Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Suppléments à Syria, IV: Le fleuve rebelle: Géographie historique du moyen Oronte d'Ebla à l'époque médiévale

Le fleuve rebelle: Géographie historique du moyen Oronte d'Ebla à l'époque médiévale
Sous la direction de Dominique Parayre
Suppléments à Syria, IV | 2016
Couverture Syria Supplément IV
Informations sur cette image
Crédits : © Ifpo
220*280 mm
ISBN 978-2-35159-725-1
Notes de la rédaction
Actes du colloque international tenu les 13 et 14 décembre 2012 à Nanterre (Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie René-Ginouvès) et à Paris (Institut national d'Histoire de l'art)
Avec la collaboration de Martin Sauvage pour la cartographie (CNRS, USR 3225, Maison archéologie & Ethnologie René-Ginouvès, Nanterre)

Open Access Annual: Les Actes de la Société française d'étude de la céramique antique en Gaule

Les Actes de la Société française d'étude de la céramique antique en Gaule

Chaque année, la Sfécag organise un congrès sur la céramique antique dans une région de France ou dans un pays limitrophe : cette réunion rassemble des chercheurs d'une dizaine de pays et permet d'élargir les contacts de chacun. Le prochain congrès se tiendra à Narbonne (Aude) du 25 au 28 mai 2017. Vous trouverez dans ces pages le programme de la manifestation ainsi que les informations nécessaires concernant l'organisation pratique.

Open Access Journal: Meander

[First posted in AWOL 1 January 2015, updated 24  April 2017]

ISSN: 0025-6285
Meander Cover Image
"Meander" was first issued in 1946 by two distinguished classical scholars, Kazimierz Kumaniecki and Kazimierz Michalowski. It covers a wide range of issues related to classical studies, including classical languages, ancient history and philosophy, the reception of Greek and Roman culture in Europe, and the classical scholarship in Poland. It presents work of both leading and younger Polish scholars. The articles are scholarly, yet intended to reach the wider audience of non-classicists interested in ancient culture.

Starting with the year 2013 the journal frequency has changed to annual.


      ROBERTIN-database ist ein Projekt der Fachrichtung Klassische Archäologie der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg und INMEDIAK e.V. 

       Die Bilddatenbank erschließt die Originalsammlung des Archäologischen Museums der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, bestehend aus Keramik und Kleinkunst der antiken Kulturen Griechenlands, Roms und Ägyptens. 

      Nur ein kleiner Teil davon war bisher publiziert, die vorhandenen Inventare sind in vielen Punkten überholt. Die notwendige Neuaufnahme der Bestände in Form einer Bilddatenbank eröffnete die Möglichkeit, diesen Katalog auch über das Internet zugänglich zu machen. 

      Mit der Freischaltung der Datenbank am 27.06.2001 waren 89 Datensätze verfügbar. Diese umfaßten zunächst einen Großteil der bereits publizierten Stücke aber auch weitere, die hier erstmals vorgestellt wurden. Am 10.03.2003 kamen weitere 98 Datensätze dazu. Eine Aktualisierung am 19.03.2004 brachte nur einen neuen Datensatz, aber eine Reihe kleinerer Korrekturen und Ergänzungen. Im Zuge der fortschreitenden Erfassung und wissenschaftlichen Bearbeitung werden einige hundert Datensätze abrufbar sein. 

      Der Katalog ist so strukturiert, daß Recherchen nach verschiedenen Kriterien möglich sind. Damit kann sich jeder Interessent entweder eine Übersicht über die Bestände des Museums verschaffen oder gezielt für bestimmte Forschungsvorhaben recherchieren. Die Textinformationen werden ergänzt durch Farbaufnahmen, in einigen Fällen durch Zeichnungen. Druckqualität ist dabei nicht beabsichtigt, bei Bedarf für Publikationen können Fotografien bestellt werden. Alle vorkommenden Fundorte sind in einer beigefügten Karte verzeichnet, eine kurze Vorstellung der für die Sammlungsgeschichte wichtigen Personen würdigt deren Verdienst und erleichtert die Einschätzung der Herkunftsangaben. In einer Liste sind die vorangegangen Inventarverzeichnisse und Materialpublikationen kurz beschrieben. Die in den Datensätzen verwendeten Literaturkürzel werden in einer gesonderten Datenbank aufgelöst. 

      Die Datenbank ist im Sinne einer wissenschaftlichen Publikation zu zitieren. Dabei ist die Internetadresse und das Recherchedatum anzugeben. Der Datensatz ist über die Inventarnummer eindeutig gekennzeichnet. Ein Vorteil der Publikation in Form einer Datenbank liegt in der Möglichkeit der Präzisierung innerhalb der vorhandenen Datensätze. Solche Veränderungen werden in den Datensätzen dokumentiert, um trotz der Flexibilität des Mediums Zitate nicht zu verfälschen.




      Inventare/ Publikationen



      The British Institute for the Study of Iraq Lectures Online

      The British Institute for the Study of Iraq Lectures Online
      Wed, 22 Feb 2017
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Wed, 16 Nov 2016
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      The archaeologist Professor Wathiq Ismail al-Salihi explores the site of Hatra: an Arab Kingdom in Roman Times
      Wed, 15 Jun 2016
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Ethnomusicologist Rolf Killius examines the traditional music of Iraq from the Rifi singers to the masters of the oud
      Wed, 24 Feb 2016
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      The Ur Project - digitising Sir Leonard Woolley's excavations (1922-1934) at the ancient city of Ur
      Wed, 16 Dec 2015
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Dr Géraldine Chatelard on the Marshlands and the archaeological sites of Eridu, Ur and Uruk
      Wed, 18 Nov 2015
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Professor Helen Berry explores the paradoxes and contradictions of Gertrude Bell’s life from the perspective of women’s history
      Thu, 11 Jun 2015
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Professor Emilie Savage-Smith looks at the surgeons and physicians of medieval Iraq
      Thu, 26 Feb 2015
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Ikon Director Jonathan Watkins gave an illustrated talk for BISI about his experiences as curator of the Iraqi Pavilion for the 2013
      Aerial view of excavation and archaeologists
      Thu, 20 Nov 2014
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Dr Jane Moon talks about the excavations at the old Babylonian settlement at Tell Khaiber

      Thu, 19 Jun 2014
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Dr Nelida Fuccaro discusses oil lives and cultures in Iraq before the 1958 Revolution
      Thu, 27 Feb 2014
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Dr Mariam Rosser-Owen & Dr Rosalind Wade Haddon on the small finds from the Herzfeld excavations at Samarra
      Thu, 10 Oct 2013
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      A lecture by the Directors of the Iraq and Basrah Museums
      Fri, 13 Sep 2013
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Gertrude Bell and Iraq – A Life and Legacy Conference - Gertrude Bell & Iraqi Heritage
      Fri, 13 Sep 2013
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Gertrude Bell and Iraq - A Life and Legacy Conference - Gertrude Bell & Archaeology
      Fri, 13 Sep 2013
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Gertrude Bell and Iraq - A Life and Legacy Conference - Gertrude Bell - A Woman in a Man's World
      Thu, 12 Sep 2013
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Gertrude Bell and Iraq - A Life and Legacy Conference - Gertrude Bell & the Making of Iraq
      Thu, 12 Sep 2013
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Gertrude Bell and Iraq - A Life and Legacy Conference - Gertrude Bell & the Making of Iraq
      Thu, 12 Sep 2013
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Gertrude Bell and Iraq - A Life and Legacy Conference - Gertrude Bell & the Ottoman Empire

      Wed, 11 Sep 2013
      The Royal Society...
      Audio Player
      A panel discussion on British-Iraqi relations as part of the Gertrude Bell Conference
      Thu, 20 Jun 2013
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      The film-maker and travel-writer Mike Laird on the mudhifs of southern Iraq
      Thu, 30 May 2013
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Thu, 28 Feb 2013
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      The archaeologist Dr Joan Oates on excavating in Northern Iraq with the Mallowans
      Thu, 22 Nov 2012
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Dr Ali A. Allawi on the evolution of Iraq's identity as a modern state and the role of archaeology in this process
      Thu, 25 Oct 2012
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      David Michelmore on research, conservation and interpretation of Erbil Citadel
      Thu, 27 Sep 2012
      The British Academy
      Audio Player
      Robert Irwin on the literary and scientific life of Mediaeval Basra

      Open Access Journal: Newsletter Archeologia CISA

      [First posted in AWOL 23 July 2015, updated 24 April 2017]

      Newsletter Archeologia CISA
      ISSN: 2036-6353
      Newsletter Archeologia CISA 2015 edition

      La Newsletter Archeologiaè una rivista online ideata con lo scopo di presentare anno per anno le attività più significative della tradizione di studi archeologici della nostra Università, dall’ Africa (Libia, Egitto, Etiopia), all’Arabia (Yemen e Arabia Saudita), dal Mediterraneo (Grecia, Italia – Campania, Molise, Puglia) alla Cina (Henan, Xinijang) passando per l’Asia Media e Centrale (Iran, Uzbekistan). Di frequente gli articoli assumono un carattere interdisciplinare ed includono ricerche in archeologia (survey e scavi), paleoetnobotanica, palinologia, archeozoologia, geologia, geomorfologia, geoarcheologia, etnoarcheologia e etnostoria così come analisi cartografiche, GIS e telerilevamento. Lo scopo è quello di fornire una breve sintesi sui problemi affrontati ed i risultati finora raggiunti.
      Il Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi per l’Archeologia (CISA) fu fondato nel 1992 presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli "L’Orientale" (precedentemente Istituto Universitario Orientale, di Napoli) per fornire agli archeologi dell’Università diverse facilitazioni e strumenti di ricerca, come una cartografia archeologica computerizzata multimediale, database e sistemi di classificazione e registrazione dei ritrovamenti archeologici. La ricerca archeologica presso l’UNO è condotta da specialisti del Dipartimento di Studi Classici, di Studi Asiatici e di Studi e Ricerche su Africa e Paesi Arabi che lavorano in collaborazione con altri centri accademici e scientifici italiani, europei, orientali ed africani.

      RINAP: The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period

      [First posted in AWOL 16 July 2011. Most recently updated  24 April 2017] 

      The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period
      Esarhaddon Text 98

      Numerous royally commissioned texts were composed between 744 BC and 609 BC, a period during which Assyria became the dominant power in southwestern Asia. Eight hundred and fifty to nine hundred such inscriptions are known today. The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, under the direction of Professor Grant Frame of the University of Pennsylvania, will publish in print and online all of the known royal inscriptions that were composed during the reigns of the Assyrian kings Tiglath-pileser III (744-727 BC), Shalmaneser V (726-722 BC), Sargon II (721-705 BC), Sennacherib (704-681 BC), Esarhaddon (680-669 BC), Ashurbanipal (668-ca. 631 BC), Aššur-etel-ilāni (ca. 631-627/626 BC), Sîn-šumu-līšir (627/626 BC), Sîn-šarra-iškun (627/626-612 BC), and Aššur-uballiṭ II (611-609 BC), rulers whose deeds were also recorded in the Bible and in some classical sources. The individual texts range from short one-line labels to lengthy, detailed inscriptions with over 1200 lines (4000 words) of text.
      These Neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions (744-609 BC) represent only a small, but important part of the vast Neo-Assyrian text corpus. They are written in the Standard Babylonian dialect of Akkadian and provide valuable insight into royal exploits, both on the battlefield and at home, royal ideology, and Assyrian religion. Most of our understanding of the political history of Assyria, and to some extent of Babylonia, comes from these sources. Because this large corpus of texts has not previously been published in one place, the RINAP Project will provide up-to-date editions (with English translations) of Assyrian royal inscriptions from the reign of Tiglath-pileser III (744-727 BC) to the reign of Aššur-uballiṭ II (611-609 BC) in seven print volumes and online, in a fully lemmatized and indexed format. The aim of the project is to make this vast text corpus easily accessible to scholars, students, and the general public. RINAP Online will allow those interested in Assyrian culture, history, language, religion, and texts to efficiently search Akkadian and Sumerian words appearing in the inscriptions and English words used in the translations. Project data will be fully integrated into the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) and the Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus (Oracc).
      The National Endowment for the Humanities awarded the RINAP Project research grants in 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2015 to help carry out its work. The publications of the RINAP Project are modeled on those of the now-defunct Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia (RIM) Project and carry on where its Assyrian Periods sub-series (RIMA) ended.

        Perseus under PhiloLogic

        [First posted in AWOL 28 July 2009. Updated 24 April 2017]

        Perseus under PhiloLogic 
        The Perseus Project at Tufts University is the foremost Digital Library for the classical world, if not for the Humanities in general. In its collection of Greek and Roman materials, readers will find many of the canonical texts read today. The Greek collection approaches 8 million words and the Latin collection currently has 5.5 million. In addition, many English language dictionaries, other reference works, translations, and commentaries are included, so that anyone with an internet connection has access to the equivalent of a respectable College Classics library. The Perseus site is further enriched by intricate linking mechanisms among texts (resulting in more than 30 million links).  

        You will here find the same texts, but the mechanism for browsing and searching the text is a different one. It is PhiloLogic, a system that was especially developed for large textual databases by the ARTFL project at the University of Chicago.

        You can help us improve this site: If you encounter a problem, please use the Report a Problem link that you will find on the Results pages. In addition, we hope you will select the correct parses when you use the parse window. You will see your selection turn yellow; it will also be stored in the database. The User Manual gives a general introduction to searching under Philologic. This particular collection has its own special features, however. For a few quick hints to get you started, check out the Info and Help section on the full search forms. More discussion and background, with links to paper abstracts, presentations, etcetera, can be found on the About this resource page.

        Les papyrus de la mer Rouge I. Le journal de Merer: Papyrus Jarf A et B: English and Arabic Translation

        Pierre Tallet
        Les papyrus de la mer Rouge I. Le journal de Merer: Papyrus Jarf A et B
        IF1150, ISBN 9782724707069
        Collection: MIFAO 136
        1 vol., 192 p., 37 € (529 EGP)

        • Lire le sommair
        Le site du Ouadi el-Jarf, fouillé depuis 2011, est un port sur la mer Rouge qui a été utilisé au début de la IVe dynastie pour se rendre par voie maritime aux mines de turquoises et de cuivre du sud-ouest de la péninsule du Sinaï. Lors de la campagne de 2013, un important lot de papyrus daté de la fin du règne de Chéops a été mis au jour à l’entrée de l’une des galeries-magasins qui sont l’un des traits caractéristiques du site. Ces documents sont à ce jour les plus anciens papyrus hiératiques jamais découverts. Ils constituent les archives d’une équipe de marins et se subdivisent en deux grandes catégories : des comptabilités enregistrant des livraisons de différents produits, et des journaux de bord qui couvrent plusieurs mois d’activité de cette équipe. Ces derniers décrivent des missions effectuées sous la direction de l’inspecteur Merer, et concernent pour l’essentiel le transport par voie fluviale de blocs de calcaire des carrières de Toura vers le chantier de la grande pyramide de Chéops, alors en construction sur l’autre rive du Nil. Cet ouvrage est la publication des deux journaux de bord les mieux préservés de ce lot.

        The Wadi el-Jarf site, excavated since 2011, is an harbour on the Red Sea shore that was used at the beginning of the IVth dynasty to reach the copper and turquoise mines of the south-western part of Sinai Peninsula. During the 2013 archaeological campaign, hundreds of fragments of papyrus from the end of Khufu’s reign were collected at the entrance of one of the storage galleries that are one of the most remarkable features of the site. This is at the moment the oldest papyrus archive ever found in Egypt. It is related to a team of sailors and mainly includes two categories of documents: accounts of commodities delivered to the workers, and logbooks registering their daily activities over several months. Those last documents record missions led under the direction of the inspector Merer that are related to the transport of limestone blocks from the quarries of Tura to the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza, then under construction on the opposite bank of the Nile. This book is the publication of the two best preserved logs of this archive. 

        Vous pouvez consulter les annexes en anglais et en arabe

        The Pottery Kilns of Roman Britain

        The Pottery Kilns of Roman Britain
        by Vivien Swan
        Vivien Swan book cover
        Published in 1984 and long out-of-print, The Pottery Kilns of Roman Britain (HMSO, London) by Vivien Swan is a remarkable achievement, marking out Britain as the single province for which such a detailed record of kilns and pottery production exists. Even more remarkable is that this resource is the work not of a team of researchers, but a single individual. Those who knew Vivien personally will not be surprised at this achievement, for her methodical and enthusiastic approach to the study of Roman pottery has been a model to many young scholars and resulted in a series of ground breaking articles, most recently using pottery to identify the ethnicity of the potters, particularly in the military context.
        Vivien always wished that the gazetteer of The Pottery Kilns of Roman Britain could be made more widely available. Originally printed on microfiche, a limited run of hard copies was produced by Oxbow books but, like the book itself, was out-of- print. In recent years the importance of updating this gazetteer had also become clear, but her untimely death meant that Vivien could not undertake this task.
        To honour the achievements of Vivien, the Study Group for Roman Pottery has initiated this project to digitise Vivien’s gazetteer with the aim of enhancing this data. It represents a large project for the Study Group and is being undertaken in stages. Stage one, the scanning and digitisation of the microfiche gazetteer and its mapping, is now completed. This involved the laborious task of copy-editing the digitised output against the original microfiche with some changes to accommodate the digital format.

        TITUS: Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien



        [First posted in AWOL 4 April 2013, updated 26 April 2017]

        The Classical Art Research Centre leads and supports research on ancient art. At its heart is the Beazley Archive, which includes the world's largest collection of images of ancient figure-decorated pottery.

        The Beazley Archive's online databases and our other web resources are freely available through this site.


        Beazley notebooks

        Nostell Priory Greek Vases Archive

        The Lost Nicholson Sculptures

        Library resources

        Introduction to Greek pottery

        Sir John Beazley and Greek pottery

        Sir John Boardman and engraved gems


        An illustrated dictionary functions throughout the site; any term the novice user might not know is linked to the dictionary.


        The bibliographies were originally created for undergraduates in the University of Oxford. They are regularly updated.

        Podcasts / videos

        Newly online Open Access Journal: Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Altphilologenverbandes

        Open Access Journal: Forum Classicum: Zeitschrift für die Fächer Latein und Griechisch an Schulen und Universitäten


        New In ARTA

        Qahéri, Sépideh. “Premier témoignage sur la pratique des coutumes funéraires égyptiennes à Suse d’époque   achéménide.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2016, no. 001 (2016): 1–25.  
        Stolper, Matthew W. “From the Persepolis Fortification Archive Project, 6 The Dossier of Šarbaladda, Treasury Secretary at Persepolis.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2017, no. 001 (2017): 1–33. 
        Qaheri, Sépideh, and Kevin Trehuedic. “Premier alabastron d’époque perse à inscription araméenne (MNI 218/9).” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2017, no. 002 (2017): 1–11.
        See ARTA's New page at Academia.edu 
        And see AWOL'sauthor index of all articles published in ARTA 

        Open Access Journal: AIGIS: elektronisk tidsskrift for klassiske studier i Norden

        [First posted in AWOL 29 October 2009. Most recently updated 27 April 2017 (new URLS)]

        AIGIS: elektronisk tidsskrift for klassiske studier i Norden
        ISSN 1901-6859
        AIGIS udkommer to gange årligt, 1. maj og 1. november og er gratis. Tidsskriftet udkommer ikke på papir, kun i elektronisk form

        Læsning af formaterne
        Artiklerne findes i indholdsfor-tegnelsen for de enkelte bind, hvorefter de downloades eller læses direkte. Hvis man har fast opkobling kan det være lettere at læse filerne med et Acrobat Reader plug-in. Hvis man derimod er koblet op med et modem og gerne vil spare på telefonregningen, er det mere hensigtsmæssigt at downloade (save as) og så lukke telefonen. 

        Artikler osv i AIGIS ligger i pdf (portable document format) som tillader græske bogstaver, billeder og fast lay-out med, så man kan henvise til sidenummer i artiklerne. Det er nødvendigt at man har det gratis program Acrobat Reader 6 eller nyere (8) der kan læse artiklerne, printe dem ud, søge i dem eller, hvis man vil, uddrage enkelte passager til brug i egne filer. Hent programmet på Adobe's hjemmeside. 

        Hvis man vil være sikker på at få fremtidige færdige numre af AIGIS 'leveret' så snart det udkommer, kan man melde sig til AIGIS-postlisten via KU's Listserver. Men man kan naturligvis også komme til AIGIS uden at være fast abonnent. 

        Bidrag, ris og ros
        Man kan også sende e-post til redaktionen - selvfølgelig helst med ros og bidrag til kommende numre. Bidrag kan sendes per attachment i alle gængse tekstbehandlings-systemer, allerbedst i rtf (Rich Text Format). Græsk må gerne være skrevet i GreekKeys (Kadmos, Athe-nian, el. lign.), så slipper vi for at skrive det om. Allerbedst er Unicode. Disse systemer er brugbare både på Mac og PC. Undgå venligst Wingreek, Son of Wingreek og WordPerfect græsk som kun fungerer på PC. Billeder leveres indscannet i jpeg.

        AIGIS 16,2 november 2016



        David Bloch, Oversættelse af klassiske tekster.— Med en diskussion af Platons samlede værker i ny oversættelse I-VI, udg. af Jørgen Mejer & Chr. Gorm Tortzen (København 2009-2015).
        Jens A. Krasilnikoff, Geder, guder og gentlemen. Nogle refleksioner over 4. århundredes attiske dyrehold.
        Thomas Heine Nielsen, Athloi i Drakons drabslov – en sportshistorisk note.
        Erik Skyum-Nielsen, Forbandelsens fest. Dialogen med Ovid i Anders Abildgaards Ibis.


        Senecas Moralske Breve, bog 9. Oversat af Kell Commerau Madsen & Hans Gregersen.
        Senecas Moralske Breve, bog 10. Oversat af Kell Commerau Madsen & Hans Gregersen
        Sofokles, Filoktet. Oversat af Eva Sprogøe med et efterskrift af Chr. Gorm Tortzen.
        Sueton: Om grammatikerne og retorerne. Oversat af Peter Bruun Hansen.


        Thomas Heine Nielsen, Carsten Weber-Nielsen 2.9.1949 – 29.5.2016.

        Tilbage til forsiden.


        AIGIS1.1 april 2001 AIGIS 1.2 oktober 2001
        AIGIS 2.1 april 2002
        AIGIS 2.2 oktober 2002
        AIGIS 3.1 april 2003
        AIGIS 3.2 oktober 2003
        AIGIS 4.1 april 2004
        AIGIS 4.2 oktober 2004
        AIGIS 5.1april 2005
        AIGIS 5.2 oktober 2005
        AIGIS 6.1 april 2006
        AIGIS 6.2 oktober 2006
        AIGIS 7.1 april 2007
        AIGIS 7.2 oktober 2007
        AIGIS 8.1 april 2008
        AIGIS 8.2 november 2008
        AIGIS 9.1 maj 2009
        AIGIS 9,2 november 2009
        AIGIS 10,1 maj 2010
        AIGIS 10,2 november 2010
        AIGIS 11,1 maj 2011
        AIGIS 11,2 november 2011
        AIGIS 12,1 maj 2012
        AIGIS 12,2 november 2012
        AIGIS 13,1 maj 2013
        AIGIS 13,2 november 2013
        AIGIS 14,1 maj 2014
        AIGIS 14,2 november 2014
        AIGIS 15,1 maj 2015
        AIGIS 15,2 november 2015
        AIGIS 16,1 maj 2016
        Platonselskabet Oslo 2005
        Platonselskabet Reykjavik 2009
        Platonselskabet Lund 2011
        Platonselskabet København 2013
        AIGIS suppl. I: Festskrift for Chr. Gorm Tortzen. 2011
        AIGIS suppl. II: Festskrift til Adam Bülow-Jacobsen. 2013
        AIGIS suppl. III: Festskrift til Christian Marinus Taisbak - 80 år. 2014
        AIGIS suppl. IV: Festskrift til Fritz S. Pedersen - 70 år. 2015
        AIGIS suppl V: Festskrift til Bent 2016

        New Open Access Book: Corinth Excavations Archaeological Manual

        Corinth Excavations Archaeological Manual
        The Corinth Excavations Archaeological Manual is the first major field manual published from an American excavation in Greece and among a very small number of manuals published from the Eastern Mediterranean in the last generation. The appearance of this book is timely, however, as there is a growing interest in field methods and the history of excavation practices throughout the discipline of archaeology. Moreover, Corinth Excavations has long held a special place in American archaeology in Greece as the primary training excavation for graduate students associated with the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. As a result, the field manual has had a particular influence among American excavators and projects in Greece, among Mediterranean archaeologists, and in archaeology classrooms.
        Published as a technical field manual, an archival document, and a key statement of practice from a major excavation, the Corinth Excavations Archaeological Manual presents a guide for daily procedures at the Corinth Excavations, a complete record of documentation forms used in the field, and a practical glimpse into the functioning of a complex, major, project. The manual is a landmark text appropriate for the university student, the scholar of methodology, and the working field archaeologist.
        All of the authors have worked on the excavations at Corinth in various capacities. This manual was developed under the directorship of Dr. Guy Sanders by former field directors Alicia Carter Johnson and Dr. Sarah James. Additional contributions come from past and present Corinth staff including assistant director Dr. Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst, architect James Herbst, conservator Nicol Anastasatou, and archaeologist Katerina Ragkou. The authors would also like to recognize the contributions of the many students from the American School of Classical Studies at Athens who offered valuable feedback on earlier versions of this manual over the past 10 years.
        Download (free) | Buy | Forms (free) | Media Packet | Other Archaeological Manuals

        Patrimoine du Proche-Orient

        Patrimoine du Proche-Orient

        Diffuser la connaissance sur les sites menacés et attaqués du Proche-Orient pour permettre la poursuite des recherches et donner à voir ce que furent ces civilisations et ces sites universel. 

        Il y a 2 500 ans

        ITIA data base of ancient Greek hydraulic works

        [First posted in AWOL 26 July 2013, updated 27 April 2017]

        Itia is a research team working on the fields of hydrology, hydrosystems management, hydroinformatics and hydroclimatic stochastics. It consists of 18 members; the team leader is Demetris Koutsoyiannis. The name "Itia" is not an acronym; it is Greek for willow tree. Itia is an open team and has collaborated with colleagues worldwide.
        Resources available at Itia include: A data base of ancient hydraulic works 
        128 works
        HydrosystemWorkUseConstruction eraExtras

        AeginaAegina cisternUrban Water SupplyHellenisticRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        AitoliaAlysia damFlood PreventionClassicalRecord has photosRecord has external links

        Oiniades drainageLand DrainageHellenisticRecord has external links

        Stratos drainageLand DrainageHellenistic

        AmorgosAmorgos LavatoryUrban SewageHellenisticRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        AmphipolisAmphipolis aqueductUrban Water SupplyClassicalRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Amphipolis sewageUrban DrainageClassicalRecord has external links

        AthensAthens agoraUrban DrainageClassicalRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Athens Archaic cisternsUrban Water SupplyArchaicRecord has external links

        Athens CeramikosUrban DrainageClassicalRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Athens ClepsydraUrban Water SupplyClassicalRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Athens EnneakrounosUrban Water SupplyArchaicRecord has external links

        Athens fountainUrban Water SupplyMycaneanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Athens LavatorySanitary FacilitiesHellenisticRecord has external links

        Athens Peisistratean aqueductUrban Water SupplyArchaicRecord has external links

        Athens Roman cisternsUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external links

        Hadrianean aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external links

        Heridanos stream controlFlood PreventionClassicalRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        BeotiaBoedria DamFlood PreventionMycaneanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Kopais drainageLand DrainageMycaneanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Thisbe I DamFlood PreventionMycanean

        Thisbe II DamFlood PreventionMycanean

        CassopeCassope lavatorySanitary FacilitiesHellenisticRecord has map entry

        Cassope sewersUrban DrainageClassicalRecord has external links

        CorinthCorinth aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Glayki fountainUrban Water SupplyClassicalRecord has external links

        Perene fountainUrban Water SupplyClassicalRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Crete IslandAptera cisternUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Archanes cisternUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Chamaizi cisternUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Dreros cisternUrban Water SupplyArchaicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Hersonisos cisternUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has map entry

        Lappa aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has map entry

        Lato cisternUrban Water SupplyHellenisticRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Liktos aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Palecastro wellUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has map entry

        Pyrgos cisternsUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external links

        Cyprus IslandKato Paphos BathtubSanitary FacilitiesArchaicRecord has map entry

        Kourion cisternUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Nympaeum of AmathusUrban Water SupplyArchaicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Salamis aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        DelosDelos cisternsUrban Water SupplyMycaneanRecord has photosRecord has map entry

        Delos lavatoryUrban DrainageHellenisticRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Delos sewerUrban SewageHellenisticRecord has photos

        Delos wellsUrban Water SupplyMycaneanRecord has photos

        Inopos cisternUrban Water SupplyMycaneanRecord has photosRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Minoa fountainUrban Water SupplyArchaicRecord has photosRecord has external linksRecord has attachments

        Theatre cisternLand DrainageHellenisticRecord has photosRecord has attachmentsRecord has map entry

        DelphiKastalia fountainUrban Water SupplyArchaicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        DionDion bathtubsSanitary FacilitiesHellenisticRecord has map entry

        Dion sewerUrban DrainageClassicalRecord has external links

        EpirusOrraon cisternUrban Water SupplyClassicalRecord has external links

        EuboeaEretria sewerUrban DrainageClassicalRecord has map entry

        Phechae drainageLand DrainageHellenistic

        Hagia TriadaHagia Triadha sewageUrban DrainageMinoan-CycladicRecord has external links

        Hagia Triadha tankUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external links

        IthacaIthaca fountainUrban Water SupplyMycaneanRecord has map entry

        KnossosKnossos aqueductUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry
        Knossos cisternUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry
        Knossos lavatorySanitary FacilitiesMinoan-CycladicRecord has external links
        Knossos sewageUrban DrainageMinoan-CycladicRecord has external links
        Knossos WDSUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external links
        Knossos wellsUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external links

        KosKos lavatorySanitary FacilitiesHellenisticRecord has map entry
        Vourina fountainUrban Water SupplyMycanean

        LesvosMethymna aqueductUrban Water SupplyHellenisticRecord has map entry
        Moria aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has photosRecord has external linksRecord has attachmentsRecord has map entry

        MaliaMalia aqueductUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry
        Malia cisternUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry
        Malia lavatorySanitary FacilitiesMinoan-Cycladic

        MegaraMegara aqueductUrban Water SupplyClassicalRecord has external linksRecord has map entry
        Theagenes fountainUrban Water SupplyClassicalRecord has external links

        Naxos IslandNaxos aqueductUrban Water SupplyArchaicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry
        Naxos fountainUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external links
        Naxos TunnelUrban Water SupplyArchaicRecord has external links

        OlympiaKladeos bathtubsSanitary FacilitiesHellenisticRecord has external links
        Kronion bathtubsSanitary FacilitiesHellenisticRecord has external linksRecord has map entry
        Nymphaio aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry
        Olympia drainageLand DrainageMycanean
        Olympia stream controlFlood PreventionClassicalRecord has external links

        OlynthusOlynthus aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry
        Olynthus lavatorySanitary FacilitiesClassical

        PeloponneseEpidaurus lavatoryUrban DrainageHellenisticRecord has map entry

        Mantinea damFlood PreventionMycaneanRecord has map entry

        Messene sewerUrban DrainageHellenisticRecord has map entry

        Orchomenos damFlood PreventionMycaneanRecord has map entry

        Palaiopoli aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has map entry

        Patras aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Pheneos damFlood PreventionMycanean

        Pylos bathtubSanitary FacilitiesMycaneanRecord has external links

        Stympalos damFlood PreventionMycanean

        Taka damFlood PreventionMycanean

        PergamonDemophon - Attalos aqueductUrban Water SupplyHellenisticRecord has external links

        Madradag aqueductUrban Water SupplyHellenisticRecord has external links

        Pergamon aqueductUrban Water SupplyHellenisticRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Pergamon cisternUrban Water SupplyHellenisticRecord has external links

        PhaistosPhaistos cisternUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Phaistos lavatorySanitary FacilitiesMinoan-Cycladic

        Phaistos sewageUrban DrainageMinoan-CycladicRecord has external links

        Phaistos tankUrban Water SupplyMinoan-Cycladic

        PleuronaPleurona cisternUrban Water SupplyHellenistic

        Pleurona Great cisternUrban Water SupplyHellenisticRecord has map entry

        RhodeIalyssos fountainUrban Water SupplyClassicalRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        SamosEypalinean aqueductUrban Water SupplyArchaicRecord has photosRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        TheraThera buthtubsSanitary FacilitiesClassicalRecord has external links

        Thera cisternsUrban Water SupplyHellenisticRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Thera lavatorySanitary FacilitiesHellenisticRecord has external links

        Thera sewerUrban SewageMinoan-Cycladic

        ThessaliaDemetriada aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        ThessalonikiRetziki wellUrban Water SupplyHellenistic

        ThracePlotinopoli wellUrban Water SupplyRoman

        Strymi aqueductUrban Water SupplyRoman

        Tinos IslandTinos fountainUrban Water SupplyClassical

        TirynsTiryns damFlood PreventionMycaneanRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Tiryns drainageUrban SewageMycanean

        Tiryns fountainUrban Water SupplyMycanean

        TylissosTylissos aqueductUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Tylissos cisternsUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Tylissos lavatorySanitary FacilitiesMinoan-CycladicRecord has map entry

        Tylissos tankUrban Water SupplyMinoan-Cycladic

        ZakrosZakros cisternUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external linksRecord has map entry

        Zakros fountainUrban Water SupplyMinoan-CycladicRecord has external links

        Zakros sewageUrban SewageMinoan-CycladicRecord has external links

        Zakros wellUrban Water SupplyMinoan-Cycladic

        Ephesus AqueductUrban Water SupplyHellenistic

        MycenaeUrban Water SupplyMycaneanRecord has external links

        Nikopolis aqueductUrban Water SupplyRomanRecord has external links

        Philippoi lavatorySanitary FacilitiesHellenisticRecord has external links

        By construction era

        By use

        By types

        Enkomi Digitisation Project

        [First posted in AWOL 28 June 2011. Updated 27 April 2017]

        Enkomi Digitisation Project: The Digitisation of the Artefacts of the Enkomi tombs
        The Digitisation of the Artefacts of the Enkomi tombs (British Excavations) in the Cyprus Museum
        Dr. Despo Pilides, Curator of Αntiquities, Department of Antiquities, Cyprus

        The Project
        The idea for the proposal of this assignment was triggered by the corresponding project undertaken by the Greek and Roman Department of the British Museum, which consisted partly of the digitization of the material excavated by the British at Enkomi as part of the Turner Bequest excavations from 1894 to 1896. The Cyprus Museum objects from these excavations and the digitization of this material will provide a link and ultimately unite the two databases, thus reconstituting, to the extent possible, the contents of the tombs.
        The proposal was submitted and approved by the Promotion Foundation for Research in 2008. Its duration of 24 months (from January 2009 to December 2010) involved archival research concerning the excavations of one hundred tombs of the Late Bronze Age, of considerable wealth, excavated in 1896 and published in 1900. Two thirds of the objects were transferred to the British Museum as per the terms of the Antiquities Law at the time which allowed the excavator, the owner of the land and the Government a share of one third each of the total number of objects found.  The excavators usually bought the land and were, therefore, granted two thirds of the finds. The Cyprus Museum share was kept in the old premises at Victoria Street. It was then transferred to the new Cyprus Museum, around 1909 and was given new accessory numbers.

        The programme is a collaborative effort between the Department of Antiquities, the Open University of Cyprus and the British Museum. Its implementation will ensure the preservation of the collection, it will provide accessibility to objects belonging to the so-called “old collection” in the Cyprus Museum store rooms and consequently facilitate research. Furthermore, it will promote the use and application of statistical and analytical techniques for archaeological data and will give the opportunity to educational institutions to use it as a teaching aid.

        Having in mind that Enkomi is located in the occupied part of Cyprus and that the material of the excavations from the site, initiated at the end of the 19th century, is dispersed in different museums of the world, the digitisation of its material is of primary importance. The project may act as a precedent in bringing together dispersed material from the same sites, located in different museums and obstructing a holistic view of those sites. It constitutes the first organised attempt to create a database of antiquities kept in the Cyprus Museum, and the first attempt to transmit data and information through the internet, and via a collaboration between major institutions.
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