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Live Webcast: Center for Hellenic Studies 24 April 2015 Research Symposium

Live Webcast: Center for Hellenic Studies April 2015 Research Symposium
Join us on Friday, April 24 for a live webcast of the biannual Center for Hellenic Studies Research Symposium!

The stream will be available at http://media.video.harvard.edu/core/live/harvard-chs-live.html. No special software is required. Persons interested in watching the stream should click on the link above and the stream will play in their web browser.

Have questions for the presenters? Contact us via the online form or the live chat room.

Friday, April 24

Session 1, 9:30-11:00 am (EDT)

“Local Pantheons in Motion: Synoecism and Patron Deities in Hellenistic Rhodes”Stéphanie Paul, University of LiegeAbstract
“The Social Dynamics of Dedication in the Delian Inventories of the Third Century: Audience, Function and Temporality”Christy Constantakopoulou, Birkbeck CollegeAbstract
“Connecting People: Mobility and Networks in the Corpus of Greek Private Letters”Madalina Dana, University Paris 1 – Panthéon SorbonneAbstract

Session 2, 11:30 am-12:30 pm (EDT)

“Seeing Hera in the IliadSeemee Ali, Carthage CollegeAbstract
“Painting, Ethics, and Ontology in Republic 5”Zacharoula Petraki, University of CreteAbstract

Session 3, 2:00-3:00 pm (EDT)

“To the Dregs:  Drawing Meaning from the Rhodian Handles of Hellenistic Ashkelon”Kate Birney, Wesleyan UniversityAbstract
“Data Sharing as Publication in Classical Archaeology”Eric Kansa, University of California, Berkeley

Session 4, 3:30-4:30 pm (EDT)

“The Actors’ Repertoire, Fifth-Century Drama and Early Tragic Revivals”Sebastiana Nervegna, University of Sydney Abstract
“Isocrates’ Theory of Goodwill (Eunoia) as a Precursor of Emotional Intelligence”Maria G. Xanthou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Open University of CyprusAbstract

Open Access Journal: THIASOS: Rivista di archeologia e architettura antica - Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture

 [First posted in AWOL 20 September 2013, updated 20 April 2015]

THIASOS: Rivista di archeologia e architettura antica - Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture
Thiasos è un’iniziativa editoriale on-line, collegata alla pubblicazione di volumi monografici, in formato digitale e cartaceo, per i tipi della Quasar Edizioni. Si tratta di un progetto volto a incrementare e migliorare il dialogo sui temi di ricerca delle culture antiche, nella consapevolezza della loro attualità.

La partecipazione si intende aperta a tutti coloro che intendono collaborare con contributi scientifici, proposte, informazioni, secondo gli schemi dell’implementazione libera e collettiva degli spazi della rete, da condividere non solo come fruitori. L’unico filtro ritenuto necessario è quello della qualità scientifica e dell’impegno, che vengono valutati dal comitato scientifico in prima istanza e poi da referee esterni, italiani e stranieri, sia per i testi a stampa che per quelli presentati on-line...

Thiasos is an on-line editorial initiative, connected to the publication of monographs, edited both in electronic and paper version, for Quasar Publisher. The project aims to increase and to improve the discussion concerning scientific research on ancient cultures, that are still nowadays a topical subject.

Participation is open to everyone wishing to contribute with scientific papers, proposals, information, in accordance with the free and collective implementation schemes of on-line spaces, to be used not only as beneficiaries. The sole participation criteria are scientific quality and commitment, that are evaluated firstly by the scientific committee and subsequently by external referees, Italian and foreign ones, with regard both to paper version and on-line version texts...
Biblioteca virtuale
è un repertorio di edizioni rare o di difficile reperimento, relativo alle tematiche della rivista.

DecArch: La Decorazione Architettonica romana

DecArch: La Decorazione Architettonica romana
di Marina Milella
Nelle aree archeologiche del mondo romano, nei magazzini, nei giardini dei musei, giacciono migliaia e migliaia di frammenti che una volta appartenevano alla decorazione degli edifici antichi. Studiarli e capirli significa accedere ad una massa enorme di dati, che possono accrescere le nostre conoscenze in molte direzioni. 

Open Access Journal: Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission

Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission
ISSN-Print 0341-9312
Der von der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission herausgegebene „Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts“ trug von 1905-1907 den Titel „Bericht über die Fortschritte der Römisch-Germanischen Forschung“. Die Zeitschrift beinhaltet neben dem Jahresbericht der RGK größere Forschungsüberblicke zu laufenden und abgeschlossenen Projekten  von der Steinzeit bis ins frühe Mittelalter inklusive naturwissenschaftlicher Beiträge und Tagungsberichte, zeitweilig auch verschiedene Bibliographien.

Die Aufsätze werden in deutscher, englischer oder französischer Sprache gedruckt und unterliegen einem Peer Review-Verfahren. 

Zurzeit werden hier die älteren Bände bereitgestellt. Nach Klärung offener Copyrightfragen folgen  neuere und aktuelle Bände

Pleiades Feedback Requested

Dear colleagues:

I hope those of you who have previously contributed content to Pleiades (or who are thinking about doing so) can spare a few minutes sometime soon to read and react to a new reference document we’ve just added to the site:

Reference: Attributes of Places

It lists all of the fields you can fill out when adding or editing a place resource.

If you detect errors, omissions, or opportunities for improvement, I’d love to hear about them before we go on to produce similar documents for “name” and “location” resources. You can provide your comments in reply to this message or via email to pleiades.admin@nyu.edu. You can also comment publicly via twitter or our Facebook page.

If you’re actively contributing, you’ll also note that this document has been added to a streamlined “Editing Places” portlet, which may be found in the right-hand column of any “place” page, immediately below the “related items from Pelagios” portlet.

Happy placing!


Tom Elliott, Ph.D.
Associate Director for Digital Programs and Senior Research Scholar
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (NYU)

New Open Access Journal: Albahri, entre Oriente y Occidente: Revista independiente de estudios históricos

Albahri, entre Oriente y Occidente: Revista independiente de estudios históricos

Albahri, entre Oriente y Occidente: Revista independiente de estudios históricos nace con dos predisposiciones diáfanas: por un lado, una vocación de libertad académica y, por otro, una voluntad de ofrecer una mirada global sobre fenómenos históricos, para lo cual expresamos nuestra inicial renuncia a acotar o restringir tiempos, escenarios o materias. El título de la revista es, como sucede a menudo, una verdadera declaración de intenciones. Queremos evocar la imagen de un avezado “marino” ( يرحبلا en árabe, como el Simbad de las Mil y Una Noches ), uno de aquellos nautae (o bahriyyun ) en los tiempos en que navegar era una aventura siempre inesperada, pero en los que, también, el hombre de mar describía su derrota con exactitud, trayecto que solo podría verse afectado por las inclemencias meteorológicas. Y el mar es en sí mismo el espacio histórico de relación por antonomasia, un continente líquido por el que sus hombres, superando peligros y adversidades, han transcurrido a la búsqueda de encuentros insospechados con otras gentes y cosas.

Número 1 – 2015

Número completo. PDF

Open Access Journal: МНЕМОН: Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира

 [First posted in AWOL 26 April 2013, updated 22 April 2015]

МНЕМОН: Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира
ISSN 1813-193X

Mnemon : issledovanii︠a︡ i publikat︠s︡ii po istorii antichnogo mira.
Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet. T︠S︡entr antikovedenii︠a︡.
Mnemon: Research and publications on the history of the Ancient World. Edited by Professor E D Frolov
Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 14.
Под редакцией профессора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2014.
ISSN 1318-193X.

Фролов Э.Д. Вместо предисловия: Источник знания в науке об античности (к проблеме формирования специалиста)
Фролов Э.Д. Кафедра античной истории СПбГУ (к 80-летнему юбилею)
1. Древняя Греция
Суриков И.Е. (Москва). Греческая архаика как историческая эпоха: cовременный взгляд. Первая половина (IX-VIII вв. до н.э.)
Жестоканов С.М. Загадочная экспедиция Фрасибула Милетского
Туманс Х. (Рига). Мильтиaд Старший как зеркало греческой колонизации
Строгецкий В.М. (Нижний Новгород). Взаимоотношения между Спартой, Афинами и Эгиной накануне Марафонской битвы
Никитюк Е.В. Декрет Феозотида: К вопросу об афинских nothoi
Печатнова Л.Г. Древние авторы о спартанской агонистике
Шарнина А.Б. Проксения в межполисных отношениях Эллады
2. Эпоха эллинизма
Рунг Э.В. (Казань). Военно-политическая деятельность Ментора Родосского
Смирнов С.В. (Москва). Пифон, Селевк и традиция Иеронима из Кардии
Грушевой А.Г. Два почетных декрета в честь Антиоха I (280-261гг. до н. э. ) (OGIS, 219, 222)
Нефедкин А.К. Традиции военного дела эпохи Ахеменидов в Сасанидском Иране
3. Рим
Кудрявцева Т.В. Корнелиев закон и процесс Клуенция: магия in latenti
Вержбицкий К.В. Падение Сеяна (а был ли заговор?)
Портнягина И.П. (Тверь). Луций Анней Сенека о системе воспитания и самовоспитания (теория и практика)
Смирнова Е.Л. (Петрозаводск). Гражданские войны 68-69 гг. и римский сенат
Циркин Ю.Б. Начало конца Западной Римской империи
4. Культура и религия античного мира
Кулишова О.В. Хор в древнегреческой драме
Пантелеев А.Д. Маска в религиозной жизни древней Греции
Светлов Р.В. Платоновская концепция истории
Васильев А.В. К вопросу о времени появления маски в римском театре
Дуров В.С. Гастрономический опыт Горация
Широкова Н.С. К вопросу о романизации Британии: римский Марс и его британские эквиваленты
Марков К.В. (Нижний Новгород). Специфика употребления и смысловое содержание понятия democratia в сочинениях греческих авторов Второй софистики
Карпюк С.Г. (Москва). Взгляды Ксенофонта на патриотизм
Скржинская М.В. (Киев). Сочинения боспорских и херсонесских историков
Звагольская А.К. Об одном пассаже Кальпурния (Calp. VII, 57-72)
Данилов Е.С. (Ярославль). Военные глоссы Веррия Флакка
Дымская Д.Д. Римский политик в трактовке Нового времени: образ Катилины в трагедии Бена Джонсона
Тункина И.В. Академик Е.Е. Кёлер о Березани, Ольвии и ольвийской периферии в дневнике экспедиции Императорской Санкт-Петербургской Академии наук 1821 г. по Новороссийскому краю
Кшиштоф Крульчик. (Познань). Константин Хилинский (1881-1939) - польский исследователь античности
Кузьмин Ю.Н. (Самара), Макарова О.М. (Самара). А.Е. Паршиков и история Афинской морской державы
Мученичество Святых Максимы, Секунды и Донатиллы. Вступительная статья, перевод и комментарий А. В. Каргальцева
Берзон Е.М., Кулишова О.В. Вторая межвузовская студенческо-аспирантская конференция "Античность XXI века", СПбГУ, 18 марта 2014 г.
Махлаюк А.В. (Нижний Новогород) У истоков идеологии принципата (Токарев А.Н. Становление официальной идеологии принципата императора Августа: монография. - Харьков: ХНУ им. В.Н. Каразина, 2011. - 268 с.)
Климов О.Ю., Холод М.М. Христиан Милета: юбилей ученого
Памяти Константина Викторович Вержбицкого (21.09.1973 - 15.09.2014)
Мнемон - 2002
Мнемон - 2003
Мнемон - 2004
Мнемон - 2005
Мнемон - 2006
Мнемон - 2007
Мнемон - 2008
Мнемон - 2009
Мнемон - 2010
Мнемон - 2011
Мнемон - 2012
Мнемон - 2013(1)
Мнемон - 2013(2)
Мнемон - 2014

    DigilibLT: Biblioteca digitale di testi latini tardoantichi - Digital library of late-antique latin texts

    [First posted in AWOL 3 January 2011, updated 22 April 2015]

    DigilibLT: Biblioteca digitale di testi latini tardoantichi - Digital library of late-antique latin texts

    The Digital library of late-antique Latin texts – digilibLT – publishes prose texts written in Latin in the late antiquity (from the 2nd to the 7th century AD). The texts are annotated according to the XML-TEI standards, and are offered free of charge to the public for reading and research. The library also offers a complete canon of authors and works, including detailed information on the critical editions on which the digital texts are based, and listing, if the case, editorial changes which deviate from the critical editions chosen as reference. Search windows are designed to allow users to search either the entire collection of texts or a selection of them (by author, period, or type of text) or single authors and works. Texts can be downloaded freely, which allows individual scholars to work on their areas of interest with maximum flexibility. The library also provides short entries on late-antique authors and works, bibliographies, and canon entries. Finally, the library also includes some important works on late-antique Latin prose authors, offering the texts in PDF form or listing links to websites where these works can be found.
    The icon marks Txt texts available for research and download.
    The icon   marks TEI texts available for research and download.
    The icon marks Pdf texts available for download.
    The icon marks E-Pub texts available for download.

      saec. II
    1. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Epitoma de Tito Liuio - saec. II
    2. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Vergilius orator an poeta - saec. II
    3. saec. III
    4. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De die natali - 238
    5. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De figuris sententiarum et elocutionis (Aquila Romanus) - saec. III (secunda pars)
    6. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De hortis - saec. III
    7. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Epitoma historiarum Philippicarum Pompei Trogi - saec. III
    8. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Medicinae ex holeribus et pomis - saec. III
    9. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyricus dictus Augustoduni a. 297-8 - oratio pro instaurandis scholis - saec. III
    10. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyricus dictus Constantio Caesari (Treueris a. 297-8) - saec. III
    11. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyricus dictus Maximiano et Diocletiano (Treueris a. 289 p. Chr.) - saec. III
    12. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyricus dictus Treueris ? a. 291 p. Chr. - Genethliacus Maximiani Augusti - saec. III
    13. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Prologi in Pompeium Trogum - saec. III
    14. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Testimonia et fragmenta (Cornelius Labeo) - saec. III
    15. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Artis architectonicae priuatis usibus adbreuiatus liber - saec. III ex./IV in.
    16. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Collectanea rerum memorabilium - saec. III-IV
    17. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De condicionibus agrorum - III-IV saec.
    18. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyrici Latini - saec. III-IV
    19. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Periochae Liuii - saec. III-IV
    20. saec. IV
    21. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Asclepius - saec. IV
    22. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Breuiarium (Rufius Festus) - saec. IV
    1. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Liber de Caesaribus uel historiae abbreuiatae - fl. 360
    2. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Liber de praenominibus - saec. IV
    3. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Liber memorialis - saec. IV (dub.)
    4. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Orationes - inde a 369
    5. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Origo gentis Romanae - saec. IV
    6. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyricus dictus Constantino filio Constantii (Treueris a. 313 p. Chr.) - saec. IV
    7. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyricus dictus Constantino imperatori (Romae a. 321 p. Chr.) - saec. IV
    8. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyricus dictus Constantino imperatori (Treueris a. 310 p. Chr.) - saec. IV
    9. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyricus dictus Constantino imperatori (Treueris a. 312 p. Chr.) - Gratiarum actio - saec. IV
    10. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyricus dictus Iuliano imperatori (Constantinopoli a. 362 p. Chr.) - Gratiarum actio de consulatu suo - IV saec.
    11. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyricus dictus Maximiano et Constantino (Treueris ? a. 307 p. Chr.) - saec. IV
    12. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Panegyricus dictus Theodosio imperatori (Romae a. 389 p. Chr.) - saec. IV
    13. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Praefatio comm. in Verg. Eclogas - saec. IV med. (insignis habebatur 354)
    14. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Prodigiorum Liber - saec. IV
    15. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Relationes - 384-385
    16. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt - n. post 333 m. post 395
    17. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Res gestae Alexandri Macedonis - Post 270 - ante 340
    18. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Testamentum porcelli - saec. IV
    19. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Vita Terentii - saec. IV med. (insignis habebatur 354)
    20. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Vita Vergilii (Donatus) - saec. IV med. (insignis habebatur 354)
    1. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Adnotationes super Lucanum - saec. IV-V (dub.)
    2. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Commenta Bernensia in Lucanum - saec. IV-V (dub.)
    3. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Commentarius in Vergilii Aeneidos libros - saec. IV-V
    4. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De fluminibus fontibus lacubus nemoribus paludibus montibus gentibus per litteras libellus - saec. IV-V
    5. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De medicamentis - saec. V
    6. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Disputatio de Somnio Scipionis - saec. IV-V
    7. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Epitoma (Nepotianus) - saec. IV-V (dub.)
    8. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Epitoma rei militaris - saec. IV-V
    9. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Epitome de Caesaribus - fere 400
    10. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Historia Augusta - saec. IV / V
    11. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Opusculum - saec. IV-V
    12. saec. V
    13. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Celeres passiones - saec. V
    14. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Curae boum - saec. V
    15. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De medicina - saec. V
    16. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De salutaribus praeceptis - saec. V
    17. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De speciali significatione diaeticarum passionum - saec. V
    18. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Gynaeciorum Sorani e graeco uersorum et retractatorum quae exstant - saec. V
    19. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format In Somnium Scipionis commentarii - saec. V
    20. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Praecepta artis rhetoricae - saec. V
    21. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Querolus - saec. V in.
    1. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Saturnalia - saec. V
    2. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Tardae passiones - saec. V
    3. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Vita Vergilii (Phocas) - saec. V in.
    4. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Collatio Alexandri et Dindimi - saec. V (dub.)
    5. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De excidio Troiae historia - saec. VI in.
    6. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Excerpta: appendix Apicii - saec. V / VI
    7. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Historia Apollonii regis Tyri recensio A - saec. V-VI
    8. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Historia Apollonii regis Tyri recensio B - saec. V-VI
    9. saec. VI
    10. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Analytica posteriora Aristotelis latine uersa - saec. VI
    11. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Analytica priora Aristotelis latine uersa - saec.VI
    12. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Analytica priora Aristotelis latine uersa (recensio Carnutensis, partes quaedam seorsum editae) - saec. VI
    13. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Anecdoton Holderi quod dicitur, scilicet excerpta ex Cassiodori libello de ordine generis Cassiodororum - saec. VI
    14. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Chronicon (Marcellinus Comes) - saec. VI
    15. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Commentum de agrorum qualitate - saec. VI
    16. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Commentum de controuersiis - saec. VI
    17. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De differentiis topicis - saec. VI
    18. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De diuisione - saec. VI
    19. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De origine actibusque Getarum - VI saec.
    20. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De sophisticis elenchis liber Aristotelis latine uersus - saec. VI
    21. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De summa temporum uel origine actibusque gentis Romanorum - saec. VI
    1. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De syllogismo categorico - saec. VI
    2. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Excerpta Valesiana pars posterior - saec. VI (post Theodorici mortem)
    3. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Introductio ad syllogismos categoricos - saec. VI
    4. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Origo Constantini imperatoris (= Excerpta Valesiana pars prior) - saec. VI
    5. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Peri hermeneias liber Aristotelis latine uersus - saec. VI
    6. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Philosophiae consolatio - 523-524
    7. Uncertain date
    8. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De bello civili inter Caesarem et Pompeium
    9. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De taxone recensio alfa
    10. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format De taxone recensio beta
    11. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Epistola Alexandri ad Aristotelem
    12. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Fragmentum Censorini
    13. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Mythographus Vaticanus I
    14. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Vita M. Annaei Lucani
    15. Work available in TXT format Work available in TEI format Work available in PDF format Work available in E-PUB format Ars ueterinaria

    Associazione di studi Tardoantichi Pubblicazioni on line

    Associazione di studi Tardoantichi
    Il settore di studi abbracciante grosso modo il periodo che va dal II all'VIII secolo d.C., e che suole designarsi come quello di «tardoantico», ha assunto da tempo una fisionomia unitaria e una sua autonomia metodologica. L'antichità classica vi è colta nei momenti della sua crisi decisiva, ma tali momenti sono a loro volta creativi, portatori di nuovi fermenti, di nuovi significati: conflitti di cultura, al centro e alla periferia; conflitti di lingue; conflitti di religioni, di forme artisiche, di tradizioni giuridiche, ecc. fanno da sfondo agli scontri delle «nationes» e delle classi nel seno dell'Impero. Istituti e forme subiscono mutamenti radicali, alcuni scompaiono e altri risorgono a nuova vita, e sempre con una comune connotazione etica di base, che è di avanzamento senza tagli irreparabili, di graduale distacco dal passato, non di oblio del passato.
    Avendo in mente tali pensieri e trovandosi d'accordo su alcune linee operative, un gruppo di studiosi ha fondato, nel 1975, l'Associazione di Studi Tardoantichi, la quale si propone di continuare anche fuori delle mura accademiche i discorsi sui temi culturali del tardoantico, di promuoverne nei modi più diversi la conoscenza, di costituire un punto di incontro, senza preconcetti e preclusioni. 
    Traduzione integrale e interventi testuali di ANTONINO GRILLO
    di Gianfranco Purpura

    di Gianfranco Purpura

    AWOL mailing list problem

    A change in the way mailing lists and some large email service providers interact this winter has created major problems for AWOL and many other mailing lists.  We are working to solve this problem.

    In the meantime, if you have been experiencing problems with the list, there are some alternatives.
    1) Add AWOL to your feed reader.
    2) Read AWOL directly online.
    2) Read AWOL on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AncientWorldOnline
    4) Read AWOL on Twitter: @AWOL_tweets
    5) Resubscribe to AWOL at a different email address.

    With thanks for your patience as we troubleshoot the problem.

    The Bern Digital Pantheon Project

     [First posted in AWOL 11 My 2011. Updated 23 April 2015 (linking now to the Internet Archive)]

    The Ber(li)n Digital Pantheon Project
    In October 2010 the Bern Digital Pantheon Project has moved to Berlin and is now part of the Excellence Cluster Topoi (www.topoi.org).
    The Bern Digital Pantheon Project was originally instigated in 2005 by Gerd Graßhoff as a pilot project of the Karman Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities in Bern, Switzerland, hence its name. In October 2010 the project has moved to Berlin and is now continued within the cluster of excellence "Topoi" (www.topoi.org) which is devoted to the study of the formation and transformation of space and knowledge in ancient civilizations.
    The projects first objective was to undertake the long-overdue architectural survey of one of the most important buildings in the history of architecture. Accordingly, the interior and exterior of the Pantheon were measured in two campaigns in 2005 and 2007 using state-of-the-art laser scan technology.

    Open Access Monograph Series: Topoi: Berlin Studies of the Ancient World / Berliner Studien der Alten Welt

    [First posted in AWOL 22 July 2012. Updated 23 April 2015]

    Topoi: Berlin Studies of the Ancient World / Berliner Studien der Alten Welt
    The series: Topoi. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World brings together contributions from all fields of classical studies, from pre- and early history and classical archeology to ancient philosophy, theory of science and theology. Monographs and volumes which present the research results of the Excellence Cluster Topoi form a major focus of the series. Additional topics are currently being planned.

    Since 2014 the series «Topoi. Berlin studies of the ancient world» has been published in a new and innovative publication format. With the publisher Edition Topoi all titles are available as high quality printed books and additional in digital form. All those digital contents are open access — that means free immediate access, and unrestricted reuse.

    Volumes already published

    Vol. 1
    Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Margarete van Ess and Joachim Marzahn (Eds.), Babylon. Wissenskultur in Orient und Okzident/ Science Culture Between Orient and Occident, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2011.
    Vol. 2
    Alessandra Gilibert, Syro-Hittite Monumental Art and the Archaeology of Performance, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2011.
    Vol. 3
    Frank Daubner (Ed.), Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2010.
    Vol. 4
    Therese Fuhrer (Ed.), Rom und Mailand in der Spätantike. Repräsentationen städtischer Räume in Literatur, Architektur und Kunst, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2011.
    Vol. 5
    Elke Kaiser, Joachim Burger and Wolfram Schier (Eds.), Population Dynamics in Prehistory and Early History. New Approaches by Using Stable Isotopes and Genetics, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012.
    Vol. 6
    Felix Mundt (Ed.), Kommunikationsräume im kaiserzeitlichen Rom, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012.
    Vol. 7
    Ernst Baltrusch, Morten Hegewisch, Michael Meyer, Uwe Puschner and Christian Wendt (Eds.), 2000 Jahre Varusschlacht. Geschichte-Archäologie-Legenden, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012.
    Vol. 8
    Salvatore De Vincenzo, Tra Cartagine e Roma, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012.
    Vol. 9
    Elke Kaiser and Wolfram Schier (Eds.), Mobilität und Wissenstransfer in diachroner und interdisziplinärer Perspektive, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013.
    Vol. 10
    Svend Hansen, Daniel Neumann and Tilmann Vachta (Eds.), Hort und Raum. Aktuelle Forschungen zu bronzezeitlichen Deponierungen in Mitteleuropa, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012.
    Vol. 11
    Ortwin Dally, Susanne Moraw and Hauke Ziemssen (Eds.), Bild – Raum – Handlung. Perspektiven der Archäologie, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012.
    Vol. 12
    Dominik Bonatz (Ed.), The Archaeology of Political Spaces. The Upper Mesopotamian Piedmont in the Second Millennium BC, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014.
    Vol. 13
    Eberhardt Knobloch and Cosima Möller (Eds.), In den Gefilden der römischen Feldmesser. Juristische, wissenschaftsgeschichtliche, historische und sprachliche Aspekte, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013.
    Vol. 14
    Klaus Geus and Michael Rathmann (Eds.), Vermessung der Oikumene, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013.
    Vol. 15
    Stefan Altekamp, Carmen Marcks-Jacobs and Peter Seiler (Eds.), Perspektiven der Spolienforschung 1, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013.
    Vol. 16
    Svend Hansen and Michael Meyer (Eds.), Parallele Raumkonzepte, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013.
    Vol. 17
    Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Nicole Brisch and Jesper Eidem (Eds.), Constituent, Confederate, and Conquered Space in Upper Mesopotamia. The Emergence of the Mittani State, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014.
    Vol. 18
    Eleftheria Paliou, Undine Lieberwirth and Silvia Polla (Eds.), Spatial analysis and social spaces. Interdisciplinary approaches to the interpretation of prehistoric and historic built environments, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014.
    Vol. 19
    Silvia Kutscher and Daniel A. Werning (Eds.), On Ancient Grammars of Space. Linguistic Research on the Expression of Spatial Relations and Motion in Ancient Languages, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014.
    Vol. 20
    Cyril Brosch, Untersuchungen zur hethitischen Raumgrammatik, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014.
    Vol. 21
    Jan Moje, Herrschaftsräume und Herrschaftswissen ägyptischer Lokalregenten. Soziokulturelle Interaktionen zur Machtkonsolidierung vom 8. bis zum 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013.
    Vol. 22
    Klaus Corcilius and Dominik Perler (Eds.), Partitioning the Soul. Debates from Plato to Leibniz, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014.
    Vol. 23
    Silvia Polla and Philip Verhagen (Eds.), Computational Approaches to the Study of Movement in Archaeology. Theory, Practice and Interpretation of Factors and Effects of Long Term Landscape Formation and Transformation, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014.
    Vol. 25
    Claudia Gerling, Prehistoric Mobility and Diet in the West Eurasian Steppes 3500 to 300 BC. An isotopic Approach, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015 [inpress].
    Vol. 29
    Almut-Barbara Renger and Isabel Toral-Niehoff (Eds.), Genealogie und Migrationsmythen im antiken Mittelmeerraum und auf der arabischen Halbinsel, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2014.

    Introduction to Homeric Greek: Volume 1


    Les papyrus de Genève 1-4 Online

     [First posted in AWOL 21 October 2013, updated 24 April 2015 (volume 4 now added)]

    Digitized and served from the bibliothèque numérique RERO DOC

    Bibliothèque de Genève

    Les papyrus de Genève. Volume 1. : Textes documentaires.

    Schubert, Paul Henri ; Jornot, Isabelle ; Wick, Claudia

    2e éd.. Genève : Bibliothèque publique et universitaire, 2002

    ISBN: 2882200218

    Bibliothèque de Genève

    Les papyrus de Genève. Volume 2. : Textes littéraires et documentaires.

    Wehrli, Claude

    Genève : Bibliothèque publique et universitaire, 1986

    ISBN: 2882200005

    Other Papyrological scholarship online at this repository:

    Bibliothèque de Genève

    Fragments de la Genizah du Caire à la Bibliothèque de Genève

    Roth-Lochner, Barbara

    In: The Cairo Geniza collection in Geneva : catalogue and studies, 2010, p. -

    Bibliothèque de Genève

    Les papyrus de la Bibliothèque publique et universitaire de Genève

    Schubert, Paul

    In: Voyages en Égypte de l'Antiquité au début du 20e s., 2003, p. 244-258

    Bibliothèque de Genève

    Un voyage en Égypte (1896-1897), Extrait des souvenirs d’Albert Nicole

    Roth-Lochner, Barbara

    In: Voyages en Égypte de l'Antiquité au début du 20e s., 2003, p. 244-258

    Open Access Journal: PaleoAnthropology

    [First posted in AWOL 30 January 2010. Updated 24 April 2015]

    PaleoAnthropology is published jointly by the Society and the University of Pennsylvania Museum. The journal is accessible free of charge to everyone, including non-members of the Paleoanthropology Society.
    In addition to the publication of articles, book reviews, and the abstracts of the annual meetings of the Society, the journal accepts commentaries on articles, summaries of current work in the various fields of paleoanthropology. Articles are fully peer-reviewed and may contain large data files, numerous illustrations and links to visualizations; manuscripts based on dissertation work, up to entire dissertations, may be submitted as appropriate. As always, the journal depends on the contributions of scholars within the field, and the editors would like to take this opportunity to encourage all of you to think of our journal as an outlet for the presentation of your research.

    Maps of the Ottoman Empire

    Maps of the Ottoman Empire
    The W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR) in Jerusalem in cooperation with the Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes (CAMEL) at the University of Chicago scanned and geo-referenced a series of topographical maps of Eastern Turkey and the lands of the broader Ottoman Empire with a grant from the US Department of Education TICFIA program. The bulk of the collection contains topographical maps compiled at the British Intelligence Division War Office in 1915 derived from map and survey data collected during multiple expeditions 1839-1906. The collection contains high resolution copies of the original maps held by AIAR, and geo-referenced versions can be requested by contacting dlir@caorc.org.

    Carte du Liban d'apres les reconaissances de la brigade topographique du Corps Expeditionnaire de Syrie en 1860-61

    Description: Map of Lebanon from an expedition of Syria 1860-1861.
    Publisher: Paris : France. Depot de la Guerre
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Karte des Ostjordanlandes : Blatt A1/2

    Description: Map of the lands of Jordan (centered on modern day northern Israel). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: Leipzig : Deutschen Verein zur Erforschung Palaestinas
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 29 - Meskene

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey (centered on modern day northern Syria showing the Euprates River). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906. [Incomplete map with cut section].
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 25 - Mardin

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey. Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 32 - Mosul

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey (centered on modern day northern Iraq in Mosul area). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 44 - Deir ez Zor

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey (centered on modern day Syria in the Deir ez Zur area). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 23 - Urfa

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey. Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 27 - Urmia Julamerk

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey. Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 33 - Rowanduz

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey (centered on modern day northern Iraq in Rawaduz area). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 30 - Ras-Ul-Ain

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey (centered on modern day Syria). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 31 - Sinjar

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey (centered on modern day Syria). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 28 - Alexandretta

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey (centered on modern day northern Syria in Iskenderun area). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 13 - Bayazid

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey. Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 43 - Ana

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey (modern day Iraq and Syria along the Euphrates River). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 45 - Mendali

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey (modern day Iraq and Iran). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 22 – Marash

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey. Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 29 - Meskene

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey (centered on modern day northern Syria showing the Euprates River). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Eastern Turkey in Asia : Sheet 35 - Kirkuk

    Description: Map of Eastern Turkey (centered on modern day Iraq in Kirkuk area). Compiled at the Intelligence Division War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. derived from multiple expeditions 1839-1906.
    Publisher: London : British War Office
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)


    Description: Map of Southern Turkey.
    Publisher: Bureau Topographique de A.F.L.
    Contributor: W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

    Open Access Journal: Κρητικά Χρονικά

    Κρητικά Χρονικά - Kretika Chronika

    Τα «Κρητικά Χρονικά», πρωτοπόρο επιστημονικό περιοδικό που εξέδιδε από το 1947 στο Ηράκλειο ο Ανδρέας Γ. Καλοκαιρινός, υπήρξαν επί δεκαετίες ένας από τους βασικούς μοχλούς της κρητολογικής έρευνας. Στις σελίδες τους παρουσιάσθηκαν εκατοντάδες πρωτότυπα άρθρα και μελέτες αρχαιολογικού, ιστορικού, λαογραφικού και φιλολογικού ενδιαφέροντος, με επίκεντρο την ιστορία και τον πολιτισμό της Κρήτης από την αρχαιότητα ως τις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα. Μεταξύ των συνεργατών του περιοδικού συγκαταλέγονται κορυφαίοι ερευνητές, όπως οι Νικόλαος Πλάτων, Μενέλαος Παρλαμάς, Στυλιανός Αλεξίου, Doro Levi, George Miles, Μανούσος Μανούσακας, Εμμανουήλ Κριαράς, Νικόλαος Παναγιωτάκης, Gareth Morgan, Σπύρος Μαρινάτος και δεκάδες άλλοι. Τεκμήριο της υψηλής επιστημονικής αξίας των «Κρητικών Χρονικών» αποτελεί, επιπλέον, η βράβευσή τους από την Ακαδημία Αθηνών το 1952.

    Οι δεκατέσσερις πρώτοι τόμοι τους (Α΄ / 1947 - ΙΔ΄ / 1960) έχουν εδώ και πολλά χρόνια εξαντληθεί, χωρίς όμως το ενδιαφέρον των ερευνητών αλλά και ενός ευρύτερου κοινού για το περιεχόμενό τους να έχει ατονήσει. Για το λόγο αυτό η Εταιρία Κρητικών Ιστορικών Μελετών πρότεινε την ψηφιοποίησή τους, στο πλαίσιο του Προγράμματος «Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας», ώστε τα 405 άρθρα που περιλαμβάνονται στους δυσεύρετους αυτούς τόμους να συνεχίσουν να είναι προσιτά σε κάθε ενδιαφερόμενο μέσω του διαδικτύου.
    Kretika Chronika was a groundbreaking journal published in Heraklion from 1947 onwards by Andreas G. Kalokerinos. For many decades it was one of the primary catalysts for Cretan studies. Its pages hosted hundreds of original articles and studies in the fields of archaeology, history, folklore and literary scholarship, focused on the history and culture of Crete from ancient times to the early 20th century. Contributors included leading scholars such as Nikolaos Platon, Menelaos Parlamas, Stylianos Alexiou, Doro Levi, George Miles, Manousos Manousakas, Emmanouil Kriaras, Nikolaos Panagiotakis, Gareth Morgan and Spiros Marinatos, as well as dozens more. Proof of the journal’s high academic merit came in the form of an award by the Academy of Athens in 1952.

    Although the first fourteen volumes of the Kretika Chronika (I/1947 – XIV/1960) have been out of print for many years, interest among researchers and a wider reading public in their contents has never waned. It was on those grounds that the Society of Cretan Historical Studies proposed that the rarer volumes be digitized as part of the “Information Society” programme, so that the 405 articles contained within them could be made available online to all interested parties.

    Volume I - 1947
    Volume ΙΙ - 1948
    Volume III - 1949
    Volume IV - 1950
    Volume V - 1951
    Volume VI - 1952
    Volume VII - 1953
    Volume VIII - 1954
    Volume VIIII - 1955
    Volume X - 1956
    Volume XI - 1957
    Volume XII - 1958
    Volume XIII - 1959
    Volume XIV - 1960

    Open Access Journal: PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology

     [First posted in AWOL 26 December 2013, updated 25 April 2015]

    PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology
    ISSN 1567-214X
    The PalArch Foundation publishes three journals: PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology (PJAEE; ISSN 1567-214X), PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology (PJVP; ISSN 1567-2158) and PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Northwest Europe (PJANE; ISSN 1573-3939). These are so-called ‘open access’, which means that the publiciations are freely availabe and can be downloaded by everyone (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_access_(publishing)). Note that the downloaded PDF publications are for personal use only: distribution is not permitted. Notifying third parties should be done by reference to the Foundation’s website www.PalArch.nl

    For detailed information on the journals, see the appropriate pages. The proceedings (ISSN 1567-2166; currently only related to Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology) are an irregularly appearing publication. The Newsletter (ISSN 1872-4582) ceased to exist with the new website: items and news are published online in the News section.

    Archive for category PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptolog
    Recent content includes:

    Brichieri-Colombi, Stephen. 2015. Engineering a Feasible Ramp for the Great Pyramid of Giza. – Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 12(1) (2015), 1-16. ISSN 1567-214X. 16 pages + 8 figures, 1 table.

    Although it is widely believed by archaeologists that the Great Pyramid was built using sleds hauled up ramps, no economically feasible ramp configuration has yet been found which would have permitted the placement of the 44 granite beams weighing up to 75 t and the 2.3 Mm3 of limestone blocks of the pyramid, in a period […]

    Cockcroft, Robert & Sarah Symons. 2013. Diagonal Star Tables on Coffins A1C and S2Hil: A New Triangle Decan and a Reversed Table. – Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 10(3) (2013), 1-10. ISSN 1567-214X. 10 pages + 5 figures, 4 tables.

    thumb_cockroft&symonsWe present updates for two ancient Egyptian diagonal star tables on coffins A1C and S2Hil. A1C reveals a new triangle decan, H3t s3bw, which brings the total number of triangle decans to 13 and the total number of unique triangle decans to 12 (because of the duplication of nTr D3 pt). We discuss its relevance, why it has likely remained hidden for so long, and why it may have been lost on other star tables. S2Hil is re-examined with new photographs provided by the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim. We find several striking features of this table that make it unique among the current collection, and also present more information of this table not previously identified.

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    BOOK REVIEW: Christoffer Theis about Lapp, W. 2011.Chronologie Ägyptens und des Vorderen Orients. Von Josef in Ägypten bis zur Plünderung Thebens durch die Assyrer und der Deportation der Israelis nach Babel.– Gelnhausen, Wagner Verlag GmbH

    thumb_TheirPalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 10(2) (2013).
    Wolfgang Lapp legt mit seinem Buch (noch) eine (neue) alternative Chronologie für den Vorderen Orient im Zeitraum zwischen 1800 und 500 vor Christus vor, mit der er seinen eigenen Worten gemäß “etwas Licht in die graue Vorzeit gebracht zu haben” glaubt (S. 9). […]
    Read the entire review (PDF File)

    Conference: Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt. Schedule and Abstracts. – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 10 (1) (2013), 1-31. ISSN 1567-214X. 31 pages.

    Abstract and schedule of the conference “Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt” (AUC, 2013).BioarchaeologyAbstract_PUBLISH-1

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    Open Access Journal: Nubian Letters

    Nubian Letters
    ISSN: 0921-8270
    Nubian Letters in an independent biannual bulletin for Nubian history and archaeology, published under the auspices of the International Society for Nubian Studies and the Department of Early Christian Art at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands.

    Edited by Elizabeth de Ranitz and Karel Inemmée

    Nubian Letters 22  (IncludingNubian Letters 1-22 - Table of Contents)

    Nubian Letters 21

    Nubian Letters 20

    Nubian Letters 19

    Nubian Letters 18

    Nubian Letters 17

    Nubian Letters 16

    Nubian Letters 8

    Nubian Letters 6

    Nubian Letters 5

    Nubian Letters 4

    Nubian Letters 3

    Nubian Letters 2

    Nubian Letters 1

    Open Access Journal: Oriental Institute Staff Newsletter

    Oriental Institute Staff Newsletter
    Beginning in February 1998, with the encouragement and support of Gene Gragg who was then Director of the Oriental Institute, I compiled, edited and distributed by email an internal newsletter for the staff of the Oriental Institute. It chronicled the activities of the departments of the OI, and of individual scholars and senior students at the OI. It was distributed widely in the University of Chicago community by means of a listhost mailing list, but its archive was not publicly available.
    It appeared on or about the first Monday of each month of the academic year. All told there are 63 issues which appeared between February 1998 and March 2005. It began at about the time of the completion of the basic construction of the New Wing of the Oriental Institute. It ceased at the time I left the Oriental Institute.

    It provides a very interesting monthly snapshot of the activities of the OI over that seven year period, and many of the words appearing in it, reappear in later forms in the Oriental Institute Annual Reports.

    In the early 1930's there had been another such effort: "Bulletin to the Staff of the Oriental Institute", of which only a couple of issues appeared.


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