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The Kenchreai Archaeological Archive

The Kenchreai Archaeological Archive
The Kenchreai Archaeological Archive (KAA) is an archival resource that assembles and provides access to written, visual and digital records produced by fieldwork at the ancient port of Kenchreai near Corinth in Greece. KAA is a project of the American Excavation at Kenchreai, which operates with a permit from the Greek Ministry of Culture and under the auspices of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

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Open Access Journal: Conimbriga

ISSN: 0084-9189
 Iniciada em 1959, apresenta maioritariamente trabalhos de arqueologia romana, mas inclui também artigos sobre arqueologia pré-histórica e História Antiga em geral. Os artigos, redigidos principalmente em português, são antecedidos de sumários em francês ou inglês; no entanto, está a inserir, cada vez mais, trabalhos noutras línguas.
SERRA, Miguel; PORFÍRIO, Eduardo; SOARES, Sofia (2015) A estela da Idade do Bronze do Monte do Ulmo (Santa Vitória, Beja),"Conimbriga" 53, p. 5-30.
VILAÇA, Raquel; ARMBRUSTER, Barbara; PEREA, Alicia; VIVAS, Fábio; FREITAS, Bruno (2015) Um contexto e um lugar para os discos de ouro da I Idade do Ferro de Fortios (Portalegre, Alto Alentejo, Portugal)"Conimbriga" 53, p. 31-79.
BUSTAMANTE ÁLVAREZ, Macarena (2015) Evidencias de un nuevo taller cerâmico del alfarero GES en Augusta Emerita"Conimbriga" 53, p. 145-175.
Recensões bibliográficas
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d' (2015) João Mendes Rosa e Joana Bizarro: A Urbs Romana da Encosta Meridional da Gardunha.Edição de Capitulum, Oeiras, 2014. 72 páginas ilustradas. Concepção gráfica de Rute Campanha. ISBN: 978-989-99015-2-0, "Conimbriga" 53, p. 225-229.
MANTAS, Vasco Gil (2015) Trinidad Nogales Basarrate e Maria José Pérez del Castillo(Eds.), Ciudades Romanas de Extremadura, Studia Lusitana, 8, Mérida, Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, 2014, 260 pp., ilustrado. ISBN: 978-84-617-3695-9, "Conimbriga" 53, p. 231-233.
SAMPAIO, Hugo A.; MACIEL, Tarcísio; BETTENCOURT, Ana M. S.; SIMÕES, Pedro P. (2015) A mamoa da Carreira da Quinta, Lage, Vila Verde, NW de Portugal: resultados de um salvamento de emergência,"Conimbriga" 52, p. 37-66.
ALARCÃO, Jorge de; CARVALHO, Pedro C.; MADEIRA, José Luís; OSÓRIO, Marcos (2015) O templo romano de Orjais (Covilhã) e a sua bacia de visão,  "Conimbriga" 52, p. 67-128.
ARRUDA, Ana Margarida; GOMES, Francisco B. (2015) O Monte Molião no Baixo Império: um epifenómeno,"Conimbriga" 52, p. 147-164.
BARCELÓ, Cármen (2015) Lisboa y Almanzor (374 H. / 985 d. C.),"Conimbriga" 52, p. 165-194.
Recensões bibliográficas
BAILÓN GARCÍA, Marta;  MADRID SUR C. A. (2015) Salvador Bravo Jiménez, Control ideológico y territorial en el Estrecho de Gibraltar en la Antigüedad (Siglos X-I a.C.). Ceuta, Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes, 2014, 441 pp. [ISBN: 978-84-92627-76-9], "Conimbriga" 52, p. 195-196.
LEÃO, Delfim F. (2015) Eberhard Ruschenbusch(†), Solon: Das Gesetzeswerk – Fragmente. Übersetzung und Kommentar, Herausgegeben von Klaus Bringmann, Stuttgart, Steiner. 2010. 168 S. (Historia Einzelschriften, 215.), "Conimbriga" 52, 197-199.
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d'; FEIO, Jorge (2014) Um flâmine de Tibério em Pax Ivlia-CIL 49 reencontrado,“Conimbriga” 51, p. 75-92.
GAMO PAZOS, Emilio (2014)Novedades epigráficas en la provincia de Guadalajara: 2012-2014,“Conimbriga” 51, p. 93-118.
CATARINO, Helena Maria (2014) O castelo Velho de Alcoutim: minas e vestígios de metalurgia,“Conimbriga” 51, p. 119-149.
Recensões bibliográficas
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d' (2014) Julio Esteban Ortega, Corpus de Inscripciones Latinas de Cáceres. II. Turgalium. Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres, 2012, "Conimbriga" 51, p. 163-168.
ARRUDA, Ana Margarida; SOUSA, Elisa; PEREIRA, Carlos; LOURENÇO, Pedro (2014)Monte Molião: um sítio púnico-gaditano no Algarve (Portugal),“Conimbriga” 50, p. 5-32.
ALMEIDA, Sara; NÓBREGA, José Ricardo; VILAÇA, Raquel; SILVA, Ricardo Costeira (2014)Cerâmica da II Idade do Ferro de Aeminium - R. Fernandes Tomás 72/74 (Coimbra, Portugal),“Conimbriga” 50, p. 33-57.
MORILLO CERDÁN, Ángel; RODRÍGUEZ MARTÍN, Germán; MARTÍN HERNÁNDEZ, Esperanza; DURAN CABELLO, Rosalía (2014)The roman republican battlefield at Pedrosillo (Casas de Reina, Badajoz, Spain). New Research (2007),“Conimbriga” 50, p. 59-78.
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d' (2014)Apostilas epigráficas - 4,“Conimbriga” 50, p.101-125
CORREIA, Virgílio Hipólito; De MAN, Adrian; REIS, Maria Pilar (2014)A propósito de uma obra recente sobre o período tardo-antigo e medieval em Conímbriga, “Conimbriga” 50, p. 127-146.
Recensões bibliográficas
VILAÇA, Raquel (2014) Tom Moore e  Xosé-Lois Armada, Atlantic Europe in the first millenium b. C.: crossing the divide,Press Oxford, 2011, "Conimbriga" 50, p. 149-154.
ALARCÃO, Jorge (2010) Ficaria na Galiza a cidade de Celtica Flavia?“Conimbriga”, 49, p. 7-14.
MANTAS, Vasco Gil (2010) Epigrafia, notáveis e estatuto urbano: Ammaia revisitada,“Conimbriga”, 49, p. 15-40.
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d'; MOREIRA, José Beleza (2010)Eburobrittium e suas epígrafes singulares,“Conimbriga”, 49, p. 41-68.
LOPES, Maria Conceição (2010) Arqueologia das cidades de Beja um projecto da ciência da epiderme das terras que emergem,“Conimbriga”, 49, p. 69-86.
CURCHIN, Leonard A. (2010) The last Lusitanian senator,“Conimbriga”, 49, p. 87-96.
LE ROUX, Patrick (2010) “Conimbriga”, 49, p. 97-118.
MAYET, Françoise; SILVA, Carlos Tavares da (2010) Production d'amphores et production de salaisons de poisson; rythmes chronologiques sur l'estuaire du Sado,“Conimbriga”, 49, p.119-132.
PINTO, Inês Vaz; MAGALHÃES, Ana Patrícia; BRUM, Patrícia (2010) Sondagem junto ao poço da oficina de salga 1 de Tróia,“Conimbriga”, 49, p. 133-160.
COTTART, Nicole Danièle; CARVALHO, António Rafael (2010) Os grafitos da muralha almóada de Alcácer do Sal,“Conimbriga”, 49, p. 183-224.
CARNEIRO, André (2010) Em pars incerta. Estruturas e dependências agrícolas nas villae da Lusitânia,“Conimbriga”, 49, p. 225-250.
Recensões bibliográficas
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d' (2010) Jorge de ALARCÃO, As Casas da Zona B de Conimbriga, Ceaucp, 2010,"Conimbriga" 49, p. 253-254.
Nótulas bibliográficas I e II
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d' (2010) "Conimbriga" 49, p. 257-270.
ALMAGRO-GORBEA, Martín; RIPOLLÉS,  Pere Pau; RODRIGUEZ MARTÍN, F. Germán (2009)  Dipo, ciudad “tartésico-turdetana” en el valle del Guadiana,“Conimbriga”, 48, p. 5-60.
ALARCÃO, Jorge (2009) A religião de Lusitanos e Calaicos ,“Conimbriga”, 48, p. 81-122.
A. BELTÁN, G. REHER, F. ALONSO, D. DOMERO, B. CURRÁS, I. SASTRE, J. L. PECHARROMÁN  (2009) Inscriptiones funerárias y votives de Villardiegua y Pino de Oro: arqueologia y epigrafia Latina en Zamora,“Conimbriga”, 48, p. 123-180.
QUINTEIRA, Catarina;  ENCARNAÇÃO, José d´ (2009) CIL II 182, de Olisipo,“Conimbriga”, 48, p. 181-188.
BARATTA, Giullia (2009) Primo approccio ad un grupo di falere ispaniche, “Conimbriga”, 48, p. 189-210.
ALARCÃO, Jorge (2009)A Igreja românica de S. Bartolomeu de Coimbra,“Conimbriga”, 48, p. 211-230.
SILVA, Ana Maria; TERESO, Sofia; FURTADO, Marta (2009) Os restos ósseos exumados da antiga igreja românica de S. João de Almedina (Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro),“Conimbriga”, 48, p. 231-242.
Recensões bibliográficas
BONNAUD, Christophe (2008) Sculptures zoomorphes de Vettonnie: un bilan historiographique,“Conimbriga”, 47, p. 5-30.
CORREIA, Virgílio Hipólito; ALARCÃO, Pedro (2008) Conimbriga: Um ensaio de topografia histórica, “Conimbriga”, 47, p. 31-46.
VEGA JIMENO, Miguel de la (2008)La religión romana en Caesaróbriga y su área de influencia,“Conimbriga”, 47, p. 47-84.
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d’; OLIVEIRA, Jorge de; TEIXEIRA, Cláudia; CARNEIRO, André (2008) Inscrição votiva em língua lusitana (Arronches, Portalegre),“Conimbriga”, 47, p. 85-102.
ÂNGELO, Maria João; ENCARNAÇÃO, José d’ (2008) Epígrafes votivas da Torre dos Namorados (Quintas da Torre, Vale Prazeres, Fundão), “Conimbriga”, 47, p. 103-112.
LE ROUX, Patrick (2008) Hapax ou question d’épigraphie locale? Municipalis à Aquae Flaviae (AE, 1973, 305),“Conimbriga”, 47, p. 113-126.
PRÓSPER, Blanca María (2008) Los nombres ‘itálicos’ de los astures meridionales,“Conimbriga”, 47, p. 145-170.
Recensões bibliográficas
ANDREU PINTADO, Javier (2008) OSLAND, Daniel, The Early Roman Cities of Lusitania, “Conimbriga”, 47, p. 183-187.
MARQUES, João Nuno; SANTOS, André Tomás (2007) Os “Tumuli” do Rochão (Castro Daire, Viseu), “Conimbriga”, 46, p. 27-52.
GOMES, Mário Varela (2007) Vaso meleiro, de Idade Sidérica, dos Arrifes do Poço (Aljezur, Algarve),“Conimbriga”, 46, p. 73-88.
PONTE, Salete da (2007)Oito fíbulas da região de Braga,“Conimbriga”, 46, p. 117-128.
CURCHIN, Leonard A. (2007)Toponyms of Lusitânia: a re-assessment of their origins, “Conimbriga”, 46, p. 129-160.
CARVALHO, Pedro C. (2007) Terlamonte I” (Teixoso, Covilhã): uma quinta romana no interior norte da Lusitânia,“Conimbriga”, 46, p. 207-250.
PRÓSPER, Blanca; REDENTOR, Armando (2007), DENSO: uma divindade lusitana revisitada,“Conimbriga”, 46, p. 251-265.
MORAIS, Rui (2007), Ânforas da Quinta da Ivanta – Um pequeno “habitat” mineiro em Valongo, “Conimbriga”, 46, p. 267-280.
CORREIA, Fernando; FARINHA, Nuno; FIALHO, António; FREIRE, Jorge (2007) Contributo para o estudo da tecnologia naval romana, a partir da reconstrução gráfica de um navio tipo corbita,“Conimbriga”, 46, p. 281-290.
ETCHEVARNE, Carlos (2007) Pinturas rupestres da região de Iraquara (Chapada Diamantina, Bahia),“Conimbriga”, 46, p. 291-302.
Recensões bibliográficas
ANDREU PINTADO, Javier (2007) OZCÁRIZ GIL, Pablo, Los Conventus de la Hispania Citerior,“Conimbriga”, 46, p. 305-309.
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d' (2007) FRANCISCO BILOU, O Sistema Viário Antigo na Região de Évora,“Conimbriga”, 46, p. 309-314.
GARCÍA-ENTERO, Virginia (2007) PILAR REIS, Las termas y balnea romanos de Lvsitania,“Conimbriga”, 46, p. 314-318.
CARVALHO, Pedro Sobral de; GOMES, Luís Filipe Coutinho (2006)A valorização de monumentos megalíticos como meio de dinamização local,“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 25-32.
VILAÇA, Raquel (2006) Um colar do Bronze final proveniente do Bolho (Cantanhede, Coimbra), “Conimbriga”, 45, p. 93-104.
LOUREIRO, Sílvia; MARQUES, João Nuno; VALINHO, Alexandre (2006) O Alto Paiva: a ocupação humana no 1.º milénio a. C.,“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 105-123.
MORAIS, Rui (2006),De novo sobre a Municipalidade de Bracara Augusta no período Flávio,“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 125-137.
PEREIRA, Sérgio (2006) Ammaia: um projecto auspicioso,“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 139-152.
BERNARDES, João Pedro (2006)A propósito da localização de Aranni/ Arandis, “Conimbriga”, 45, p. 153-164.
FERNANDES, Luís da Silva; FERREIRA, Maria do Céu C.; OSÓRIO, Marcos; PERESTRELO, Sabino (2006) Vicus e castellum na província Lusitânia. Notas epigráficas e arqueológicas,“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 165-198.
VAZ, João L. Inês (2006) A Cava de Viriato num documento do século XVII, “Conimbriga”, 45, p. 199-209.
ALARCÃO, Jorge de (2006), As Vias Romanas de Olisipo a Augusta Emérita,“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 211-251.
REDENTOR, Armando (2006) Manifestações religiosas e onomástica na civitas Zoelarum,“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 253-273.
OLIVEIRA, Cristina de (2006) Mosaicos romanos: balanço de uma década de investigação em Portugal (1995-2005),“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 275-299.
RUIVO, José (2006) Conjunto monetário Tardo-Romano da Casa do Mediano Absidado (Conimbriga), “Conimbriga”, 45, p. 301-309.
VIEIRA, Marina Afonso (2006) Alguns aspectos do povoamento tardo antigo e alto medieval do curso superior do rio Paiva,“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 311-335.
FILIPE, Sónia (2006) Arqueologia urbana em Coimbra: um testemunho na Reitoria da Universidade,“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 337-358.
BRAGA, Sofia Fonseca (2006) Arquelogia no Saara: uma aproximação ao deserto, “Conimbriga”, 45, p. 359-375.
CRUZ, M. Dores (2006) Macupulane Revisited: ceramic production fifty years after Margot Dias, “Conimbriga”, 45, p. 377-395.
TRINDADE, Luísa (2006) O Paço sobre a Riba: histórias de uma torre na cerca coimbrã,“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 397-424.
Recensões bibliográficas
NUNES, Margarida I. (2006) ALARCÃO, Jorge de, Introdução ao Estudo da Tecnologia Romana,“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 427-429.
OLIVEIRA, Cristina (2006) Sabah FERDI, Corpus des Mosaïques de Cherchel, “Conimbriga”, 45, p. 427-429.
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d' (2006) Alberto de Souza OLIVEIRA, Panóias“Conimbriga”, 45, p. 433-434.
BONNAUD, Christophe (2005) Los vettons et la mort. Aux trios premiers siècles de notre ère, “Conimbriga”, 44, p. 25-68.
PINTADO, Javier Andreu (2005) Edictum, Municipium y Lex: La Província Lusitânia en Época Flavia (69-96 d. C.),“Coniimbriga”, 44, p. 69-145.
ALARCÃO, Jorge de (2005) O território dos Paesvri e as suas principais Povoações,“Conimbriga”, 44, p. 147-171.
BRANCATO, Nicolò Giuseppe (2005) Trasmissione del gentilizio e tipologie dedicatorie nella Hispania romana: la norma e le eccezioni,“Conimbriga”, 44, p. 173-251.
PALLARÈS, Joan Gómez (2005), Novedades de epigrafia musiva de Hispânia,“Conimbriga”, 44, p. 253-279.
FERNÁNDEZ, Francisco José Garcia (2005) La imagen de Hispânia y los Hispanos a finales de la antigüedad: las Historiae Adversum Paganos de Paulo Orosio,“Conimbriga”, 44, p. 281-299.
Recensões bibliográficas
NUNES, Margarida I. (2005) MADEIRA, José Luís, O Desenho na Arqueologia,“Conimbriga”, 44, p. 326-327.
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d’ (2004) Razões para uma homenagem,“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 7-10.
ARRUDA, Ana Margarida; VILAÇÃ, Raquel (2004), Ao longo do Tejo, do Bronze ao Ferro,“Conimbriga”, 43 p. 11-45.
FRÍAS, Manuel Salinas de (2004) Los Vacceos en la Biblioteca Histórica de Diodoro de Sicília, “Conimbriga”, 43, p. 47-62.
MANTAS, Vasco Gil (2004) A Lusitânia e o Mediterrâneo: identidade e diversidade numa província romana,“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 63-83.
TRANOY, Alain (2004), Panóias ou les rochers des dieux,“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 85-97.
GORGES, Jean-Gérard; MARTÍN, F.º Germán Rodriguez (2004) Un Pressoir Antique Creusé dans la Roche à Proximité de Regina (Casas de Reina, Badajoz),“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 149-170.
CABRAL, João Peixoto; HAUSCHILD, Theodor; MUSTRA, Carla O. (2004) A Proveniência do mármore dos capitéis do templo romano de Évora,“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 171-177.
GOMEZ-PANTOJA, Joaquín (2004) Una nueva (y sorprendente) Inscripción de Termes (Hispania Citerior),“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 179-189.
HERRERO, Marta González; MARTÍN, Julían de Francisco (2004) Taxus bacata,“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 191-198.
PONTE, Salete de (2004) Retrospectiva sobre fíbulas Proto-Históricas e Romanas de Portugal,“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 199-213.
CORREIA, Virgílio Hipólito (2004) Os Oleiros de Conimbriga,“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 215-226.
MORAIS, Rui (2004) Um Caso Único em Marcas de Lucernas – uma Figlina em Bracara Augusta documentada pela Oficina de Lvcretivs,“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 227-240.
Recensões bibliográficas
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d' (2004) SANTOS (António Ramos dos) et alii, Mundo Antigo – Economia Rural,“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 243-248.
REDENTOR, Armando (2004) José Manuel IGLÉSIAS, Alicia RUIZ, Epigrafía romana de Cantabria,“Conimbriga”, 43, p. 252-257.
GUERRA, Amílcar (2004) Juan L. GARCÍA ALONSO, La Península Ibérica en la Geografía de Claudio Ptolomeo, “Conimbriga”, 43, p. 257-264.
ENCARNAÇÃO, José d’ (2003), Da ambiguidade e da certeza,“Conimbriga”, 42, p. 117-128.
RODRÍGUEZ, M.ª C. González Rodriguez (2003) Nota sobre organización y fuentes arqueológicas en el Norte hispano,“Conimbriga”, 42, p. 129-140.
STEMPEL, Patrizia de Bernardo (2003) Los formulários teonímicos, Bandus com su correspondiente Femenino Bandua y unas isoglosas célticas,“Conimbriga”, 42, p. 197-212.
REDENTOR, Armando (2003) Duas epígrafes funerárias romanas do Monte de Santa Luzia (Freixo de Espada à Cinta),“Conimbriga”, 42, p. 213-223.
Recensões bibliográficas
ALARCÃO, Jorge de (2003) Desiderio VAQUERIZO (ed.), Espacios y usos funerarios en el Occidente romano,“Conimbriga”, 42, p. 227-229.
BARATA, Maria Filomena; ENCARNAÇÃO, José d' (2003) Ludi Romani (Espectáculos en Hispania Romana)Conimbriga”, 42, p. 237-242.
FERNANDES, Luís da Silva (2003) José Carlos SAQUETE CHAMIZO, Las Elites Sociales de Augusta Emerita, (Cuadernos Emeritenses, 13)“Conimbriga”, 42, p. 237-242.
MANTAS, Vasco Gil (2003) José Beleza MOREIRA, Cidade Romana de Eburobrittium, “Conimbriga”, 42, p. 284-254.
NAVARRO, António M. Poveda (2002) Fora Hispana la evidencia de Libisosa Fórum Augustum (Lezuza, Albacete), “Conimbriga”, 41, p. 5-38.
ROUX, Patrick le (2002) Soldats et cultes indigenes dans les rovinces occidentals au Haut-Empire,“Conimbriga”, 41, p. 105-126.
ALMEIDA, Sara Oliveira; CARVALHO, Pedro C.; RIBEIRO, Carla Alegria; SILVA, Ricardo Costeira da (2002)Povoamento rural romano ao longo da Ribeira da Meimoa – Fundão (1ª campanha de prospecção intensiva),“Conimbriga”, 41, p. 127-152.
COROADO, João; CORREIA, Virgílio H.; TRIÃES, Ricardo (2002) A Utilização dos materiais cerâmicos de construção em Conimbriga,“Conimbriga”, 41, p. 153-164.
MORAIS, Rui (2002) A taça romana de prata de Bracara Augusta,“Conimbriga”, 41, p. 165-180.
MORAIS, Rui (2002) Um molde de lucerna encontrado em Bracara Augusta,“Conimbriga”, 41, p. 181-196.
CAETANO, José Carlos (2002) Lucernas da necrópole romana da Lage do Ouro (Crato),“Conimbriga”, 41, p. 197-217.
MORAIS, Rui (2002) O Tesouro romano, em prata, de Bracara Augusta,“Conimbriga”, 41, p. 219-235.
FERNANDES, Lídia (2002) Sobre dois capitéis de Lisboa,“Conimbriga”, 41, p. 237-256.
FERNANDES, Luís da Silva; FERREIRA, Rui (2002) Marcas de oficina em tijolos romanos de Seilivm,“Conimbriga”, 41, p. 257-267.
Recensões bibliográficas
SANTOS, Sara R. dos (2002) BATATA, Carlos, As Origens de Tomar – Carta Arqueológica do Concelho,"Conimbriga", 41; p. 274-276.
FERREIRA, Ana Paula Ramos (2002) JOÃO CARLOS LÁZARO FARIA, Alcácer do Sal ao Tempo dos Romanos,"Conimbriga", 41; p. 277-280.
MANTAS, Vasco Gil (2006) JOSÉ IGNÁCIO SANCHÉZ ALBALÁ e DIEGO VINAGRE NEVADO, Corpus de Inscripciones Latinas de Coria,“Temas Caurienses”, 1, "Conimbriga", 41; p. 280-286.
FERNÁNDEZ URIEL, Pilar (2006) NOE VILLAVERDE VEGA,“Tingitana. En la antigüedad tardía. (siglos III-VII)”, "Conimbriga", 41; p. 286-289.
RUIVO, José (2006) JOÃO PARENTE, As moedas romanas do Museu da Guarda,"Conimbriga", 41; p. 290-294.
GUERRA, Amílcar; SCHATNER, Thomas; FABIÃO, Carlos (2006) As recentes descobertas em S. Miguel da Mota (Alandroal): nas imediações do Santuário de Endovélico,"Conimbriga", 41; p. 295-297.
And see also Ficheiro Epigráfico [Suplemento da revista Conimbriga]

Open Access Journal: Archäologische Informationen

 [14 October 2013: Archäologische Informationen initiates Early View. Updated 31 August 2016]

Archäologische Informationen
ISSN-Print: 0341-2873
ISSN-Internet: 2197-7429

Archäologische Informationen (Arch. Inf.) is the scientific journal of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte e. V. (DGUF).
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Vol 38 (2015): Archäologische Informationen

DGUF-Nachrichten / Editorial


Fokus: Open Access & Open Data

Frank Siegmund, Diane Scherzler
Nicholas Canny
Johannes Fournier
Doug Rocks-Macqueen
Gisela Eberhardt, Nadine Riedl
Julian D. Richards
Maria Effinger, Alexandra Büttner
Irina Oberländer-Târnoveanu, Sergiu Musteaţă
László Simon-Nanko
Hubertus Kohle
Gabriele Gattiglia
Felix Schäfer, Maurice Heinrich, Anne Sieverling, Martina Trognitz, Reinhard Förtsch, Ortwin Dally, Friederike Fless
Valeria Boi, Anna Maria Marras, Cettina Santagati
Valeria Boi, Ilaria Jovine, Milena Stacca, Mirella Serlorenzi
Frank Lynam
Keith May, Ceri Binding, Doug Tudhope
Raimund Karl, Katharina Möller

Fokus: Sammlungsstrategien auf dem Prüfstand

Heidrun Derks, Josef Mühlenbrock
Hans Peter Hahn
Michael M. Rind
Raimund Karl
Andreas Pilger
Bettina Stoll-Tucker
Duncan H. Brown
Stephan Weiß-König
Clemens Lichter

Forum: Schatzregal

Rainer Schreg
Claus von Carnap-Bornheim, Ulf Ickerodt, Eicke Siegloff
André Schoellen

Forum: Denkmalschutz in NRW

Christian Fuchs
Till Kemper
Dimitrij Davydov

weitere Aufsätze

Helmut Kroll
Alexander Weide
Esther Saoub, Amir Musawy
Karl Banghard


Robert B. Eckhardt, Sakdapong Chavanaves, Maciej Henneberg
Markus Vosteen

Tagungen & Arbeitsgemeinschaften

Thomas Richter, Jaroslav Bartík, Valdis Bērziņš, Julia Blumenröther, Jan Eigner, Birgit Gehlen, Robert Graf, Daniel Groß, Martin Heinen, Maha Ismail-Weber, Claus-Joachim Kind, Denise Leesch, Harald Lübke, Martin Nadler, Joachim Pechtl, Werner Schön, Bernhard Stapel, Markus Wild, Annabell Zander
László Simon-Nanko, Jasmin Rauhaus
Jens Greif


Karl Banghard
Markus C. Blaich
Heidrun Derks
Svend Hansen
Robert Kuhn
Robert Kuhn
Uroš Matić
Dieter Quast
Miriam Sénécheau
Johann Friedrich Tolksdorf
Jutta Zerres

Dissertationen & Examensarbeiten

Nadia Balkowski, Stefan Hartmann
Jelena Steigerwald
Line Van Wersch
Martin Zimmermann


Open Access Exhibition Catalogues and Museum Brochures from Arabia Antica

Open Access Exhibition Catalogues and Museum Brochures from Arabia Antica
Arabia Antica: Pre-islamic Arabia, Culture and Archaeology

Oman, the land of Sindbad the sailor

Alessandra Avanzini, Alexia Pavan and Michele Degli Esposti 2012, pp. 44 The exhibition that was set up in the Museo di S. Matteo - Pisa in 2012 intended to illustrate Oman by drewing connections between this distant, exotic land and more familiar things. The title of the catalogue suggests how closely the fortunes and the destiny of the country were linked to the sea...

The Museum of Baynun

Alessandra Avanzini and Alessia Prioletta 2010, pp. 24 The museum of Baynun is the largest museum of the Dhamar governorate in terms of number of objects and their artistic and historical importance. The museum, founded in 1990 by sheikh A. al-Huzeizi, collects the antiquities found in Baynun and the surrounding areas. More than 70 inscriptions,...

The Museums of Dhamar

Alessandra Avanzini and Alessia Prioletta 2010, pp. 24 This brochure includes a short guides of both the Regional and the University Museums of Aden, produced within the project CASIS. The Regional Museum is the main museum of the Dhamar governorate. It was built at Hirran, north of Dhamar city, in 2002. Its pre-Islamic collection comprises over...

The National Museum of Aden

Alessandra Avanzini and Alessia Prioletta 2010, 20 pp. The National Museum of Aden is located in a wonderful colonial building of “Qasr al-Sultan”, in the Crater. Founded in 1966, it is one of the greatest Yemeni museums for number of pieces and prestige. Its huge collection of antiquities had to comprise some 500 pieces, especially from the kingdoms...

Open Access Journal: Revista arheologică = Revue archéologique = Archaeological magazine

Revista arheologică = Revue archéologique = Archaeological magazine
ISSN: 1857-016x
Revista Arheologică reprezintă revista științifică editată de Centrul de Arheologie al Institutului Patrimoniului Cultural al AŞM. Revista este acreditată de către CNAA la Categoria „B”.

Revista este recenzată de specialiști în domeniu – fiecare articol este recenzat de câte doi recenzenți şi este discutat în cadrul ședințelor colegiului de redacție.

Revista Arheologică este cu acces deschis. Ceea ce înseamnă că materialele publicate sunt accesibile gratuit cititorilor. Accesul deschis presupune că cititorilor li se permite să descarce, citeze, distribuie lucrări publicate în revistă, dar cu respectarea drepturilor de autor – cu menționarea surselor și autorilor în cazul citărilor, fără acceptul colegiului de redacție și a autorilor. Primul număr al Revistei de Arheologie a apărut în anul 1993 sub egida Institutului de Arheologie şi Istorie Veche al AŞM, iar cel de-al doilea a ieșit de sub tipar după 5 ani, în 1998. Abia după alţi şapte ani, şi anume în 2005, a fost iniţiată o serie nouă a Revistei Arheologice, publicată sub egida Institutului de Arheologie şi Etnografie. În anul imediat următor, ca rezultat al unor noi reorganizări, revista este editată deja de Centrul de Arheologie al Institutului Patrimoniului Cultural, tradiție care continuă până astăzi.
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol_IV_nr.1_2008
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol_IV_nr.2_2008
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.VI_nr.1_2010
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.VI_nr.2_2010
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.V_nr.2_2010
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.V_nr.1_2010
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.VII_nr.1-2_2011
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.VIII_nr.1-2_2012
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.IX_nr.1_2013
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.IX_nr.2_2013
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.X_nr.1-2_2014
Revista Arheologica, serie noua_vol.XI_nr.1-2, 2015

(Partially) Open Access Monograph Series: PIHANS : uitgaven van het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten te Leiden

PIHANS : uitgaven van het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten te Leiden
ISSN: 1571-5728

Open Access Journal: Cahiers de l'Ecole du Louvre

 [First posted in AWOL 13 March 2014, updated 31 August 2016]

Cahiers de l'Ecole du Louvre
ISSN: 2262-208X
Revue de recherche en ligne de l’Ecole du Louvre, cette nouvelle publication accompagne la restructuration du troisième cycle en offrant à la recherche pratiquée à l’Ecole un  nouvel outil de diffusion, plus souple et mieux adapté aux pratiques contemporaines. Alliant l’exigence scientifique garantie par la validation d’un comité de lecture à la souplesse et à la facilité d’utilisation du support numérique, les Cahiers ont pour ambition de rendre la recherche menée à l’Ecole plus visible à la communauté savante.
Avec une périodicité semestrielle, ils proposeront pour chaque numéro une série de cinq à six articles issus des  meilleurs travaux des élèves ainsi que des recherches en cours des enseignants et partenaires associés de l’Ecole. Le lecteur pourra également trouver un résumé en français, un abstract en anglais et une courte biographie des auteurs, une rubrique « Documents », destinée à accueillir le cas échéant, des articles plus courts mettant en valeur un document inédit, et une rubrique « Actualité de la recherche à l’Ecole » qui rendra compte des journées d’études, colloques, parution d’ouvrages, etc. organisés par l’Ecole.

Les Cahiers de l’Ecole du Louvre bénéficient du soutien de la Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso.

Open Access Journal: The Ancient History Bulletin Online Reviews

 [First posted in AWOL 26 June 2012, updated  (all new URLs)1 September 2016]

The Ancient History Bulletin Online Reviews
Books for review and inquiries concerning reviews should be directed to the Reviews Editor, Joseph Roisman 

An index to reviews published in Volumes 1-24 will also be available soon via the subscribers secure access Archives.

Beginning with the publication year 2011, The Ancient History Bulletin publishes all reviews online, in a new online journal entitled The Ancient History Bulletin Online Reviews. Reviews will be formatted as .pdf files, with continuous pagination for all the reviews published in any given year. Reviewers will therefore be able to refer to their reviews in same manner as reviews published in hard copy; e.g., ‘Review of xxx’, AHB Online Reviews 1 (2011) xx–xx.

Reviews may be viewed and downloaded by following the links below.

No offprints of reviews will be sent to reviewers, since the .pdf files may easily be downloaded from this website. If any difficulties arise, please contact the Senior Editor.

Open Access Journal: The Old Potter's Almanack


Open Access Journal: The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture

The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture
The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture is a scientific, open access and annual periodical. Its purpose is to promote the publication of research devoted to Ancient Egyptian architecture (domestic, civil, military, ritual/religious and funerary), from the Predynastic Period to the Roman imperial era, whatever the modern geographical context (Egypt, Sudan, Near East, etc). The subject scope includes everything relating to construction, regardless of its original importance or purpose.

The journal publishes fieldwork reports and studies undertaken in the Egyptological tradition, including discussions of epigraphy and iconography, but also work that utilizes specific skills such as structural and materials sciences, or modern investigative techniques. In this way, JAEA seeks to encourage the development of detailed technical descriptions, and deeply theorized understanding (of architectural symbolism, propaganda, climatic and geological influences, etc.). This interdisciplinary approach will help connect adjacent areas of expertise which, alone, could not reflect the richness and complexity of the Ancient Egyptian built heritage.

The periodical welcomes any study that meets any one of these goals, only on the condition that the formatting and content of articles are subject to JAEA scientific publication requirements.

Volume 1

July 2016 - December 2016

Click on the abstracts below to read the online version or to download the PDF of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture articles :

The use of the ‘ceremonial’ cubit rod as a measuring tool. An explanation (p. 1)

Fr. Monnier, J.-P. Petit & Chr. Tardy

This article deals with data inscribed on Ancient Egyptian cubit rods, and more specifically on the ceremonial cubit rods. Following a description of their technical and symbolic aspects, the paper reveals a property of the fine subdivisions engraved on the graduated part of these objects, and demonstrates that they could have allowed the cubits to be used as very accurate measuring rulers for architectural drawings and craft works.

Published 22 July 2016 7934 Views 315 Downloads

Varieties and sources of sandstone used in Ancient Egyptian temples (p. 11)

J. A. Harrell

Sandstone was one of the principal building materials of ancient Egypt, and this paper provides an overview of the varieties and sources of sandstone used in temples and other monuments. Included are lists of all known sandstone temples and quarries with precise locations given for each along with their age and status, and additionally for the quarries, size and petrology. Three megascopic properties (grain size, bedding type, and color) and one microscopic property (total feldspar content) are assessed in terms of their usefulness in recognizing sandstone varieties and their sources.

Published 26 August 2016 953 Views 93 Downloads

Submissions are still open for this issue !

Open Access Monograph Series: Münchner Vorlesungen zu Antiken Welten

Münchner Vorlesungen zu Antiken Welten
ISSN: 2198-9672
The “Münchner Zentrum für Antike Welten” is a joint research center established at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich with a permanent visiting professorship. Each year an internationally renowned scholar in the field of Ancient Studies is nvited to hold a lecture series on significant interdisciplinary topics. The series presents these lectures to an audience interested in the history and culture of the ancient world.

Open Access Journal: Journal of Quantitative Anthropology

[First posted in AWOL 20 September 2011, updated (with all links to the Internet Archive) 2 September 2016]

Journal of Quantitative Anthropology
The Journal of Quantitative Anthropology is no longer published. This site provides open access to articles that prior to the development of this site could only be found in university libraries. There are many fine articles published in the 7 years of the journals’ existence and they are now available for all.
See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Monuments et mémoires de la Fondation Eugène Piot

[First posted in AWOL 26 July 2014, updated 2 September 2016]

Monuments et mémoires de la Fondation Eugène Piot
ISSN: 1148-6023
eISSN - 2260-815X 
Eugène Piot (1812-1890), esthète et archéologue, qui voulait contribuer au développement de la recherche et du goût dans le vaste domaine de l’art depuis le temps des anciennes cultures de l’Orient jusqu’à la Renaissance, légua sa fortune à l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. La Compagnie du quai de Conti décida alors de publier, grâce aux revenus de la Fondation Piot, des Monuments et Mémoires consacrés aux études d’art et d’archéologie, collection très richement illustrée dont le premier volume parut en 1894.












Coming Soon: Open Access Journal: Philomathes: A Journal of Undergraduate Research in Classics

Philomathes: A Journal of Undergraduate Research in Classics
Base of ionic column
Philomathes is a new annual peer-reviewed online journal—published under the auspices of the Classics program at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN—dedicated to encouraging excellence in undergraduate research and to offering opportunities for undergraduate students from all colleges and universities to publish and disseminate their work. We seek essays of original research on any aspect of the ancient Greek and Roman world (history, literature, archaeology, art history, etc.). We are pleased to accept submissions in traditional scholarly formats.

Open Access Journal: Nestor: Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas

 [First posted in AWOL 9 October 2010. Updated most recently 2 September 2016]

Nestor: Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas
Nestor is an international bibliography of Aegean studies, Homeric society, Indo-European linguistics, and related fields. It is published monthly from September to May (each volume covers one calendar year) by the Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati. An Authors Index accompanies the December issue. Nestor is distributed in 30 countries world-wide. It is currently edited by Carol R. Hershenson.

The primary geographic nexus of Nestor is the Aegean, including all of Greece, Albania, and Cyprus, the southern area of Bulgaria, and the western and southern areas of Turkey. Nestor includes publications concerning the central and western Mediterranean, southeastern Europe, the eastern Mediterranean, western Asia, and other regions of archaeological research, if the specific bibliographic items contain Aegean artifacts, imitations, or influences, or make reference to Aegean comparanda.


January (43.1)
February (43.2)
March (43.3)
April (43.4)
May (43.5)
September (43.6)


January (42.1)
February (42.2)
March (42.3)
April (42.4)
May (42.5)
September (42.6)
October (42.7)
November (42.8)
December (42.9)


January (41.1)
February (41.2)
March (41.3)
April (41.4)
May (41.5)
September (41.6)
October (41.7)
November (41.8)
December (41.9)


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April (40.4)
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January (38.1)
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April (38.4) 
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October (38.7) 
November (38.8)  
December (38.9)  


January (37.1)
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December (37.9)
2010 Index


January (36.1)
February (36.2)
March (36.3)
April (36.4)
May (36.5)
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October (36.7)
November (36.8)
December (36.9) [image]
2009 Index (36) [image]

Getting Data out of Open Context & Doing Useful Things With It: Coda

Getting Data out of Open Context & Doing Useful Things With It: Coda
Drawing (1) logo
Previously, on tips to get stuff out of Open Context…

In part 1, I showed you how to generate a list of URLs that you could then feed into `wget` to download information.

In part 2, I showed you how to use `jq` and `jqplay` – via the amazing Matthew Lincoln, from whom I’ve learned whatever small things I know about the subject – to examine the data and to filter it for exactly what you want.

Today – combining wget & jq

Today, we use wget to pipe the material through jq to get the csv of your dreams. Assuming you’ve got a list of urls (generated with our script from part 1), you point your firehose of downloaded data directly into jq. The crucial thing is to flag wget with `-qO-` to tell it that the output will be *piped* to another program. In which case, you would type at the terminal prompt or command line:
wget -qO- -i urls2.txt | jq -r '.features [ ] | .properties | [.label, .href, ."context label", ."early bce/ce", ."late bce/ce", ."item category", .snippet] | @csv'> out.csv
Which in Human says, ” hey wget, grab all of the data at the urls in the list at urls2.txt and pipe that information into jq. JQ, you’re going to filter for raw output the information within properities (which is within features), in particular these fields. Split the information fields up via commas, and write everything to a new file called out.csv.”

…Extremely cool, eh? (Word to the wise: read Ian’s tutorial on wget to learn how to form your wget requests politely so that you don’t overwhelm the servers. Wait a moment between requests – look at how the wget was formed in the open context part 1 post).

Open Access Journal: BABELAO: Electronic Journal for Ancient and Oriental Studies

[First posted in AWOL 13 June 2015, updated 3 September 2016]

BABELAO: Electronic Journal for Ancient and Oriental Studies
ISSN: 2034-9491 
The name BABELAO means « Bulletin of the Abelao », more precisely « Bulletin de l’Académie Belge pour l’Etude des Langues Anciennes et Orientales » (Bulletin of the Belgian Academy for the Study of Ancient and Oriental Languages). ABELAO is a non-profit organization which seeks to promote teaching and research in the various fields of ancient and oriental culture and languages, especially by means of summer-courses on the campus of the University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium).
Its Bulletin, BABELAO, is conceived as a scholarly journal. It covers the various fields of oriental studies : philology, palaeography, history of the ancient and oriental world, language history, comparative literature, edition of texts, etc. Its Editorial Board, the members of which are recruited internationally, brings together scholars who are able to provide expertise in all the required fields. The members are: Alessandro Bausi (Hamburg), Anne Boud'hors (Paris), Antoine Cavigneaux (Geneva), Sabino Chialà (Bose), Bernard Coulie (Louvain-la-Neuve), Alain Delattre (Brussels), Didier Devauchelle (Lille), Johannes Den Heijer (Louvain-la-Neuve), Jean-Charles Ducène (Brussels), J.Keith Elliott (Leeds), Jean-Daniel Macchi (Geneva), Michael Marx (Berlin), Claude Obsomer (Louvain-la-Neuve), Agnès Ouzounian (Paris), Tamara Pataridzé (Louvain-la-Neuve), Paul-Hubert Poirier (Québec), Véronique Somers (Paris, Louvain-la-Neuve), David Taylor (Oxford) and Anton Vojtenko (Moscow). 

BABELAO 5 (2016)

New Open Access Journal: Atlantís - review

Atlantís - review
ISSN: 2183-4326
Cabeçalho da página
A ATLANTÍS divulga de forma agregada as recensões disponíveis nas revistas alojadas na plataforma digital Impactumda Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, com o objetivo de promover a visibilidade da investigação e a transferência do saber. As recensões cobrem um leque variado de temas e perspetivas de abordagem (literatura, cultura, história antiga, arqueologia, história da arte, filosofia, língua e linguística), mantendo embora como denominador comum os Estudos Clássicos e sua projeção na Idade Média, Renascimento e receção na atualidade.
ATLANTÍS makes available in aggregated form book reviews published in journals hosted at the digital platform Impactum of Coimbra University Press, with the objective of promoting the visibility of research and the transfer of knowledge. The reviews cover a wide range of topics and approaches (literature, culture, ancient history, archaeology, art history, philosophy, language and linguistics), while maintaining as common denominator the world of Classical Antiquity and its projection in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, as well as its reception in modern times.


Vol 1 (2015)

Open Access Journal: Pirradaziš: Bulletin of Achaemenian Studies

Pirradaziš: Bulletin of Achaemenian Studies
Download the full-sized PDF of Pirradazish: Bulletin of Achaemenian Studies, Number 8: 12 April 1994
Pirradaziš (Pirradazish) [OCLC Number: 863381899] is a newsletter produced by Charles E. Jones at the Oriental Institute Chicago. Eight issues appeared between 1990 and 1994.
Pirradaziš seeks to gather information, primarily bibliographical, which relates to the study of the Achaemenid Persian empire, as well as relevant material on the periods immediately preceding and following it. Each issue will cover the material seen by the editor during the six months (more or less) prior to the date of issue.
Pirradazish 1 (1 July 1990) 
Pirradazish 2 (10 January 1991) 
Pirradazish 3 (20 August 1991) 
Pirradazish 4 (7 February 1992) 
Pirradazish 5-6 (4 February 1993) 
Pirradazish 7 (8 October 1993) 
Pirradazish 8 (12 April 1994)

(Partially) Open Access Monograph Series: Egyptologische Uitgaven

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