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The Antiquities Coalition #CultureUnderThreat Task Force Report

The Antiquities Coalition #CultureUnderThreat Task Force Report
The #CultureUnderThreat Task Force was convened by the Antiquities Coalition, Asia Society, and Middle East Institute to explore solutions to this growing crisis and serve as an ongoing resource to policy makers. The Task Force builds upon the 2015 Cairo Conference, where ministers from ten key MENA countries agreed to take steps against cultural racketeering. Their collective action plan—the Cairo Declaration—was reinforced by the #CultureUnderThreat Forum held on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015.

The recommendations that follow begin with actions that the Task Force believes the United States government can and must take to end cultural crimes. They are also intended to serve as a guide for leaders across the international community and in the private sector. It is important to recognize that the success of these recommendations will depend on adequate funding being made available, not only for implementation, but for additional research to help us better understand the illicit trade in antiquities.
Ending the cultural crisis in the Middle East and North Africa is a national security and human rights imperative. Adoption of these recommendations would go far in addressing this crisis. The Task Force stands ready to assist in this effort.
Full Report Available       Recommendations           Executive Summary
for Download Here          Overview Here                  Here
TF report cover      Recommendations Overview Cover image       Exec Summary Cover image

Open Access Journal: British Museum Technical Research Bulletin

[First posted in AWOL 25 November 2013, updated 14 April 2016]

British Museum Technical Research Bulletin (BMTRB)
ISSN: 1755-814X
Image result for "British Museum Technical Research Bulletin"
The Technical Research Bulletin publishes the results of collaborative work by the British Museum's curators, conservators and scientists covering a broad range of objects and materials from across the Museum’s collection.

Published once a year, each issue aims to encompass objects from different continents, historical periods and material types. The Bulletin is designed to appeal both to those with a general interest in the Museum’s collections and those with a specialist interest who wish to broaden their horizons.

Volume 1

Examines some of the different material aspects of objects in the Museum collection.
Read Volume 1 

Volume 2

Detailing the assessment, examination, treatment and analysis of objects from across the Museum’s collections and beyond.
Read Volume 2 

Volume 3

Shedding light on cultures from the ancient civilisations of the world.
Read Volume 3 

Volume 4

Papers on exploring the evidence for cultural transmission and trade to questions of object attribution and authenticity.
Read Volume 4 

Volume 5

Articles reflecting the chronological depth and geographical breadth of the British Museum collection.
Read Volume 5 

Volume 6

Articles highlighting the reasons behind technical examination and analysis.
Read Volume 6 

Volume 7

Showcasing research and conservation projects that advance our understanding of the history, technology and treatment of objects.
Read Volume 7 

Volume 8

Volume 9

Available now in hard copy and online in Autumn 2016:
  • A Great Lakes pouch of black-dyed skin with porcupine quillwork: an update
  • A metallographic study of some debased silver coinage of Henry VIII
  • Scientific examination of the Roman ring-pommel sword said to be from Pevensey, East Sussex
  • Conservation treatment and technical observations on two objects from the Waddesdon Bequest with life castings
  • The conservation and technical investigation of a hollow-cast Egyptian bronze
  • Developing a passive approach to the conservation of naturally mummified human remains from the Fourth Cataract region of the Nile Valley
  • Early Byzantine glass weights: aspects of function, typology and composition
  • Ancient Egyptian funerary food; new insights
  • Tools for eternity: pre-Columbian workbaskets as textile production toolkits and grave offerings
  • The Admonitions Scroll: condition, treatment and housing 1903–2014
  • A fresh assessment of a small stone plaque from China

Open Access Journal: Palaeohistoria: Acta et Communicationes Instituti Bio-Archaeologici Universitatis Groninganae

Palaeohistoria: Acta et Communicationes Instituti Bio-Archaeologici Universitatis Groninganae
ISSN: 0552-9344
Page Header
The annual journal Palaeohistoria – full title Acta et Communicationes Instituti Bio-Archaeologici Universitatis Groninganae– is edited by the staff of the Institute, and carries detailed articles on material culture, analysis of radiocarbon data and the results of excavations, surveys and coring campaigns. Palaeohistoria plays an essential role in the exchange network of journals that has been established with 160 other archaeological institutes in the Netherlands and abroad.


Palaeohistoria 55/56 (2013/2014)

Table of Contents


The Editorial Staff i-iii
In memoriam Jay J. ButlerPDF
S. Arnoldussen, E.M. Theunissen, Hannie Steegstra V-XI
Swifterbant-S25 (gemeente Dronten, provincie Flevoland). Een bijzondere vindplaats van de Swifterbant-cultuur (ca. 4500-3700 cal. BC)PDF
D.C.M. Raemaekers, J. Geuverink, I. Woltinge, J. van der Laan, A. Maurer, E.E. Scheele, T. Sibma, D.J. Huisman 1-56
Die Suche nach dem verschollenen Großsteingrab G4 'Onner es' (Onnen, Prov. Groningen)PDF
H.A. Groenendijk, J.N. Lanting, H. Woldring 57-84
Of farms and fields: the Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement and Celtic field at Hijken – HijkerveldPDF
S. Arnoldussen, K.M. de Vries 85-104
Sites and finds of the Campoverde and Padiglione surveys of the Pontine region project (2005)PDF
T. van Loon, S.L. Willemsen, G.W. Tol 105-147
Beans, boats and archaeobotany. a new translation of phasolus or why the romans ate neither kidney beans nor cowpeasPDF
F.B.J. Heinrich, D.A. Wilkins 149-176
Villas and farmsteads in the Ager Setinus (Sezze, Italy)PDF
P.A.J. Attema, T.C.A. de Haas, G.W. Tol 177-244
Medieval farmsteads in Gasselte (Province of Drenthe)PDF
H.T. Waterbolk, O.H. Harsema 227-265


Palaeohistoria 20


Palaeohistoria 1

Open Access Journal: Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology

[Originally posted 9/21/09. Updated 15 April 2016]

Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology
ISSN 1824-1670
Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology
Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology’ (JIIA) online since 10 October 2003, was launched as an online journal devoted to archaeology.
JIIA is an online journal on archaeology, antiquity sciences and sciences applied to archaeology. It is interdisciplinary and concentrates particularly on the problems of interculturality in the ancient world.
The JIIA is registered with the Court of Frosinone, Italy, entry no. 303/2003; has been a member of the USPI (Italian Periodical Press Union) since 2003; has been allocated International Standard Serial Number (ISSN 1824-1670) by the National Italian ISSN Centre and is protected by Italian copyright law as a collective work.
In the year 2014, the Journal has been relaunched, available in print, limited edition, not for sale, and distributed for free to the national libraries in various countries around the world, some University departments and authors only. From 2014 (beginning with the second edition) JIIA is hosted by the Heidelberg University Library.
Linked to the ‘Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology’ is the 'JIIA Eprints Repository'.

Antonella D'Ascoli is Owner and Editor of this complex infrastructure.


Cover Page

No 01 (2014): 2. ed: Consumption of perfumed oil in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East: funerary rituals and other case studies

"The lady of the Urkesh ābi"
Drawing of anthropomorphic vessel from the ābi (A12.108) of Claudia Wettstein (IIMAS). Courtesy of IIMAS-International Institute for Mesopotamian Area Studies.

Group Blog: Social Science Ancient History: New approaches to the study of classical antiquity…

Social Science Ancient History: New approaches to the study of classical antiquity…
‘Social Science Ancient History’ is an open, inclusive approach to the study of the history of classical antiquity – more of a temperament or an attitude than a clearly-defined field or methodology. It is founded on a conviction that historical research on classical antiquity must be analytical rather than descriptive, that it must be deductive rather than inductive, and that the historian’s questions, concepts and assumptions should always be discussed explicitly rather than taken for granted or ignored. It encompasses the use of theories, models and concepts drawn from the social sciences in order to make sense of the ancient world, but without any prejudice for or against economics, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies or any other field of scholarship.
This blog is particularly but not exclusively associated with the Antiquity Network of the biennial European Social Science History Conference, where we first had the idea. It aims to serve as a point of contact and information hub for past and potential contributors to the Antiquity sessions at that conference, and a means for advertising the Network’s activities. However, it also seeks to promote social scientific approaches to ancient history more generally: by organising ‘book events’ several times a year, where a number of contributors offer their personal views of a key work as a starting-point for discussion, and by publishing relevant posts on research topics from established scholars, early career researchers and postgraduate students.
If you are interested in contributing to this blog, please contact the current organiser, Neville Morley (neville.morley(at)bristol.ac.uk) to discuss your ideas. If you’re not familiar with this sort of writing, you can consult a brief introductory guide, Introduction to Blogging, written with academics in mind (n.b. if you are familiar with this sort of writing, you will find this absurdly basic), as well as some notes on Organising a Book Event.

Open Access Journal: Restaurierung und Archäologie

Restaurierung und Archäologie
ISSN: 1866-7007
Page Header
Die Zeitschrift »Restaurierung und Archäologie« ist ein wissenschaftliches Forum zu Themen der Konservierung/Restaurierung, zu technologischer Erforschung, zu Dokumentation und Fundbergung sowie naturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen archäologischer Bodenfunde. Die mehrsprachig angelegte Zeitschrift erscheint einmal jährlich mit einem Umfang von ca. 120 Seiten und durchgehend farbigen Abbildungen.

Neben der Veröffentlichung aktueller Forschungsergebnisse von Restauratoren, Archäologen und Naturwissenschaftlern dient die Zeitschrift auch dem Erfahrungsaustausch praktischer Maßnahmen am Objekt und bietet Absolventen der einschlägigen Studiengänge die Möglichkeit, ihre Abschlussarbeiten in verkürzter Form einem breiteren Fachkollegium vorzustellen.
Träger sind das »Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum« und die »Archäologische Staatssammlung München« in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Hochschulen, Landesämtern, Museen und außeruniversitären Forschungsinstituten. Die eingereichten Artikel, deren Umfang bis zu 20 Druckseiten einschließlich der Abbildungen betragen kann, werden extern begutachtet. Fremdsprachige Beiträge (in Englisch oder Französisch) sind willkommen.

Vol 7 (2014): Restaurierung und Archäologie

Open Access Journal: Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies

Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies
ISSN: 1084-7561
Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies
This journal is open to all bona fide scholars in Vedic Studies. It is monitored for style and content by the Editor-in-Chief. Our aim is to disseminate our work quickly. We include articles, abstracts, reviews, and news (such as on conferences, meetings, PhD projects of our students, etc.) We may consider a column of answers to comments on articles published in the journal, with final comment by the author.



Open Access Journal: Digital Classics Online

Digital Classics Online
ISSN: 2364-7957
Digital Classics Online ist ein für Autoren und Nutzer kostenfreies E-Journal, das Beiträge aus dem Gebiet der Alten Geschichte und angrenzender Gebiete der Altertumswissenschaften in Verbindung mit der Anwendung oder Entwicklung von Methoden aus den Digital Humanities veröffentlicht.
Alle Artikel des E-Journals werden nach dem Open-Access-Prinzip unter einer CC-BY-SA Lizenz von den Autoren frei verfügbar bereitgestellt.

Manuskripte (Sprachen: deutsch, englisch, französisch und italienisch) können über unser elektronisches Publikationssystem eingereicht werden. Auch Beiträge von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern und Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen, Doktoranden und Doktorandinnen sowie Ergebnisse aus gemeinschaftlich unter der Leitung eines Wissenschaftlers oder einer Wissenschaftlerin durchgeführten Seminaren oder Workshops sind ausdrücklich erwünscht, ebenso Tagungs- und Konferenzbeiträge oder deren Erweiterung zu Aufsätzen. Die Qualität eingereichter Manuskripte wird nach dem Peer Review-Verfahren geprüft.

Im Wege des hybriden Publizierens soll eine monographische Reihe „Digital Classics Books“ (Arbeitstitel) aufgebaut werden, in der die elektronische und gedruckte Publikation sich ergänzen. Einzelne Beiträge aus Digital Classics Online, die zu einer Monographie erweitert werden oder mehrere Beiträge, die einem inhaltlich zusammenhängenden Thema gewidmet sind und zu einem Themenband erweitert werden, können in diese Reihe aufgenommen werden. Ebenso können Qualifikationsschriften (Dissertationen, Habilitationen), die Methoden der Digital Humanities auf Fragestellungen der Altertumswissenschaften anwenden, dort publiziert werden. Auch für Digital Classics Books gilt die Qualitätsprüfung durch ein Peer Review-Verfahren.

Bitte beachten Sie das Style Sheet und die Hinweise zur Online Einreichung sowie die Open Access Einverständniserklärung im Bereich „Für Autoren“. Im Bereich Frequently Asked Questions geben wir Auskunft über den Begutachtungs- und Publikationsprozess, den lizenzrechtlichen Rahmen, Open Access, Qualitätssicherung und Termine.

Bd. 2,1 (2016)

Full Issue

View or download the full issuePDF (Deutsch)

Table of Contents


Michaela Rücker, Sven - Philipp Brandt

Digital Classics Online Artikel

Dariya Rafiyenko

Christine Roughan

Friedrich Meins

Leif Scheuermann

Charlotte Schubert

Ankündigungen und Projektberichte

Reinhold Scholl

Charlotte Schubert, Christopher W. Blackwell

Bd. 1 (2015)

Open Access Journal: Germania: Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts

Germania: Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts
Die Zeitschrift „Germania. Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts“ wird seit 1917 von der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission zunächst unter dem Titel „Korrespondenzblatt der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des kaiserlichen Archäologischen Instituts“, dann „… des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts“ herausgegeben. Aktuelle Vorberichte zu Grabungen, Forschungsbeiträge und Studien, Diskussionsbeiträge sowie ein umfangreicher Rezensionsteil prägen die Zeitschrift bis heute.

Die Aufsätze werden in deutscher, englischer und französischer Sprache gedruckt und unterliegen einem Peer Review-Verfahren. Sie decken Themen von der Steinzeit bis ins Mittelalter und von fachgeschichtlichen bis naturwissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen ab.

Zurzeit werden hier die älteren Bände bereitgestellt. Nach Klärung offener Copyrightfragen folgen neuere und aktuelle Bände.



New in the ANCIENT NEAR EAST MONOGRAPHS Series: Priests and Cults in the Book of the Twelve

Priests and Cults in the Book of the Twelve
Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer (Editor)

ISBN 9781628371345

Price: $39.95


Publication DateMay 2016

 Key essays that explore a range of attitudes toward clergy and ritual
This book discusses the depictions of the cult and its personnel in the twelve prophetic books commonly referred to as the Book of the Twelve or the Minor Prophets. The articles in the volume explore the following questions: How did these prophetic writers envision the priests and the Levites? What did they think about the ritual aspects of ancient Israelite faith, including not only the official temple cult in Jerusalem but also cultic expressions outside the capital? What, in their views, characterized a faithful priest and what should the relationship be between his cultic performance and the ways in which he lived his life? How does the message of each individual author fit in with the wider Israelite traditions? Finally, who were these prophetic authors, in which historical contexts did they live and work, and what stylistic tools did they use to communicate their message?

  • Essays investigate the ways in which key texts in the Book of the Twelve endorse, criticize, seek to reform, or seek to abolish the cult and clergy
  • Articles focus on the books of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Zephaniah, Zechariah, and Malachi, but include other texts
  • Exploration of how the attitudes towards cult and clergy in these key texts tie in with the attitudes found elsewhere in the Book of the Twelve 
  • Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer is Reader in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at the University of Aberdeen. She is the author of For the Comfort of Zion: The Geographical and Theological Location of Isaiah 40-55 (Brill) and Priestly Rites and Prophetic Rage: Post-Exilic Prophetic Critique of the Priesthood (Mohr Siebeck).
    For all published volumes in the series see here.

    See AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies

    New from the CHS: Particles in Ancient Greek Discourse: Five Volumes Exploring Particle Use Across Genres

    Particles in Ancient Greek Discourse: Five Volumes Exploring Particle Use Across Genres

    Table of Contents

    Volume I. Foundations

    I.1 General introduction (AB, AD, MdK)
    1.1 The extent of the project §§2-3
    1.2 Goals §§4-7
    1.3 The term “particle” §§8-11
    1.4 The discourse approach: Key concepts §§12-17
    1.5 A discourse approach to ancient Greek particles §§18-21
    1.6 Guiding questions §22
    1.7 Outline of the work §§23-33
              1.7.1 Volume I §§24-25
              1.7.2 Volume II §§26-27
              1.7.3 Volume III §§28-29
              1.7.4 Volume IV §§30-31
              1.7.5 Volume V §§32-33
    I.2 From σύνδεσμοι to particulae (MdK)
    2.1 Introduction §§1-3
    2.2 Early study of grammar §§4-8
    2.3 The Téchnē attributed to Dionysius Thrax §§9-13
    2.4 Early definitions of σύνδεσμοι §§14-17
    2.5 The scholia §§18-46
              2.5.1 Terminology §§18-19
              2.5.2 σύνδεσμοι in the scholia §§20-27
              2.5.3 Aristarchus on σύνδεσμοι §§28-31
              2.5.4 Redundancy §32
              2.5.5 Interchangeability §§33-38
              2.5.6 ἄν and κε(ν) §§39-40
              2.5.7 Noteworthy readings of particles §§41-46
    2.6 The Téchnē and other early scholarship §§47-59
              2.6.1 Trypho §§50-51
              2.6.2 Apollonius the Sophist §§52-53
              2.6.3 σύνδεσμοι in the Téchnē§§54-57
              2.6.4 Pseudo-Demetrius’ Style§§58-59
    2.7 Apollonius Dyscolus §§60-76
              2.7.1 Subcategories §§66-71
              2.7.2 Important topics raised by Apollonius §§72-76
    2.8 After Apollonius Dyscolus §§77-91
              2.8.1 Early grammars §§79-81
              2.8.2 Late Antique scholia to the Téchnē§§82-84
              2.8.3 The Medieval lexicographers §§85-89
    2.9. A renaissance of the particle §§90-91
    2.10 Appendix: the functions of combiners §92
    I.3 Approaches to particles and discourse markers (AD)
    3.1 Introduction §§1-5
    3.2 Terminology, definition, and classification §§6-15
    3.3 Different approaches in discourse-marker studies §§16-51
              3.3.1 Coherence approaches §§17-24
              3.3.2 Conversation Analysis §§25-32
              3.3.3 Relevance Theory §§33-40
              3.3.4 Construction Grammar §§41-51
    3.4 Further relevant studies §§52-57
    3.5 Studies on particles and discourse markers in Greek and Latin §§58-74
    3.6 Conclusions §§75-77
    I.4 General conclusions (AB, AD, MdK)
    4.1 Particles invite sensitivity to discourse §§2-6
    4.2 What to look out for in connection with particles §§7-11
    4.3 Particles, text, and literature §§12-16
    4.4 Directions in ancient Greek particle studies §§17-19

    Volume II. Particle Use in Homer and Pindar (MdK)

    II.1 Introduction
    1.1 Starting points §§6-10
    1.2 Sneak preview §§11-14
    Table 1: Particle frequencies in Homer and Pindar §14
    II.2 Discourse acts: The domain of particle analysis
    2.1 Introduction §§3-20
              2.1.1 Kôlon, intonation unit, and discourse act §§9-20
              2.1.2 Distinguishing potential discourse acts §§21-23
    2.2 Discourse acts in Homer §§24-36
              2.2.1 Homeric δέ §§31-36
    2.3 Discourse acts in Pindar §§37-45
    2.4 μέν in Homer and Pindar §§46-62
              2.4.1 μέν projecting acts and moves §§49-56
              2.4.2 Small-scope μέν: projection and contrast §§57-62
    2.5 Priming acts §§63-79
              2.5.1 Priming acts in Homeric narrative §§64-71
              2.5.2 Priming acts in Pindar §§72-79
              Pindaric priming acts with second-person pronouns §§73-79
    2.6 Conclusions §§80-82
    II.3 Moves: Particles at discourse transitions
    3.1 Moves §§2-5
              3.1.1 Move transitions §§6-11
    3.2 Particles in narrative §§12-50
              3.2.1 Narrative moves §§14-19
              3.2.2 γάρ at narrative beginnings §§20-32
              καὶ γάρ §§30-32
              3.2.3 ἤδη and ἦ marking beginnings §§33-43
              3.2.4 Other narrative beginnings §§45-50
    3.3 Move transitions in Homeric narrative §§51-64
              3.3.1 Homeric δή I: Marking narrative steps §§53-58
              3.3.2 Homeric δή II: Intensifying constituents or acts §§59-63
              3.3.3 Homeric δή: Conclusions §64
    3.4 Move transitions in Pindaric discourse §§65-76
              3.4.1 Particles at move transitions in narrative §§65-67
              3.4.2 The discursive flow of lyric song: Pythian 2 §§68-76
    3.5 Conclusions §§77-81
    II.4 Discourse memory: The negotiation of shared knowledge
    4.1 Discourse memory §§5-10
    4.2 Unframed discourse §§11-28
              4.2.1 γάρ and δὴ γάρ introducing unframed discourse in Homeric epic §§15-23
              4.2.2 γάρ and unframed discourse in Pindar §§24-25
              4.2.3 γάρ in Homer and Pindar: an overview §§26-28
    4.3 Particles in the Homeric simile §§29-45
              4.3.1 τε in the simile §§32-37
              4.3.2 ἄρα in the simile §§38-41
              4.3.3 The linguistic form of the simile §§42-45
    4.4 Scripts, scenarios, and traditional knowledge §§46-53
              4.4.1 Particles in two recurrent themes §§50-53
    4.5 τε in Pindar §§54-68
              4.5.1 “Epic” τε in Pindar §§55-57
              4.5.2 Copulative τε in Pindar §§58-68
    4.6 Conclusions §§69-72
    II.5 Particles and anaphoric reference
    5.1 A discourse approach to anaphoric reference §§4-10
    5.2 ὁ and ὅς §§11-17
    5.3 ὁ/ὅς + particle in Homer §§18-71
              5.3.1 ὁ δέ §§19-26
              5.3.2 ὅ γε §§27-50
              5.3.3 ὁ δ᾽ἄρα and ὅ(ς) ῥα §§51-62
              5.3.4 ὁ(ς) δή §§63-71
    5.4 Participant tracking in a Pindaric ode: Isthmian 2 §§72-80
    5.5 Conclusions §§81-85

    Volume III. Particle Use in Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes (AD)

    III.1 Introduction
    1.1 The performative context §§3-5
    1.2 Themes and findings §§6-17
    III.2 Varying one’s speech: Discourse patterns
    2.1 Introduction §§1-21
              2.1.1 Theoretical background: Discourse patterns and registers §§4-9
              2.1.2 Research on linguistic variation in ancient Greek drama §§10-15
              2.1.3 Methodology in this chapter §§16-21
    2.2 Distribution as input for interpretation §§22-89
              2.2.1 δέ §§24-32
              2.2.2 καί §§33-38
              2.2.3 τε §§39-49
              2.2.4 γάρ §§50-57
              2.2.5 γε and δῆτα §§58-63
              2.2.6 ἀλλά §§64-68
              2.2.7 μέν §§69-72
              2.2.8 δή §§73-79
              2.2.9 οὖν §§80-84
              2.2.10 ἦ §§85-89
    2.3 Conclusions §§90-95
    2.4 Appendix: non-significant distributions §96
    III.3 Reusing others’ words: Resonance
    3.1 Introduction §§1-26
              3.1.1 What is dialogic resonance? §§3-7
              3.1.2 Studies on resonance in modern languages §§8-14
              3.1.3 Studies on resonance in ancient Greek §§15-24
              3.1.4 This chapter §§25-26
    3.2. Resonance in tragedy and comedy §§27-73
              3.2.1 Functions of resonance §§27-32
              3.2.2 Resonance used by speaking characters §§33-49
              Resonance stressing unity of speakers and actions §§33-38
              Resonance stressing differences §§39-49
              3.2.3 Resonance used by playwrights §§50-72
              Resonance stressing a theme §§50-56
              Resonance characterizing a speaker and an interaction §§57-62
              Resonance used for humor §§63-69
              Resonance creating parody §§70-72
              3.2.4 Conclusions about resonance in tragedy and comedy §73
    3.3 The role of particles in the process of resonance §§74-102
              3.3.1 Particles indicating how resonance is used §§74-89
              γε §§76-79
              δέ (...) γε §§80-83
              δῆτα §§84-88
              καί §§89-94
              γάρ §§95-98
              3.3.2 Particles triggering resonance themselves §§99-102
    3.4 Conclusions §§103-108
    III.4 Speaking in turns: Conversation Analysis
    4.1 Introduction §§1-25
              4.1.1 Tragic and comic conversation §§1-6
              4.1.2 Conversation Analysis (CA) §§7-23
              4.1.3 Applying CA to particles in tragedy and comedy §§24-25
    4.2 Turn-taking §§26-31
    4.3 Sequence organization §§32-48
              4.3.1 Adjacency pairs and adjacency-pair series §§33-42
              4.3.2 Pair expansions §§43-48
    4.4 Preference organization §§49-56
              4.4.1 Preferred responses §§50-52
              4.4.2 Dispreferred responses §§53-56
    4.5 The actions performed by turns §§57-70
              4.5.1 τοι §§58-61
              4.5.2 Turn-initial γε §§62-64
              4.5.3 Utterance starts without particles §§65-70
    4.6 Conclusions §§71-72
    4.7 Appendix: Quantitative observations on turn-initial expressions §§73-75
    III.5 Reflecting emotional states of mind: Calmness versus agitation
    5.1 Introduction §§1-8
    5.2 Approaches to emotions §§9-25
              5.2.1 Emotions in ancient Greek texts §§9-21
              5.2.2 Calmness versus agitation beyond ancient Greek §§22-25
    5.3 Reflections of calmness and agitation §§26-50
              5.3.1 Calmness §§27-43
              5.3.2 Agitation §§44-50
    5.4 The different emotional and interactional associations of γε in Aristophanes §§51-63
              5.4.1 γε in angry contexts §§53-58
              5.4.2 γε in stancetaking contexts §§59-63
    5.5 Two tragic case studies of calm versus agitated discourse §§64-87
              5.5.1 Sophocles’ calm versus agitated Oedipus §§65-77
              5.5.2 Euripides’ agitated Pentheus versus calm Dionysus §§78-87
    5.6 Conclusions §§88-94

    Volume IV. Particle Use in Herodotus and Thucydides (AB)

    IV.1 Introduction
    1.1 Themes and examples §§4-9
    1.2 A different perspective on historiographical texts §§10-15
    IV.2 Multifunctionality of δέ, τε, and καί
    2.1 And-coordination §§1-13
    2.2 δέ marking the beginning of a new discourse act §§14-46
              2.2.1 δέ in phrases §§26-28
              2.2.2 δέ in syntactically independent clauses §§29-31
              2.2.3 “Inceptive” δέ §§32-35
              2.2.4 “Αpodotic” δέ §§36-37
              2.2.5 δέ in priming acts §§38-41
              2.2.6 When the force of two contiguous δέ acts changes §§42-45
              2.2.7 Interim conclusion §46
    2.3 The continuum of τε §§47-92
              2.3.1 τε and shared knowledge §§54-69
              2.3.2 Further enrichments §§70-73
              2.3.3 τε “solitarium” and “sentential” τε §§74-77
              2.3.4 τε connections backward-oriented: the coda effect §§78-79
              2.3.5 τε connections forward-oriented: τε as a projecting marker, and τε at the beginning of lists §§80-84
              2.3.6 τε starting moves §§85-87
              2.3.7 Backward and forward τε connections: intonational parallels? §§88-90
              2.3.8 Interim conclusion §§91-92
    2.4 καί between link and climax §§93-137
              2.4.1 καί in combinations §§95-101
              2.4.2 Using καί to pin down §§102-105
              2.4.3 Using καί to mark narrative peaks §§106-107
              2.4.4 Using καί to start narrative expansions §§108-111
              2.4.5 Using καί to wrap accounts up §§112-113
              2.4.6 Enrichments of καί when καί is untranslated §§114-116
              2.4.7 καί as “or” §§117-121
              2.4.8 καί and the idea of climax §§122-132
              2.4.9 Interim conclusion §§133-137
    2.5 Conclusions §§138-146
    IV.3 Discourse segmentation
    3.1 Introduction §§1-7
    3.2 Punctuation between grammar and prosody §§8-15
    3.3 Modern punctuation of ancient Greek texts: Focus on syntactic hierarchy and on periodic styles §§16-27
    3.4 Ancient punctuation: Focus on delivery §§28-37
    3.5 Ancient segmentation: Units and subunits syntactically unspecified §§38-45
    3.6 Modern acknowledgment of prose colometry §§46-52
    3.7 Modern segmentation above the sentence level §§53-56
    3.8 The role of particles: matches and mismatches §§57-64
    3.9 The holistic principle of discourse segmentation §§65-69
    3.10 Herodotus’ and Thucydides’ discourse acts §§70-91
              3.10.1 Segmenting an “unsuccessful” period in Herodotus §§75-82
              3.10.2 Segmenting a “descending” period in Thucydides §§83-91
    3.11 Herodotus’ and Thucydides’ moves §§92-146
              3.11.1 Move starts with priming acts §§107-116
              3.11.2 οὗτος forms at the end or start of moves §§117-124
              3.11.3 οὗτος forms + μέν; οὗτος forms + δή; act-peninitial δή §§125-129
              3.11.4 μὲν δή and μέν νυν in Herodotus §§130-143
              3.11.5 μὲν οὖν in Thucydides §§144-146
    3.12 Conclusions §§147-157
    IV.4 Tracking voice and stance
    4.1 Introduction §§1-14
    4.2 Tracking voice §§15-29
              4.2.1 Speech and thought: A figured stage of voices §§19-25
              4.2.2 Authorial statements §§26-29
    4.3 The contribution of particles to marking voice §§30-44
              4.3.1 ἦ μήν in indirect speech §§32-33
              4.3.2 τοι in Herodotus, in and beyond direct speech §§34-39
              4.3.3 γε in authorial statements §§40-44
    4.4 Tracking stance §§45-84
              4.4.1 The stance triangle §§46-51
              4.4.2 Positioning, evaluating, and (dis)aligning in Herodotus and Thucydides §§52-63
              4.4.3 Epistemic and emotional stance: avoiding dichotomies §§64-69
              4.4.4 Stance vs. focalization §§70-75
              4.4.5 Reader response: Eliciting the audience’s stance §§76-80
              4.4.6 Irony: The “author – audience” vector §§81-84
    4.5 δή in Herodotus: how it connotes voice and stance §§85-109
              4.5.1 Voicing narrative progression §§89-91
              4.5.2 Perception of evidence §§92-93
              4.5.3 In indirect speech and indirect thought §§94-100
              4.5.4 In explicit and implicit authorial statements §§101-103
              4.5.5 “Ironic” δή §§104-108
              4.5.6 Interim conclusion §109
    4.6 δή in Thucydides: whose stance? §§110-127
              4.6.1 Characters’ stance in direct speech, indirect speech, and indirect thought §§112-115
              4.6.2 Implicit authorial δή, especially with superlatives §§116-119
              4.6.3 When multiple voices share the same stance §§120-122
              4.6.4 Any irony? §§123-126
              4.6.5 Interim conclusion §127
    4.7 Stance and polyphony in the use of δῆθεν §§128-136
    4.8 ἤδη as stance marker §§137-164
              4.8.1 Pragmatic relationship to δή §§145-150
              4.8.2 Author’s and characters’ ἤδη to mark firsthand experience §§151-155
              4.8.3 Thucydides’ blending of stances §§156-159
              4.8.4 Stance about time, and propositional “now” §§160-162
              4.8.5 Interim conclusion §§163-164
    4.9 ἄρα between discourse cohesion and the marking of stance §§165-172
    4.10 Conclusions §§173-183
    IV.5 Analysis of four excerpts
    5.1 Introduction §§1-7
    5.2 Nicias’ warnings: Thucydides 6.22-23 §§8-29
    5.3 Reactions after the Sicilian Expedition: Thucydides 8.1 §§30-48
    5.4 Reactions after Salamis: Herodotus 8.108-109.1 §§49-69
    5.5 Artabanus’ warnings: Herodotus 7.49 and 51 §§70-97
    5.6 Conclusions §§98-113
    5.7 Appendix: The continuous texts divided into acts and moves

    Volume V. Online Repository of Particle Studies: Scholarship on twelve particles and their combinations from 1572 to present

    Open Access Journal: Cahiers « Mondes Anciens »

    [First posted in AWOL 9 February 2010. Updated 17 April  2016]

    Cahiers «Mondes Anciens»
    ISSN: 2107-0199
    Phryné devant l’Aréopage
    Les Cahiers « Mondes Anciens » sont une revue électronique dédiée aux études anciennes dans toute la diversité de leurs pratiques. Centrés sur les mondes grec et romain, ils concernent cependant tous les domaines de l'histoire de l'Antiquité méditerranéenne et comportent une dimension anthropologique et comparatiste qui va au-delà de ce cadre. Créés en 2009, ils accueillent des travaux en lien avec les thèmes de recherche de l'unité Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes Antiques (ANHIMA) UMR 8210, née de la fusion du Centre Louis Gernet de recherches comparées sur les sociétés anciennes, du Centre Gustave Glotz de recherches sur les mondes hellénistique et romain et de l'équipe Phéacie, Pratiques culturelles dans les sociétés grecque et romaine.

    The Cahiers« Mondes Anciens » are an electronic scholarly publication dedicated to the wide spectrum of studies of the ancient societies. They focus primarily on the Greek and Roman worlds, but take into account the global history of the Ancient Mediterranean and are open to a anthropological and comparatist approach which goes beyond this frame. Launched in 2009, they publish researches related to the activity and interests of the Centre Anthropology and History of the Ancient World (ANHIMA) UMR 8210, created by the merging of the « Centre Louis Gernet de recherches comparées sur les sociétés anciennes », the « Centre Gustave Glotz de recherches sur les mondes hellénistique et romain » and the group « Phéacie, Pratiques culturelles dans les sociétés grecque et romaine ».

    New Open Access Journal: E-pigraphia: Epigrafía en Internet

    E-pigraphia: Epigrafía en Internet
    ISSN: 2340-7433
    E-pigraphia: Epigrafía en Internet publica, de manera periódica,  información para conocer las novedades en materia de investigación y docencia de la Epigrafía: publicaciones recientes, congresos, seminarios, cursos. Está editado por el Departamento de Ciencias Históricas de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

    Si desea hacernos llegar cualquier información que considere de interés para ser publicada en E-pigraphia, puede enviarnos un correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección: epigraphia@gmail.com

    La información publicada en E-pigraphia está disponible para su consulta con propósitos docentes y de investigación, exclusivamente, conforme a la licencia de CreativeCommons indicada abajo. Para cualquier uso comercial de los recursos de E-pigraphia (incluyendo los textos, en cualquier formato, e imágenes), será imprescindible contar con autorización escrita del autor/es de las obras o del propietario de las imágenes.

    IOSA Radiocarbon Calibration Service

    IOSA Radiocarbon Calibration Service
    This web app is the demo service for the IOSA Radiocarbon Calibration Library (IOSACal), an open source radiocarbon calibration program and programming library. The web app itself is open source.
    IOSACal is written in the Python programming language and is based on Numpy, Scipy and Matplotlib. This work wouldn't be possible without the availability of such high quality programming libraries.

    The web app is made with Flask and the Bootstrap framework.
    The random radiocarbon dates are retrieved from the Mediterranean Radiocarbon dates database on GitHub.

    A bibliography of Syriac ascetic and mystical literature

    Open Access Journal: Forum Kritische Archäologie

     [First posted in AWOL 24 October 2013, updated 18 April 2016]

    Forum Kritische Archäologie
    ISSN: 2194-346X
    Das Interesse an den politischen Dimensionen der Archäologie hat global stark zugenommen, was auch zur Infragestellung von Wahrheitsbehauptungen der archäologischen Forschung selbst führte. Auseinandersetzungen dieser Art reichen von Forderungen der Rückführung von Kulturgütern bis hin zur Frage, wer über die Vergangenheit Anderer forschen, reden oder schreiben darf oder welches Verhältnis wir zu den “Anderen” der Vergangenheit entwickeln können und sollten. Man kann heute kaum von einer ethisch fundierten, gesellschaftlich verantwortlichen Archäologie reden, wenn sie sich nicht mit diesen Themen beschäftigt.

    Forum Kritische Archäologie hat zum Ziel, die Auseinandersetzung mit solchen Fragen im deutschsprachigen Raum zu fördern. [weiter lesen]
    Interest in the political dimensions of archaeology has grown dramatically around the world. One of the outcomes has been a questioning of archaeological truth claims, which in turn has led to demands for the return of cultural property, questioning who may research, speak and write about the past of Others, and considerations of what kinds of relations we can and should develop to past Others. Today it is scarcely possible to speak about an ethically based, socially responsible archaeology without engaging with these themes.
    Forum Kritische Archäologie has as its goal to further discussions of these and related issues, especially within the framework of the German-speaking archaeological community. [read more]

    A Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity

    First posted in AWOL 17 January 2012, updated 18 April 2016]

    A Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity
    It was during the sixteenth century in Renaissance Europe that, as a result of the efforts of the Catholic and Protestant scholars of the New Testament, Syriac studies became a part of European intellectual life. [1] Since then, the number of scholarly publications on various matters related to the history, culture and religious life of Syriac-speaking Christians has only increased. As these publications are in a variety of languages, and many of them scattered through journals and periodicals belonging to various academic fields, it is often difficult to obtain precise information on what has already been published on one or another aspect of Syriac Christianity. Our project aims to fill the evident gap in the bibliographical resources and provide a convenient and easily accessible tool for the worldwide scholarly community. The ultimate goal of this project is to create and launch an on-line database on Syriac Christianity that will be updated on a regular basis and available free of charge to the international scholarly community...

    At present, the database includes more than 14.000 bibliographic entries. Some of these entries have been retrieved from already existing on-line bibliographic databases on biblical and patristic studies, such as the Index Theologicus of Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, the Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics of Université Laval and some others. 
    Furthermore, to a significant degree our database is founded on the following bibliographical works, without which it would have been impossible to compile:

    Alwan, K., "Bibliographie générale raisonnée de Jacques de Saroug († 521),"Parole de l'Orient 13 (1986), 313-384.
    Brock, S. P., Syriac Studies: A Classified Bibliography (1960-1990) (Kaslik: Université Saint-Esprit, 1996).
    ---. "Syriac Studies: A Classified Bibliography (1991-1995),"Parole de l'Orient 23 (1998), 241-350.
    ---. "Syriac Studies: A Classified Bibliography (1996-2000),"Parole de l'Orient 29 (2004), 263-410.
    ---. "Syriac Studies: A Classified Bibliography (2001-2005),"Parole de l'Orient 33 (2008), 281-446.
    ---. "Recent Books on Syriac Topics,"Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 9:1 (2006).
    ---. "Recent Books on Syriac Topics,"Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 10:1 (2007).
    ---. "Recent Books on Syriac Topics, Part 12,"Hugoye 12:1 (2009), 167-171.
    ---. "Recent Books on Syriac Topics, Part 13,"Hugoye 13:1 (2010), 103-107.
    den Biesen, K., Bibliography of Ephrem the Syrian (Giove in Umbria: [the author], 2002).
    Dirksen, P. B., An Annotated Bibliography of the Peshitta of the Old Testament (Monographs of the Peshitta Institute Leiden 5; Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1989).
    ---. "Supplement to An Annotated Bibliography of the Peshitta of the Old Testament, 1989," in: P.B. Dirksen and A. van der Kooij (eds.), The Peshitta as a Translation: Papers Read at the II Peshitta Symposium Held at Leiden, 19-21 August 1993 (Monographs of the Peshitta Institute Leiden 8; Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995), 221-236.
    Kessel, G. M., and Pinggéra, K., A Bibliography of Syriac Ascetic and Mystical Literature (Eastern Christian Studies 11; Leuven: Peeters, 2010).
    Kruisheer, D., "A Bibliographical Clavis to the Works of Jacob of Edessa (Revised and Expanded)," in: R.B. ter Haar Romeny (ed.), Jacob of Edessa and the Syriac Culture of His Day (Monographs of the Peshitta Institute Leiden 18; Leiden: Brill, 2008), 265-293.
    Michelson, D.A., "A Bibliographic Clavis to the Works of Philoxenos of Mabbug,"Hugoye 13:2 (2010), 273-338.
    Moss, C., Catalogue of Syriac Printed Books and Related Literature in the British Museum (London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1962).
    Takahashi, H., Barhebraeus: A Bio-Bibliography (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2005).
    Thomas, D. R., and Roggema, B. H. (eds.), Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History. Volume 1 (600?900) (History of Christian-Muslim Relations 11; Leiden: Brill, 2009).
    Yousif, P., A Classified Bibliography on the East Syrian Liturgy (Mar Thoma Yogam Publications 2; Rome: Mar Thoma Yogam, 1990).


    XVth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy

    XVth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy

    XVth International Congress of
    Greek and Latin Epigraphy

    Languages – Culture of Writing – Identities in Antiquity

    28th August – 1st September 2017

    The Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy of the University of Vienna and the Institute for the Study of Ancient Culture – Division “Documenta Antiqua” of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are pleased to invite you to the 15th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy in Vienna. 

    This edition of the congress will center on the relationship between the indigenous or local epigraphic cultures of the ancient Mediterranean area and the dominant respective Greek or Roman culture. The focus is on those regions and societies of the ancient world which have several languages and scripts existing simultaneously in their epigraphic culture. 

    Dizionario Etimologico della Mitologia Greca multilingue On Line (DEMGOL) - Multilingual Etymological Dictionary of Greek Mythology (DEMGOL)

    Dizionario Etimologico della Mitologia Greca multilingue On Line (DEMGOL) - Multilingual Etymological Dictionary of Greek Mythology (DEMGOL)
    Il Gruppo di Ricerca sul Mito e la Mitografia dell'Università di Trieste (GRIMM - Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità "Leonardo Ferrero") sta elaborando questo grande Dizionario Etimologico della Mitologia Greca multilingue On Line (DEMGOL). In questo momento (maggio 2009) è già utilizzabile la versione italiana e quella castigliana, con oltre 900 voci, e numerose illustrazioni, mentre oltre 500 voci in lingua francese sono consultabili.
    Utile per la didattica (e-learning) e per una rapida consultazione da parte di esperti e di persone digiune di cultura classica, esso fornisce le fonti principali e un'etimologia plausibile degli antroponimi del mito greco e latino (soprattutto per i personaggi minori), segnalando nomi e termini di origine micenea, e le proposte interpretative più recenti della ricerca linguistica. Molte voci sono collegate con qualche immagine scelta non tanto nella vasta iconografia antica (pittura vascolare, etc.), quanto invece nelle riprese moderne, per mostrare la diffusione e la vitalità dei temi della mitologia classica nella cultura europea, dal medioevo a oggi.

    Il lavoro, che parte da una dissertazione di laurea di Carla Zufferli, viene portato avanti sotto la direzione di Ezio Pellizer, con la collaborazione di molti membri del GRIMM: Francesca Marzari, Luisa Benincampi, Stefano di Brazzano, Alberto Cecon, Alberto Pavan; lavorano alla traduzione francese Francesca Marzari e Françoise Létoublon (gruppo HOMERICA, Grenoble, che conduce esperimenti di Traduzione Automatica su supporto informatico); a quella spagnola, José Antonio Clúa Serena (Barcelona), Diana De Paco Serrano (Murcia) e Álvaro Ibáñez (Granada).

    Una traduzione in lingua inglese, portoghese-brasiliana e catalana sarà presto iniziata e resa disponibile, a cura di altri membri del GRIMM che operano a Birmingham, Baltimora, Barcellona, Belo Horizonte e altrove, per un'utenza sempre più vasta di studenti e di studiosi delle scienze umanistiche e della cultura classica.

    The University of Trieste's Research Group on Myth and Mythology (GRIMM, Department of Ancient Studies "Leonardo Ferrero") is currently in the process of completing the on-line version of a vast multilingual Etymological Dictionary of Greek Mythology (DEMGOL). As of May 2009, the Dictionary, including more than 900 entries and numerous illustrations, is available in Italian and Spanish; over 400 entries are also accessible in French.

    The Dictionary promotes online learning (e-learning) and permits experts in classical culture and laypersons alike to quickly and easily access the principle sources of Greek and Roman mythology. For each of the 900 entries, the Dictionary includes plausible etymologies of mythic anthroponyms (especially of minor characters), noting names and terms of Mycenean origin, as well as interpretations of these names from the most recent linguistic research. Many entries are also furnished with images; these have been chosen more frequently from modern sources than from the immense (and already well-known) artistic production of the ancient world (vase painting, etc.) in order to demonstrate the diffusion and vitality of the themes and motifs of classical mythology in European culture from the middle ages to today.

    Based on the dissertation of Carla Zufferli, the research and publication of the Dictionary is being conducted under the direction of Ezio Pellizer with the collaboration of GRIMM's many contributing members: e.g., Francesca Marzari, Luisa Benincampi, Stefano di Brazzano, Alberto Cecon and Alberto Pavan. Francesca Marzari and Françoise Létoublon are overseeing the French translation (the ‘HOMERICA' group is also experimenting with automatic translation technologies), while José Antonio Clúa Serena (Barcelona), Diana De Paco Serrano (Murcia) and Álvaro Ibáñez (Granada) are undertaking the Spanish translation.

    Translation of the Dictionary into English, Brasilian Portuguese and Catalan will begin soon, made possible by other members of GRIMM working in Birmingham, Belo Horizonte, Baltimore, Barcelona, and elsewhere. This will allow an ever-growing group of students and scholars in classical studies, and in the humanities more generally, to access this extraordinary valuable resource.

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