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Newly Open Access Monograph Series: Middle Kingdom Studies Series

Middle Kingdom Studies Series
The electronic files are only to be distributed from the University of Pisa and in the case of the series Middle Kingdom Studies by Golden House Publications, London. Users may download only one copy for their own personal use. © The University of Pisa. Copyright remains in general with the author(s) and the publishing house(s).
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  1.  Miniaci G., Grajetzki W. (eds.), The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC). Contributions on archaeology, art, religion, and written sources, Volume I, London 2015.


Bible (LBA)
Ancien Testament, Félix Bovet
Nouveau Testament, Louis Bonnet
Bible (PGR)
Ancien Testament Perret-Gentil
Nouveau Testament Rilliet
La Septante Grec-Français
Ancien Testament Hébreu-Français
(Westminster Leningrad Codex)
Nouveau Testament Grec-Français
(Robinson & Pierpont)
Abbadie Jacques
L'Art de se connaître soi-même
Traité de la Vérité de la Religion Chrétienne
Traité de la Divinité de Jésus-Christ
Auberlen Carl-August
Le Prophète Daniel et
l'Apocalypse de Saint Jean
Babut Ch.-Éd.
Étude biblique sur la Rédemption
Critique du symbolo-fidéisme
Sermons prêchés pendant la guerre
Barde Édouard
Commentaire sur le livre des Actes
Étude sur Abraham
Étude sur Samuel
Étude sur Jean-Baptiste
Baxter Richard
Le Repos Éternel des Saints
Le Pasteur Réformé
Beecher-Stowe Harriet
La Case de l'Oncle Tom
Berthoud Aloys
Apologie du Christianisme
Bois Charles
La valeur du surnaturel
Bois Henri
Le Réveil au Pays de Galles
Bonar Andrew
Biographie de Robert Mac-Cheyne
Bonar Horatius
Le Jour Éternel
Bungener Félix
Un Sermon sous Louis XIV
Bunyan John
Le Voyage du Pèlerin
Le Voyage de Christiana
Calvin Jean
Institution de la Religion Chrétienne
Commentaire sur les Actes des Apôtres
Claude de Charenton
La Parabole des Noces
Traité de la Composition d'un Sermon
Coulin Franck
24 homélies
Conférences sur le Fils de l'homme
Cornaz Louise
De Mestral Armand
Commentaire sur le Livre des Psaumes
Dhombres Ernest
Le Quiétisme
Sermons, première série
Sermons inédits
Le siège de Paris
Drelincourt Laurent
Sonnets Chrétiens
Dufour Élise
Quelques Femmes de la Réforme
Ebrard Johann August
Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews
Edwards Jonathan
Histoire de l'Œuvre de la Rédemption
Frommel Gaston
Étude sur la Rédemption
La Vérité Humaine
Un cours d'apologétique, vol. I
Études de Théologie Moderne
Franche explication
Gaujoux Édouard
Le Prédicateur Claude
Godet Frédéric
Commentaire sur l'Évangile de Luc
Commentaire sur l'Évangile de Jean
Commentaire sur l'épître aux Romains
Commentaire sur la 1reépître aux Corinthiens
Introduction au NT,
les évangiles synoptiques
Introduction au NT,
les épîtres de Paul
Etudes bibliques (A.T. et N.T.)
Conférences apologétiques
Histoire de la Réformation à Neuchâtel
Articles et sermons
Godet Georges
Commentaire sur la
Seconde Épître aux Corinthiens
Gretillat Augustin
Théologie systématique, v. 1 :
Théologie systématique, v. 2 :
Apologétique et Canonique
Théologie systématique, v. 3 :
Prolégomènes et Cosmologie
Théologie systématique, v. 4 :
Sotériologie et Eschatologie
Théologie systématique, v. 5 et 6 :
Jérémie et son temps
Étude sur Pascal
Étude sur J.-J. Rousseau
Hello Ernest
Contes Extraordinaires
Jalaguier Prosper
Théologie Systématique
I. Introduction à la Dogmatique
II. Dogmes Mixtes
III. Dogmes Purs
IV. De l'Église
Johnson Samuel
Rasselas, Prince d'Abyssinie
Krummacher Friedrich
Élie le Tishbite
Élisée fils de Saphat
Lecerf Auguste
Le Déterminisme et la Responsabilité
dans le Système de Calvin
Introduction à la
Dogmatique Réformée
Leighton Robert
Exposition Pratique de la Première Épître de Pierre
Luther Martin
Explication du Psaume 51
Explication du Notre Père
Lettre à mon ami Peter, le Barbier
Malan César (fils)
Études sur la Conscience
Étude sur les Miracles
Martensen Hans Lassen
Éthique Chrétienne Générale
Dogmatique Luthérienne
Merle d'Aubigné J.-H.
Histoire de la Réformation au temps de Luther
Tomes 1 et 2
Tomes 3 et 4
Histoire de la Réformation au temps de Calvin
Tomes 1 et 2
Tomes 3 et 4
Tomes 5 et 6
Monod Adolphe
Étude sur l'Épître aux Éphésiens
Lucile, ou la lecture de la Bible
Doctrine Chrétienne
Jésus tenté au désert
Morel Alexandre
Les Enseignements du Papillon
Naville Ernest
Le Problème du Mal
Neander August
Étude Pratique sur l'Épître aux Philippiens
Étude Pratique sur l'Épître de Jacques
Œhler Gustave-Frédéric
Théologie de l'Ancien Testament
Oltramare Hughes
Discours pour le tricentenaire
de la mort de Calvin
Paleario Aonio
Le Bienfait de Jésus-Christ crucifié
envers les chrétiens
Paris & Witz J. & C.-H.
Mélanchthon, sa vie, son œuvre, ses vues sur
la prédestination et le libre arbitre
Pétavel Abram-François
La Fille de Sion
Pictet Bénédict
Lettre sur ceux qui se croient inspirés
Prime Samuel
Le Réveil Américain
Recolin Numa
La Kénose de Jésus-Christ
Riggenbach Chr.-Johan.
Vie du Seigneur Jésus
Rilliet Albert
Commentaire sur l'Épître aux Philippiens
Roussel Napoléon
Élans de l'âme vers Dieu
Le Réveil Irlandais
Le Culte du Dimanche : 52 discours
Roussel Émilie
Biographie de Napoléon Roussel
Roxanar Pierre
Contes Phoeniciens
Saillens Ruben
Contes du Dimanche
Récits et Allégories
Sardinoux Auguste
Commentaire sur l'Épître aux Galates
Schaff Philippe
La personne de Jésus-Christ,
miracle de l'histoire
Sheldon Charles
Que Ferait Jésus ?
Spurgeon Charles
Are you sure you read Spurgeon ?
Trente Sermons en français
Thiersch Heinrich
Méditations sur la Genèse
Trench Richard
Les Paraboles du Seigneur
Les Synonymes du Nouveau Testament
Les Miracles de Notre Seigneur
Vincent Samuel
Méditations religieuses
Vinet Alexandre
Étude sur l'Épître aux Colossiens
Méditations évangéliques
Théologie pastorale
Histoire de la Prédication au XVIIe s.
Wallace Lewis

Open Access Journal: Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt : Serie A, Aufsätze

[First posted in AWOL 25 June 2014, updated 20 June 2018]

Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt : Serie A, Aufsätze
ISSN: 1027-3360
Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt begründet und bis Band 34 herausgegeben von Albert Fuchs (1937-2010), am Institut für Bibelwissenschaft des Alten und Neuen Testamentes der KTU Linz in Zusammenarbeit mit Christoph Niemand und Michael Zugmann herausgegeben von Konrad Huber.
Die “Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt” (SNTU, Serie A: Aufsätze) erscheinen seit 1976 mit Aufsätzen zu wissenschaftlich-exegetischen, philologischen und historischen Themen zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt.
Die Schriftleitung lädt herzlich dazu ein, Beiträge– auch Aufsätze größeren Umfangs, die in herkömmlichen Fachzeitschriften nur schwer Platz finden – zur Publikation in den SNTU in elektronischer Form per E-Mail sowie als Ausdruck per Post an die Adresse der KTU einzusenden.
Die Richtlinien zur formalen Gestaltung der Beiträge entnehmen Sie bitte der folgenden Datei: SNTU_Formale Richtlinien.
Auch Ihre Mitarbeit als Rezensentin bzw. Rezensent für die SNTU ist herzlich willkommen. Bereitschaftsbekundungen, gelegentlich Rezensionen übernehmen zu wollen, bzw. konkrete Rezensionswünsche sind erbeten.

Jahrgänge 1 – 34 are available in open access


Year of publication

  See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Digital Classics Online Bd. 4,1 (2018) is now available


epistula124: traduzione italiana e il commento all’Epistula ad Lucilium 124 di Seneca

Il sito epistula124 è stato progettato per ospitare la traduzione italiana e il commento all’Epistula ad Lucilium 124 di Seneca.
L’epistola in questione, riprendendo temi già trattati nelle lettere 106, 117, 118, 120 e 121, verte principalmente sull’idea stoica del sommo bene, che viene fatto coincidere con la virtù, e che – diversamente da come sostenuto dagli epicurei – non sarebbe percepibile con i sensi, bensì unicamente per mezzo della ragione.
Nel pensare il sommo bene come frutto dell’attività razionale, Seneca di fatto si appoggia ad una classificazione del mondo dei viventi che opera in chiave logocentrica, escludendo cioè dalla ‘cosmopoli’ stoica (abitata dagli uomini e dagli dèi, gli unici dotati di ratiogli animali ‘muti’, ai quali, se da un lato si attribuiscono forme specie-specifiche di bene relativo, dall’altro lato si nega la possibilità di raggiungere il bene assoluto.
La trattazione senecana sull’intellegibilità del bene è legata, fra le altre cose, al problema delle dotazioni percettive degli esseri viventi, disegnando così una sorta di zoo-psicologia comparata ante litteram.
Tale zoo-psicologia costituisce un importante punto di riferimento per chi voglia studiare e comprendere le ‘teorie della mente animale’ elaborate in seno allo stoicismo.
In particolare, la lettura e l’analisi di questa epistola possono essere intese come una sorta di ‘finestra’ sui saperi zoologici ed etologici del mondo antico e come un primo approccio al dibattito sull’intelligenza degli animali che ha infiammato le scuole filosofiche dell’antichità in età imperiale.
Il testo su cui sono stati condotti traduzione e commento è quello stabilito da L. D. Reynolds (L. Annaei Senecae ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales,Oxford 1965), una cui edizione digitale è disponibile sul sito del Packard Humanities Institute al seguente link:

Open Access Monograph Series: Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens Volumes Online

Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens
Bild von MSU Band 30
Bei den Veröffentlichungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens ist zwischen Editionen und wissen­schaft­lichen Unter­suchung­en zu unter­scheiden. Die Editionsreihe trägt den Titel: Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scienti­arum Gottingensis editum. In dieser Reihe sind bislang 23 Bände, das sind knapp Zwei­drittel der Gesamt­aus­gabe, er­schienen. Mit dem 2004 publizierten ersten Teil­band des Rahlfs’schen Hand­schriften­ver­zeich­nis­ses in der Neu­be­ar­beit­ung von Detlef Fraenkel wurde eine Supplement­reihe zur Edition er­öffnet. Von den unter dem Gesamttitel Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens (MSU) erscheinen­den Unter­suchung­en, deren Schwer­punkt bis­her vor allem auf dem Ge­biet der Text- und Über­lieferungs­ge­schichte lag, werden die kürzeren Einzel­studien in den Nach­richten der Aka­demie der Wissen­schaften in Götting­en I. Phil.- hist. Klasse, die mono­graphisch­en Bei­träge in den Ab­hand­lungen der Aka­demie der Wissen­schaften I. Phil.- hist. Klasse ver­öffent­licht.

Within the body of publications produced by the Septuaginta-Unternehmen, one can distinguish between editions and studies. The series of editions is entitled Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum. At present, it comprises 23 volumes—which adds up to about two thirds of the complete Septuagint corpus. In 2004, a supplementary series to the edition was launched with the first volume of D. Fraenkel’s revised edition of A. Rahlfs’ Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments. Scholarly research on textual criticism and the transmission history of the Septuagint is published in the series Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens (MSU). This collective title is used to gathers studies that are published in the Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen I. Phil.-hist. Klasse (in the case of shorter studies), and in the Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften I. Phil.-hist. Klasse (for monographs). 

Bild von MSU Band 25

Band 25

R. Hanhart, Text und Textgeschichte des 2. Esrabuches, Göttingen 2003.

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Band 24

A. Aejmelaeus/U. Quast (Hg.), Der Septuaginta-Psalter und seine Tochterübersetzungen. Symposium in Göttingen 1997, Göttingen 2000.

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Band 23

O. Wahl, Der Deuteronomium-Text der Sacra Parallela, Göttingen 1997.

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Band 22

R. Hanhart, Ein unbekannter Text zur griechischen Esra-Überlieferung, Göttingen 1995.

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Band 21

J. W. Wevers, Text History of the Greek Exodus, Göttingen 1992.

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Band 20

D. Fraenkel/J. W. Wevers/U. Quast (Hg.), Studien zur Septuaginta – Robert Hanhart zu Ehren. Aus Anlaß seines 65. Geburtstages, Göttingen 1990.
[Derzeit nicht lieferbar.]

Bild von MSU Band 19

Band 19

J. W. Wevers, Text History of the Greek Leviticus, Göttingen 1986.

Bild von MSU Band 18

Band 18

J. Ziegler, Beiträge zum griechischen Iob, Göttingen 1985.

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Band 17

R. Hanhart, Text und Textgeschichte des Buches Tobit, Göttingen 1984.

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Band 16

J. W. Wevers, Text History of the Greek Numbers, Göttingen 1982.

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Band 15

J. Barr, The Typology of Literalism in Ancient Biblical Translations, Göttingen 1979.

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Band 14

R. Hanhart, Text und Textgeschichte des Buches Judith, Göttingen 1979.

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Band 13

J. W. Wevers, Text History of the Greek Deuteronomy, Göttingen 1978.

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Band 12

R. Hanhart, Text und Textgeschichte des 1. Esrabuches, Göttingen 1974.

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Band 11

J. W. Wevers, Text History of the Greek Genesis, Göttingen 1974.

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Band 10

J. Ziegler, Sylloge, Göttingen 1971.
[Derzeit nicht lieferbar.]

Bild von MSU Band 9

Band 9

A. Schmitt, Stammt der sogenannte „θ´“-Text bei Daniel wirklich von Theodotion?, Göttingen 1966.

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Band 8

K. Treu, Majuskelbruchstücke der Septuaginta aus Damaskus, Göttingen 1966.
[Derzeit nicht lieferbar.]

Bild von MSU Band 7

Band 7

R. Hanhart, Zum Text des 2. und 3. Makkabäerbuches, Göttingen 1961.

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Band 6

J. Ziegler, Beiträge zur Ieremias-Septuaginta, Göttingen 1958.
[Derzeit nicht lieferbar.]

Bild von MSU Band 5

Band 5

A. Möhle, Theodoret von Kyros. Kommentar zu Jesaia, Berlin 1932.
[Derzeit nicht lieferbar.]

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Band 4

A. Rahlfs, Paul de Lagardes wissenschaftliches Lebenswerk im Rahmen einer Geschichte seines Lebens dargestellt, Berlin 1928.

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Band 3,3

M. Johannessohn, Der Gebrauch der Präpositionen in der Septuaginta, Berlin 1926.
[Derzeit nicht lieferbar.]

Bild von MSU Band 3,2

Band 3,2

A. Rahlfs, Studie über den griechischen Text des Buches Ruth, Berlin 1922.

Bild von MSU Band 3,1

Band 3,1

A. Rahlfs, Über einige alttestamentliche Handschriften des Abessinierklosters S. Stefano zu Rom, Berlin 1918.

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Band 2

A. Rahlfs, Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1914.

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Band 1,7

A. Rahlfs, Kleine Mitteilungen aus dem Septuaginta-Unternehmen, Berlin 1915.

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Band 1,6

L. Lütkemann/A. Rahlfs, Hexaplarische Randnoten zu Isaias 1–16, aus einer Sinai-Handschrift, Berlin 1915.

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Band 1,5

A. Rahlfs, Die alttestamentlichen Lektionen der griechischen Kirche, Berlin 1915.

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Band 1,4

W. Gerhäußer/A. Rahlfs, Münchener Septuaginta-Fragmente, Berlin 1913.

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Band 1,3

E. Große-Brauckmann, Der Psaltertext bei Theodoret, Berlin 1911.

Bild von MSU Band 1,2

Band 1,2

P. Glaue/A. Rahlfs, Fragmente einer griechischen Übersetzung des samaritanischen Pentateuch, Berlin 1911.

Bild von MSU Band 1,1

Band 1,1

E. Hautsch, Der Lukiantext des Oktateuch, Berlin 1909.
[Derzeit nicht verfügbar.]

Open Access Journal: Gouden hoorn: tijdschrift over Byzantium = Golden horn: journal of Byzantium

 [First posted in AWOL 25 February 2010, updated 21 June 2018]

Gouden hoorn: tijdschrift over Byzantium = Golden horn: journal of Byzantium
ISSN: 0929-7820
This is the archive of Gouden Hoorn (Golden Horn), Journal of Byzantium, which was published by Godiva Éditions on the initiative of the Council of Independent Byzantinists (Onafhankelijk Byzantinologen Overleg, OBO), that was founded on 29th November, 1991. The OBO aims at informing and bringing together lovers of Byzantium. The OBO hoped to reach its goal by publishing Gouden Hoorn twice a year.
Gouden Hoorn was published in a paper version as well as on this website. We no longer publish the paper version, and since 2002 we have not published any new issue (9:1 was the last issue).
Gouden Hoorn was edited by Annabelle Parker and André de Raaij. Jan Pieter Kunst was webmaster of the old Gouden Hoorn site that was hosted on Isidore-website.
Copyright of the articles is with each author. Articles can be reproduced only after consulting the editors and not without mentioning the source. The editors have aimed at settling copyright according to statutory regulation. Those who nevertheless think they are entitled to certain rights, can apply to the editors.
Gouden Hoorn can be contacted via P.O. Box 10730, 1001 ES Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or via our e-mail-address: goudenhoorn @ gmail.com
Gouden Hoorn (printed edition) = ISSN 0929-7820

Assyrian and Babylonian Scholarly Text Catalogues: Medicine, Magic and Divination

Assyrian and Babylonian Scholarly Text Catalogues: Medicine, Magic and Divination
Ed. by Steinert, Ulrike
Die babylonisch-assyrische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen, Vol. 9
ISBN: 978-1-5015-0491-4

Aims and Scope

The reconstruction of ancient Mesopotamian medical, ritual and omen compendia and their complex history is still characterised by many difficulties, debates and gaps due to fragmentary or unpublished evidence. This book offers the first complete edition of the Assur Medical Catalogue, an 8th or 7th century BCE list of therapeutic texts, which forms a core witness for the serialisation of medical compendia in the 1st millennium BCE. The volume presents detailed analyses of this and several other related catalogues of omen series and rituals, constituting the corpora of divination and healing disciplines. The contributions discuss links between catalogues and textual sources, providing new insights into the development of compendia between serialization, standardization and diversity of local traditions. Though its a novel corpus-based approach, this volume revolutionizes the current understanding of Mesopotamian medical texts and the healing disciplines of "conjurer" and "physician". The research presented here allows one to identify core text corpora for these disciplines, as well as areas of exchange and borrowings between them.

Open Access Journal: Minerva: The International Review of Ancient Art & Archaeology

 [First posted in AWOL 6 August 2012. Updated 21 June 2018]

Minerva: The International Review of Ancient Art & Archaeology
ISSN 0957-7718
Minerva is the leading international publication focusing on archaeology, the antiquities markets, and exhibitions. Enjoyed by academics and non-specialists alike, Minerva is published six times a year and features a broad range of articles, news, interviews, travel, book reviews and listings of upcoming events.

Oxford Classical Dictionary Abbreviations List

Oxford Classical Dictionary Abbreviations List
Oxford Classical Dictionary, 4th Edition
Abbreviations List: Downloadable abbreviations PDF
General Abbreviations can be found here.
Authors and Books Note: [- -] names of authors or works in square brackets indicate false or doubtful attributions.  A small number above the line indicates the number of an edition
A · B · C · D · E · · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X ·Y ·Z

Ancient World Mapping Center: Maps for Texts

[First posted in AWOL 14 June 2017, updated 22 June 2018]

Maps for Texts
In this series, the Center compiles maps for ancient texts which can be usefully illustrated in this way.  Naturally, the likelihood is that in most, perhaps all, instances these texts were not originally accompanied by maps.  The series is openly licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0.  Please direct all questions or comments to awmc@unc.edu.


Theophanes, Journeys between Hermopolis and Antioch
The Center’s single, static map (available via dropbox) plots Theophanes’ journeys between Hermopolis and Antioch in the early fourth century C.E., as recorded in the Rylands Papyri. The map is based on the edition by Colin Roberts (1952), and the translation by John Matthews, The Journey of Theophanes: Travel, Business, and Daily Life in the Roman East (2006). The name-forms and dates marked are as in the papyri.

Hierokles, Synekdemos
The Center’s single, interactive web map (available via the link above) follows the text of Hierokles, Synekdemos in Ernest Honigmann’s edition (Brussels, 1939), and aims to supersede his four maps.  With the Center’s Map Tiles as its base, the map marks all cities and regions which may identified and located with at least some confidence according to the Barrington Atlas and related publications listed below.  Greek names are transliterated as in the Barrington Atlas (see Directory, p. vii).  A full database lists all the place-names in the Synekdemos with references (thus including those that cannot be located and marked on the map).  In addition, the text of Honigmann’s edition of the Synekdemos (and of the geographic work of George of Cyprus) is accessible via the Center’s Dropbox.  On Hierokles and George of Cyprus, see further briefly, The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, ss. vv.

Ptolemy, Table of Important Cities
Two maps, each in two versions, are offered.  They are produced by Richard Talbert, Gabriel Moss, Alexandra Locking, Peter Raleigh, and the staff of the Center.  Both maps are based on the edition by Lutz Koch, Florian Mittenhuber, and Alfred Stückelberger in Ptolemaios Handbuch der Geographie, vol. 3 (Basel, 2009).  One map (labelled “ancient”) adopts Ptolemy’s projection as drawn by Alfred Stückelberger et al, ibid. vols. 1-2 (2006), using files kindly provided by them, with all sites marked at Ptolemy’s co-ordinates.  The other map (labelled “modern”, ending at longitude 90 degrees E) is based on Antiquity à-la-Carte and shows all the sites which can be located, positioning and naming them as in the Barrington Atlas.  For both maps, one version (labelled “original”) shows only sites originally included in the Table; the other version (labelled “all”) includes sites only added in some later manuscripts.  A searchable directory provides further information on all names in the Table, including the Barrington Atlas reference for each.
All files available for download via Dropbox.


Arrian, Periplus of the Black Sea
Dionysius of Byzantium, Treatise on the Bosporus

Newly Open Access Journal: Classica Cracoviensia

Classica Cracoviensia
ISSN: 1505-8913
E-ISSN: 2391-6753
Classica Cracoviensia
Rocznik Classica Cracoviensia został założony w roku 1995 z inicjatywy ówczesnego dyrektora Instytutu Filologii Klasycznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, prof. dr hab. Stanisława Stabryły. Od roku 1996 funkcję redaktora naukowego pełni nieprzerwanie prof. dr hab. Jerzy Styka. Od samego początku Classica Cracoviensia były pomyślane jako forum współpracy naukowej Instytutu Filologii Klasycznej UJ z europejskimi ośrodkami uniwersyteckimi, rozwijającymi studia nad antyczną kulturą grecko-rzymską, w jej różnych kształtach – literackim, społeczno-politycznym, filozoficznym, religijnym, prawnym, artystycznym i oczywiście recepcyjnym – oddziaływania na nowożytną kulturę europejską. Organizowane cyklicznie konferencje, wspólnie podejmowane projekty badawcze, gościnne wykłady, inicjowane nowe serie wydawnicze – to niektóre przykłady tej współpracy, która wnosi istotny wkład w rozwój nauki o starożytności grecko-rzymskiej, ale także w równym stopniu zbliża ludzi i ma swój indywidualny wymiar w dziele jednoczenia Europy. Poprzez prezentację badań nad różnorodnymi postaciami kultury grecko-rzymskiej, dążymy do ukazania procesów kształtowania się tej kultury, złożoności zachodzących w niej przemian cywilizacyjnych, staramy się podkreślić jej uniwersalny charakter i jej inspirującą rolę w kształtowaniu się nowożytnej Europy. Przyjęta, bardzo szeroka formuła czasopisma, sprzyja badaniom interkulturowym i interdyscyplinarnym, umożliwiającym wieloaspektową i pogłębioną prezentację kulturowych zjawisk oraz występującego w antycznym świecie grecko-rzymskim dialogu kultur, uczy szacunku dla odmienności i różnorodności warsztatów badawczych, dostarcza argumentów służących obronie dziedzictwa antycznego we współczesnym świecie. Classica Cracoviensia są adresowane w pierwszym rzędzie do ludzi nauki, służą nowoczesnemu postępowi naukowemu i szerokiej wymianie poglądów w dziedzinie studiów nad starożytnością grecko-rzymską. Odpowiada temu językowa formuła czasopisma, publikowania artykułów w językach kongresowych, angielskim, niemieckim, francuskim i włoskim (wyjątkowo w języku polskim, w przypadku tomów in honorem alicuius, zawsze jednak z obszernym streszczeniem obcojęzycznym), powszechnie stosowanych w dyscyplinach starożytniczych. Kolejną grupę odbiorców stanowią studenci kierunków starożytniczych i wszyscy zainteresowani pogłębioną wiedzą o antycznej kulturze grecko-rzymskiej. Classica Cracoviensia wpisały się już z sukcesem w pejzaż naukowych europejskich wydawnictw i ich kolejne tomy odnaleźć można na półkach wielu bibliotek uniwersyteckich w Europie i w Ameryce Północnej.

Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses

[First posted in AWOL 25 February 2013, updated  22 June 2018]

Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses
about the site, deities a-z, bibliography
The Mesopotamian literary corpus is one of the oldest literatures in the world. It is infused with the divine, because religion played a crucial part in the way Mesopotamians expressed their thoughts about human life. Mesopotamian religion was polytheistic, with a pantheon consisting of hundreds if not thousands of gods of varying importance. This website offers information about the fifty most important gods and goddesses and provides starting points for further research.

Open Access Journal: British Numismatic Journal (BNJ)

[First posted in AWOL 26 March 2013, updated  22 June 2018]

British Numismatic Journal (BNJ)
The British Numismatic Journal (BNJ) is the Society's principal publication and has been published since 1903. The Society has recently made a complete digital archive of all issues of the BNJ to 2007 freely available available to download. New and recent volumes will be made available five years after publication. In late 2011, large PDF files of entire volumes were made freely available on the society's webspace. In 2012, the volumes have been split into their constituent articles and made available to search via the google bar below.
Each volume can be accessed by clicking the links below. This will lead to a list of the individual articles in each, each of which can be individually dowloaded. You may download the whole volume but the files are very large and may take some time to download. All of the files are PDFs and will require a reader to access them. To download a reader for free (Adobe Acrobat) please click here.

The volumes are arranged chronologically. If you are looking for a specific subject then you can either consult the Index of BNJ contents 1903-2010 or use the google search bar...
This is a new resource and there are probably some errors within it. If you find any of these please report them to the BNS Webmasters
VolumeYearSeriesSeries Volume
11903-1904First SeriesI
21905First SeriesII
31906First SeriesIII
41907First SeriesIV
51908First SeriesV
61909First SeriesVI
71910First SeriesVII
81911First SeriesVIII
91912First SeriesIX
101913-1914First SeriesX
111915Second SeriesI
121916Second SeriesII
131917Second SeriesIII
141918Second SeriesIV
151919-1920Second SeriesV
161921-1922Second SeriesVI
171923-1924Second SeriesVII
181925-1926Second SeriesVIII
191927-1928Second SeriesIX
201929-1930Second SeriesX
211931-1933Third SeriesI
221934-1937Third SeriesII
231938-1941Third SeriesIII
241942-1944Third SeriesIV
251945-1948Third SeriesV
261949-1951Third SeriesVI
271952-1954Third SeriesVII
281955-1957Third SeriesVIII
291958-1959Third SeriesIX
301960-1961Third SeriesX

World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS)

[First posted in AWOL 9 June 2011, updated 23 June 2018]

World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS)

Welcome to WALS Online

The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors.
The first version of WALS was published as a book with CD-ROM in 2005 by Oxford University Press. The first online version was published in April 2008. The second online version was published in April 2011.
The 2013 edition of WALS corrects a number of coding errors especially in Chapters 1 and 3. A full list of changes is available here.
Starting with this edition of WALS, there will not be specific editions every two or three years, but we will be updating it whenever corrections or additions are made. Changes in value assignment will be made transparent by showing a history on the respective pages.
WALS Online is a publication of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. It is a separate publication, edited by Dryer, Matthew S. & Haspelmath, Martin (Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 2013) The main programmer is Robert Forkel.

Open Access Journal: Love Archaeology Magazine

 [First posted in AWOL 11 February 2012, updted 23 June 2018]

Love Archaeology Magazine
Created and run by University of Glasgow archaeology postgrads, Love Archaeology Magazine is published twice a year.

We aim to provide a platform for aspiring researchers, but not necessarily a platform solely for new research. We believe that archaeology is a way of thinking about the world, and this can manifest itself through the study of the material remains of the past as easily as the culture of the present. As such, we strive to include both cutting-edge research alongside the musings of archaeologists and non-archaeologists alike which showcase the potential of archaeological modes of thought. Our tone is smart but fun, providing a bridge between a popular archaeology magazine and an academic journal.

In other words, anyone can submit! If you’ve got a great idea or even a finished piece, first check out our Style Guide (see link above) then email us at lovearchaeologymagazine@gmail.com

Open Access Journal: E-pigraphia: Epigrafía en Internet

E-pigraphia: Epigrafía en Internet
ISSN: 2340-7433
E-pigraphia: Epigrafía en Internet publica, de manera periódica,  información para conocer las novedades en materia de investigación y docencia de la Epigrafía: publicaciones recientes, congresos, seminarios, cursos. Está editado por el Departamento de Ciencias Históricas de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Si desea hacernos llegar cualquier información que considere de interés para ser publicada en E-pigraphia, puede enviarnos un correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección: epigraphia@gmail.com

La información publicada en E-pigraphia está disponible para su consulta con propósitos docentes y de investigación, exclusivamente, conforme a la licencia de CreativeCommons indicada abajo. Para cualquier uso comercial de los recursos de E-pigraphia (incluyendo los textos, en cualquier formato, e imágenes), será imprescindible contar con autorización escrita del autor/es de las obras o del propietario de las imágenes.

New Open Access Journal: Roman Roads Research Association Newsletter

Roman Roads Research Association Newsletter
Ivan Margary’s “Roman Roads in Britain”, last published in 1973, represented a fairly comprehensive assessment of the nation’s Roman road network as it was understood at the time. Unfortunately, it has all too often been assumed that after Margary’s work our knowledge and understanding of the Roman road network was reasonably complete, an assumption that has led to a lack of serious study within professional archaeology (with the notable exception of roads in Wales), and a failure to acknowledge that we are probably only reasonably certain of about 40% of the network at best.

For the last forty years and more, the serious study of Roman roads has largely been left to a handful of disparate individuals and small amateur groups, with little or no co-ordination or cooperation between them. Neither has it helped that the subject has, on occasions, attracted individuals whose enthusiasm has been rather more evident than their objectivity. The RRRA was formed to bring those disparate individuals together, and to coordinate a nationwide programme of research ensuring a consistent and high quality approach.

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online, June 22, 2018

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online. There are 254 volumes of this series now online open access.   
Gosse, Bernard (1988). Isaïe 13,1-14,23: Dans la tradition littéraire du livre d'isaïe et dans la tradition des oracles contre les nations. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Tradition of the Text: Studies offered to Dominique Barthélemy in Celebration of his 70th Birthday. Edited by: Norton, Gerard J; Pisano, Stephen (1991). Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Lohfink, Norbert (1991). Die Väter Israels im Deuteronomium: Mit einer Stellungnahme von Thomas Römer. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Osumi, Yuichi (1991). Die Kompositionsgeschichte des Bundesbuches Exodus 20,22b-23,33. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Epigraphischen Datenbank Heidelberg - Epigraphic Database Heidelberg (EDH)

[First posted in AWOL 4 September 2013, updates 25 June 2018]

Epigraphischen Datenbank Heidelberg - Epigraphic Database Heidelberg (EDH)
The Epigraphic Database Heidelberg contains the texts of Latin and bilingual (i.e. Latin-Greek) inscriptions of the Roman Empire. The epigraphic monuments are collected and kept up to date on the basis of modern research. With the help of search functions specific queries can be carried out - e.g. a search for words in inscriptions and / or particular descriptive data. The search results are often displayed together with photos and drawings.
The geographic focus is provided by the provinces of the Roman Empire. The total number of records rises continuously.
The Research Project is made up of four constituent databases

All data of the Open Data Repository by the Epigraphic Database Heidelberg can be reused under the CC BY-CA 4.0 license
Die Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg beinhaltet die Texte der lateinischen und bilinguen (v.a. lateinisch-griechischen) Inschriften des römischen Reiches. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse werden auf Grundlage aktueller Forschungsergebnisse erfasst und aktualisiert. Mit Hilfe der hier zur Verfügung gestellten Suchfunktionen können gezielte Abfragen - etwa nach bestimmten Wörtern in Inschriftentexten und/oder bestimmten Metadaten - durchgeführt werden. Die Suchergebnisse werden vielfach zusammen mit Fotos oder Zeichnungen präsentiert.
Der geographische Fokus liegt auf den Provinzen des römischen Reiches. Der Bestand wird kontinuierlich erweitert.
Das Forschungsprojekt setzt sich zusammen aus den vier Teildatenbanken

Alle Daten des Open Data Repository der Epigraphischen Datenbank Heidelberg stehen unter der CC BY-SA 4.0 Lizenz zur Nachnutzung bereit.
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