribution of these high-visibility artifacts in the Eastern Mediterranean. The collection also presents important dataset for critiques of intensive pedestrian survey methods and practices in the Mediterranean.

    Current Disposition of the Collections

    Approximately 20% of the collected finds are stored at the Larnaka District Archaeological Museum in Larnaka Cyprus and labelled according to unit and batch. The Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections at the Chester Fritz Library at the University of North Dakota houses paper copies of all records from the project. No complete archive of the digital records presently exists.
    Suggested Citation for this Project Overview:
    William R. Caraher. "Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project: (Overview)" (Released 2013-11-05). William R. Caraher (Ed.) Open Context. <http://opencontext.org/projects/3F6DCD13-A476-488E-ED10-47D25513FCB2> DOI:10.6078/M7B56GNS
    Content Associated with this Project
    Items in these categories have been viewed: 512 times. (Ranked: 38 of 42)
    8110 items contained in this category.
    Survey Unit
    465 items contained in this category.
    368 items contained in this category.
    12 items contained in this category.
    1 items contained in this category.
    Associated People

    Open Access Journal: Anuari de Filologia. Antiqva et Mediaevalia

    Anuari de Filologia. Antiqva et Mediaevalia
    ISSN: 2014-1386
    L'Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaeualiaés una revista internacional de lliure accés que es publica cada any. Té com a objectiu la difusió d'articles d'investigació, ressenyes i tesis doctorals de la UB sobre temes relacionats amb la llengua i literatura de filologia grega, llatina, indoeuropea, àrab i hebrea, així com de llengües romàniques, fins a l'època medieval i humanística.
    Els treballs es publiquen en qualsevol de les llengües en què s'imparteix docència a la Facultat de Filologia de la Universitat de Barcelona (català, espanyol, eusquera, gallec, portuguès, grec, anglès, alemany, italià, francès, àrab, hebreu, neerlandès, suec, rus, polonès i turc).
    L'Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaeualia compta amb un Consell Assessor Internacional que col·labora amb el Consell de Redacció en el procés de revisió i selecció dels treballs per parells (peer-review).

    Núm. 3 (2013)



    Enigmes d'identitat: ¿làmies, estriges o bruixes? en De Lamiis et Pythonicis Mulieribus i uns altres tractats demonològics del segle XVPDF (Español)
    Maria Ahn, Alejandra Guzmán 1-24
    El vers perdut d'OvidiPDF (English)
    Xaverio Ballester 25-30
    El introito de la Costança de Cristóbal de CastillejoPDF (Español)
    Rocío Carande Herrero 31-60
    El procés de composició de l'obra ciceroniana segons les Cartes a ÀticPDF (Español)
    Maria Antònia Fornés, Mercè Puig 61-78
    Els vocatius despectius en Plaute: anàlisi dels insults en la reacció interaccionalPDF (Español)
    Catalina Monserrat Roig 79-96
    Observacions crítiques a Met. 6277-283PDF (Español)
    Antonio Ramírez de Verger 97-110


    C. Ricci, Soldati e veterani nella vita cittadina dell’Italia imperialePDF (Italiano)
    Sara Redaelli 111-114

    Tesis Doctorals

    L’Orestea d’Èsquil a la traducció de Pier Paolo PasoliniPDF
    Cecilia Angioni 115-116
    ΠΟΛΥΠΕΙΡΟΣ ΣΟΦΙΑ. Heródoto en la historia de la Filosofía GriegaPDF (Español)
    Bernardo Berruecos 119-120
    Claudius Ptolemy and Self-Promotion. A study on Ptolemy’s intellectual milieu in Roman AlexandriaPDF (English)
    Cristian Tolsa 121-122


    Open Access Journal: Canadian Classical Bulletin (CCB)

    [First posted in AWOL 1 November 2009. Updated 9 November 2013]

    Canadian Classical Bulletin (CCB)
    ISSN: 1198-9149
    The Canadian Classical Bulletin (CCB) is the official electronic bulletin of the CAC and is published on the 15th of every month, with special issues when necessary. Issues are mailed directly to subscribers’ e-mail accounts and are subsequently archived on the CCB Archive pages.

    The CCB serves as the organ for the efficient dissemination of official announcements of the CAC. Our hope is that it will also help scholars, students, and other friends of Classics keep abreast of relevant developments in Canada and abroad.

    CCB Archive

    A full archive of the Bulletin can be found in the Electronic Collection of Library and Archives Canada.

    Volume 20: September 2013 — August 2014

    Volume 19: September 2012 — August 2013

    Volume 18: September 2011 — August 2012

    Volume 17
    September 2010 — August 2011
    2011 9 03 — Call for papers, CACW (Victoria)
    2011 9 03 — Atlantic Classical Association Meeting
    2011 8 25 — In memoriam, Emmett Robins
    2011 8 15 — Regular Issue (August)
    2011 7 24 — Reminder: Atlantic Classical Association Meeting
    2011 7 15 — Regular Issue (July)
    2011 6 21 — Position available, Brock
    2011 6 13 — Regular Issue (June)
    2011 6 07 — In memoriam, John W Geyssen
    2011 6 07 — Positions available, Trent
    2011 5 15 — Regular Issue (May)
    2011 4 15 — Regular Issue (April)
    2011 4 08 — AGM
    2011 4 02 — Job opportunity
    2011 3 30 — Conference McGill; Conference UWO
    2011 3 24 — Desmond Conacher Scholarship
    2011 3 07 — Positions available — McMaster, Laurier
    2011 3 15 — Regular Issue (March)
    2011 3 07 — Position available — UBC
    2011 3 02 — UBC CNERS Grad Conference: The Role of Water
    2011 3 02 — Leipen Fellowship in Athens
    2011 2 16 — Desmond Conacher Award
    2011 2 15 — Regular Issue (February)
    2011 1 25 — Additional January announcements
    2011 01 15 — Regular Issue (January)
    2010 12 15 — Regular Issue (December)
    2010 12 10 — In memoriam Mary Ella Milham
    2010 11 15 — Regular Issue (November)
    2010 11 03 — 2011 Annual Meeting / Congrès annuel
    2010 10 15 — Regular Issue (October)
    2010 09 21 — 2010 CAC Undergraduate Essay awards
    2010 09 15 — Regular Issue (September)
    Volume 16
    September 2009 — August 2010
    2010 08 15 — Regular Issue (August)
    2010 07 21 —Position Available (Langara and Trent)
    2010 07 15 — Regular Issue (July)
    2010 07 03 — In memoriam Michel Janon
    2010 07 02— In memoriam Herbert H. Huxley
    2010 06 15 — Regular Issue (June)
    2010 05 28 — In memoriam Tom Elliot
    2010 05 28 — Position Available (Queens)
    2010 05 15 — Regular Issue (May)
    2010 05 07 — Additional announcements
    2010 04 15 — Regular Issue (April)
    2010 04 07 — Additional announcements
    2010 03 16 — In Memoriam, Colin Wells
    2010 03 15 — Regular Issue (March)
    2010 02 15 — Regular Issue (February)Attachment: 2010 Nomination Form
    2010 01 30 — Additional January announcements
    2010 01 23 — In Memoriam, Margaret Elaine Reesor
    2010 01 15 — Regular Issue (January)
    2009 12 16 — Regular Issue (December)
    2009 11 15 — Regular Issue (November)
    2009 11 07 — Special Announcement: 1010 AGM
    2009 10 15 — Regular Issue (October)
    2009 09 15 — Regular Issue (September)
    Volume 15
    September 2008 — August 2009
    2009 08 15 — Regular Issue (August)
    2009 07 15 — Regular Issue (July)
    2009 06 20 — Additional June Submissions
    2009 06 15 — Regular Issue (June)
    2009 04 25 — Additional April Submissions
    2009 04 11 — Regular Issue (April)Attachment: official documents for 2009 AGM
    2009 03 30 — Additional March Submissions
    2009 03 15 — Additional March Submissions
    2009 03 07 — Regular Issue (March)
    2009 02 15 — Regular Issue (February)
    2008 01 25 — Additional January Submissions
    2009 01 15 — Regular Issue (January)
    2008 12 18 — Correction
    2008 12 15 — Regular Issue (December)
    2008 11 15 — Regular Issue (November)
    2008 10 15 — Regular Issue (October)
    2008 09 15 — Regular Issue (September)Attachment: Tenure Stream Hires and Retirements in Canadian Classics departments and programs, 2005-2008
    Volume 14
    September 2007 — August 2008
    2008 08 15 — Regular Issue (August)
    2008 07 15 — Regular Issue (July)
    2008 06 10 — In Memoriam, C.W.J. Eliot
    2008 06 05 — Positions Available, CCB/BCEA Announcement
    2008 05 15 — Regular Issue (May) CCB/BCEA Announcement, Call for Papers, Summer Study
    2008 05 05 — Association Announcements
    2008 05 02 — CCB/BCEA Announcements; Positions Available
    2008 04 28 — Positions Available
    2008 04 22 — Association Announcements
    2008 04 15 — Regular Issue (April) Annual General Meeting
    2008 04 05 — Positions Available
    2008 03 31 — Positions Available; Calls for Papers
    2008 03 14 — Regular Issue (March) Positions Available; Conference Announcements; Varia
    2008 02 18 — Regular Issue (February) Positions Available; Calls for Papers; Conference Announcements; Scholarships; Varia
    2008 01 24 — Association Announcements
    2008 01 21 — Conference; Summer Study and Field Schools; Varia
    2008 01 15 — Regular Issue (January) Positions Available; Calls for Papers; Summer Study and Field Schools; Varia
    2007 12 10 — Association Announcements; Calls for Papers
    2007 12 07 — Association Announcements; Lectures; Summer Study and Fieldwork
    2007 11 27 — Association Announcements
    2007 11 15 — Regular Issue (November) Association Announcements, Positions Available, Calls for Papers, Scholarships, Varia
    2007 11 06 — Annual Meeting/ Congrès annuel
    2007 10 15 — Regular Issue (October) Association Announcements, Positions Available, Calls for Papers, Conference Announcements, Scholarships, Varia
    2007 10 05 — Obituary
    2007 10 03 — Memorial Service for Dr. Sandy McKay
    2007 09 28 — Positions Available
    2007 09 19 — Memorial Service for Dr. Sandy McKay
    2007 09 15 — Regular Issue (September) Association Announcements, Positions Available, Conference Announcements, Varia
    Volume 13
    September 2006 — August 2007
    2007 09 04 — Obituary
    2007 08 29 — Positions Available
    2007 08 20 — Positions Available, Conference Announcements
    2007 08 15 — Regular Issue (August) Association Announcements, Positions Available, Calls for Papers
    2007 08 08 — Obituary
    2007 07 13 — Regular Issue (July) Positions Available
    2007 07 12 — Calls for Papers
    2007 07 05 — Regular Issue (July) Positions Available, Calls for Papers, Conference Announcements
    2007 05 18 — Regular Issue (May) Positions Available, Calls for Papers
    2007 05 08 — Positions Available
    2007 05 03 — Annual Meeting, Positions Available, Conference Announcement, Varia
    2007 04 30 — Annual Meeting, Positions Available
    2007 04 25 — Annual Meeting
    2007 04 16 — Regular Issue (April) Calls for Papers
    2007 04 10 — Annual Meeting
    2007 03 19 — Regular Issue (March) Summer Study, Varia
    2007 02 27 — Calls for Papers, Summer Study
    2007 02 22 — Positions Available
    2007 02 16 — Association Announcement
    2007 02 16 — Conference Announcement
    2007 02 15 — Regular Issue (February) Association Announcements, Calls for Papers, Conference Announcements, Varia
    2007 02 08 — Call for Papers
    2007 02 07 — Positions Available
    2007 01 25 — Positions Available
    2007 01 17 — Positions Available
    2007 01 16 — Positions Available
    2007 01 15 — Regular Issue (January) Association Announcements, Positions Available, Calls for Papers, Conference Announceents, Fellowships
    2007 01 05 — Conference Announceents
    2006 12 15 — Regular Issue (December) Association Announcements, Positions Available
    2006 12 07 — Positions Available
    2006 11 30 — Positions Available, Programs, Calls for Papers, Fellowships, Summer Study
    2006 11 28 — Association Announcements
    2006 11 16 — Regular Issue (November) Association Announcements, Positions Available, Programs, Calls for Papers
    2006 11 06 — Positions Available, Calls for Papers, MA Programs
    2006 10 17 — Regular Issue (October)
    2006 10 06 — Association Announcements; Positions Available
    2006 10 06 — Positions Available; Call for Papers
    2006 09 29 — Positions Available
    2006 09 15 — Regular Issue (September)
    Volume 12
    September 2005 — August 2006
    2006 09 07 — Positions Available; Calls for Papers
    2006 09 05 — Obituary (Jim Butrica)
    2006 09 01 — Obituary (Peter Smith)
    2006 09 01 — Conference Announcements
    2006 08 24 — Calls for Papers; Positions Available; Conference Announcements
    2006 08 11 — Regular Issue (August)
    2006 06 29 — Varia
    2006 06 28 — Positions Available; Varia
    2006 06 22 — Association Announcements; Calls for Papers
    2006 06 20 — Regular Issue (June)
    2006 06 14 — Varia (OISE B.Ed. in Latin at risk)
    2006 05 18 — Positions Available; Calls for Papers
    2006 05 17 — Positions Available; Conference Announcements
    2006 05 15 — Regular Issue (May)
    2006 05 09 — Obituary
    2006 05 01 — Positions Available
    2006 04 18 — Association Announcements
    2006 04 13 — Regular Issue (April)
    2006 04 04 — Positions Available
    2006 03 31 — Positions Available
    2006 03 28 — Association Announcements
    2006 03 27 — Positions Available (Temporarily unavailable)
    2006 03 24 — Association Announcements
    2006 03 15 — Regular Issue (March)
    2006 03 01 — Calls for Papers
    2006 02 28 — Association Announcements; Positions; CIG-ICG; Calls for Papers; Summer Study
    2006 02 17 — Calls for Papers; Summer Study
    2006 02 16 — Regular Issue (February)
    2006 02 01 — Positions Available; Summer Study; Varia
    2006 01 19 — Positions Available
    2006 01 16 — Regular Issue (January)
    2006 01 05 — Association Announcements
    2005 12 15 — Regular Issue (December)
    2005 12 14 — Positions Available
    2005 12 01 — Association Announcements; Positions Available; Conferences
    2005 11 16 — Regular Issue (November)
    2005 10 28 — Association Announcements
    2005 10 19 — Regular Issue (October)
    2005 10 05 — Positions Available; Conference Announcements; Program Announcements; Varia
    2005 09 19 — Positions Available
    2005 09 15 — Regular Issue (September)
    Click here for CCB Volumes published before September 2005

    Institutional flickr Photostreams


    The Palestine Exploration Fund flickr Photostream

    The Palestine Exploration Fund flickr Photostream
    The PEF was founded in 1865 and is the oldest organization in the world created specifically for the study of the Levant, the southern portion of which was conventionally known as ‘Palestine’. The PEF is a major bridge and information resource for the public and academic community.

    It publishes an internationally respected journal, the Palestine Exploration Quarterly, and brings the latest archaeological results and research to the public in a series of regular lectures. The PEF promotes ongoing research through annual grants to scholars across the world.

    The PEF archives hold over 40,000 photographs of Palestine, Jordan and Syria taken from 1850 onwards. The PEF collections also include archaeological artefacts, natural history specimens, maps, manuscripts, and paintings. Our unparalleled library attracts scholars from around the world. These facilities are available to our members for research, study, and publication purposes.

    The photos shown here are low resolution files from our digital picture library, with a particular focus on our collection of 19th century photographs. If you would like to reproduce any of these at high resolution, please contact our curator for reproduction fees which help fund our charitable work.

    You are free to use any of the low-res images and metadata presented here online or for teaching and research, but please let us know if you intend to do so by contacting: execsec@pef.org.uk. Please include in your caption: "Courtesy of the Palestine Exploration Fund".

    You can join us for an annual subscription of £36 (£18 for students) or £54 for a joint membership, which gives you access to the library and collection, lectures and 3 journals published annually. A number of PEF and PEF related publications feature the photographic collection. Visit the PEF website for more information.

    Acknowledgments: the PEF wishes to thank the following people contributed to the digitisation and gathering of information on these images over the years: Rupert Chapman, Felicity Cobbing, Lydia Collins, Shimon Gibson and Pamela Magrill.

    PEF website editors: Jack Green and Dan Pett
    And see AWOL's list of Institutional flickr Photostreams

    The Brooklyn Museum flickr Photostream

    The Brooklyn Museum flickr Photostream
    The mission of the Brooklyn Museum is to act as a bridge between the rich artistic heritage of world cultures, as embodied in its collections, and the unique experience of each visitor. Dedicated to the primacy of the visitor experience, committed to excellence in every aspect of its collections and programs, and drawing on both new and traditional tools of communication, interpretation, and presentation, the Museum aims to serve its diverse public as a dynamic, innovative, and welcoming center for learning through the visual arts. 
    Join our Flickr group 
    Check us out at:
    Go behind the scenes at our blog. 
    For specific information regarding our copyright policy, including Creative Commons, please see our website for further detail:www.brooklynmuseum.org/copyright.php 
    Photography is allowed in the Museum so long as the images are taken using existing light only (no flash) and are for personal, non-commercial use. Photography is often restricted in special exhibition galleries; please consult with the Visitor Center upon arrival.
    And see AWOL's list of Institutional flickr Photostreams

    Institute for the Study of the Ancient World flickr Photostream

    Institute for the Study of the Ancient World flickr Photostream
    isaw-named-stacked by isawnyu

    ISAW is a center for advanced scholarly research and graduate education, intended to cultivate comparative and connective investigations of the ancient world. It is a discrete entity within New York University.

    ISAW uses Flickr to distribute free digital photography related to the ancient world as part of its Ancient World Image Bank initiative. Read more about AWIB here. All AWIB imagery is published under open license, to facilitate scholarly and educational reuse.

    AWIB imagery uploaded by ISAW can be viewed via our geographically-organized collections. You can see our latest uploads in our photostream.

    Our collaborators on flickr are also contributing their own imagery to the Ancient World Image Bank group.

    ISAW's joint historical geography project with the Ancient World Mapping Center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill also uses Flickr to collect and organize images of ancient sites. You can view the imagery they are using via the Pleiades Places Group, or by visiting the Pleiades Project website and searching for the place you're interested in.
    And see AWOL's list of Institutional flickr Photostreams

    Studien zum Kimmerierproblem

    Studien zum Kimmerierproblem
    von Hermann Sauter
    Studien zum Kimmerierproblem

    sind in Buchform erschienen als Band 72 der
    Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde
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