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The Natacha Rambova Archive, Yale University

The Natacha Rambova Archive, Yale University
Born Winifred Kimball Shaughnessy on January 19, 1897, Natacha Rambova pursued a number of diverse careers, in each achieving considerable — and in some cases lasting — success. Unfortunately, her true contributions to the field of Egyptology are not as well known as her other pursuits. Natacha Rambova’s legacy also lives on in her scholarly archive, generously donated by Edward L. Ochsenschlager in memory of Donald P. Hansen (1931–2007) to the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Yale University. The physical transfer of the archive was greatly facilitated by Dr. Christine Lilyquist of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the gift was officially recognized at an event entitled “Natacha Rambova’s Egypt,” which took place on April 17, 2009 at Yale University.

Rambova’s unpublished manuscripts and over 10,000 additional items, including photographs, drawings, notes, and letters, form the Natacha Rambova Archive, housed at Yale University. The diversity of the textual and visual material spans Rambova’s wide-ranging interests, which vary tremendously in time and space. Rambova collected photos, drawings, and paintings not only from Egypt but also Mesopotamia, India, Greece, Italy, Cambodia, Tibet, China, Mexico, Peru, Ireland, and England; the photographs and line drawings within the archive span the period from the fourth millennium BCE through to the nineteenth century CE. The Natacha Rambova Archive is a small, yet significant, piece of the history of Egyptology, and will be made accessible to any scholar seeking information about her life and research.

Open Access Journal: Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities (Cyprus)

Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities (Cyprus)
by Ministry of Communications and Works. Department of Antiquities, Cyprus
ISSN: 1010–1136
The Department of Antiquities is responsible for the management of the archaeological heritage of Cyprus. The Department's main areas of activity and responsibility are the following:

-systematic and rescue excavations as well as archaeological surveys,

-the establishment, management and operation of archaeological museums,

-the conservation, restoration, protection and promotion of Ancient Monuments in the First and Second Schedule of the Antiquities Law, of archaeological sites and of monuments of architectural heritage.

One of the aims of the Department of Antiquities is also the use of both ancient monuments and archaeological museums for educational purposes and cultural activities, as well as for the stimulation of cultural tourism. In order to achieve the above, the Department of Antiquities organises conferences, exhibitions and lectures both in Cyprus and abroad.

An activity which has emerged over the last few years is the contribution of the Department of Antiquities towards the establishment of private/thematic museums. In this case the Department acts as a consultant and as a guide by offering its personnel's specialised knowledge.

The activities of the Department of Antiquities are published in its two annual publications, namely the Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus and the Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. 

Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities for the year 2006
Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities for the year 2007
Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities for the year 2008
Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities for the year 2009

New Online at the CHS: Poetry as Initiation: The Center for Hellenic Studies Symposium on the Derveni Papyrus

Poetry as Initiation: The Center for Hellenic Studies Symposium on the Derveni Papyrus
Ioanna Papadopoulou and Leonard Muellner, editors,
Cover Poetry-as-Initiation

Foreword. Leonard Muellner

Introduction. Ioanna Papadopoulou, Testing Our Tools: Open Questions on the Derveni Papyrus

Chapter 1. Kyriakos Tsantsanoglou, Some Desiderata in the Study of the Derveni Papyrus

Chapter 2. Alberto Bernabé, On the Rites Described and Commented Upon in the Derveni Papyrus, Columns I–VI

Chapter 3. Franco Ferrari, Democritus, Heraclitus, and the Dead Souls: Reconstructing Columns I–VI of the Derveni Papyrus

Chapter 4. Fritz Graf, Derveni and Ritual

Chapter 5. Sarah Iles Johnston, Divination in the Derveni Papyrus

Chapter 6. Walter Burkert, How to Learn about Souls: The Derveni Papyrus and Democritus

Chapter 7. Jeffrey Rusten, Unlocking the Orphic Doors: Interpretation of Poetry in the Derveni Papryus between Presocratics and Alexandrians

Chapter 8. Yannis Z. Tzifopoulos, The Derveni Papyrus and the Bacchic-Orphic Epistomia

Chapter 9. Claude Calame, The Derveni Papyrus between the Power of Spoken Language and Written Practice: Pragmatics of Initiation in an Orpheus Poem and Its Commentary

Chapter 10. Anton Bierl, “Riddles over Riddles”: “Mysterious” and “Symbolic” (Inter)textual Strategies: The Problem of Language in the Derveni Papyrus

Chapter 11. Evina Sistakou, Reading the Authorial Strategies in the Derveni Papyrus

Chapter 12. David Sider, The Orphic Poem of the Derveni Papyrus

Chapter 13. Richard Hunter, The Garland of Hippolytus

Museo Archeologico Regionale "Paolo Orsi" Siracusa: Google Earth Walkthrough

Museo Archeologico Regionale "Paolo Orsi" Siracusa: Google Earth Walkthrough


L'edificio fu costruito fra il 1967 e il 1986, su progetto dell'architetto Franco Minissi.

Situato, al momento della progettazione, in un'area non ancora urbanizzata, all'interno del parco storico di Villa Landolina,era destinato a costituire il punto focale di una zona di alto valore archeologico, caratterizzata dalla presenza del parco monumentale della Neapolis, con il teatro greco, l'ara di Jerone e l'anfiteatro romano, e il complesso delle catacombe.

E' stato aperto al pubblico nel 1988, sotto la direzione di Giuseppe Voza, dopo il trasferimento da Piazza Duomo, cuore della città vecchia, e sede storica del Museo Archeologico Nazionale
The present museum was built between 1967 and 1986 based on the design of architect Franco Minissi.
Sited in a then undeveloped part of Siracusa, the museum would become the focal point of a territory of great archeological importance, including the Neapolis Park with its Greek theatre and Hieron altar, the Roman anphiteather and the immense catacombs.

It was opened to the public in 1988 under the direction of Giuseppe Voza, completing the Museum's transition from its old seat in Piazza Duomo in the heart of the city centre.

The Theatre of Pompey

The Theatre of Pompey
 The Theater of Pompey stood on the southern section of ancient Rome’s Campus Martius, the Field of Mars. As its name suggests, in the period when the Senate ruled Rome (the “Republic,” 509 B.C.–  31 B.C.), this largely empty space was the site where the Roman citizen army assembled before marching out against the city’s enemies, and its chief topographical features (marshes, streams, a sizeable lake) did not encourage extensive construction.

But, by the late second century B.C. some buildings were  already  beginning to go up, and after Pompey, the conqueror of Asia Minor (Turkey) and Syria, constructed his massive  theater, in 55 B.C., the whole area developed rapidly. By the early second century A.D., private citizens and the emperors had filled the entire zone with elegant public and private buildings.


Forthcoming New Open Access Journal: EXNOVO Journal of Archaeology

EXNOVO Journal of Archaeology
Ex Novo is a fully peer reviewed open access international journal that promotes interdisciplinary research focusing on the multiple relations between archaeology and society. It engages with contemporary perspectives on antiquity linking past and present, and encourages archaeology’s engagement with theoretical developments from other related disciplines such as history, anthropology, political sciences, philosophy, social sciences and colonial studies. Ex Novo encompasses prehistory to modern period, and by exploring interconnections between archaeological practice and the importance of the past in current society it encourages an exploration of current theoretical, political and heritage issues connected to the discipline.  
Areas and topics of interest include: politics and archaeology, public archaeology, the legacies of colonialism and nationalism within the discipline, the articulation between local and global archaeological traditions, the discipline’s involvement in memory and identity, museum studies and restitution issues. 
Ex Novo was firstly established in 2005, shortly after the foundation of the Confederazione Italiana Archeologi (Confederation of Italian Archaeologists), and was conceived as an open access space to foster dialogue among archaeologists focusing on archaeological professions as a whole, from public archaeology to professorship. The pilot (issue 0) collected papers by Giovanni Azzena, Barbara Barich, Gian Pietro Brogiolo, Renato Peroni and Mario Torelli debating on archaeology’s condition and future in Italy. The idea that underlies this new editorial project is to resume on a scientific ground the dialogue between public and private spheres in archaeology. At the same time, Ex Novo encourages dialogue between disciplines concerned with the past and its relevance, uses and interpretations in the present. 

The first issue discusses “The Impact of the Fall of Communism on European Heritage” and results from a regular session held at the 2014 Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists in Istanbul. The proceedings are edited by Valerie Higgins (the American University of Rome) and Maja Gori (University of Heidelberg). The peer reviewing process of issue n. 01 is now on going and we can anticipate that it will be published in Spring 2016.  

Dana Phelps (Stanford University)  
Heritage for Development, Multiethnic Communities, and the Case of Butrint National Park on the Albanian-Greek Border. 

Francesco Iacono (University of Cambridge) and Klejd L. Këlliçi (University of Tirana) 
Exploring the public perception of Communist Heritage in Post-communist Albania. 

Valerie Higgins (The American University of Rome)  
Are We Still Illyrians? 

Elisa Cella (Sapienza University of Rome/ Etruscan Roman Museum of Trevignano), Maja Gori (University of Heidelberg), Alessandro Pintucci (Sapienza - University of Rome) 
Archaeology in the Adriatic. From the Dawn to the Sunset of Communist Ideologies. 

Elisa Cella (Sapienza University of Rome/ Etruscan Roman Museum of Trevignano), Maja Gori (University of Heidelberg), Alessandro Pintucci (Sapienza - University of Rome)  
The trowel and the sickle. Italian archaeology and its Marxist legacy. 

Giulia Vollono (University of Sheffield)  
Exploring approaches to Italian Early Medieval Archaeology in post communist Europe. 

Coming Soon: Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions (CPI)

Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions (CPI)
Welcome to the homepage of the Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions (CPI) project, which aims to create a Corpus of up-to-date editions of the Greek, bilingual and trilingual inscriptions on stone from Ptolemaic Egypt (323-30 BCE), numbering around 450 items, based on material collected and annotated by the late Peter Fraser FBA (1918-2007). The CPI project is funded by a grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and is based at the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents in Oxford.

Palaeolexicon: Word study tool for ancient languages

Palaeolexicon: Word study tool for ancient languages

About Palaeolexicon

Palaeolexicon is a tool for the study of ancient languages. Its name derives from the Greek words palaeo meaning 'old' and lexicon meaning 'dictionary'. If you're interested of the ancient world and its languages, then this is a site for you. It is a place for people who love historical linguistics and ancient history.


Palaeolexicon started as a project in December 2008 and its aim was to provide a searchable index of Mycenaean Greek glosses. During the early development stages, it was decided that Phrygian should be docked in as well. Then languages of the greater Balkan and Anatolia area followed.

Language support

The Palaeolexicon database contains public and partial dictionaries that in turn contain thousands of words. The difference between a public and partial dictionary, is that a public dictionary is available for browsing, while a partial dictionary will return results corresponding the search criteria of a user.

Palaeolexicon has currently the following public dictionaries:
  • Greek
    • Linear B (Mycenaean Greek)
    • Cypriot (Syllabic script)
    • Cappadocian

Open Access Book: Aproximación al "Antiguo Egipto".

Flammini, R. (Comp.), Aproximación al "Antiguo Egipto".
Buenos Aires, EDUCA, 2004. 180 pp., with maps and illustrations. ISBN 950-523-314-0.

This book reunites the outcomes of an extra-curricular Conference entitled “The Ancient Egypt, a Millenary Civilization,” that took place at UCA during October 2002.


13 Prólogo
17 Diversos aspectos de la representación plástica y la expresión en el arte del Antiguo Egipto
Jorge Bedoya
51 Próximos y distantes: Egipto y África, del Período Predinástico al Reino Antiguo
Marcelo Campagno
81 Ciudades de Egipto. Historia y Cerámica. Tell er -Ub'a (Mendes)
Alicia Daneri Rodrigo
101 Asiáticos en Egipto: Los Hicsos
Roxana Flammini
141 La vida en el más allá: de Mastabas, Pirámides e Hipogeos
Javier Paysás

Descripción: Prologo: El antiguo Egipto, lejano en el tiempo y en el espacio, no deja de sorprendernos cuando -mucho más allá de los descubrimientos arqueológicos que suelen concitar las primeras planas de los periódicos- logramos visualizar en una frase, en una imagen, en una construcción o en un ajuar funerario, parte del sentido que esa sociedad le daba al mundo. Por cierto, ese sentido del mundo dista mucho de asemejarse al nuestro: un universo permeado por lo sagrado, una concepción diferente del espacio y del tiempo, un Estado gobernado por un rey-dios. Si bien diferente, no carece de orden, sino que posee un ordenamiento propio, único y preciso. He aquí, entonces, que lo novedoso del enfoque se conjuga con lo ya conocido sobre esa sociedad para aproximarnos a ella con nuevos ojos. De este modo, ese antiguo Egipto nos convocó en el Curso de Extensión Universitaria organizado por el Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente (CEHAO) y el Departamento de Historia, en el ámbito de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Católica Argentina, durante el mes de octubre de 2002. Bajo el título de "El Antiguo Egipto: una civilización milenaria", cinco encuentros pretendieron acercar algunos aspectos de ese universo a los jóvenes universitarios y al público en general; encuentros donde se hicieron presentes la historia, la arqueología, la antropología, la arquitectura y la historia de las artes. La explicación de las transformaciones expresivas de la representación plástica y de las técnicas utilizadas para elaborar esas imágenes y esculturas, proporcionó una visión del arte como vehículo de expresión de esa cosmovisión particular; mientras que la aproximación histórico-antropológica giró en tomo a una problemática que concitó -y concita- profundas discusiones teóricas en los ámbitos más especializados: los orígenes del Estado en Egipto. En este caso particular, compartimos una aproximación original al surgimiento del Estado, basada en el análisis de los lazos de parentesco dentro de las comunidades pre-estatales y el carácter de las relaciones intercomunitarias en un contexto netamente africano. El enfoque histórico-arqueológico se hizo presente en las aproximaciones a dos sitios de suma importancia para la historia de Egipto: Tell er-Rub'a y Tell el-Dabca. Ambos ubicados en el Delta del Nilo, el primero era el lugar donde se había erigido la ciudad de Mendes, habitada desde el Predinástico, que adquirió mayor preponderancia con los avatares político-económicos del 1 milenio a.C.; el segundo, de la antigua Avaris, capital de la dinastía hicsa, que controló parte de Egipto desde 1640 a 1540 a.e. pero que poseía una riquísima existencia anterior a ese momento. Finalmente, la perspectiva arquitectónica e histórica se conjugó en la presentación de los cambios y continuidades en el ámbito funerario egipcio. Un recorrido por las diferentes configuraciones espaciales, que las tumbas presentaron a lo largo de los 3000 años de la historia del Egipto faraónico, nos introduce en las variantes de ese tipo de construcciones: mastabas, pirámides e hipogeos. Como se observará, algunos de los trabajos conjugan aproximaciones originales para descubrir ese universo de formas y contenidos únicos, singulares y específicos; otros, sugieren la revisión de conceptos, modelos y teorías, presentando lo conocido desde ángulos poco concurridos; pero en definitiva, y más allá de todo, nuestro más profundo deseo radica en que el lector nos acompañe en esta búsqueda de nuevas perspectivas y percepciones para comprender mejor a esos antiguos conocidos, los egipcios
Access the digital version of this book.

Liddell, Scott, Jones Ancient Greek Lexicon (LSJ) Wiki

[First posted in AWOL 10 My 2013, updated 5 December 2015]


Welcome to LSJ!

The Liddell, Scott, Jones Ancient Greek Lexicon (LSJ) is perhaps the best known Ancient Greek-English dictionary. Here you can find a wiki implementation.
The wikification of LSJ was no mean task but we hope that the extra features provided by the wiki set-up will enhance the user experience. Some of these features (like the indexes) were made possible through the use of Semantic Mediawiki extensions.
Different types of transliterations and word forms were used, so that everyone is happy: Ancient Greek scholars, speakers of Modern Greek, people who prefer transliterated Greek or Beta Code.
For example, you will get results on the search box no matter whether you type in polytonic Greek, monotonic Greek, Greek without any accents at all, or transliterated Greek. You can even add a search form on your web site or a quick search link on your browser.

And see also the LSJ at TLG and at Perseus


Anfore Brindisine

Anfore Brindisine

Le anfore da trasporto che si producevano, a partire dall’età repubblicana, nelle fornaci rinvenute nell’ager Brundisinus - già segnalate in una sezione particolare nel IX vol. del Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, pp. 613-615, sotto la denominazione di Amphorae Calabrae - sono oggetto negli ultimi decenni di studi articolati tesi a distinguere i vari centri di produzione, in connessione, ove possibile, con le varie tipologie e cronologie. I siti produttori individuati sono i seguenti: Apani e Giancola, lungo il litorale a nord di Brindisi, Marmorelle nell’entroterra e La Rosa nella zona portuale, alla periferia sud della città. Tutti questi siti presentano una conformazione ed una localizzazione geografica adatta all’impianto di officine per la produzione ceramica: vale a dire disponibilità in loco di cave di argilla, presenza di un corso d’acqua e di un facile approdo, vicinanza di un’arteria viaria.

Le forme
Il catalogo dei bolli: Aniniana, C. Aninius, L. Aninius, Antiochus, Apelles, Damas, Eikadios, Heraios, Kephalon, Numenius, Philemon, Pulades, Soterichus
Il gentilizio Aninius
I nomi servili
Il caso dei nomi
Note grafiche, linguistiche, paleografiche
Fenomeni di bilinguismo


Aniniana, C. Aninius (caratteri greci e latini ), L. Aninius, Antiochus (caratteri greci), Apelles (caratteri greci e latini ), Damas (caratteri greci e latini ), Eikadios (caratteri greci), Heraios (caratteri greci), Kephalon (caratteri greci), Numenius (caratteri greci e latini ), Philemon (caratteri greci e latini ), Pulades (caratteri greci e latini ), Soterichus (caratteri greci e latini ).

Altri gentilizi su anfore di forma II: Gentilizi seguiti dalla sigla Q,
Altri gentilizi.
Gentilizi su anfore brindisine di forma non identificabile

Referenze bibliografiche

EPWING for the Classics

EPWING for the Classics
このプロジェクトでは、古典ラテン語・ギリシア語を学ぶ方のために、羅英辞典(ELD, LS)、希英辞典(LS, LSJ)などのデータをEPWING形式で公開しています。 羅英・希英辞典は、数十万件に及ぶ変化形見だし付きのものも作りました。 いずれも著作権保護期間の過ぎた、CCL, GPLで公開されているデータを元にしていますので、どなたでも無料で自由に使えます。
This project provides EPWING data of
  • Lewis, An Elementary Latin Dictionary
  • Lewis and Short, A Latin Dictionary
  • Liddell and Scott, An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon
  • Liddell and Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon.
  • W.Smith, A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890, 3rd ed.)
  • W.Smith, A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
  • W.Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) etc
EPWING is a popular format of electronic dictionary in Japan. You can read it on Windows/Mac/Unix/iPhone/PDA etc with free viewers.

University of Illinois Open Access Classics Dissertations and Theses

University of Illinois Open Access Classics Dissertations and Theses
  • Yona, Sergio(2015-01-21)
    This study examines the role of Greek philosophy, specifically the ethical doctrines of the Epicurean sect, in Horace’s satiric poetry. It endeavors to highlight the important influence of one of Horace’s contemporaries ...
    application/pdfPDF (2MB)
  • Marillier, Emily(2014-05-30)
    This thesis comprises a case study, to explore one motif that Petronius uses throughout his work. The chosen topic is the use of descriptions of hair: how Petronius describes hair, where he includes it, and what significance ...
    application/pdfPDF (468kB)
  • McConnell, Ryan(2014-01-16)
    The Flavii Apiones, owners of a large estate in Byzantine Egypt (fourth to seventh centuries), appear to become quite wealthy, yet the means by which they acquired that wealth is not always clear. Peter Sarris has argued ...
    application/pdfPDF (2MB)
  • Lanski, Alison(2013-08-22)
    Scores of messengers, heralds, and other emissaries fill the pages of Herodotus’ Histories. Nevertheless, scholarship on narrative patterns has yet to consider their importance. This thesis uses methods from linguistics ...
    application/pdfPDF (877kB)
  • Karatzoglou, Orestis(2013-05-24)
    Four out of the eleven extant Aristophanic comedies contain, or refer to, oracles (Knights, Peace, Birds, Lysistrata). This thesis aims (a) to discuss Aristophanes’ stance toward oracles and oracle-collections; (b) to ...
    application/pdfPDF (434kB)
  • Maloy, Lucian(2012-05-22)
    The autobiographical piece The Dream provides an interesting insight into the satirist Lucian’s early life and professional development. In the work, young Lucian has a dream in which he must decide between following a ...
    application/pdfPDF (366kB)
  • Anderson, Adrian(2012-05-22)
    This thesis offers a reinterpretation of the martial fragments of the archaic poet Archilochus. Drawing particularly upon a fresh analysis of the new Telephus-fragment (P. Oxy. LXIX 4708), it is argued that the poet ...
    application/pdfPDF (3MB)
  • Wash, Leon(2012-05-22)
    The concept of poetic inspiration as a species of madness has usually been traced back to Democritus of Abdera, who is believed to have been the first to use the vocabulary of ecstatic possession for the characteristic ...
    application/pdfPDF (339kB)
  • Muich, Rebecca M.(2010-08-20)
    This thesis begins to examine the role of Andromache in the Trojan War saga and tradition by providing an in-depth analysis of Andromache in the Iliad, Euripides’ Andromache and Euripides’ Trojan Women. Using theories of ...
    application/pdfPDF (1MB)
  • application/pdf
    application/pdfPDF (5MB)
  • Wit, witticisms and humor of Plautus
    Harrison, Annabel Ruth(1909)
    application/pdfPDF (5MB)

Open Access Journal: Antigüedad y Cristianismo: monografías históricas sobre la antigüedad tardía

[First posted in AWOL 23 October 2009. Updated 7 December 2015] 

Antigüedad y Cristianismo: monografías históricas sobre la antigüedad tardía
ISSN electrónico: 1989-6182
ISSN impreso: 0214-7165 | 
En esta nueva era tecnológica que rodea nuestras vidas, la revista Antigüedad y Cristianismo no quería quedarse fuera. Así, se renueva en un proyecto digital, más dinámico, intentando hacer llegar a un mayor público el conocimiento de la Antigüedad Tardía.

Sin embargo, sus orígenes se remontan algunos años atrás. Esta revista nace de la mano de Antonino González Blanco, profesor de Historia Antigua en la Universidad de Murcia. Su primer título ve la luz en 1984, dedicado al yacimiento ceheginero de Begastri. Desde entonces, las publicaciones han continuado a lo largo de los años, siendo su último lanzamiento en 2011. Desde entonces se han abordado diversos temas, entre ellos, civilización visigoda, arte y hábitat rupestre, o urbanismo romano, los cuales han convertido a la revista en una importante referencia para el estudio de la Historia Antigua, no solo de la Región de Murcia, sino también del ámbito hispano al tratar temas tan amplios como el concilio de Éfeso, la romanización en Siria, el poblamiento en el Alto Eúfrates o los Hunos. En general, todo tipo de cuestiones que afectan al cristianismo antiguo.

En esta web podrá encontrar tanto el catálogo de números publicados anteriormente, como las normas de publicación y contacto.


No 1 (1984)

Open Access Journal: Chronika: The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology Graduate Student Journal

[First posted in AWOL 5 May 2014, updated 7 December 2015]

Chronika: The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology Graduate Student Journal
ISSN: 2159-9904
EISSN: 2159-9912
Chronika is an interdisciplinary journal for graduate students studying the art and archaeology of the Mediterranean world. 
Chronika, like its parent organization The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology (IEMA), promotes interdisciplinary dialogues and innovative approaches to the study of the past. Chronika is an open access journal and aims to publish cutting edge research in a timely fashion and make it widely available to the scholarly community. We encourage collaborative, interdisciplinary scholarship by making the content of our journal freely available online.
Chronika is produced by University at Buffalo graduate students, but welcomes submissions from graduate students at other colleges and universities worldwide. Students are encouraged to submit an article here.
Chronika, Volume 5
Chronika, Volume 4
Chronika Volume 3
Chronika Volume 2
Chronika Volume 1

Digitized Hebrew Manuscripts at the Library of Congress

Digitized Hebrew Manuscripts at the Library of Congress
The Hebraic Section of the Library of Congress houses over 225 manuscripts; most of them in Hebrew but with a fair sampling of manuscripts  also written in cognate languages such as Judeo-Arabic, Judeo-Persian, and Yiddish.  It is a highly diverse collection, dating from the 11th to early 20th centuries and drawn from Jewish communities throughout the world. It is also a very eclectic collection, particularly rich in kabalistic material from Italy and Safed yet also offering material in everything from music and poetry to folk medicine and synagogue rites. Very little of the material is illustrated; the major exception to the rule being, in this case, a most spectacular exception indeed: the famous Washington Haggadah by Joel ben Simeon, an illuminated treasure from the late 15th century.
Lesser-known treasures in the collection are waiting to be discovered and researched. Amongst these we might mention a manuscript of the Diwan containing unpublished poems by Solomon ben Meshullam Dapiera (MS 154); a responsum concerning the kiddushin of two daughters, apparently in Lebanon (MS 31), and a pinkas of a synagogue in Mantua from the years 1739-1749 (MS 29). Those interested in Jewish folk culture will find rich materials (e.g., MSS 21, 35, 57, 182) as will those researching the modes of Jewish music in the Ottoman Empire (MSS 24; 144). Of special interest, perhaps, is a large autograph fragment by Moses b. Abraham Provençal (MS 147),  a chapter from Hayyim Vital’s unpublished redaction of Shemoneh Shecarim(MS43), and an unpublished novel in Hebrew written just after the first Zionist Congress in 1896 (MS 77). 
Manuscript Navigation
1 through 2526 through 50 

Index of Places(PDF, 1MB)
Index of Poems (PDF, 1MB)
Index of Titles (PDF 1MB)

The Legion Project

The Legion Project
The Paideia Institute is proud to announce the Legion Project, a research-based outreach campaign to reconnect with thousands of classicists outside of academia.
This website is designed to be a resource for undergraduates, graduate students, and anyone else interested in broad applications of a classical education across numerous careers.
If you know someone with an advanced degree in Classics who has found success outside of academia, please let us know and we will follow up and offer to feature that person on this website. By doing so, you will be helping build a rich, diverse network of classicists that will support our discipline in numerous untold ways, and ensure its survival and relevance in the future.

Current Legionnaires

Open Access Journal: Gaia: revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque

 [First posted in AWOL 12 May 2013, updated 7 December 2015]

Gaia: revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque
ISSN: 1262-3717
eISSN - 2275-4776 
Conçue comme un carrefour de discussions portant sur la Grèce ancienne et sa réception, la revue Gaïa publie des articles d’auteurs issus de disciplines différentes (littérature, linguistique, philologie, histoire, anthropologie, archéologie) mais complémentaires. Elle accueille également des numéros thématiques et des comptes rendus d’ouvrages, principalement en français, anglais et italien. Elle publie enfin des traductions en français d’articles que le comité de rédaction juge important de faire connaître.



New Open Access Journal: Egiptología 2.0

Egiptología 2.0
ISSN: 2444-6254
Egiptología 2.0
Egiptología 2.0 es una revista on-line gratuita y sin ánimo de lucro de carácter egiptológico.

Su periodicidad es trimestral y tiene como objetivo compartir y divulgar de forma didáctica y amena el arte, la historia y la cultura del antiguo Egipto, publicando las noticias de relevancia, artículos de investigación, estudio de piezas, información sobre exposiciones, eventos, novedades editoriales… etc.

Egiptología 2 0 nº1 (octubre 2015)

Egiptología 2 0 nº1 (octubre 2015)

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