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Open Access Journal: Caesaraugusta

ISSN 0007-9502
Revista de Arqueología, Prehistoria e Historia Antigua

Año Título de la publicación PrecioPDFCOMPRAR
34762016Caesaraugusta, 85. La Edad del Hierro en el valle del Matarraña (Teruel). Las investigaciones del Institut d'Estudis Catalans en el Bajo AragónNo disponible descargar en formato PDFNo disponible o no vendible
33622015Caesaraugusta, 84. Los cubos de las murallas de Zaragoza y del palacio de la Aljafería (1065-1075). Paradigmas de la arquitectura militar en al-AndalusNo disponible descargar en formato PDFNo disponible o no vendible
33092013Caesaraugusta, 83. Azaila. Estado de la cuestión en el año 2013No disponible descargar en formato PDFNo disponible o no vendible
31432012Caesaraugusta, 82. La ciudad romana de Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza) entre la historia, la arqueología y la historiografía30,00 descargar en formato PDFComprar online
30882010Caesaraugusta, 81. El grupo del Boletín de Historia y Geografía del Bajo Aragón. Evocación en su correspondencia epistolar (1883-1954)22,00 descargar en formato PDFComprar online
29022009Caesaraugusta, 80. La necrópolis celtibérica de Arcóbriga (Monreal de Ariza, Zaragoza)24,00 descargar en formato PDFComprar online
27902008Caesaraugusta, 79. Antonio Beltrán (1916-2006). Vir bonus, magister optimus18,00 descargar en formato PDFComprar online
27592007Caesaraugusta, 78. XXVI Congreso Nacional de Arqueología40,00 descargar en formato PDFComprar online
26032006Caesaraugusta, 77. La cerámica del Neolítico Antiguo en Aragón24,00 descargar en formato PDFComprar online
24532004Caesaraugusta, 76. Las aguas sagradas del Municipium Turiaso24,00 descargar en formato PDFComprar online
22982002Caesaraugusta, 7548,00
Comprar online
20982000Caesaraugusta, 7415,00
Comprar online
20311999Caesaraugusta, 7315,00
Comprar online
18371997Caesaraugusta, 72. Crónica del Aragón Antiguo (1987-1993). De la Prehistoria a la Alta Edad Media, vol. 1 y 227,00
Comprar online
17201995Caesaraugusta. Arqueología. Prehistoria. Historia Antigua, 7115,00
Comprar online
16741995Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas. Caesaraugusta, 1 (reedición)9,00
Comprar online
16641995La ciudad en el mundo prerromano en Aragón (Caesaraugusta, 70)18,00
Comprar online
15981992Caesaraugusta. Arqueología. Prehistoria. Historia Antigua, 6915,00
Comprar online
13111991Caesaraugusta. Arqueología. Prehistoria. Historia Antigua, 6815,00
Comprar online
12661991Caesaraugusta. Arqueología. Prehistoria. Historia Antigua, 66-6712,00
Comprar online
12161990Caesaraugusta. Arqueología. Prehistoria. Historia Antigua, 6512,00
Comprar online
11271987Caesaraugusta. Arqueología. Prehistoria. Historia Antigua, 64No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
10891987Caesaraugusta. Arqueología. Prehistoria. Historia Antigua, 63No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
10371985Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 61-62No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
10211984Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 59-60No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
9621983Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 57-58No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
9431982Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 55-56No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
8451981Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 53-54No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
7771980Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 51-52No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
7421979Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 49-50No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
7081979Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 47-48No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
6911978Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 45-46No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
6591978Las estelas decoradas de los conventos Caesaraugustano y Cluniense (Caesaraugusta, 43-44)No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
6481977Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 41-42No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
6101976Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 39-40No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
5931974Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 37-38No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
5731972Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 35-36No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
5111971Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 33-34No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
4761968Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 31-32No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
4671967Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 29-30No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
4311967Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 27-28No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
4111965Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 25-26No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
3911964Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 23-24No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
3861964Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 21-22No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
3681962Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 19-20No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
3011961Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 17-18No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
2541960Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 15-16No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
2251959Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 13-14No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
1991958Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 11-12No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
1741957Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 9-10No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
1731957Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 7-8No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
1681955Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 6No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
1521954Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 5No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
1411954Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 4No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
781953Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 2No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
791952Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 3No disponible
No disponible o no vendible
611951Caesaraugusta. Publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas, 1No disponible
No disponible o no vendible

Open Access Journal: Babylon: Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier

Babylon: Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier
ISSN: 2535-3098
Page Header
Babylon – Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier er Nordens ledende vitenskapelige tidsskrift om samtidens Midtøsten. Tidsskriftet publiserer akademiske artikler, bokessay og anmeldelser innenfor fagfeltet. Bidragene er i hovedsak skrevet på skandinaviske språk, men Babylon trykker i utvalgte tilfeller engelskspråklige bidrag fra ikke-skandinaviske forfattere.

Babylon leses av forskere, studenter, journalister og andre som arbeider med, eller er interessert i, Midtøsten. Babylon er representert i de fleste av landets ledende fag- og institusjonsbibliotek. Tidsskriftet distribueres også via privat abonnement og ledende bokhandlere.



No 1 (2003): Hvorfor ikke demokrati i Midtøsten?

Open Access Journal: Kuml

ISSN: 2446-3280
Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab har siden 1951 udsendt årbogen Kuml, som har udviklet sig til et af dansk arkæologis vægtige skrifter. Artiklerne henvender sig både til fagfolk, amatører og alment arkæologisk interesserede.
Årbogen indeholder først og fremmest artikler om forhistorisk arkæologi og middelalderarkæologi, men også om kulturhistoriske emner i almindelighed. Endvidere er der i Kuml anmeldelser af diverse udgivelser.
Kuml udsendes gratis til medlemmer af Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab, der ligeledes kan erhverve bogudgivelserne til medlemspris.
Kontingentet fastsættes på den årlige generalforsamling og udgør i øjeblikket 200 kr. pr. år, hvortil skal lægges forsendelsesomkostninger.



Årg. 1, Nr. 1 (1951)

Open Access Journal: Archaeologica Adriatica

[First posted in AWOL 10 August 2010. Updated 1 February 2018]

Archaeologica Adriatica
ISSN: 1846-4807
logo Archaeologica Adriatica
 Archaeologica Adriatica is a journal of exclusively archaeological character involved in explicating various archaeological themes and questions related to the Adriatic Sea region and the area bordering it. This definitely includes those areas that in earlier (archaeological, historical) periods composed cultural units. Journal will publish texts extending from the prehistoric period and the period of antiquity to the medieval period. Texts dealing with aspects of later periods will also be considered if they have clear connections to archaeology. Articles indirectly related to archaeology (ethnology and history, for instance) will also be published, as well as works dealing with methodology, museum studies. and the protection of cultural monuments. All texts will be published in Croatian. At present only extensive summaries will be published in foreign languages, but in future we hope to begin with parallel translations of the complete articles.

 2015 Vol. 9   No. 1
  Vol. 8   No. 1
  Vol. 7   No. 1
  Vol. 6   No. 1
  Vol. 5.   No. 1.
  Vol. 4.   No. 1.
  Vol. 3.   No. 1.
  Vol. 2   No. 2
  Vol. 2   No. 1
  Vol. 1   No. 1

The Royal Asiatic Society Online Collections

The Royal Asiatic Society Online Collections
The Royal Asiatic Society's Digital Library provides free online access to some of our historic collections, for a worldwide audience. The site features archives, manuscripts, artwork, photographs, and more, from a variety of Asian cultures, as well as materials showing some of the ways Europeans have responded to Asia over the centuries. The site does not contain our whole collection, but we aim to constantly add new content. For further information about any of our collections or activities, please contact us or visit the Society’s main website. 
We are very grateful to the Friends of the National Libraries for generously supporting the creation of this Digital Library, and for the digitization of the Thomas Manning Archive. We are also grateful to the following partners for their generous support towards the digitization of items in the Society’s collections: the National Library Board, Singapore; Professor Charles Melville, and the Cambridge Shahnama Project; and Dr Barbara Brend.
 Among the initial offerings is:

Featured Video

Nineveh Excavation

See early footage of excavations at Nineveh, Iraq, attributed to archaeologist Reginald Campbell Thompson (1876-1941).

Holy Land Photos

Holy Land Photos
Purpose of HolyLandPhotos.org
The purpose of HolyLandPhotos.org is to make images from the lands of the Bible available free to the general public. Our emphasis is upon the images. The text accompanying the image is meant to be helpful in identifying what one is looking at in the image and to comment briefly about the significance of the image, but the text is not intended to be exhaustive. The interested person should pursue avenues of interest in relevant dictionaries and encyclopedias.
The site has been conceived, developed, and maintained on a volunteer basis by Dr. Carl Rasmussen and Jesse Gavin (see below). Carl Rasmussen provides all photos unless otherwise noted.
Please note — this is a GROWING site. Images are being added to it weekly.
Use of the Web Site
Classroom  — For those with classroom connections to the internet, you can merely log on to www.HolyLandPhotos.org and click away to show images to your class.  You are invited to include references/links to the web site in your syllabai and web pages that you maintain - so that your students can access the site for study purposes.
Bible Study  — HolyLandPhotos.org can be used by those studying the Bible. As you become interested in various places check HolyLandPhotos.org to see if images of the place or area that you are studying are available in the digital database. This can be done by checking the site list, using the search feature, or browsing by country and region.
Digital Presentations — The images in the HolyLandPhotos.org are not just for viewing, but are available for you to download and use in your digital presentations: in the classroom, in churches, in synagogues, in religious schools, etc. For downloading permission click here.
Current and Anticipated Coverage of HolyLandPhotos.org
The current coverage of this web site includes archaeological sites and views in Israel, Turkey, Greece, Jordan, and Lebanon. About 40-50 images are being added weekly.  You are invited to register here for occasional announcements on image additions.
The Images
The images in the database are JPEG format.  It has not been possible to be entirely consistent with image size or quality. We will be entering our best quality images, and will be upgrading images as better ones become available.  Look in the lower left portion of the page to click to download the best available version of an image.
Complete Site List   Topical Easy Find   There are 494 sites and 5148 photos in our database

Archaeological Institute of America Annual Report

Open Access Journal: The Classical Journal Reviews

[First posted in AWOL 6 March 2015, updated 3 February 2018]

The Classical Journal Reviews
ISSN: 0009-8353
The Classical Journal (ISSN 0009-8353) is published by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), the largest regional classics association in the United States and Canada, and is now over a century old. All members of CAMWS receive the journal as a benefit of membership; non-member and library subscriptions are also available. CJ appears four times a year (October-November, December-January, February-March, April-May); each issue consists of about 100 pages.

CJ contains a mix of academic articles and notes on Graeco-Roman antiquity, generally with a literary, historical or cultural focus; paedagogical articles and notes, many having to do with the challenges of teaching Latin and Greek in modern high schools, colleges and universities; book reviews; and a list of books received. In addition, CJ generally publishes the annual CAMWS Presidential Address and the year's Ovationes. Abstracts of all academic articles and notes in volumes 101 (2005-06), 102 (2006-07), 103 (2007-08), 104 (2008-09) and 105 (2009-10) are posted here. PDF versions of a number of recent Forum articles are also available for downloading, and JSTOR links to many others are provided.

CJ-Online, the journal's list-serve, publishes book reviews, including many that do not appear in the hard-copy portion of the journal. All reviews published in CJ-Online are archived. CJ: Online subscriptions are free, and membership in CAMWS is not required to receive the postings or to publish reviews.

This page contains all views entered using the new automated system for listing, starting with reviews at the beginning of 2014. For earlier reviews please follow the links on the Main Reviews Page.

17.12.10Early Greek Philosophy
 +Review by Christopher Moore
17.12.07Moral History from Herodotus to Diodorus Siculus.
 +Review by Jan P. Stronk
17.12.05Jerome: Vita Malchi
 +Review by Amy Oh
17.12.03Cosmos and Community in Early Medieval Art
 +Review by Dennis Trout
17.11.10The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology
 +Review by Carrie L. Sulosky Weaver
17.11.09Homer’s Allusive Art
 +Review by Christos Tsagalis
17.11.06Canidia, Rome’s First Witch.
 +Review by Neil W. Bernstein
17.11.05A History of Greek Art
 +Review by Margaretha Kramer-Hajos
17.11.03Early Greek Hexameter Poetry.
 +Review by Lawrence Kowerski
17.11.01Variety: The Life of a Roman Concept.
 +Review by Lowell Bowditch
17.10.10Seneca: Hercules Furens
 +Review by Jo-Ann Shelton
17.10.09Ten Fairy Tales in Latin
 +Review by David J. White
17.10.05A History of the Jewish War, A.D. 66-74
 +Review by Yaron Eliav
17.09.10Classical Myth and Film in the New Millenium
 +Review by Martha J. Payne
17.09.09Women’s Life in Greece and Rome
 +Review by Elizabeth A. Manwell
17.09.08STARZ Spartacus: Reimagining an Icon on Screen
 +Review by Aaron Irvin
17.09.07A Companion to the Flavian Age of Imperial Rome.
 +Review by Ágnes Darab
17.09.06Ovid’s Heroides and the Ethopoeia
 +Review by Lee Fratantuono
17.09.02The Republican Aventine and Rome’s Social Order
 +Review by Steven L. Tuck
17.09.02Luxus: The Sumptuous Arts of Greece and Rome
 +Review by Renee M. Gondek
17.09.01Greek Art and Archaeology c. 1200-30BC
 +Review by Henry Bender
17.08.09A Companion to the Flavian Age of Imperial Rome
 +Review by Leo Landrey
17.08.07The Hills of Rome: Signature of an Eternal City.
 +Review by Lee Fratantuono
17.08.05The Serpent Column: A Cultural Biography.
 +Review by Michele Valerie Ronnick
17.08.04Enmity and Feuding in Classical Athens
 +Review by Greg Anderson
17.08.03The Aethiopis: Neo-Neoanalysis Reanalyzed
 +Review by Ruth Scodel
17.08.02Ancient Egyptians at Play: Board Games Across Borders
 +Review by Christopher S. Dobbs


Classical Journal Online Book Review Archives

AUTHOR INDEX 2007–2010
2007 Book Reviews Archive
2008 Book Reviews Archive
2009 Book Reviews Archive
2010 Book Reviews Archive
2011 Book Reviews Archive
2012 Book Reviews Archive
2013 Book Reviews Archive

Open Access Journal: Cloelia: Newsletter of the Women's Classical Caucus

[First posted in AWOL 7 May 2011. Updated3 February 2018]

Cloelia: Newsletter of the Women's Classical Caucus
ISSN: 1543-8414
2012 was the 40th Anniversary of the Women’s Classical Caucus. As part of the 40th Anniversary volume of Cloelia, many members of the WCC joined together to help digitize the WCC Newsletter and related archival material. This page is the beginning of this project.
For Sally MacEwan, who helped move Cloelia into the digital age.
A great debt is owed to the following (if your name is not mentioned here, it is an error and please let me know): Chris Ann Matteo and Lisl Walsh for their work on the website; Allison Glazebrook and the other members of the WCC SC for supporting this initiative and helping drive it forward; Janet M. Martin for her careful and rigorous work as the WCC Archivist; Barbara Gold and Amelia Gowans for the careful and generous volunteer work of scanning the archival material into PDF; Marilyn Skinner and Barbara McManus for their comments on the archives (and for saving so many items and passing them on); Amy Richlin for finding lost issues at the last minute; and all the other members of the WCC who have contributed their paper records to the digital archives.
Below, you will find a list of Cloelia volumes in reverse chronological order (together with supplemental material when available). Some volumes are still missing. If a volume is not linked, it is either missing or in the process of being added. If you think you might have one of the missing volumes, please contact Janet M. Martin, the current WCC Archivist (jmmartin@princeton.edu). If there are errors on this page, please contact the current editor of Cloelia (Cloelia.WCC@gmail.com).
Items of interest include (but are not limited to):
  • Newsletters
  • Steering Committee Minutes
  • Business Meeting (now the “Open Meeting”) Minutes
  • Letters or Notes from the Chairs or other WCC representatives
  • Any item relating to the history of the WCC

2015N.S. Volume 5: Sensitive Subjects in the Classroom
2014N.S. Volume 4: Classics and Pedagogy. Liz Gloyn, Guest Editor.
2013N.S. Volume 3: Professional Issues in Classics and Beyond. Judith Fletcher, Guest Editor
2012N.S. Volume 2: 40th Anniversary
2011N.S. Vol. 1; Supplement (Results of Teaching Women Survey)
2010No volume or numbers were issued.  Given the rising costs of print publication, a specialized committee discussed the direction of Cloelia as a non-print publication, and this team effort produced the Editorial Mandate for Cloelia. This can be read at http://wccaucus.org/cloeli/editorial-mandate-for-cloelia/.
200737:1 [sic] “In Memoriam: Corinne Crawford. 35 Years of Bringing Women to Classics”
200637:1 [sic] “Life in Classics”
2005336:1 [sic] “Classics and Activism”
200432:2 (Fall 2004) “In Memoriam: Shilpa Raval”

32:1 (Spring 2004)
2003No Issues Published in 2003

200231.1 (Fall 2002)

30.2 (Spring 2002)
200130.1 (Fall 2001)
200029:1 (Fall 2000)

28:2 (Spring 2000)
199928.1 (Fall 1999)

27 (1999 Spring)
1998Unknown Status

Unknown Status
199725 (Fall 1997)

25 (Spring 1997)
199624 (Fall 1996)

24 (Spring 1996)
199523 (Fall 1995)

23 (Spring 1995)
199422 (Fall 1994)

21 (Spring 1994)
199321 (Fall 1993)

20 (Spring 1993)
199219 (Fall 1992): 20th Anniversary Issue

17 (Spring 1992)
199117 (Fall 1991):“Racism in Classical Studies?” (David H. Kelley, Shelley H. Haley). “Ethics Watch” (Carl A. Rubino). “Review of Classics: A Discipline and Profession in Crisis?” (Susan Ford Wiltshire).

16 (Spring 1991)
199015 (Spring 1990):“Kathryn Gutzwiller vs. The University of Cincinnati.”

15 (Fall 1990):“Editorial” (Shelley Haley). “Court Case Updates” (Kathryn Gutzwiller, Hugh Lee).
198914 (Spring 1989)

14 (Fall 1989)
198813 (Spring 1988): Is Classics Dead? (15th Anniversary Year.)

13 (Fall 1988): Survival
198712 (Spring 1987)

Winter WCC Task Force

WCC Presents Responses to the APA Election Questionnaire [1987].

12 (Fall 1987): 15th Anniversary Year

Special APA Issue, December 1987: What Is the Women’s Classical Caucus?
198611 (Fall 1986)

Jennifer Roberts. “Season’s Greetings” (poem). Leaflet printed on red paper. Not yet linked.

10 (Spring 1986):“New Procedures for the APA Program Committee.”
198510 (Fall 1985) [sic]

9 (Spring 1985)
19849 (Fall 1984) [sic]

8 (Fall 1984) [sic]
19838 (Spring 1983) [sic]. “Summary of Report on Status of Women and Minorities.” (10th Anniversary Year.)
19827 (Fall 1982): 10th Anniversary Year
19816 (Fall 1981)

6 (Spring 1981)
19805 (Spring 1980)

5 (Fall 1980)
19794 (Spring 1979)

4 (Fall 1979)
19783 (Spring 1978): 5th Anniversary Year

Letter of Marilyn B. Skinner to WCC members about proposal to move 1980 meeting from New Orleans (11.28.1978).

Fall 1978 (No Number)
1977Spring 1977 (No Number)

5:2 (Fall 1977) 5th Anniversary Year
1976Spring 1976 (No Volume Number)

Fall 1976 (No Volume Number)

August 1, 1976: Membership List for the WCC
1975Unknown Status
1974Unknown Status
1973Unknown Status
1972Unknown Status
Unknown DateWCC Bylaws

PACE: Project on Ancient Cultural Engagement

[First posted in AWOL 17 October 2013, updated (new URLs) 4 February 2018]

PACE: Project on Ancient Cultural Engagement
Welcome to the Project on Ancient Cultural Engagement. The links below offer a brief outline of the Project's aims and rationale, structure, and main features. This is only by way of quick orientation, however. The best way to get to know the site is to explore it on your own. Whatever the level and scale of your interest, we hope that you will benefit from this resource on the web.

Steve Mason, PACE Lead Investigator

Texts and Commentary

On cultural intersection, including Josephus and Polybius, with commentary


Index with high-resolution aerial images, flyovers, and photos


Index of archaeological reports on key sites.

Scholarly Studies

Scholarly treatments in on-line books, articles, and essays


Annotated bibliography to Flavius Josephus, with links

Dissertation Central

Recent and forthcoming dissertations related to issues featured on this site

History of Reception

Follow the ways in which the seminal texts have been used in western history

Textual Parallels

Compare specific passages within an author's corpus or between two authors

News from the Hethitologie-Portal Mainz

HPM, the Hethitologie-Portal Mainz (http://www.hethiter.net), includes
a number of recent and new elements:

Katalog zentralanatolischer Siedlungen (KatzaS) is a database of
archaeological sites in Central Anatolia by Dietrich Sürenhagen,
including exact geographical coordinates, map links, and bibliography.

Archive der Boğazköy-Grabung (BoDoks) by Andreas Schachner is a
gateway to important documents relating to the history of excavations
at Boğazköy-Hattusa.

Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 71 is the first digital-only
installment of the latest volume of the series KBo, including, among
other material, the 2017 cuneiform finds from Boğazköy.

Names from Nuzi

Cultural Cleansing and Mass Atrocities: Protecting Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflict Zones

Cultural Cleansing and Mass Atrocities: Protecting Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflict Zones
In December 2016, with the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the J. Paul Getty Trust convened a meeting at the British Academy, London, to discuss an international framework for the protection of cultural heritage in zones of armed conflict. Our timing was compelled by the purposeful destruction of cultural heritage in Syria and Iraq, and by the recent conviction of Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi by the International Criminal Court for the war crime of attacking historic and religious buildings in Timbuktu.
Three months later, in March 2017, the United Nations Security Council passed resolution 2347, which condemned the “unlawful destruction of cultural heritage, and the looting of cultural property in the event of armed conflicts, notably by terrorist groups and the attempt to deny historical roots and cultural diversity in this context can fuel and exacerbate conflict and hamper post-conflict national reconciliation.” The resolution gave formal, international attention to the protection of cultural heritage and its links to cultural cleansing.
Then, in October 2017, with Thomas G. Weiss and at the invitation of Simon Adams, executive director of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, I spoke at a meeting at UN headquarters in New York on the issue of “Protecting Cultural Heritage from Terrorism and Mass Atrocities: Links and Common Responsibilities.” The meeting was hosted by, among others, Angelino Alfano, minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation, Italy; Frederica Mogherini, high representative from the European Union; Irina Bokova, director-general of UNESCO; and Simon Adams. The consensus of the meeting was that cultural heritage is worthy of protection, not only because it represents the rich and diverse legacy of human artistic and engineering ingenuity, but also because it is intertwined with the very survival of a people as a source of collective identity and the revitalization of civil society and economic vitality postconflict.
All of this inspired the launch of the J. Paul Getty Trust Occasional Papers in Cultural Heritage Policy. This paper, the first in the series, addresses the threats to cultural heritage in armed conflict zones and the connection between cultural heritage and cultural cleansing, mass atrocities, and the destruction of cultural heritage.
This publication has been funded by the President’s International Council, J. Paul Getty Trust. Our thanks go to the authors, Thomas G. Weiss and Nina Connelly, and to the working group with whom we have been discussing these questions for more than a year, especially Simon Adams, Lloyd Axworthy, Vishakha Desai, Hugh Eakin, Karl Eikenberry, Jonathan Fanton, Richard Goldstone, Sunil Khilnani, Edward C. Luck, Luis Monreal, and Tim Whalen.

Open Access Journal: Nuntius Antiquus

 [First posted in AWOL 26 January 2013, updated 4 February 2018]

Nuntius Antiquus
ISSN: 1983-3636
Imagem para capa da revista
Nuntius Antiquus é um periódico semestral, com avaliação de pares, mantido pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brasil) desde 2008 e publica artigos científicos tendo como temática culturas e literaturas da Antiguidade e da Idade Média. Tem como missão fomentar a produção científica na área de estudos clássicos e medievais, permitindo a pesquisadores do Brasil e do exterior divulgarem suas pesquisas e contribuírem para o debate e o progresso científico na área. A revista destaca-se como um dos raros periódicos brasileiros voltados estritamente para os domínios da Antiguidade e do Medievo.
Nuntius Antiquus is a peer-reviewed biannual journal, sponsored by the School of Letters of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) since 2008 and publishes scientific papers in the field of Ancient and Medieval cultures and literatures. Its mission is to promote scientific production in the field of Classical and Medieval studies, allowing researchers from Brazil and abroad to share their research and contribute to the debate and scientific progress in the area. The journal stands out as one of the rare Brazilian periodicals focused strictly on the Classical and Medieval domain.
A revista recebe artigos em fluxo contínuo. No momento em que tivermos artigos suficientes para compor o número, tomamos a liberdade de fechar o volume e de receber novos textos para um próximo número.
Não se cobra dos autores pela publicação.
Free of charge.


Open Access Publications: Centre for Black Sea Studies

 [First posted 7/13/09, updated 4 February 2018]

The Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Black Sea Studies

Paper publications

The Centre publishes four series: two conference and monograph series, one international (Black Sea Studies [BSS]) and one Danish series (Sortehavsstudier [SHS]) and two topographical series in English, Panskoe Iand Olbia NGS. In BSS the results of the international conferences as well as the results of the individual research projects are disseminated, and in SHS the results of the yearly seminar held in Danish and aimed at a broader audience are published. In the two monograph series the results of the two collaborative projects Panskoe I (RA 3A) and Olbia NGS (RA 3B) are published.


Index of authors in Black Sea Studies and Sortehavsstudier
The Centre for Black Sea Studies currently publishes three series
Black Sea Studies
Conference proceedings and monographs in English
Black Sea Studies, Vol. 1
Black Sea Studies, Vol. 2
Black Sea Studies, Vol. 3
BSS 6 front
   BSS 8 cover 2
 BSS 9 cover
BSS 10 cover
BSS 10
 BSS 11 cover
BSS 11
 BSS 12 cover
BSS 12
BSS 13 cover
BSS 13
BSS 14 cover
 BSS 14


 BSS 16 cover
BSS 16
Popularising series in Danish
SHS 1 omslag
Panskoye I
Results from the excavation of Panskoye I on western Crimea
Panskoye I. Vol. 1, The Monumental Building U6
Panskoye I, Vol. 1

Articles by the Black Sea Centre

Other Resources:
Gazetteer of Sites in the Black Sea Region
The Centre aims to construct a gazetteer with information on all relevant ancient sites in the Black Sea region, which may serve as a common source to all researchers in the zone. The Centre continuously adds information to the data base. The main focus lies on references in literary sources, coinage, site photos, bibliographies, and to some extent GPS-positions.

Coin Database
The Centre has, in collaboration with The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals in Copenhagen, created an electronic inventory of all the coins from the Black Sea area in Danish collections with high quality images which can be searched through the internet.

Digital modelling and GIS
The Centre provides digital terrainmodels over the Black Sea area.

    The Ancient Graffiti Project Search Engine: A digital resource for studying the graffiti of Herculaneum and Pompeii

    The Ancient Graffiti Project Search Engine: A digital resource for studying the graffiti of Herculaneum and Pompeii
    Welcome to The Ancient Graffiti Project, a digital resource and search engine for locating and studying graffiti of the early Roman empire from the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
    Ancient graffiti, inscriptions that have been incised or scratched into wall-plaster, comprise a special branch of epigraphy. They differ from inscriptions on stone in several respects. An inscription on stone may be commemorative, dedicatory, sacred (to name just a few classes of inscription), but in almost all cases forethought has gone into the preparation of the text and the inscribed monument. Graffiti, by contrast, are more often the result of spontaneous composition and are the handwritten creation of the “man on the street.” Since graffiti are scratched into friable wall-plaster, they are more easily perishable, but when they do survive they are almost always found in situ, unlike many stone inscriptions that have survived to the present day through re-use.
    Our search engine complements traditional, text-based search engines, allowing different types of searches that focus on characteristics specific to ancient handwritten inscriptions, or graffiti.
    • You can search for graffiti by their location, clicking directly on a map of the city or searching by city-block, or
    • You can search specifically for figural graffiti (graffiti drawings), browsing all examples or choosing the category of drawing that interests you, or
    • You can combine searches with our filters, choosing from a number of search options (including Language, Property Type, or Writing Style).

    Open Access Journal: AARGnews: Newsletter of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group

    AARGnews: Newsletter of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group
    ISSN: 1756-753X
    AARGnews is the bi-annual newsletter of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group. Containing editorials, news items, summary notes and longer descriptive or research articles, AARGnews remains a diverse, up-to-date and above all, open forum for discussion and exchange of new (and old) ideas.

    Well illustrated with photographs, maps and plans, recent papers have covered aerial photography, air photo interpretation and mapping, historic aviators and their work, the methodology and progress of national remote sensing programmes, satellite imagery, book reviews and useful excerpts from the World Wide Web.

    Subscribing AARG members receive a password to allow them access to the most recent issues. Earlier issues are free for anyone to download.

    Download contents of all issues as EXCEL document.

    Choose the contents and pdf-documents of any individual issue.

    Open Access Journal: Auxiliary Sciences in Archaeology


    Open Access Journal: Gazette and Acta Tulliana


    Gazette and Acta Tulliana

    For Cicero’s Friends, Tulliana.eu provides a Gazette, which is online, free and open for all, and the Acta Tulliana, a bimonthly report. 


    Our Gazette, published as a .pdf file, is more a newsletter than an academic review. Papers and notes written by scientific members are not a paid work, and are monitored by the scientific editor, Andrea Balbo.
    The main purpose of the Gazette is:
    • a stage for information: open-ed, notes about our organization and the site, books and issues, schedules for conferences coming soon, announcements about ongoing projects or in the next future, etc.
    • a spot for ideas and debates: curiosities and interviews from all points of views (philology, major texts, history, philosophy, rhetorics, linguistics, iconography, and more)
    • an open place: learning and teaching, personal interest ("My Cicero") etc.
    The Gazette is published in the three official languages of Tulliana.eu  and in Spanish (in the section Documents > Hispanica).
    To submit Your articles to the Gazette it is necessary to read the  Editorial guide and the Norms.

    Previous and last issues 

    Acta Tulliana

    Since 2010, to the Tulliana Gazette is added the Acta Tulliana, a bimonthly report send by mail to all members, which gves last news of the Society : new members, projects, seminars, updates of the site, etc. Our colleague Chiaffredo Bussi [suggestpourlesite@tulliana.eu] is in charge of the Acta, and might be your correspondant for all news you whish to send to the Acta. You can have a look on the last issues with this link : summary.

    Become a member
    To send Your contributions to Acta Tulliana
    01. Gazette 2009, 1 :
    Français - English - Italiano - Español

    International Association for Assyriology (IAA)

    [First posted in AWOL 19 May 2014, updated 6 February 2018 (new URLs)]

    International Association for Assyriology (IAA)
    The IAA is a non-profit, non-political organization seated in Leiden, The Netherlands. The Association serves as a platform for scholars working in Cuneiform Studies and Near Eastern Archaeology in order to encourage and promote the study of these fields in all their aspects on an international basis.

    This year’s Rencontre
    The 2018 Rencontre (RAI 64) will be held at the Leopold-Franzens University in Innsbruck (Austria) between 16th–20th July, on the topic “The Intellectual Heritage of the Ancient Near East

    Future Rencontres
    67 – RAI 2021, Torino, … (Topic to be announced)
    66 – RAI, 2020, Mainz & Frankfurt, July 20-24, 2020 “kultur-kontakt-kultur”
    65 – RAI, 2019, Paris, July 8-12 July, 2019 “Mari et le Proche-Orient. 85 ans de recherche : bilan et perspectives”

    Past Rencontres and proceedings
    63 – Marburg, July 24-28, 2017“Dealing with Antiquity – Past, Present, and Future”
    62 – Philadelphia, July 11-15, 2016  “Ur in the Twenty-First Century” 
    61 – Geneva and Bern, June 22-26, 2015  “Text and Image”
    60 – Warsaw, July 21-25, 2014 “Fortune and Misfortune”
    Published as Fortune and Misfortune in the Ancient Near East, Olga Drewnowska and Malgorzata Sandowicz (eds.), Winona Lake (Eisenbrauns) 2017.

    59 – Ghent, July 15 – 19, 2013, “Law and (Dis)Order in the Ancient Near East”
    Not yet published.

    58 – Leiden, July 16 – 20, 2012, “Prívate and State”
    Not yet published.

    57 – Rome, July 4 – 8, 2011, “Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East”
    Published as Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East, A. Archi (ed.), Winona Lake (Eisenbrauns) 2014.

    56 – Barcelona, July 26 – 30, 2010, “Time and History in the Ancient Near East”
    Published as Time and History in the Ancient Near East, Lluis Feliu, e.a. (eds.), Winona Lake (Eisenbrauns) 2013.

    55 – Paris, July 6 – 9, 2009, “La famille dans le Proche-Orient ancien : réalités, symbolismes et images”
    Published as La famille dans le Proche-Orient ancien : réalités, symbolismes et image, Lionel Marti (ed.), Winona Lake (Eisenbrauns) 2014.

    54 – Würzburg, July 21 – 25, 2008, “Organization, Representation and Symbols of Power in the Ancient Near East”
    Published as Organization, Representation and Symbols of Power in the Ancient Near East, Gernot Wilhelm (ed.), Winona Lake (Eisenbrauns) 2012.

    53 – Moscow & St. Petersburg, July 23 – 28, 2007, “Language in the Ancient Near East” (Moscow), “City Administration in the Ancient Near East” (St.-Petersburg).
    Published as Proceedings of the 53e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Vol. 1: Language in the Ancient Near East (2 parts) – Babel und Bibel 4; Vol. 2: City Administration in the Ancient Near East – Babel und Bibel 5, Leonid Kogan (ed.), Winona Lake (Eisenbrauns) 2010.

    52 – Münster, July 17 – 21, 2006, “Krieg und Frieden im Alten Vorderasien”
    Published as Krieg und Frieden (AOAT 401), Hans Neumann, e.a. (eds.), Münster (Ugarit-Verlag) 2014.

    51 – Chicago, July 18 – 22, 2005, “Classifications of Knowledge in the Ancient Near East: Lexicography, Iconography, Stratigraphy”
    Published as Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, July 18-22, 2005 – Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 62, Robert D. Biggs, Jennie Myers and Martha T. Roth (eds.), Chicago (The Oriental Institute) 2008.

    50 – Skukuza (South Africa), August 2 – 6, 2004, “Fauna and Flora in the Ancient Near East”
    Published as RAI50 Skukuza, South Africa 1-6 August 2004 – Tydskrif vir Semitistiek 16/3 – Special Edition, W. Boshoff (ed.), Pretoria (Southern Africa Society for Near Eastern Studies) 2007.

    49 – London, July 7 – 11, 2003, “Nineveh”
    Published as Nineveh: Papers of the XLIXe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, London, 7-11 July 2003, Dominique Collon and Andrew George (eds.), London (British School of Archaeology in Iraq, distributed by Eisenbrauns) 2005. Published both as issues 66 (2004) and 67/1 (2005) of the journal Iraq, and as a special reissue under a separate cover.

    48 – Leiden, July 1 – 4, 2002, “Ethnicity in Ancient Mesopotamia”
    Published as Ethnicity in Ancient Mesopotamia. Papers read at the 48th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Leiden, July 1-4, 2002 – Uitgaven van het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten te Leiden CII, W.H. van Soldt, R. Kalvelagen and D. Katz (eds.), Leiden (Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten) 2005.

    47 – Helsinki and Tartu, July 2 – 6, 2001, “Sex and Gender in the Ancient Near East”
    Published as Sex and Gender in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the 47th Rencontre Assyriolgique Internationale, Helsinki, July 2-6, 2001, S. Parpola and R. M. Whiting (eds.), Helsinki 2002.

    46 – Paris, July 10 – 13, 2000, “Nomades et sédentaires dans le Proche-Orient ancien”
    Published as Nomades et sédentaires dans le Proche-Orient ancien. Compte rendu de la XLVIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Paris, 10-13 juillet 2000, Amurru 3, Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, C. Nicolle (éd.), Paris, 2004.

    The RAI scheduled for 1999 in Naples was cancelled
    45 – Cambridge, July 4 – 7, New Haven, July 8 – 9, 1998, “Historiography”
    Published as Proceedings of the XLVe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Part I, Harvard University: Historiography in the Cuneiform World, T. Abusch, P.-A. Beaulieu, J. Huehnergard, P. Machinist, P. Steinkeller (eds.), Part II, Yale University: Seals and Seal Impressions, W.W. Hallo, I.J. Winter (eds.), Bethesda, Maryland (CDL Press) 2001.

    44 – Venice, July 7 – 11, 1997, “Landscapes, Territories, Frontiers and Horizons in the Ancient Near East”
    Published as Landscapes, Territories, Frontiers and Horizons in the Ancient Near East. Papers Presented to the XLIV Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Venezia, 7-11 July, 1997 – History of the Ancient Near East / Monographs – III/1-3, L. Milano, S. de Martino, F.M. Fales, G.B. Lanfranchi (eds.), Padova (Sargon srl) 1999.

    43 – Prague, July 1 – 5, 1996, “Intellectual Life of the Ancient Near East”
    Published as Intellectual Life of the Ancient Near East. Papers Presented at the 43rd Rencontre assyriologique internationale, Prague, July 1-5, 1996 – Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Oriental Institute, J. Prosecky (ed.), Prague (Oriental Institute) 1998.

    42 – Leuven, July 3 – 7, 1995, “At the Cross-Roads of Civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian Realm – Languages and Cultures in Contact”
    Published as Languages and Cultures in Contact. At the Crossroads of Civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian Realm. Proceedings of the 42th RAI – Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 96, K. Van Lerberghe and G. Voet (eds.), Leuven (Peeters & Departement Oosterse Studies) 2001.

    41 – Berlin, July 4 – 8, 1994, “Landwirtschaft im Alten Orient”
    Published as Landwirtschaft im Alten Orient. Ausgewählte Vorträge der XLI. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Berlin, 4.-8.7.1994 – Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient, H. Klengel, J. Renger (eds.), Berlin (Dietrich Reimer Verlag) 1999.

    40 – Leiden, July 5 – 8, 1993, “Houses and Households in Ancient Mesopotamia”
    Published as Houses and Households in Ancient Mesopotamia. Papers read at the 40th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Leiden, July 5-8, 1993 – Publications de l’Institut historique-archéologique néerlandais de Stamboul LXXVIII, K.R. Veenhof (ed.), Leiden (Nederlands Historisch-Archeologisch Instituut te Istanbul) 1996.

    39 – Heidelberg, July 6 – 10, 1992, “Assyrien im Wandel der Zeiten”
    Published as Assyrien im Wandel der Zeiten. XXXIXe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Heidelberg, 6.-10. Juli 1992 – Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient, 6, H. Waetzoldt, H. Hauptmann (eds.), Heidelberg (Heidelberger Orientverlag) 1997.

    38 – Paris, July 8 – 10, 1991, “La circulation des biens, des personnes et des idées dans le Proche-Orient ancien”
    Published as La circulation des biens, des personnes et des idées dans le Proche-Orient ancien. Actes de la XXXVIIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Paris, 8-10 juillet 1991) – Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, D. Charpin, F. Joannès (eds.), Paris (A.D.P.F.) 1992.
    A summary appeared in Akkadica 76, 1992, 1-4.

    37 – Baghdad, cancelled because of the Gulf War
    36 – Ghent, July 10 – 14, 1989, “La Mésopotamie et l’Elam”
    Published as Mésopotamie et Elam. Actes de la XXXVIème Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Gand, 10-14 juillet 1989 – Mesopotamian History and Environment, Occasional Publications I, L. De Meyer, H. Gasche (eds.), Ghent (University of Ghent) 1991.
    A summary appeared in Akkadica 64-65, 1989, 18-20.

    35 – Philadelphia, July 11 – 15, 1988, “Nippur, the Holy City of the Sumerians”
    Published as Nippur at the Centennial. Papers Read at the 35e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Philadelphia, 1988 – Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund, 14, M. deJong Ellis (ed.), Philadelphia (The University Museum) 1992.
    A summary appeared in Akkadica 63, 1989, 27.

    34 – Istanbul, July 6 – 10, 1987, “The Relations between Anatolia and Mesopotamia”
    Published as XXXIVème Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale – XXXIV. Uluslararasi Assiriyoloji Kongresi – Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlari XXVI. Dizi – Sa. 3, H. Erkanal, V. Donbaz, A. Uguroglu (eds.), Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi) 1998.
    A summary appeared in Akkadica 57, 1988, 8-14.

    33 – Paris, July 7 – 10, 1986, “La Femme dans le Proche-Orient antique”
    Published as La Femme dans le Proche-Orient antique. XXXIIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Paris, 7-10 juillet 1986) – Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, J.-M. Durand (ed.), Paris (A.D.P.F.) 1987.
    A summary appeared in Akkadica 50, 1986, 22-26.

    32 – Münster, July 8 – 12, 1985, “Keilschriftliche Literaturen”
    Published as Keilschriftliche Literaturen. Ausgewählte Vorträge der XXXII. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale – Bonner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient, Band 6, K. Hecker, W. Sommerfeld (eds.), Berlin (Dietrich Reimer Verlag) 1986.

    31 – Leningrad, July 9 – 13, 1984, “Mesopotamia and its Neighbours”
    No proceedings have been published.
    Summaries appeared in Akkadica 43, 1985, 53, and in Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR 8, 1985, 109-116 (M.A. Dandamaev and N.O. Cechovic).

    30 – Leiden, July 4 – 8, 1983, “Cuneiform Archives and Libraries”
    Published as Cuneiform Archives and Libraries. Papers read at the 30e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Leiden, 4-8 July 1983 – Publications de l’Institut historique et archéologique néerlandais de Stamboul LVII, K.R. Veenhof (ed.), Leiden (Nederlands Historisch-Archeologisch Instituut te Istanbul) 1986.
    Summaries appeared in Akkadica 36, 1984, 25-29, and in EAZ 25, 1984, 577-578 (H. Klengel).

    29 – London, July 5 – 9, 1982, “The British School of Archaeology in Iraq”
    Published as XXIX Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, London, 5th-9th July 1982 – Iraq 45, 1983, 1-164.
    A summary appeared in Akkadica 31, 1983, 20-28.

    28 – Vienna, July 6 – 10, 1981, “Das Leben”
    Published as Vorträge gehalten auf der 28. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale in Wien 6.-10. Juli 1981 – Archiv für Orientforschung, Beiheft 19, H. Hirsch, H. Hunger (eds.), Horn (Verlag Ferdinand Berger) 1982.
    A summary appeared in Akkadica 25, 1982, 19-21 and 26, 1982, 35-40.

    27 – Paris, June 30 – July 5, 1980, “Cinquantenaire d’Ougarit – Ras Shamra”
    Published as La Syrie au Bronze Récent, Cinquantenaire d’Ougarit – Ras Shamra (Extraits de la XXVIIe R.A.I., Paris 1980) – Editions Recherche sur les civilisations, Mémoire no. 15, (anonymous), Paris (A.D.P.F.) 1982.
    A summary appeared in Akkadica 20, 1980, 24-30.

    26 – Copenhagen, July 2 – 6, 1979, “Death in Ancient Mesopotamia”
    Published as Death in Mesopotamia, XXVIe Rencontre assyriologique internationale – Mesopotamia 8, B. Alster (ed.), Copenhagen (Akademisk Forlag) 1980.
    A summary appeared in Akkadica 15, 1979, 40-42 (D. Homès-Fredericq).

    25 – Berlin, July 3 – 7, 1978, “Mesopotamien und seine Nachbarn”
    Published as Mesopotamien und seine Nachbarn. Politische und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen im Alten Vorderasien vom 4. bis 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. – Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient, H. Kühne, H.-J. Nissen, J. Renger (eds.), Berlin (Dietrich Reimer Verlag) 1982.
    A summary appeared in Akkadica 10, 1978, 28-33.

    24 – Paris, July 4 – 8, 1977, “Les Hourrites”
    Published as Actes de la XXIVe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Paris 1977 – Les Hourrites, Revue Hittite et Asianique 36, 1978.
    A summary appeared in Akkadica 5, 1977, 2-8.

    23 – Birmingham, July 5 – 9, 1976, “Trade in the Ancient Near East”
    Published as Trade in the Ancient Near East, J.D. Hawkins (ed.), also published in Iraq 39, 1977, 1-231.

    22 – Göttingen, June 9 – 13, 1975, “Zum 200. Geburtstag Georg Friedrich Grotefends. Die Welt des Alten Orients: Keilschrift – Grabungen – Gelehrte”.
    No proceedings have been published. The following lectures have appeared as (revised) articles:
    P.-R. Berger, “Der Kyros-Zylinder mit dem Zusatzfragment BIN II Nr. 32 und die akkadischen Personennamen im Danielbuch”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 65, 1975, 192-234.
    R. Borger, “Die Entzifferungsgeschichte der altpersischen Keilschrift nach Grotefends ersten Erfolgen”, Persica 7, 1975-1978, 7-19.
    F. Cornelius, “Streitpunkte der hethitischen Geographie. Vortrag beim XXII Rencontre Assyriologique in Göttingen Juni 1975”, Bibliotheca Orientalis 33, 1976, 183-285.
    J.D. Hawkins, “The Negatives in Hieroglyphic Luwian”, Anatolian Studies 25, 1975, 119-156.
    D. Homès-Fredericq, “Glyptique sur les tablettes araméennes des Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire”, Revue d’Assyriologie 70, 1976, 57-70.
    Å.W. Sjöberg, “in-nin shà-gur4-ra. A Hymn to the Goddess Inanna by the en-Priestess Enheduanna”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 65, 1975, 161-253.
    W. von Soden, “Zur Datierung des “Weißen Obelisken””, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 64, 1974, 180-191.
    D.J. Wiseman, “A Gilgamesh Epic Fragment from Nimrud”, Iraq 37, 1975, 157-163.
    A summary was published in Persica 7, 1975-1978, 213-216 (R. Borger).

    21 – Rome, June 24 – 28, 1974, “Études sur le Panthéon systématique et les Panthéons locaux”.
    Published as Études sur le Panthéon systématique et les Panthéons locaux – Orientalia, Nova Series 45, 1976, 1-226.

    20 – Leiden, July 3 – 7, 1972, “Le Temple et le Culte”.
    Published as Le Temple et le Culte – Publications de l’Institut historique et archéologique néerlandais de Stamboul XXXVII (anonymous), Leiden (Nederlands Historisch-Archeologisch Instituut te Istambul) 1975.

    19 – Paris, June 29 – July 2, 1971, “Le palais et la royauté”.
    Published as Le Palais et la Royauté (Archéologie et Civilisation), P. Garelli (ed.), Paris (Paul Geuthner) 1974.

    18 – München, June 29 – July 3, 1970, “Gesellschaftsklassen im Alten Zweistromland und in den angrenzenden Gebieten”.
    Published as Gesellschaftsklassen im Alten Zweistromland und in den angrenzenden Gebieten – Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse NF 75, Veröffentlichungen der Kommission zur Erschließung von Keilschrifttexten, Serie A/6, D.O. Edzard (ed.), München 1972.
    A summary appeared in Orientalia, Nova Series 39, 1970, 514-515 (R. Caplice).

    17 – Brussels, June 30 – July 4, 1969, “Les Fêtes”.
    Published as Actes de la XVIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale – Publications du comité belge de recherches historiques, épigraphiques et archéologiques en Mésopotamie, A. Finet (ed.), Ham-sur-Heure 1970.

    16 – Chicago, August 20 – 23, 1967, no theme.
    Published in Journal of Near Eastern Studies 27, 1968, 161-261.
    A summary appeared in Orientalia, Nova Series 36, 1967, 435-436 (R. Caplice).

    15 – Liège, July 4 – 8, 1966, “La civilisation de Mari”
    Published as La civilisation de Mari – Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l’Université de Liège – Fasc. 182, J.-R. Kupper (ed.), Paris (Société d’Édition « Les Belles Lettres ») 1967.
    A summary appeared in Orientalia, Nova Series 35, 1966, 434-435 (R. Caplice and K. Deller).

    14 – Strasbourg, July 2 – 6, 1965, “La divination en Mésopotamie ancienne et dans les régions voisines”
    Published as >La divination en Mésopotamie ancienne et dans les régions voisines – Travaux du Centre d’études supérieures spécialisé d’histoire des religions de Strasbourg (anonymous), Paris (Presses Universitaires de France) 1966.
    An invitation was published in Revue d’Assyriologie 58, 1964, 147, and summaries appeared in Revue d’Assyriologie 59, 1965, 140-141 (A. Spycket), and in Orientalia, Nova Series 34, 1965, 343-344 (R. Caplice).

    13 – Paris, July 1 – 4, 1964, “Vox populi”
    Published in Revue d’Assyriologie 58, 1964, 149-184. The article by W.W. Hallo, “The Road to Emar”, appeared in Journal of Cuneiform Studies 18, 1964, 57-88.
    Summaries were published in Revue d’Assyriologie 58, 1964, 145-147 (A. Spycket), and in Bibliotheca Orientalis 21, 1964, 385-386 (K.R. Veenhof).

    12 – London, July 1 – 4, 1963, “Warfare in the Ancient Near East”
    Published in Iraq 25, 1963, 110-193. The article by J.-R. Kupper, “L’opinion publique à Mari”, appeared in Revue d’Assyriologie 58, 1964, 79-82.
    A summary was published in Orientalia, Nova Series 33, 1964, 170-171 (K. Deller).

    11 – Leiden, June 23 – 29, 1962>, “La survie de la civilisation babylonienne”>
    Published as Compte rendu de l’onzième rencontre assyriologique internationale – Publications de l’Institut Néerlandais pour le Proche-Orient à Leiden 2, Leiden (Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten) 1964.

    10 – Paris, June 19 – 23, 1961, “Le rayonnement de la civilisation mésopotamienne, hors de la Mésopotamie, au 2ème millénaire”
    No proceedings have been published. The following lectures have appeared as (revised) articles:
    O. Eissfeldt, “Mesopotamische Elemente in den alphabetischen Texten von Ugarit”, Syria 39, 1962, 36-41.
    R. Labat, “Le rayonnement de la langue et de l’écriture akkadiennes au deuxième millénaire avant notre ère”, Syria 39, 1962, 1-27.
    J. Nougayrol, “L’influence babylonienne à Ugarit, d’après les textes en cunéiformes classiques”, Syria 39, 1962, 27-35.
    D.J. Wiseman, “Some Aspects of Babylonian Influence at Alalah”, Syria 39, 1962, 180-187.
    A summary was published in Orientalia, Nova Series 30, 1961, 206-211 (A. Pohl).

    9 – Geneva, June 20 – 23, 1960, “Aspects du contact suméro-akkadien”
    Published as Aspects du contact suméro-akkadien, Genava, N.S. 8, 1960, 241-314.
    A summary was published in Orientalia, Nova Series 29, 1960, 446-449 (A. Pohl).

    8 – Heidelberg, June 22 – 25, 1959, “Rapports du Proche-Orient et de l’Égypte”
    No proceedings have been published. The following lectures have appeared as (revised) articles (see Revue d’Assyriologie 52, 1958, 109-129):
    E. Edel, “Der geplante Besuch Hattusilis III. in Ägypten”, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 92, 1960, 13-20.
    W. Helck, “Die ägyptische Verwaltung in den syrischen Besitzungen”, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 92, 1960, 1-13.
    D.J. Wiseman, “Some Egyptians in Babylonia”, Iraq 28, 1966, 154-158.
    Summaries were published in Revue d’Assyriologie 53, 1959, 209-210 (M. Vieyra), and in Orientalia, Nova Series 28, 1959, 370-374 (J. Leclant) and 376-378 (R. Borger).

    7 – Paris, June 23 – 26, 1958, “Gilgamesh et sa légende”
    Published as Gilgamesh et sa légende – Études recueillies par Paul Garelli à l’occasion de la VIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Paris – 1958) – Cahiers du Groupe François-Thureau-Dangin – 1, P. Garelli (ed.), Paris (Imprimerie nationale) 1960.
    Summaries were published in Revue d’Assyriologie 52, 1958, 236 (anonymous) and Orientalia, Nova Series 27, 1958, 413-420 (A. Pohl).

    6 – Paris, June 27 – 30, 1956, “La Femme dans l’Ancient Orient”
    No proceedings have been published. The following lectures have appeared as (revised) articles (see Revue d’Assyriologie 52, 1958, 109-129):
    A. Falkenstein, “Enhedu’anna, die Tochter Sargons von Akkade”, Revue d’Assyriologie 52, 1958, 129-131.
    W. von Soden, “Akkadische Gebete an Göttinnen”, Revue d’Assyriologie 52, 1958, 131-136.
    Summaries were published in Revue d’Assyriologie 50, 1956, 220-221 (anonymous), Bibliotheca Orientalis 13, 1956, 178-179 (P. Garelli, L. Le Breton) and Orientalia, Nova Series 25, 1956, 411-414 (A. Pohl).

    5 – Paris, June 20 – 23, 1955, “Les voies de communication du Proche-Orient ancien”
    No proceedings have been published. The following lectures have appeared as (revised) articles (see Revue d’Assyriologie 52, 1958, 109-129):
    C.J. Gadd, “Teachers and Students in the Oldest Schools”, Inaugural Lecture, University of London 1956.
    P. Garelli, “La notion de route dans les textes”, Revue d’Assyriologie 52, 1958, 117-127.
    A. Goetze, “The Roads of Northern Cappadocia in Hittite Times”, Revue Hittite et Asianique 15 (Fasc. 61), 1957, 91-103.
    O.R. Gurney, “The Sultantepe Tablets”, Anatolian Studies 2, 1952, 25-35.
    Th. Jacobsen, “La géographie et les voies de communication du pays de Sumer”, Revue d’Assyriologie 52, 1958, 127-129.
    V. Korosec, “Les voies de communications dans l’Ancient Orient”, Symbolae Raphaeli Taubenschlag dedicatae III, Bratislava-Warsaw 1957, 19-28.
    L. Le Breton, “De l’état de notre connaissance des itinéraires antiques”, Revue d’Assyriologie 52, 1958, 110-116.
    W.F. Leemans, “Le synchronisme Shamshi-addu-Hammurabi d’après certains textes du Louvre”, Revue d’Assyriologie 49, 1955, 202-207.
    H. Lewy, “The Historical Background of the Correspondence of Bahdi-Lim”, Orientalia, Nova Series 25, 1956, 324-352.
    J. Lewy, “Origin and Signification of the Biblical Term ‘Hebrew'”, Hebrew Union College Annual 28, 1957, 1-13.
    An invitation was published in Bibliotheca Orientalis 12, 1955, 49-51 (L. Le Breton, P. Garelli), and a summary appeared in Orientalia, Nova Series 24, 1955, 407-410 (A. Pohl).

    4 – Paris, June 29 – July 1, 1953, “Le problème des Habiru”
    Published as Le problème des Habiru à la 4e rencontre assyriologique internationale – Cahiers de la Société Asiatique 13, J. Bottéro (ed.), Paris (Imprimerie nationale) 1954.
    A summary appeared in Orientalia, Nova Series 22, 1953, 432-435 (A. Pohl).

    3 – Leiden, June 28 – July 4, 1952, “Tammouz dans les civilisations mésopotamiennes”
    Published as Compte rendu de la troisième rencontre assyriologique internationale, Leiden (Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten) 1954.
    An invitation was published in Bibliotheca Orientalis 9, 1952, 40 (anonymous), and a summary appeared in Orientalia, Nova Series 21, 1952, 496-502 (A. Pohl).

    2 – Paris, July 2 – 6, 1951, “La terminologie sumérienne et accadienne du bronze” and “La chronologie de la première dynastie babylonienne”
    Published as Compte rendu de la seconde rencontre assyriologique internationale, Paris (Imprimerie nationale) 1951.
    An invitation was published in Bibliotheca Orientalis 8, 1951, 49-50 (J. Nougayrol), and summaries appeared in Bibliotheca Orientalis 8, 1951, 160 (J. Nougayrol), and in Orientalia, Nova Series 20, 1951, 478-485 (A. Pohl).

    1 – Paris, June 26 – 28, 1950, “Aspect fondamental de la pensée babylonienne” and “La fonction cultuelle des ziggurats”
    Published as Comptes rendus de la première rencontre assyriologique internationale, Leiden (Brill) 1951.
    An invitation was published in Bibliotheca Orientalis 7, 1950, 41-42 (J. Nougayrol), and summaries appeared in Bibliotheca Orientalis 7, 1950, 127-128 (J. Nougayrol), and in Orientalia, Nova Series 19, 1950, 508-510 (A. Pohl).

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