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A Bibliography of Semitic Linguistics (1940-2012) By Gregorio del Olmo Lete

A Bibliography of Semitic Linguistics (1940-2012)
Gregorio del Olmo Lete
It seems obligatory at the beginning of this bibliography to set out its limits and justify its objectives. The aim of the bibliography is to collect and arrange systematically only those studies directly or mainly related to subjects of Semitic linguistics, namely, those centered on the study of languages and their phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic constituents, from both the comparative perspective(close and distant relationship) and the immanent perspective (grammar and lexicon). Consequently, all other studies dealing with the history of the societies which use or used those languages and with everything that is built on them (socio-political history, literature, religion and ‘culture’ in general), remain excluded.

This limitation may seem impossible or at the very least without justification and minimalist, in some way resorting to ‘formalism’, giving up the basic element, whose development a language has to perform, namely, the shaping of a universe of social representations, which generates a particular way of communication and creativity. One could say that it means abandoning the ‘context’ in which every linguistic formulation has its meaning, being at the same time its outcome. But we cannot forget, in answer to such an objection, that our purpose has a fixed point of support: it is constructed exclusively on ‘texts’ as the products of language, which are the reference point for testing and validating results. And if it is true that ‘the proposition is the world’ (Wittgenstein), then linguistic analysis is the basis for the understanding of any representation.

Our intention is to provide specialist information that arranges and classifies as much as possible the vast amount of data constantly presented by the general bibliography on Semitic languages and cultures. In this way, access to such information will be made easier, with better focus on the more important issues of research. At the same time we intend to collect the information and classify it in a uniform manner, in this way making it possible to compare across languages the research being carried out within the various languages, since such research often ignores other languages.

The first installment is devoted to general topics in respect of the Semitic family as a whole. In this connexion, studies dealing with its relationship to other linguistic groups and families (Nostratic, Hamitic or Afro-Asiatic) will be taken into account in as much as they bear on the study of Semitics proper. Here, Nostratic is taken in its wider meaning, as used today among Indo-European scholars. In order to avoid any prejudgements, in successive installments we will offer linguistic bibliographies for each Semitic language as well as for each Semitic language family according to its name, without attempting to decide on its suitability or incorporate it within a particular preferred classification. This is precisely one of the problems the present bibliographical tool aims to address. The series will include the following headings: [East and North Semitic], Akkadian, Eblaite, Amorite, Ugaritic, [Northwest Semitic/Canaanite],Phoenician, Hebrew, Aramaic/Syriac, South Semitic, Old (Epigraphic) North and South Arabian, Modern South-Arabian, Arabic and Ethiopic, both classic and modern, the pertinent dialectal variations being included under the appropriate heading.The steady general bibliographical references are ordered, to easy their use, according to titles instead of authors, which may vary along the years. Otherwise, the alphabetic order according to author’s name is followed.

The cross-references to the individual bibliographies of each of these languages and groups of languages are essential for extracting full information on a specific linguistic issue at either a general or a comparative level. In the first installment, any comparison of (at least two) languages is noted. When the title specifies the language compared, the item will be repeated in the corresponding bibliography (“Comparative Level”). Unlike the other topics, where the aim is to be exhaustive, the Bibliography on Semitic lexicography has been kept within less strict limits, otherwise the task would have been endless.

Studies or references to particular lexemes have not been recorded in the installment devoted to Common Semitics, unless they bear on comparative issues. In principle, only treatments of ‘roots’ or ‘semantic fields’ have been taken into account. Nevertheless, the criterion has not always been applied stringently, since often it is difficult to draw the line between particular and comparative treatments. In the other installments, devoted to particular languages, concrete lexemes also have been recorded, although in a non exhaustive way. In any case, this section of the bibliography has to be taken as merely indicative and perfunctory, and reference to up-to-date lexicographic records is unavoidable. A thorough lexicographical entry should even include reference to the main studies on editions and commentaries on the texts, where the particular lexeme appears, but such textual studies have not been included. As for book reviews, only the most significant that appeared in the last years have been listed.

Barcelona, 04/17/2014

Open Access Journal: Oxford Faculty of Classics Newsletter

Open Access Publications of the Center for Hellenic Studies

[First posted in AWOL 10 January, 2011. Most recently updated 16 October 2014 (Added: Cameron, Averil, Dialoguing in Late Antiquity; Lord, Albert Bates, The Singer of Tales)]

Center for Hellenic Studies Online Publications
If you have not done so already, we recommend that you review our Introduction to Online Publications.The CHS website has other scholarly publications not listed here. See especially the numbers of the journal Classics@, which features dynamic issues on the Posidippus Papyrus, the new Sappho poem on old age, Technology and the Classics, the Epic Cycle, and the Homerizon Conference, with more on the way.

Books or Monographs:

Articles, Essays, and Lectures

Primary Texts

Amanuensis V1.4.2: Amanuensis is a search tool for the juristic sources of Latin Antiquity

by Günther Rosenbaum & Peter Riedlberger
Romtext database by courtesy of Hofrat Dr. Josef Menner
1) Where can I download Amanuensis?
Right here: Download Amanuensis V1.4.2 for Windows. Or download Amanuensis Mac V1.4.2 for Apple. Or download Amanuensis iOS V1.4 for iPad/iPhone.

2) What is Amanuensis?
Amanuensis is a search tool for the juristic sources of Latin Antiquity, including the Corpus Iuris Civilis, the Codex Theodosianus, many pre-Justinianic authors and several Germanic law codes. Amanuensis uses, by courtesy of Hofrat Dr. Josef Menner, an enhanced, capitalized Romtext database. Note that most juristic sources are absent from PHI and LLT, so it is indeed worthwhile to have Amanuensis on your desktop.

3) How do I use it?
Install the program. You’ll find an instruction file that explains its use in all detail.
If you're just curious about what Amanuensis can do for you, you can have a peek at the instructions here:
Amanuensis V1.4 instructions

4) What are the advantages of Amanuensis when compared to earlier Romtext search software?
Besides other things:
  • Works on modern operating systems
  • Very fast searches
  • Updated database: includes capitalization and, for Greek passages, polytonic Greek
  • Complex searches using logical and truncation operators such as +, -, *
  • Automatic handling of prefix assimilation ("exerat" finds both "exserat" and "exerat") and attached -que/-ve
  • Hits are highlighted in color
  • A double-click takes you to the context

5) Is there a Mac version of Amanuensis?
Good news, everyone: as of 21 June 2014, there is a Mac version! (The download link is in no. 1 above.)
Copy the download to your Mac computer. Double-click it in order to mount it. Then drag Amanuensis.app to your program directory.
Please give feedback about any problems/errors encountered!

6) Whom can I contact in case of  problems/questions/bug reports/feature requests?
Peter Riedlberger, peter@riedlberger.de                              Last update: 1 August 2014

Open Access Journal: Studia Hermetica Journal

[First posted in AWOL  9 December 2012, updated 17 October 2014]

Studia Hermetica Journal
ISSN-e: 2174-0399
Studia Hermetica Journal (SHJ) is a free online journal devoted to the study of Hermetism and other ancient philosophical currents, like Middle Platonism, Neoplatonism, or Theurgy. In general terms, we focus our inquiries on Late Antiquity and the reception of these ancient opuses in Renaissance and Modern Times.

Studia Hermetica is a new academic project conceived to become a valuable framework at the time to undertake any sort of research project centered in Ancient and Renaissance currents of thought, and as a platform to extol the humanistic perspective of life, respectful with mankind and with our delicate and amazing environment.

Journal table of contents


 See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Bulletin de l'Association Pro Aventico

Bulletin de l'Association Pro Aventico
ISSN: 1015-115X
Le "Bulletin de l'Association Pro Aventico" (BPA) est l?organe de publication des activités du Site et Musée romains d?Avenches ; il paraît depuis 1887. Il contient des contributions scientifiques relatives aux fouilles, aux monuments et à tous sujets scientifiques touchant de près ou de loin Aventicum.

L'"Association Pro Aventico" a été fondée en 1885 par un groupe de savants soucieux de sauvegarder le site d'Aventicum, la capitale de l?Helvétie romaine. Des fouilles systématiques furent entreprises et publiées régulièrement dans le "Bulletin de l?Association Pro Aventico". L?organisation des fouilles ayant passé aux mains de la "Fondation Pro Aventico" en 1964, l?Association a gardé pour tâche principale de promouvoir les publications scientifiques et de haute vulgarisation tendant à faire connaître les résultats des fouilles.

Volume 1
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 2
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 3
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 4
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 5
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 6
Catalogue du médaillier d'Avenches

Volume 7
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 8
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 9
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 10
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 11
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 12
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 13
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 14
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 15
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 16
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 17
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 18
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 19
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 20
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 21
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 22
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 23
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 24
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 25
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 26
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 27
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 28
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 29
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 30
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 31
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 32
Les outils en fer du Musée romain d'Avenches

Volume 33
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 34
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 35
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 36
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 37
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 38
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 39
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 40
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 41
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 42
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 43
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 44
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 45
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 46
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 47
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 48
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 49
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 50
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 51
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

Volume 52
Bulletin de l`Association Pro Aventico

transparent gif layout purposes

Publications de l’École française de Rome at OpenEdition Books

Publications de l’École française de Rome
at OpenEdition Books
L'École française de Rome publie les travaux de ses membres et le résultat des ses activités scientifiques en histoire, archéologie et dans les sciences sociales. Les ouvrages sont principalement publiés au sein des séries traditionnelles : la Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome (BEFAR) créée en 1876, et la Collection de l'École française de Rome (CEF) créée en 1964.

Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome

And see also Publications de l'École Française de Rome at Persée Proceedings and Series

Open Access Journal: EPEKEINA. International Journal of Ontology. History and Critics

EPEKEINA. International Journal of Ontology. History and Critics
ISSN: 2281-3209
EPEKEINAis a new biannual peer-reviewed journal published by CRF - Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Filosofica, a non-profit cultural association and independent research center founded in Palermo (Italy) in association with the local University. It covers a wide range of research on Ontology including Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mind, Political Philosophy, and other relevant areas of philosophical research. It seeks to provide an international platform for scholars worldwide to exchange their most recent philosophical research. The Journal is commited to making its contents free and open to the public with the intent of supporting the global exchange of knowledge.


Vol 4, No 1-2 (2014): Evil, Progress, and Fall: Moral Readings of Time and Cultural Development in Roman Literature and Philosophy

Edited by Rosa Rita Marchese and Fabio Tutrone

Table of Contents

Latin Philosophy and Culture

Introduction. Romans on Temporality: Past, Present and FuturePDF
Rosa Rita Marchese, Fabio Tutrone
Vetustas, oblivio e crisi d’identità nelle Saturae Menippeae: il risveglio di Varrone in un’altra RomaPDF
Irene Leonardis
Beneficium, iustitia e imperium tra passato, presente e futuroPDF
Alice Accardi
Prima e dopo Epicuro: origine e sviluppo della civiltà nel De rerum natura di LucrezioPDF
Francesco Staderini
Matrices of Time and the Recycling of Evil in Sallust’s HistoriographyPDF
Sophia Papaioannou
Time’s Path and The Historian’s Agency: Morality and Memory in Sallust’s Bellum CatilinaePDF
Aaron M. Seider
Beginnings & Endings: 146 BCE as an Imperial Moment, from Polybius to SallustPDF
Sarah H. Davies
Veniet Tempus (QNat. 7.25): Stoic Philosophy and Roman Genealogy in Seneca's View of Scientific ProgressPDF
Fabio Tutrone
At the End of Times: Human Civilization and a Roman Astrologer (Firmicus Maternus, Math. 3.2)PDF
Joanna Komorowska


The Negative Theology of Matter in Calcidius
Andrea Le Moli
Innominis / Omninominis: Bernard Silvestris’s Catalogue Poem as Act of Divine NamingPDF
Jason Baxter
Philosophical thought of the School of the SextiiPDF
Omar Di Paola

Notes, Reports & Interviews

Heideggers Interpretation des platonischen SophistesPDF
Diego De Brasi, Marko J. Fuchs
Hegel and the phenomenological movementPDF
Gabriele Schimmenti
Il principio passione. Intervista a Vito MancusoPDF
Doriana Prinzivalli


Relation and Individuation in the Philosophy of LeibnizPDF
Angelo Cicatello


Vol 3, No 2 (2013): Jean-Luc Nancy. L'iperbole del finito

A cura di Rosaria Caldarone, Patrizia Cecala, Giovanni Tusa

Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Ontology Revisited

Edited by Andrea Le Moli, Marco Carapezza, Pietro Giuffrida


SCADS: Seleucid Coins Addenda System


SCADS: Seleucid Coins Addenda System: Addenda to Seleucid Coins Parts 1 and 2

In 2002 and 2008 the American Numismatic Society and Classical Numismatic Group published the two parts of Seleucid Coins: A Comprehensive Catalogue, by Arthur Houghton, Catharine Lorber, and Oliver Hoover. The first part, by Houghton and Lorber, presented and interpreted all the  numismatic material for Seleucus I to Antiochus III known up to 2002. The second part, by Houghton, Lorber, and Hoover, did the same for the Seleucid kings from Seleucus IV to  Antiochus XIII. In total, more than 2,491 primary coin types were published in these volumes.
No sooner had these important books come out in print than new types and varieties began to appear at the rate of almost 100 a year. This rapid growth of material made necessary the development of a system that could keep up with the coins. The Seleucid Coins Addenda System (SCADS) is intended to provide online access to the new material that has appeared since 2008. As there is no indication that the flow of previously unrecorded types and varieties will stop anytime soon, it is expected that the SCADS database will continue to grow over time. Interested parties will be instantly notified of new additions to the database through alerts on Facebook, Twitter, and direct email subscription.

The coins in the SCADS database are categorized by ruler, making it easy for users to find all new entries for a particular king with a single click. Extensive tagging of entry content allows for full searchability. Thus, for example, a user interested in all new material depicting Apollo  would simply enter “Apollo” as the search criterion and SCADS would provide all the relevant entries. If a user was interested only in Apollo on issues of bronze denomination C, “denomination C” could be added to narrow down the search. The coins in the database have all been given a unique catalogue number (SCADS1, SCADS2, SCADS3, etc.) for ease of reference, but these only reflect the order of entry and are not tied to the numbering system used in the Seleucid Coins volumes.

Open Access Journal: Arys: Antigüedad, Religiones y Sociedades

[First posted in AWOL 2 October 2011. Updates 19 Octoberr 2013]

ARYS: Antigüedad, Religiones y Sociedades

ARYS es una revista de periodicidad anual desde 2010 en la que los artículos recibidos serán sometidos a una evaluación por parte de revisores externos mediante el sistema conocido como de pares ciegos.

 El Consejo de Redacción no modificará las opiniones vertidas por los autores ni se hace responsable de las opiniones emitidas por ellos o por los revisores externos. El Consejo de Redacción de ARYS considerará la publicación de trabajos de investigación, originales e inéditos, siempre que demuestren un nivel de calidad contrastado y se ocupen de aspectos religiosos y sociales, dedicados al estudio de la Antigüedad. Se atenderá a la novedad del tema, al tratamiento diferente más profundo de problemas ya identificados en la historiografía, a la aportación y valoración de datos novedosos respecto a una cuestión historiográfica determinada, o a la aplicación de nuevas o mejoradas metodologías.

Del mismo modo, ARYS publicará reseñas científicas de libros recientes cuya temática esté comprendida en el período de la Antigüedad, y preferente pero no necesariamente relacionada con aspectos sociales y religiosos.

ARYS acepta artículos redactados en español, inglés, francés, italiano, alemán y portugués.

En los años impares, la revista ARYS publicará un número monográfico con artículos cuya temática deberá estar relacionada con el título del congreso de la Asociación ARYS celebrado el año par inmediatamente anterior. El título del monográfico se anunciará con la suficiente antelación. 
Three year moving wall for open access


Open Access Journal: Zeitschrift für Numismatik

[First posted in AWOL 3 May 2011, updated 20 October 2014]

Zeitschrift für Numismatik
This resource includes an index of all articles, and links to digital surrogates of the volumes at the Internet Archive

Open Access Journal: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean

 [First posted in AWOL 1 September 2010. Most recently updated 20 October 2014]

Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean. Reports
ISSN: 1234-5415
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean. Reports, appears annually, in English, presenting the full extent of archaeological, geophysical, restoration and study work carried out by expeditions from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw. The PCMA is present in the Near East and northeastern Africa (Egypt, Sudan, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Iran and Kuwait, formerly also in Iraq). Projects cover all periods from prehistory and protohistory through the Islamic age, emphasizing in particular broadly understood Greco-Roman culture and Early Christianity in the southern and eastern parts of the Mediterranean.

Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology publications accessible on-line

Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology publications accessible on-line
The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology produces quality books and periodicals that record the results of archaeological excavation and conservation projects carried out by the Centre’s expeditions — mainly in Egypt and Sudan, but also in Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus, Kuwait and Iran. All submitted publications are subjected to preliminary qualifying evaluation by members of the Editorial Board and the International Advisory Board, and to double-blind reviewing procedures.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean: volumes 1–19 at PAM Journal; issues starting with volume 17 at C.E.E.O.L.
Studia Palmyreńskie: volume 11 at journal's website.
Seventy Years of Polish Archaeology in Egypt: the book can be found on our Additional Materials page.
An array of plates, booklets and folders from exhibitions etc. can also be found among the Additional Materials.

McGregor Squeeze Collection Digitization

McGregor Squeeze Collection Digitization
The McGregor Squeeze Collection consists of over 1000 epigraphic squeezes of Greek inscriptions currently held by the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies (CNERS) [University of British Columbia].  An epigraphic squeeze is a filter paper impression of an inscription, which provides a precise copy of the incised letters on the original; this makes them a valuable tool for research when students and scholars cannot access the original materials stored in museums.
The McGregor Squeeze Collection was donated by Dr. Malcolm McGregor, a former professor and department chair in the CNERS Department.  These squeezes mainly represent inscriptions from Athens and the surrounding area of Attica from the 5th century BCE, as well as some inscriptions from Nemea in the same time period.  The most notable squeezes held by the department represent the Athenian Tribute Lists, which were the main focus of Dr. McGregor’s work for many years.  The originals of most of the squeezes in the McGregor Squeeze Collection are held in the Epigraphic Museum in Athens, Greece.  The collection also includes epigraphic charts, research tools which are drawings of reconstructions of the Athenian Tribute Lists based on the stone fragments.

The digitization of the McGregor Squeeze Collection is currently being carried out by Digital Initiatives together with From Stone to Screen, a CNERS graduate student-led initiative to digitize the department’s material collections, and funded by a grant from UBC’s Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund.  The process of digitizing these hundreds of squeezes is on-going, so new images and information are added regularly.  You can read more about the ongoing status of the project on its blog: www.fromstonetoscreen.wordpress.com.

Kerameikos.org: defining the intellectual concepts of pottery

Kerameikos.org is a collaborative project dedicated to defining the intellectual concepts of pottery following the tenets of linked open data and the formulation of an ontology for representing and sharing ceramic data across disparate data systems. While the project is focused primarily on the definition of concepts within Greek black- and red-figure pottery, Kerameikos.org is extensible toward the definition of concepts in other fields of pottery studies.

See the github account at https://github.com/kerameikos, which contains repositories for the RDF data and the publication framework. This framework could be applied to other linked data thesauri.

New Open Access Journal: Journal of the Jesus Movement in its Jewish Setting: from the first to the seventh century (JJMJS)

Journal of the Jesus Movement in its Jewish Setting: from the first to the seventh century (JJMJS)
ISSN: 2374-7862 (print)
ISSN: 2374-7870 (online

JJMJS is a new interdisciplinary peer-reviewed online journal, published in cooperation with Eisenbrauns.

A rich variety of Jewish and Christian traditions and identities mutually shaped one another in the centuries-long course of Roman Late Antiquity. A no less rich variety of scholarly approaches – from the history of Christian Origins to that of the late empire, from archaeology to Dead Sea Scrolls, from Rabbinics to Patristics – has in recent years converged upon this period, the better to understand its religious and social dynamics. JJMJS seeks to facilitate and to encourage such scholarly investigations across disciplinary boundaries, and to make the results of cutting-edge research available to a worldwide audience.

JJMJS is free of charge with complete open access. The journal is published in cooperation with Eisenbrauns and will be available in hard copy, which can be ordered from Eisenbrauns

JJMJS Issue 1 (2014)

If you want to download an individual article, please choose from the list below:
Download File

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Open Access Journal: Rasenna: Journal of the Center for Etruscan Studies

[First posted in AWOL 6 November 2009. Updated 21 October 2014]

Rasenna: Journal of the Center for Etruscan Studies
ISSN: 1940-073X
The electronic journal Rasenna: Journal of the Center for Etruscan Studies is published under the auspices of the Classics Department and the Center for Etruscan Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The journal is an integral part of the Center’s mission to advance and promote research on the Etruscans and their civilization within the academic arena as well as to the general public.

Print publications devoted to research on the Etruscans are rare. Reliable electronic resources of a scholarly nature are virtually non-existent. The journal Rasenna provides free access to cutting-edge, peer-reviewed articles that address topics across a range of interdisciplinary perspectives. The journal also publishes substantive reviews of the latest books in the field and encourages scholarly responses to published articles.

The electronic medium affords publication opportunities that cannot be matched by print journals due to cost and formatting constraints. It permits the publication of full-color images, video segments, and audio clips. Links to other sites can be embedded in the text. The Etruscans left behind a wealth of artifacts and epigraphic documents, images of which can be presented effectively in an electronic format. The electronic medium also permits more timely publication of research and reviews. By publishing electronically the amount of time elapsing between the submission of an article and its appearance in a print can be halved thus permitting more efficient transmission of scholarly ideas. Finally, given the rising cost of print productions and decreases in funding for library resources, an electronic publication ensures that the international community of scholars has free and unlimited access to the latest research in the field.

Open Access Book: Past in the Present: A Living Heritage Approach - Meteora, Greece

Past in the Present: A Living Heritage Approach - Meteora, Greece
By Ioannis Poulios

The Past in the Present deals with the complexities in the operation and management of living heritage sites. It presents a new interpretation of such sites based on the concept of continuity, and its evolution to the present. It is demonstrated that the current theoretical framework and practice of conservation, as best epitomised in a values-based approach and the World Heritage concept, is based on discontinuity created between the monuments(considered to belong to the past) and the people of the present, thus seemingly unable to embrace living heritage sites. From this position, the study suggests an innovative approach that views communities and sites as an inseparable entity: a Living Heritage Approach. This approach brings a new insight into key concepts such as authenticity and sustainable development. Through the use of the monastic site of Meteora, Greece, as a case study, the discussion generated aims to shift the focus of conservation from ‘preservation’ towards a continual process of ‘creation’ in an ongoing present, attempting to change the way heritage is perceived, protected and, more importantly, further created.



DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/bak

Table of Contents

Past in the Present TOC

  • Acknowledgements

  • A Note On The Author

  • Introduction

  • Introduction: Definition And Development Of Conservation – The Concept Of Authenticity

  • Recognising The Living Dimension Of Heritage Sites

  • Existing Approaches To Conservation

  • Defining And Managing ‘Living Heritage’

  • Description Of Meteora: Landscape, And History

  • Meteora Within The Systems Of Monasticism, Heritage Protection And Tourism Operation

  • The Meaning Of Meteora As An Orthodox Monastic Site

  • The Conservation And Management Of Meteora (1960 To Present): Presentation

How to cite
Poulios, I. 2014. Past in the Present: A Living Heritage Approach - Meteora, Greece. London: Ubiquity Press. DOI: http://dx.doi.org//10.5334/bak

Open Access Journal: Siedlungsforschung. Archäologie – Geschichte – Geographie

 [First posted in AWOL 2 August 2010. Updated 21 October 2014 (changed location online)]

Siedlungsforschung. Archäologie – Geschichte – Geographie
ISSN: 0175–0046
Die Zeitschrift "Siedlungsforschung: Archäologie - Geschichte - Geographie" enthält Aufsätze, Miszellen, Rezensionsartikel, Berichte und Bibliographien. Die Zeitschrift erscheint in einem Band von ca. 300 Seiten im Verlag "Siedlungsforschung" in Bonn. Bei den persönlichen Mitgliedern des "Arbeitskreises für historische Kulturlandschaftsforschung in Mitteleuropa e.V." ist der Bezugspreis im Jahresbeitrag enthalten.
The following volumes are available online:
Mit Beiträgen von: F. Irsigler, S. Freund, E. Gringmuth-Dallmer, V. Salač, T. Fischer, M. Hardt, P. Ettel, C. Zschieschang, H.-F. Kniehase, H.-G. Wagner, V. Kaminske, K.-D. Kleefeld
Mit Beiträgen von Winfried Schenk, Klaus Fehn, Ute Wardenga, Sebastian Brather, Eike Gringmuth-Dallmar, Fred Ruchhöft, Rainer Schreg, Udo Recker, Rudolf Bergmann, Theo Spek, Johannes Renes und Johannes C.A. Kolen, Peter Rückert, Axel Posluschny
Mit Beiträgen von Th. Glade, K.-E. Behre, G. J. Borger, E. Freifrau von Boeselager, M. Jakubowski-Tiessen, E. Gringmuth-Dallmer, P. Rückert, B. Heuser-Hildebrandt, M. Gudd, Ch. Röhr, L. Clemens, M. Deutsch & K. T. Rost, Ch. Stolz, Th. Meier, K. Fehn
Mit Beiträgen von: Dietrich Denecke, Franz Irsigler, Günter Mangelsdorf, Heiko Steuer, Christian Lübke, Hans-Rudolf Egli, Klaus Fehn, Reinhard Zölitz-Möller, Helmut Klüter, Reinhold E. Lob
Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Fehn, Karl-Heinz Willroth, Hans-Wilhelm Heine, Hauke Jöns, Caspar Ehlers, Christoph Bartels, Monika Meyer-Künzel, Dieter Rödel, Klaus Fesche, Olaf Mussmann, Siegfried Zelnhefer, Axel Priebs
Mit Beiträgen von Winfried Schenk, Leszek Pavel Slupecki, Jerzy Strelczyk, Izabella Skierska, Ralf Gebuhr, Winfried Schich, Rudolf Bergmann, Jerzy Piekalski, Krzysztof R. Mazurski, Peter Cede, Oliver Karnau, Zoltán Ilyés, Klaus Fehn, Dietrich Denecke
Mit Beiträgen von Winfried Schenk, Günter Moosbauer, Chrystina Häuber, Hansjörg Küster, Christoph Morissey, Peter Rückert, Bernd-Stefan Grewe, Aline Kottmann und Reinhold Schaal, Bernward Selter, Anton Schuler, Richard Pott und Holger Freund, Franz Schmithüsen, Per Grau Moler, Dietrich Denecke, Rudolf Bergmann
Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Fehn, Winfried Schenk, Peter Rückert, Klaus-Dieter Kleefeld, Hermann Parzinger, Perdita Pohle, Dirk Meier, Karl Martin Born, Mathias Koch, Günther Moosbauer, Hansjörg Küster, Renate Gerlach, Bernward Selter, Gabriele Recker, Ulrich Stanjek, Oliver Karnau, Josef Mangold, Franz Maier, Helmut Flachenecker, Jürgen Vollbrecht und Heinrich Otten

Mit Beiträgen von Werner Rösener, Johann-Bernhard Haversath, Mathias Austermann, Norbert Gebauer, Udo Recker, Brigitta Vits, Ulrich Reuling, Reinhard Bauer, Jürg Tauber, Friedrich Eigler, Hans Krawarik, Armin Ratusny Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer, Mathias Hardt, Hans-Jürgen Nitz
Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Fehn, Wolfgang Wegener, Hans-Werner Wehling, Rolf Plöger, Johannes Biecker, Michael Hartenstein, Horst Kranz, Jörg Wiesemann, Johannes Renes, Georg Römhild, Günther Hein und Christoph Willms
Mit Beiträgen von Michael Müller-Wille, Christer Westerdahl, Winfried Schich, Andreas Dix, Achim Leube,
Axel Priebs, Rolf Plöger, Bruno Benthien, Susanne Schumacher-Gorni, Gerd Hoffmann, Walter Dörfler und Jörn Thiede

Mit Beiträgen von Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer, Günter Löffler, Harm Tjalling Waterbolk, Theo Spek, Wim A. Ligtendag, Johannes A. Mol, Paul Noomen, Johannes Ey, Dirk Meier, Hans-Rudolf Egli und Carl-Hans Hauptmeyer
Mit Beiträgen von Hans-Jürgen Nitz, Georg Kossack, Walter Janssen, Karlheinz Blaschke, Felix Escher, Frank Hering, Dieter Scholz, Heinz Günter Steinberg, Thomas Wölker, Luise Grundmann, Heinz Schürmann, Horst Förster und Jörg Stadelbauer
Mit Beiträgen von Dietrich Denecke, Rudolf Bergmann, Manfred Balzer, Günter Mangelsdorf, VladimírNekuda, Rostislav Nekuda, Ervín Cerný, Alojz Habovštiak, Hans Krawarik, Peter Rückert, Peter Cede und Johannes Renes
Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Fehn, Hans Losert, Hans-Georg Stephan, Gabriele Isenberg, Miroslav Richter, Tomás Velimský, Lieselott Enders, Michel Pauly, Roland Flückiger-Seiler, Ernst Pleßl, Martina Stercken, Gerhard Henkel und Alois Mayr
Mit Beiträgen von Dietrich Denecke, Wolf-Dieter Sick, Uwe Kühl, Jörg Stadelbauer, Rainer Graafen, Heiko Steuer, Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer, Gerhard Billig, Volkmar Geupel, Wolfgang Schwabenicky und Rainer Aurig
Mit Beiträgen von Franz Irsigler, Hermann Parzinger, Helmut Bender, Vladimír Nekuda, Armin Ratusny, Hans-Jürgen Nitz, Winfried Schich, Ludwig Schober, Johann-Bernhard Haversath und Klaus Fehn
Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Aerni, Hans-Rudolf Egli, René Wyss, Paul Gleirscher, Jürgen Rageth, Werner Kreisel, Werner Meyer, Werner Bätzing, Susanne Pacher und Hans Becker
Mit Beiträgen von Jelier A.J. Vervloet, Guus J. Borger, J.H.F. Bloemers, W.J.H. Willems, H.A. Heidinga, Peter Henderikx, Herbert Sarfatij, Adriaan Verhulst, Jan Bieleman, J.D.H. Harten, Johannes Renes und Gerard P. van der Ven

Mit Beiträgen von Helmut Jäger, Walter Janssen, Jens Lüning, Arie J. Kalis, Karl-Ernst Behre, Helmut Bender, Ulf Dirlmeier, Christian Pfister, Jürgen Hagel, Engelbert Schramm, Achim Rost, Reinhard Mook, Helge Salvesen, Günter Bayerl und Hubert Mücke

Mit Beiträgen von Wilfried Krings, Günter P. Fehring, Miroslav Richter, Zdenek Smetánka, Pavel J. Michna, Vladimír Nekuda, Herbert Knittler, Jürgen Ellermeyer und Renate Banik-Schweitzer

Mit Beiträgen von Karlheinz Willroth, Brigitta Hårdh, Svend Gissel, Franz Irsigler, Karel A.H.W. Leenders, Ulrich Troitzsch, Frank Norbert Nagel und Gerhard Oberbeck

Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Fehn, Dietrich Denecke, Helmut Hildebrandt, Neek Maqsud und Hans-Jürgen Nitz

Mit Beiträgen von Michael Müller-Wille, Hans-Jürgen Nitz, Hendrik van der Linden, Guus J. Borger, Ekkehard Wassermann, Klaus Brandt, Rosemarie Krämer, Dietrich Hoffmann, Hans Joachim Kühn und Bodo Higelke

Mit Beiträgen von Busso von der Dollen, Burkhard Hofmeister, Winfried Schich, Felix Escher, Wolfgang Hofmann, Eberhard Bohm, Franz Irsigler und Henriette Meynen

Römische Inschriften Datenbank 24

Römische Inschriften Datenbank 24
Die Idee, die hinter rid24 steht, ist die Darstellung und Präsentation von Alter Geschichte und Archäologie des Rheinlandes mit den Möglichkeiten des Mediums Internet. Grundlage  von rid24 sind die von Brigitte und Hartmut Galsterer 1975 publizierten Römischen Steininschriften aus Köln. Die technischen Entwicklungen in den letzten Jahren bergen heute fast unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten der Darstellung. Neben der Datenbank-gestützten Inschriftensuche versucht rid24 darüber hinaus, dem Besucher weitere Hintergrundinformationen und Daten zur Verf�gung zu stellen. rid24 richtet sich nicht nur an Althistoriker und Epigraphiker, sondern auch an private Sammler und überhaupt an alle an der römischen Geschichte des Landes Interessierten. rid24 steht für einen jederzeit verfügbaren (eben 24 Stunden täglich) und barrierefreien Zugang f�r den Besucher, ohne zeitliche und informative Beschr�nkungen. rid24 bietet mit dieser Art der Darstellung dem Besucher M�glichkeiten und Informationen, wie es in einem gedruckten Buch kaum darstellbar w�re. Das Portal versteht sich nicht als Alternative, sondern als Erg�nzung der Museen mit ihren naturgem�� beschr�nkten Pr�sentations- und Verkn�pfungsm�glichkeiten, und hofft, den Museen nicht nur mehr, sondern auch mit mehr Hintergrundwissen ausgestattete Besucher zu verschaffen. 

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