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Abridged Online TLG® Open Access

Abridged Online TLG® 
The abridged version of the Online TLG® is open to the public without subscription. It provides searching and browsing of a selection of TLG texts with all the features of the TLG® search engine. You may browse and search the materials of this site but you may not download them.

The Abridged TLG provides access to a number of works from authors such as Homer, Hesiod, Plato, Aristotle, the Greek tragedians and orators that have traditionally been used in college level instruction of Greek. Realizing that small undergraduate programs in Classics may not be able to subscribe to the full version of the TLG, we have included in this subcorpus a representative selection of texts that will satisfy the needs of students and non-experts wishing to study Greek. In addition, this site contains editions that have been replaced by newer or different ones.

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 TLG Authors (Abridged version)
Author NumberWork Number
Author Name
Work Title
0003001THUCYDIDES Hist.Historiae
0003002THUCYDIDES Hist.Epigramma
0006001EURIPIDES Trag.Cyclops
0006002EURIPIDES Trag.Alcestis
0006003EURIPIDES Trag.Medea
0006004EURIPIDES Trag.Heraclidae
0006005EURIPIDES Trag.Hippolytus
0006006EURIPIDES Trag.Andromacha
0006007EURIPIDES Trag.Hecuba
0006008EURIPIDES Trag.Supplices
0006009EURIPIDES Trag.Hercules
0006010EURIPIDES Trag.Ion
0006011EURIPIDES Trag.Troiades
0006012EURIPIDES Trag.Electra
0006013EURIPIDES Trag.Iphigenia Taurica
0006014EURIPIDES Trag.Helena
0006015EURIPIDES Trag.Phoenissae
0006016EURIPIDES Trag.Orestes
0006017EURIPIDES Trag.Bacchae
0006018EURIPIDES Trag.Iphigenia Aulidensis
0006019EURIPIDES Trag.Rhesus
0007032PLUTARCHUS Biogr. et Phil.Lysander
0007033PLUTARCHUS Biogr. et Phil.Sulla
0007034PLUTARCHUS Biogr. et Phil.Comparatio Lysandri et Sullae
0007044PLUTARCHUS Biogr. et Phil.Agesilaus
0007065PLUTARCHUS Biogr. et Phil.Galba
0007067PLUTARCHUS Biogr. et Phil.De liberis educandis
0010001ISOCRATES Orat.In Euthynum
0010002ISOCRATES Orat.In Callimachum
0010003ISOCRATES Orat.In Lochitem
0010004ISOCRATES Orat.De bigis
0010005ISOCRATES Orat.Trapeziticus
0010006ISOCRATES Orat.Aegineticus
0010007ISOCRATES Orat.Ad Demonicum
0010008ISOCRATES Orat.In sophistas
0010009ISOCRATES Orat.Helenae encomium
0010010ISOCRATES Orat.Busiris
0010011ISOCRATES Orat.Panegyricus
0010012ISOCRATES Orat.Plataicus
0010013ISOCRATES Orat.Ad Nicoclem
0010014ISOCRATES Orat.Nicocles
0010015ISOCRATES Orat.Evagoras
0010016ISOCRATES Orat.Archidamus
0010017ISOCRATES Orat.De pace
0010018ISOCRATES Orat.Areopagiticus
0010019ISOCRATES Orat.Antidosis
0010020ISOCRATES Orat.Philippus
0010021ISOCRATES Orat.Panathenaicus
0010022ISOCRATES Orat.Ad Dionysium
0010023ISOCRATES Orat.Ad filios Jasonis
0010024ISOCRATES Orat.Ad Archidamum
0010025ISOCRATES Orat.Ad reges Mytilenaeos
0010026ISOCRATES Orat.Ad Timotheum
0010027ISOCRATES Orat.Ad Philippum
0010028ISOCRATES Orat.Ad Alexandrum
0010029ISOCRATES Orat.Ad Antipatrum
0010030ISOCRATES Orat.Ad Philippum
0010031ISOCRATES Orat.Fragmenta
0011001SOPHOCLES Trag.Trachiniae
0011002SOPHOCLES Trag.Antigone
0011003SOPHOCLES Trag.Ajax
0011004SOPHOCLES Trag.Oedipus Tyrannus
0011005SOPHOCLES Trag.Electra
0011006SOPHOCLES Trag.Philoctetes
0011007SOPHOCLES Trag.Oedipus Coloneus
0012001HOMERUS Epic.Ilias
0012002HOMERUS Epic.Odyssea
0012003HOMERUS Epic.Epigrammata
0014001DEMOSTHENES Orat.Olynthiaca 1
0014002DEMOSTHENES Orat.Olynthiaca 2
0014003DEMOSTHENES Orat.Olynthiaca 3
0014004DEMOSTHENES Orat.Philippica 1
0014005DEMOSTHENES Orat.De pace
0014006DEMOSTHENES Orat.Philippica 2
0014007DEMOSTHENES Orat.De Halonneso
0014008DEMOSTHENES Orat.De Chersoneso
0014009DEMOSTHENES Orat.Philippica 3
0014010DEMOSTHENES Orat.Philippica 4
0019001ARISTOPHANES Comic.Acharnenses
0019002ARISTOPHANES Comic.Equites
0019003ARISTOPHANES Comic.Nubes
0019004ARISTOPHANES Comic.Vespae
0019005ARISTOPHANES Comic.Pax
0019006ARISTOPHANES Comic.Aves
0019007ARISTOPHANES Comic.Lysistrata
0019008ARISTOPHANES Comic.Thesmophoriazusae
0019009ARISTOPHANES Comic.Ranae
0019010ARISTOPHANES Comic.Ecclesiazusae
0019011ARISTOPHANES Comic.Plutus
0019012ARISTOPHANES Comic.Fragmenta
0020001HESIODUS Epic.Theogonia
0020002HESIODUS Epic.Opera et dies
0020003HESIODUS Epic.Scutum
0020004HESIODUS Epic.Fragmenta
0028001ANTIPHON Orat.In novercam
0028002ANTIPHON Orat.Tetralogia 1
0028003ANTIPHON Orat.Tetralogia 2
0028004ANTIPHON Orat.Tetralogia 3
0028005ANTIPHON Orat.De caede Herodis
0028006ANTIPHON Orat.De choreuta
0028007ANTIPHON Orat.Fragmenta
0028008ANTIPHON Orat.Fragmenta
0028009ANTIPHON Orat.Fragmenta
0032001XENOPHON Hist.Hellenica
0032002XENOPHON Hist.Memorabilia
0032003XENOPHON Hist.Oeconomicus
0032004XENOPHON Hist.Symposium
0032005XENOPHON Hist.Apologia Socratis
0032006XENOPHON Hist.Anabasis
0032007XENOPHON Hist.Cyropaedia
0032008XENOPHON Hist.Hiero
0032009XENOPHON Hist.Agesilaus
0032010XENOPHON Hist.De republica Lacedaemoniorum
0032011XENOPHON Hist.De vectigalibus
0032012XENOPHON Hist.Hipparchicus
0032013XENOPHON Hist.De re equestri
0032014XENOPHON Hist.Cynegeticus
0032015XENOPHON Hist.Atheniensium respublica
0059001PLATO Phil.Euthyphro
0059002PLATO Phil.Apologia Socratis
0059003PLATO Phil.Crito
0059004PLATO Phil.Phaedo
0059005PLATO Phil.Cratylus
0059006PLATO Phil.Theaetetus
0059007PLATO Phil.Sophista
0059008PLATO Phil.Politicus
0059009PLATO Phil.Parmenides
0059010PLATO Phil.Philebus
0059011PLATO Phil.Symposium
0059012PLATO Phil.Phaedrus
0059019PLATO Phil.Laches
0059020PLATO Phil.Lysis
0059021PLATO Phil.Euthydemus
0059022PLATO Phil.Protagoras
0059023PLATO Phil.Gorgias
0059024PLATO Phil.Meno
0059025PLATO Phil.Hippias major
0059026PLATO Phil.Hippias minor
0059027PLATO Phil.Ion
0059028PLATO Phil.Menexenus
0059029PLATO Phil.Clitophon
0059030PLATO Phil.Respublica
0059031PLATO Phil.Timaeus
0059034PLATO Phil.Leges
0085001AESCHYLUS Trag.Supplices
0085002AESCHYLUS Trag.Persae
0085003AESCHYLUS Trag.Prometheus vinctus
0085004AESCHYLUS Trag.Septem contra Thebas
0085005AESCHYLUS Trag.Agamemnon
0085006AESCHYLUS Trag.Choephoroe
0085007AESCHYLUS Trag.Eumenides
0086012ARISTOTELES et CORPUS ARISTOTELICUM Phil.De generatione animalium
0086013ARISTOTELES et CORPUS ARISTOTELICUM Phil.De generatione et corruptione
0086014ARISTOTELES et CORPUS ARISTOTELICUM Phil.Historia animalium
0086017ARISTOTELES et CORPUS ARISTOTELICUM Phil.De interpretatione
0086027ARISTOTELES et CORPUS ARISTOTELICUM Phil.Mirabilium auscultationes
0086040ARISTOTELES et CORPUS ARISTOTELICUM Phil.Sophistici elenchi
0086041ARISTOTELES et CORPUS ARISTOTELICUM Phil.De sensu et sensibilibus
0086045ARISTOTELES et CORPUS ARISTOTELICUM Phil.De virtutibus et vitiis
0086047ARISTOTELES et CORPUS ARISTOTELICUM Phil.De Xenophane, de Zenone, de Gorgia
0199001BACCHYLIDES Lyr.Epinicia
0199002BACCHYLIDES Lyr.Dithyrambi
0199003BACCHYLIDES Lyr.Dithyramborum vel epinicorum fragmenta
0199004BACCHYLIDES Lyr.Fragmenta
0199005BACCHYLIDES Lyr.Fragmenta dubia
0199006BACCHYLIDES Lyr.Epigrammata
0199007BACCHYLIDES Lyr.Scholia ad Bacchylidis carmina (P. Oxy. 23.2367)
0199008BACCHYLIDES Lyr.Scholia ad dithyrambos (P. Oxy. 23.2368)
0199009BACCHYLIDES Lyr.Epigrammata
0537001EPICURUS Phil.Ratae sententiae
0537002EPICURUS Phil.Gnomologium Vaticanum Epicureum
0537003EPICURUS Phil.Deperditorum librorum reliquiae
0537004EPICURUS Phil.Epistularum fragmenta
0537005EPICURUS Phil.Incertae sedis fragmenta
0537006EPICURUS Phil.Epistula ad Herodotum
0537007EPICURUS Phil.Epistula ad Pythoclem
0537008EPICURUS Phil.Epistula ad Menoeceum
0540001LYSIAS Orat.De caede Eratosthenis
0540002LYSIAS Orat.Epitaphius
0540003LYSIAS Orat.Contra Simonem
0540005LYSIAS Orat.Pro Callia
0540006LYSIAS Orat.In Andocidem
0540007LYSIAS Orat.Areopagiticus
0540009LYSIAS Orat.Pro milite
0540010LYSIAS Orat.In Theomnestum 1
0548001Pseudo-APOLLODORUS Myth.Bibliotheca
0548002Pseudo-APOLLODORUS Myth.Bibliotheca
0554001CHARITON Scr. Erot.De Chaerea et Callirhoe
0555001CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS Theol.Protrepticus
0610001ALCIDAMAS Rhet.Fragmenta
1158001APOCALYPSIS JOANNIS Apocryph. et Hagiogr.Apocalypsis apocrypha Joannis
1158002APOCALYPSIS JOANNIS Apocryph. et Hagiogr.Apocalypsis apocrypha Joannis
1764001VETTIUS VALENS Astrol.Anthologiarum libri ix
1799007EUCLIDES Geom.Data
2017006GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Adversus Macedonianos de spiritu sancto
2017053GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Orationes viii de beatitudinibus
2017055GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Ad imaginem dei et ad similitudinem
2017056GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Dialogus de anima et resurrectione
2017058GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Testimonia adversus Judaeos
2017059GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Adversus eos qui castigationes aegre ferunt
2017060GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.De iis qui baptismum differunt
2017061GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Decem syllogismi contra Manichaeos
2017062GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.De deitate filii et spiritus sancti
2017063GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.De spiritu sancto sive In pentecosten
2017064GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Encomium in sanctum Stephanum protomartyrem ii
2017065GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.De sancto Theodoro
2017066GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Encomium in xl martyres i
2017067GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Encomium in xl martyres ii
2017068GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.In sanctum Ephraim
2017069GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.De vita Gregorii Thaumaturgi
2017070GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Epistula xxvi ad Evagrium monachum
2017071GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Sermo in illud: Hic est filius meus dilectus
2017072GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Sermo in Mariam et Joseph
2017073GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.De occursu domini
2017075GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Sermo in sanctum Romanum
2017076GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Epistula canonica ad Letoium
2017077GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Liber de cognitione dei
2017078GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Apologia in hexaemeron
2017079GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.De opificio hominis
2017080GREGORIUS NYSSENUS Theol.Epistula ad Philippum monachum
2018025EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Antiquorum martyriorum collectio
2018026EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Passio sanctorum decem martyrum Aegyptiorum
2018027EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Epistula ad Constantiam Augustam
2018028EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Quaestiones evangelicae ad Stephanum
2018029EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Quaestiones evangelicae ad Marinum
2018030EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Supplementa ad quaestiones ad Stephanum
2018031EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Supplementa ad quaestiones ad Marinum
2018032EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Supplementa minora ad quaestiones ad Marinum
2018033EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De vitis prophetarum
2018034EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Commentaria in Psalmos
2018035EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Fragmenta in proverbia
2018036EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Fragmenta in Danielem
2018037EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Fragmenta in Lucam
2018038EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Fragmenta in Hebraeos
2018039EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De solemnitate paschali
2021005EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.De xii gemmis
2021006EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.De xii gemmis
2021012EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia in festo palmarum
2021013EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia in divini corporis sepulturam
2021014EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia in Christi resurrectionem
2021015EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia in assumptionem Christi
2021016EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia in laudes Mariae deiparae
2021017EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia in festo palmarum
2021018EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.Tractatus de numerorum mysteriis
2021019EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmenta precationis et exorcismi
2021020EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.Enumeratio lxxii prophetarum et prophetissarum
2021040EPIPHANIUS Scr. Eccl.De mensuris et ponderibus
2022015GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In sanctum pascha et in tarditatem
2022016GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Apologetica
2022017GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Ad eos qui ipsum acciverant nec occurrerant
2022018GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Contra Julianum imperatorem 1
2022019GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Contra Julianum imperatorem 2
2022020GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.De pace 1
2022021GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In laudem sororis Gorgoniae
2022022GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Apologeticus ad patrem
2022023GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In seipsum ad patrem et Basilium magnum
2022024GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Ad Gregorium Nyssenum
2022025GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Ad patrem
2022026GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In consecratione Eulalii Doarensium episcopi
2022027GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.De pauperum amore
2022028GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In Machabaeorum laudem
2022029GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In patrem tacentem
2022030GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Ad cives Nazianzenos
2022031GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Funebris oratio in patrem
2022032GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Ad Julianum tributorum exaequatorem
2022033GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.De dogmate et constitutione episcoporum
2022034GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In laudem Athanasii
2022035GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.De pace 2
2022036GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.De pace 3
2022037GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In laudem Cypriani
2022038GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In laudem Heronis philosophi
2022039GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In seipsum, cum rure rediisset, post ea quae a Maximo perpetrata fuerant
2022040GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.De moderatione in disputando
2022041GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Contra Arianos et de seipso
2022042GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In Aegyptiorum adventum
2022043GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.De martyribus et adversus Arianos
2022044GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.De seipso et ad eos qui ipsum cathedram Constantinopolitanam affectare dicebant
2022045GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In dictum evangelii: Cum consummasset Jesus hos sermones
2022046GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In theophania
2022047GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In sancta lumina
2022048GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In sanctum baptisma
2022049GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In pentecosten
2022050GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Supremum vale
2022051GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In novam Dominicam
2022052GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.In sanctum pascha
2022053GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Significatio in Ezechielem
2022054GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Fragmentum ex oratione contra astronomos
2022055GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Liturgia sancti Gregorii
2022059GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Carmina dogmatica
2022060GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Carmina moralia
2022061GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Carmina de se ipso
2022062GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS Theol.Carmina quae spectant ad alios
2035039ATHANASIUS Theol.In illud: Omnia mihi tradita sunt
2035040ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad Dracontium
2035041ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad episcopos Aegypti et Libyae
2035042ATHANASIUS Theol.Orationes tres contra Arianos
2035043ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistulae quattuor ad Serapionem
2035044ATHANASIUS Theol.In illud: Qui dixerit verbum in filium
2035045ATHANASIUS Theol.Tomus ad Antiochenos
2035046ATHANASIUS Theol.Petitiones Arianorum
2035047ATHANASIUS Theol.Vita Antonii
2035049ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad Afros episcopos
2035050ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad Adelphium
2035051ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad Maximum
2035052ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad Joannem et Antiochum presbyteros
2035053ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad Palladium
2035054ATHANASIUS Theol.Fragmenta varia
2035055ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad monachos
2035056ATHANASIUS Theol.Sermo de patientia
2035057ATHANASIUS Theol.Scholia in Acta
2035058ATHANASIUS Theol.De azymis
2035059ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad Marcellinum de interpretatione Psalmorum
2035060ATHANASIUS Theol.Argumentum in Psalmos
2035061ATHANASIUS Theol.Expositiones in Psalmos
2035062ATHANASIUS Theol.Scholia in cantica canticorum
2035063ATHANASIUS Theol.Homilia in Canticum canticorum
2035064ATHANASIUS Theol.Testimonia e scriptura
2035065ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula catholica
2035066ATHANASIUS Theol.Refutatio hypocriseos Meletii et Eusebii
2035067ATHANASIUS Theol.Contra Sabellianos
2035068ATHANASIUS Theol.De sabbatis et circumcisione
2035069ATHANASIUS Theol.Homilia de semente
2035070ATHANASIUS Theol.Homilia de passione et cruce domini
2035071ATHANASIUS Theol.Synopsis scripturae sacrae
2035072ATHANASIUS Theol.Disputatio contra Arium
2035073ATHANASIUS Theol.Sermo contra omnes haereses
2035074ATHANASIUS Theol.Historia de Melchisedech
2035075ATHANASIUS Theol.Liber de definitionibus
2035076ATHANASIUS Theol.Sermo ad Antiochum ducem
2035077ATHANASIUS Theol.Quaestiones ad Antiochum ducem
2035078ATHANASIUS Theol.Quaestiones in evangelia
2035079ATHANASIUS Theol.Fragmentum sermonis de imaginibus
2035080ATHANASIUS Theol.Quaestiones in scripturam sacram
2035081ATHANASIUS Theol.Quaestiones aliae
2035082ATHANASIUS Theol.Narratio de cruce seu imagine Berytensi
2035083ATHANASIUS Theol.Sermo contra Latinos
2035084ATHANASIUS Theol.Vitae monasticae institutio
2035085ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistulae ad Castorem
2035086ATHANASIUS Theol.In nativitatem praecursoris
2035087ATHANASIUS Theol.Sermo in annuntiationem deiparae
2035088ATHANASIUS Theol.Sermo de descriptione deiparae
2035089ATHANASIUS Theol.Sermo in nativitatem Christi
2035090ATHANASIUS Theol.Homilia in occursum domini
2035091ATHANASIUS Theol.In caecum a nativitate
2035094ATHANASIUS Theol.Homilia in sanctos patres et prophetas
2035099ATHANASIUS Theol.Dialogi duo contra Macedonianos
2035100ATHANASIUS Theol.Syntagma ad quendam politicum
2035101ATHANASIUS Theol.Sermo pro iis qui saeculo renuntiarunt
2035102ATHANASIUS Theol.Doctrina ad monachos
2035103ATHANASIUS Theol.De corpore et anima
2035104ATHANASIUS Theol.Vita sanctae Syncleticae
2035105ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad episcopum Persarum
2035106ATHANASIUS Theol.Symbolum "quicumque"
2035107ATHANASIUS Theol.De trinitate
2035109ATHANASIUS Theol.De sancta trinitate
2035115ATHANASIUS Theol.Scholia in Job
2035119ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad Jovianum
2035121ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad Epiphanium
2035122ATHANASIUS Theol.Homilia in illud: Nunc anima mea turbata est
2035123ATHANASIUS Theol.Epistula ad Eupsychium
2035124ATHANASIUS Theol.De incarnatione contra Apollinarium libri ii
2035125ATHANASIUS Theol.Homilia de passione et cruce domini
2035126ATHANASIUS Theol.Didascalia cccxviii patrum Nicaenorum
2040018BASILIUS Caesariensis Theol.Homiliae super Psalmos
2040019BASILIUS Caesariensis Theol.Adversus Eunomium
2040022BASILIUS Caesariensis Theol.Homilia de gratiarum actione
2040043BASILIUS Caesariensis Theol.Prologus 7
2040051BASILIUS Caesariensis Theol.Regulae morales
2041005MARCELLUS Theol.De incarnatione et contra Arianos
2042006ORIGENES Theol.Fragmenta in evangelium Joannis
2042007ORIGENES Theol.Exhortatio ad martyrium
2042045ORIGENES Theol.Epistula ad Africanum
2042046ORIGENES Theol.De resurrectione libri ii
2042062ORIGENES Theol.Selecta in Ezechielem
2042063ORIGENES Theol.Fragmentum ex commentariis in Osee
2042064ORIGENES Theol.Fragmentum ex homiliis in Acta apostolorum
2042065ORIGENES Theol.In epistulam ad Hebraeos homiliae
2042066ORIGENES Theol.Adnotationes in Genesim
2042067ORIGENES Theol.Adnotationes in Exodum
2042068ORIGENES Theol.Adnotationes in Leviticum
2042069ORIGENES Theol.Adnotationes in Numeros
2042070ORIGENES Theol.Adnotationes in Deuteronomium
2042071ORIGENES Theol.Adnotationes in Jesu filium Nave
2042072ORIGENES Theol.Adnotationes in Judices
2042073ORIGENES Theol.Homiliae in Job
2042074ORIGENES Theol.Excerpta in Psalmos
2042075ORIGENES Theol.Expositio in Proverbia
2042076ORIGENES Theol.Scholia in Canticum canticorum
2042077ORIGENES Theol.Scholia in Matthaeum
2042078ORIGENES Theol.Scholia in Lucam
2062003JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Adversus oppugnatores vitae monasticae
2062004JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Ad Demetrium de compunctione
2062005JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Ad Stelechium de compunctione
2062006JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Ad Stagirium a daemone vexatum
2062014JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De beato Philogonio
2062015JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De consubstantiali
2062016JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De petitione matris filiorum Zebedaei
2062017JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In quatriduanum Lazarum
2062018JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De Christi precibus
2062019JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Contra Anomoeos
2062020JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De Christi divinitate
2062021JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Adversus Judaeos
2062022JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Kalendas
2062023JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De Lazaro
2062024JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Ad populum Antiochenum
2062025JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Ad illuminandos catecheses 1-2
2062026JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De diabolo tentatore
2062027JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De paenitentia
2062028JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In diem natalem
2062029JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De baptismo Christi
2062030JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De proditione Judae
2062031JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De coemeterio et de cruce
2062032JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De cruce et latrone
2062033JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De cruce et latrone
2062034JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De resurrectione mortuorum
2062035JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Adversus ebriosos et de resurrectione domini nostri Jesu Christi
2062036JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In ascensionem domini nostri Jesu Christi
2062037JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sancta pentecoste
2062039JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sancto Meletio Antiocheno
2062040JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Lucianum martyrem
2062041JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sancto hieromartyre Babyla
2062042JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Juventinum et Maximum martyres
2062043JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sancta Pelagia virgine et martyre
2062044JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Ignatium martyrem
2062045JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Eustathium Antiochenum
2062046JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Romanum
2062047JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De Maccabeis
2062048JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sanctis Bernice et Prosdoce
2062049JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In quatriduanum Lazarum
2062050JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sanctis martyribus
2062051JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Non esse ad gratiam concionandum
2062052JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia in martyres
2062053JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Julianum martyrem
2062054JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Barlaam martyrem
2062055JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sancta Droside martyre
2062056JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In martyres Aegyptios
2062057JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sancto hieromartyre Phoca
2062058JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sanctis martyribus
2062059JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De terrae motu
2062060JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De fato et providentia
2062061JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De decem millium talentorum debitore
2062062JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Pater, si possibile est, transeat
2062063JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In paralyticum demissum per tectum
2062064JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In principium Actorum
2062065JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De mutatione nominum
2062066JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De gloria in tribulationibus
2062067JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Diligentibus deum omnia cooperantur in bonum
2062068JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Si esurierit inimicus
2062069JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Salutate Priscillam et Aquilam
2062070JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Propter fornicationes autem unusquisque suam uxorem habeat
2062071JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De libello repudii
2062072JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Quales ducendae sint uxores
2062073JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In dictum Pauli: Nolo vos ignorare
2062074JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In dictum Pauli: Oportet haereses esse
2062075JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De eleemosyna
2062076JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Habentes eundem spiritum
2062077JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Utinam sustineretis modicum
2062078JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De profectu evangelii
2062079JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Vidua eligatur
2062080JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Heliam et viduam
2062081JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De futurae vitae deliciis
2062082JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Peccata fratrum non evulganda
2062083JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Non esse desperandum
2062084JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: In faciem ei restiti
2062089JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Eutropium
2062090JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Cum Saturninus et Aurelianus acti essent in exsilium
2062091JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Sermo antequam iret in exsilium
2062093JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Post reditum a priore exsilio
2062094JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Ad Innocentium papam
2062095JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Ad Innocentium papam
2062096JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Epistula ad episcopos, presbyteros et diaconos
2062097JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Epistulae 18-242
2062098JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Laus Diodori episcopi
2062099JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum pascha
2062100JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In ascensionem
2062101JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De Chananaea
2062103JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In ascensionem
2062104JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In ascensionem
2062105JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In ascensionem
2062106JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In ascensionem
2062107JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In pentecosten
2062108JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In pentecosten
2062110JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De adoratione pretiosae crucis
2062111JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De confessione pretiosae crucis
2062112JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Genesim
2062113JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Genesim
2062115JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De Davide et Saule
2062116JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Comparatio regis et monachi
2062117JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Ascetam facetiis uti non debere
2062118JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De jejunio et eleemosyna
2062119JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sacerdotio
2062120JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Christi discipulum benignum esse debere
2062121JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De fugienda simulata specie
2062122JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Contra Judaeos, gentiles et haereticos et in illud: Vocatus est Jesus ad nuptias
2062123JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sancta trinitate
2062124JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Romanum martyrem
2062125JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In proditionem Judae
2062126JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Bassum martyrem
2062127JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctos Petrum et Heliam
2062128JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De beato Abraham
2062129JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De sancta Thecla martyre
2062130JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De precatione
2062131JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In oraculum Zachariae redditum
2062132JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In laudem conceptionis sancti Joannis Baptistae
2062133JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In annuntiationem beatae virginis
2062134JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Exiit edictum
2062135JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Joannem praecursorem
2062136JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctam theophaniam seu baptismum Christi
2062137JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De occursu domini, de deipara et Symeone
2062138JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sancta et magna parasceve
2062139JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In venerabilem crucem sermo
2062140JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In triduanam resurrectionem domini
2062141JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De angusta porta et in orationem dominicam
2062142JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia de capto Eutropio
2062143JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Expositiones in Psalmos
2062144JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Ne timueritis cum dives factus fuerit homo
2062145JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Psalmum 145
2062148JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud Isaiae: Ego dominus deus feci lumen
2062149JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Domine, non est in homine
2062150JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De prophetiarum obscuritate
2062151JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Hoc scitote quod in novissimis diebus
2062152JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Matthaeum
2062153JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Joannem
2062154JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Acta apostolorum
2062155JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam ad Romanos
2062156JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam i ad Corinthios
2062157JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam ii ad Corinthios
2062158JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam ad Galatas commentarius
2062159JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam ad Ephesios
2062160JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam ad Philippenses
2062161JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam ad Colossenses
2062162JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam i ad Thessalonicenses
2062163JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam ii ad Thessalonicenses
2062164JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam i ad Timotheum
2062165JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam ii ad Timotheum
2062166JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam ad Titum
2062167JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam ad Philemonem
2062168JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In epistulam ad Hebraeos
2062169JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia dicta postquam reliquiae martyrum
2062170JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia dicta praesente imperatore
2062171JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Quod frequenter conveniendum sit
2062172JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Adversus eos qui non adfuerant
2062173JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De studio praesentium
2062174JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Adversus catharos
2062175JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Contra ludos et theatra
2062176JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia dicta in templo sanctae Anastasiae
2062177JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Homilia habita postquam presbyter Gothus concionatus fuerat
2062178JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Pater meus usque modo operatur
2062179JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Messis quidem multa
2062180JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Filius ex se nihil facit
2062181JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De Eleazaro et septem pueris
2062182JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In poenitentiam Ninivitarum
2062184JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmenta in Job
2062185JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmenta in Proverbia
2062186JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmenta in Jeremiam
2062187JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmenta in epistulas catholicas
2062196JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Psalmum 50
2062197JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Prooemia in Psalmos
2062198JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Verumtamen frustra conturbatur
2062199JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Psalmum 50
2062200JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Psalmum 50
2062201JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Psalmum 75
2062202JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De turture seu de ecclesia sermo
2062203JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Psalmum 92
2062204JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Psalmum 94
2062205JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Psalmum 100
2062206JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Psalmos 101-107
2062207JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Psalmum 118
2062208JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Psalmum 139
2062209JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Interpretatio in Danielem prophetam
2062210JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De Melchisedech
2062211JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De perfecta caritate
2062213JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Synopsis scripturae sacrae
2062214JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In natalem Christi diem
2062216JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Genesim
2062217JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Contra theatra
2062219JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Eliam prophetam
2062220JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De Joseph et de castitate
2062221JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De Susanna
2062224JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In decollationem sancti Joannis
2062225JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In praecursorem domini
2062226JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Petrum et Paulum
2062227JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In duodecim apostolos
2062228JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Thomam apostolum
2062229JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Stephanum protomartyrem
2062230JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Sufficit tibi gratia mea
2062231JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In parabolam de filio prodigo
2062232JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In saltationem Herodiadis
2062233JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Collegerunt Judaei
2062234JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In decem virgines
2062235JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Samaritanam
2062237JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De pseudoprophetis
2062238JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De circo
2062239JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Attendite ne eleemosynam vestram faciatis coram hominibus
2062240JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In principium indictionis, in martyres
2062241JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Simile est regnum caelorum patri familias
2062242JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In parabolam de ficu
2062243JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De pharisaeo
2062244JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De Lazaro et divite
2062245JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In publicanum et pharisaeum
2062247JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Joannem theologum
2062248JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De negatione Petri
2062249JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In secundum domini adventum
2062250JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Interpretatio orationis Pater noster
2062251JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In principium indictionis
2062252JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In venerandum crucem
2062253JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In exaltationem venerandae crucis
2062254JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Stephanum
2062255JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In mediam hebdomadam jejuniorum
2062256JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In ramos palmarum
2062257JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Contra haereticos et in sanctam deiparam
2062258JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In latronem
2062259JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Sermo catecheticus in pascha
2062263JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum pascha
2062264JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum pascha
2062267JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In synaxim archangelorum
2062268JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De paenitentia
2062269JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De paenitentia
2062270JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De paenitentia
2062271JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De paenitentia
2062272JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De eleemosyna
2062273JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De jejunio
2062274JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De patientia
2062275JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De patientia
2062276JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De salute animae
2062277JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In catechumenos
2062278JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De corruptoribus virginum
2062279JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Contra haereticos
2062280JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De eleemosyna
2062282JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In annuntiationem sanctissimae deiparae
2062283JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De remissione peccatorum
2062284JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De non judicando proximo
2062285JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De paenitentia
2062286JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De spe
2062287JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De caritate
2062288JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Caritatem secundum deum rem esse deo dignam
2062289JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In proditionem Judae
2062290JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Memor fui dei
2062291JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Rachelem et infantes
2062292JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Herodem et infantes
2062293JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Martham, Mariam et Lazarum
2062294JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Exeuntes pharisaei
2062295JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In meretricem et in pharisaeum
2062296JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In assumptionem domini nostri Jesu Christi
2062297JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In ramos palmarum
2062298JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In laudem sancti Joannis theologi
2062299JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In laudem sancti Joannis theologi
2062300JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In transfigurationem
2062301JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De siccitate
2062302JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Jordanem fluvium
2062303JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In pharisaeum et meretricem
2062304JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Christi natalem diem
2062305JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Ascendit dominus in templo
2062306JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In mediam pentecosten
2062307JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Samaritanam, in die mediae pentecostes
2062308JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Pater si possibile est
2062309JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Homo quidam descendebat
2062310JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In natale sancti Joannis prophetae
2062311JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In natale domini nostri Jesu Christi
2062312JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Zacchaeum publicanum
2062313JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In centurionem
2062314JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Exiit qui seminat
2062315JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In drachmam et in illud: Homo quidam habebat duos filios
2062316JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De jejunio
2062317JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In filium viduae
2062318JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In publicanum et pharisaeum
2062319JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In ingressum sanctorum jejuniorum
2062320JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De jejunio, dominica quinta jejuniorum
2062321JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De jejunio
2062322JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De oratione
2062323JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Ignem veni mittere in terram
2062324JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Admonitiones spirituales
2062325JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In principium jejuniorum
2062326JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In adorationem venerandae crucis
2062327JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In resurrectionem domini
2062328JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In parabolam Samaritani
2062329JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De jejunio
2062330JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De jejunio, de Davide
2062331JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In annuntiationem deiparae
2062332JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De eleemosyna
2062333JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De caritate
2062334JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Lazarum
2062335JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Lazarum
2062336JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In Lazarum
2062337JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De mansuetudine sermo
2062338JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Eclogae i-xlviii ex diversis homiliis
2062345JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Oratio ante lectionem
2062346JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Oratio secunda
2062347JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In novam dominicam et in apostolum Thomam
2062348JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Stephanum
2062349JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Stephanum
2062350JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanctum Stephanum
2062351JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De patientia et de consummatione huius saeculi
2062352JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De paenitentia et in lectionem de Davide et de uxore Uriae
2062353JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De iis qui in jejunio continenter vivunt
2062354JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Sermo exhortatorius de temperantia
2062355JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Quod grave sit dei clementiam contemnere
2062356JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In sanguinis fluxu laborantem
2062357JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Quod mari similis sit haec vita
2062358JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Simile est regnum caelorum grano sinapis
2062359JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Si qua in Christo nova creatura
2062360JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In evangelii dictum et de virginitate
2062361JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De cognitione dei et in sancta theophania
2062362JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.In lacum Genesareth et in sanctum Petrum apostolum
2062363JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De eleemosyna
2062364JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Ad eos qui magni aestimant opes
2062365JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De precatione
2062366JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.De virtute animi
2062368JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Precatio in obsessos
2062369JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Precatio
2062370JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Precatio
2062371JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS Scr. Eccl.Precatio
2063006GREGORIUS THAUMATURGUS Scr. Eccl.Metaphrasis in Ecclesiasten Salamonis
2063008GREGORIUS THAUMATURGUS Scr. Eccl.Ad Tatianum de anima per capita disputatio
2063009GREGORIUS THAUMATURGUS Scr. Eccl.In annuntiationem sanctae virginis Mariae
2063010GREGORIUS THAUMATURGUS Scr. Eccl.Sermo in omnes sanctos
2063013GREGORIUS THAUMATURGUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmentum in evangelium Matthaei 6.22-23
2102012DIDYMUS CAECUS Scr. Eccl.Contra Manichaeos
2102013DIDYMUS CAECUS Scr. Eccl.Commentarii in Octateuchum et Reges
2102014DIDYMUS CAECUS Scr. Eccl.Commentarii in Job
2102022DIDYMUS CAECUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmenta in Proverbia
2102032DIDYMUS CAECUS Scr. Eccl.Ad philosophum
2102033DIDYMUS CAECUS Scr. Eccl.De incorporeo
2102035DIDYMUS CAECUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmenta
2102037DIDYMUS CAECUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmenta
2102042DIDYMUS CAECUS Scr. Eccl.De trinitate
2102043DIDYMUS CAECUS Scr. Eccl.De trinitate
2109010Pseudo-MACARIUS Scr. Eccl.Preces
2109011Pseudo-MACARIUS Scr. Eccl.Apophthegmata
2109012Pseudo-MACARIUS Scr. Eccl.Opusculum 1
2110010CYRILLUS Hierosolymitanus Scr. Eccl.Suppositarum Cyrilli et Julii pontificis epistularum compendium
2110011CYRILLUS Hierosolymitanus Scr. Eccl.Catechesis ad illuminandos 2
2112019AMPHILOCHIUS Scr. Eccl.Expositio in illud: De meo accipiet et annuntiabit vobis
2112020AMPHILOCHIUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmenta ex tractatu in illud: Dominus creavit me
2112021AMPHILOCHIUS Scr. Eccl.In Isaiam
2112022AMPHILOCHIUS Scr. Eccl.In illud: Solvite templum hoc
2112023AMPHILOCHIUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmentum xvii
2112024AMPHILOCHIUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmentum xx
2112025AMPHILOCHIUS Scr. Eccl.Fragmentum xxi
2598002PROCOPIUS Rhet. et Scr. Eccl.Catena in Canticum canticorum
2598004PROCOPIUS Rhet. et Scr. Eccl.Commentarii in Isaiam
2598012PROCOPIUS Rhet. et Scr. Eccl.Refutatio Procli
2702028Michael PSELLUS Epist., Hagiogr., Phil., Polyhist. et Theol.De omnifaria doctrina
2714001THEODORUS STUDITES Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Homilia in nativitatem Mariae
2860001ALEXANDER Scr. Eccl.Inventio crucis
2860002ALEXANDER Scr. Eccl.Inventio crucis
2865002OLYMPIODORUS Diaconus Scr. Eccl.Commentarii in Ecclesiasten
2865003OLYMPIODORUS Diaconus Scr. Eccl.Commentarii in Jeremiam
2865004OLYMPIODORUS Diaconus Scr. Eccl.Commentarii in Lamentationes
2865005OLYMPIODORUS Diaconus Scr. Eccl.Commentarii in Baruch
2865006OLYMPIODORUS Diaconus Scr. Eccl.Commentarii in Jeremiae epistulam
2865007OLYMPIODORUS Diaconus Scr. Eccl.Contra Severum Antiochenum
2865009OLYMPIODORUS Diaconus Scr. Eccl.Fragmentum in illud: Gaudete in illa die
2892049MAXIMUS CONFESSOR Theol.Mystagogia
2934018JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Sacra parallela
2934019JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Sacra parallela
2934021JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De sacris jejuniis
2934035JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De sancta trinitate
2934036JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De octo spiritibus nequitiae
2934037JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De virtutibus et vitiis
2934038JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Contra Severianos
2934039JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Qua ratione homo imago dei
2934040JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De theologia
2934041JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De animato
2934042JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De partibus animae
2934043JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De unione
2934044JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Ex thesauro orthodoxiae Nicetae Choniatae
2934045JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Fragmenta in Lucam
2934046JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De mensibus Macedonicis
2934047JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Quid est homo?
2934048JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Oratio de his qui in fide dormierunt
2934050JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Epistula ad Theophilum imperatorem de sanctis et venerandis imaginibus
2934051JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De azymis
2934052JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De immaculato corpore
2934053JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Commentarii in epistulas Pauli
2934054JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Homilia in transfigurationem domini
2934055JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Homilia in ficum arefactam
2934056JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Homilia in sabbatum sanctum
2934057JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Sermo in annuntiationem Mariae
2934059JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Encomium in sanctum Joannem Chrysostomum
2934060JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Laudatio sanctae Barbarae
2934061JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Deprecationes i-iii
2934062JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Passio sancti Artemii [Dub.]
2934064JOANNES DAMASCENUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Fragmenta in Matthaeum
3043002GEORGIUS Monachus Chronogr.Chronicon breve
3072001Eustathius MACREMBOLITES Scr. Erot.Hysmine et Hysminias
3074001Constantinus MANASSES Hist. et PoetaCompendium chronicum
3085003NEOPHYTUS INCLUSUS Scr. Eccl.Testamentum sive $*TUPIKH\ *DIAQH/KH&
3115001SYMEON METAPHRASTES Biogr., Hagiogr. et Hist.Chronicon breve
3170001EPHRAEM Aeniensis Hist. et PoetaChronicon imperatorum Romanorum
3186002SCRIPTA ANONYMA ADVERSUS JUDAEOSDialogus Timothei et Aquilae
3291001MARCUS Eremita Theol.Sermo dogmaticus adversus eos qui dicunt sanctam carnem non fuisse unitam cum Verbo
4040030PHOTIUS Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Lexicon
4083008EUSTATHIUS Thessalonicensis Philol. et Scr. Eccl.Epitaphium in Nicolaum Hagiotheodoritam metropolitam Atheniensem
4089020THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De sancta trinitate
4089021THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De incarnatione domini
4089023THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Quaestiones in libros Regnorum et Paralipomenon
4089024THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Interpretatio in Psalmos
4089025THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Explanatio in Canticum canticorum
4089026THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Interpretatio in Jeremiam
4089027THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Interpretatio in Ezechielem
4089028THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Interpretatio in Danielem
4089029THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Interpretatio in xii prophetas minores
4089030THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Interpretatio in xiv epistulas sancti Pauli
4089031THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Haereticarum fabularum compendium
4089032THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.De providentia orationes decem
4089033THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Libellus contra Nestorium ad Sporacium
4089034THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Ad eos qui in Euphratesia et Osrhoena regione, Syria, Phoenicia et Cilicia vitam monasticam degunt
4089035THEODORETUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Quod unicus filius sit dominus noster Jesus Christus
4090032CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Epistulae paschales sive Homiliae paschales
4090095CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Fragmenta in Acta apostolorum et in epistulas catholicas
4090096CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.De adoratione et cultu in spiritu et veritate
4090097CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Glaphyra in Pentateuchum
4090098CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Fragmenta duo in Numeros
4090099CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Fragmenta in libros Regum
4090100CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Expositio in Psalmos
4090101CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Fragmentum in Proverbia
4090102CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Fragmenta in Canticum canticorum
4090103CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Commentarius in Isaiam prophetam
4090104CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Fragmenta in Jeremiam
4090105CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Fragmentum in librum Baruch
4090106CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Fragmenta in Ezechielem
4090107CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Fragmenta in Danielem
4090108CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Commentarii in Lucam
4090109CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Thesaurus de sancta consubstantiali trinitate
4090110CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Dialogus cum Nestorio
4090112CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.De synagogae defectu
4090114CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Ad Xystum episcopum Romae
4090115CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Ad Optimum episcopum
4090116CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Commentarii in Lucam
4090117CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Encomium in sanctam Mariam deiparam
4090118CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Commentarii in Lucam
4090119CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.De exitu animi
4090120CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.In parabolam vineae
4090121CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Fragmenta de translatione reliquiarum martyrum Cyri et Joannis
4090122CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Sermo de obitu sanctorum trium puerorum
4090123CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.De sancta trinitate
4090124CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Collectio dictorum veteris testamenti
4090175CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.Contra Julianum imperatorem
4110010EVAGRIUS Scr. Eccl.Rerum monachalium rationes
4110015EVAGRIUS Scr. Eccl.Capitula xxxiii
4110020EVAGRIUS Scr. Eccl.Tractatus ad Eulogium
4110021EVAGRIUS Scr. Eccl.De vitiis quae opposita sunt virtutibus
4110022EVAGRIUS Scr. Eccl.De malignis cogitationibus
4110023EVAGRIUS Scr. Eccl.De octo spiritibus malitiae
4110024EVAGRIUS Scr. Eccl.De oratione
4110025EVAGRIUS Scr. Eccl.Institutio sive Paraenesis ad monachos
4117022EUSTATHIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Commentarius in hexaemeron
4117024EUSTATHIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol.Allocutio ad imperatorem Constantinum
4138001EPHRAEM SYRUS Theol.Sermo de virtutibus et vitiis
4139034SEVERIANUS Orat. et Scr. Eccl.In Genesim
4145002Nicephorus GREGORAS Hist. et Scr. Rerum Nat.Epistulae
5010011SCHOLIA IN AESCHYLUM Schol.Scholia in Persas
5081002VITA ET MIRACULA NICONIS Hagiogr.Vita et miracula
9028001BASILIUS MINIMUS Scr. Eccl.Commentarium in Nazianzeni orationes

Open Access Journal: Archeomedia - Rivista di Archeologia On-line


Open Access Journal: Archaeology Worldwide - Archäologie Weltweit

Archaeology Worldwide - Archäologie Weltweit
Archaeology Worldwide, the magazine of the German Archaeological Institute, addresses the general public. It offers a biannual report on DAI activities, contains stories on how archaeology solves ancient riddles, and explains how archaeological findings can be used to understand our present and future – often with surprising results.

Archäologie Weltweit 1-2015

Antike Zentren der Globalisierung

Zentren und Wege der Globalisierung in antiken Kulturen sind Schwerpunkt des Titelthemas in dieser Ausgabe von Archäologie Weltweit. „Alltag Archäologie" zeigt, auf welche Art die Naturwissenschaftler antike Kulturen rekonstruieren, die Rubrik „Fokus" berichtet über die Arbeit des DAI an UNESCO-Welterbestätten, und in unserem Panorama stellen wir Ihnen diesmal „Kollegen" der besonderen Art vor.

Open Access Publications of Emanuel Tov

 [First posted in AWOL 10 November 2010, updated 12 October 2015]

Open Access Publications of Emanuel Tov
Sources: Books are presented here as they appear in public domain websites. In addition, Scribal Practices 1-2 and all the papers present PDF files of the manuscripts submitted to the respective publishers. In all these cases minute changes have been inserted in the printed versions. Words in pink refer to changes subsequent to the publication. 

Hebrew: The files included in this website were first recorded in different versions of MS-Word, and then converted to MS-Word 2004. In the wake of this conversion a few Hebrew word pairs now appear in the wrong order.

Books written or edited

Collected Papers 1999 - The Greek and Hebrew Bible

Collected Papers 2008 - Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible and Qumran


Varia (the numbers refer to the bibliography )

Lost Heritage: Antiquities Stolen from Iraq's Regional Museums

 [First posted in AWOL 11 March 2010, updated 12 October 2015]

Lost Heritage: Antiquities Stolen from Iraq's Regional Museums
The following publications were designed to aid in the recovery of antiquities stolen from Iraq's regional museums during the insurrection following the Gulf War, 1991. Museums in Amara, Basra, Kufa, Dirwaniya, Suleimaniya, Dohuk, Kirkuk and Wasit were vandalized, cases were smashed, and records were scattered. The antiquities published here are stolen goods, are not legally held, and can be recovered by police action. Anyone who encounters any of the objects published in Lost Heritage, or any other items that are recognizable as from Iraq's museums, should contact the appropriate authorities.
Gibson, McGuire; McMahon, Augusta. Lost Heritage: Antiquities Stolen from Iraq's Regional Museums, Fascicle 1. Chicago: American Association for Research in Baghdad; 1992. 1 volume (xii + 54 pages [illustrated]): American Associaton for Research in Baghdad, 1155 E. 58th St., Chicago IL 60637, USA.
4.1 MB PDF (suitable for viewing online) | 19.1 MB PDF (suitable for printing)
Baker, H. D.; Matthews, R. J.; Postgate, J. N. Lost Heritage: Antiquities Stolen from Iraq's Regional Museums. Fascicle 2. London: British School of Archaeology in Iraq; 1993. 1 volume (viii + 153 pages [illustrated]). ISBN: 0-903472-14-7.
11.7 MB PDF (suitable for viewing online) | 55.3 MB PDF (suitable for printing)
Fujii, Hideo; Oguchi, Kazumi. Lost Heritage: Antiquities Stolen from Iraq's Regional Museums. Fascicle 3. Tokyo: Institute for Cultural Studies of Ancient Iraq, Kokushikan University; 1996. 1 volume (xxi + 43 pages [illustrated]).
4.9 MB PDF (suitable for viewing online) | 20.9 MB PDF (suitable for printing)
"List of Stolen Manuscripts" = pages 16-43 of: Fujii, Hideo; Oguchi, Kazumi. Lost Heritage: Antiquities Stolen from Iraq's Regional Museums. Fascicle 3. Tokyo: Institute for Cultural Studies of Ancient Iraq, Kokushikan University; 1996. 1 volume (xxi + 43 pages [illustrated]).
1.9 MB PDF (suitable for viewing online) | 7.5 MB PDF (suitable for printing)

[Available online since August 2004 as a part of the work of the Oriental Institute's Iraq Working Group.]

Journal of Eastern MediterraneanArchaeology and Heritage Studies Forum: Investing in the Future of the Past: Alternative Careers for Mediterranean Archaeologists

Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies Forum: Investing in the Future of the Past: Alternative Careers for Mediterranean Archaeologists

This forum section of this issue of Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies will be available open access for three months
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies
Volume 3, Issue 3

Available online at:
contextualizing the late Minoan tombs of the western Siteia mountains
Andrew J. Koh and Miriam G. Clinton
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 167–206
heritage collection of traditional pottery in ayios demetrios, cyprus
Gloria A. London and Father Dometios
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 207–233

investing in the future of the past: alternative careers for Mediterranean archaeologists

Ann E. Killebrew and Sandra A. Scham
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 234–237

alternative academics: moving beyond the academy
Sabrina C. Higgins and Megan Daniels
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 238–246

ruminations on a lifetime spent in archaeological research
Robert S. Merrillees
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 246–250

an archaeologist in international development
Jeffrey Szuchman
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 250–254

changing course
Sarah Lepinski
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 254–258

considering careers in international nonprofit, nongovernmental, and related private sectors
Christopher A. Tuttle
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 258–262

Off Course? A Career in archaeology outside of the academy
Laurie W. Rush
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 262–270

an afterlife of sorts
David Tarler
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 270–276

the curator as scholar and public spokesperson
Peter J. Schertz
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 277–282

not set in amber—moving a career from the academy to the art museum
Faya Causey
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 282–286

“… or equivalent combination of experience and education”
Charles E. Jones
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 286–292

reflections on a road less traveled: alt-ac archaeology
Sarah Whitcher Kansa and Eric C. Kansa
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 293–298

alternative careers in archaeology: my version
Oren Gutfeld
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 298–302

scholarly publishing as an archaeological practice
Mitchell Allen
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 302–306

help wanted: choosing an alternative or mainstream archaeological career?
Neil Asher Silberman
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 (3): 306–312
JEMAHS is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to traditional, anthropological, social, and applied
archaeologies of the eastern Mediterranean, encompassing both prehistoric and historic periods. The
journal’s geographic range spans three continents and brings together the archaeologies of Greece and
the Aegean, Anatolia, the Levant, Cyprus, Egypt, and North Africa. JEMAHS is co-edited by Dr. Ann E.
Killebrew (aek11@psu.edu) and Dr. Sandra A. Scham (sandrascham@gmail.com).

To access and/or subscribe, go to: JSTORor Project MUSE

Open Access Journal: NGSBA Archaeology (The Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology)

 [First posted in AWOL 13 January 2914, updated 12 October 2015 [links changed; volume 3 added]

NGSBA Archaeology (The Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology)
ISSN 2227-9008
NGSBA Archaeology is our platform for presenting the results of our fieldwork. The contents consist mainly of reports on salvage archaeology projects conducted by Y.G. Archaeology under NGSBA oversight. But from time to time reports of our community archaeology and research projects will also be published. We will also accept field reports of projects executed by other organizations. The journal is peer reviewed, edited by David Ilan, the director of the NGSBA, and is overseen by a board of editors. It will appear more or less annually—depending on the quantity of material available for publication—in print and digital form. The digital version can be downloaded from our website for free. 

Volume 3 (2015)
Volume 2 (2013) 
Volume 1 (2012)

The Classical Anthology

The Classical Anthology
The Classical Anthology is a collection of beautiful, inspiring and memorable passages from Greek and Latin literature, each with a translation so that anyone can enjoy them and share them. It includes anything written in Greek or Latin, from earliest times to the present day.
The anthology is for anyone to enjoy and anyone can contribute, whether you have a Doctorate, did Latin for a year at school, or none at all. The more contributions the better!
  • Read passages chosen by some of the world’s leading Classicists, with their personal insights on them.
  • Re-visit well-loved passages and discover new authors and works.
  • Anyone can contribute and enjoy the passages in translation, without needing any Latin or Greek.
  • The Anthology brings together Classicists worldwide and provides links to many other websites of Classical interest.

Teaching Suggestions

  • Teachers and students can use the passages to enrich literature or language study; many passages come with specific suggestions on how they may be used in this way.
  • Lots of teaching suggestions are available here.
  • Further suggestions are most welcome and can be added to the passages.

ThALES: Thesaurus Antiquorum Lectionariorum Ecclesiae Synagogaeque

ThALES: Thesaurus Antiquorum Lectionariorum Ecclesiae Synagogaeque
Welcome to the ThALES lectionary database! Please subscribe as user. There are brief introductory films about how to use it on youtube.

Currently the database contains
34 lectionaries with at least one witness of most Jewish and Christian liturgical families (i.e. Roman, Gallican, Mozarabic, Bohairic, Jerusalem (Armenian), Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Yemenite, Saadia Gaon, Mishnah...);
4015 liturgical events;
13075 readings;

Users have at their disposition:
  1. a very rich search machine (simple or advanced interface) to search for single readings or combinations of readings, or for liturgical events according to a very wide range of parameters.
  2. a tool to automatically create a synopsis of two or more related lectionaries.
  3. a tool to automatically reconstruct one or several liturgical calendars for a given year and calendar (e.g. Julian, Jewish, Armenian, Coptic, Islamic) to compare data from different liturgical families.
You can see some sample queries and screenshots here.

If you do not see your favorite lectionary, it is quite easy to add it and then to profit from the possibility to compare it with others via the synopsis and the calendar reconstruction tools. The back office has a very rich and powerful interface for complex queries. Don't hesitate to write to us if you wish to join the project or if you would like to suggest new features or corrections.

We are currently working on a tool that will automatically convert versifications of one Bible to another (i.e. Peshitta to LXX).

In Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, few people knew how to read or write. The common person usually became familiar with texts by hearing them recited or by seeing them represented artistically in liturgical, theatrical and ritual performances. Lectionaries – broadly understood as texts of different genres which inform the liturgical performance of one or more biblical passages – are the key link between the Bible and people, between intellectuals and the uneducated, between theory and praxis and, therefore, between the fields of literary and ritual studies. As such, lectionaries are important not only for scholars of Eastern and Western liturgies, but also for exegetes of the Old and New Testaments as well as for historians researching Jewish – Christian relations. In short, they are essential for any scholar attempting to understand Christianity and Judaism as living religions both in the past and present. This database is a deliberate attempt to bring to the fore the dimensions of liturgical performance and ritual in the study of early Christianity and Judaism, where texts continue to be perceived as falling primarily under the elitist domains of philology, dogma and literature.

Scholarly Aims

Our aim is to assemble the vast data contained in all ancient lectionaries, both Jewish and Christian, and make them easily accessible for and conveniently searchable by scholars interested in liturgy, the Wirkungsgeschichte of biblical texts, as well as by historians. We truly believe that publishing materials on the web is the most convenient way to provide free and immediate access to those important texts which form the basis for much of human culture. Publicizing these materials electronically allows anyone with internet access to utilize these texts and enables these materials to reach a broader audience.

Why Is This Database Important and to Whom?

This database will enable biblical scholars to quickly research the ritual Sitz im Leben of scriptural chapters or verses, which is critical for studying the impact of the Bible (the Wirkungsgeschichte). In addition, liturgical experts will be able to compare different reading traditions more easily and comprehensively. Historians as well as patristic and rabbinic scholars can utilize the database for a variety of purposes, such as finding the chronological and liturgical context of a homily or evaluating whether a biblical pericope might have an impact during a particular season of the year. With the help of the database, scholars will also be able to compare the prevalence of a text within the database to the number of extant exegetical treatises, along with carrying out many other statistical queries.

Newly Open Access Journal: Scriptorium

ISSN: 0036-9772


Revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits. International review of manuscript studie

 Fondée en 1946, Scriptorium revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits médiévaux, est une publication semestrielle multilingue qui traite de codicologie (description matérielle de tous les éléments du livre manuscrit : support, mise en page, reliure, paléographie, miniature, etc.), du contexte culturel et de la bibliographie afférant aux manuscrits médiévaux d'Europe occidentale, centrale et orientale. Elle comprend des articles, des notes et matériaux, une chronique et des comptes rendus approfondis d'ouvrages. La revue est éditée sous la responsabilité d'un comité scientifique international. 






And see also:


Vitrine de la revue Scriptorium et du Bulletin codicologique, sur le web, les index présents sur Scriptorium ont pour objectif de rendre la culture écrite du Moyen Âge européen accessible à un public international.

  • Un index cumulatif, par institutions de conservation, des manuscrits traités dans la revue Scriptorium et dans le Bulletin codicologique (1946 - 2014)La base de données renferme tous les index annuels de la revue depuis 1946 jusqu'à nos jours,
    soit près de 258.505 cotes de manuscrits accessibles grâce au formulaire de recherche " Chercher un manuscrit "
    (cliquer sur le bouton du menu " Catalogue et recherche ").

  • Un index catalographique exhaustif des ouvrages et articles recensés dans le Bulletin codicologique (1994 - 2014)Les références bibliographiques issues des volumes 1994-2014 sont actuellement consultables via le formulaire de recherche
    " Chercher un compte rendu " (cliquer sur le bouton du menu " Catalogue et recherche ").

  • Un sommaire complet, cumulatif et par volume, des articles, notes et matériaux, chroniques et comptes rendus, publiés dans la revue Scriptorium (1946 - 2014)Toutes les tables des matières de la revue, depuis le premier volume paru jusqu'à nos jours, sont disponibles sur le site
    (cliquer sur le bouton du menu " Catalogue et recherche ").

Open Access Journal: Estudios bizantinos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística

Estudios bizantinos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística
ISSN: 2014-9999 
The journal Estudios bizantinos aims to be a communication tool at the service of the community formed by scholars of the Byzantine world. To this end, the contents published are offered to readers in Open Access, under a Creative Commons license. Its creation by the Sociedad Española de Bizantinística (Spanish Society of Byzantine Studies) is seen as a means to achieve the overall objective of promoting Byzantine Studies in Spanish-speaking countries.Estudios bizantinos is an international journal, published annually, open to all those who wish to publicize their research on any aspect of Byzantine civilization. Although the editors of the journal are open to receive content in all languages​​, we feel that publication in languages which are less common ​​in scientific circles is detrimental to the assessments and reviews of the research presented in the journal; we therefore encourage authors to submit their work in English, French or Spanish.
Originals sent to the journal’s editorial office should deal with one or more of the following areas:

  • Byzantine Civilization: archaeology, art, law, philology, philosophy, history, linguistics, palaeography, theology, etc.
  • The impact of Byzantium and its relationship with neighbouring peoples.
  • Late Antiquity in both the Western and the Eastern Mediterranean and, in particular, Byzantium’s contacts with the Iberian Peninsula and Western Christianity.
  • Relationships with the Slavic, Latin and Islamic cultures.
The journal may devote part of each annual volume to a single theme, with its own introduction and accompanying materials.
Works presented for publication will be submitted to an evaluation process which will decide as quickly as possible whether to accept or reject it  [see Publication policy].
We encourage readers of Estudios bizantinos to subscribe to the journal in order to receive the latest news of publication. They can also learn about other news relating to Byzantium on the web of the Sociedad española de Bizantinística.

Dar al-Kutub: Numismatic Collection of the Egyptian National Library

Dar al-Kutub: Numismatic Collection of the Egyptian National Library
Our catalog of 6,500 numismatic pieces – coins, glass weights, dies, medals, etc. - is the third major catalog of Islamic numismatic material held in the Egyptian National Library, formerly the Khedivial Library, Egypt’s most important library. Our catalog differs from its predecessors in a number of ways. First, it is a new catalog in that we had to read the inscriptions from the digital images which were taken under difficult and rushed conditions and not from the actual objects for reasons which are explained in the section entitled Introduction. Second, we included in this electronic catalog inscriptions in Arabic as Dr. Sherif Anwar read them, which was never possible in the previous studies because of costs. Inscriptions in European languages and references are the work of Dr. Norman D. Nicol from the 1982 catalog of the collection.

Third, images of every piece are part of this catalog, which was financially impossible when the earlier catalogues were published. Fourth, the images are in color which modern technology permits at no additional cost. On the other hand the Egyptian National Library required that all images used on this webpage carry a watermark. Images without watermarks of specific items can be acquired by contacting the Egyptian National Library citing the 1982 catalog number, which is the last number in the title listing for each item. Fifth, whenever a mint was named and could be located, an accompanying map is included on the webpage. Finally, as far as possible, all the data and search tools are available in both Arabic and English for the first time in a catalog. Electronic searches in Arabic and English can by undertaken by going to the category “browse” and then using the various lists to narrow the search. In order to find a specific piece based upon its 1982 catalog number go to the heading “search” and under “keyword” go to “recordId” and type in the appropriate number.

This project is a result of the cooperation of the Egyptian National Library and Archives and the American Numismatic Society with funding from USAID through the American Research Center in Egypt. This electronic catalog is made available under the Open Database License. It is powered by Numishare and numismatic concepts defined on Nomisma.org.

New Open Access Journal: Melammu Newsletter


Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project

[First posted in AWOL 8 December 2009, updated 14 October 2015]

Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project
This site is dedicated to exploring the Forma Urbis Romae, or Severan Marble Plan of Rome. This enormous map, measuring ca. 18.10 x 13 meters (ca. 60 x 43 feet), was carved between 203-211 CE and covered an entire wall inside the Templum Pacis in Rome. It depicted the groundplan of every architectural feature in the ancient city, from large public monuments to small shops, rooms, and even staircases. For more information about the map itself, go to the Map page.

The Severan Marble Plan is a key resource for the study of ancient Rome, but only 10-15% of the map survives, broken into 1,186 pieces. For centuries, scholars have tried to match the fragments and reconstruct this great puzzle, but progress is slow--the marble pieces are heavy, unwieldy, and not easily accessible. Now, computer scientists and archaeologists at Stanford are employing digital technologies to try to reconstruct the map. In collaboration with the Sovraintendenza of the Comune di Roma, a team from Stanford's Computer Graphics laboratory has been creating digital photographs and 3D models of all 1,186 fragments. The next step is to develop 3D matching algorithms to "solve the map," and to build a fully searchable database of the fragments--a much-needed tool for archaeological research. To read about our aims and methods in detail, go to the Project page. To know who is involved, click on People.

This site presents 1,186 of the surviving fragments and 87 fragments known only from Renaissance drawings in a fully searchable database. Each entry includes digital color photographs and 3D models (download our viewer, for PCs only - sorry, Mac users), a search box, a description of the fragment, an analysis of its significance and a review of the scholarly literature. The team is also developing a viewer that will allow you to try to match fragments, and a slab map that reconstructs the known areas of the entire Plan. The full release of the database of all 1,186 known fragments is planned for 2004.

Our aim is to make this material accessible to specialists, students and the general public. The project is a joint effort between engineers from the Department of Computer Science, archaeologists from the Department of Classics at Stanford, and the Sovraintendenza of the City of Rome. We are still developing this site; please contact us with your comments through the People page.

  • All 1,186 surviving fragments are now online!
  • Two new papers, one describing the entire project and the other describing new fragment matches we found.
  • Lost fragments known only from 16th- and 17th-century drawings
  • Preliminary digital slab map of the wall
  • Home
  • Project
  • Map
  • Database
  • Slab Map
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • People
  • Links

  • Orion Study Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literatures

    Orion Study Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literatures
    The Orion Center was established in 1995 as part of the Institute for Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    Our web site provides many resources for the study of the Scrolls, as well as information about the Center's activities and programs.


    The Center aims to stimulate and foster research on the Scrolls, particularly the great task of integrating the new information gained from the Scrolls into the body of knowledge about Jewish history and religion in the Second Temple period. Such integration will affect areas like biblical studies, Jewish literature and thought of the Second Temple Period, earliest Christianity and the New Testament, the study of early rabbinic Judaism, and more.


    Many aspects of the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls can be done best and uniquely at the Hebrew University and in Jerusalem. Such topics include the relationship of the Scrolls to rabbinic literature and thought, to the Jewish liturgy, to the Piyyutim (Jewish liturgical poetry), the study of the Scrolls as physical artifacts (most recently in the area of DNA analysis), their archeological context and their relationship to other Judean Desert finds.


    The Center intends to focus and to coordinate the research presently being carried out at the Hebrew University, and to ensure a balanced and structured program of research and instruction. More specifically, the Orion Center organizes lectures in Hebrew and English (scholars seminars and presentation & discussion hours), and international symposia. In addition the Center offers grants for graduate and post-doctoral study of the scrolls related literature at Hebrew University. 


    Bulletin Board

     Conferences and Lectures
     Calls for Papers
     Study Opportunities
     Fellowships, Visiting Scholarships
     Job and Volunteer opportunities

    Survey: Archaeometrical Methods in Egyptian Archaeology

    Dear colleagues,

    In course of our work in the archaeology of Egypt, archaeometrical methods are gaining more and more importance. However, the current state of archaeometry in Egypt is unknown.

    To gain a better overview over the situation of archaeometrical analyses in Egypt we assembled a questionaire, which is available through the following link:


    We would ask
    - directors of archaeological projects,
    - archaeologists working with archaeometrical methods as well as
    - archaeometrists working in projects in Egypt
    to answer this questionaire until *October 31st, 2015*.

    The results from this survey should provide an overview on how archaeometry is implemented and understood by researchers from all scientific fields currently working in the archaeology of
    Egypt. They shall be presented during the next International Symposium for Archaeometry in May 2016 in Kalamata, Greece. Through this we hope to take the first step in a closer communication and cooperation of archaeological projects and institutions in Egypt, and to support the advance of Egypt as an internationally recognised location for archaeometrical sciences.

    Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and anonymous and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate.

    Thank you very much for your time and support.

    Best wishes,

    Anita Quiles (Institut français d’archéologie orientale Le
    Caire) and
    Johanna Sigl (German Archaeological Institute Cairo)

    Dr. des. Johanna Sigl

    Wissenschaftliche Referentin
    Academic Research Fellow

    Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Kairo
    German Archaeological Institute Cairo

    31, Sharia Abu el-Feda,
    11211 Kairo-Zamalek

    Tel: +20-2-27351460(Durchwahl 222)
    Tel-VOIP: +49-30-22414558
    Fax: +20-2-27370770
    Skype: trafopa.schule

    Facebook: DAI Kairo - German Archaeological Institute Cairo

    Open Access Journal: Histara-les comptes rendus: histoire de l'art, histoire des répresentations et archéologie

    [Originally posted in AWOL 1/25/10. Updated 15 October 2015]

    Histara-les comptes rendus: histoire de l'art, histoire des répresentations et archéologie
    ISSN: 2100-0700
    Histara-les comptes rendus publishes scientific reviews of books in the fields of Archaeology, Art History and related subjects (such as Aesthetics, Archaeometry, …) in German, English, French and Italian.

    Take part in in Histara :
    All the reviews of 2007 (43) 2008 (120) 2009 (196) 2010 (157) 2011 (168) 2012 (165) 2013 (137) 2014 (143) 2015 (118)
    Selected criteria: The last reviews - Antiquity - Middle Ages
    AA.VV.: Amrein, Heidi – Carlevaro, Eva - Deschler-Erb, Eckhard - Deschler-Erb, Sabine - Duvauchelle, Anika, Das römerzeitliche Handwerk in der Schweiz. Bestandsaufnahme und erste Synthesen / L’artisanat en Suisse à l’époque romaine. Recensement et premières synthèses, 378 p., nbr. ill., ISBN: 978-2-35518-027-9, 61 €
    (Editions Monique Mergoil 2012)
    Read the book review by Nicolas Monteix, Université de Rouen (published: 2015-10-05)
    AA.VV.: Butterlin, Pascal - Margueron, Jean-Claude - Muller, Béatrice - Al-Maqdissi, Michel - Beyer, Dominique - Cavigneaux , Antoine (dir.). Mari, ni Est ni Ouest ? Syria, Supplément 2. 2 volumes, 775 p., 220 x 280 mm. ISBN : 978-2-35159-405-6, 45 €
    (Beyrouth, Presses de l’Ifpo 2014)
    Read the book review by Daniel Bonneterre, Université du Québec (published: 2015-09-22)
    Bourgeois, Brigitte -Denoyelle, Martine (dir.): L’Europe du vase antique. Collectionneurs, savants, restaurateurs aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. 360 p., 17,5 x 25 cm, Illustrations : Couleurs et N & B, ISBN : 978-2-7535-2269-5, 28 €
    (Presses universitaires de Rennes, Rennes 2014)
    Read the book review by Astrid Fendt, Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek München (published: 2015-09-25)
    Casagrande-Kim, Roberta (ed.): When the Greeks Ruled Egypt. Exhibition catalogue (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York, October 8, 2014 - January 4, 2015), 120 p., 80 color photos. 70 color illus. 1 map, 210 x 267 mm, ISBN 978-0-691-16554-7, 26,95 €
    (Princeton University Press, Princeton 2014)
    Read the book review by Estelle Galbois, Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail (published: 2015-09-22)
    Cassimatis, Hélène: Eros dans la céramique à figures rouges italiotes. Essai d’interprétation iconographique et iconologique, 600p., 49 ill., 16 x 24, 978-2-7018-0342-5, 69 euros
    (Editions de Boccard, Paris 2014)
    Read the book review by Vincent Jolivet, CNRS (published: 2015-10-14)
    Cavalieri, Marco (dir.): INDVSTRIA APIVM. L’archéologie : une démarche singulière, des pratiques multiples. Hommages à Raymond Brulet. ISBN-13 978-2-87558-079-5, 28 €
    (Presses universitaires de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve 2012)
    Read the book review by Claire Joncheray, Université Paris X-Nanterre (published: 2015-09-23)
    Lauer, Jean-Philippe: Les pyramides de Sakkara / The pyramids of Sakkara. Edition bilingue. Collection: BiGen 47. 40 p., ISBN 978-2-7247-0659-8, 25 €
    (Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Le Caire 2015)
    Read the book review by Rémi Legros (published: 2015-09-23)
    Mancho, Carles: La peinture murale du haut Moyen Âge en Catalogne (IXe-Xe siècle). 702 p., 113 ill. n/b + 43 ill. coul., 156 x 234 mm, ISBN: 978-2-503-54568-4, 95 €
    (Brepols, Turnhout 2012)
    Read the book review by Thomas Creissen, Université François Rabelais de Tours (published: 2015-10-09)
    Moretti, Jean-Charles - Rabatel, Liliane (dir.): Le sanctuaire de Claros et son oracle, 260 pages, 150 ill, A4, ISBN 978-2-35668-047-1, 31€
    (Publication de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, Lyon 2014)
    Read the book review by Franck Wojan, Université François- Rabelais, Tours (published: 2015-09-18)
    Pagès, Gaspard: Artisanat et économie du fer en France méditerranéenne de l’Antiquité au début du Moyen Âge, une approche interdisciplinaire (préf. Vincent Serneels), 317 p., 244 fig., ISBN-13: 978-2355180132, 53,00 €
    (Editions Monique Mergoil, Montagnac 2010)
    Read the book review by Isabelle Warin, Université de Zurich (published: 2015-09-24)
    Panagiotopoulos, Diamantis: Mykenische Siegelpraxis. Funktion, Kontext und administrative Verwendung mykenischer Tonplomben auf dem griechischen Festland und Kreta. (Athenaia, 5). 350 Seiten, 128 Abbildungen. 21 × 29,7 cm. ISBN: 978-3-7774-2288-6, 60 €
    (Hirmer Verlag, München 2015)
    Read the book review by Alexandre Solcà, Université du Minho (published: 2015-10-09)
    Poursat, Jean-Claude: L’Art égéen 2. Mycènes et le monde mycénien. (Les manuels d’art et d’archéologie antiques). 303 p., ISBN : 9782708409453, 65 €
    (Éditions Picard, Paris 2014)
    Read the book review by Béatrice Robert, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès (published: 2015-10-14)
    Sennoune, Oueded : Alexandrie dans les récits de voyage VIe - XVIIIe siècles. Documents pour l’histoire ou sources historiques ? 289 pages, CD-Rom, 15,5 x 24 cm, ISBN : 978-2-343-05977-8, 31 €
    (Éditions l’Harmattan, Paris 2015)
    Read the book review by Marie-Cécile Bruwier, Musée royal de Mariemont (published: 2015-09-25)
    Verger, Stéphane - Pernet, Lionel (dir.): Une Odyssée gauloise. Parures de femmes à l’origine des premiers échanges entre la Grèce et la Gaule, catalogue d’exposition Lattes, Musée Henri Prades, 27 avril 2013-12 janvier 2014 et Bibracte, Musée, mars-novembre 2014 (Collection Archéologie de Montpellier Agglomération AMA 4), 22 x 28 / 400 pages, ISBN 978-2-87772-538-5 ; prix indicatif : 35, 00€
    (éditions Errance, Arles 2013)
    Read the book review by Gaëlle Dumont (published: 2015-09-24)

    Administrative: Four million page views

    It seems worth noting that a moment ago AWOL surpassed four million page views. Half of these have been within the last two years.

    In the right hand side bar of AWOL is a form allowing you to receive notifications of updates to AWOL by email. This seems useful for those for whom news feeds are not. Your address will be safe. Neither AWOL nor feedburner will send spam. Since I announced this feature in June 2009, 7,514 e-mail addresses have subscribed to AWOL.

    If you are reading this in a newsreader or on facebook or twitter (or other social media) you will have to click through to see the form in the sidebar. If you are reading this by email you have already done what's required. The software requires a confirmation of your request to join. If you don't see such a confirmation request, check your spam folder.

    Instructions for unsubscribing from the email list are at the bottom of each message from AWOL.

    If you are not reading this on on facebook or twitter you are welcome to join in there.

    You are invited to visit The AWOL Index
    This publication systematically describes ancient-world information resources on the world-wide web. The bibliographic data presented herein has been programmatically extracted from the content of AWOL - The Ancient World Online (ISSN 2156-2253) and formatted in accordance with a structured data model. In continuous operation since 2009, AWOL is a blog authored by Charles E. Jones, Tombros Librarian for Classics and Humanities at the Pattee Library, Penn State University

    This publication, The AWOL Index, is an experimental project, developed jointly by Jones and Tom Elliott, the Associate Director for Digital Programs at New York University's Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW), with the assistance of Pavan Atri, Roger Bagnall, Dawn Gross, Sebastian Heath, Gabriel McKee, Ronak Parpani, David Ratzan, and Kristen Soule.

    Creation of The AWOL Index was made possible by a grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.
    Finally. Please use the comment function available on each posting if you have something to say. And if you have comments or know of something I should consider including, please contact me directly (cejo at uchicago dot edu) 

    Open Access Journal: The Orion Center Newsletter

    The Orion Center Newsletter
    The Center aims to stimulate and foster research on the Scrolls, particularly the great task of integrating the new information gained from the Scrolls into the body of knowledge about Jewish history and religion in the Second Temple period. Such integration will affect areas like biblical studies, Jewish literature and thought of the Second Temple Period, earliest Christianity and the New Testament, the study of early rabbinic Judaism, and more. 

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    University of Basel Kings' Valley Project

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