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Digitale Einführung in die hieroglyphisch-ägyptische Schrift und Sprache

Digitale Einführung in die hieroglyphisch-ägyptische Schrift und Sprache
Daniel A. Werning
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Berlin 2018–...

Grabpfeiler mit der Darstellung König Sethos I. vor dem Gott Osiris (Berlin ÄM 2058), ©Foto: Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Fotograf/in: Sandra Steiß, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE


§1   Schriftsprachstufe
§2   Schriftsysteme und TransliterationÜbung 1
§3   Das hieroglyphisch-ägyptische Alphabet und „Einkonsonantenzeichen“
§4   Interpunktion in der Transkription
§5   Nicht-Schreibung von Halbkonsonanten/Halbvokalen
§6   Aussprache von Worttranskriptionen
§7   Kategorisierungszeichen: „Klassifikatoren“Übung 2
§8   Funktion von Klassifikatoren
§9   Wortzeichen: „Logogramme“
§10   Überbegriff „Semogramm“
§11   Mehrkonsonantenzeichen
§12   Phonogramme als Phonetische Komplemente
§13   Phono-Repeater
§14   Zeichenfunktionsklassen und MultifunktionalitätÜbung 3
§15   Erman & Grapow, Wörterbuch der aegyptischen Sprache
§16   Alternative Transkriptionssymbole
§17   Schreibvarianten aufgrund hintergründigen Lautwandels
§18   Lautannäherungsschreibungen
§19   Moderne Transkriptionen
§20   Computer-Kodierung von Transkription nach Manuel de Codage
§21   Suche im Thesaurus Linguae AegyptiaeÜbung 4
§22   Die Wortart „Substantiv“
§23   Genus des ägyptischen Substantivs
§24   Numerus des ägyptischen Substantivs
§25   Bestimmtheit
§26   „Genitiv“-Attribute: „direkter Genitiv“ und „indirekter Genitiv“
§27   Umstellung honorum causaÜbung 5
§28   Personalpronomina I: „Suffixpronomina“
§29   Suffixpronomina an Substantiven
§30   Demonstrativpronomina I: Hauptreihen
§31   Demonstrativpronomina II: Nebenreihen
§32   Verben: die Haupt-VerbwurzelklassenÜbung 6
§33   Die Haupttempora: „Imperfektiv“ sḏm(⸗f), „Anterior“ sḏm.n(⸗f) und „Subjunktiv“ sḏm(⸗f)
§34   Der verbale Hauptsatz mit Imperfektiv, Anterior und Subjunktiv
§35   Der Imperfektiv-Hauptsatz mit S–V–S'–OÜbung 7
§36   Personalpronomina II: „Enklitische Personalpronomina“
§37   Identifikation und Reihenfolge von Aktanten nach Verben
§38   Sonderfall sḏm.n(⸗j)-w(j): Anterior mit Subjekt und Objekt der 1SG
§39   Der Subjunktiv als Objekt-Gliedsatz nach rḏ(j) ‘geben, veranlassen’Übung 8
§40   „Perfektiv“ sḏm(⸗f) und „Posterior“ sḏm.w(⸗f)
§41   Der verbale Hauptsatz mit Perfektiv und Posterior
§42   Perfektiv vs. Anterior und dtsch. hörte vs. hat gehört
§43   Der Posterior unter Druck
§44   Wege zur Bestimmung von Verbalformen
§45   Anterior im performativen Gebrauch: der Sonderfall ḏ(j).n(⸗j) n⸗k …Übung 9
§46   Negierte VerbalsätzeÜbung 10
§47   Präpositionen
§48   Adverbien
§49   Adverbialphrasen als Prädikat: der „Adverbialsatz“
§50   Semantisch besondere Adverbialsätze
§51   Adverbialsatz und Verbalsatz in Konkurrenz
§52   Existenzsätze
§53   Adverbiale SubstantiveÜbung 11
§54   Adjektive
§55   Adjektive als Attribut
§56   Substantivierte Adjektive
§57   Adjektive als Prädikat: der „Adjektivalsatz“
§58   Indefinitpronomina
§59   Anstelle von adjektivischer Steigerung
§60   Adjektive im Bahuvrīhi-Kompositum: die „nfr-ḥr-Konstruktion“Übung 12
§61   Personalpronomina III: „Selbständige Personalpronomina“
§62   Substantive und Pronomina als Prädikat: „Nominalsätze“
§63   Gebrauch des Nominalsatzes
§64   Negation des Nominalsatzes
§65   Prädikatstypen: Verbalsätze, Adverbialsätze, Adjektivalsätze und NominalsätzeÜbung 13
Zahlen und Aufzählung
§66   Zahlen
§67   Datumsangaben
§68   Nominalphrasen
§69   Koordination, Disjunktion und AppositionÜbung 14
§70   Der „Resultativ“ sḏm
§71   Der Resultativ als Hauptsatz
§72   Der Resultativ von rḫ ‘kennenlernen’Übung 15
§73   Adjektivische Derivation: die „Nisben“
§74   Sonderformen de präpositionaler Nisben
§75   Erkennbarkeit von NisbenÜbung 16
Infinite Verbalformen
§76   Der Imperativ sḏm
§77   Das „Negativkomplement“ sḏm.wÜbung 17
§78   Adverbiale Nebensätze und parataktische Hauptsätze
§79   Verbalsatzkategorien: Tempus, Aspekt und ModusÜbung 18
§80   Passive Verbalformen
§81   Gebrauch und Erkennbarkeit der passiven Verbalformen
§82   Sonderfälle in Bezug auf die Aktanten am PassivÜbung 19
Nominale Verbalformen
§83   Die finiten „Nominalen Verbalformen“
§84   Nominale Verbalformen als substantivische Verbalformen
§85   Nominale Verbalformen in der „Emphatischen Konstruktion“
§86   Nominale Verbalformen als initialer Nebensatz (Konverben)
§87   Erkennung Nominaler VerbalformenÜbung 20
Weitere spezielle Verbalformen
§88   Der „Kompletiv“ sḏm.t(⸗f)
§89   Die „konsekutiven“ Verbalsuffixe -jn-ḫr und -kꜣ
§90   Rede- und Rednereinleitungen
§91   Dreimal jnḫr und kꜣ: ein ÜberblickÜbung 21
§92   Der Infinitiv sḏm
§93   Verbalsätze mit Infinitiv: „Periphrastische Verbalsätze“
§94   Der pleonastische Infinitiv sḏm.tÜbung 22
§95   Partizipien I: das merkmallose „Neutrale Partizip“
§96   Partizipien II: das „Distributive Partizip“
§97   Besondere Partizipialformen zweiradikaliger Verben
§98   Das Posteriore „Partizip“ sḏm.tï.f
§99   SpaltsätzeÜbung 23
Relativsätze und Relativformen
§100   Der Relativsatz mit Relativpronomen
§101   „Relativformen“: Relativsätze in Verbalform
§102   Die sḏm pw jr.n(⸗f)-Konstruktion
§103   Relativsätze mit passiven Partizipien
§104   Adjektivische vs. adverbiale Attribute und „Virtuelle Relativsätze“Übung 24
§105   Übersicht über die Verbalformen des Mittelägyptischen


Zitieren Sie diese Grammatik:
Daniel A. Werning. (2018-…). Digitale Einführung in die hieroglyphisch-ägyptische Schrift und Sprache, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, http://hdl.handle.net/21.11101/0000-0007-C9C9-4 (Zugriff: 5 Juli 2018).
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See also AWOL's  list of

Chronological Lists of Oriental Institute Publications


Chronological Lists of Oriental Institute Publications

Between 1997 and 2011, the Oriental Institute maintained a list, by year, of its publications. This offered a useful chronological overview of the publication activity. I have now compiled lists for 2012-2017 (so far) and include links to the 1997-2011 lists below.

  • LAMINE 1. Christians and Others in the Umayyad State. Edited by Antoine Borrut and Fred M. Donner, with contributions by Touraj Daryaee, Muriel  Debié, Sidney H. Griffith, Wadad al-Qadi, Milka Levy-Rubin, Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych, Donald Whitcomb, and Luke Yarbrough, 2016
  • Nimrud: The Queens' Tombs. By Muzahim Mahmoud Hussein, translation and initial editing by Mark Altaweel, additional editing and notes by McGuire Gibson. 2016
For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Open Access Journal: NINO nieuws

NINO nieuws

Aegyptiaca Nr. 3 (2018) has appeared: Mnemohistory and Cultural Memory - Essays in Honour of Jan Assmann

Woodhouse English-Greek Dictionary

Antigrapheus: Online OCR for Ancient Greek and Latin

Antigrapheus: Online OCR for Ancient Greek and Latin
Convert images of print documents in Ancient Greek and Latin into text. Right in your browser.
View this project on GitHub.
In-browser OCR of Ancient Greek and Latin. Built on:
Antigrapheus aims to be no better or worse than you would get from downloading, installing, and configuring Tesseract, but without the need to do all those things.

Origin Stories: A Forum on the “Discovery” and Interpretation of First-Millennium Manuscripts

Origin Stories: A Forum on the “Discovery” and Interpretation of First-Millennium Manuscripts

 A Forum appearing in Marginalia
This forum is sponsored by the First Millennium Network in connection with The Lying Pen of Scribes: Manuscript Forgeries and Counterfeiting Scripture in the Twenty-First Century, the Norwegian project on forgery and provenance. Throughout the course of the forum, contributors will address the scholarship and the politics behind the discovery, interpretation, and diffusion of such “new” texts. Panelists, experts in a range of fields within manuscript studies, will seek to answer questions such as: How can scholars actually tell if a manuscript is authentically ancient or forged in the new age of greater scientific possibilities? What are the ethical issues surrounding collecting, owning, and publishing items that hold religious/cultural value for a wider, non-academic audience? How much do these new finds really challenge our understanding of our own origin stories?

Cluster #1
Årstein Justnes (University of Agder, Norway) – Fragments for Sale: Dead Sea Scrolls
Kipp Davis  (Trinity Western University) – Gleaning from the Cave of Wonders? Fragments, Forgeries and “Biblicism” in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Eva Mroczek (UC Davis) – Batshit Stories: New Tales of Discovering Ancient Texts

Cluster #2
Tommy Wasserman(Ansgar Teologiske Høgskole) – Simonides’ New Testament Papyri: Their Production and Purported Provenance
Roberta Mazza (University of Manchester) – “Property of a gentleman”: The market of ancient manuscripts and the problem of provenance
Nicola Denzey Lewis (Claremont Graduate University) – (Still) Rethinking the Origins of the Nag Hammadi Codices

More essays will appear in the next issue.

In Memoriam: Ada Yardeni (1937–2018), BAR has made her articles publicly available

In Memoriam: Ada Yardeni (1937–2018), BAR has made her articles publicly available:
As a tribute to Yardeni, we have made her BAR articles publicly available in the BAS Library:
Esther Eshel, Hanan Eshel, and Ada Yardeni, “Who Was He? Rare DSS Text Mentions King Jonathan,” BAR, January/February 1994.
Ada Yardeni, “Breaking the Missing Link,” BAR, May/June 1998.
Ada Yardeni, “A New Dead Sea Scroll in Stone?” BAR, January/February 2008.

Uruk Visualisation Project : Pre-dynastic architecture (UA1 and UA2)

Pre-dynastic architecture (UA1 and UA2)
Uruk Visualisation Project
Uruk/Warka, situated in modern-day Iraq, is one of the first cities in the world, and was populated almost without interruption for over 5,000 years – from the 4th millennium BCE to the 1st millennium CE. The pre-dynastic period was the time of the legendary king Gilgamesh, who is said to have build the 9km long city wall of Uruk and falls into the beginning of the 3rd millennium BCE.
In the areas UA1 and UA2, remains of a big wall enclosure, a couple of rooms as well as a pre-dynastic terrace were found. The terrace is situated exactly below the Eanna Ziqqurrat and might be it’s predecessor. We do not know who build these structures, but we are dealing with the earliest terrace in Uruk on which might have stood a temple and be therefore a very early version of a ziqqurrat.
Due to the difficult excavation circumstances, only parts of the terrace, a sophisticated canal system and several room complexes could be found. Nevertheless, we are offering a reconstruction here, that is based on the excavation results, which obviously show, that even in pre-dynastic times, Uruk was dominated by a monumental centre, enclosed in a walled area. Considering the later use of the same space, we might speculate a similar function for pre-dynastic times.

Open Access Journal: Bulletin d'information et de coordination / Association Internationale des Études Byzantines

Bulletin d'information et de coordination / Association Internationale des Études Byzantines
ISSN: 0571-5857
The International Association of Byzantine Studies (AIEB) was established in 1948, shortly after World War II. Its foundation emerged from the Byzantine congresses taking place at that time.
The International Bureau, consisting of representatives of all member national committees, constitutes the permanent executive body of the AIEB (see Statutes).
From its initial stage the AIEB, under the presidency of Paul Lemerle and following the proposal of Dionysios Zakythinos, took a decision to publish the Bulletin d’Information et de Coordination aiming at promoting Byzantine studies at an international level.

Gorgias Open: Free for the Sake of Knowledge

Gorgias Open: Free for the Sake of Knowledge
Gorgias Press LLC
Gorgias Open Access makes top-quality research available at no cost to anyone with an internet connection. Once a publication has passed its peer-review process and has been approved for publication, the author has the option to make it available through our Gorgias Open repository as well as in a traditional print format.
Open access publishing is good news for everyone. It combines our scholars’ careful research with our capabilities to polish and independently review academic work. Best of all, it means that no one is prevented from accessing the latest information because of lack of funds. For more information on the logic behind open access, including links to studies on its effectiveness, please see the section called, "Why Open Access?"
Otherwise, the results speak for themselves: more readers and greater impact.
Early Readers, Scholars and Editors of the New Testament edited by H.A.G. Houghton
A collection of ten original papers on the New Testament text, first presented in 2013, which reflect the diversity of current research. Examples of ancient engagement with the Bible include Origen, Eusebius of Caesarea and Augustine along with early translations.
Salvation in Christ According to Jacob of Serugh by Thomas Kollamparampil
ImageFromGFFDownloadJacob of Serugh’s vision of ‘Salvation in Christ’, in its exegetical, theological, catechetical, liturgical and pastoral aspects, is reviewed in this monograph. Jacob’s mode of symbolic-mystical-silence approach to the mystery of Christ is explained. This treatise gathers up Jacob’s typological and symbolic thought-patterns, in his own language, categories, terminologies, and imageries.
"Some Lexical and Legal Notes on a Syriac Loan Transfer of 240 CE,"by John Healey, in Malphono w-Rabo d-Malphone
DownloadThis article, drawn from Malphono w-Rabo d-Malphone, analyzes a Syriac legal document from the Upper Euphrates. Along with his analysis, Healey provides a translation and transliteration of the document.
The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom? edited by  Carlos A. Segovia and Basil Lourié
John Wansbrough is famous for his pioneering studies on the “sectarian milieu” out of which Islam emerged. In his view, Islam grew out of different - albeit rather marginal - Jewish and Christian traditions. In the present volume, which is dedicated to Wansbrough’s memory, specialists in Islamic studies and students of the Jewish and early Christian traditions summarise Wansbrough’s achievements in the past thirty years and chart the future of the tradition study of the “sectarian milieu.”
 Commentaries, Catenae and Biblical Traditionedited by H.A.G. Houghton
ImageFromGFFDownloadThis collection of original research papers examines early commentaries on the New Testament and the transmission of the biblical text. Focussing principally on Greek and Latin tradition, it provides new insights into the sources and manuscripts of commentators and catenae. 
Dischronology and Dialogic in the Bible’s Primary Narrative by David A. Bergen

ImageFromGFFDownloadThis ground-breaking study offers a reassessment of Moses' book of the law from a narrative theory perspective. Concerned for the long-term viability of his people, Moses legislates a public reading of his document which is deposited next to the ark of the covenant as a national testament. Through the mechanics of narrative mediation, the narrator reveals to the reader of Deuteronomy the contents of Moses' enshrined publication. Deuteronomy's simulcast of Moses' book invites external readers to compare and evaluate their readings with story-world readers who access the same text within the Bible's Primary Narrative. 
The Historiography of Music in Global Perspective edited by Sam Mirelman

ImageFromGFFDownloadThis volume examines the perception of music’s past, in all its historical, geographical and cultural breadth. The wide-ranging collection of papers address the interpretation of past music cultures from the earliest records of antiquity until the present. 
 Recent Developments in Midrash Research edited by Lieve Teugels and Rivka Ulmer
Picture of Recent Developments in Midrash ResearchDownload
This work consists of a selection of papers from sessions during the first two years of SBL Consultation on Midrash. It demonstrates innovative approaches to midrashic texts and hermeneutic reflections on similarities and differences between interpretations of the Bible.

Open Access Monograph Series: Oriental Institute Miscellaneous Publications

[First posted in AWOL 27 April 2015, updated 9 July 2018]

Oriental Institute Miscellaneous Publications

The following titles were published by the Oriental Institute, or by its departments, or by the University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Oriental Institute, or by members of the Oriental Institute Faculty and Staff.  All of them are available in pdf courtesy of the Electronic Publications Initiative of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see

Open Access Journal: Sylva Mala: bollettino del Centro Studi Archeologici di Boscoreale, Boscotrecase e Trecase

Sylva Mala: bollettino del Centro Studi Archeologici di Boscoreale, Boscotrecase e Trecase
Bollettino del Centro Studi Archeologici di Boscoreale, Boscotrecase e Trecase
Direzione, redazione ed amministrazione: Via Vargas 1, 80041 Boscoreale
Direttore: Angelandrea CASALE - Responsabile: Luigi DI MARTINO
Reg. Trib. Napoli n. 2967 dell'11/09/1980

sylva mala numero 2
II - 1981
Pag. 2 - CARLO MALANDRINO, Itinerario archeologico di Torre Annunziata.
Pag. 5 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, La favola delle cicogne da due boccali d'argento del "Tesoro di Boscoreale".
Pag. 7 - DOMENICO RUSSO, Sulla classificazione delle ville romane del Rostovzev.
Pag. 9 - CARLO GIORDANO, Il distico a Novellia Primigenia (dalla nocerina novellia a Giulietta dei Capuleti).
Pag. 11 - Elenco Soci del Centro Studi.
Pag. 12 - Cariche sociali biennio 1980-81.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala 3
III - 1982
Pag. 2 - CARLO GIORDANO, Poppea e Nerone tra Oplontis e Pompei.
Pag. 8 - ANGELO BIANCO, O' Rio (saggio di poesia dialettale).
Pag. 9 - FILIPPO CANGEMI, La processione del Venerdì Santo a Boscoreale alla fine del 1800.
Pag. 10 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, Fonti documentarie per la storia degli scavi di Boscotrecase nel Settecento.
Pag. 13 - RAFFAELE D'AVINO, L'acquedotto Augusteo in Campania.
Pag. 15 - Elenco Soci del Centro Studi e Cariche Sociali biennio 1982-83.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala 4
IV - 1983
Pag. 2 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, CARLO GIORDANO, Temi virgiliani nella pittura pompeiana.
Pag. 10 - FRANCESCO D'ASCOLI, L'acqua negata a Virgilio.
Pag. 14 - MICHELE CASALE, Aspetti neoclassici nell'urbanistica di Boscotrecase.
Pag. 16 - DOMENICO RUSSO, Sulla intossicazione di piombo come concausa della decadenza dell'impero romano.
Pag. 21 - ANGELO BIANCO, Cenni geologici su Boscotrecase.
Pag. 23 - VITTORIO CIMMELLI, Niccolò Acciaiuoli Signore del Bosco di Scafati.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala  5
V - 1984
Pag. 2 - CARLO GIORDANO, Un discendente del catilinario Cetego in Pompei.
Pag. 4 - DOMENICO RUSSO, La villa rustica come fenomeno economico con particolare riferimento alle ville rustiche del suburbio pompeiano.
Pag. 10 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, Attività della "Compagnia di Gesù" in Boscoreale e Boscotrecase nel Settecento.
Pag. 17 - VITTORIO CIMMELLI, Boscoreale terra di demanio regio sperimenta consuetudini feudali.
Pag. 28 - SALVATORE FERRARO, La presenza di Properzio nei graffiti di Pompei.
Pag. 30 - RAFFAELE D'AVINO, Resti di villa rustica in contrada Cavone di Somma Vesuviana.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 6
VI - 1985
Pag. 2 - Elenco Soci del Centro Studi Archeologici.
Pag. 3 - DOMENICO RUSSO, La gestione della villa romana nel I secolo d.C.
Pag. 7 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, Proposta per lo stemma ed il gonfalone del Comune di Trecase.
Pag. 11 - VITTORIO CIMMELLI, Le finalità educative nell'Arciconfraternita del SS. Rosario di Boscoreale.
Pag. 15 - CARLO GIORDANO, L'Albergo dei Cristiani in Pompei.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 7
VII - 1986
Pag. 2 - Elenco Soci del Centro Studi Archeologici.
Pag. 3 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, A ricordo del Dott. Vincenzo Guastafierro (1864-1929).
Pag. 7 - BENITO IEZZI, A proposito di Maiuri scrittore.
Pag. 12 - LORENZO FALANGA, Le mensole di Boscoreale e la "croce" di Ercolano.
Pag. 16 - MICHELE CASALE, Motivi barocchi nella vita seicentesca di Boscotrecase.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 8
VIII - 1987
Pag. 2 - ANGELO BIANCO,'A muntagna mia.
Pag. 3 - LORENZO FALANGA - L'iscrizione di "Paris" a Boscoreale.
Pag. 7 - GIORGIO MANCINI - L'antico monastero di S. Maria de Spelunca nel ducato napoletano autonomo (755-1137).
Pag. 11 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, CARLO AVVISATI, Stemmario Vesuviano: famiglie nobili e notabili, estinte e fiorenti dal sec. XV al sec. XIX (Parte I, Famiglie nobili).
Pag. 19 - FELICE DI MARO, La vittoria di Azio ed il tesoro di Boscoreale.
Pag. 25 - BENITO IEZZI, Una incompiuta bibliografia pompeiana di Amedeo Maiuri.
Pag. 28 - Elenco Soci del Centro Studi Archeologici.

(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 9
IX - 1988
Pag. 2 -ANGELO BIANCO, Due poesie in memoria di Filippo Cangemi.
Pag. 3 - VITTORIO CIMMELLI, La mitizzazione del Sarno nelle pitture parietali pompeiane.
Pag. 13 - CARLO GIORDANO, Fatti e misfatti del "Tesoro di Boscoreale".
Pag. 19 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, CARLO AVVISATI, Stemmario Vesuviano: famiglie nobili e notabili, estinte e fiorenti dal sec. XIV al sec. XIX (Parte II, Famiglie notabili).
Pag. 31 - FELICE DI MARO, La morte di Augusto e i modioli del tesoro di Boscoreale: nuove ipotesi.
Pag. 36 - † AUGUSTUS MAU, La villa rustica a Boscoreale (traduzione di ALFONSO CAROTENUTO).
Pag. 39 - † MATTEO DELLA CORTE, Due dipinti murali dell'agro pompeiano e loro derivazione dalla tragedia.
Pag. 47 - Elenco Soci del Centro Studi Archeologici.

(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 9
X - 1989
Pag. 2 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, La legna della Silva Mala e del Bosco Reale per la Corte Aragonese di Napoli.
Pag. 5 - VITTORIO CIMMELLI, Le campagne nella Valle del Sarno in età preromana e romana.
Pag. 14 - MICHELE CASALE, Due tele di Nicola Cacciapuoti a Boscotrecase.
Pag. 17 - DOMENICO RUSSO, La villa di L. Cecilio Giocondo: nota preliminare sull'instrumentum domesticum.
Pag. 31 - ANTONIO CIRILLO, I Piccolomini Signori di Bosco.
Pag. 43 - BENITO IEZZI (a cura di), Incontri e scontri tra pompeianisti di BIANCA MAIURI.

(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 11
XI - 1990/94
Pag. 2 - Elenco dei Soci del Centro Studi Archeologici.
Pag. 3 - CARLO GIORDANO, Ricordando Maiuri.
Pag. 6 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, PAOLA VOCCIA, Il Vesuvio: un articolo di Carl v. Rügen del 1830.
Pag. 9 - ANTONIO CIRILLO, I confini orientali e occidentali della "Sylva Mala".
Pag. 13 - ANGELO BIANCO, In memoria del professor Carlo Giordano (1915-1991).
Pag. 14 - NIKOS PAPADAKIS, Una testa dell'imperatore Adriano da Makrigialos (Sitia, Creta) - Adriano nell'arte a Creta.
Pag. 16 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, Per la Visita pastorale di S.E. Mons. Guerino Grimaldi, Vescovo di Nola, a Boscoreale.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 12
XII - 1995/2000
Pag. 2 - Elenco dei Soci del Centro Studi Archeologici.
Pag. 3 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, ENNIO GALLO (a cura di), Il tesoro di Boscoreale in due articolo di Salvatore Di Giacomo.
Pag. 5 - ANTONIO CIRILLO, Angelo Bianco (1926-1998).
Pag. 6 - AMALIA VANGONE, L'ambiente naturale del Somma-Vesuvio: la flora.
Pag. 9 - LAURENTINO GARCIA Y GARCIA, Il Canale del Sarno e gli scavi di Pompei.
Pag. 11 - GRETE STEFANI, La villa del fondo Acunzo a Boscoreale.
Pag. 17 - ANGELO PESCE, Ancora sul Sarno e l'eruzione del 79 d.C..
Pag. 22 - GENNARO PENNINO, L'Italia Meridionale dagli ultimi Svevi a Carlo I d'Angiò - Beatrice di Provenza: Regina di Napoli.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 13

XIII - 2001/2005
Pag. 2 - LUCIA OLIVA, Il trono del Gorga.
Pag. 4 - SOFIA TUFANO, Palazzo de Prisco a Boscoreale.
Pag. 8 - GENNARO PENNINO, I Prignano - l'assedio del castello di Nocera.
Pag. 13 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, Il monastero di San Lorenzo di Aversa, proprietario della Sylva Mala e di Valle nell'XI secolo.
Pag. 15 - FILIPPO RENATO DE LUCA, La visita di Pio IX a Nola (7 novembre 1849).
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 14

XIV - 2006/2007
Pag. 3 - FILIPPO CANGEMI, Attualità di Virgilio.
Pag. 7 - CARLO GIORDANO, ANGELANDREA CASALE, Salvatore Di Giacomo e gli scavi
di Boscoreale
Pag. 11 - MICHELE CASALE, La chiesa dell’A.G.P. “Annunziatella” di Boscotrecase, dal Sacro
Fonte (sec. VII - XIII) al Sacro Graal: aspetti storici e simbolici
ANTONIO CIRILLO, Per il 60° Anniversario della ricostituzione dei Comuni di Boscoreale
e Boscotrecase (gennaio 1946—gennaio 2006)
Pag. 20 - FELICE DI MARO, Un’immagine mitraica nel Tesoro di Boscoreale.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 14

XV - 2008/2009
Pag. 3 - MICHELANGELO MANZI, La storia finanziaria di Boscoreale nell'ultimo ventennio (1988-2008).
Pag. 6 - † MATTEO DELLA CORTE, Ori e gemme del I secolo rinvenuti nel Comune di Scafati.
Pag. 9 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, Convegno sul Turismo, la "Strada Matrone".
Pag. 11 - ENNIO GALLO, ANGELANDREA CASALE, Uno sconosciuto servizio di vasi d'argento da Boscoreale.
Pag. 13 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, Boscoreale la ferrovia che non c'è più. La linea Cancello - Torre Annunziata Centrale (maggio 1885 - dicembre 2005: 120 anni di onorato servizio).
Pag. 15 - Cariche sociali.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 14

XVI - 2010/2013
Pag. 2 - MARCELLO BIANCO, Presentazione della tavola rotonda “La nostra Storia”, Santuario Maria SS. Liberatrice dai Flagelli
Pag. 6 - †VITTORIO CIMMELLI,L'economia agricola italica dopo la seconda guerra punica
Pag. 8 - †FRANCESCO D’ASCOLI, Di una remota parentela tra la gente del Vesuvio e le popolazioni di Terra di Lavoro
Pag. 10 - Le trésor monétaire de Bosco Reale (Revue Numismatique)
Pag. 11 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, Boscoreale e Boscotrecase nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento
Pag. 20 - Cariche sociali.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

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XVII - 2014/2015
Pag. 2 - VINCENZO AMOROSI, I Crescitelli, un'antica famiglia da Altavilla Irpina alle falde del Vesuvio
Pag. 5 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, Brevi cenni sul Cardinale Giuseppe Prisco in occasione del 180° anniversario della nascita
Pag. 8 - VINCENZO AMOROSI, La taverna Diomede
Pag. 10 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, La megalografia del grande triclinio nella villa di Publio Fannio Synistore a Boscoreale
Pag. 14 - † MATTEO DELLA CORTE, Il “pagus Urbulanus” ed i nomi antichi di alcune Porte di Pompei
Pag. 16 - Cariche sociali.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

sylva mala numero 18

XVIII - 2016
Pag. 2 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, Quarant’anni fa la commemorazione in consiglio comunale di Alfonso Cirillo. Sindaco di Boscoreale dal 1947 al 1956 e dal 1961 al 1963
Pag. 5 - DOMENICO PARISI, La strana vicenda di un denarius di Quinto Fabio Labeone rinvenuto a Marigliano
Pag. 11 - GERARDO CAPASSO, Ville rustiche di epoca romana in località Macedonia e Richiuso nel comune di Somma Vesuviana
Pag. 19 - ANGELANDREA CASALE - PASQUALE MARCIANO, Il palazzo ducale di Palma Campania dai Saluzzo Duchi di Corigliano ai Compagna Principi di Marsiconovo
Pag. 24 - CARLO AVVISATI, Gli affreschi ritrovati della Villa di Asellius e tre scavi clandestini
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)
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I - 1980
Pag. 3 - CARLO GIORDANO, Il miles gloriosus nell'epigrafia pompeiana.
Pag. 4 - ANGELANDREA CASALE, Il feudo rustico di S. Maria Salome da Fabrizio Maramaldo ai Buonincontro ed agli Zurlo.
Pag. 7 - FILIPPO CANGEMI, Carnevale boschese d'altri tempi.
Pag. 9 - ANGELO BIANCO, Il Vesuvio e la Sylva Mala.
Pag. 11 - MICHELE CASALE, La "Madonna del Baldacchino" nella chiesa dell'A.G.P. di Boscotrecase.
(clicca sull'immagine e leggi la rivista)

Bibliographie Papyrologique en ligne

[Most recently updated 10 July 2018]

Bibliographie Papyrologique en ligne
BP enligne
La BP a pour ambition de fournir une information bibliographique complète, correcte et rapide dans tous les domaines qui relèvent, au sens large, de la papyrologie. Elle a été fondée en 1932 par Marcel HOMBERT, à la suite d'un projet présenté au IIe congrès international de Papyrologie (Leyde, 1931).
Poursuivie par Georges NACHTERGAEL, la BP est aujourd'hui rédigée par Alain MARTIN, Alain DELATTRE, Paul HEILPORN et Naïm VANTHIEGHEM, avec la collaboration de Henri MELAERTS et Cecilia SAERENS. Elle est éditée par l'Association Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, avec le concours du Centre de Papyrologie et d'Épigraphie grecque de l'Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
On peut consulter en annexe:

le projet original, tel qu'il a été formulé en 1931 par Marcel HOMBERT;
un historique dressé à l'occasion du XVe Congrès international de Papyrologie Bruxelles, 1977) par Georges NACHTERGAEL et Roger S. BAGNALL;
le bilan de 75 années de BP présenté par Alain MARTIN, dans le cadre du XXVe Congrès international de Papyrologie (Ann Arbor, 2007);
l'annonce de nouveaux développements par Alain DELATTRE et Paul HEILPORN lors du XXVIIe Congrès international de Papyrologie (Varsovie, 2013).
La banque de données en ligne accessible ici rassemble toutes les fiches distribuées depuis la création de la BP jusqu'au dernier envoi de l'année écoulée, ainsi qu'un certain nombre de fiches complémentaires. Sa réalisation a bénéficié du concours de Roger S. BAGNALL, Alexandre BUCHET et Annie DEKNUDT (†).

Understanding ISIS's Destruction of Antiquities as a Rejection of Nationalism

Understanding ISIS's Destruction of Antiquities as a Rejection of Nationalism
Christopher W. Jones
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies
Vol. 6, No. 1-2 (2018), pp. 31-58
DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.6.1-2.0031
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.6.1-2.0031
Page Count: 28
This article argues that the campaign of antiquities destruction waged by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) should be understood in the context of the group's rejection of the nation-state. The Ba'athist regimes of Iraq and Syria used archaeology not only as a tool to promote national unity but also as an ideological narrative to portray their states as continual recapitulations of their pasts. As a result, the pre-Islamic past came to be associated with secular nationalism. Since the secular state demands obedience to secular law, ISIS views it as idolatrous as it demands allegiance apart from God. The group considers the secular sacralization of antiquities in support of nationalism to be an aspect of this form of idolatry that justifies their destruction. Future efforts at cultural heritage preservation in the region will need to take into account the decline of Arab nationalist movements which once supported them.

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online, 10 July 2018

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online. There are 260 volumes of this series now online open access.   
Waraksa, Elizabeth A (2009). Female Figurines from the Mut Precinct: Context and Ritual Function. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 
Lichtheim, Miriam (1992). Maat in Egyptian Autobiographies and Related Studies. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Sass, Benjamin (1991). Studia Alphabetica: On the Origin and Early History of the Northwest Semitic, South Semitic and Greek Alphabets. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Hutter, Manfred (1985). Altorientalische Vorstellungen von der Unterwelt: Literar- und religionsgeschichtliche Überlegungen zu "Nergal und Ereškigal". Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Meyer-Dietrich, Erika (2006). Senebi und Selbst: Personenkonstituenten zur rituellen Wiedergeburt in einem Frauensarg des Mittleren Reiches. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.


Epigraphy.info: A Collaborative Plattform for Digital Epigraphy

PATRIMONIVM: Geography and Economy of the Imperial Properties in the Roman World

PATRIMONIVM: Geography and Economy of the Imperial Properties in the Roman World
PATRIMONIVM is a scientific research initiative funded by the European Research Council (ERC-StG 716375) for the period 2017-2022. The project is hosted by the Ausonius Institute at the Bordeaux Montaigne University and it is coordinated by Dr. Alberto Dalla Rosa. It aims at conducting the first comprehensive and multidisciplinary study of the political, social and economic role of the properties of the Roman emperors from Octavian/Augustus to Diocletian (44 BC – AD 284) using a complete documentary base for the entire Roman world.
This website is still under construction and new content will be added regularly as the project progresses.
When complete, this page will be your gateway to accessing the ancient documentation concerning the imperial properties during the High Roman Empire. Texts (literary, epigraphic and papyrological), historical commentaries, bibliographical references and a prosopographical index will be organized in a modern digital database, named Atlas patrimonii. Thanks to this new tool, it will be possible to renew our understanding of the economic and social role of the imperial properties at local and global level, and to ultimately show to what extent the patrimonium Caesaris was one of the pillars of the imperial regime founded by Augustus.
The PATRIMONIVM website will also give access to detailed studies concerning single sources or particular themes and, obviously, to all the publications of the project, which will be available in full text under an Open Access license and in HTML format. These will consist of conference proceedings, a sourcebook and an authoritative History of the Imperial Properties in the Roman World, exploring numerous aspects of the geography, the economy and the organization of the patrimonium Caesaris.
A series of six workshops will take place between October 2017 and March 2019 and will provide the occasion to reconsider some key methodological issues and the most important documents, like the inscription of the Bagradas Valley (Africa proconsularis) or the statute of the mines of Vipasca (Lusitania). in 2019, An international conference will be devoted to the role of the imperial properties as a structuring factor of the Roman economy. A second conference, to be held in 2020, will be dedicated to the concept of patrimonialism as a tool for approaching empires in different times and places.

Epigraphica Romana

Epigraphica Romana

Origine du projet

Le programme Epigraphica Romana est né de l’intégration de l’Unité de Service et de Recherche « L’Année Epigraphique » (l’ex-USR 710 du CNRS) à l’Unité Mixte de Recherche « Anthropologie et histoire des mondes anciens » (ANHIMA, UMR 8210 du CNRS).
Il s’appuie donc sur les personnels et le fonds documentaire (la Bibliothèque Année Epigraphique – Fonds Pflaum) du pôle épigraphique de Villejuif.
À l’issue de ce processus d’intégration, ANHIMA a reçu de l’Institut des sciences humaines et sociales (INSHS) du CNRS la mission de construire une base de données, en ligne et en libre accès, proposant une recension annuelle des inscriptions romaines nouvellement publiées ou révisées.

Premiers résultats

Cette base de données est le fruit d’une élaboration technique, à laquelle ont travaillé les informaticiens en poste à ANHIMA depuis 2015. Ce projet s’est appuyé notamment sur le développement d’un outil partagé de gestion de bases de données, au sein d’ANHIMA et du Centre André Chastel (UMR 8150 du CNRS).
Entre l’automne 2015 et l’été 2016, le programme a recensé les nouveautés épigraphiques parues en 2014 et concernant quelques régions de l’empire romain : la Regio VI italienne, les Gaules, les Germanies, la Bétique et la Dacie. Dix rédacteurs ont participé à cette expérimentation, qui a abouti à la mise en forme de quelque 130 notices d’ EpRom 2014.
L’expérience accumulée a permis de se lancer, l’année suivante, dans une recension couvrant une grande partie de l’empire romain. Une rédaction constituée d’une trentaine de chercheurs, a produit quelque 700 notices, constituant le millésime d’ EpRom 2015.

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