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Online Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions

[First posted in AWOL 24 February 2009. Updated 14 August 2018]

Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions
Pottery is a critical tool in our understanding of the society, art, and language of ancient Greece. Most vase painters who worked in Attica—the area of Greece surrounding Athens—were active during the sixth to fourth centuries BC. Their work was often inscribed either directly into the clay or by painting the surface. Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions is an attempt to catalog these inscribed vases. It contains 8,173 entries and is the result of more than sixty years of research. Each entry is given a local identifier and indicates which collection the vase belongs to (and the inventory number where possible). The entries then have four parts:
  • Section A documents the type of vase, place of discovery if known, painter or potter or both, date, and bibliography;
  • Section B contains a short description of the paintings;
  • Section C contains the inscriptions; and
  • Section D offers free commentary.
A significant number of the entries contain additional footnotes. No illustrations are provided. To learn more about the history of the corpus, read Immerwahr’s description of it. The material gathered in the corpus is the basis for an on-going project by Rudolf Wachter.

About the Author

Heinrich Rudolf (later Henry Rudolph) Leopold Immerwahr was born on February 28, 1916, in Breslau, Germany (now Wrocław, Poland). He earned a Dottore in Lettere at the University of Florence in 1938 and in the next year began a fellowship at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, where he met his future wife, Sara Anderson. The onset of war made Greece unsafe for foreign students, especially those of Jewish heritage. Henry was able to continue his fellowship at Yale, although travel to the U.S. in wartime was dogged with delays and setbacks. Though not an American citizen, Henry registered for the draft two days after his arrival in New York City. He spent two years both as a student at Yale and as (technically) an enemy alien in the U.S. His draft notice arrived in 1943 as he was in the throes of completing his graduate work. The bureaucratic move of transferring his registration site to Hartford, CT, gave him the extra month he needed to finish his dissertation and obtain his Ph.D. in Classics from Yale. He became a U.S. citizen at the same time and served his new country for two years, finding time to get married in the midst of a world war. After the war and a year spent studying at Harvard, Henry returned as an instructor to Yale, where his only child, Mary Elizabeth, was born. In 1957, he joined the Department of Classics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He rose to full professor in 1963 and to Alumni Distinguished Professor of Greek in 1975. Sara Immerwahr also taught at UNC, first part-time in UNC's Department of Classics and later in the Art Department, becoming a full professor in 1971. In 1977, Henry retired from UNC and became director of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens for a five-year term. In retirement, he continued to work on the Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions and other pursuits.

Silchester Iron Age and Roman Town

Silchester Iron Age and Roman Town
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Texts Added to the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®) on August 10, 2018

Texts Added to the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®) on August 10, 2018
Updated on: 2018-08-10
2718Manuel PHILES Scr. Eccl., Scr. Rerum Nat. et Poeta
3089Nicephorus CHRYSOBERGES Orat. et Rhet.
3200Manuel II PALAEOLOGUS Imperator Theol. et Rhet.
3236Nicephorus Callistus XANTHOPULUS Hist. et Theol.
3385LEONTIUS Monachus Hagiogr.
3386MICHAEL Monachus Theol.
4090CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.
4201Joannes CHORTASMENUS Philol. et Rhet.
4445Georgius SCYLITZES Poeta
4466Georgius LAPITHES Theol.
4472Philippus MONOTROPUS Theol.
9009Michael APOSTOLIUS Paroemiogr.
9058Meletius PEGAS Patriarcha Hagiogr.
9059Georgius CHRYSOGONUS Phil. et Theol.

Open Access Journal: Arabian Epigraphic Notes: An Open Access Online Journal on Arabian Epigraphy

 [First posted in AWOL 4 January 2016, updated 14 August 2018]

Arabian Epigraphic Notes: An Open Access Online Journal on Arabian Epigraphy
ISSN: 2451-8875
The Arabian Peninsula contains one of the richest epigraphic landscapes in the Old World, and new texts are being discovered with every expedition to its deserts and oases. Arabian Epigraphic Notes is a forum for the publication of these epigraphic finds, and for the discussion of relevant historical and linguistic issues. The Arabian Peninsula is broadly defined as including the landmass between the Red Sea and the Arabo-Persian gulf, and stretching northward into the Syrian Desert, Jordan, and adjacent cultural areas. In order to keep up with the rapid pace of discoveries, our online format will provide authors the ability to publish immediately following peer-review, and will make available for download high resolution, color photographs. The open-access format will ensure as wide a readership as possible.
AEN invites original articles and short communications dealing with the Ancient South Arabian, Ancient North Arabian, Nabataean (and Aramaic in general), Arabic, and Greek epigraphy from the Arabian Peninsula, but also from other areas so long as the link to Arabia and its cultures is clear. The language of the Journal is English. Review articles will also be considered.
Arabian Epigraphic Notes is essential reading for all interested in the languages and scripts of the ancient Near East, and of interest to students of Northwest Semitic epigraphy, Cuneiform studies, Egyptology, and classical antiquity. We hope that the journal will contribute to our understanding of the languages and cultures of Arabia, from their earliest attestations until the contemporary period. It is hoped that the journal’s accessibility will further help integrate the epigraphy and languages of ancient Arabia into the broader field of Semitic Philology.


Open Access Journal: Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London

 [First posted in AWOL 13 November 2009. Updated 15 August 2018]

Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London
ISSN (print) 0965-9315
ISSN (online) 2041-9015
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (PIA) is a peer reviewed, open access journal that publishes research on all aspects of archaeology, museum studies, cultural heritage and conservation. Run by graduate students at the UCL Institute of Archaeology, the aim of PIA is to provide authors with experience in publishing articles early in their careers. We therefore place extra emphasis on the provision of peer review feedback and editorial assistance.

The PIA Forum and Interview sections also provide valuable insights from established scholars.

Open Access Journal: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies

[Most recently updated 15 August 2018]

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies
ISSN: 2159-3159
GRBS is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal devoted to the culture and history of Greece from Antiquity to the Renaissance, featuring research on all aspects of the Hellenic world from prehistoric antiquity through the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine periods, including studies of modern classical scholarship.


1 - 25 of 202 Items     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 > >> 

Open Access Journal: HISTORIKA Studi di storia greca e romana

[First posted in AWOL 29 March 2016, updated 15 August 2018]

HISTORIKA Studi di storia greca e romana
ISSN 2240-774X
e-ISSN 2039-4985
Historika è una pubblicazione a periodicità annuale edita dall’Università degli Studi di Torino (Dipartimento di Studi Storici - Storia antica) in collaborazione con la casa editrice universitaria Celid. Nasce per iniziativa dei docenti di storia greca e romana dell’Ateneo torinese: intende proporre al lettore ricerche su “oggetti” storici e storiografici, historika/historica appunto, i quali, segnati nel mondo greco e romano dall’identità linguistica e metodologica di historìa/historia, continuano a suscitare oggi come allora scritti storici, historika grammata.

Historika sperimenta la diffusione on line ad accesso aperto, aderisce alla “Dichiarazione di Berlino” (Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities) e, nell’ambito della ricerca universitaria in storia antica, promuove la comunicazione e il dibattito scientifico nell’età del web: senza rinunciare all’edizione cartacea, diffonde le proprie pubblicazioni nel proprio sito internet e depositandole nei repository e nelle open libraries internazionali, pratica la peer review anonima al fine della valutazione dei testi proposti al comitato scientifico ed editoriale, conserva all’autore la piena proprietà intellettuale del testo pubblicato (con il solo vincolo di citare la pubblicazione su Historika qualora si riproponga il testo, in tutto o in parte, in altra sede), riconosce al lettore il diritto di accedere gratuitamente ai risultati della ricerca scientifica finanziata con risorse pubbliche.

Historika è a disposizione della comunità scientifica internazionale per accogliere contributi innovativi e originali inerenti alla storia antica dal periodo arcaico a quello tardoantico. In particolare sono specifici obiettivi di Historika la storia politica, istituzionale, sociale, economica e culturale, la ricerca epigrafica e il suo contributo alla macro e microstoria, l'uso politico e ideologico del passato greco e romano nelle età postclassiche.

V. 7 (2017)


Introduzione e indice

Historika VII Copertina e indice

Sezione tematica

Enrica Culasso Gastaldi
Angelos P. Matthaiou
Michele Faraguna
Chiara Lasagni
Claudia Zanaga
Francesco Guizzi
Michela Nocita
Margherita Facella
Bruna Capuzza
Bianca Nicoletta D’Antonio, Lara Diletta Varotto
Elena Miranda Miranda De Martino
Diva Di Nanni Durante
Giovanni Boffa
Emilio Rosamilia
Manuela Mari
Elena Franchi
Stefano Struffolino
Enrica Culasso Gastaldi
Cesare Zizza
Francesco Camia
Claudia Antonetti, Stefania De Vido
Daniela Summa

Intero volume

Historika VII Volume intero - Parte I


See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Hittite Monuments

[First posted in AWOL 24 April 1011. Updated 16 August 2018]

Hittite Monuments
Hittite Monuments is an experimental site, built with an aim to provide visual references to all major Hittite monuments. The locations listed below are the sites that has monuments belonging to the times of Hittite/Luwian civilization and culture. The text list below divides the sites in two chronological groups. This is definetely not a complete list, nor the listed sites may have complete information. Some pages are still missing information or images. As time permits I continue to update the pages with more information. I would appreciate any comments, feedback, and information. -Tayfun Bilgin

Empire Period
1480 to 1200 BCE

Afyon *+
Altınyayla *
Çağdın *
Delihasanlı *
Emirgazi *
Ermenek +
Karga *
Kayalıpınar *
Köylütolu *
Tell Açana*
Torbalı *+
Yağrı *
Neo-Hittite Period
1200 to 712 BCE


Aksaray *
Andaval *
Bahçeköy *
Bor *
Burunkaya +
Çiftlik *
Eğrek *
Eğriköy *
Erkilet *
Hisarcık *
Karadağ +
Kayseri *
Keben +
Keşlik Yayla *
Kızıldağ +
Kululu *
Kurubel *
Kültepe *
Niğde *
Porsuk *
Sultanhanı *
Tekirderbent *
Veliisa *

Arslantepe *
Darende *
Havuzköy *
İspekçür *
Izgın *
Karahöyük *
Palanga *
Sevdili *


Hacıbebekli *
Karaburçlu *
Kürtül *
K.Maraş *
Söğütlü *


Adıyaman *
Ancoz *
Boybeypınarı *
Gölpınar *
Haçgöz *
Kabahaydar *

Afrin *
Ain Dara
Akçakale *
Arslantaş *
Arsuz *
Asmacık *
'Azaz *
Birecik *
Cekke *
Çineköy *
Çolaklı *
Domuztepe *
Elbistan Höyük *
Gaziantep *
Gözlühöyük *
Hama *
Islahiye *
Jisr El Hadid *
Karkamış *
Kelekli *
Kırçoğlu *
Körkün *
Meharde *
Örtülü *
Pancarlı *
Qal'at el Mudiq *
Restan *
Sakcagözü *
Samsat *
Sefalı *
Şaraga *
Tall Šṭīb *
Tell Ahmar *
Tell Halaf *
Tell Tayinat *
Tilsevet *
Tuleil *
Tünp *

    * Monument is no longer at the original site.
    + Period is uncertain.

One Off Journal Issues: Traitement automatique des langues et langues anciennes

[First posted in AWOL 21 January 2010, updated 16 August 2018]

Occasionally issues of journals where one might not normally think to look produce thematic issues of interest. Availability online makes them much more discoverable. A case in point:

Traitement automatique des langues et langues anciennes
 (2009 Volume 50)

Traitement automatique des langues et langues anciennes

Open Access Journal: Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa

Open Access Journal: Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists - مجلة اتحاد الأثریین العرب

Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists - مجلة اتحاد الأثریین العرب
Print ISSN: 2537-026X
Online ISSN: 2537-0278
Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists
Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists is an annual academic journal that publishes specialized research and studies in the fields of archeology, museums, restoration and Arab national civilizations, published by the General Union of Arab Archaeologists and the Union of Arab Universities since 2000 to date. It publishes research studies in several languages: Arabic, English, French and German and has an international and regional refereeing committee. Due to the success achieved by the Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists, the Editorial Department considered the publication of a new issue of the Journal in foreign languages, in order to raise the level of academic research of Arab archaeologists at the international level. There is no doubt that the Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists is the result of an archeological academic interaction and movement not only in Egypt but among all archaeologists in the Arab world from the ocean to the Gulf. This profound academic product of subjects is not confined to academic publishing, but is a crucible for academic and practical rapprochement between the archaeologists, in a sincere attempt to find a language that is mutually enriching, without programming or preconditions. Therefore, this convergence succeeded in unifying the archeological term among archaeologists, in which each researcher presented his research in a smooth simple language and a term rolling away from the regional terminology so that each researcher does not write for himself, but writes in a language of dialogue that is comprehended by all Arab archaeologists, whether in the East or Morocco. Thus, the Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists managed to reach an academic vision and a common research language that was accepted by many researchers, especially in the field of terminology. In turn, with the commencement of the new issue of the Union Journal in foreign languages, we look forward to keeping up with international publication standards, for the Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists has obtained the ISI (International Accreditation),the journal has Impact factor of 0.589 based on international citation report ( ICR) for the year 2016- 2017  anticipating to reach the desired objectives.
Volume & Issue: Volume 3, Issue 3, Summer 2018, Page 1-266 XML


A Case Study of Copper-Arsenic Ewer from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Egypt

Page 1-25

Abeer Gharib Abd Allah Ibrahim; Manal Ahmed Maher


Freedom of Worship as warranted in Islam - in light of Manuscripts and Documents (Historical and Archaeological Study)

Page 26-69

Boussy Muhammad Zidan


Aulos and Crotals in Graeco-roman Egypt

Page 70-106

Marwa Abd elmeguid Elkady


The cryptographic cartouche of Nectanebo II from the great temple of pr-BAstt

Page 107-133

mohamed elbayoumi mohamed


Three unpublished Roman & Byzantine Coins from Oxyrhynchus

Page 134-152

mona gabr hussein


/Waterways Utilisation in New kingdom Warfare/

Page 153-187

ola fouad elaboudy


Agricultural legislation and its impact on Economic conditions in Africa during the Roman era 146 BC- 284 AD

Page 188-226

Salma Hosawi


The Collection of Ottoman Tobacco Pipes from Azov Museum-Reserve in Russia

Page 227-261

walid Ali Mohamed; Irina Rudolfovna Gusach

Journal Archive
VolumeVolume 3 (2018)
VolumeVolume 2 (2017)

VolumeVolume 1 (2016)

Earlier issues, entirely in Arabic, appear online under the title مجلة اتحاد الأثریین العرب
[ISSN: 2536-9822 (Print); 2536-9830 (Online)]

Orbis Latinus Online (OLO)

[First posted in AWOL 3 May 2016, updated (new URLs) 16 August 2018]

Orbis Latinus Online (OLO)

Lateinisch-Deutsche Ortsnamen

Der Gazetteer Orbis Latinus Online (OLO) für Lateinisch-Deutsche Ortsnamen basiert auf der dreibändigen Druckausgabe von Orbis Latinus aus dem Jahr 1972. 

Kurzmitteilung: Leider musste die ursprüngliche, aus dem Jahr 2009 stammende OLO-Version 2016 zur gründlichen Überarbeitung vom Netz genommen werden. Die durch Philipp Franck und Nemo Grippa neu entwickelte Version steht seit Juli 2018 zur Verfügung. Orbis Latinus Online ist nun Teil des durch das URZ Heidelberg geleiteten heiMAP-Projekts. Inzwischen sind auch die fortgeschrittenen Funktionen, v.a. das von Philipp Franck seinerzeit im Rahmen seiner Bachelor-Arbeit konzipierte GeoWiki, wieder verfügbar.   
http://olo.geotwain.de oder http://olo.hgis.club

Die Orte können zudem in beide Richtungen über unsere GeoTWAIN-Webseite recherchiert werden: http://geotwain.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/ or http://geotwain.de/

BIFAO volume 113 (2013) - 115 (2016) are now open access

Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale volumes 113 (2013) - 115 (2016) are now open access: 
BIFAO 113 (2014)

COLLOMBERT (Philippe), SCHULER (François)Helen Jacquet-Gordonp. 1-90.2 MbBIFAO113_art_01.pdf
MIDANT-REYNES (Béatrix)Michel Wuttmannp. 10-180.3 MbBIFAO113_art_02.pdf
ABDELHALIM (Ali Ali)Ein iit-Darreichen im Tempel von Kom Ombop. 19-320.8 MbBIFAO113_art_03.pdf
ASHOUR (Sobhi)A Table-Leg Decorated with a Statue of a Boxer in Cairop. 33-500.4 MbBIFAO113_art_04.pdf
BASHENDI (Maher)A Roman Period Tomb with a Pyramidal Superstructure in Bir el-Shaghala (Mut, Dakhla Oasis)p. 51-801.5 MbBIFAO113_art_05.pdf
BOUTANTIN (Céline)Quelques documents de la région memphite relatifs au taureau Apisp. 81-1101.9 MbBIFAO113_art_06.pdf
BRUN (Jean-Pierre), DEROIN (Jean-Paul), FAUCHER (Thomas), REDON (Bérangère), TÉREYGEOL (Florian)Les mines d’or ptolémaïques. Résultats des prospections dans le district minier de Samut (désert Oriental)p. 111-1421.7 MbBIFAO113_art_07.pdf
FOURNET (Jean-Luc), WORP (Klaas A.)Nouvelle édition des « Tablettes Batissier ». Un témoignage méconnu des fouilles de Mariette au Sérapéum ?p. 143-1560.7 MbBIFAO113_art_08.pdf
GEHAD (Basem), WUTTMANN (Michel) , WHITEHOUSE (Helen), FOAD (Mona), MARCHAND (Sylvie)Wall-Paintings in a Roman House at Ancient Kysis, Kharga Oasisp. 157-1820.9 MbBIFAO113_art_09.pdf
HASSAN (Khaled)A Visitor’s Hieratic Ostracon Concerning the Temple of Deir el-Bahrip. 183-1920.4 MbBIFAO113_art_10.pdf
HUE-ARCÉ (Christine)Les graffiti érotiques de la tombe 504 de Deir el-Bahari revisitésp. 193-2020.3 MbBIFAO113_art_11.pdf
JEUTHE (Clara), LE PROVOST (Valérie), SOUKIASSIAN (Georges)Ayn Asil, palais des gouverneurs du règne de Pépy II. État des recherches sur la partie sudp. 203-2381.9 MbBIFAO113_art_12.pdf
LAROZE (Emmanuel), GARRIC (Antoine)La technique du sciage des joints dans la maçonnerie ptolémaïque en grèsp. 239-2821.4 MbBIFAO113_art_13.pdf
LEBLANC (Christian)Une curieuse pratique contre le « mauvais œil » observée dans un quartier du Ramesseump. 283-3041.6 MbBIFAO113_art_14.pdf
PASQUALI (Stéphane)La tombe perdue de Bouri, employé du domaine d’Aton à Memphisp. 305-3241.2 MbBIFAO113_art_15.pdf
PREYS (René)Architecture et image d’architecture dans le temple de Louxorp. 325-3521.4 MbBIFAO113_art_16.pdf
SALMAS (Anne-Claire)La mesure du temps de la journée (1). Modules et fonctionnement des premières horloges à ombrep. 353-3801.2 MbBIFAO113_art_17.pdf
ST DEMIANA (Antonia)In Michaelem. The Encomium on Michael the Archangel Attributed to Severus of Antiochp. 381-4321.2 MbBIFAO113_art_18.pdf
TILLIER (Anaïs)Enquête sur le nom et les graphies de l’ancienne Gsy (Qous)p. 433-4481.2 MbBIFAO113_art_19.pdf

BIFAO 114 (2015)


  • www.ifao.egnet.net
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ABDELHALIM ALI (Ali)A Lunette Stela of Pasenedjemibnash in Cairo Museum CG 22151p. 1-181.3 MbBIFAO114_art_01.pdf
ARNETTE (Marie-Lys)Purification du post-partum et rites des relevailles dans l’Égypte anciennep. 19-721.5 MbBIFAO114_art_02.pdf
BRIOIS (François), MIDANT-REYNES (Béatrix)Sur les traces de Georg August Schweinfurth. Les sites d’exploitation du silex d’époque pharaonique dans le massif du Galâlâ nord (désert Oriental)p. 73-982.9 MbBIFAO114_art_03.pdf
CHOLLIER (Vincent)Hatiay, responsable des prophètes de tous les dieux : une généalogie ramesside à réviserp. 99-1100.6 MbBIFAO114_art_04.pdf
CHUN HUNG KEE (Janie)Deux blocs du Museum August Kestner à Hanovre et leur importance pour les théologies de la boucle thébaine du Nilp. 111-1482.7 MbBIFAO114_art_05.pdf
DELATTRE (Alain), VANTHIEGHEM (Naïm)Une inscription disparue du Dayr al-Faḫūrīp. 149-1540.3 MbBIFAO114_art_06.pdf
ESCHENBRENNER-DIEMER (Gersande), RUSSO (Barbara)Quelques particuliers inhumés à Saqqâra Nord au début du Moyen Empirep. 155-1861.1 MbBIFAO114_art_07.pdf
GOBEIL (Cédric)Un délateur zélé à Deir el-Medina ? Étude d’une nouvelle plaque votive réemployéep. 187-2001.1 MbBIFAO114_art_08.pdf
GOURDON (Yannis)Les gouverneurs de l’oasis de Dakhla à la fin de l’Ancien Empirep. 201-2260.6 MbBIFAO114_art_09.pdf
HAMDY EL-ELIMI (Faten), NOUR EL-DIN (Mustafa)La tombe no 16 de Tell el-Retabap. 227-2440.9 MbBIFAO114_art_10.pdf
HASSAN (Khaled)A Solar Hymn Ostracon from Deir el-Baharip. 245-2600.9 MbBIFAO114_art_11.pdf
KARLSHAUSEN (Christina), DUPUIS (Christian)Architectes et tailleurs de pierre à l’épreuve du terrain. Réflexions géo-archéologiques sur la colline de Cheikh Abd el-Gournap. 261-2901.2 MbBIFAO114_art_12.pdf
KLOTZ (David)Replicas of Shu. On the Theological Significance of Naophorous and Theophorous Statuesp. 291-3381.6 MbBIFAO114_art_13.pdf
MERZEBAN (Rania Y.)À propos de quelques analogies iconographiques dans les tombes privéesp. 339-3641.6 MbBIFAO114_art_14.pdf
NASR EL-DINE (Hassan)Quatre pièces votives conservées au musée de Mallawip. 365-3740.4 MbBIFAO114_art_15.pdf
ONÉZIME (Olivier), POLLIN (Gaël)La place de la photogrammétrie en égyptologie et en archéologie égyptienne. Réflexions méthodologiques et premiers résultats sur les chantiers de l’Ifaop. 375-39617 MbBIFAO114_art_16.pdf
PANTALACCI (Laure)Les sept Hathors, leurs bas et Ptolémée IV Philopator au mammisi de Coptosp. 397-4180.8 MbBIFAO114_art_17.pdf
SALMAS (Anne-Claire)La mesure du temps de la journée (II). Modules et fonctionnement des horloges à ombre tardives et des cadrans solairesp. 419-4462.1 MbBIFAO114_art_18.pdf
SHALABY (Noha)An Offering Table of a Prophet of Onuris from Abydos Cairo, Egyptian Museum JE 41438 (TR 23/1/15/7)p. 447-4540.5 MbBIFAO114_art_19.pdf
STARING (Nico)The Tomb of Ptahmose, Mayor of Memphis Analysis of an Early 19 th Dynasty Funerary Monument at Saqqarap. 455-5182 MbBIFAO114_art_20.pdf
TAVARES (Ana), JONES (Daniel), SADARANGANI (Freya), MAHMOUD (Hanan), et al.Excavations East of the Khentkawes Town in Giza. A Preliminary Site Reportp. 519-5626.3 MbBIFAO114_art_21.pdf
TRISTANT (Yann), BRIOIS (François), CASTEL (Georges), ONÉZIME (Olivier)« Barques sur le Nil… ». Le mastaba M06 d’Abou Rawach et sa barque funéraire (Ire dynastie, règne de Den) : découverte de la plus ancienne embarcation égyptienne actuellement conservée en Égyptep. 563-58817 MbBIFAO114_art_22.pdf
ZIGNANI (Pierre)L’architecture du temple de Montou à Ermant. Essai d’approche typologique et proportion du planp. 589-6063.1 MbBIFAO114_art_23.pdf
BIFAO 115 (2016)


  • www.ifao.egnet.net
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BONNET (Charles)Une ville cérémonielle africaine du début du Nouvel Empire égyptienp. 1-144.1 MbBIFAO115_art_01.pdf
BOUSSAC (Marie-Françoise), DHENNIN (Sylvain), REDON (Bérangère)Plinthine et la Maréotide pharaoniquep. 15-361.6 MbBIFAO115_art_02.pdf
CAUVILLE (Sylvie)Hathor « en tous ses noms »p. 37-762.5 MbBIFAO115_art_03.pdf
CHERPION (Nadine)Chronologie d’un « surpeint » : le cartouche de la TT 116p. 77-840.5 MbBIFAO115_art_04.pdf
CONNOR (Simon)Quatre colosses du Moyen Empire « ramessisés » (Paris A 21, Le Caire CG 1197, JE 45975 et 45976)p. 85-1101.2 MbBIFAO115_art_05.pdf
DOBREV (Vassil), LAVILLE (Diane), ONÉZIME (Olivier)Nouvelle découverte à Tabbet el-Guech (Saqqâra-sud). Deux tombes de prêtres égyptiens de la VIe dynastiep. 111-14422.2 MbBIFAO115_art_06.pdf
EISSA (Maher A.)Self-Donation or Retirement to the Monastery (?): O.NMEC 117p. 145-1520.3 MbBIFAO115_art_07.pdf
EMERIT (Sibylle)Le chant du harpiste : une porte ouverte sur l’au-delà ?p. 153-1782.1 MbBIFAO115_art_08.pdf
HASSAN (Khaled)Some 18th Dynasty Hieratic Ostraca from Deir el-Bahrip. 179-2303.1 MbBIFAO115_art_09.pdf
LIPPERT (Sandra)Varia demotica d’Hermonthisp. 231-2642.9 MbBIFAO115_art_10.pdf
MAILLOT (Marc)Le palais méroïtique et la ville royalep. 265-2981.2 MbBIFAO115_art_11.pdf
MARTINET (Émilie)La structure administrative du 14e nome de Haute Égypte et le développement de l’administration supra-provinciale sous la VIe dynastie p. 299-3240.5 MbBIFAO115_art_12.pdf
PELEGRIN (Jacques), ANDREU-LANOË (Guillemette), PARISELLE (Christine)La production des ostraca en calcaire dans la nécropole thébaine. Étude préliminairep. 325-3520.7 MbBIFAO115_art_13.pdf
SAMBIN-NIVET (Chantal)Une Ouabet de Philadelphe à Médamoud. Essai d’interprétation de l’arrière-templep. 353-3721 MbBIFAO115_art_14.pdf
SAMBIN-NIVET (Chantal), CARLOTTI (Jean-François)Trois autres portes des premiers Ptolémées à Médamoudp. 373-4544.7 MbBIFAO115_art_15.pdf
EL-SHAL (Omaïma)La stèle d’Ioutjéni et les liturgies processionnelles de la fin du Moyen Empire (CGC 20476, GEM 4439)p. 455-4700.6 MbBIFAO115_art_16.pdf
VALBELLE (Dominique)Où et comment les Égyptiens ont-ils commémoré leurs campagnes militaires contre Kerma ?p. 471-4860.5 MbBIFAO115_art_17.pdf

The Uffizi Digitization Project

The Uffizi Digitization Project
Laocoon / n. 284
The Virtual World Heritage Laboratory (VWHL), based in in the Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing, in collaboration with partners at the Politecnico di Milano and the University of Florence is digitizing in 3D digitization the complete collection of Greek and Roman sculpture in the Uffizi, Pitti Palace, and Boboli Gardens on behalf of the Gallerie degli Uffizi. This is the third largest collection of its kind in an Italian state museum. Largely assembled by the Medici from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries, the statues include works of exceptional interest to students of Greek and Roman art, notably the Medici Venus, the Medici Faun, the Niobids, and the Ariadne. The contract was signed by the parties on May 19, 2016 and work commenced on May 23, 2016. 

This is a five-year project whose specific goals are: digitization of the entire collection of ancient sculpture in the Uffizi; training of students in the techniques of 3D data capture, digital modeling, and interactive online publication; publication of the 3D models created through the project on the Uffizi’s public website and the publicly available website of the VWHL's Digital Sculpture Project.

Excavations at Tel Beth-Shean 1989 -1996, Volume I-III Online


Open Access Journal: Potsdamer Lateintage


Kritische Bibliographie der Lexikographie des Hethitischen

Kritische Bibliographie der Lexikographie des Hethitischen

M. Marazzi & N. Bolatti Guzzo in Zusammenarbeit mit P. Dardano - R. Francia - M. Cammarosano - A. Rizza

Sviluppo del progetto

Nel 1979 si venne a creare, presso l’allora Institut für Orientalische Philologie dell’Università di Würzburg (oggi Istituto di Scienze Antiche, Cattedra di Orientalistica Antica), un gruppo di lavoro, del quale Massimiliano Marazzi faceva parte, avente il fine di raccogliere tutte le novità bibliografiche nel settore della hittitologia, con particolare riguardo al settore della lessicologia.
La prima trancia di lavori fu pubblicata da M. Marazzi e N. Boysan nel volume 32, 1985, dell’Archiv für Orientforschung. Essa raccoglieva tutte le informazioni lessicografiche relative agli anni 1979-1984.
Un secondo aggiornamento fu pubblicato, sempre da M. Marazzi e N. Boysan, nel volume 34, 1987, e raccoglieva tutti gli aggiornamenti bibliografici ordinati per autore e per lessemi dal 1985 al 1987.
Con la pubblicazione del terzo aggiornamento, curata da M. Marazzi e N. Bolatti Guzzo, nel volume 42-43, 1995-96, si introdussero alcune importanti innovazioni:
1)       un sistema canonizzato di ordinamento della bibliografia per autori sulla quale si basava l’informazione lessicografica;
2)       l’ampliamento della lessicografia al settore del cd. “luvio geroglifico” in forma di aggiornamento alla lista lessicografica nel frattempo edita nel volume “Il geroglifico anatolico. Problemi di analisi e prospettive di ricerca”, Roma  1990 (Biblioteca di Ricerche Linguistiche e Filologiche 24).
A cominciare dal 1999, con la definitiva collocazione del progetto e dei suoi archivi presso il “Centro Mediterraneo Preclassico” dell’Università degli Studî Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli e sulla base della collaborazione in atto con l’Istituto di Würzburg, la “Bibliografia Anatolica” è divenuta parte del più grande progetto del Portale di Mainz.

Geschichte des Projektes

Im Jahre 1979 bildete sich am damaligen Institut für Orientalische Philologie der Universität Würzburg (jetzt: Inst. für Altertumswissenschaft, Lehrstuhl für Altorientalistik) eine Arbeitsgruppe, zu der auch Massimiliano Marazzi gehörte, die zum Ziel hatte, alle bibliographischen Neuheiten auf dem Gebiet der Hethitologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lexikographie zusammenzustellen.
Die erste Tranche der Arbeit wurde von M. Marazzi und N. Boysan 1985 in Band 32 des Archiv für Orientforschung veröffentlicht und umfaßte die lexikalischen Neuigkeiten der Jahre 1979-1984.
Eine zweite Aktualisierung, ebenfalls von M. Marazzi und N. Boysan, erschien im Band 34 (1987) mit nach Autoren und nach Lexemen geordneten bibliographischen Angaben aus den Jahren 1985-1987.
Die folgende, von M. Marazzi und N. Bolatti Guzzo im Band 42-43 (1995-96) herausgegebene dritte Aktualisierung führte eine Reihe von Neuerungen ein:
1)       eine Vereinheitlichung der Zitierweise von Autorenbibliographie und lexikalischer Liste,
2)       die Erweiterung der Lexikographie um den Bereich ‚Hieroglyphenluwisch‘ in Form der Aktualisierung der zwischenzeitlich veröffentlichten lexikographischen Liste in ‚Il geroglifico anatolico. Problemi di analisi e prospettive die ricerca‘, Rom 1990 (Biblioteca di Ricerche Linguistiche e Filologiche 24).
Seit 1999 mit der definitiven Ansiedlung des Projektes und seiner Archive am Centro Mediterraneo Preclassico der Università degli Studî Suor Orsola Benincasa in Neapel und auf der Basis der Zusammenarbeitsvereinbarung mit dem Würzburger Insitut, wurde der Index Anatolicus zusammen mit der Hethitischen Bibliographie Teil des größeren Projektes des Mainzer Hethitologie Portals.
A- E - H - I - K - L - M - N - P - R - S - T - U - W - Z


[First posted in AWOL on 13 November 2014, updated 19 August 2018]

Eileen Gardiner
HELL-ON-LINE is developing as a comprehensive on-line collection of over 100 visions, tours and descriptions of the infernal otherworld from the cultures of the world: principally from the Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Zoroastrian, Islamic and Jewish traditions from 2000 BCE to the present. These texts reveal the development of hell and its relationship to ideas of judgment, reincarnation, salvation, the apocalypse, and cyclic time. Visionaries and voyagers describe the geography of the underworld. Much like any other travelers, they lay out locations and distances, compass points, and physical characteristics, especially the surface features: oceans, mountains, rivers, roads, bridges and ditches. They also describe the inhabitants — both human souls and evil spirits — and the relationships between them, as they fulfill their particular doom, engendered by sins committed in this life, according to the laws and norms of the next life.

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online, 19 August 2018


Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online. There are 278 volumes of this series now online open access.  

Die sogenannte Thronfolgegeschichte Davids: neue Einsichten und Anfragen. Edited by: De Pury, Albert; Römer, Thomas (2000). Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Hermsen, Edmund (1991). Die zwei Wege des Jenseits : das altägyptische Zweiwegebuch und seine Topographie. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Nineveh Tablet Collection

 [First posted in AWOL 1 February 2013, updated 20 August 2018]

Nineveh Tablet Collection
by Jeanette C. Fincke
The British Museum's Ashurbanipal Library Project focused on the Babylonian texts from Nineveh (Kouyunjik) is investigating the kind of Babylonian compositions the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (668-627 BC) ordered to include into his royal library and their relation to the rest of the Kouyunjik Collection and to the king's collecting activities. This project was conceived with a six months research on the Kouyunjik Collection itself and became reality in March 2003 through the generous funding by the Townley Group of the Friends of the British Museum. As a result of the first part of the project I made 86 joins and created a database on the Babylonian Nineveh tablets.
A second part of the Ashurbanipal Library Project was conducted from October until December 2005. This time I made 59 joins. During the third part of the Ashurbanipal Library Project (April until June 2006), I was able to make an additional 38 joins. 

During the three months in 2005, I also went through the files of the Museum to collect information on the Nineveh tablet fragments that have been rejoined so far. During the first weeks of 2006 I created a database on the Nineveh joins, the Assyrian and Babylonian ones.
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