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News: OCRE surpasses 100,000 physical specimens, including Polish coin finds, and more

OCRE surpasses 100,000 physical specimens, including Polish coin finds, and more
We have several additional news events to report:

  1. We have finally published the Roman coins from the American Numismatic Society with references to RIC 9 to Online Coins of the Roman Empire. This has brought us to a milestone 100,000 physical specimens linked to about 42,000 imperial types spanning five centuries from Augustus to Zeno.
  2. We have reprocessed our data from RIC 4 in order to represent the type-subtype hierarchy within that volume more accurately. Some data errors have been fixed due PHP processing glitches or typos in deity names.
  3. More than 7,200 coins in the Finds of Roman Coins in Poland project (part of the European Coin Find Network umbrella) have been ingested into Nomisma.org for query and visualization. Of these coins, 23 are linked to URIs defined by OCRE.
  4. I discovered a glitch in my script for mapping references to Price (1991) to IDs in Pella, and now about 500 coins in the ANS of Philip III and Lysimachus have been added into Pella.
  5. Berlin has added an export for Macedonian coins found in the excavations of Priene, and two have been added into Pella.

Open Access Digital Library: Bibliothek Goussen

[First posted 10/2/09. Updated 14 February 2017]

Bibliothek Goussen
The Goussen library collection is a specialist library for oriental church history. It contains prints in Western classical and modern languages, but predominantly prints in oriental languages such as Syrian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Arabic, Armenian and Georgian languages from the 16th to the 20th century (the focus is on the 18th and the 19th century). The former owner Heinrich Goussen (1863 – 1927) collected nearly every print within the language groups that had ever been published about the subject. The collection contains numerous rare or valuable oriental prints. There could hardly a collection be put together as completely as here, not even from the holdings of large European libraries.

Open Access Journal: The Waters of Rome: A refereed, on-line journal of occasional papers concerned with water studies and the city of Rome.

 [First posted in AWOL 13 April 2013, updated 14 February 2017]

The Waters of Rome
A refereed, on-line journal of occasional papers concerned with water studies and the city of Rome.
Authors are invited to submit articles on any aspect of the hydrological or hydraulic history of Rome from the prehistoric to the present day, to be considered for publication. Articles that investigate water and water infrastructure as a system (rather than examining an individual feature) within a social, cultural, or technological context are particularly welcome. Our interest is to stimulate discussion about water's role in urban development, especially within the context of issues of infrastructural and landscape urbanism studies. Every submission is reviewed by the editor and a minimum of two outside reviewers who are authorities drawn from the disciplines of history, classics, architecture, landscape architecture, archaeology, architectural and art history, and geography.




NUMBER SIX: February 2009

NUMBER FIVE: April 2008

NUMBER FOUR: March 2007

NUMBER THREE: August 2005

NUMBER TWO: June 2002<

NUMBER ONE: May 2001

Open Access Journal: AGER VELEIAS: Rassegna di storia, civiltà e tradizione classiche

[First posted in AWOL 23 March 2011. Updated 14 February 2017]

AGER VELEIAS: Rassegna di storia, civiltà e tradizione classiche
In più di trent'anni di passione veleiate vissuta nell'Università di Parma all'ombra della cattedra di Storia Romana, Nicola Criniti e i suoi generosi collaboratori del Gruppo di Ricerca Veleiate [GRV] hanno organizzato una ricca "Raccolta Veleiate" di testi a stampa, ben nota a studiosi italiani e stranieri; hanno prodotto una decina di tesi di laurea e quasi un centinaio di saggi, offrendo altresì un efficace e variegato biglietto da visita nei recenti volumi collettanei parmensi "Ager Veleias". Tradizione, società e territorio sull'Appennino Piacentino [2003: ora in rete, www.veleia.it], "Res publica Veleiatium". Veleia, tra passato e futuro [2006: in quinta edizione nel 2009], "Veleiates". Uomini, luoghi e "memoriae" dell'Appennino piacentino-parmense [2007], tutti curati da Nicola Criniti.

Dal 2005 / 2006, obbedendo alle leggi della comunicazione ..., si sono impegnati – grazie anche all'intervento di Luca Lanza e Francesco Bergamaschi prima, di Daniele Fava e di Immagica di Parma poi – nell'apertura e sviluppo del laboratorio informatico multifunzionale e multidisciplinare AGER VELEIAS (www.veleia.it: già Tveleia.unipr.it) Te, al suo interno, dell'omonima rassegna periodica "Ager Veleias", che ormai si è felicemente aperta a tutta la romanità e alla sua fortuna moderna / contemporanea (si veda nel sito l'Indice Generale). Un bel quadro recente ne ha dato Daniele Fava nella sua tesi «VELEIA 1760 – 2010: dal "Grand Tour" a Internet. 250 anni di "peregrinationes" al sito di Veleia, discussa con me a Parma, nell'estate 2010...
Indice generale

Open Access Journal: AIACNews: Bollettino quadrimestrale dell'Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica Onlus

[First posted in AWOL 29 October 2009. Updated 14 February 2017]

AIACNews: Bollettino quadrimestrale dell'Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica Onlus 

La fondazione dell’AIAC risale al 1945, nell’atmosfera di grande animazione della Roma postbellica. Fu quello un momento estremamente favorevole per la costituzione di un’organizzazione che fungesse da punto di riferimento per i numerosi studiosi stranieri che erano a Roma durante la guerra e per quelli che arrivavano al seguito delle truppe alleate.

Per comprendere fino in fondo la nascita dell’AIAC è necessario, però, tornare indietro nel tempo fino al 1823, quando fu fondato a Roma il “Circolo degli Iperborei romani”. Gli Iperborei erano un gruppo di quattro intellettuali nordici (A. Kestner, O. Magnus von Stackelberg, E. Gerhard e Th. Panofka) che si riunivano per leggere classici e per esplorare le antichità di Roma e dei suoi dintorni, in nome di un mitico popolo collocato ai confini del mondo abitato.


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Febbraio 20111.04 MB
Ottobre 2010872.83 KB
Luglio 2010 796.31 KB
Maggio 2010 2.03 MB
Settembre 2009 525.91 KB
Marzo 2009 743.08 KB
Luglio 2008450.7 KB
Marzo 2008924.67 KB
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Marzo 2007451.39 KB
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Ottobre 2005641.82 KB
Aprile 20057.85 MB
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Maggio 2004278.57 KB
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Agosto 2003213.62 KB
Marzo 2003119.85 KB

Open Access eBooks on JSTOR

Open Access eBooks on JSTOR
JSTOR offers a growing list of Open Access ebooks from respected presses, such as University of California Press and University of Michigan Press, at no cost to libraries or users. More than 100 titles are now available, and we expect to add several hundred more by the end of 2017. Please see below for a title list and links to the ebooks, or download a title list here. The titles are also cross-searchable with other content on JSTOR.org.
The ebooks, which reflect JSTOR’s high standards for quality content, are freely available for anyone in the world to use. Each ebook carries one of six Creative Commons licenses determined by the publisher. The titles are easy to use, with no DRM restrictions and no limits on chapter PDF downloads or printing. Users will not need to register or log in to JSTOR. Librarians can receive free MARC records and activate the titles in discovery services; more information for librarians is available here.
This initiative furthers JSTOR's mission to expand access to knowledge and education while lowering costs, and joins other efforts to maximize access including the Early Journal Content program, the Register and Read program, and the African Access Initiative. We look forward to sharing what we learn with the scholarly community.
The following are the books on Antiquity currently available:
Bread and Circuses: Theories of Mass Culture as Social Decay

Patrick Brantlinger1983Cornell University PressLanguage & Literature
Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires

Lori Khatchadourian2016University of California PressArchaeology
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology: Characters and Collections

2015UCL PressArchaeology ; Art & Art History ; History
The World's Oldest Church: Bible, Art, and Ritual at Dura-Europos, Syria

Michael Peppard2016Yale University PressHistory

Online Exhibition: The Legacy of Ancient Palmyra

The Legacy of Ancient Palmyra
The Getty Research Institute's first online exhibition, The Legacy of Ancient Palmyra, features the Institute's rare print and photograph collections documenting an important archaeological site that has recently undergone devastating changes amid an ongoing war in Syria. The project was conceived as a means to complement the Institute's exceptional holdings with an innovative design that creates a compelling digital experience. The online presentation of this exhibition aims to reach a global audience.
In this 21st century, war in Syria has irrevocably changed the ancient caravan city of Palmyra, famed as a meeting place of civilizations since its apogee in the mid-2nd to 3rd century CE. The Romans and Parthians knew Palmyra as a wealthy oasis metropolis, a center of culture and trade on the edge of their empires. Stretching some three kilometers across the Tadmurean desert, the ruins of Palmyra, like all ruins, stand as bearers of meaning marking their place in history. For centuries, traveling artists and explorers have documented the site in former states of preservation. Created as a tribute to Palmyra, this online exhibition captures the site as it was photographed for the first time by Louis Vignes in 1864 and illustrated in the 18th century by the architect Louis-François Cassas. Their works contribute to Palmyra's legacy, one that goes far beyond the stones of its once great buildings.

Linked Digital Version of Pyla-Koutsopetria I: Archaeological Survey of an Ancient Coastal Town

Linked Digital Version of Pyla-Koutsopetria I: Archaeological Survey of an Ancient Coastal Town
Fieldwalking on Vigla.
We are very pleased to release a digital version of Pyla-Koutsopetria I: Archaeological Survey of an Ancient Coastal Town (2014). We have modified this copy of the manuscript to include links to the archaeological data produced from 2003-2011 during almost a decade of intensive pedestrian survey and study by the Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project (PKAP). We have published our data with the Open Context platform where it underwent basic review by the managing editor. By integrating PKAP field and study data with Pyla-Koutsopetria I, the reader can now “drill down” into the data through hyperlinked text in a pdf version of the book. 

These links allow the reader to view the various digital archaeological “objects” that form the basis for the arguments advanced in this book. These digital archaeological objects range from individual survey units with attendant descriptive data to individual artifacts or batches of artifacts. We have also linked to the various categories of artifacts in our typology. These followed the chronotype system which both informed our sampling strategy in the survey and how we described our finds. We assigned a type to each artifact based on the chronotype naming conventions. These conventions combined a fabric or form with a period and could range from the exceedingly broad - like Medium Coarse Ware dating to the Ancient Historic period (750 BC- AD 749) – to much more narrowly defined and specific categories like African Red Slip Form 99. We have also linked to the various chronological periods assigned on the basis of the chronotype system which guided much of our analysis of artifact distribution in this book.

It is important to stress that this is a provisional document. In some ways, the book reflects the retrofitting of a traditional, analogue text with a layer (literally as well as figuratively) of links to our published digital material. As a result, we did not consider whether the data present in Open Context could be easily arranged by the user to replicate the analyses underpinning this analogue volume. For example, in the book, we organized our data spatially into zones which reflected both practical and archaeological divisions in our survey area. We have not arranged our data in Open Context in such a way that it is easy to query a zone for particular types of artifacts. In future projects, digital data and description will be more closely coordinated allowing the reader to explore the textual arguments more fully while still preserving the granularity of the original archaeological data.

This provisional digital edition would not have been possible without the cooperation of Eric and Sarah Kansa at Open Context who invited us to submit our data for publication at their site. Kevin M. McGeough and Hanan Charaf, the editors at the ASOR Archaeological Report Series, supported our distribution of this digital version of our work as did Charles Jones, the chair of the ASOR Committee on Publications, and Andy Vaughn, ASOR's Executive Director. We hope that this provisional publication represents a step forward in the publication of volumes with linked data. 

William R. Caraher, University of North Dakota, R. Scott Moore, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and David K Pettegrew, Messiah College
Bill Caraher blogged on this release this morning: Announcing the Digital Edition of Pyla-Koutsopetria 1: A Free Download
And see Open Context's Heritage Bytes blog: New Digital Edition of Pyla-Koutsopetria 1 Links to Data Published in Open Context

Open Access Journal: Annual report / SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Annual report / SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Image result for soas
As of the 2014-15 financial year, SOAS no longer produces an Annual Report section of its Financial Statements.
Previous iterations of the SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements provide a review of the year, including: research, teaching, activities, publications, exhibitions and finance.
SOAS Financial Statements 2015-2016
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Previous Issues

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SOAS Financial Statements 2014-2015
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2013-14
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SOAS Annual Review 2013-14
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SOAS Annual Report 2012-13
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SOAS Financial Statements 2012-13
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2011/12
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2010/11
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2009-10
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2008-09
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2007-08
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2006-07
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Financial Statements 2006/07
Result for the Year to 31st July 2007
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SOAS Annual Review and Accounts 2005-06
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SOAS Annual Review 2004-05
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Annual Accounts 2004/05
Result for the Year to 31st July 2005
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SOAS Annual Review 2003-04
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Treasurer's Report 2003/04
Result for the Year to 31st July 2004
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SOAS Annual Review 2002-03
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Treasurer's Report 2002/03
Result for the Year to 31st July 2003
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Treasurer's Report 2001/02
Result for the Year to 31st July 2002
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Treasurer's Report 2000/01
Result for the Year to 31st July 2001
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Women's Classical Committee Publications

Women's Classical Committee Publications
The Women’s Classical Committee was founded in 2015 in the United Kingdom with the following aims:
  • Support women* in classics**
  • Promote feminist and gender-informed perspectives in classics
  • Raise the profile of the study of women in antiquity and classical reception
  • Advance equality and diversity in classics
*By ‘women’ we include all those who self-define as women, including (if they wish) those with complex gender identities which include ‘woman’, and those who experience oppression as women.
** By ‘classics’ we understand the study of the ancient Mediterranean world and its reception, including but not limited to scholarship by students and post-holders in academic departments of Classics and Ancient History.
People of any gender expression or identity who support these aims are welcome to become members and to put themselves forward for office.
  1. Victoria Leonard and Liz Gloyn (2016) ‘The Women’s Classical Committee: Origins and Visions.’ Classical Association blog. [Link to publication]
  2. Victoria Leonard and Liz Gloyn (2016) ‘The Women’s Classical Committee: Origins and Visions’, republication for CUCD Bulletin. [Link to publication] [Opens PDF]
  3. Victoria Leonard and Irene Salvo (2016) with contributions from Emma Bridges, Kate Cook, Lisa Eberle, Katherine McDonald and Amy Russell, ‘Women in Classics in the UK: Numbers and Issues.’ [Link to publication]
  4. Victoria Leonard and Irene Salvo (2016) with contributions from Emma Bridges, Kate Cook, Lisa Eberle, Katherine McDonald and Amy Russell, ‘Women in Classics in the UK: Numbers and Issues’, republished by CUCD Bulletin. [Link to publication] [Opens PDF]
  5. Lucy Jackson and Victoria Leonard (2016) ‘Launching the Women’s Classical Committee.’ CUCD Bulletin. [Opens PDF]
  6. Lucy Jackson and Victoria Leonard (2016) ‘Launching the Women’s Classical Committee, UK’, VIDA (Blog of the Australian Women’s History Network) [Link to publication]

Women's Classical Committee: Classical Blogs and Sites by Women

Women's Classical Committee: Classical Blogs and Sites by Women
The Women’s Classical Committee was founded in the UK in 2015, following the lead of the Women’s Classical Caucus in the USA and the Society for Women in Philosophy in the UK.
Mary Beard – A Don’s Life – ancient history, Rome, academia
Sarah E. Bond – Sarah E. Bond– late antiquity, digital humanities
Virginia L. Campbell – Pompeian Connections– Pompeii, archaeology
A.M. Christensen – Nescio Quid– Rome, Latin, digital humanities
Emma Cole – PhD Vlog– academic life, PhD, Greek drama
Emma Cole – The Conversation (contributor) – Greek literature
Kate Cooper – Kate Antiquity – women, family, religion
Hannah Čulík-Baird – O pietas animi– Latin, Cicero, verse
Helen Forte – Minimus– Latin, teaching, schools
Liz Gloyn – Classically Inclined– reception, philosophy, teaching
Emma-Jayne Graham and Jessica Hughes – The Votives Project – votives, Roman religion
Edith Hall – The Edithorial – Greece, ancient drama, politics
Edith Hall – Classics and Class (contributor) – history, reception, class
Sophie Hay – Sophie Hay– archaeology, inscriptions, photography
Dorothy King – PhDiva – history, archaeology, academia
Helen King – Wonders and Marvels (contributor) – medicine, science
Helen King – The Conversation (contributor) – medicine, science
Caroline Lawrence – Roman Mysteries and Western Mysteries– reception, writing, Rome
Ellie Mackin – elliemackin.net– ancient history, myth, academia
Rachel Mairs – From Hermeneus to Dragoman– interpreters, multilingualism
Rachel Mairs – Hellenistic Far East Bibliography– ancient history, Greek East
Roberta Mazza – Faces and Voices– Egypt, Greece, papyri
Katherine McDonald – katherinemcdonald.net– linguistics, ancient languages
Katherine McDonald – Greek in Italy (contributor) – Greek, linguistics, multilingualism
Aven McMaster – The Endless Knot (contributor) – language, history, podcasts
Jaclyn Neel and Mary Franks – The Library of Antiquity– academia, studying classics
Ida Östenburg – Julia Caesar (Swedish) – Roman history, political culture
Clare Pollard – clarepollard.com– poetry, Ovid, feminism
Carole Raddato – Following Hadrian– Rome, archaeology, photography
Fiona Radford and Peta Greenfield – The Partial Historians– Roman history, podcasts
Carla Schodde – Found in Antiquity– Latin, Greek, language teaching
Carly Silver – About Ancient History– ancient history, Rome, Greece
Emma Southon – Agrippinilla – Roman history
Diana Spencer – Rome and All That… – Rome, spaces, texts
Victoria Pía Spry-Marqués – Bones and Skulls– archaeology, prehistory
Laurence Totelin – Concocting History – medicine, food, cosmetics
Donna Yates – Anonymous Swiss Collector– art crime, antiquities theft
Other Sites
Sensory Studies in Antiquity– A blog promoting studies of the senses in the ancient world
Blogging Pompeii – Pompeii, Bay of Naples, archaeology
Rogue Classicist – Rogue Classicism– classics from around the web
Classics International (Facebook group)
Classics Outreach (Facebook group)
The Digital Classicist – digital humanities, resources
The History Girls – history, historical fiction
Medieval POC – art history, gender, race
Sensory Studies in Antiquity– senses, multidisciplinary
Sententiae Antiquae – literature, philosophy, ancient world
Tenure She Wrote– women in academia
Trowel Blazers– women in archaeology and paleontology
Alex von Tunzelmann – Reel History– history, film, reception
Further Resources
Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies
Institute of Classical Studies
Society for Women in Philosophy UK
Women’s Classical Caucus USA

Vote for Digital Humanities Awards for 2016

The nominees for the Digital Humanities Awards for 2016 have been announced, and votes are being tallied until the end of Saturday 25 February 2017.

Last year's nominees and awards included projects relating to antiquity:
This year's nominees also include even more projects relating to antiquity:
A Generator of Socratic Dialogues

Recogito – an annotation tool by Pelagios Commons:

The Paideia Institute – Chiron

Peripleo – A search prototype by Pelagios Commons:

Dumbarton Oaks Online Catalogue of Byzantine Seals:


Of course they aren't necessarily the best just because they're about antiquity.  In any case, none of them will win without your vote!

The Ancient Theatre Archive: A Virtual Reality Tour of Greek and Roman Theatre Architecture

[First posted in AWOL 2 May 2015, updates 17 February 2017]

The Ancient Theatre Archive: A Virtual Reality Tour of Greek and Roman Theatre Architecture
Google Maps
Theatre Specification Table
Augustodunum (modern Autun, France)
Lugdunum (modern Lyon, France)
Arausio (modern Orange, France)
Arelate (modern Arles, France)
Forum Julii (modern Fréjus, France)
Vasio Vocontiorum (modern Vaison-la-Romaine)
Vienna (modern Vienne, France)
Aegae (modern Vergina, Greece)
Aegeira (modern Egira, Greece)
Argos (modern Argos, Greece)
Cassiope (modern Kamarina, Greece)
Corinth (modern Kórinthos, Greece)
Corinth Odeum (modern Kórinthos, Greece)
Delphi (modern Delfi, Greece)
Delos (Modern Delos, Greece)
Dionysus (modern Athens, Greece)
Dium (modern Malathriá, Greece)
Dodona (modern Dodoni, Greece)
Elis (modern Ilida, Greece)
Epidaururs (modern Epidauros, Greece)
Eretria (modern Eretria, Greece)
Gythium (modern Githio, Greece)
Herodes Atticus
Isthmia (modern Isthmia, Greece)
Mantinea (modern Mantinea, Greece)
Megalopolis (modern Megalopoli, Greece)
Messene (modern Mavromati, Greece)
Milos, Cyclades, South Aegean
Mytilene, Lesbos, North Aegean
Nicopolis (modern Preveza, Greece)
Odeum of Herodes Atticus (modern Athens
Orchomenus (modern Orhomenos, Greece)
Orchomenos, Boeotia, Sterea Hellas
Oropos, the Amphiareion , East Attica
Patrai (Patras), Patra, Achaia, Greece
Philippi (modern Krenides, Greece)
Sicyon (modern Kiato, Greece)
Sparta (modern Sparti, Greece)
Stobi (modern Pustogradske, Greece)
Thessalonica (modern Thessaloniki, Greece)
Thera (modern Thira, Greece
Thoricus (modern Thorikos)
Arretium (modern Arezzo, Italy)
Brixia (modern Brescia)
Faesulae (modern Fiesole, Italy)
Falerii Novi (modern Fabrica di Roma)
Ferentium (modern Ferento Viterbo, VT, Italy)
Interamnia Praetuttiorum (modern Teramo, Italy)
Iguvium (modern Gubbio, Italy)
Luna (modern Luni, Italy)
Mevania (modern Bevagna)
Marcellus (modern Rome, Italy)
Ocriculum (modern Otricoli, TR, Italy)
Ostia (modern Ostia Antica, Italy)
Pompeii Odeum (modern Pompeii, Italy)
Pompeii (modern Pompeii, Italy)
Segesta (modern Calatafimi-Segesta, Italy)
Spoletium (modern Spoleto, Italy)
Syracusae (modern Siracusa, Italy)
Tauromenium (modern Taormina,Italy)
Tergeste (modern Trieste, Italy)
Volaterrae (modern Volterra, Italy
Acinipo (modern Ronda la Vieja, Spain)
Augusta Emerita (modern Mérida, Spain)
Baelo (modern Tarifa, Spain)
Bilbilis (modern Calatayud, Spain)
Clunia (modern Peñalba de Castro, Spain)
Carthago Nova (modern Cartagena, Spain)
Italica (modern Santiponce, Spain)
Malaca (modern Málaga, Spain)
Metellinum (modern Medellin, Spain)
Olisipo (modern Lisbon, Portugal)
Segobriga (modern Saelices, Spain)
Tarraco (modern Tarragonia)
Urso (modern Osuna, Spain)
Antiphellus (modern Kas, Turkey)
Arycanda (modern Arif, Turkey)
Aspendus (modern Belkiz, Turkey)
Aphrodisias (modern Geyre, Turkey)
Ephesus (modern Selçuk, Turkey)
Ephesus Odeum (modern Selçuk, Turkey)
Halicarnassus (modern Bodrum, Turkey)
Hierapolis (modern Pamukkale, Turkey)
Letoon (modern Bozoluk, Turkey)
Miletus (modern Balat, Turkey)
Myra (modern Demre, Turkey)
Patara (modern Kelemis, Turkey
Pergamum (modern Bergama, Turkey)
Pergamum Roman Theatre (Bergama, Turkey)
Perge (modern Aksu, Turkey)
Phaselis (modern Tekirova, Turkey)
Pinara (modern Minare Köyü, Turkey)
Priene (modern Güllübahçe Turkey)
Side (modern Eski Antalya, Turkey)
Simena (modern Kale, Turkey
Telmessus (modern Fethiye, Turkey)
Termessus (modern Güllük, Turkey)
Tlos (modern Düver, Turkey)
Troia (Troy) Odeum (modern Hisarlik, Turkey)
Xanthus (modern Kõnõk, Turkey)

Open Access Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft

 [First posted in AWOL 17 February 2010, updated 13 May 2017]

Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft
At Wikisource
Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) ist die umfangreichste Enzyklopädie zum Altertum. Sie wurde ab 1890 von Georg Wissowa (1859–1931) herausgegeben und 1980 abgeschlossen. Sie führte die von August Friedrich Pauly (1796–1845) begründete Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft in alphabetischer Ordnung (1837–1864) fort und war als komplette Neubearbeitung konzipiert. Bis heute gilt die RE als Standardwerk der Altertumswissenschaft. Viele Artikel aus den ersten Bänden dieser Enzyklopädie sind mittlerweile gemeinfrei. Möglichst viele Artikel sollen hier sukzessive mit Hilfe von Scans digitalisiert werden.
Bis jetzt wurden 26.210 Stichwörter erfasst, darunter 3.217 bloße Verweisungen.
Eine vollständige Liste der bisher transkribierten Artikel gibt die Kategorie:Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft.
Register und Hilfen zur Benutzung:
  • Eine Kurzübersicht über die Bände der RE findet sich unten. Eine ausführlichere Liste, u. a. mit den frei zugänglichen Digitalisaten, findet sich auf einer Unterseite.
  • Liste der RE-Autoren.
  • Listen sämtlicher Stichwörter, alphabetisch oder nach Band, und ein Autoren-Register findet man im Register.
  • Hilfe zu einigen Abkürzungen in den Artikeln. (Siehe auch Liste der Abkürzungen antiker Autoren und Werktitel in der Wikipedia.)
  • Hilfe zu den bei den Quellen in den RE-Artikeln angegebenen Autoren (sofern nicht schon im Artikel verlinkt).
  • Etwas Statistik zum RE-Projekt in Wikisource.

Die Mitarbeiter des Projekts RE erfüllen gerne Digitalisierungswünsche, die auf der Seite Artikelwunsch eingetragen werden können.

Erste Reihe: A – Q
Zweite Reihe: R – Z
  • Register der Nachträge und Supplemente, 1980
  • Gesamtregister Teil 1, Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Register Teil 1: Alphabetischer Teil. / Hrsg. von T. Erler, Ch. Frateantonio, M. Kopp, D. Sigel und D. Steiner. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler Verlag, 1997. – VIII, 1158 S. – (mit CD-ROM). – ISBN 3-476-01193-3, ISBN 3-476-01195-X (Gesamtreg.)
  • Gesamtregister Teil 2, Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Register Teil 2: Systematisches Sach- und Suchregister. [Elektronische Daten] / Erarb. von Ch. Frateantonio und M. Fuchs. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler Verlag, 2000. – (nur CD-ROM) + 1 Beilage (35 S.). – ISBN 3-476-01194-1, ISBN 3-476-01195-X (Gesamtreg.)
Außer der Reihe
  • John P. Murphy: Index to the supplements and suppl. volumes of «Pauly-Wissowa’s» R.E.² : Index to the «Nachträge» and «Berichtigungen» in vols. I–XXIV of the first series, vols. I–X of the second series, and supplementary vols. I–XIV of Pauly-Wissowa-Kroll’s «Realenzyklopädie». Chicago: Ares, 1976. – 138 p. – ISBN 0-89005-174-7
    • John P. Murphy: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumwissenschaft. Index to the supplements and supplementary volumes of Pauly-Wissowa’s 'Realenzyklopädie'. 2d ed. with an appendix containing an index to suppl. vol. XV (Final). Chicago: Ares, 1980. – 144 p. – ISBN 0-89005-174-7

LatinPerDiem: Daily Latin lessons in about four minutes, drawn from 2300 years of the corpus

LatinPerDiem: Daily Latin lessons in about four minutes, drawn from 2300 years of the corpus
How to use this site:
1. subscribe for daily updates Monday-Saturday
2. Check out our resources page for help with pronouncing Latin and Greek, finding grammars and guides, and much more
3. Send us your selection for analysis via our Viewer’s Choice feature. The world of Latin is rich and varied, waiting to be explored. Sometimes you need a pedagogus, an Orpheus to take you down into the details (and bring you back up katabatically).
4. Tell your friends and spread the word of simple, interesting Latin instruction with lots of variety
Exemplum regulam praecedit– show them, don’t just tell them!
Our pedagogical philosophy is that people learn language best when they see real-life uses in context, not merely abstractions. That is why each and every instance of Latin instruction is drawn from actual authors and texts, not manufactured exempla.
This site is the work of David C. Noe, Associate Prof. of Classics at Calvin College. Click here for his c.v.
And see also AWOL's  list of

IT-Empfehlungen: Für den nachhaltigen Umgang mit digitalen Daten in den Altertumswissenschaften

IT-Empfehlungen: Für den nachhaltigen Umgang mit digitalen Daten in den Altertumswissenschaften
Für die Durchführung archäologischer und altertumswissenschaftlicher Forschungsprojekte ist die Anwendung von In­formationstechnologien verschiedener Art immer geläufiger und selbstverständlicher. Dennoch fehlt es bis­lang an etablierten Strukturen, Standards und Verfahrensweisen, die allen Pro­jekten den erprobten und effizienten Einsatz von IT ermöglichen, Vergleichbarkeit ge­wonnener Datenbestände erlauben, übergreifend gleichwertige Qualität digitalen Ma­terials sicher­stellen und die langfristige Les- und Nutzbarkeit von Forschungsergebnissen in digi­taler Form garan­tieren. Durch die Einhaltung von Standards können nicht nur redundante Entwicklungsarbeiten mit zusätzlichen Finanzierungs-, Zeit- und Arbeits­aufwänden vermieden werden, sondern auch der Austausch von wissenschaftlichen Inhalten vereinfacht werden.

In zunehmendem Maße fordern auch wissenschaftspolitische Gremien (DFG, Wissenschaftsrat, Schwerpunktinitiative "Digitale Informationen") die Nachhaltigkeit und die Vernetzbarkeit digitaler wissenschaftlicher Informationen ein, was eine Auseinandersetzung mit Dateiformaten, Datenmanagement, Normen, Mindeststandards, semantischen Referenzmodellen, Dokumentations- und Austauschverfahren erforderlich macht - sowohl bei kleineren Projekten eines Einzelnen als auch bei größeren disziplinen- und institutionenübergreifenden Forschungen. Einheitliche und in den jeweiligen Fachcommunities abgestimmte Vorgehen eröffnen für die aktuelle und zukünftige Forschung neue Möglichkeiten, um auf einer größeren, qualitätvolleren und homogeneren Datengrundlage komplexe Fragestellungen besser als bisher beantworten zu können.

The Wall Paintings of Tell el-Dab'a: Aegean Design in Oriental Palaces – Knowledge and Materiality in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Second Millennium B.C.

The Wall Paintings of Tell el-Dab'a: Aegean Design in Oriental Palaces – Knowledge and Materiality in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Second Millennium B.C.
The following website introduces ‘The Tell el-Dab'a Wall Paintings Project’. The joint venture of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna and the Ruhr-University Bochum is supported by the Austrian Archaeological Institute and currently funded by the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP). In addition, the project is embedded in the German Research Foundation project ‘Aegean Design in Oriental Palaces – Knowledge and Materiality in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Second Millennium B.C.’ of the Ruhr-University Bochum.

Open Access Journal: Абарис

Начиная с 1999 года Bibliotheca classica Pertopolitana совместно в Санкт-Петербургской классической гимназией издается журнал “Абарис», в котором печатаются статьи, доклады, стихи, переводы, рассказы о летних поездках, рисунки учеников, выпускников, учителей школы и ученых-антиковедов. Материалы каждого выпуска журнала посвящены какой-то теме — путешествиям в древнем мире, отдельным античным авторам, диковинным животным и т. д. Много внимания уделяется рассказам о постановках гимназического театра.

Since 1999, the Bibliotheca classica Pertopolitana and the Gymnasium classicum Petropolitanum publish ‘Abaris’ (the Magazine of Friends of Gymnasium classicum Petropolitanum), which includes articles, reports, poems, translations, summer travel accounts by pupils, graduates, teachers and classicists. Each issue is dedicated to a particular topic – such as travel in the ancient world, ancient Greek or Latin authors, fantastic creatures, etc. One of the sections tells about last performances of the school’s theatre.

Open Access Journal: Historische Literatur: Rezensionszeitschrift von H-Soz-u-Kult

[First posted in AWOL 6 June 2013, updates 18 February 2017]

Historische Literatur: Rezensionszeitschrift von H-Soz-u-Kult
ISSN: 1611-9509
Historische Literatur ist eine vier Mal jährlich erscheinende Rezensionszeitschrift von H-Soz-u-Kult, einem verbreiteten Internetforum für die Geschichtswissenschaften. Der Name steht für das Programm der Zeitschrift, denn Historische Literatur veröffentlicht ausschließlich Besprechungen aktueller historischer Publikationen und thematische Forschungs- und Literaturüberblicke. Sie berücksichtigt dabei ohne Privilegierung spezieller Forschungsansätze und Methoden ein möglichst breites Spektrum historisch relevanter Publikationen, die alle Epochen adäquat abdecken und fachliche, methodische wie regionale Aspekte angemessen einbinden. Dabei stehen die deutschsprachigen Neuerscheinungen im Vordergrund, jedoch findet die fremdsprachige Fachliteratur zunehmend Berücksichtigung.

Historische Literatur steht zudem auch für ein Experiment, denn die Zeitschrift bzw. deren Inhalt erscheint in mehrfacher Weise in hybrider Form. Die in den jeweiligen Quartalsbänden der Rezensionszeitschrift abgedruckten Besprechungen und Artikel wurden für H-Soz-u-Kult geschrieben und sowohl über den Mailverteiler einzeln an die Subskribenten des Forums verteilt als auch über die Websites von H-Soz-u-Kult in Berlin und des H-Net in Michigan der Fachöffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Die Besprechungen eines jeden Quartals wurden zwischen 2003 und 2008 zusätzlich in sowohl elektronisch wie gedruckt verfügbaren Heften zusammengefasst. Ende 2008 wurde die Druckausgabe aus finanziellen Erwägungen eingestellt; seit 2009 erscheinen die Quartalshefte nur noch in elektronischer Form auf dem Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Die Rezensionszeitschrift Historische Literatur ist ein Kooperationsprojekt in mehrfacher Hinsicht: den Inhalt steuern die Fachredakteure von H-Soz-u-Kult durch ihre fortlaufende Arbeit bei, weshalb sie auch das gemeinsame Herausgeberkollektiv der Zeitschrift stellen. Die technische Realisation geht zurück auf eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Kooperationsprojekt Clio-online und den Mitarbeitern des von Einrichtungen der Humboldt-Universität, der Universitätsbibliothek und dem Computer- und Medienzentrum, getragenen Projektes edoc-Server (Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver).
Band 9• 2011 • Heft 2 (April - Juni)
Band 9• 2011 • Heft 1 (Januar - März)
Band 8• 2010 • Heft 4 (Oktober - Dezember)
Band 8• 2010 • Heft 3 (Juli - September)
Band 8 • 2010 • Heft 2 (April - Juni)
Band 8 • 2010 • Heft 1 (Januar - März)
Band 7 • 2009 • Heft 4 (Oktober - Dezember)
Band 7 • 2009 • Heft 3 (Juli - September)
Band 7 • 2009 • Heft 2 (April - Juni)
Band 7 • 2009 • Heft 1 (Januar - März)
Band 6 • 2008 • Heft 4 (Oktober - Dezember)
Band 6 • 2008 • Heft 3 (Juli - September)
Band 6 • 2008 • Heft 2 (April - Juni)
Band 6 • 2008 • Heft 1 (Januar - März)
Band 5 • 2007 • Heft 4 (Oktober - Dezember)
Band 5 • 2007 • Heft 3 (Juli - September)
Band 5 • 2007 • Heft 2 (April - Juni)
Band 5 • 2007 • Heft 1 (Januar - März)
Band 4 • 2006 • Heft 4 (Oktober - Dezember)
Band 4 • 2006 • Heft 3 (Juli - September)
Band 4 • 2006 • Heft 2 (April - Juni)
Band 4 • 2006 • Heft 1 (Januar - März)
Band 3 • 2005 • Heft 4 (Oktober - Dezember)
Themenschwerpunkt: Das Historische Buch 2004
Band 3 • 2005 • Heft 3 (Juli - September)
Band 3 • 2005 • Heft 2 (April - Juni)
Band 3 • 2005 • Heft 1 (Januar - März)
Band 2 • 2004 • Heft 4 (Oktober - Dezember)
Themenschwerpunkt: Jüdische Geschichte
Band 2 • 2004 • Heft 3 (Juli - September)
Themenschwerpunkt: Konfessionen und religiöse Weltdeutung in der Frühen Neuzeit
Band 2 • 2004 • Heft 2 (April - Juni)
Band 2 • 2004 • Heft 1 (Januar - März)
Themenschwerpunkt: Das Historische Buch 2003
Band 1 • 2003 • Heft 4 (Oktober - Dezember)
Band 1 • 2003 • Heft 3 (Juli - September)
Themenschwerpunkt: Das Historische Buch 2002
Band 1 • 2003 • Heft 2 (April - Juni)
Themenschwerpunkt: Historische Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Band 1 • 2003 • Heft 1 (Januar-März)
Themenschwerpunkt: Das Jahr 1968

Open Access Journal: Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage Newsletter

 [First posted in AWOL 7 November 2013, updates 18 February 2017]

IPinCH Newsletters: Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage


The Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage (IPinCH) research project is an international collaboration of archaeologists, Indigenous organizations, lawyers, anthropologists, ethicists, policy makers, and others, working to explore and facilitate fair and equitable exchanges of knowledge relating to heritage. We are concerned with the theoretical, ethical, and practical implications of commodification, appropriation, and other flows of knowledge about the past, and how these may affect communities, researchers, and other stakeholders.


IPinCH provides a foundation of research, knowledge and resources to assist archaeologists, academic institutions, descendant communities, scholars, policy makers, and other stakeholders in negotiating more equitable and successful terms of research and policies through an agenda of community-based research and topical exploration of intellectual property (IP) issues. Our focus is on archaeology as a primary component of cultural heritage; however, this project is ultimately concerned with larger issues of the nature of knowledge and rights based on culture—how these are defined and used, who has control and access, and especially how fair and appropriate use and access can be achieved to the benefit of all stakeholders in the past.

May 05, 2016
November 04, 2014
October 15, 2013
January 14, 2013
IPinCH Newsletter 3 (1+2)
April 16, 2012
November 01, 2010
IPinCH Newsletter 2.1 (Summer 2010)
July 16, 2010
IPinCH Newsletter Vol. 1 No. 2 (November 2009)
November 03, 2009
June 01, 2009

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