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New Open Access Monograph Series: OrientLab Series Maior

OrientLab Series Maior
OrientLab Series Maior is a peer-reviewed, multi-language series dealing with archaeology, epigraphy and environmental studies, relating to the ancient Near East. This series follows the policy of the open access to scientific data and its volumes can be consulted online, downloaded, or purchased in printed format. 
1 H. Peker Texts from Karkemish, I. Luwian Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from the 2011-2015 Excavations 31/03/2016

2 G. Marchesi Literary Old Sumerian: The Texts 31/05/2016 coming soon

greek-accentuation 1.0.0 Released

greek-accentuation 1.0.0 Released
greek-accentuation has finally hit 1.0.0 with a couple more functions and a module layout change.
The library (which I’ve previously written about here) has been sitting on 0.9.9 for a while and I’ve been using it sucessfully in my inflectional morphology work for 18 months. There were, however, a couple of functions that lived in the inflectional morphology repos that really belonged in greek-accentuation. They have now been moved there.

There is syllabify.debreath which removes smooth breathing and replaces rough breathing with an h. And there is syllabify.rebreath which reverses this.

The other big change made is there are no-longer three top-level modules—everything is enclosed in a greek_accentuation package so instead of from syllabify import * you say from greek_accentuation.syllabify import *.

You can pip install greek-accentuation==1.0.0. The repo is at https://github.com/jtauber/greek-accentuation.

greek-accentuation is made available under an MIT license.

Thanks to Kyle Johnson of the wonderful Classical Language Toolkit project for encouraging me to finally do the 1.0.0 release.

Sardis Publications from the Archaeological Exploration of Sardis Project

Sardis Publications from the Archaeological Exploration of Sardis Project

Pleiades Help: Getting Coordinates for a Place

Getting Coordinates for a Place
Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jul 27, 2016 06:00 PM

Coordinate information is stored in Pleiades "location" resources, which are grouped inside the "place" resources. We also calculate "representative points" (centroids) for each place on the basis of the associated locations. You can get whichever of these values is best for your purposes.
Portion of a place page, showing the location of the representative point and the clickable list of locations. 
Pleiades"place resources", e.g. http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/108882, are essentially containers for information about notional places (see further our Conceptual Overview). The maps on each place pull their coordinates from any "location resources" that have been assigned to that place. You'll see links to these under the "Locations" heading. If you click on a location there, you'll see information about the associated coordinates (points, lines, polygons), displayed in GeoJSON format.

For each Pleiades place resource, we calculate a "representative point" as well. This point -- which is the centroid of all associated locations -- is prominently displayed on the place page and rendered in the map on the place page with a distinctive orange circle. You can easily copy the representative point coordinates by selecting the "copy-to-clipboard" icon that appears immediately after the latitude and longitude coordinate pair under the "Representative Point" heading on the place page.

You can also download all of our data here: http://pleiades.stoa.org/downloads. The places tables include "reprLong", "reprLat" and "reprLatLong" columns which hold the coordinates of a single representative point (centroid) for a place. If you'd just like the agreed upon, single representative latitude and longitude pair for a place, that's the best data source.

Open Access Journal: Figura. Studi sull’immagine nella tradizione classica

Figura. Studi sull’immagine nella tradizione classica
ISSN 2317-4625
logo figura
Figura. Studi sull’immagine nella Tradizione Classicaè una rivista internazionale di accesso illimitato in rete, destinata alla divulgazione di ricerche attuali e di testi di riferimento sulla Tradizione Classica. Il suo dominio comprende studi sulla cultura visiva e testuale dell’Antichità, ma anche sulle appropriazioni e sulle trasfigurazioni di questa tradizione operate dal mondo antico e post-antico. Si può intendere per mondo post-antico anche il periodo contemporaneo, in modo che il taglio che fa da quadro di riferimento ai testi proposti dalla rivista non è temporale, ma concettuale, cosa che richiede una precisazione.

Figura. Studi sull’immagine nella Tradizione Classica is a new international journal to be published twice yearly online with unrestricted access, in order to  disseminate current research and writing on the Classical Tradition’s repertoire. The journal will encompass studies of Antiquity’s visual and textual culture, as well as appropriations and transfigurations of this legacy in the ancient and post-ancient world. Post-antiquity may be taken to include the contemporary period, therefore the cut-off used as a frame of reference for content proposed by Figura is conceptual rather than temporal, which calls for a distinction in this respect...     

1  2  3

Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология - “Indoevropejskoe âzykoznanie i klassičeskaâ filologiâ” (Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology Yearbook)

Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология - “Indoevropejskoe âzykoznanie i klassičeskaâ filologiâ” (Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology Yearbook)
ISSN 2306-9015
Ежегодник «Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология» является периодическим изданием, издаваемым Институтом лингвистических исследований РАН с 1998 г. Издание является зарегистрированным СМИ. Номер свидетельства: ПИ № ФС 77–60970.

В ежегоднике публикуются статьи по всем актуальным вопросам сравнительно-исторического индоевропейского языкознания и классической филологии.

Ответственным редактором издания является академик РАН Н. Н. Казанский. «Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология» является открытым журналом, в котором публикуются работы, соответствующие по своему научному уровню требованиям академического издания. Место работы/учебы, проживания автора при этом значения не имеют.

К публикации принимаются статьи на латинском, русском, английском, немецком, французском и итальянском языках.

Присылаемые для публикации рукописи подвергаются обязательной экспертной оценке. Рецензии предоставляются авторам рукописей, а также (по специальным запросам экспертных советов) в ВАК. В случае отказа в публикации статьи редакция направляет автору мотивированный отказ.

«Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология» полностью некоммерческое издание. С авторов не взимается плата за опубликование или подготовку к изданию рукописей.
“Indoevropejskoe âzykoznanie i klassičeskaâ filologiâ” (Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology Yearbook) is a periodical published by the Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILI RAN) since 1998. ISSN 2306-9015.

The Yearbook publishes papers on all topical issues of Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology.

Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology Yearbook is an open publication and welcomes papers that meet academic publication requirements irrespective of the authors’ place of study/work or residence.

Papers in Russian, English, French, German, Italian, or Latin are accepted for publication.
All papers submitted for publication pass through a peer-review evaluation process, and all authors receive a substantiated decision. The Editors Office is committed to observing all accepted ethical standards for scientific publications and safeguards against any misuse of office by the Editorial Board members or staff.

Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology Yearbook is a fully non-commercial project. The authors are not charged for the publication or pre-print preparation of their papers. 

4889 DAYS: The Iliad, one sentence per day

4889 DAYS
On Thursday, August 4, my new website 4889 DAYS will start reading the Iliad, one sentence per day, for the next thirteen years. Or until something breaks!

Coptic Dictionary Online

Coptic Dictionary Online
The Coptic Dictionary Online aims to make it easy to look up Coptic words in all dialects and supply freely accessible translations in English, French and German, via human and machine readable interfaces. To learn more about using this dictionary, check out our quick how-to guide.
This project was made possible through the help of the following:

Lexicon preparation

This lexicon primarily represents work by Frank Feder, who prepared and revised the original Coptic word list, in collaboration with Maxim Kupreyev, who extended and standardized the dictionary. We thank all of following people who contributed to compiling the lexical data:
  • Sonja Dahlgren
  • Julien Delhez
  • Frank Feder
  • Lena Krastel
  • Maxim Kupreyev
  • Tonio Sebastian Richter
  • Anne Sörgel

Search interface

The search interface was designed at Georgetown University as part of the project KELLIA by:
  • Emma Manning
  • Amir Zeldes


Funding agencies

Open Access Journal: Archaeological Discovery

Archaeological Discovery
ISSN Print: 2331-1959
ISSN Online: 2331-1967
Archaeological Discovery (AD) is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of the study of Archaeology. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Archaeological studies.

All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard copy. The journal publishes original papers covering a wide range of fields but not limited to the following:

Soraya Estavi, Zahra Asghari, Ali Aarab, Reza Rezaloo, Aliye Amirinejad
Abstract | ReferencesDownload PDF (661 K)HTMLXML  Pub. Date: June 9, 2016

Open Access Journal: Diogenes

ISSN: 2054-6696
Launched in January 2014, Diogenes (ISSN 2054-6696) is a peer-review and open-access journal edited by the postgraduate students at the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham. This collaboration of postgraduate students aims at providing a venue at which postgraduate students can further develop their research ideas and communicate them to a general audience.

The unique combination of research interests at the Centre brings together the often separate fields of Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies. We look forward to any article that actively engages with any of these fields, from universities in the UK and abroad.

It is published twice a year: in April and October.
Diogenes Issue 3 April 2015
Issue 3 (Whole)
Wei-sheng Lin: Editorial
Francisco Lopez-Santos Kornberger: Review – Striking Images, Iconoclasms Past and Present
Joseph Parsonage: Review – The Byzantine world
Michael Strain: Review – The Author in Middle Byzantine Literature: Modes, Functions, and Identities
Georgia Tsatsani: Review – Re-imagining the Past: Antiquity and Modern Greek Culture
Tomoo Uegaki: Review – ビザンツ 交流と共生の千年帝国
Like Zhang: Review – 普罗科比的世界 —— 六世纪的拜占庭帝国
Üzeyir Serdar Serdaroğlu: Supplementum – Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) Annual Meeting for Ottoman Studies

Diogenes Issue 2 October 2014
Issue 2 (Whole)
Wei-sheng Lin: Editorial
Murat Issi: Οι σκέψεις των Νεο-Οθωμανών περί του Ισλάμ
Styliani Lepida: The poll tax (cizye) in Cyprus during the 17th century: A depiction for the administration of its revenue
Dimos Ntentos: Όψεις αυτοαναφορικότητας στην Expeditio Persicaτου Γεωργίου Πισίδη
Gözde Önder: Ceramics and Carpets: Icons of Cultural Exchange between Venice and the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century
Rebecca Darley: Review – Experiencing Byzantium: papers from the 44th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Newcastle and Durham, April 2011
Jason Fossella: Review – The Byzantine Imperial Acts to Venice, Pisa and Genoa, 10th – 12th Centuries
Qiang Li: Review – Οι Τούρκοι ανάμεσα στην Κίνα και το Βυζάντιο (552-659 μ.Χ.)
Like Zhang: Review – 拜占庭帝国通史
Annika Asp-Talwar / Jeffrey Brubaker / Matthew Kinloch / Wei-sheng Lin: Supplementum – Byzantine Thirteenth Century Day Wrap-up, 13 May 2014
Matthew Kinloch: Supplementum – South-Western Turkey in the 13th and 21st Centuries
Gemma Masson: Supplementum – Outreach Workshops in Ottoman History
Andrea Mattiello: Supplementum – Cappadocia in Context 2014 – a report

Diogenes Issue 1 January 2014
Issue 1 (Whole)
Wei-sheng Lin: Editorial

Zuzana Černáková: Prejudices, Emotions and Power of Political Restraint: A Study in the Second Crusade

Elli Evangelidou: The Representation of the Greek Civil War in Eleni and The Heroic Age

Alexandros Siapkas: Different academic approaches towards the British intervention in Greece (1941-1944). A synopsis

Yannis Stamos: Of pleasure and sorrow: Two modern Greek Epicurean poems

Niki Touriki: Ekphrasis in the Alexiad

Gemma Norman: Review – Christine Woodhead (ed.), The Ottoman World

Open Access Journal: Indo-European Linguistics

Indo-European Linguistics
ISSN: 2212-5884
E-ISSN: 2212-5892
image of Indo-European Linguistics
The peer-reviewed journal Indo-European Linguistics (IEL) is devoted to the study of the ancient and medieval Indo-European languages from the perspective of modern theoretical linguistics. It provides a venue for synchronic and diachronic linguistic studies of the Indo-European languages and the Indo-European family as a whole within any theoretically informed or analytical framework. It also welcomes typological investigations, especially those which make use of cross-linguistic data, including that from non-Indo-European languages, as well as research which draws upon the findings of language acquisition, cognitive science, variationist sociolinguistics, and language contact.

SEDRA: The Syriac Electronic Data Research Archive

SEDRA: The Syriac Electronic Data Research Archive
Beth Mardutho


The Syriac Electronic Data Research Archive (SEDRA) is a linguistic and literary database of the Syriac language and literature. Its acronym derives from Syriac word ܣܕܪܐsedrā whose meanings include 'array', 'series' as well as 'order' and 'rank', all of which are terms that are associated with database theory.

Project History

SEDRA was established in 1988 by Alaph Beth Computer Systems, a one-person firm founded by George A. Kiraz and based in Los Angeles, that developed, inter alia, Syriac fonts. An early brochure of the company stated that SEDRA "will come on floppy disks in ASCII format."

Kiraz wanted to "crowd source"—analog style—the creation of a linguistic database of the Syriac language. Kiraz sent out letters to his clients who used his Syriac fonts with the word processor Multi-Lingual Scholar and asked them to volunteer to type the lexica of Margoliouth, Payne Smith and Brockelmann with specific ASCII tagging. A new entry began with a caret (^) and English glosses of Margoliouth's dictionary were delimited by a percent sign (%). A letter dated March 22, 1990 reports the status of the project and promises to look into the possibilities of using SEDRA "in Artificial Intelligence applications, especially Natural Language Processing." In addition, Kiraz signed an agreement on March 2, 1988 with the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center for Preservation and Research and obtained a permission to use the Peshitta New Testament Electronic Database, originally developed by The Way International.

SEDRA went through three incarnations. SEDRA I (1989) derived its data from the database provided by the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center which provided the data as a flat file database. The data was converted to db_VISTA, a database management system that provided a programmable interface in the C programming language for writing database applications.

SEDRA II (1990) contained additional tables and fields necessary for the generation of Kiraz's Concordance to the Syriac New Testament (1993). Moreover, the entire text of the New Testament was vocalized and pointed, punctuation and accent marks were added, and the text was normalized to represent the BFBS edition of the Syriac New Testament as the text used by The Way was based on other manuscripts, primarily from the British Library. To accomplish the vocalization and pointing process, a program was written that skipped over words which had been vocalized before. Hence, the word ܒܝܬܐ'house,' which appears 201 times in the corpus, is vocalized only once as ܒ݁ܰܝܬ݁ܳܐ. Initial bgdkpt letters were always marked with a quššāyā point; an algorithm was written to convert the quššāyā into rukkākhā if the preceding word, if any, ended in a vowel and was not followed by a punctuation mark. The dot on the feminine object pronominal suffix ܗ̇ was not included in the pointing, and was added later on by another algorithm based on morphological data.
The next incarnation of the project was SEDRA III (1991). The first change was the move from a relational database model to a network model where ordered, one-to-many parent-child relations simplified the process of concordance generation. In this model, a parent record would have a pointer to the first child record in another table. That child record would have a pointer to the next child, and so on. As laptops at the time had small hard drives of about 10 or 20 MB, SEDRA III converted its fields into bit fields. For instance, two bits were sufficient to indicate person (00 for 1st person, 01 for 2nd, 10 for 3rd). SEDRA III contained 2,050 roots, 3,559 lexemes, 31,079 word forms and 6,337 English meanings (particular to the context of the New Testament). It was published in 1993 on the web site of the University of Cambridge, and later on Beth Mardutho's site hosted by The Catholic University of America's Semitics Department, as a non-commercial open source database. A number of developers downloaded SEDRA III and used it for lexical and concordance applications. One such developer was James W. Bennett who used SEDRA III underlying the BFBS Peshitta in his online Syriac Library Browser and General Syriac Tools.

In February 2013, George Kiraz and James Bennett teamed up to develop SEDRA IV (this web site). Starting from SEDRA III, the database was converted back into a relational database, the binary fields where expanded (now person is a numeric fields with textual references), and additional tables and fields were added. The lexemes table was expanded to include all the words in the Brock-Kiraz dictionary (ca. 15,000 words). Source data from printed lexica were imported either in image or text format. More importantly, a morphological generation component was added to the system with a grant from the International Balzan Prize Foundation under the direction of Peter Brown (Princeton University) and in collaboration with Syriaca.org.

SEDRA IV was launched in March 2015 at the Fourth Hugoye Symposium on Syriac and the Digital Humanities (Beth Mardutho and Rutgers University) and a crowd sourcing call went out asking scholars to tag images of scanned lexical entries to the lexemes of the database. It is expected that SEDRA IV will expand as a crowd sourced project.

As of today (08/01/2016), SEDRA contains 3228 roots, 17905 lexemes, and 44270 words.

Organa Papyrologica

Organa Papyrologica
Das 'Papyrus Portal' hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, alle in Deutschland befindlichen Papyrussammlungen virtuell unter einem Dach zusammenzuführen, so daß für den Benutzer eine effiziente Suche in den Beständen all dieser Papyrussammlungen und eine einheitliche Präsentation der Treffer möglich ist. Die Trefferliste bietet die wichtigsten Informationen zu einem Objekt und einen Link auf die ausführlicheren Originaldaten der lokalen Datenbanken.
Einige deutsche Papyrussammlungen haben bereits ihre Bestände vollständig digitalisiert und elektronische und im Internet benutzbare Datenbanken angefertigt (Bonn, Bremen, Erlangen, Gießen, Halle, Heidelberg, Jena, Trier und Würzburg). Einige der genannten Sammlungen haben ihre Katalogisierung und Digitalisierung noch nicht abgeschlossen (Leipzig), bzw. erst begonnen (Berlin). Schließlich werden auch die anderen Papyrussammlungen Deutschlands in naher Zukunft damit beginnen, ihre Bestände zu digitalisieren und elektronische Kataloge im Internet zur Verfügung zu stellen. Verweise auf die einzelnen lokalen Präsentationen sind unter dem jeweiligen Ortsnamen innerhalb dieser Anwendung zu finden.

Die Projekte zur Digitalisierung und elektronischen Katalogisierung fanden in den letzten beiden Dekaden statt, was zur Folge hatte, daß sie mit verschiedenen Entwicklungsstufen von Betriebssystemen und geeigneter Software konfrontiert waren. So entwickelten sie auch verschiedene Lösungen, um die jeweilige Papyrussammlung im Internet zu präsentieren. In Heidelberg , Köln , Trier und Bonn wurden auf der Grundlage der Datenbanksoftware FileMaker unterschiedliche Lösungen entwickelt. Berlin und Bremen haben ihre Sammlungen in die jeweiligen dortigen Systeme integriert. Schließlich wurde auf Grundlage von MyCoRe eine weitere Möglichkeit geschaffen, die zunächst im Papyrusprojekt Halle-Jena-Leipzig Verwendung fand und dann auch von anderen Sammlungen ( Erlangen, Marburg, Würzburg sowie Gießen ) übernommen wurde. Aufgrund dieser Vielfalt ist es bisher nicht möglich, alle deutschen Papyrussammlungen gleichzeitig zu durchsuchen, wie man beispielsweise über das Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS) alle teilnehmenden amerikanischen (und einige andere) Papyrussammlungen gleichzeitig durchsuchen kann. Deswegen wurde die Idee geboren, ein Instrument zu entwickeln, mit dem man auch die deutschen Papyrussammlungen gleichzeitig durchsuchen kann.

Die Projektbeteiligten hatten sich im Vorfeld der Projektkonzeption gegen ein Harvesting der Daten durch eine zentrale Instanz ausgesprochen. Somit werden zum Zeitpunkt einer Anfrage alle beteiligten Datenbanksysteme direkt abgefragt. Dabei arbeiten die Systeme in den Papyrussammlungen völlig autonom. Sie sind auch für den Inhalt ihrer Datenbanken selbst verantwortlich. Eventuelle Unterschiede zwischen den lokalen Datenbanken wurden entweder im Zuge des Projektes vereinheitlicht oder werden während der Suche durch Konkordanzen ausgeglichen. Damit ist nicht nur eine Vereinheitlichung der verschiedenen Lösungen in den Papyrussammlungen erreicht, sondern darüber hinaus auch ein Standard geschaffen worden, wie zukünftig Papyrussammlungen zu katalogisieren sind.

Eine ausführliche Darstellung des Konzeptes des 'Papyrus Portals' finden Sie in der Dokumentation des Projektes . Außerdem wurde eine Mailingliste (collection@rz.uni-leipzig.de) eingerichtet, um Fragen und Informationen zum 'Papyrus Portal' auszutauschen. 

The aim of the PapyrusPortal is to connect all German Papyrus Collections virtually to ensure an efficient search in the inventories of all these collections and present the results in a homogeneous standard view. The hit list offers the most important information for each object and a link to the full original data in the local database.

Some of the German Collections already digitised their inventories completely and are offering the data on their websites: Bonn, Bremen, Erlangen, Gießen, Halle, Heidelberg, Jena, Trier und Würzburg. Others have not finished yet (Leipzig), others only have started (Berlin). Some other collections are planning to digitise their inventories and make them public via internet databases. Links to the local collections can be found under the respective toponym.

The projects of digitising and electronically cataloguing took place in the past two decades. Therefore different operating systems were used and so evolved various solutions of online presentation: the collections in Heidelberg , Cologne , Trier and Bonn were using Filemaker, Berlin and Bremen integrated their systems on-site. The Papyrusprojekt Halle-Jena-Leipzig and other collections such as Erlangen, Marburg, Würzburg and Gießen were using MyCoRe. Because of these various systems it was impossible to browse all German collections, like it was possible with APIS Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS) for the American papyrus collections (also including some non-American collections). Hence the was an idea to develope a website that is able connect all German collections and browse them simultaneously.

The participants militated against harvesting the data by a central authority. Thus the query of data takes place in all systems immediately. The different systems in the collections are working autonomous and responsible for the contents of their databases. Differences between the local databases have been standardised in this project or equalized with concordances. In this way a standard for future cataloguing in papyrus collection was created.

A detailed description of the concept can be found here: documentation of the project (in German). Furthermore a mailinglist was setup to share information and questions concerning the PapyrusPortal.

Open Access Journal: Open Journal of Archaeometry

Open Journal of Archaeometry
eISSN: 2038-1956
The Open Journal of Archaeometry is a new, peer-reviewed, Open Access, international scientific journal published by PAGEPress Publications. It is devoted to the publication of research articles, short communications and review papers on every aspect of archaeometry.
Archaeometry – also known as archaeological science – applies scientific techniques to the analysis of archaeological materials. Research topics mainly comprise the following disciplines and analyzing techniques:
  • chemical and physical analyses of artifacts, concerning provenance, technology types of use and authenticity;
  • dating methods providing archaeologists with numerical and relative chronologies;
  • environmental approaches providing information on past changes in landscape, climate, flora, and fauna;
  • anthropological studies dealing with diet, nutrition, health and pathology;
  • mathematical methods for data treatment with the purpose of handling, analyzing, and modeling large data sources;
  • remote-sensing and geophysical-survey applications assisting underground and underwater archaeology;
  • conservation sciences involving the study of decay processes and the development of appropriate methods of conservation and restoration.
The Open Journal of Archaeometry may also host contextually relevant announcements, book reviews and abstracts from scientific meetings. Every article published in the Journal will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field and decided upon by members of the Editorial Board.

Vol 3, No 1 (2016)

Published: 2016-04-15 09:51:03

Vol 2, No 2 (2014)

Published: 2014-09-19 11:38:36


Open Access Journal: History of Science in South Asia

History of Science in South Asia
Word-cloud of HSSA keywords
An Open Access journal for the history of all forms of scientific thought and action, ancient and modern, in all regions of South Asia.   See further, Focus and Scope

We take “South Asia” as an inclusive, non-political, socio-geographic term referring to the area from Afghanistan to Sri Lanka, from Pakistan to Bangladesh, and of course India. Research on the influences of South Asian cultures beyond these borders is also welcome, for example Nepalese or Tibetan influences on China, Sri Lankan influences on the Maldives, or Indian influences in South-East Asia.

We take “science” to be broadly conceived, and to include all forms of rigorous intellectual activity that adopt at least to some extent a quantitative and empirical approach, as in the German “Die Wissenschaft,” that covers most forms of academic scholarship. Theoretical discussions of the meaning of “science” in the South Asian context are welcome. They should presuppose some familiarity with topics such as those raised in sources like Grant, A History of Natural Philosophy (2007), Latour, Laboratory Life (1979), Staal, Concepts of Science in Europe and Asia</i> (1993, PDF), Shapin, “Science and the Modern World” (2007, PDF), Netz, The Shaping of Deduction (2003, PDF of review by Latour), Pollock, “The Languages of Science in Early-Modern India” (in Forms of Knowledge in Early Modern Asia, 2011), and similar reflective works that explore Global History, the interpretation of Modernities, and the general meaning of science in the pre-modern world.

HSSA welcomes submissions for peer-review.

Vol 1 (2013)

Open Access Journal: Abstracta Iranica

 [First posted in AWOL 28 February 2014, updated 1 August 2016]

Abstracta Iranica
Couverture Abstracta Iranica - Volume 32-33
Revue de bibliographie sélective et critique pour le monde irano-aryen sur tous les aspects de la culture et de la civilisation iraniennes, des origines à nos jours

A selective and critical bibliographical journal of Iranian studies, also covering Afghanistan and other areas relevant to Iranian culture

چکیده‌های ایرانشناسی یک نشریه کتابشناسی گزیده و انتقادی است از پژوهشهای مربوط به همهً زمینه‌های فرهنگ و تمدن ایرانی‌ از آغاز تا امروز.

Abstracta Iranica est une revue de bibliographie sélective et critique pour le monde irano-aryen ; elle rend compte des travaux concernant tous les aspects de la culture et de la civilisation iraniennes, des origines à nos jours.

Les travaux présentés dans Abstracta Iranica sont sélectionnés parmi les publications de l’année précédente, et présentés par des chercheurs.

Les auteurs et maisons d’édition sont invités à adresser à la Rédaction les ouvrages et tirés-à-part des articles destinés à faire l’objet d’un compte rendu dans la revue.

Six More Brill Journals in JSTOR

The following six journals are either newly in JSTOR, or somehow escaped my prior searches. And you can see a list of all Brill Journals in JSTOR.
Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period
Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period
Coverage: 1970-2010 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 41, No. 4)

Published by: Brill
Coverage: 1954-2010 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 57, No. 5)

Published by: Brill
Vetus Testamentum
Vetus Testamentum
Coverage: 1951-2010 (Vol. 1, Fasc. 1 - Vol. 60, Fasc. 4)

Published by: Brill
 Vigiliae Christianae
Vigiliae Christianae
Coverage: 1947-2010 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 64, No. 5)

Published by: Brill  
Coverage: 1963-2010 (Vol. 1 - Vol. 48, No. 3/4)

Published by: Brill
Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte
Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte
Coverage: 1948-2010 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 62, No. 4)

Published by: Brill
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Late Antique and Early Medieval Inscriptions

 [First posted in AWOL 13 August 2010. Updated 2 August 2016]

Late Antique and Early Medieval Inscriptions
By Mark Handley
The purpose of this website is to provide a full collection of links to on-line databases, books, Phds, and articles on late antique and early medieval inscriptions, covering the period from A.D. 300 to 900. So far there are over 520 such links.
As can be seen from the tags above, the links are organized by region. Please note that the regional bibliographies provided here are limited purely to what is freely available on-line.
The 'New publications' page is intended as a resource to enable those interested to keep track of new publications. By contrast, it is not limited to what is available on-line. Currently it covers the years 2008-2012, and includes c. 200 publications. Scholars are warmly invited to email me with news of their recent relevant publications for inclusion in this list. Similarly, anyone with comments, criticisms, additions or corrections, along with anyone who thinks copyright is being infringed by a link should email me at mark3handley 'at' hotmail 'dot' co 'dot' uk (my email is shown this way to try and avoid generating spam).
A new feature has been added to the site - "Notes on Late Antique and Early Medieval Inscriptions". This will be a page for me to informally-publish short articles. The first such note is now available.
For a full bibliography of my own publications to date (including Dying on Foreign Shores. Travel and Mobility in the Late-Antique West, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series Vol. 86 (Portsmouth RI, 2011)), with available links, click on the 'My publications' tab.
And I note in particular the author's Excelentlist of online databases:
Items in Red added since the launch of the site. 
Celtic Inscribed Stones Project– UCL’s database of all monumental non-runic inscriptions in Celtic speaking countries, AD 400-1200. Link.
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. On-line database, and photo collection.Link. 
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum II, website includes links to photos and entries for:
             CIL II2/5 – Conventus Astigitanus.Link.
            CIL II2/7 – Cordubensis.Link.
            CIL II2/14.1 – Tarraconensis pars meridionalis.Link. 
Curse Tablets of Roman Britain. Link.
Epigrafia Medievale - regionally-organised bibliographies of Medieval epigraphy. Link.
Epigraphic Database Roma. EAGLE. Electronic archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy. Link. 
Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (EDCS).Link. 
Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg. CIL, AE, and many more recent corpora, with a notable coverage of the Balkans. There is also an on-line bibliography, and over 20,000 photos. Link.
Hispania Epigraphica. Online database. Roman Inscriptions from the Iberian Peninsula.Link.
ICUR-on line. Christian Inscriptions of Rome Database. This so far contains 26,164 inscriptions. Link. 
Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (2009). Link.
Kiel Rune Project (focuses on the Older Futhark).Link.
Last Statues of AntiquityLink. 
Ogam-Inschriften– Jost Gippert’s database of ogham inscriptions. Link.
Packhard Humanities Institute. Database of Greek Inscriptions. Searchable, and browseable, and divided by regions. Link.
Reynolds, J.M. and Ward-Perkins, J.B., enhanced electronic reissue by Boddard, G., and Roueche, C., (eds.), Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (2009). Link.
Samnordisk Runtextdatabas. Full downloadable database of all Scandinavian runic inscriptions from across Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iceland, Ireland and the British Isles. Link.
Visualizing Statues in the late antique Roman Forum. Link.

Epigrafia Medievale

Open Access Journal: VATES: The Journal of New Latin Poetry

[First posted in AWOL 3 August 2011. Updated 3 August 2016]

VATES: The Journal of New Latin Poetry
VATESis an occasional publication that aims to bring contemporary Latin poetry to the attention of an English-speaking audience. The purpose of the journal is to promote both the reading and the writing of new Latin verse in an attempt to reverse the decline of Latin poetry composition in the English-speaking world.
Published electronically in pdf format, the journal is sent free of charge to any individual or organisation who wishes to see it. They in turn are encouraged to circulate it – either electronically or by printing copies – to an even wider audience. The hope is that the very existence of such a forum for the dissemination of Latin verse will encourage readers to contribute.
The journal is not 'academic' in tone: it is intended for anyone with an interest in the subject. In order to make the publication as accessible as possible, featured Latin poems are accompanied by English translations and all editorial articles are in English.
The journal also features articles on the history of the genre and hints and tips about writing Latin poetry.
Vates Issue 11 (Spring 2015) Vates 10 (Autumn 2014) * 
* Vates 9 (Spring 2014) * 
*Vates 8 (Autumn 2013) * 
* Vates 7 (Spring 2013) * 
* Vates 6 (Winter 2012) *
* Vates 5 (Summer 2012) *
* Vates 4 (Winter 2011) *
* Vates 3 (Spring 2011) *
* Vates 2 (Autumn 2010) *
* Vates 1  (Summer 2010) *

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