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Open Access Journal: Bioarchaeology of the Near East

[First posted in AWOL 13 July 2009. Updated 25 February 2015 (new volume added)]

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Bioarchaeology of the Near East
Printed version ISSN: 1898-9403
Online ISSN: 1899-962X
Bioarchaeology of the Near East (printed version ISSN 1898-9403, online ISSN 1899-962X) is published annually in one volume. The aim of the journal is to promote research on the history of human populations inhabiting South-Western Asia (chiefly Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, Anatolia, Iran, and Egypt). It will publish original contributions in which methods of physical anthropology and bioarchaeology are used to answer historical questions. Three kinds of texts will be considered for publication: original papers, general review articles (especially those focussing on methodological issues), and short fieldwork reports. Papers of two first categories will be subject to peer review.

The editors welcome contributions focusing on the biological background of historical processes observed in past populations in the region where most ancient civilisations of the Old World emerged. This includes large-scale studies e.g., on migrations, secular trends, microevolution, temporal changes or regional differences in the quality of life, disease patterns or demographical profiles, but also local studies or diagnostic case studies of distinguished individuals. Papers using not only biological, but also archaeological and textual evidence are mostly appreciated. For more effective exchange of information the journal also includes short fieldwork reports on human remains excavated at archaeological sites located in the region of interest.
1234567<< Volume 8:2014

Cover (small) | Cover (large)

Madeleine Mant
Palaeopathology of human remains at ancient Mendes (Tell er-Rub'a), Egypt, pp. 1-27
Abstract, PDF (404 KB)

Anahit Khudaverdyan
Trauma in human remains from Bronze Age and Iron Age archaeological sites in Armenia, pp. 29-52
Abstract, PDF (836 KB)

Benjamin S. Arbuckle
Pace and process in the emergence of animal husbandry in Neolithic Southwest Asia, pp. 53-81
Abstract, PDF (319 KB)

Louise Bertini, Edwin Cruz-Rivera
The size of ancient Egyptian pigs. A biometrical analysis using molar width, pp. 83-107
Abstract, PDF (366 KB)

Ahmad Y. Abu Dalou, Mohammad F. Alrousan, Ali M. Khwaileh, Wassef Sekhaneh, Ayman AlShboul
Thirty years of the Department of Anthropology at Yarmouk University, Jordan (1984-2014). The overview of bioarchaeological research, pp. 109-118
Abstract, PDF (134 KB)

Short Fieldwork Reports

Human remains from Bakr Awa, Iraq, 2013, pp. 119-123. PDF (516 KB)
Human remains from Pigi Athinas, Greece, 1999-2011, pp. 125-137. PDF (442 KB)

Ancient Greek Music

Open Access Journal: NEO-LITHICS: The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research

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NEO-LITHICS: The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research
ISSN: 1434-6990

Edited by Gary O. Rollefson and Hans Georg K. Gebel(managing editors: Hans Georg K. Gebel 1994-2002, Jürgen Baumgarten 2003-2008, Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow 2009-today).
A Newsletter of Southwest Asian Lithic Research (appears since 1994, two issues per year, c. 40-50 pages each

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Digital Nineveh Archives

[First posted in AWOL 2 December 2012, updated (links now go to the Internet Archive) 26 February 2015]

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Digital Nineveh Archives
The UC Berkeley Digital Nineveh Archives was initiated in December 2005, and has been made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities initiative, Recovering Iraq's Past. In December 2007 additional support was provided by the British Universities Iraq Consortium. The project, directed by David Stronach and Eleanor Wilkinson, began digitizing only the field records from the University of California at Berkeley Expedition to Nineveh 1987, 1989 and 1990. It has grown to accommodate knowledge contributed by other archaeologists past, present and future, in what has the potential to be first comprehensive archaeological reckoning of the history of the site, from the 19th century through to today.

The primary objectives of the Digital Nineveh Archive Project are:

• To create an online teaching and research tool presenting a comprehensive picture of Nineveh within the history of archaeology in the Near East.

• To establish a searchable data repository for meaningful analysis of currently unlinked sets of data from different areas of the site and different episodes in the 160-year history of excavations. The archived content is directly credited to the contributor, who determines re-use and access.

• To provide a cost-effective, permanent venue for disseminating the research of scholars with limited or no access to conventional publications and institutional support.

بدأ ت الأراشيف الرقمية لنينوى في كانون الاول / ديسمبر 2005 بفضل منحة مقدمة من المنحة الوطنية للعلوم الإنسانية ، واستعادة ماضى العراق. و في كانون الاول / ديسمبر 2007 تم تقديم دعم اضافى من قبل إتحاد الجامعات البريطانية لمساعدة العراق. و المشروع الذى يديره كل من إيلينور ويلكينسون و دﯾﭬيد ستروناك بدأ فى التحويل الرقمى فقط للسجلات الميدانية لبعثة جامعة كاليفورنيا بيركلى الى نينوى 1987 و 1989 و 1990. وقد نما لاستيعاب المعارف الاخرى التي ساهم بها علماء الآثار في الماضى والحاضر والمستقبل ، و أصبح لديه القدرة لكى يكون سجلا أثريا شاملا لتاريخ الموقع ، من القرن التاسع عشر الى اليوم.
الاهداف الرئيسية لمشروع الأراشيف الرقمية لنينوى هى :
ـ بناء أداة للتعلم والبحث على الانترنت لتقديم صورة شاملة لنينوى في اطار تاريخ علم الآثار فى الشرق الادنى.
ـ انشاء مستودع بيانات يمكن البحث فيها لاجراء تحليل ذى مغزى لمجموعة من البيانات غير المترابطة من مختلف مناطق الموقع و فترات زمنية مختلفة فى 160 عاما من تاريخ الحفريات. و المحتوى المؤرشف يتم نسبه إلى المساهم و الذى له الحق فى أن يقرر اعادة استخدامها والوصول اليها.
ـ توفير مكان دائم لنشر ابحاث العلماء و يكون فعالا من حيث التكلفة للذين لا يستطيعون أو لا يحصلون على المطبوعات التقليدية والدعم المؤسسى.
هدفنا هو اتاحة البيانات الاساسية للعمل الميدانى فورا فى متناول الباحثين والمعلمين والطلاب بدلا من الانتظار لسنوات للمواد المنشورة تقليديا ، اذا كانوا قادرين على الحصول عليها. وهي متاحة لاى شخص قادر على الوصول الى شبكة الانترنت بالغتين الإنجليزية او العربية.
. (هذا المشروع متعدد الباحثين ،متعدد المؤسسات ، متعدد اللغات (الانجليزية والعربية
الاصول التى تم ضمها من بيركلى ، ومعمل الكاميل بالمعهد الشرقى ،
.المتحف البريطانى،الأفراد المساهمون والعلماء العراقيون
الأراشيف الرقمية لنينوى هى بمثابة البوابة الفرعية للأراشيف.
برنامج الميديا ڤولت يوفر الأرشيف الأساسى الذى تتم الإشارة إليه من قبل المواقع و الخدمات الأخرى و يتضمن ذلك الأوبن كونتكست و الساى أرك و شبكة التراث عالية التوصيف

And see also the Nineveh Tablet Collection

Open Access Journal: Forum Classicum: Zeitschrift für die Fächer Latein und Griechisch an Schulen und Universitäten


Dissertations (mostly) from Universität zu Köln under the subject "History of ancient world"

Dissertations (mostly) from Universität zu Köln under the subject "History of ancient world"


Aglan, Hisham Elsayed Abdelazim (2013) The Aspects of Animal Sanctification in the Graeco-Roman Monuments in Egypt.(Study in Classical Influences). PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Bataille, Guido (2013) Der Übergang vom Mittel- zum Jungpaläolithikum auf der Halbinsel Krim und in der Kostenki-Borshchevo-Region am Mittel-Don. Adaptionsstrategien spät-mittelpaläolithischer und früh-jungpaläolithischer Gruppen. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Berns, Christof (1996) Semata. Untersuchungen zu den Grab- und Memorialbauten des späten Hellenismus und der frühen Kaiserzeit in Kleinasien. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Burkhardt, Nadin (2008) Zwischen Tradition und Modifikation. Kulturelle Austauschprozesse in den Bestattungssitten der griechischen Kolonien in Unteritalien und Sizilien vom 8. bis zum 5. Jh. v. Chr. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Dikbas, Gülsen (2008) Die Graue Keramik von Aizanoi. Von der späten Eisenzeit bis zur spätantiken Zeit. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Dils, Peter (2000) Der Tempel von Dusch. Publikation und Untersuchungen eines ägyptischen Provinztempels der römischen Zeit. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Fischer, Franz (2013) Magistri Guillelmi Autissiodorensis Summa de officiis ecclesiasticis. Einleitung und Lesetext der kritisch-digitalen Ausgabe ; guillelmus.uni-koeln.de. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Helas, Sophie (1999) Die punischen Häuser in Selinunt. Wohnen zwischen punischer Tradition und griechischem Einfluß. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Henning, Agnes (2001) Die Turmgräber von Palmyra. Eine lokale Bauform als Ausdruck kultureller Identität. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Hissnauer, David (2013) Ein Werkstattbereich des 3. Jahrhunderts n.Chr. der römischen Sigillata-Töpfereien von Rheinzabern. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Hoffmeister, Dirk (2014) Feasibility studies of terrestrial laser scanning in Coastal Geomorphology, Agronomy, and Geoarchaeology. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Holzkämper, Jörg (2006) Die Konzentration IV des Magdalénien von Andernach-Martinsberg, Grabung 1994-1996. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Iara, Kristine (2007) Die Bauornamentik des Hippodroms im Kaiserpalast auf dem Palatin in Rom. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Ickler, Sonja (2007) Bronze- und eisenzeitliche Besiedlung im Stadtgebiet von Krefeld, Mittlerer Niederrhein. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Kegler, Jan F. (2007) Das Azilien von Mas d'Azil. Der chronologische und kulturelle Kontext der Rückenspitzengruppen in Südwesteuropa. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Kegler-Graiewski, Nicole (2007) Beile - Äxte - Mahlsteine. Zur Rohmaterialversorgung im Jung- und Spätneolithikum Nordhessens. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Kenkel, Frauke (2012) Untersuchungen zur hellenistischen, römischen und byzantinischen Keramik des Tall Zira'a im Wadi al-'Arab (Nordjordanien) - Handelsobjekte und Alltagsgegenstände einer ländlichen Siedlung im Einflussgebiet der Dekapolisstädte. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Kokkotidis, Klaus Georg (1999) Von der Wiege bis zur Bahre. Untersuchungen zur Paläodemographie der Alamannen des frühen Mittelalters. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Kourniakos, Panagiotis (2009) Die Kreuzzugslegation Kardinal Bessarions in Venedig (1463-1464). PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Koßmann, Dirk (2014) Ägyptische Götter in Panzertracht in der römischen Kaiserzeit. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Köhler, Bilgehan (2005) Villa rustica Frimmersdorf 49 und Villa rustica Frimmersdorf 131. Studien zur römischen Besiedlung im Braunkohlentagebaugebiet Garzweiler I. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Lafli, Ergün (2003) Studien zu hellenistischen, kaiserzeitlichen und spätantikfrühbyzantinischen Tonunguentarien aus Kilikien und Pisidien (Südtürkei): der Forschungsstand und eine Auswahl von Fundobjekten aus den örtlichen Museen. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Lizarraga-Mehringer, Yara (2000) Viscachani y el Precerámico de Bolivia (Tomo 1 y Tomo 2). PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Loew, Stefan (2006) Rüsselsheim 122 und die Federmessergruppen am Unteren Main. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Maniaci, Marilena and Eleuteri, Paolo (2011) Das MaGI-Projekt: Elektronische Katalogisierung der griechischen Handschriften Italiens. In: Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter 2 - Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age 2. Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik, 3. Books on Demand (BoD), Norderstedt, pp. 75-83. ISBN 978-3-8423-5032-8
Marcks, Carmen (2005) Formen statuarischer Repräsentation von Privatpersonen in Hispanien zur Zeit der Republik und in der Kaiserzeit. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Medved, Ines (2013) Continuity vs. Discontinuity. Epipaleolithic and Early Neolithic in the Mediterranean Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Meffert, Joachim (1998) Die paläovenetische Votivkeramik aus dem Reitia-Heiligtum von Este-Baratella. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Mert, Ibrahim Hakan (1998) Untersuchungen zur hellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Bauornamentik von Stratonikeia. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Paetz gen. Schieck, Annette (2002) Textile Bilderwelten. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Ägypten und Rom. Untersuchungen an `koptischen´ Textilien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung unbearbeiteter Sammlungsbestände in Nordrhein-Westfalen. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik (IDE) (2011) Agendas for Digital Palaeography in an Archaeological Context: Egypt 1800 BC. In: Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter 2 - Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age 2. Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik, 3. Books on Demand (BoD), Norderstedt, pp. 279-294. ISBN 978-3-8423-5032-8


Rose, Hannelore (2000) Sum figuli lusus ... Die römischen Terrakottamasken in den Nordwestprovinzen. Herkunft, Herstellung, Verbreitung, Funktion. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Rosendahl, Gaëlle (2004) Die oberen Schichten von La Micoque (Dordogne, Frankreich). PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Roth, Georg (2008) GEBEN UND NEHMEN. Eine wirtschaftshistorische Studie zum neolithischen Hornsteinbergbau von Abensberg-Arnhofen, Kr. Kelheim (Niederbayern)[in IV Bänden]. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Röhl, Constanze (2010) Shivta. Architektur und Gesellschaft einer byzantinischen Siedlung im Negev. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Schmidt, Christoph (2013) Luminescence dating of heated silex - Potential to improve accuracy and precision and application to Paleolithic sites. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Schäfer, Felix F. (2004) Das praetorium in Köln und weitere Statthalterpaläste im Imperium Romanum. Eine baugeschichtliche Untersuchung und eine vergleichende Studie zu Typus und Funktion. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Sigges, Bernhard (2002) vita cognita . Die Ausstattung pompejanischer Wohnhäuser mit Gefäßen und Geräten untersucht an ausgewählten Beispielen. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Tabaczek, Marianne (2001) Zwischen Stoa und Suq. Die Säulenstraßen im Vorderen Orient in römischer Zeit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Palmyra. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik (IDE) (2011) Artefacts and Errors: Acknowledging Issues of Representation in the Digital: Imaging of Ancient Texts. In: Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter 2 - Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age 2. Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik, 3. Books on Demand (BoD), Norderstedt, pp. 43-61. ISBN 978-3-8423-5032-8
Thiel, Helmut van (2014) Scholia D in Iliadem. Proecdosis aucta et correctior 2014. Secundum codices manu scriptos. Elektronische Schriftenreihe der Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, 7. Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek, Köln. ISBN 978-3-931596-83-5


Vogt, Simone (2001) Römische Idealplastik in Norditalien. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Wirtz, Rut (1998) Die römische Töpferei Bastion Sterntor / St. Maria in Bonn. Vergleichende Studie zu Töpferöfen für Gebrauchskeramik -. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik (IDE) (2011) Automatic Palaeographic Exploration of Genizah Manuscripts. In: Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter 2 - Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age 2. Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik, 3. Books on Demand (BoD), Norderstedt, pp. 157-179. ISBN 978-3-8423-5032-8


Zerres, Jutta (2001) Die Ausgrabungen von 1979/80 beim Hafentempel (Insula 37) der Colonia Ulpia Traiana. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Archaeological Projects in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq

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 Title: Archaeological Projects in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq
Author:Kopanias, Konstantinos; MacGinnis, John; Ur, Jason AlikNote: Order does not necessarily reflect citation order of authors.
Citation:Kopanias, Kostas, John MacGinnis, and Jason Ur (eds.). 2015 "Archaeological Projects in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq." The Directorate of Antiquities of Kurdistan.
Full Text & Related Files:
Other Sources:http://scholar.harvard.edu/jasonur/pages/erbil
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International Conference & Public Event: Palladas and the New Papyrus

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International Conference & Public Event: Palladas and the New Papyrus
In 2012 a papyrus codex in the Beinecke Library at Yale University (P.CtYBR inv. 4000) was published. The codex contained roughly 60 new fragmentary epigrams in elegiac couplets, which were attributed by the editor of the editio princeps to Palladas of Alexandria. We present here the papers from the exciting two-day conference held at UCL in 2014. Experts on ancient epigram explore the new text from a range of perspectives, and discuss author, date, structure, historical, literary, cultural, textual and generic context. The papers will be of interest to students of the Greek epigram, Greek literary history, Greek literature under the Roman empire and manuscripts and papyri.

Session 3: Intra-/Inter-textuality
Session 4: Iambic and Skoptic

Palladas in Performance

Open Access Journal: Incontri (triestini) di filologia classica

 [First posted in AWOL 20 May 2013, updated (two new volumes) 27 February 2015]

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Incontri (triestini) di filologia classica
Gli Incontri di filologia classica (fino al vol. IX Incontri triestini di filologia classica) sono una pubblicazione periodica annuale che raccoglie le relazioni di studiosi appositamente invitati, presentate e discusse negli omonimi cicli di seminari, organizzati dal "Centro di studi sulla tradizione e la ricezione dell'antico" del Dipartimento di studi umanistici dell'Università di Trieste che si tengono con calendario prefissato per ogni anno accademico presso la Biblioteca statale di Trieste.

Si propongono di rendere disponibili alla comunità degli studiosi e a un più vasto pubblico interventi inediti (la cui redazione scritta è sottoposta a peer review) su temi inerenti la cultura classica, riuniti sia in volume (EUT – Edizioni Università di Trieste), sia liberamente accessibile online. I contributi, accompagnati da abstract in inglese e in italiano di max 200 parole, potranno essere nelle lingue italiana, inglese, tedesca, francese, spagnola, portoghese.

Greek Archaeological Mission in Mesopotamia Online

 [First posted in AWOL 26 May 2012, updated 27 February 2015]

Greek Archaeological Mission in Mesopotamia
The Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens obtained the permission of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Ministry of Culture of the Republik of Iraq to conduct excavations in two important archaeological sites:
  • Tell Nader, which dates between the 6th and early 1st millennium B.C. and lies on the outskirts of the city of Erbil
  • Tell Baqrta, which dates from the Chalcolithic down to the Isalmic period and lies approximately 28 km to the south of Erbil, near the village Minara
In addition, the Governor of the Erbil Province, Mr. Nawzad Hadi Mawlood, invited a Historical Research Team of the University of Athens in order to examine older and new theories concerning the location of the Gaugamela battlefield.                                     

Tell Nader Project

Tell Baqrta Project

Gaugamela Project

Conference Proceedings

K. Kopanias, J. MacGinnis. Eds. In preparation. Archaeological Research in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the adjacent areas. Conference Proceedings, Athens, November 1st-3rd 2013. Oxford: Archaeopress.


  1. Kopanias, K. Forthcoming. "An Attempt to Define the Ubaid and its Cultural Borders". In Bordered Places. Bounded Times. Cross-disciplinary perspectives on Turkey, edited by E. Baysal and L. Karakatsanis.BIAA Monograph series. London: The British Institute at Ankara.
  2. Kopanias, K., C. Beuger, J. MacGinnis, J. Ur. Forthcoming, "The Tell Baqrta Project in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq." InProceedings of the Conference Provincial Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire, December 13-Saturday December 15 2012, organized by the MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research of the University of Cambridge, edited by J. MacGinnis. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs Series.
  3. Kopanias, K., S. Fox. Forthcoming. "Headshaping at Tell Nader." In Embodied Identities In The Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean: Convergence Of Theory And Practices. Conference hosted by the University of Cyprus, 10-12 April 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus, edited by M. Mina, I. Papadatos, S. Triantaphyllou. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
  4. Kopanias, K. Forthcoming. "Archaeological research in Tell Nader and Tell Baqrta in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq." In EX ORIENTE LUX. Symposium about the Research and Teaching of the Egyptian, Near Eastern and Cypriote Archaeology in Greek Universities, co-organized by the University of Aegean and the University of Athens. Athens 20/5/2011, edited by P. Kousoulis. Athens: Papazisis [in Greek].
  5. Kopanias, K., C. Beuger, S. Fox. 2014. "Preliminary Results from the Excavation at Tell Nader in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq." InProceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 30 April - 4 May 2012, University of Warsaw, Τόμος2, Excavation and Progress Reports, Posters, edited by P. Bieliński, M. Gawlikowski, R. Koliński, D. Ławecka, A. Sołtysiak, and Z. Wygnańska: 140-63. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  6. Kopanias, K., C. Beuger, T. Carter, S. Fox, A. Hadjikoumis, G. Kourtessi-Philippakis, A. Livarda, J. MacGinnis. 2013. "The Tell Nader and Tell Baqrta Project in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Preliminary Report of the 2011 Season." SUBARTU 6-7: 23-57.

Open Access Journal: Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents Newsletter

[First posted in AWOL 1 November 2009. Updated (additional issues) 28 February 2015]

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Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents Newsletter
The Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents was established in 1995 under the auspices of Oxford University's Faculty of Literae Humaniores to provide a focus for the study of ancient documents within Oxford. Over the last six years it has developed into a research centre of national and international importance. The Centre forms part of the Classics Centre, currently located in the Old Boys' School in George Street.
The Centre provides a home for Oxford University's epigraphical archive, which includes one of the largest collections of squeezes (paper impressions) of Greek inscriptions in the world, together with the Haverfield archive of Roman inscriptions from Britain, and a substantial photographic collection. The strengths of the epigraphical archive lie in its broad coverage of early Greek inscriptions, Attic epigraphy and the Hellenistic world. Individual sites well represented in the archive include Chios, Samos, Priene, Rhodes, and Samothrace. The material in the archive is currently being reorganised and catalogued.
The Centre's Newsletter, published biannually in spring and autumn, offers news of events and activities at CSAD. The newsletter can be read or downloaded either in HTML format or as an Adobe Acrobat document.

Newsletter no. 1 (Winter 1995/96)

Newsletter no. 2 (Spring 1996)

Newsletter no. 3 (Autumn 1996)

Newsletter no. 4 (Summer 1997)

Newsletter no. 5 (Autumn 1997)

Newsletter no. 6 (Summer 1998)

Newsletter no. 7 (Spring 1999)

Newsletter no. 8 (Autumn 1999)

Newsletter no. 9 (Winter 2002)

Newsletter no. 10 (Autumn 2002)

Newsletter no. 11 (Winter 2004/5)

Newsletter no. 12 (Winter 2009/10)

Newsletter no. 13 (Summer 2010)

Newsletter no. 14 (Winter 2010/11)

Newsletter no. 15 (Winter 2011/12)

Newsletter no. 16 (Spring 2013)

The Central Palace of Tiglath-pileser III at Nimrud and the Polish Center of Mediterranean Archaeology’s Excavation (1974-1976): A Digital Publication

[First posted in AWOL 19 February 2013, updated 28 February 2015]

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The Central Palace of Tiglath-pileser III at Nimrud and the Polish Center of Mediterranean Archaeology’s Excavation (1974-1976): A Digital Publication
The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology returned to re-excavate the site of the Central Palace of Tiglath-pileser III (744-727 BCE) at Nimrud (ancient Kalhu) near the city of Mosul in northeastern Iraq in 1974, because the Palace was the least known and least understood of the buildings on Nimrud's citadel.  It was hoped that new excavations would elucidate this poorly preserved Palace with more up-to-date excavation techniques and new finds.  The excavation was supposed to make the Central Palace a source for the study of the life and times of this important ancient Assyrian king.  Many fragments of Assyrian bas-relief, not only those of Tiglath-pileser III, were discovered, some re-excavated in the trenches of the previous excavator, Austen Henry Layard. Then the field director, Janusz Meuszynski, died in 1976, and the final reports were never completed.

There are too few examples of Tiglath-pileser’s bas-reliefs in the total corpus of Assyrian bas-relief to allow the results of the Polish project to remain unpublished.  The Polish finds are an extremely valuable resource.  An additional and disturbing fact is that individual bas-relief sculptures (some with inscriptions) have been appearing on the antiquities market, looted from the site museum storerooms at Nimrud.  Some of the bas-reliefs have been broken up into pieces to obscure their origin and in order to obtain more money from several rather than from the one original fragment.  Many of the better examples of bas-relief from this excavation are now on the international art market as a result of illicit activities (theft) at Nimrud subsequent to the Gulf War of 1991 (there is increasing anxiety among scholars -- expressed in a 2003 interview -- that war in Iraq will lead to further destruction of key monuments, like those at Nimrud).

What we know of Tiglath-pileser’s Palace is that many of the themes of earlier and later sculpture are to be found on its wall decoration.  And, there are new motifs and the syntax of the sculpture, the way scenes were portrayed, the placement of the vignettes of individual parts of scenes on the faces of the slabs, and details of the garment decorations have their own character and style. 

Richard Sobolewski and (the late) Samuel Paley were to publish the results of the excavation in digital format with top plans, photographs, and comparative material from museums and Layard’s archives.  Learning Sites will finish the publication. The digital format will allow the reader to access all the relevant data through appropriate links from interactive 3D computer models of the remains and in reconstructed panels of the wall decorations.  Fragments of bas-relief and inscriptions from the periods of Ashur-nasir-pal II and Shalmaneser III discovered during the course of the excavation will also be incorporated into this publication, as well as the scant remains of the post-Assyrian buildings built on the Central Palace site.  The corpus of photographs of the Polish Center's excavation will be available permanently on this Website.  The final computer model and the publication will be prepared, marketed, and distributed by Learning Sites, Inc., in collaboration with scholars from around the world.

These Webpages will be where the computer visualizations of the remains, photographs, drawings, descriptions, and analyses will be collocated en route to their full publication.  Material here will expand and change as the project progresses.  From the Index above you may access the various pages of text and images.

The research and compilation of the manuscript for this final publication were made possible through a generous grant from The Shelby White - Leon Levy Program for Archaeological Publications (http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~semitic/white_levy_program.html), and the generosity of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, the UB Foundation, and individual supporters.

Knowledge and Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire

[Most recently updated 28 February  2015] 

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Knowledge and Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire
In the seventh century BC the Assyrian monarch was the most powerful human being in the whole Middle East. Hundreds of letters, queries and reports survive from Neo-Assyrian capital of Nineveh PGP  in northern Iraq. They show scholars advising the Assyrian royal family on matters ominous, astrological and medical, often with direct impact on political affairs. Along with court poetry and royal prophecies, they give an extraordinary vivid insight into the actual practice of scholarship in the context of the first well-documented courtly patronage of scientific activity in world history.

Letters, queries, and reports

These letters, queries, reports, and other materials were first published in the State Archives of Assyria series. They are reproduced here with the kind permission of the authors and the The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project (NATCP). Copyright remains with the authors and the NATCP. They may not be reproduced for non-educational purposes, beyond fair use, without the permission of the authors and the NATCP.
Browse or search the letters, queries, and reports, etc.
AbbreviationsOriginal Publication
SAA 3 (poetry)A. Livingstone, Assyrian court poetry and literary miscellanea (State Archives of Assyria 3), Helsinki 1989
SAA 4 (queries)I. Starr, Queries to the Sungod: divination and politics in Sargonid Assyria (State Archives of Assyria 4), Helsinki 1990
SAA 8 (reports)H. Hunger, Astrological reports to Assyrian kings (State Archives of Assyria 8), Helsinki 1992, with the author's corrections and additions incorporated into this online publication
SAA 9 (prophecies)S. Parpola, Assyrian prophecies (State Archives of Assyria 9), Helsinki 1997
SAA 10 (scholarly letters)S. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian scholars (State Archives of Assyria 10), Helsinki 1993
SAA 13 (priestly letters)S. Cole and P. Machinist, Letters from priests to kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal (State Archives of Assyria 13), Helsinki 1999
SAA 16 (political letters)M. Luukko and G. Van Buylaere, The political correspondence of Esarhaddon (State Archives of Assyria 16), Helsinki 2002
SAA 18 (Babylonian letters)F. Reynolds, The Babylonian correspondence of Esarhaddon (State Archives of Assyria 18), Helsinki 2003

Knowledge and Power is a component of The Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus (ORACC)

Open Access Journal: Teiresias: A Review and Bibliography of Boiotian Studies

[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2009. Updated 28 February 2015]

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Teiresias: A Review and Bibliography of Boiotian Studies
ISSN 1206-5730

Teiresias (ISSN 1206-5730) is a review and continuing bibliography of Boiotian studies. It has been published since 1971, and since 1991 has been available electronically. It is edited by Albert Schachter, Emeritus Professor of History.
Teiresias comes out twice a year, and in addition to the bibliographical section, it publishes notes on Works in Progress submitted by scholars working on Boiotian subjects. The Work in Progress section also regularly contains annual reports from the Leiden-Ljubliana Tanagra Survey Project. Anybody interested can be added to the recipient list of Teiresias by writing to Albert Schachter.
Teiresias 44.1 (2014) [.pdf]
Teiresias 43.2 (2013) [.pdf]
Teiresias 43.1 (2013) [.pdf]
Teiresias 42.2 (2012) [.pdf]
Teiresias 42.1b (2012) [.pdf]
Teiresias 42.1a (2012) [.pdf]
Teiresias 41.2b (2011) [.pdf]
Teiresias 41.2a (2011) [.pdf]
Teiresias 41.1 (2011) [.pdf]
Teiresias 40.2 (2010) [.pdf]
Teiresias 40.1 (2010) [.pdf]
Teiresias 39.2 (2009) [.pdf]
Teiresias 39.1 (2009) [.pdf]
Teiresias 38.2 (2008) [.pdf]
Teiresias 38.1 (2008) [.pdf]
Teiresias 37.2 (2007) [.pdf]
Teiresias 37.1 (2007) [.pdf]
Teiresias 36.2 (2006) [.pdf]
Teiresias 36.1 (2006) [.pdf]
Teiresias 35.2 (2005) [.pdf]
Teiresias 35.1 (2005) [.pdf]
Teiresias 34.2 (2004) [.pdf]
Teiresias 34.1 (2004) [.pdf]
Teiresias 33.2 (2003) [.pdf]
Teiresias 33.1 (2003) [.pdf]
Teiresias 32.2 (2002) [.pdf]
Teiresias 32.1 (2002) [.pdf]
Teiresias 31.2 (2001) [.pdf]
Teiresias 31.1 (2001) [.pdf]
Teiresias 30.2 (2000) [.pdf]
Teiresias 30.1 (2000) [.pdf]
Teiresias 29 (1999) [.pdf]
Teiresias 28 (1998) [.pdf]
Teiresias 27 (1997) [.pdf]
Teiresias 26 (1996) [.pdf]
Teiresias 25 (1995) [.pdf]
Teiresias 24 (1994) [.pdf]
Teiresias 23 (1993) [.pdf]
Teiresias 22 (1992) [.pdf]
Teiresias 21 (1991) [.pdf]

Oriental Institute News: Smart Tabs Enabled for Online Collection Search

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Smart Tabs Enabled for Online Collection Search
February 28, 2015
The online Collections Search has been updated with a smart tab feature to improve efficiency and user experience. Users will no longer find a search all tab after queries. Only tabs with results will be displayed and tabs without results will be hidden. Further, facet tools on the right side of the page will now always be visible following a query. Another new feature is the ability to search all the collections for items with multimedia. Over 50,000 multimedia images are available between the Research Archives, Museum Archives, and Photo Archives collections.

Open Access Journal: Metropolitan Museum Journal

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Metropolitan Museum Journal
P-ISSN: 0077-8958
E-ISSN: 2169-3072
The Metropolitan Museum Journal is an annual publication that serves as a forum for the latest scholarly findings about works of art, chiefly in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum, and topics related to them.
 Recent Content Includes:

"Redeeming Pieter Coecke van Aelst’s Gluttony Tapestry: Learning from Scientific Analysis": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014) Carò, Federico, Giulia Chiostrini , Elizabeth Cleland, and Nobuko Shibayama(2014)

"Another Brother for Goya’s “Red Boy”: Agustín Esteve’s Portrait of Francisco Xavier Osorio, Conde de Trastámara": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014)Salomon, Xavier(2014)

"A New Analysis of Major Greek Sculptures in the Metropolitan Museum: Petrological and Stylistic": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014)Lazzarini, Lorenzo and Clemente Marconi(2014)

"Nature as Ideal: Drawings by Joseph Anton Koch and Johann Christian Reinhart": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014)Reiter, Cornelia(2014)

"Trade Stories: Chinese Export Embroideries in the Metropolitan Museum": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014)Yoshida, Masako(2014)

"Honoré de Balzac and Natoire’s The Expulsion from Paradise": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014)Santoleri, Carol(2014)

"Hellenistic Etruscan Cremation Urns from Chiusi": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014)Huntsman, Theresa(2014)

"A Buddhist Source for a Stoneware “Basket” Designed by Georges Hoentschel": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014)Leidy, Denise Patry(2014)

"The Treatment of Tullio Lombardo’s Adam: A New Approach to the Conservation of Monumental Marble Sculpture": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014)Riccardelli, Carolyn, Jack Soultanian, Michael Morris, Lawrence Becker, George Wheeler, and Ronald Street(2014)

"Adam by Tullio Lombardo": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014)Syson, Luke and Valeria Cafá(2014)

"Ancient Sources for Tullio Lombardo’s Adam": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014)Cafá, Valeria(2014)

"A Greek Inscription in a Portrait by Salvator Rosa": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 49 (2014)
Zellmann-Rohrer, Michael

And See

Newly Open Access Journal: Ephemeris: The Classical Journal of Denison University

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Ephemeris: The Classical Journal of Denison University
Ephemeris, the Classical Journal of Denison University, is published once a year and seeks to offer an opportunity for those interested in classical studies to publish their work in an undergraduate forum. It promotes the coming together of history, literature, philosophy, religion, art, architecture and creative works inspired by the classics.

Ephemeris was originally published between 2002-2004 and has now been revived in a fully on-line format. We accept submission from any undergraduate institution and look forward to a future of engaging with both traditional scholarly submissions and those made using the increasingly creative technologies provided by the on-line environment.

Current Issue

Table of Contents
Oath Making and Breaking in Euripides’ Medea
Karyn Greene, Denison University
Shakespeare and Ovid
Paul Filippelli, Ohio State University
Channeling Tradition and Self: An Examination of theAllusivity and Originality of Theognidean Verse
Paul Bisagni, Kenyon College
Rachel Mazzara, University of North Carolina
Dalton Tracey, Muskingum University
 Back Issues

Open Access Journal: Prosopon: The journal of Prosopography

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Prosopon: The journal of Prosopography

Prosopon has been published in newsletter format by the Unit of ProsopographicalResearch since 1994. With the foundation of the Prosopography Centre at the Modern History Research Unit Prosopon has transformed into bi-annual scholarly Journal.

The purpose of Prosopon is to disseminate information about current research into subjects relevant to mediaeval prosopography. As such its contents include: descriptions of major ongoing research projects concerned with any aspect of prosopography; short notices of forthcoming publications (editions of primary sources as well as secondary works) of a prosopographical interest; a forum for contact between scholars whose research has a prosopographicalelement. Contributions with prosopographicalimplications concerned with the auxiliary disciplines such as onomastics, genealogy, biography, and computing are also welcome.

New Open Access Journal: Commentaria Classica: Studi di filologia greca e latina

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Commentaria Classica: Studi di filologia greca e latina
ISSN: 2283-5652

Ecco il primo numero di Commentaria Classica. Studi di filologia greca e latina. Il campo di indagine della serie è rappresentato dai testi greci e latini dall’età arcaica fino all’umanesimo. L’approccio è prevalentemente filologico e critico-testuale e, naturalmente, può essere dato ampio spazio anche alla storia degli studi classici.
Commentaria Classica si avvale di un qualificato comitato scientifico internazionale e mette in atto un’attenta selezione del materiale sottoposto per la pubblicazione mediante il sistema di peer review anonimo.
La serie è diffusa esclusivamente online (in formato .pdf).
Le lingue accettate per la pubblicazione sono l'italiano, l'inglese, il francese, il tedesco, lo spagnolo e il latino.
Trovate le norme editoriali da seguire in un’apposita sezione nella pagina principale.
Chi fosse interessato alla pubblicazione può inviare il proprio contributo in formato .doc o .docx all'indirizzo commentaria.classica@gmail.com
Vol 1- 2014
  1. [7]
  2. Studi
  3. [11-21]
  4. [ 23-37]
  5. [39-53]
  6. [55-75]
  7. [77-107]
  8. [109-117]
  9. Note di lettura
  10. [121-125]

Open Access Journal: Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt

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Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt
Das Archäologische Korrespondenzblatt, das vom Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum herausgegeben wird, erscheint vierteljährlich und informiert die Fachwelt in kurzen Beiträgen über neue Ergebnisse der archäologischen Forschung. Es versteht sich als aktuelle wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift zu Themen der vor- und frühgeschichtlichen sowie provinzialrömischen Archäologie und ihrer Nachbarwissenschaften in Europa. Neben der Forschungsdiskussion finden hier Neufunde und kurze Analysen von überregionalem Interesse ihren Platz.
Der Umfang der Artikel beträgt bis zu 20 Druckseiten; Beiträge auf Englisch und Französisch werden ebenfalls angenommen.

Unabhängige Redaktoren begutachten die eingereichten Artikel (peer review).

Das Archäologische Korrespondenzblatt wird zukünftig zeitverzögert mit einem Jahrgang Abstand über die Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg digital erscheinen.

Alle Zeitschriftenbeiträge erhalten einen digitalen Objektbezeichner (Digital Object Identifier, doi), der das Zitieren und Verlinken der Artikel vereinfacht. Das Hosting für das Archäologische Korrespondenzblatt  online übernimmt die Universität Heidelberg, die Kooperationspartner in diesem Projekt ist und die Langzeitarchivierung der Beiträge garantiert.

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